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Light On the Childs Path by William Allen Bixler PDF

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Preview Light On the Childs Path by William Allen Bixler

Project Gutenberg's Light On the Child's Path, by William Allen Bixler This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Light On the Child's Path Author: William Allen Bixler Release Date: April 27, 2008 [EBook #25205] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LIGHT ON THE CHILD'S PATH *** Produced by Joseph R. Hauser, Sam W. and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net Light On the Child’s Path By Wm. A. Bixler Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” —Matt. 19:14. THE WARNER PRESS Anderson, Indiana ON GRANDPA’S FARM Copyright, 1918 by Gospel Trumpet Co. Printed In U.S.A. CONTENTS Our Best Friend 11 The Good Book 16 What God Made 18 In the Garden of Eden 20 Our Heavenly Home 22 The Day and Night 23 The Rain and the Snow 25 Winter’s Blessings (poem) 29 Planting Seeds 34 Flowers of Springtime 36 A Walk in the Woods 38 Our Feathered Friends 41 A Bird of the Night 44 Our Tame Birds 47 Wee Pretty Kitty (poem) 50 Creatures of the Water 51 Our Tame Animals 52 [Pg 7] Little Foxes 56 The Squirrels 58 The Shepherds 60 Jesus as a Child 62 The Good Shepherd 64 Parable of the Sower 70 Parable of the Leaven 71 Laborers in the Vineyard 72 The Wicked Husbandmen 74 The Wheat and Tares 76 The King’s Marriage-Feast 78 A Lesson on Forgiveness 80 Jesus Loves the Children 82 Jesus Heals the Sick 84 Jesus Nearing Jerusalem 86 Jesus Changed 88 Feeding the Multitude 90 The Death of Jesus 93 Jesus Our Savior 94 Moments of Prayer 96 Morning Praise (poem) 98 Evening Prayer (poem) 99 Asking Blessing (poem) 101 Visit the Sick 102 Do a Kindness (poem) 104 The Blind Girl 106 The Little Cripple (poem) 108 Country Children 110 The Country Boy (poem) 113 God Sees All Things 114 Be Kind to the Aged 117 God’s Garden (poem) 120 A Baby for a Nickel 121 We All Must Die 122 The Path of God (poem) 125 [Pg 8] [Pg 9] I COUNTING THE STARS MORNING CHEER Our Best Friend N A log cabin in the mountains lived a little boy. He often played near the house, but did not go far away. Near the house were many trees and rocks and among these wild animals stayed. [Pg 10] [Pg 11] A boy stands beside a spring. DOWN BY THE SPRING One day the boy missed his mama and thought he would try to find her. He went down the path toward the spring, where he had often gone after water. He went on and on. Finally he wished to return, but did not know the way. Poor boy, he was lost. THE BEST FRIEND WE HAVE IS MOTHER He started toward what he thought was home, and walked and walked. Becoming very tired, he sat down to rest and soon fell asleep. His mama missed her boy and hunted everywhere for him. Night came on, but she did not give up her search. She hunted and called, but no answer came. She feared the wild beasts would get him, but prayed to God to protect her child. She hunted all night and in the morning found him safe and still asleep. The best friend we have on earth is a good mother. She thinks of her children at all times. She loves them and lives for them. She seems to know all about our little cares and trials. When we are willing to help her, it shows that we think of her and love her, too. Have you ever thought how she toils and cares for you? She works for you every day—gets your meals, breakfast, dinner, and supper; washes and mends your clothes and stockings; and at night makes your pillow nice and soft for you so you can sleep well. She seems to know just what to do if we happen to get hurt. [Pg 12] [Pg 13] [Pg 14] T A MOTHER LIVES FOR HER CHILDREN Mother is watching after her little ones all the day long, and when she puts her hand upon our heads at night as we bow at her knee in prayer, she seems to say, “God bless and keep my darling child.” When she tucks the covers tight about us and sits by our bedside, we think that Mama is the best friend we have. Don’t we? Now I will tell you of another friend. This friend lives in heaven. His name is God. We can not see God, but he looks down from heaven and sees us. He sees everything we do, and hears everything we say. He knows all things. It was God who made this earth where we live, and everything that has life. We pray to God, and he hears us and answers our prayers. A prayer; a link to the text transcription is below the image. [Transcription of text] The Good Book HE Bible is a good book. In it we read about God, and about his making the earth, sun, moon, stars, trees, flowers, rocks, water, birds, fishes, animals, and man. We read of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman; of their beautiful home, the Garden of Eden; and also of their children and their children’s children. [Pg 16] W In it there are many, many stories about how God helped people in times of trial. We also read about Jesus, the Son of God, who came down from heaven and died for us, that we might have eternal life. Good men wrote the Bible long, long ago, and the contents have been kept, until now we all have Bibles. The Bible is called Holy Bible because it is God’s Word, and is a record of God’s work and God’s words. If we live now as the Bible teaches, after we die we shall receive a crown of life in heaven. What God Made UR God is a very great God. He made all things. He made this earth where we now live. It seems strange that there was a time, many, many years ago, when this earth was nowhere to be found; but that is so. When men make things, they must have tools to work with. They have to make things little by little, working at them a long time before they are done. It was not so with God when he made this