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Light-Ray Radon Transform for Abelianin and Nonabelian Connection in 3 and 4 Dimensional Space with Minkowsky Metric PDF

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Preview Light-Ray Radon Transform for Abelianin and Nonabelian Connection in 3 and 4 Dimensional Space with Minkowsky Metric

Light-Ray Radon Transform for Abelianin and Nonabelian Connection in 3 and 4 7 9 Dimensional Space with Minkowsky Metric . 9 1 n M. Zyskin a ∗ J 1 4 v Abstract 4 1 We have a real manifold of dimension 3 or 4 with Minkovsky metric, and with a 1 connection for a trivial GL(n,C) bundle over that manifold. To each light ray on 1 1 the manifold we assign the data of paralel transport along that light ray. It turns 5 out that these data are not enough to reconstruct the connection, but we can add 9 moredata, which dependnow not fromlines butfrom2-planes, and which insome / h sence are the data of parallel transport in the complex light-like directions, then t - we can reconstruct the connection up to a gauge transformation. There are some p e interesting applications of the construction: 1) in 4 dimensions, the self-dual Yang h Mills equations can be written as the zero curvature condition for a pair of certain : v first order differential operators; one of the operators in the pair is the covariant i X derivative in complex light-like direction we studied. r 2) there is a relation of this Radon transform with the supersymmetry. a 3)using our Radon transform, we can get a measure on the space of 2 dimen- sional planes in 4 dimensional real space. Any such measure give rise to a Crofton 2-density. The integrals of this 2-density over surfaces in R4 give rise to the La- grangian for maps of real surfaces into R4, and therefore to some string theory. 4) there are relations with the representation theory. In particular, a closely re- lated transform in 3 dimensions can be used to get the Plancerel formula for representations of SL(2,R). ∗ Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway,NJ 08855 1 1 Introduction . Let M be the real 3 or 4 dimensional manifold with Minkowski metric. Let us take some connection Ω = A (x)dxm. Consider the paralel transport m equation in the light-like direction : ∂ αm A (x) µ(α,x) = 0, ∂xm − m ! where α αm = 0. m Here x M; A (x) and µ(α,x) in the abelian case are with values in num- m ∈ bers, and in the nonabelian case have values in complex n n matrices. (For × simplicity, we consider the gl(n,C) case only.) Remark. We use the summation convention: summation over repeated in- dexes is always assumed. µ(α,x) depends on the point and on the ray we choose. We will consider certain functionals of µ, which depend only on the light ray. We call such functionals spectral data of the light-ray Radon transform. An example of spectral data functional: take the asymptotic of µ(α,x) along the light ray x = αt+β as t to be1, and compute ϕ(α,β) := lim µ(α,αt+β). t→+∞ → −∞ The spectral data are functionals of the connection Ω. For a given con- nection Ω, the spectral data are functions on the space of light rays. We will show that it is possible to choose such spectral data functionals that the in- verse functional exist, namely, if we are given the values of the spectral data for every light ray, we are able to reconstruct the connection up to a gauge ∂ transformation A (x) g(x)A (x)g−1(x) g(x) g−1(x) (see Lemma m → m − ∂xm 1.3 and Lemma 2.2). In dimension 4, the space of all light rayshas dimension 5, therefore, there is a compatibility condition for scattering data. The problem to describe the scattering data and to write inversion for- mulas was suggested by prof. E. Witten. The motivation to study the light-ray Radon transform came from su- persymmetric Yang-Mills theories. It is known [1] that in certain sence su- persymmetry transformation is a square root from light-like translations. 