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Life under a black sun Toma´ˇs Opatrny´ and Luka´ˇs Richterek∗ Faculty of Science, Palack´y University, 17. Listopadu 12, 77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic Pavel Bakala† Institute of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University in Opava, Bezruˇcovo n´am. 13, CZ-74601 Opava, Czech Republic (Dated: January 13, 2016) Life isdependenton theincomeof energy with low entropyandthedisposal ofenergy with high entropy. On Earth, the low-entropy energy is provided by solar radiation and the high-entropy energy is disposed as infrared radiation emitted into the cold space. Here we turn the situation around and assume cosmic background radiation as the low-entropy source of energy for a planet orbiting a black hole into which the high-entropy energy is disposed. We estimate the power that canbeproducedbythermodynamicprocessesonsuchaplanet,withaparticularinterestinplanets orbiting a fast rotating Kerr black hole as in the science fiction movie Interstellar. We also briefly discussareverseDysonsphereabsorbingcosmicbackgroundradiationfromtheoutsideanddumping waste energy to a black hole inside. 6 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION The considerations presented here can also be rel- 2 evant for the discussion of the early stages of the n Universe: recently Loeb8 suggested that a habitable a Life onEarthis possible thanks to the hotSun and epoch occurred when the Universe was about 15 mil- J the cold sky. Their temperature difference makes it lion years old and the background radiation had the 2 possible to drive processes far from thermodynamic temperature of 273–300K, allowing for rocky planets 1 equilibrium by increasing the entropy elsewhere in ] the Universe. Absorbing photons from the Sun at wsuigthgelsitqiuonidwwasatceorvecrheedmbiysttrhyeoNnattuhreeirmsaugrfaazcinese.9mTehnis- c 6000K and emitting about 20 times more pho- ∼ tioning also some criticism pointing out that the cold q tons at 300K to the cold sky makes the entropy ∼ sky is thermodynamically as important for life as the - balance sufficient to sustain complex processes in r hotSun. Althoughthereisnodoubtthatsomesource g which entropy locally drops. As explained by Ervin of negative entropy is necessary for life, the question [ Schr¨odinger in his book “What is life?”,1 organisms remainswhatcouldbethesource. Theblack-holesun feed on negative entropy. The hot Sun and cold skies 1 is an option to be discussed here. v provide the Earth with a great deal of negative en- 7 tropy: in this way, the Earth produces 5 1014 Thepaperisorganizedasfollows: InSec.IIgeneral 9 J/K of entropy each second.2 ∼ × formulasforconvertingtheincomingbackgroundradi- 8 ationenergyintousefulworkarediscussed,inSec.III Here we playwith the idea ofa worldupside down: 2 twospecialregimesforthesolidangleoftheincoming the sun is cold and skies are “hot”. Let us imag- 0 radiation—largeand smallare studied, in Sec. IV the ine a planet orbiting a black hole in a universe filled . results for anisotropic radiation due to fast orbiting 1 with background radiation. The inhabitants accept 0 closetotheblackholearepresented,inSec.VaDyson low-entropy energy from the sky and dispose waste 6 sphere encapsulating a black hole is considered, and heat to the black hole. The protagonists of the re- 1 in Sec. VI the conclusions are provided. Details of v: coernbtitimngovaiesIunpteerrmseallsasrivwehbolawckanhtotleoGcoalrognainzetuaapmlaignhett the numerical computations of the temperature map i of the sky for an observer orbiting a black hole are X find these results vital (for physical details of their given in Appendix A. trip and destination we recommend the