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Life transforms living transforms life sigrid loch Nordic Journal of Architectural research volume 19, No 3, 2006, 12 pages Nordic Association for Architectural research sigrid loch, Architect, research and teaching assistant, doctoral candidate, university stuttgart, faculty of Architecture and urban Planning, institute Housing and design TOPIC: TIME-BASED DWELLING Abstract: Key words: life transforms living transforms life. “determined indeterminateness”, flexibility, Adaptability, social current innovative housing projects refect, in a certain way, the change, individualization, diversifcation, orientation, identifcation strong interdependence between types of dwelling and the way people live. in transition toward an information society, the general conditions of living have decisively changed. social and economic change, altering time structures and increasing fexibility at work have contributed to more heterogeneity, uncertainty and dynamic in professional and private life, resulting in heterogeneous and transi- tional living standards. Today, the key impulse behind the new housing concepts evolves rather from these social processes than from technical innovations. flexible and adaptable types of housing play a dominant role in the built solutions. These concepts of housing offer a multitude of co- existing options „as well as“ replacing the predetermined mutually exclusive alternatives „either/or“ industrial society used to provide. but the projects also show new ways of connecting factors of in- determinateness with factors of determinateness: in the important relationship between humans and their environment, anchorage is provided through orientation and foundation in housing. Intro architect Richard Dietrich) that was actually implemented. Te subject of dwelling is time-based as living needs change It was the only “framework of life” – as the numerous uto- 1 over time. In the wake of transition to an information soci- pian fexible urban structures of that time were later called . ety, the growing dynamics in living and working conditions (Picture 1) Te design was based on industrially prefabri- intensify and accelerate this process of change in housing. cated modules that added up to an urban structure, where In this context, fexibility concepts that open up individual options of use and cater to the growing diversity of user demands, gain in importance. Housing fexibility in the 0th century During the 20th century, fexibility concepts have been a periodically recurring infuence for the production of hous- ing in Europe. Tus, a wealth of experience is available to- day. Essential fexibility concepts had already been devel- oped by the avant-garde of Classical Modernism. Tey were economically motivated and tried to apply the dynamic principle to housing. Te idea of fexibility served primar- ily as a means to “liberate living” from outdated patterns of the bourgeois tradition. Yet, the avant-garde ideas about “individual development within the private sphere” only Picture 1. bauen + wohnen internationale Zeitschrift. issue 5/ 1973, p. 188- 198. played a marginal role in the “mainstream” housing pro- duction of European industrial societies. Based on the ideas of the housing reformers of the Weimar Republic, housing each type of module was regarded sufcient for every kind for the masses became more and more associated with stan- of urban function. During this period, subjective user de- dardized family housing and foor plan patterns that strictly mands and aspects of appropriation through architectural predetermined the specifc function of each room. expression, were often neglected. Te idea of fexibility was particularly contradictory to Tis is also true of many buildings that resulted from the political goals of homogeneity and stability, since living prominent German architectural competitions of the was seen as a dynamic process and, above all, aimed at open- 1970s, such as “Elementa 72”, “Flexible Wohngrundrisse” ing up options for deviant and individual practice. Tus, and “Integra”. In 1977, Guenter Behnisch accordingly criti- not only were fexibility concepts not refected in postin- cized the nondescript architectural appearance of many dustrial society’s ideal patterns of housing and lifestyle, but fexibility projects of the 1970s: they also contradicted the social ideals of an aspiring work- ing and middle class until the 1960s. It is remarkable that, at a point in time when all the talk in Only as the postwar housing shortage had slowly de- building is about fexibility and variability, the architectural ex- creased in the 1960s and brought forward a growing criti- pression is predominantly rigid. (…) Annoying design features cism towards the one-dimensional utilitarianism was the are uniformity, ruthlessness, lack of imagination and individu- idea of fexibility as a counter- concept to predetermined ality, immoderateness, caginess (…) Delightful are: individual- 2 housing rediscovered and reinterpreted in various ways. ism, sense of proportion, vitality, openness, smallness. Among a wide