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Light and Video Microscopy Light and Video Microscopy Second Edition Randy Wayne AMSTERDAM(cid:129)BOSTON(cid:129)HEIDELBERG(cid:129)LONDON(cid:129)NEWYORK(cid:129)OXFORD(cid:129)PARIS SANDIEGO(cid:129)SANFRANCISCO(cid:129)SINGAPORE(cid:129)SYDNEY(cid:129)TOKYO ? AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA Copyrightr2014ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwisewithoutthepriorwritten permissionofthepublisher. PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’s Science&TechnologyRightsDepartmentinOxford, UK:phone(144)(0)1865843830;fax(144)(0)1865853333;email:[email protected]. Alternatively,visittheScienceandTechnologyBookswebsiteatwww.elsevierdirect.com/rightsfor furtherinformation. Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersons,orproperty asamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofanymethods, products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein.Becauseofrapidadvancesinthemedical sciences,inparticular,independentverificationofdiagnosesanddrugdosagesshouldbemade. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-0-12-411484-5 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatelsevierdirect.com PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 14 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dedication This book is dedicated to my colorful wife Amy, the light of my life, and to Zachary and Beth, who shine as kids Preface to the Second Edition When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him ofhislimitations. When power narrows the areas of man’s concern, poetry remindshimoftherichnessanddiversityofhisexistence. Whenpowercorrupts,poetrycleanses. JohnF.Kennedy AmherstCollegeOctober26,1963. Inthefirstsentenceonthefirstpageofthefirstillustrated bookonmicroscopy,RobertHooke(1665)wrote: “TheImagewehavehereexhibitedinthefirstFigure,wasthetopofa As in Geometry, the most natural way of beginning is from a small and very sharp Needle, whose point a a nevertheless appear’d Mathematical point; so is the same method in Observations and throughtheMicroscopeaboveaquarterofaninchbroad,notroundnor Naturalhistorythemostgenuine,simple,andinstructive.Wemust flat,butirregularanduneven;sothatitseem’dtohavebeenbigenough to have afforded a hundred armed Mites room enough to be rang’d by firstendevourtomakeletters,anddrawsinglestrokestrue,before each other without endangering the breaking one anothers necks, by we venture to write whole Sentences, or to draw large Pictures. beingthrustoffoneitherside.”FromHooke,1665. AndinPhysicalEnquiries,wemustendevourtofollowNaturein themoreplainandeasiewaysshetreadsinthe mostsimpleand uncompounded bodies, to trace her steps, and to be acquainted that we know is that asa consequence ofthe wave proper- with her manner of walking there, before we venture our selves ties of light, a single material point in the specimen is intothemultitudeofmeandersshehasinbodiesofamorecompli- inflated to an ellipsoid of light in the image. The ellipsoid catednature;left,beingunabletodistinguishandjudgeourway, oflightintheimagehasamajoraxisofabout400nmand wequicklylosebothNatureourguide,andourselvestoo,andare minoraxesofabout200nm.Theinflationlimitstheresolv- left to wander in the labyrinth of groundless opinions; wanting ing power ofthelightmicroscope. However,newformsof bothjudgment,thatlight,andexperience,thatclew,whichshould superresolution microscopy discussed in Chapter 12ofthis directourproceedings. edition allow one to use one’s knowledge of light and the We will begin these our Inquiries therefore with the interaction of light with matter to remove the light that is ObservationsofBodiesofthemostsimplenaturefirst,andsograd- outofplaceandputitbackwhereitwouldhavebelongedif uallyproceedtothoseofamorecompoundedone.Inprosecution lightwereactuallyamathematicalpoint. of which method, we shall begin with a Physical point; of which There are two lessons here that were not known in thePointofaNeedleiscommonlyreckon’dforone;andisindeed, 1665: forthemostpart,madesosharp,thatthenakedeyecannotdistin- Wearealongwayfromthebeginning. guish and parts of it ... .But if view’d with a very good Apointeventhoughitstrayscanbecomeapointagain. Microscope, we may find that the top of a Needle ... appears a broad,blunt,andveryirregularend.... My predecessor in teaching light microscopy at Cornell was Simon Henry Gage, the author of seventeen There are two