book “The r a Science of Interstellar”4 by Kip Thorne, the scientific consultant and an executive producer of the film). II. RADIATION HEAT EXCHANGE Apart from the pedagogical value of simple ther- modynamic exercises, these speculations might be A. Sky projection and etendue conservation relevant in the distant future when stars exhaust their nuclear fuel and die, and black holes may be- comedominantconstituentsoftheentropyproduction Letusassumethatheatexchangeofthe planetcan processes.5,6 This kind of energetics might be useful occur radiativelyby surfaceS. The celestialsphere is until the expansion of the Universe cools the cosmic divided into two parts: one is “hot” at temperature background radiation below the temperature of the T and the other cold, for simplicity at temperature 1 black hole Hawking radiation. After that, the black ofabsolutezero. Thezero-temperatureblackholeisa hole becomes a net radiator and thus the nearby in- goodapproximationifHawkingradiation10,11 isnegli- habitantsmightagainliveundera“hot”sunandcold gible. Letthe solidanglesspannedbythesetwoparts sky. Recently, the mechanism of extracting mechani- be Ω andΩ ,with Ω +Ω =4π. To allowfor the H C H C cal work of radiating black holes has been discussed;7 most efficient thermal energy exchange of the planet however,thefocushereisonthenotsodistantfuture. with the sky, we assume the whole planet to be cov- 2 propagates through non-absorbing non-scattering en- (a) vironment (such as through our idealized optical sys- tems), the etendue is conserved. This is analogous to the phase-space conservation in conservative systems according to the Liouville theorem. For our scheme the consequence of etendue conservation is that S Ω H H = . (1) S Ω C C The surfaces S and S then serve as the hot and H C cold terminals of heat engines. Without the idealization leading to Eq. (1), one T T T H C H wouldhavetotakeintoaccountthefactthatthe cold terminalalsointeractswithobjects athighertemper- (b) aturewhichwoulddecreasetheefficiencyofworkpro- duction. Letusnotethatinthephotovoltaicindustry oneofthe goalsisthe constructionoflightconcentra- torsapproachingtheetenduelimit(see,e.g.,Ref. 13), soweassumethattheadvancedcivilizationinhabiting the planet under study has reached this goal. B. Temperature optimization for given SH and SC Let the surfaces of the heat exchangers S and S H C be at temperatures T and T and let them serve H C as heat exchangers for a heat engine. The task is to find such T and T that the power of the heat en- H C FIG. 1. (a) Projection system for interaction of a Lam- gine is maximized. The procedure is analogousto the bertianradiatorwiththeblackhole. Thearraysrepresent poweroptimizationofirreversibleenginesasfirststud- radiationfromthecoldsurfaceattemperatureTc directed ied by Novikov14 and later independently by Curzon to the black hole. The remaining surface at temperature and Ahlborn15 (for more general considerations see, TH interactsbyradiation(notshown)withthehotsky. (b) e.g., Ref. 16). Our case is different in the tempera- Schemeofthethermodynamicsystem: theplanetcovered with the light concentration systems of the above picture ture dependence of the thermal energy exchange rate accepts highenergy photons(longarrows) from thespace ( T4), and also in having fixed the ratio of the ex- ∝ and sendslow energy photons (short arrows) tothe black changer surfaces S /S . H C hole. ThermalenergyreceivedbyS fromthehotpartof H the sky during a time interval ∆t is Q = σS (T4 1 H 1 − T4)∆t and the waste energy sent to the cold part of H eredwithlightconcentrationsystemsthatprojectthe the sky is Q = σS T4∆t, where σ is the Stefan- 2 C C celestial sphere into its images. We assume the nu- Boltzmann constant, σ 