variety of conceptual approaches to fex- ibility, most of the projects that were actually built during In addition to occurring technical and market-related dif- the 1960s and 70s focused on innovations in structural de- fculties, the lack of complexity in the design concepts and sign and on testing new types of production. Tis emphasis the neglect of aesthetic dimensions fnally led to severe criti- also becomes visible in the project mega city Wulfen (1974, cism. Te demolition of metacity Wulfen in 1988 became a Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2006: 3 symbol for the failure of technocratic fexibility approaches Individualization and diversifcation of the 1960s and 70s in Germany. After initial euphoria 4 Te theorists of refexive Modernism directly link the cul- about the future perspectives of adaptable housing projects, tural turmoil of the 1960s, and with this the weakened impor- users and planners had become noticeably disillusioned by tance of the categories of class, family and gender, to society’s the middle of the 1970s. strive for individualization and diversifcation, processes that paved the way toward diversifcation in living arrangements New user demands in housing and lifestyles. Te discontinuity in the course of people’s lives After a period of latency, the role of fexibility within innova- forms part of these developments. Nowadays, the course of tive housing concepts has regained importance since the end life no longer follow a predictable line of development but are of the 1980s. In contrast to the concepts of the 60s and 70s, merely “patchworks” of diferent phases of education, em- the new models are strongly interrelated with the social, cul- ployment, parental leave and domestic work, directly afecting tural and economic changes in postindustrial society. Grow- housing and living needs. In addition, various research show ing prosperity, individualization and distinction of lifestyles that residents develop a growing desire for appropriation of due to the change in values, modifed household and popula- space, self-representation and identifcation. Te signifcance tion structures as well as the changing world of employment, of housing then shifts from the realm of satisfying needs to have all contributed to a qualitative shift in housing require- 5 an area for individual self-actualization. Furthermore, these ments. Te trend is moving away from the conformity in developments are associated with processes of “de-sensualiza- housing and living patterns of an industrial society towards tion of work and everyday life”. Tis means that, to a large greater heterogeneity and instability in living arrangements. extent, future spheres of living will have to compensate for the anonymity and the lack of public interaction in the world Te role model of social life, that determined how to live 6 of employment. According to research results, providing op- one’s own life according to the preset specifcations of tradi- tions for identity formation, distinction and individual ap- 3 tional blueprints, is becoming obsolete. propriation will become more relevant in the private sphere. Hence, new specifc demands for adaptability in housing is developing within a broader class of the population, con- New household arrangements siderably broadening the range of already known adapt- Te self-contained living pattern of nuclear families that ability motives (family cycle, economy, participation). Four served as the housing ideal of modern industrial societies main aspects of social change seem to particularly stimu- is gradually losing importance. Household and living ar- late the evolution of new fexibility demands in housing. rangements are fundamentally changing and diversifying. (Picture 2) In addition, family households, singles, DINKS, single- parents and apartment shares play a major role. (Picture 3) Today, households are also subject to accelerated internal change that is refected in the high divorce rates (36 % in Germany as of today). It directly infuences the sphere of living. Moreover, household members live alongside each other rather than with each other in many cases: Far more families are falling apart than the growing number of single households shown in the statistics. Tey even fall apart although their organizational form is still intact. Te families of today are predominantly alliances of single dwell- ers. As soon as children learn how life functions today, they 7 Picture 2. Author. start to become their own focus of living. sigrid loch: life transforms living transforms life ment by making buildings handi- capped accessible (DIN 18025) or of providing more care. Te majority of people older than 65 years – more than 93% – still lives in their own “normal” 8 apartment and wants to remain there. But most of these apartments may not be adequately adaptable to changes in household size or composition (family cycle, need for care, death of spouse). Te consequences are fnancial bur- dens and difculties in providing maintenance and care. Flexibility con- cepts for dividable apartments seem reasonable here. Another characteris- tic change