lessons here that are just as important editionsofTheMicroscope.Gage(1941)believed: todayastheywerein1665: “(1) To most minds, and certainly to those having any grade of Startatbeginning. originality, there is a great satisfaction in understanding princi- Apointisnotapoint. ples; and it is only when the principles are firmly grasped that In this edition of Light and Video Microscopy, I con- there is complete mastery of instruments, and full certainty and tinuetopresentthebasicsofwhatisknownaboutlightand facilityinusingthem.Thesameistrueofthemethodsofpreparing itsroleinimageformationinthelightmicroscopefromthe objects for microscopic study, and the interpretation of their perspective of “how we know what we know.” One thing appearances when seen under the microscope ... . (2) Need of xi xii PrefacetotheSecondEdition abundant practical work to go with the theoretical part has been author, Simon Henry Gage, and given to the chemical shownbyallhumanexperience.Inallthecraftsandinallthefine microscopist E´mile M. Chamot. Pasted into the book artsmasterycomesonlywithalmostendlesseffortandrepetition, I found the following lost poem by Louis Ginsberg themostcommonexamplebeingtheattainmentoffacilityinmusic (Wayne,2013d): ....Itisalsoapartofhumanexperiencethatinsuccessfullygoing Microscope through the manipulations necessary to demonstrate principles, Withbatedbreathandbuoyanthope, thereisacquirednotonlyskillinexperiment,butanaddedgrasp Manbendsabovethemicroscope; oftheprinciplesinvolved.” Thequestion,pulsingdeepindark, I hope this book continues in the tradition of The Splinterstomanyaquestionmark. Microscopeinhelpingyoutonotonlyuse,buttounderstand Helooksuponapointtocheck and appreciate the relation between the real object and the Thetiny,faintandfinitespeck; imageformedbythelightmicroscope. Andyetthemorehestaresandbroods, Moving from a point to a line, which is what we use Itswellsintoinfinitudes. to trace the path that the corpuscles of light take from the object to the image, we get to the word verse. The English Themorehepeersintothemiddle word “verse” was originally used to indicate a line or lines Ofparticlesthatshapetheriddle, of a psalm and later to indicate lines of poetry. Its root is Thelens,forallthathecansee, the Latin root vers, which means “to turn” and which also Butmagnifiesthemystery... gave rise to the word vertere, which also means “to turn,” The microscope provides a natural interface between just as a farmer turns from one line to another while poetryandthesciences. plowing. Related words, some of which are used in optics, include diverse (turned different ways), inverse (turned I thank Allan Witztum, my friend, colleague and fellow upside down), reverse (turned back), converse (turned student of David Bierhorst, for sharing his appreciation for about), transverse (turned across), adverse (turned against), theinterfacebetweenthehumanitiesandthesciences. perverse (turned away from what is right), and universe RandyWayne (turnintoone). LaboratoryofNaturalPhilosophy I found a lost verse in The Rare & Manuscript DepartmentofPlantBiology Collections of Kroch Library, where I read Hooke’s CornellUniversity Micrographia. They also had a presentation copy of the Ithaca,NewYork seventeenth edition of The Microscope signed by the Preface to the First Edition I am very lucky. I am sitting in the rare book room of the are perfectly useless; and, in spite of his celebrated name, library waiting for Robert Hooke’s (1665) Micrographia, we are compelled to warn every beginner from using them... . Matthias Schleiden’s (1849) Principles of Scientific Link might just as well have asked a child about the apparent Botany, and Hermann Schacht’s (1853) The Microscope. distanceofthemoon,expectingacorrectopiniononaccountof I am thankful for the microscopists and librarians at the child’s unprejudiced views. Just as we only gradually learn Cornell University, both living and dead, who have nur- to see with the naked eye in our infancy, and often experience tured a continuous link between the past and the present. unavoidable illusions, such as that connected with the rising By doing so, they have built a strong foundation for the moon, so we must first gradually learn to see through the future. medium of the microscope... . We can only succeed gradually Robert Hooke (1665) begins the Micrographia by inbringingaclearconceptionbeforeourmind.... statingthat “...the science ofnature has already too