5.68 10−8Wm−2K−4. ≈ × mericalapertureofthesedevicesapproaching1which Their difference can be converted into work W = means that each point of the image is uniformly illu- Q Q provided that Q /Q = T /T . A relation 1 2 1 2 H C − minated from the 2π solid angle by rays coming from between T and T follows from this assumption, H C the object (see Fig. 1). This means that each part of the image can interact as a Lambertian radiatorwith S T4 1/3 thecorrespondingpartofthesky. Inthisway,allrays TC = SH T14 −1 TH, (2) coming from the hot part of the sky are projected to (cid:20) C (cid:18) H (cid:19)(cid:21) onepartofthesurfaceoftheplanetandraysfromthe and the average power P = W/∆t can be expressed cold partto another. Letus denote the areasof these as surfaces S and S with S +S =S. H C H C Ageneraltheoremofrayopticssaysthataquantity P =σS (3) H called etendue for propagating light cannot decrease S 1/3 T4 4/3 (see, e.g., Ref. 12). For a part of a beam propa- T4 T4 H 1 1 T4 . gating in directions within a solid angle δΩ across a ×" 1 − H −(cid:18)SC(cid:19) (cid:18)TH4 − (cid:19) H# surface element δA, the element of etendue is defined as δ =n2cosθδΩδA, where n is the refraction index AssumingthatS , S ,andT arefixed,onecanfind H C 1 E of the medium and θ is the angle between the direc- such T that the power of the engine is maximized. H tionofpropagationandthe normaltoδA. Ifthe light Setting thederivativeequaltozero,dP/dT =0,one H 3 1.0 (see Fig. 2), and the efficiency η of the process ap- 1.0 proach 1 as T / T 0.8 0.8 H 1 η 1 (3q)1/4. (12) ≈ − 0.6 Rather than to a “standard” black hole, this limit T / T 0.6 C 1 η 0.4 corresponds to a distant star illuminating a planet in otherwiseempty universe(the relevancetoa lesscon- 0.4 0.2 ventional black hole situation will be discussed later in Sec. IVB). The results can be applied to estimate 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 q 0.6 0.8 1.0 Earth’s energy income from our Sun. In this case q 5.4 10−6 andT =5778K,whichleadsto work- 1 ≈ × ingtemperaturesT =0.385T 2,200KandT = H 1 C 0 0.0239 T 138 K, yielding the≈efficiency 92 %, and 0 0.2 0.4 q 0.6 0.8 1.0 maximum1 ≈available power P 1.603 1017 W. ≈ × FIG. 2. Efficiency η in dependence on the hot area frac- B. Large heating area tion q for optimized power according to Eq. (9). Inset: temperatures of the hot and cold surfaces in dependence In the opposite limit S S, on solving Eq. (6) on q. H → for 1 q 1 we find − ≪ 33 finds that u 1 (1 q) (13) ≈ − 26 − T =u1/4T , (4) H 1 which leads to SH 1/3 (1 u)1/3 33 TC =(cid:18)SC(cid:19) u−1/12 T1, (5) TH ≈(cid:20)1− 28(1−q)(cid:21)T1, (14) where u solves the equation 3 34 T 1 (1 q) T , (15) 27 C ≈ 4 − 28 − 1 u4 18u2 8u 1=0 (6) (cid:20) (cid:21) q − − − 33 η (1 q). (16) in the interval 0<u<1, and ≈ 28 − S Ω Using these expressions in (8), we find the power of H H q = (7) maximum work generation ≡ S 4π is the “hot” fraction of the sky. The resulting power 33 P σS T4. (17) is then max ≈ 28 C 1 P =ηqσST4, (8) As an illustration, let us assume a planet of the max 1 Earth’ssizeorbitingablackholewhoseangularsizeas where qσST4 is the total power of the incoming radi- 1 seenfromthe planetequalsto the angularsize ofSun ation, and asseenfromEarth. Thisgivesq 1 5.4 10−6and 1/3 4/3 η 5.7 10−7. Thus, S 2,7≈60k−m2, s×o that the q 1 u C η 1 u u − (9) pla≈netw×ouldradiateitswast≈ethermalenergyfroman ≡ − − 1 q u (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) area comparable to Rhode Island. If the background istheefficiencywithwhichtheincomingradiationcan radiationisatroomtemperatureT =300Kasinthe 1 be converted into useful work. 15 million years old universe assumed in Ref. 8, then Even though Eq. (6) as a quartic equation has an T 225K,i.e. about 48◦C. FromEq.