when people become older is that the apartment becomes more important for the individual, particu- larly if health problems limit the scope of activity. Similar to extended inter- vals of unemployment, life for many older people narrows down to living. Multifunctional and alterable spatial confgurations may help inhabitants to become more active and to avoid passive patterns of behavior. Apart from functional improvements, fex- ibility widens the resident’s imaginary living space and thus can counterwork the feeling of being trapped that often accompanies physical impairment in old age. Picture 3. Author. source: statistisches bundesamt, mikrozensus 2002. Changing world of employment In the context of globalization of na- Demographic change tional economies, Germany and Eu- Because of the predicted demographic development with a rope is transforming into information and services societies growing proportion of older people, providing housing for with far-reaching consequences for private and public life. the elderly will become an important sector in housing. Due (Picture 4) Existing labor conditions with predominantly to varying experiences and ways of life as well as demands, full-time work prevalent in industrial society are being re- future housing for older people will require multifarious so- placed by new job profles and modifed forms of employ- phisticated approaches. Tus, the specifc demands in plan- ment. Te introduction of “fexibility” to the labor market ning for older people can not easily be grasped and appear is characterized by the departure from “standard employ- to extend beyond the political goals of functional improve- ment conditions” as well as “standard working hours”. Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2006: 3 known space that life narrows down to. Te entire range of personal demands of life have to be met within this space – the apartment becomes a prison for 11 living expectations. In this context, new concepts of hous- ing fexibility emerge. Particularly in phases of involuntary (partial) un- employment, apartments that can be subdivided into smaller units (cost reduction) can be crucial to prevent social isolation. But also new forms of working at home, such as long-distance learning, moonlighting, sporadic free- Picture 4. Author. source: dostal, werner: von der industriegesellschaft zur informationsgesellschaft. in: lancing and a growing – cost-related schader-stiftung (ed.): wohnwandel. darmstadt 2001, p. 24. – demand for home care call for new adaptable spatial solutions. Furthermore, the increasing im- portance of home-telecommut- ing and phases of life-long-learning connect the private and profes- sional sphere through new forms of spatiotemporal overlapping. Picture 5 Author. source: empirica: sibis 2002. In Germany, 16.6 % of all employees telecommuted in 2002, putting Germany in the up- Te development of the labor market is becoming more per intermediate position in the rankings within the divided into seminal lines of business on the one hand and 12 EU. (Picture 5) Information and communication technology leading to a simultaneous reduction of jobs in industry and (ICT) can meanwhile be considered as mass technology that manufacturing on the other hand. Even though national 13 is taken for granted within private living spaces. Adaptable productivity is increasing, less employees directly account structures are needed that respond to these new conditions and for it. It is estimated that in 21st century Germany, it would allow for combination and alternation of working and living. be possible to maintain today’s national standard of eco- nomic productivity with only twenty per cent of the cur- rent work force.9 New fexibility concepts New conditions for living and housing arise due to the In this brief delineation of essential development tenden- growth in unemployment (5 million or 12.1 % as of January cies, the wide variety and enormous potential for change 2005) and an increase in the proportion of part-time jobs in housing and living becomes visible. Te new conditions 10 (14 % in 1991 to 23 % in 2004) – the amount of free time and user demands are a challenge for today’s planning and that individuals have at their disposal augments. extend the options for individual practices. Due to the individual values of users, an increasing de- Being unemployed means that life involuntarily consists sire for personal infuence and identifcation within the liv- of living. Te living space – hitherto a container flled with ing sphere becomes evident. Contrary to the period of the projections – suddenly appears as the confned, overly well- 1960s and 70s, the present fexibility approaches acknowl- sigrid loch: life transforms living transforms life edge these tendencies of individualization by following de- Koelner Brett, b&k+ (Brandlhuber & Kniess), Cologne, sign approaches that focus on creating identity but also by Germany, carefully and precisely profling the user’s needs. In contrast Whereas during the 1960s and 70s Aldo Rossi theoretically to the idea of structural fexibility in the 1960s with its neu- argued that