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Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom PDF

298 Pages·2011·3.51 MB·English
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VILLED E MONTREAL 3 27770 4255 6030 ISB1N- 55192-859-0 TheY ogaJ ournetyo W holenesIsn,n erP eace, andU ltimatFer eedotn / \ B.l(.SY.E N GAR withJ ohnJ .E vanasn dD ouglaAsb rams HAIN<'<)/\ST B<H)KS (: opyri({)jl h2t0 05b yB .K.ISy.e ngar (:ov1e1rn idn terpihoort ogracpohusr toefsB y. K.ISy.e ngar Alrli 11hrress ervReadi.n coBaosotk iss a m embeorf A ccesCso pyrig(hTthC ea nadian (: opyriL11ichents inAgg encyN)o. p arotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducsetdo,ri end 11rr rrivcals ysteomrt ransmiitnta endyf ormo rb ya nym eanwsi thopurti owrr itten prrmissfiroonmt hep ublis,oh rei,rn c asoef p hotocopyoiron tgh erre progracpohpiyci ng, 11lic ensef romA ccess CopyOrniegY hotn,gS et reTeotr,o ntOon,t ariMo5,E 1E5. KaincoBaosork asc knowledtgheeos n goinfgi nancsiuaplp oorftt heG overnment of Canadtah rouTghhe C anadCao uncfiolrt heA rtasn dt heB ookP ublishIinndgu stry DevelopmPernotg ra(BmP IDP);a ndt heG overnmeonfBt r itiCsohl umbtihar outghhe BCA rtCso uncil. Printedt heiU nn iteSdt atoefsA merica Bookd esibgynC hristGianuag ler LIBRARYA ND ARCHIVES OF CANCAADTAA LOGUINGI NP UBLICATION IyengBa.rK, . S .1,9 18- l.igohntl if:te h ey ogaw ayt ow holeenssi,n nepre acaen du ltimfarteee dIom B.K.ISy.e ngar. ISBNI · 5SI9 2-859-0 I.H athya ogaI..T itle. B132.Y965I2 005 181'.45 C2005-902936-6 PublisihneC da nadbay RaincoBaosotk s 9050S haughneSstsrye et VancouvBerri,t iCsohl umbia CanadVa 6P6 E5 www.raincoast.com Publisshiemdu ltaneionut shleUy n iteSdt atoefsA meribcyaR odalPer ess 10 9 8 67 5 4 3 2 1 Tom yf athBeerl,l Kurri shnamachar, mym otheSre,s hamma, andm yb irthpBlealcleu,r Contents Preface IX IntroductFiroene:d oAmw aits xiii Chap1t er TheI nwarJdo urney 3 Chap2t er StabiliTthyeP- hysicBaold y( Asana) 21 Chapter3 VitaliTthye-E nergByo dy( Prana) 65 Chapter4 ClaritTyh-eM entaBlo dy( Manas) 107 Chap5t er Wisdom-TheI nteltlueaBclo dy( Vijnana) 147 Chap6t er BlisTsh-eD ivinBeo dy( Ananda) 187 Chap7t er LivinignF reedom 227 Asanafso Erm otionSatla bility 267 In dn 271 Preface Ift hbioso ikts ol aayn cyl atioam uh tentyii,m ctui stmta koen peo int cleaabroa vloelt heIirtts sh .iB syp :e rsiasnstdue sntt apirnaecdti ce, anyoanned evcearmnya oktnehey e o gjauo rnaenyrd e atchhge o aolf illumiannafdtr eieoKdnro ims.h na,a nBJdue dslduiihsena ,ht ehaer ts ofa lTlh.ea yrn eo fti sltma mresr,e iaddoullsa Ttohifeao yrng e.r eat inspirfaitgiwuohrnoeaesslx e a miptslh eet robe ef olloTwheeadyca. ts ourro mloed etlosdJ auyas.stt h reeya cSheeldf -Resaolm iawzyea .ti on, Manoyfy omua yw ortrhyay toa ur e unablec htaol ­meet the lentgheast a hleiIawe da .nt toa ssyuortueh yaotcu a nIa .m a m an whos tarftreondmo wheIwr aehs;e avdiilsya dvainnmt aanwgyae yds . Aftmeurc thi maen edf fIob retg,ta orn e ascohm ewhIle irte.e rally emerfgreoddm a rknelsisgf hrtto,om msoirctktanohle e saslf trho,m cruidgen ortaoin mcmee risnti hooenc eoafkn n owlbeyod ngmeee ans alonnaem,e blyzy e alpoeurss iisntt