(17) we find C ≈ − explicitsolution,wesolveitnumericallyandtheresult that useful work could then be obtained with power is usedtofindthe dependence oftheworkingtemper- P 130GW. This is two orders of magnitude be- max ≈ atures TH, TC and of the efficiency η on the hot-sky lowthepresentworldenergyconsumption,andsixor- fraction q, as shown in Fig. 2. dersofmagnitudebelowthe powerpresentlysupplied to Earth by Sun. The situation goes much worse for today’s two orders of magnitude colder background III. SPECIAL OPERATING REGIMES radiation at T = 2.725K, resulting in eight orders 1 smaller available useful power P 910W. max ≈ A. Small heating area Assuming S S , or q 1, Eq. (6) yields u IV. CIRCULAR MOTION CLOSE TO THE H C 3−3/4q1/4 and the≪temperatur≪es approachzero as ≈ BLACK HOLE T 3−3/16q1/16T , (10) H ≈ 1 Since η increases with decreasing q, to get as much T 31/16q5/16T (11) poweraspossible,weshouldplacetheorbitascloseto C 1 ≈ 4 (a) θ [ ’ ’ ] 30 1.25 1.5 1.0 1.75 20 2.0 0.75 150,000 50,000 10 200,000 100,000 250,000 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 ∆φ[ ’ ’ ] −10 (b) 2.0 3.0 4.0 −20 5.0 1.0 6.0 −30 0.75 FIG.4. Detailoftheshadowboundaryofablackholefor thecaseofFig.3(c)nearθ=0andφ=150◦,where∆φ φ 150◦. The contour lines of constant temperature ar≡e − shown, the number indicating relative temperature shift with respect to the temperature of background radiation measured by a distant observer. The light spot on the (c) upperleft shows theangularsize ofNeptuneas seenfrom the Earth, for comparison (the shape is deformed due to 1.0 4 different scales of θ and ∆φ). 2 0.75 A. Schwarzschild black hole 8 16 We first consider motion along a timelike circu- lar geodesic around a static, spherically symmetric black hole of a mass M and Schwarzschild radius R = 2GM/c2, where G = 6.67 10−11Nm2kg−2 FIG. 3. Mollweide projection of the sky of an observer isSthe gravitational constant and c×= 3 108m/s is orbiting a black hole. The dark area is the shadow of × the speed of light. Stable bound circular orbits of ra- the black hole, the full lines are contour lines of constant temperature,wherethenumberindicatesrelativetemper- dius r exist for r 3RS = 6GM/c2 (see, e.g., Refs. ≥ atureshiftwithrespecttothetemperatureofbackground 17 and 18). In order to obtain the maximum power, radiation measured by a distant observer. The symbols the innermost stable circular orbit at r = 6GM/c2 and indicate the direction to which and from which hasbeenchosen. Theresultingpictureoftheskyisin ⊙ ⊗ the observer is moving, respectively. The dotted lines Fig. 3(a). The shadow of the black hole covers12.2% are parallels of latitude θ = 0, 30◦, 60◦ and meridi- of the sky, i.e., q = 0.878. If the temperature shifts ans of longitude φ = 0, 60◦, 1±20◦. (±a) A nonrotating black hole, orbit at r =±6GM±/c2, (b) a rotating black were disregarded, Eqs. (6), (8), and (9) would yield η 1.39%andP 0.012σST4. ForanEarth-size hole with rotation parameter a=1 1.3 10−14 and or- ≈ max ≈ 1 bit radius r = 2.2GM/c2, (c) a rot−ating×black hole with planetandbackgroundradiationatT1 =2.725K,this a=1 1.3 10−14 and r=1.0000379GM/c2. would be Pmax 19MW. ≈ − × However, fast motion around the black hole makes parts of the sky warmer which brings some advan- tage. As seen in Fig. 3(a), in the direction of motion the black hole as possible. However, things get com- the observer sees the temperature of the sky to be plicatedthere: theobservermovesfastandrelativistic morethantwice aslargecomparedtowhatwouldsee effects become important. The absorbed radiation is an observerat rest, far from the black hole (the max- Doppler-shifted, as well as blue-shifted by falling to imum blue shift being 2.12). Thus, the power