long Hermann Schacht (1853) emphasized that we should made only a work of the brain and the fancy: It is now “seewithintelligence”whenhewrote, high time that it should return to the plainness and sound- ness of observations on material and obvious things.” Butthepossessionofamicroscope,andtheperfectionofsuchan Today, too many casual microscope users do not think instrument,arenotsufficient.Itisnecessarytohaveanintimate about the relationship between the image and reality and acquaintance, not only with the management of the microscope, are content to push a button, capture an image, enhance but also with the objects to be examined; above all things it is the image with Adobe Photoshop, and submit it for publi- necessarytoseewithintelligence,andtolearntoseewithjudg- cation. However, the sentence that followed the one just ment.Seeing,asSchleidenveryjustlyobserves,isadifficultart; quoted indicates that the microscope was not to be used seeing with the microscope is yet more difficult... . Long and in place of the brain, but in addition to the brain. Hooke thoroughpracticewiththemicroscopesecurestheobserverfrom (1665) wrote, “It is said of great empires, that the best deceptionswhicharise,notfromanyfaultintheinstrument,but way to preserve them from decay, is to bring them back from a want of acquaintance with the microscope, and from a to the first principles, and arts, on which they did begin.” forgetfulness ofthewidedifferencebetween common vision and To understand how a microscope forms an image of vision through a microscope. Deceptions also arise from a a specimen still requires the brain, and today I am privi- neglect to distinguish between the natural appearance of the leged to be able to present the work of so many people object under observation, and that which it assumes under the who have struggled and are struggling to understand microscope. the relationship between the image and reality, and to Throughout the many editions of his book, The develop instruments that, when used thoughtfully, can Microscope, Simon Henry Gage (1941) reminded his makeapicturethatisworthathousandwords. readers of the importance of the microscopist as well as Matthias Schleiden (1849), the botanist who inspired the microscope (Kingsbury, 1944): “To most minds, and Carl Zeiss to build microscopes, wrote about the impor- certainly to those having any grade of originality, there is tanceofthemindoftheobserver: a great satisfaction in understanding principles; and it is It is supposed that nothing more is requisite for microscopical only when the principles are firmly grasped that there investigation than a good instrument and an object, and that it is complete mastery of instruments, and full certainty and isonlynecessarytokeeptheeyeovertheeye-piece, inorderto facility in using them... . for the highest creative work be au fait. Link expresses this opinion in the preface to his from which arises real progress both in theory and in phytotomical plates: ‘I have generally left altogether the obser- practice, a knowledge of principles is indispensable.” vation to my artist, Herr Schmidt, and the unprejudiced mind He went on to say that an “image, whether it is made ofthisobserver,whoistotallyunacquaintedwithanyofthethe- with or without the aid of the microscope, must always ories of botany, guarantees the correctness of the drawings.’ depend upon the character and training of the seeing and The result of such absurdity is, that Link’s phytotomical plates appreciatingbrainbehindtheeye.” xiii xiv PrefacetotheFirstEdition This book is a written version of the microscopy what we know that we consider to be real. This book is course I teach at Cornell University. I introduce my stu- about how a light microscope can be used to help you dents to the principles of light and microscopy through delve into the invisible world and obtain information lecture(cid:1)demonstrations and laboratories where they can about the microscopic world that is grounded in reality. put themselves in the shoes of the masters and be virtual The second book in this series, entitled, Plant Cell witnesses to their original observations. In this way, they Biology, is about what we have learned about the nature learn the strengths and limitations of the work, how first oflifefrommicroscopicalstudiesofthecell. principles were uncovered, and, in some respects, feel the The interpretation of microscopic images depends on magic of discovery. I