ehanerc aten sdc ieonfyc oeg a prac(tsiacde)h Wa.hn aahte glodo fdom re wilglo ofhdooy rlo tduo o. Todayyo aul so thhbaeev nee offmi atn gyit feydo gtae achers. WheInb egyaong tah,ew raesIa , m s orrsya, ny towo i skei,nt de acher tol emaedI. nf amcyto wnG urrue futsoae nds waenoryfm yi nnocent inquoinry ioegHsae d. i ndo itn stmreau sIcd to smtyu doefneftrsi,n g thesmt ep-by-stienap na sgauHnieadw .ao nucsleid m ply ad emand postaunrldee aivtteo m eo rh iost hsetru dteofn itgsu rheo wio tu t coublerd e alPiezrehdta.hps astt i musloamstete udb absoproenfmc yt natuwrhei,ac lhl iuends htaofk aaibitlnthe hs eu jbceto fy ogmaa de meb urtnog oo nI.a ma rdaennpdta ssaitaoenn,md a yIbn ee eded to shotwh weo rtlhdaI wt a nso wto rthBlueftsa msro. r teh atnh aIt , wantteofd i onudwt h oI was. tIou nwdaenrtsetdma ynsdt etrhiiosu s anmda rve"lyoougwsah ,i"cco hu ld troue sov ueiran ln ersmeocsrte ts, as quealyla si rte vetahloeosdfte h uen ivaerrosuuens adn J ourp alce ini ta sj oyfsuuflf,c ripnu�z.z lheudm abne is.n g Il eartnherdop urgahc etaircnaebe ,id t e xopfe rikennocwelde dge, anrde invtehsakttne odw laendudgn ed erstianon rdditenolrg e arn morBeyf. lo lowtihneg driirgehactnt wdii otnh h etolhpfaen aturally senspietricveepI wt aiasob nlt,oef urtmhyke nrwo ledTgheip.sr o­ duciend amg er owaicncgu muolfra etfiioennxe pde rtiheeanvtce en ­ tuarlelvye tahleees ds eonfyc oegk an owledge. Itto omkew hodleec atdoae psp recidaetpaetn htdt r hvueae l ue ofy ogSaa.c treexdst usp ported mbyu tdw iaisnstco t othv eeyr itehsa,t signptohsweta eyWd.h aItl earnedy otghIafr ,oo uungdht horuotu gh yogIaa .m nhootw,ee rav," eslf-mmaand.Ie"a mo nlwyh aste venty­ twyoe aorfds e voytoegsdaa dhhaancsar eaotuoetfdm eA.n cyo ntri­ butIih oanvm ea dteot hweo rhladbs e etnhf er uoift s mayd hana. This spardohvamineda e wdi tthe ntaohcfpeiu tryp toocs oen tinue evetnh rought itmrMeyysdi .in gs inctloiwnaalrtadixl oeinrf estyles kepmteo nt hset rapiagtbhhut,It n evsehru nned faoInrh y aovnee , comteos eel tihgoehftt hs eo iunl Yaolgflaer. ri meeda crtohsgesr eat rivferrot mh bea nki gonfo rtaotn hcseeh oorfek nowlaenddg e wisdIoitms . e nxot ravcalgataiosnm at y thahta cswo imstedo o mm e byt hper acotfyi ocgeaa n,td h ger aocfGe o dh alsit thl ea mopft he innceorri enm eT.h iasl lomwets os eteh asta mlei gohftt h seo ul glowiinan loglt hbeeri ngs. You,m yr eadmeursustn, d erstthyaanotad ur ael resatdayr ting frosmo mewhYeoruhe a.vt ehb ee ginanlirnesgah doyw ny otuao,n d noo nken owwsh iawnth oleannefdse sl iycoiut ym aIyf etynaodku.e up annoybl liean nesd t itcoik ty ,o cua rne atchhue l timBaeit ne­. spibruentdo ptr ouDdon. o ati lmo wy;ow ui llt hmmeia srsAk i.m higyho;wu i blelo nt hteh resohfbo llids s. Pataalnoijfw, h oymo wui ll heiantr h bimosuo ickcsh,o nsidered thfea tohfe ry Ionrg eaa.al sif taayrsw ek nohwe, waya osga ina d polymlaitvhi ngf iacfrteohnu tBnud.rI Cyn. d wihaoc, o llateelda ba­nd oraetxeids ktniolnwegd ogfte hy eo glieis f'ap nrda ctHiewc reostth.ee Yo!{Sau trlatisea,rl lat yh reoafad p homrsia shouty oga�:,o nscieosuss,n 1'11111.11111 1.

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