avail- the black hole vicinity. The sky then ceases to be able from this part of the sky can be more than 24 isothermal: the radiation comes hotter from the di- timeslargerthanwithouttheblueshift. However,the rectionwherethe observermovesandcolder fromthe hottest part of the sky is relatively small andthe rest rear. To get the precise picture of the sky, advanced ofthe sky is colder. To find the totalavailablepower, numerical computations are necessary which are ex- wehavedividedthe hotskyinto30segmentsofequal plained in Appendix A; the results are in Figs. 3 and temperature-spanintervals. Eachsegmentthenserves 4. Having the temperature map of the sky, one can asaheaterofaseparateheatengine. Sincethepower use segments of the sky with different temperature as of each engine also depends on the cold area used for heaters andapply anotheroptimization to allocate to dumpingitswasteenergy,onehastofindtheoptimum them various parts of the cooling area so as to get allocationofthecoldareatotheindividualenginesto maximum power. obtain a maximum total power. The result of the nu- 5 (a) B. Fast rotating Kerr black hole 0.1 0.2 S/S tot 0.08 0.15 P/P How can we come closer to the black hole so as to tot increasethecoldskyproportion? Wewereinspiredby 0.1 themovieInterstellarwherethecharacterscomeclose 0.06 0.05 to a fast-rotating giant black hole named Gargantua. Rotating black holes havestable circular orbits closer 0 0.04 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 than6GM/c2. ForGargantua,therotationparameter a was extraordinarilylarge, a=1 1.3 10−14, thus − × allowingthecharacterstoenjoyextraordinarilystrong 0.02 relativistic effects close to the black hole.3,4 We have computedthe resultsfortwospecialcasesofthe orbit 0 radius, r = 2.2GM/c2 (Fig. 3(b) and 5(b)) and r = 0.5 1 1.5 2 1.0000379GM/c2 (Fig. 3(c) and 4). The latter case T / T 0 corresponds to the orbit of Miller’s planet where the (b) characters of Interstellar spend three hours while 21 0.25 years pass on their base station which is sufficiently S/S distant from the reach of Gargantua’s gravitational tot 0.2 0.08 time shift. P/P 0.06 tot We can see that the shadow of the black hole be- 0.15 0.04 comes deformed and covers a large part of the ob- server’s sky, including the direction of motion of the 0.02 0.1 planet. Nevertheless,the planet does not fall into the 0 holeasitisdraggedbyitsrotatinggravitationalfield. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.05 Theblueshiftbecomesmuchstronger,althoughinrel- ativelysmallstripsoftheskyjustabovetheshadowof the black hole in the direction of the planet motion. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In the case of r = 2.2GM/c2 the black hole covers T / T 26 % of the sky and the maximum blue shift is 6.90. 0 Uponusingthesameoptimizationprocedureasinthe FIG.5. Emptybars: fractionsofobserver’sskyofdifferent preceding subsection, one finds the maximum attain- temperatures, where the “hot” sky was divided into 30 able power to be Pmax ≈4.2σST14. For an Earth-size segments of equal temperature span. Full bars: fractions planetandbackgroundradiationatT1 =2.725Kthis of observer’s sky used as cold reservoirs for heat engines would be P 6.7 GW, i.e., enough for a small max ≈ of uppertemperatureT. Allbarssum upto1,theempty country. bars sum up to the fraction of the radiating sky and the full bars sum up to the fraction covered by the shadow The case of Miller’s planet with r = of black hole. Inset: fractions of the power of the heat 1.0000379GM/c2 leads to extreme blue shifts, engines with uppertemperature T, the bars sum up to 1. reaching up to 275,000. The black hole covers 40 % (a) Schwarzschild black hole and orbit at r =6GM/c2 as of the sky and most of the