earth. “He spake, and it was done.” At first all was dark. He then said, “Let there be light,” and it was light. He called the light day, and the darkness he called night. This, the Good Book says, took place on the first day. On the second day God made the air we breathe, and in which the birds fly. On the third day he made the land, sea, and rivers, and the grass, flowers, and trees. On the fourth day he made the sun, moon, and stars, to give light to the earth by day and night. A bird perches on a branch. On the fifth day he made the fish that swim in the water and the birds that fly in the air. On the sixth day he made all the animals, and at last he made man. He gave them for food the grain of the fields, the fruits of the trees, and the vegetables of the garden. On the seventh day God rested “from all the work which he had made.” “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” In the Garden of Eden HEN the Garden of Eden was planted with all the beautiful flowers and trees, God gave it to Adam for a home. He told him to take good care of it. Adam was glad to work in the garden and use it as he chose; but he had no [Pg 17] [Pg 18] [Pg 19] [Pg 20] G G one to enjoy the things that he enjoyed, no one to help him to be just what God wished him to be, no one to love. A field containing some sheep, with trees here and there. God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.” So he made a woman and Adam called her Eve. Eve was very much like Adam in some ways, yet unlike him in other ways. Man has some gifts that woman does not have; one is helpful to the other. Adam’s heart must have been glad to see the woman whom God had made for him. He now had some one to enjoy the home with him. Adam and Eve were happy in Eden as long as they loved God more than they loved to have their own way. He knew better than they did what was good for them and what would make them happy, and they were glad to obey him. But by and by their own way seemed better than God’s way, and they did things that God had said they should not do. When we do things that God says we should not do, we sin. So Adam and Eve sinned, and were ashamed to see God, and when he came into the garden, they hid among the trees. Our Heavenly Home OD loves men too well to leave them in sin and sorrow. And though we have sinned, he will forgive us if we are sorry for our sins and ask his pardon. He will give us good thoughts, and help us to love him and to love one another. We shall all die, but we shall live again; and if we serve God in this life and are Christians, we shall live with him in heaven. There we shall never sin and never die. We shall never be sick or sad; we shall be happy forever. There we shall see God. Jesus will be there, and so will all the good people who have ever lived. God saw that the people he had made were doing wrong, and he had pity on the whole world of sinners. So he sent his only Son to this earth as the Savior of the world. You will find somewhere in this book how God’s Son came to this world. The Day and Night OD made the sun to give light by day. The sun not only gives us light, but also makes the earth warm and causes everything to grow. Sometimes when the sun rises in the morning, it looks very close, but it is really far away—away off in the sky. When the sun goes down in the evening, darkness comes all around us. This is called night. [Pg 21] [Pg 22] [Pg 23] [Pg 24] We do not want all daytime, in which to work and play; neither do we want all nighttime, in which to sleep; but we enjoy both the day and the night as God made them. A view from land; the moon reflects off a body of water. Also, we see the moon and the stars. When the moon is full and round, how large and pretty it looks! God made the moon and stars to shine at night. Have you ever noticed the stars twinkle at night? How pretty they are! There are so many of them that we could never count them all. At one time some shepherds saw a beautiful large star; it was a sign that the Savior of the world was born. The Rain and the Snow Patter, little drops of rain, Patter on the window-pane. How I love to watch them pass In their races down the glass! Soon the shower will be o’er, Then the sun will shine once more. But I love to hear the rain Beat against the window-pane. Soft and gentle April showers Will bring May-time’s pretty flowers. I think it is pleasant to sit by the window and watch the rain as it falls, sometimes in tiny drops and sometimes in large ones. The warm showers make the grass, trees, and flowers grow. After the shower is over, the grass looks fresh and green. The birds also seem to be glad for the rain. They chirp among the trees when the shower is over. We see the pretty clouds in the sky. The wind moves them about. Sometimes a storm comes, and then we see the lightning and hear the thunder. Four children play in the leaves fallen from a tree. PLAYING IN THE LEAVES When winter-time comes, it gets cold, and the ground is all covered with pure-white crystals of snow. Everything looks [Pg 25] [Pg 27] so clean and pretty with its white coat on. We see the little snowbirds flying around, and they are so happy picking up seeds for food. Then we love to get on our mittens and warm coats, and go out in the snow, too. People hitch horses to sleighs and enjoy rides. They put bells on the horses, and these jingle merrily when the horses go fast. A boy leads a team of dogs pulling people on a sled. In the far north it gets very cold, and when the people go anywhere, they hitch dogs to sleds. In the Bible we read that the Lord will make our hearts white as snow if we confess our sins and take him for our Savior. A cabin and its surrounding covered in snow. Beautiful snow, so soft and so white, Sparkling