urge my students to learn through our understanding ofthenatureoflight and itsinteractions personalexperienceandtobeskepticalofeverythingIsay. with the specimen. Consequently, an understanding of the I urge the reader to use this book as a guide to gain per- nature of light is the foundation of our knowledge of sonalexperiencewiththemicroscope.Pleasereaditwitha microscopic images. Appendix II provides my best guess skepticalandcriticalmindandforgivemylimitations. aboutthenatureoflightfromstudyingitsinteractionswith Biologists often are disempowered when it comes to matterwithamicroscope. buying a microscope, and the more scared they are, the I thank David Bierhorst, Peter Webster, and espe- morelikelyitisthattheywillbuyanexpensivemicroscope, cially Peter Hepler for introducing me to my life-long in essence, believing that having a prestigious brand name love of microscopy. The essence of my course comes will make up for their lack of knowledge. So buying an from the microscopy course that Peter Hepler taught at expensive microscope when a less expensive one may be the University of Massachusetts. Peter also stressed the equally good or better may be more a sign of ignorance importance of character in doing science. Right now, than a sign of wisdom and greatness. I wrote this book, I am looking through the notes from that course. I was describingmicroscopyfromtheverybeginning,notonlyto very lucky to have had Peter as a teacher. I also thank teach people how to use a microscope and understand Dominick Paolillo, M. V. Parthasarathy, and George therelationshipbetweenthespecimenandtheimage,butto Conneman for making it possible for me to teach a empower people to buy a microscope based on its virtues, microscopy course at Cornell and for being supportive not on its name. You can see whether or not a microscope every step of the way. I also thank the students and manufacturer is looking for a knowledgeable customer by teaching assistants who shared in the mutual and never- searching the web sites to see if the manufacturer offers ending journey to understand light, microscopy, and information necessary to make a wise choice or whether microscopic specimens. I have used the pictures that my the manufacturer primarily is selling prestige. Of course, students have taken in class to illustrate this book. sometimes the prestigious microscope is the right one for Unfortunately, I no longer know who took which pic- yourneeds. ture, so I can only give my thanks without giving them If you are ready to buy a microscope after reading this the credit they deserve. Lastly, I thank my family: mom book,arrangeforallthemanufacturerstobringtheirmicro- and dad, Scott and Michelle, for making it possible for scopes to your laboratory and then observe your samples me to write thisbook. on each microscope. See for yourself: Which microscopes As Hermann Schacht wrote in 1853, “Like my prede- have the features you want? Which microscope gives cessors, I shall have overlooked many things, andperhaps you the best image? What is the cost/benefit relationship? haveenteredintomanysuperfluousparticulars:but,asfar I thank M. V. Parthasarathy for teaching me this way of as regards matters of importance, there will be found in buyingamicroscope. this work everything which, after mature consideration, Epistemology is the study of how we know what Ihavethoughtnecessary.” we know—that is, how reality is perceived, measured, and understood. Ontology is the study of the nature of RandyWayne Chapter 1 The Relation Between the Object and the Image polarizing microscope to reveal the orientation of macro- And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God molecules in a cell, and we can use it to determine the sawthatthelightwasgood,andheseparatedthelightfromthe entropy and enthalpy of the polymerization process. We darkness. can use an interference microscope to weigh objects and Gen.1:3-4 to ascertain the mass of the cell’s nucleus. We can use a fluorescence microscope to localize proteins in the cyto- Sinceweacquireasignificantamountofreliableinforma- plasm, genes on a chromosome, and the free Ca21 con- tion regarding the real world through our eyes, we often centration and pH of the surrounding milieu. We can use say, “seeing is believing.” However, seeing involves a a centrifuge microscope or a microscope with laser twee- number of processes that take place in space and time as zers to measure the forces involved