radiation energy comes in Fig. 3(a), (b) Kerrblack hole with a=1 1.3 10−14 and orbit at r=2.2GM/c2 as in Fig. 3(b). − × from a very narrow strip of a few arcseconds (see Fig. 4): our numerical results show that 99% of the energy comes from a strip of longitude span 2.3′′ and latitude span 5.8′′. This size is comparable, e.g., to the angular size of the planet Neptune as seen from mericaloptimizationis showninFig.5(a). The white Earth,with angulardiameter 2.2′′. Thus, the good ≈ barsaretheareasofthehotsegmentswhicharegiven news is that Miller’s planet enjoys small heating as the input data. The blackbarsarethe areasofthe area regime (see Sec. IIIA), meaning that most of correspondingcoldsegments obtainedas the result of the incoming radiation energy can be converted into the optimizationprocedure. As canbe seen,the opti- useful work. The badnews for the visiting astronauts mumallocationassumesabsorbingradiationfromthe is that it is too much energy: the incoming flux 14 hottest segments of blueshifts above 1.4. Colder density (power per unit area perpendicular to the partsofthe“hot”skyarenotworthusingashotreser- incoming radiation) is Φ 420 kW/m2, i.e., about ≈ voirs. TheresultingpoweristhenP 0.126σST4, 300 times bigger than the solar constant. This value max ≈ 1 i.e., one order of magnitude larger than the above can be used to find the equilibrium temperature estimate based on disregarding the frequency shifts. of a planet radiating its energy as a black body, For anEarth-sizeplanet andbackgroundradiationat T = 4 Φ/(4σ) 890◦C. Thus, the tidal waves ≈ T = 2.725 K, this would be P 200 MW, i.e., observed on the planet might be, e.g., of melted 1 max ≈ p still rather low for a comfortable life of more than a aluminum. Moreover,the astronautswould be grilled few small towns. by extreme-UV radiation. 6 presentworldenergyconsumption(ignoring,however, the solar power harvested by the ecosystems). As the lastexample we considerthe earlyUniverseback- ground radiation with T 300K and a black hole 1 ≈ with the apparent radius equal to the radius of Sun, i.e., (√27/2)R 6.96 108m. This would lead to S ≈ × P 2.9 1020W, which is three orders of magni- max ≈ × tude above the present solar energy income of Earth. VI. CONCLUSION FIG. 6. Scheme of the Dyson sphere and of its black- hole version. In the original version19 the shell captures radiation emitted by the star inside and radiates waste Fornonrotatingblackholesandthepresenttemper- heat to the space. In the black-hole version, the shell ab- ature of the cosmic microwave background, the avail- sorbsbackgroundradiationcomingfromoutsideandemits able power appears to be rather small for the living waste heat to theblack hole inside. standards of our civilization. One might speculate of the distant future when hydrogen as the nuclear fuel for stars is exhausted and black holes together V. BLACK HOLE DYSON SPHERE with backgroundradiationbecome one ofthe few rel- evant sources of negative entropy. Nevertheless, with Rather than assuming a planet, one could imagine the accelerated expansion of the Universe the back- a spherical shell enclosing the black hole. In 1960, ground radiation becomes colder so that even less Freeman Dyson speculated about possible signatures power would be available. One might also speculate of intelligent extraterrestrial life that would build a of hypothetical Earth-like planets orbiting primordial structure around a star to capture all of its power.19 black holes in the early stages of the Universe filled The waste thermal energy would be emitted as in- with room-temperature background radiation. The frared radiation detectable by our observatories. We availablepowerbudgetbecomesmuchmoregenerous, can turn this idea