like gems in the sunshine bright, Robing the earth and decking the trees, Sent by the Lord, the children to please. Winter’s Blessings Pretty little snowflakes Falling to the ground; Here is one, there is one, Ev’rywhere they’re found. [Pg 28] [Pg 29] See them fall so gently Through the frosty air; Every little snowflake Has its beauties rare. Soon the ground is covered, With the pretty snow; Then we see the snowbirds Flying to and fro. Do you think the snowbirds Like the wintry day? Do you think they’re happy As they chirp and play? Happy little creatures— Do not reap or sow, Yet the Master feeds them, Even in the snow. Jesus made the birdies Blessings to enjoy; Then, oh, do not harm them, Little girl or boy. In the pleasant evenings, Then the rabbits go Through the woods and bushes, Playing in the snow. All the night they ramble, But at break of day They must hunt a refuge, There to hide away. So these little creatures Love the fallen snow; Should not we enjoy it, Who God’s blessings know? Should we ever murmur, Should we e’er complain, When God sendeth blessings, [Pg 30] [Pg 31] As the snow and rain? No; we ought to thank him, Yes, for everything; And we ought his praises Daily to him sing. He is love and kindness To us all below; On the just and unjust, Sendeth rain and snow. Let us e’er be thankful For his love to us; He’s so kind and faithful, Giving blessings thus. Let us ask the Savior, As we kneel to pray, “Help us to be thankful, More and more each day. “Thankful in the morning, Thankful noon and night; Thankful for the rain-drops, Thankful for the light.” Planting Seeds Birds are singing, clear and sweet; Flowers are springing neath our feet; Spring at last has come to stay. How we welcome lovely May! Lovely May, O lovely May! Oh, how glad we are to say, [Pg 32] [Pg 33] [Pg 34] H Lovely May! Winter days were cold and long, But we waited for thy song— Songs of birds and humming bees, And the fresh and lovely breeze. Lovely May, O lovely May! Oh, how glad we are today, Lovely May! You may have helped your papa or mama plant seeds in the garden or in the flowerbed. The warm sun and the rain make them grow rapidly. We do not plant weed-seeds, but in some way they get into the ground, and come up along with the garden-plants. If the weeds are not cut out, they will crowd out the good plants. AN ACT OF KINDNESS When we do little acts of kindness, it is like planting good seed. When we are not kind, and say bad words, it is like letting the weeds crowd out the good plants. If you are good and kind to papa and mama, brother or sister, today, you will find it easy to be kind to them tomorrow. It makes you happy to be good to those around you. If you are cross and say bad words, you may want to say them again. You can not feel happy when you have said and done bad things. God can help you sow good seed. He will help you to be good. He will help you to love all around you. Flowers of Springtime OW pretty and sweet are the apple, peach, pear, plum, cherry, and orange blossoms! How good God was to make all these things for us to see and smell! We can enjoy the blossoms. Also, we can see the little apples or other fruit grow until they become large, juicy, ripe fruit. Then we can eat them, and oh, how good they will taste! God is very good to us. [Pg 35] [Pg 36] [Pg 37] H A bird feeds its nestlings. Not a leaf nor a blade of grass could grow if God’s hand did not care for it. He causes the warm sun to shine and the gentle rains to fall so that everything can grow. Things could not grow without the warm sun and the rain. God has caused the wild flowers to grow along the road-side and in the woods and meadows so we can enjoy them. How glad we should be that we have such a good God to worship! When we kneel to pray, we can say, “O Lord, I thank thee for all the pretty things I see each day.” The pretty things are some of the blessings that he daily gives us. A Walk in the Woods AVE you ever taken a walk through the woods by the brook on a warm day? How cool and pleasant the water looked as it ran along over the rocks! Did it not make a pleasing sound? A path through the woods. It is delightful to go through the woods where you can see the beautiful trees. You can nearly always find some flowers growing along the edge of the brook. Besides, the little birds fly among the trees and sing so sweetly. Almost any child would enjoy a walk through the woods. But there are many children in large cities who never have the pleasure of going to the woods. [Pg 38] [Pg 39] [Pg 40] W A boy crouches next to a rabbit; a girl stands facing him. How pleasant it is to sit down in a cool, shady place, and think of the lovely things that God has given us to enjoy. As we look around us, we can see so many blessings that God has given us. A nest containing three eggs. Even the little birds and flowers seem to be telling us that Jesus loves us. God has made many beautiful things for us to enjoy. It makes us happy to see the beautiful flowers, and to hear the little birds sing so sweetly. Our Feathered Friends HEN all the trees and bushes and grass are green in the spring, we see the little birds and hear their sweet songs. How happy they seem as they fly about from tree to tree, and scratch in the ground to find little seeds and insects to eat! Sometimes we find a bird’s nest in the bushes or on the ground. God teaches the little birds how to build their nests with small sticks, leaves, and feathers. This is the bird’s house. We sometimes see tiny eggs in the nest. The little eggs hatch, and then there are little birdies in the nest in place of the eggs. The mother bird hunts worms and bugs to feed the little ones. [Pg 41]

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