2 Namely, let Q ,Q¯ be the generators of the supersymmetry algebra α α˙ ¯ ¯ Q ,Q = Q ,Q = 0 { α β} { α˙ β˙} Q ,Q¯ = 2σm i ∂ . { α β˙} α,β˙ ∂xm where σm are Pauli matrices. Take complex numbers λα,ηα˙ . Then α,α˙ 1 λαQ +ηα˙Q¯ 2 = λαηα˙σm i ∂ α α˙ α,α˙ 2 ∂x m (cid:16) (cid:17) is a light-like translation: take vm = λαηα˙σm ; then vmv = 0. If ηα˙ = λ¯α, α,α˙ m (where bar means complex conjugate), then vm is real. In recent solutions for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories [3] the Yang- Mills connection was written as Gauss-Manin connection, using the known monodromies on an auxiliary complex plane. In our paper, we have a similar story for nonsupersymmetric gauge theories, namely, we express the non- supersymmetric Yang-Mills connection through the solution of some auxil- iary Riemann-Hilbert problem on complex plane. The techique, similar to the technique developed in this paper, is useful for problems in real integral geometry. Also, we expect some modification of these technique will allow to obtain the Plancherel-type formulas for rep- resentation of SL(2,R), using methods of integral geometry. Details will be published elsewhere. 2 Spectral data, associated with parallel trans- port in the light-like direction in dimension 3. 2.0 The transform for the function Consider the standart Radon transform of the function, that is the integral of the function over 2 dimensional planes: F(ω ,ω ,ω ;p) := δ(ωx p)f(x)d3x. 0 1 2 − Z 3 This transformation has the inverse: f(x) = δ′′(ωx p)F(ω,p)d ωdp S − Z where ω is integrated over the unit sphere. A plane with ω 2 + ω 2 ω 2 > 0 contains two 1-parametric families of 1 2 3 − parallel light rays, belonging to such plane, thus the integrals of the function over such plane can be written through the integrals of the function over the light rays. Consider a light ray x = αt + β, where α 2 + α 2 = α 2. Let 1 2 0 ϕ(α,β) be the integral of the function over the light ray, ϕ(α,β) = f(αt+β)dt. Z Then F( α ω α ω , ω ,ω ; p) = ϕ(1,α ,α ; 0,β ,β )δ(β ω +β ω p)dβ dβ 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 − − − Z Thus, in the inversion formula the integrals over 2 dimensional planes with ω 2+ω 2 ω 2 > 0can beexpressed throughtheintegrals over light rays, and 1 2 3 − the other planes we need to keep. The integrals over the remaining planes are related to the complex light rays in the following way: for real light rays, for pairs α,η such that (α1)2 +(α2)2 (α0)2 = 0 − (1) η α0 +η α1 +η α2 = 0. 0 1 2 at fixed α, the function ϕ(α,β) eiβmηm, as function of β, does not change if we add to β a vector proportional to α, thus it can be restricted to the 3 factor-space of R over the 1-dimensional subspace spanned by α. We define Φ(α,η) = ϕ(α,β) eiβmηmd β α ZR3/{α} where the integral is over the factor space R3/ α , and d β = α0dβ1 dβ2+ α { } | ∧ α1dβ2 dβ0 +α2dβ0 dβ1 is a nonoriented volume element on this space. ∧ ∧ | ˆ ˆ It’s easy to see that Φ(α,η) = f(η), where f(η) is the Fourier transform of 4 f(x). Thus, we have the following : (α0)2 +(α1)2 +(α2)2 = 0 − η α0 +η α1 +η α2 = 0 0 1 2 ˆ Φ(α,η) = f(η) For real α, it follows that η 2 +η 2 η 2, otherwise there are no solutions. 