upside down: the inhabitants of however,onecouldhardlyexpectthatorganismswith the shell collect energy from the background radia- necessaryradiation-focusingequipmentwouldstanda tionandsendthe wastethermalenergyto the central chance to evolve. black hole (see Fig. 6). ThesituationisdifferentforfastrotatingKerrblack To explore the properties of such a scheme, we can holes and planets on close orbits: gravitational and use results of Sec. IIB, however, we assume that the Dopplershiftschangethetemperaturemapofthesky total area is not fixed, but variable — determined by to allow for harvesting much more power. Although the radius of the Dyson sphere R . The sphere col- the highly inspiring idea of the movie Interstellar to D lectsthermalenergyfromtheouterareaS =4πR2 . exploreplanetsorbitingKerrblackholesisappealing, H D With respect to the cold area, the situation is now theconditionsonMiller’splanetofthefilmprovetobe simpler than in Sec. IIA since no light concentra- rather harsh. This could be expected: since the time tors are necessary. The waste energy is radiatedfrom dilatation on the planet is about sixty thousand, the thewholeinnersurfaceandtheemittedphotoneither astronautswouldreceivesignalsfromthedistantout- hits the black hole or is absorbed by another part of side arriving about sixty thousand times faster than the inner surface. Thus, the waste energyis absorbed emitted. Suchafrequencyshiftmustapplyalsotothe by the shadow of the black hole which for a distant cosmicbackground,turningitmuchhotter. Neverthe- observer looks as a sphere of radius (√27/2)R (see less,witha suitably chosenorbitslightlyfarther from S Ref. 20). Therefore, S =108πG2M2/c4. Gargantua,onecanhopetofindtheskyconditionsof C the planet much closer to terrestrial. The available power increases with increasing the Dyson sphere radius, but up to a limit given by the fixed area of the heat sink. To calculate the limiting power, we assume R R and apply the results Appendix A: Construction of the sky temperature D S of Subsection IIIB with≫S /S 1. In this case map for an observer orbiting Kerr black hole C H ≪ the limiting power follows from Eq. (17) as P max 0.1055Pref, where Pref = σSCT14 is the power of th≈e Here we describe the computation of the temper- background radiation that would be absorbed by the ature map of the observer’s local sky. The relevant black hole if there were no Dyson sphere. quantity is the relativistic frequency-ratio factor g of As an illustration, we first assume a black hole raybundlescomingfromdistantuniverseandforming with the mass of Sun M = 2 1030 kg and tem- multiple relativistic images on the observer’s celestial × perature of the background radiation T = 2.725K: sphere.21 The frequency ratio between the locally ob- 1 the limiting power is P 250W. A supermas- served and emitted frequencies of such ray bundles max ≈ sive black hole of the size of 4 106 solar masses g = ν /ν = phti/p also corresponds to the ratio obs ∞ t ∼ × (e.g., the one in the center of our Galaxy) could give of the locally measured and emitted energies (time- us P 4 1015W, i.e., about 200 times our components of photon four-momentum). Here and max ∼ × 7 hereafter, the angle brackets in the index denote the One can obtain the coordinate covariant components local frame of the observer on the Keplerian orbit. of the four-momentum and related constants of mo- The source intensity divided by the third power of tion (A4) by transforming the local components of the frequency is conserved as a Lorentz invariant.22 p , using appropriate frame tetrads of one-form by hµi Moreover,Planck’slawdescribestheblackbodyradi- the relation ation as having a spectral intensity in frequency pro- portional to ν3/(ehν/kT 