in cellular motility or light travels from a real object to our eyes and then gets to determine the elasticity and viscosity of the cytoplasm. coded into electrical signals that travel through the optic We can use a laser Doppler microscope, which takes nerve to the brain. In the brain, neural signals are pro- advantage of the Doppler effect produced by moving cessed by the visual cortex, and ultimately the brain pro- objects, to characterize the velocities of organelles mov- jects its interpretation of the real object as a virtual image ing through the cytoplasm. We can also use a variety of seen by the mind’s eye. To ensure that “seeing is not lasermicroscopestovisualizesinglemolecules. deceiving” requires an understanding of light, optics, the Iwrotethisbooksothatyoucanmakethemostofthe interaction of light with matter, and how the brain func- light microscope when it comes to faithfully creating and tions to create and interpret the relationship between a correctly interpreting images. To this end, the goals of real object and its image. According to Samuel Tolansky thisbookareto: (1964), “There is often a failure in co-ordination between what we see and what we evaluate ... .surprisingly (cid:1) Describethenatureoflight. enough, we shall find that most serious errors can creep (cid:1) Describe the relationship between an object and its even into scientific observations entirely because we are image. tricked by optical illusions into making quite faulty judg- (cid:1) Describehowlightinteractswithmattertoyieldinfor- ments.” Simon Henry Gage (1941), author of seventeen mation about the structure, composition, and local editions of the classic textbook, The Microscope, reminds environmentofbiologicalandotherspecimens. us that the “image, whether it is made with or without the (cid:1) Describe howoptical systems worksothatyouwillbe aidofthemicroscope,mustalwaysdependuponthechar- abletointerpret theimages obtainedathigh resolution acter and training of the seeing and appreciating brain andmagnification. behindtheeye.” (cid:1) Give you the necessary procedures and tricks so that The light microscope, one of the most elegant instru- youcangainpracticalexperiencewiththelightmicro- ments ever invented, is a device that permits us to study scopeandbecomeanexcellentmicroscopist. the interaction of light with matter at a resolution much greater than that of the unaided eye (Dobell, 1932; Wilson, 1995; Ruestow, 2004; Schickore, 2007; Ratcliff, LUMINOUS AND NONLUMINOUS 2009). Due to the constancy of the interaction of light OBJECTS with matter, we can peer into the would-be invisible world to discover the hidden properties of objects in that All objects, which are perceived by our sense of sight, world (Appendix I). We can make transparent and can be divided into two broad classes. One class of invisible cells visible with a dark-field, phase-contrast, or objects, known as luminous bodies, includes “hot” or differential interference microscope. We can use a incandescent sources such as the sun, the stars, torches, R.Wayne:LightandVideoMicroscopy,Secondedition.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-411484-5.00001-9 ©2014ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 1 2 LightandVideoMicroscopy oil lamps, candles, coal and natural gas lamps, kerosene the source of illumination as well as the environment sur- lamps, and electric light bulbs, and “cold” sources such roundingtheobjectintoconsideration. as fireflies and glow worms that produce “living light” The architects of ancient Greece knew that the opti- (Brewster, 1830; Hunt, 1850; Harvey, 1920, 1940). These cal illusions that occur under certain circumstances, if luminous objects are visible to our eyes. The second class not taken into consideration, would diminish the beauty of objects is nonluminous. However, they can be made of great buildings such as the Parthenon, which was built visible to our eyes when they are in the presence of a in honor of the virgin (parthenos) Athena (Penrose, luminous body. Thus the sun makes the moon, Earth, and 1851; Fletcher and Fletcher, 1905; Prokkola, 2011). For other planets visible to us, and a light bulb makes all the example, stylobates, or long horizontal foundations for objects in a room or on a microscope slide visible to us. the classical columns, and architraves, the horizontal The nonluminous bodies become visible by scattering the beams above doorways, would appear to