1 2 0 ≥ Thus we take complex α and consider this system as the definition of what λ+λ−1 λ λ−1 Φ(α,η) is. Take α = (1, , i − ). Solving for η ,η we will have 1 2 2 − 2 ¯ ¯ λ+λ λ λ ˆ Φ(α,η) = f(η , η ,i − η ). After the Fourier transform over the 0 ¯ 0 ¯ 0 −1+λλ 1+λλ remaining η we get 0 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ λ+λ λ λ dη λ+λ λ λ fˆ(η , η ,i − η )eiη0p 0 = δ(x0 x1+i − x2 p)f(x)d3x 0 ¯ 0 ¯ 0 ¯ ¯ −1+λλ 1+λλ 2π −1+λλ 1+λλ − Z Z For λ = 1 this is the integral over those 2-planes which do not contain real | | 6 lightrays, andaswechangeλ,wespannallofthem. Noticealso, thatinsome λ+λ−1 λ λ−1 sence the plane above contain the complex light ray (1, , i − ), 2 − 2 since ∂ λ+λ−1 ∂ λ λ−1 ∂ λ+λ¯ λ λ¯ + i − x0 x1 +i − x2 = 0 ∂x0 2 ∂x1 − 2 ∂x2! − 1+λλ¯ 1+λλ¯ ! 2.1 Abelian Connection on 3-dimensional manifold. In the Abelian case we are given a 1-form Ω = A (x)dxm, with A (x) m m { } taking values in numbers and fast decreasing as x , defined up to an → ∞ exact form. Proposition 1.1 Let us parametrize light rays as follows: x = αt+β, where α = (α0,α1,α2), α αm = 0, α0 > 0 and α,β R3. Let m ∈ +∞ ϕ(α,β) = Ω αiA (αt+β)dt. i ≡ Zx=αt+β Z−∞ 5 be the integral of 1-form over oriented light ray. Such integral gives us a transformation from 1-forms Ω = A (x)dxm to functions on the space of m light rays ϕ(α,β) : ϕ(λα,β) = sgnλ ϕ(α,β) ϕ(α,β +λα) = ϕ(α,β) If we know ϕ(α,β), we can reconstruct the Fourier transform of the 1- form Ω outside the light cone, up to an exact form. We will give two ways to do this: 1. For pairs α,η such that (α1)2 +(α2)2 (α0)2 = 0 − (2) η α0 +η α1 +η α2 = 0. 0 1 2 define Φ(α,η) = ϕ(α,β) eiβmηmd β α ZR3/{α} 3 where the integral is over the factor space of R over the 1-dimensional subspace spanned by α, and d β = α0dβ1 dβ2+α1dβ2 dβ0+α2dβ0 α | ∧ ∧ ∧ dβ1 is a nonoriented volume element on this space. | Using homogenious properties, we can choose α0 = 1 Forfixed η, (2) viewed as an equation for α has two real-valuedsolutions α(1), α(2), provided η 2 +η 2 η 2 > 0, 1 2 0 − η η η √η 2 +η 2 η 2 η η +η √η 2 +η 2 η 2 α(1) = 1 , − 0 1 − 2 1 2 − 0 , − 0 2 1 1 2 − 0 η12 +η22 η12 +η22 ! η η +η √η 2 +η 2 η 2 η η η √η 2 +η 2 η 2 α(2) = 1 , − 0 1 2 1 2 − 0 , − 0 2 − 1 1 2 − 0 , η12 +η22 η12 +η22 ! 6 and no real-valued solutions for η 2 +η 2 η 2 < 0. 1 2 0 − For η such that η 2 +η 2 η 2 > 0, we can reconstruct the 1-form up 1 2 0 − to the exact form: η Aˆ (η) η Aˆ (η) = ρ α(2),2 Φ(α(1),η) α(1),2 Φ(α(2),η) 0 1 1 0 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) η Aˆ (η) η Aˆ (η) = ρ α(2),0 Φ(α(1),η) α(1),0 Φ(α(2),η) (3) 1 2 2 1 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) η Aˆ (η) η Aˆ (η) = ρ α(2),1 Φ(α(1),η) α(1),1 Φ(α(2),η) 2 0 0 2 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) where η η η 0 1 2 ρ = = = α(1),1α(2),2 α(1),2α(2),1 α(1),2α(2),0 α(1),0α(2),2 α(1),0α(2),1 α(1),1α(2),0 − − − 2. There is another way to write the inversion formulas. Define ϕˆ(α,η) = ϕ(α,β) eiβmηmd3β Z to be the Fourier transform over all β. Here α αm = 0. m We can reconstruct the connection up to the exact form as follows: Let us parametrise α by α = (1,cosγ,sinγ). Then η 2 +η 2 2π dγ 1 2 (η cosγ η sinγ) ϕˆ(α(γ),η) = 2(η12 +η22 η02)1/2 Z0 2 − 1 2π − (η Aˆ (η) η Aˆ (η)) Θ(η 2 +η 2 η 2) 2 1 1 2 1 2 0 − − 1 2π dγ (η 2 +η 2 η 2)1/2 ϕˆ(α(γ),η) = 1 2 0 2 − 2π Z0 η (Aˆ (η) 0 (Aˆ (η)η +Aˆ (η)η ) Θ(η 2 +η 2 η 2) 0 − η 2 +η 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 − 0 1 2 where 1, if x > 0; Θ(x) = 0, if x < 0 (cid:26) . 