1), where T is the source pµ =ωµhαiphαi. (A6) − temperature, ν the frequency, h the Planck constant Then the frequency-ratio factor g(λ,q) can be ex- andkistheBoltzmannconstant. Therefore,theblack pressed as a function of constants of motion corre- bodyspectrumofthebackgroundradiationwillbelo- sponding to the projection position on the observer’s cally observed as a black body spectrum with a tem- sky as peraturemultipliedbythefactorg relatedtoapartic- ular ray bundle. Naturally, the bolometric intensity 1 amplification of raybundles coming from distant uni- g(λ,q)= . (A7) −p (λ,q) verse is given by the fourth power of g. t Usingthe( +++)signatureandgeometricalunits The local tetrad of one-forms related to the ob- − (c=G=M =1), the line element of the Kerr space- serveronthecorotatingKeplerianorbitaroundaKerr timeinBoyer-Lindquistcoordinatesparameterizedby black hole can be obtained by the Lorentz boost of specific angular momentum (spin) a reads ZAMO (zero angular momentum observers, locally non-rotatingobservers)24,26tetrad,whichintheequa- 2r 4ra Σ ds2 = 1 dt2 sin2θdtdϕ+ dr2+ torial plane (θ =π/2) takes the form27 − − Σ − Σ ∆ (cid:18) (cid:19) 2ra2sin2θ ∆Σ +Σdθ2+ r2+a2+ sin2θdϕ2, (A1) ω(t) = ,0,0,0 , Σ A (cid:18) (cid:19) (r ) whereΣ r2+a2cos2θand∆ r2 2r+a2. Compo- ω(r) = 0, Σ/∆,0,0 , ≡ ≡ − nents of the four-momentum of a photon in the Kerr (A8) spacetime are given by ω(θ) =n0,0p,√Σ,0 , o pr =r˙ =srΣ−1 Rλ,q(r), (A2) ω(ϕ) =n 2ar ,0o,0, A , pθ =θ˙ =s Σ−1qΘ (θ), (−√AΣ rΣ) θ λ,q pφ =φ˙ =Σ−1∆q−1 2ar+λ Σ2 2r cosec2θ , whereA (r2+a2)2 a2∆. Thevelocityβ ofcorotat- − ingKeple≡rianobserve−rswithrespecttothe equatorial pt =t˙=Σ−1∆−1 (cid:2)Σ2−2ar(cid:0)λ , (cid:1) (cid:3) ZAMO frame can be written as27 where the dotted q(cid:0)uantities d(cid:1)enote differentiation r2+a2 2a√r with respect to some affine parameter, and the sign β = − . (A9) pair s ,s describes the orientation of radial and lat- √∆(r3/2+a) r θ itudinal evolution, respectively.23–25 Radial and lati- The tetrad (A8) straightforwardly transformed into tudinal effective potentials read as the frame of corotating Keplerian observer reads R (r)= r2+a2 aλ 2 ∆ q+(λ a)2 , λ,q − − − ωhti =γ ω(t) βω(ϕ),0,0, βω(ϕ) , Θ (θ)=(cid:0)q+a2cos2θ (cid:1)λ2cot2hθ. i(A3) t − t − ϕ λ,q − ωhri =ω(nr), ωhθi =ω(θ), o (A10) Here, λ and q are constants of motion related to the covariant components of the photon four-momentum ωhϕi =γ ω(ϕ) βω(t),0,0,ω(ϕ) , t − t ϕ (A6) by the relations n o pφ where γ (1 β2)−1/2. λ= , ≡ − −p For such an observer located in the close vicinity t 2 (A4) of the event horizon, the factor g varies depending p q = θ +(λtan(π/2 θ))2 a2cos2θ. on angular coordinates in the local sky, as a result of p − − (cid:18) t(cid:19) interplay between extreme gravitational lensing and In the local reference frame related to an arbitrary optical effects of special relativity caused by the or- observer, the azimuthal and latitudinal components bital motion of the Keplerian frame. In principle, p , p of the photon four-momentum fully deter- applying the relations discussed above, it is possible hϕi hθi mine a projection of the corresponding ray onto the to construct the so-called critical loci curve, which local sky. Assuming the photon energy is normalized forms a boundary between a projection of a distant toone,theremainingcomponentsofp canbewrit- universe and a shadow of the black hole in the lo- hµi ten as follows: cal sky.28,29 To avoid significant analytical difficulties associated with such an approach, we used our rela- phti =−1, phri = 1−p2hθi−p2hϕi. (A5) tivistic ray-tracing code LSDplus, which performs a q 8 time-reverse direct numerical integrationof the equa- tion(seeFigs3,4). 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