sag in the mid- light that comes from luminous bodies. A luminous or dle if they were made perfectly straight. Consequently, nonluminous body is visible to us only if there are suffi- the architects used horizontal beams with convex tops to cient differences in brightness or color between it and its compensate for the optical illusion—the result being a surroundings. The difference in brightness or color perfectly square-looking structure. The columns of the between points in the image formed of an object on our Parthenon are famous, but they are not identical. The retinaisknownascontrast. columns that are viewed against the bright Greek sky were made thicker than the columns backed by the inner temple or cella wall, since identical columns viewed OBJECT AND IMAGE against a bright background appear thinner than those Each object is composed of many small and finite points viewed against a dark background. By compensating for composed of atoms or molecules. Ultimately, the image the optical illusion, the columns appear identical and of each object is a point-by-point representation of that magnificent. object upon our retina. Each point in the image should be The sculptors of ancient Greece also knew about opti- a faithful representation of the brightness and color of the cal illusions, as evidenced by an apocryphal legend con- conjugate point in the object. Two points on different cerning two sculptors, Phidias, the teacher, and his planes are conjugate if they represent identical spatial student, Alkamenes (Anon, 1851). They were contenders locations on the two planes. The object we see may itself in a contest to produce a sculpture of Athena that would be an intermediate image of a real object. The intermedi- stand upon a pedestal. Alkamenes sculpted a beautiful ate image of a real object observed with a microscope, and well-proportioned figure of Athena, while Phidias, telescope, or by looking at a photograph, movie, televi- using his knowledge of geometry and optics, fashioned a sion screen, or computer monitor should also be a faithful grotesque and distorted figure. While the two sculptures point-by-point representation of the brightness and color were on the ground, the judges marveled at the one cre- of each conjugate point of the real object. While we only ated by Alkamenes and laughed at the one created by see brightness and color, the mind interprets the relative Phidias. However, once the sculptures were put on top of brightness and colors of the points of light on the retina the column, the perspective changed, and Phidias’s sculp- and makes a judgment as to the size, shape, location, and ture assumed great beauty while Alkamenes sculpture positionoftherealobjectinitsenvironment. looked distorted. Knowing that the angles subtended by What we see, however, is not a perfect representation each feature of the object become proportionally smaller of the physical world. First, our eyes are not perfect, and as the height and distance of the feature increased, our vision is limited by physical, genetic, and nutritional Phidias formed the facial features proportionately larger factors (Wald, 1967; Helmholtz, 2005). For example, we and the lower features proportionately smaller so that the cannot see clearly things that are too far or too close, too sculptureofAthena wouldlook normaland beautiful atop dark or too bright, or things that emit radiation outside the its final location. As Alexander Pope (1711) wrote in An visiblerangeofwavelengths.Second,ourvisionisaffected EssayonCriticism, by physiological and psychological factors, and we can be SomeFiguresmonstrousandmis-shap’dappear, easily fooled by our sense of sight (Goethe, 1840; Sully, Consider’dsingly,orbeheldtoonear, 1881; Gregory, 1973; Be´ke´sy, 1967; Wade, 1998; Russ, Which,butproportion’dtotheirLight,orPlace, 2004).Third,asGoethelearnedwhenhestudiedthecolors DueDistancereconcilestoFormandGrace. of the Italian landscape as they transformed from vibrant to muted and back again as the weather changed Leon Battista Alberti, perhaps the original (Heisenberg, 1979), or as humankind learned upon the Renaissance man, restored the union of the arts and introduction of artificial illumination (Wickenden, 1910; sciences that had been lost during the Middle Ages. He Steinmetz, 1918; Otter, 2008), we must remember to take combined his love of nature with Euclidean geometryand

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