7 We see that we can reconstruct the Fourier transform of the connection out- side the light cone, that is , for η 2 + η 2 η 2 > 0, only. To get the 1 2 0 − connection inside the cone, we need additional data, namely, we have to use the complex-valued solutions of (2) for α. ∂ A (x)dxm is a 1-form, that is a linear function on vector fields r , m n∂xn with real r . Using linearity, we can extend it to the linear function on n ∂ vector fields c with complex c . Using the 1-form A (x)dxm as the n∂xn n m connection,consider the paralel transport equation ∂ λ+λ−1 ∂ λ λ−1 ∂ ¯ + i − µ(x,λ,λ) = ∂x0 2 ∂x1 − 2 ∂x2! (4) λ+λ−1 λ λ−1 ¯ A (x)+ A (x) i − A (x) µ(x,λ,λ) 0 1 2 2 − 2 ! 3 Here λ is a complex number, x R , A (x) takes values in numbers. m ∈ We have parametrised the direction of the (complex) light ray by α = λ+λ−1 λ λ−1 (1, , i − ). 2 − 2 Let us take the following solution of (4): µ(x,λ,λ¯) = exp G(x y,λ,λ¯) 2λA (y)+(λ2 +1)A (y) i(λ2 1)A (y) d3y , 0 1 2 − − − (cid:18)Z (cid:16) (5) (cid:17) (cid:19) where eiηx d3η ¯ G(x,λ,λ) := = 2λη +λ2(η iη )+(η +iη ) i(2π)3 Z 0 1 − 2 1 2 (6) λ¯sgn(λλ¯ 1) δ( x0(λλ¯ +1)+x1(λ+λ¯) ix2(λ λ¯)) − − − − . π x0(λλ¯ 1)+x1(λ λ¯) ix2(λ+λ¯) − − − Here 1, if x > 0; sgn(x) = 1, if x < 0 (cid:26)− . 8 Lemma 1.1 ¯ Define the functions of the light ray S(x,λ,λ), T(x,γ) as follows: 1 ∂ ¯ ¯ S(x,λ,λ) := µ(x,λ,λ) ¯ ¯ µ(x,λ,λ)∂λ ¯ ¯ µ x,λ,λ µ x,λ,λ λ=(1−ε)eiγ λ=(1+ε)eiγ T(x,γ) := | − | (cid:16) (cid:17) ¯ (cid:16) (cid:17) µ x,λ,λ λ=(1−ε)eiγ | (cid:16) (cid:17) ¯ where µ(x,λ,λ) is given by (5), (6). ¯ 1). If we are given a connection, we can findS(x,λ,λ), T(x,γ),which depend from 3 real parameters, and given by ¯ sgn(λλ 1) S(x,λ,λ¯) = − δ ′ (λλ¯ +1)(x0 y0) (λ+λ¯)(x1 y1)+i(λ λ¯)(x2 y2) 2π − − − − − Z (cid:16) (cid:17) (2λA (y)+(λ2 +1)A (y) i(λ2 1)A (y)) 0 1 2 − − 1 δ( (x0 y0)+(x1 y1)cos(γ)+(x2 y2)sin(γ)) T(x,γ) = I exp − − − − − 2iπ (x1 y1)sin(γ) (x2 y2)cos(γ) Z − − − (A (y)+cos(γ)A (y)+sin(γ)A (y))) 0 1 2 ¯ The quantities S(x,λ,λ), T(x,γ) do not change in the light-like direction, ∂ λ+λ−1 ∂ λ λ−1 ∂ ¯ + i − S(x,λ,λ) = 0, ∂x0 2 ∂x1 − 2 ∂x2! ∂ ∂ ∂ +cos(γ) +sin(γ) T(x,γ) = 0. ∂x0 ∂x1 ∂x2! ¯ 2). If we are given S(x,λ,λ) and T(x,γ), we can reconstruct from them the 9 connection , up to a gauge transformation, using the relations 2π eiγ idγ (η 2 +η 2)(2λη +λ2(η iη )+η +iη ) t(η,γ) = 1 2 0 1 − 2 1 2 λ eiγ 2π Z0 − (2λ(A (η 2 +η 2) η (η A +η A ) iη (η A η A )) 2i(η A η A )(η +iη )) 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 − − − − − Θ(~η2 η 2), 0 − ¯ 1 dλ dλ (η 2 +η 2)(2λη +λ2(η iη )+η +iη ) Sˆ(η,λ ,λ¯) 1 1 = 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 1 1 − λ λ 2π Z − 1 (2λ(A (η 2 +η 2) η (η A +η A ) iη (η A η A )) 2i(η A η A )(η +iη )) 0 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 − − − − − Θ(η 2 ~η2). 0 − (7) Here t(η,γ) = ln(T(x,γ) 1)eiηxdx, Sˆ(η,λ,λ¯) = S(x,λ,λ¯)eiηγdx. − Z Z Proof. Part 1) can be checked directly, using the definitions. To prove 2), notice that, ¯ ¯ iη λ+λ λ λ ˆ ¯ ¯ 0 S(η,λ,λ) = (2π)sgn(λλ 1) δ η + η δ η i − η − (1+λλ¯)2 1 1+λλ¯ 0! 2 − 1+λλ¯ 0! 2λAˆ (η)+(λ2 +1)Aˆ (η) i(λ2 1)Aˆ (η) 0 1 2 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) ˆ t(η,γ) := (ln(T 1)) (η,γ) = 4πδ(η +η cos(γ)+η sin(γ)) 0 1 2 − − ˆ ˆ ˆ sgn( sin(γ)η +cos(γ)η ) A (η)+A (η)cos(γ)+A (η)sin(γ) 1 2 0 1 2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) After some computation, we get (7). Notice that the formulas (7) do not give the connection at η 2+η 2 = 0. 1 2 We need to take η 2 +η 2 = ǫ and go to the limit ǫ 0, using the fact that 1 2 → 10

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