in the long run specifc-use typologies are still tral frameworks or modules that provided an all-purpose open for various uses – a monastery for example can later structure for all kinds of uses, the new concepts focus on accommodate a school or a hotel – the notion of “hybrid customization. Spatial openness and indeterminateness are typology” is vastly diferent, as could be seen in the more combined with distinct profling of specifc functional and recent projects. For instance, instead of converting ofce subjective user demands. space into housing, living may look like working and work- In the following, some examples of recent fexibility ing may even assume the character of living. projects from German-speaking countries will be intro- Analogies to this point of view can be found in the duced. Even though the conceptual approaches difer, pre- multifunctional loft building “Koelner Brett“ in Co- dominant tendencies in the development of fexible hous- logne planned by b&k+ architekten in 1999. (Picture 6, 7) ing become visible. Yet, the fexibility strategies applied here are in no case totally new. Te projects show further developments and reinterpretations of fexibility concepts, most of which hav- ing already been developed during the Classical Modern- ism. Te projects presented may be classifed by the follow- ing scheme of methods of adaptability: 1. Internal adaptation 1.1 interpretable and subdividable loft space Picture 6. brayer, marie-Ange; simonot, béatrice: Archilab’s futurehouse. (Koelner Brett, Estradenhaeuser, Sargfabrik) london 2002, p. 80. 1.2 neutral-use spaces (Hellmutstrasse, Vogelbach, projects of H. Wimmer) Te heterogeneous surroundings, a former commercial area 1.3 modifable interior walls in the district of Ehrenfeld, provided room for experimen- (Ingolstadt) tation. Twelve nested housing 1.4 movable screens / partition wall and working units can be ac- (projects of Helmut Wimmer, Estradenhaeuser) cessed directly on the ground 1.5 mobile fttings and multifunctional furniture foor and via two access bal- (Estradenhaus Nr. 55) conies on the upper foors. 1.6 multifunctional threshold spaces Te units are multifunctional (Estradenhaeuser, Vogelbach) and may accommodate liv- ing, working and recreational 2. External adaptation uses in various combinations. Te two-storey units have 2.1 combining and separating horizontal and vertical been pre-equipped for the in- (Hellmutstrasse) tegration of a gallery. Living 2.2 adjustable foor plan size and extension and working may take place 2.3 individual completion of the interior Picture 7. AiT, 7/8 2002, p.97. on two diferent levels, either Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2006: 3 separated or overlapping. Te interior was only partially Estradenhaeuser Chorinerstrasse, Wolfram Popp, Berlin, completed in order to leave room for individual preferences Gemany und 00 of residents but also to save costs. Tis concept aimed at ap- All of these aspects can also be found in the two one-room plying quality features of old lofts on a new building. units that architect Wolfram Popp built in Berlin in 1998 In addition to the idea of hybrid typology, the hous- and 2002 (Chorinerstrasse 55 and 56). (Picture 9, 10, 11, ing units also refect the idea of the “Einraumwohnung” 12) Unlike the Koelner Brett, the two residential buildings (studio). Tis housing concept has archaic roots, but its di- mensions of freedom and openness have been rediscovered 16 during Modernism. Apart from the aesthetic and spatial aspects (“Raumplan”), the Einraumwohnung served as testing ground for compact overlapping of uses. It has to be stressed that the Einraumwohnung concept was thor- oughly conceived for singles, a new modernist type of city dweller. In this spirit, Grete Schuette-Lihotzky developed a 27 square meter autonomous “housing unit for working women” that was presented during the Munich exhibition “Heim und Technik” in 1928. (Picture 8) Te housing unit is walled by a layer of secondary functions that may alter- nately “invade” the center. During Modernism, the Ein- raumwohnung concept emphasized three main aspects: aesthetic, functional (overlap of uses), and social (small household sizes) considerations. Picture 9. household sizes. But even though the proportion of small a complete departure from predetermining housing design households is growing (about 70% single/two-persons based on furniture footprints and movement patterns. households as of today), the demand for small apartments is not necessarily boosting as Wohnbebauung Vogelbach, Michael Alder, Riehen, well.17 Likewise, the project Switzerland, does not aim for minimization Te design of an “architecture of usage” is not confned to à la Grete Schuette-Lihotzky small households, as the three following examples from as the units with 79 and 108 other German-speaking countries will demonstrate: square meters are rather spa- In order to increase fexibility, Michael Alder also intro- cious (in house number 56). duced a threshold space into the collaboratively initiated Nevertheless, the concept of housing concept “Wohnbebauung Vogelbach” of 1992. Picture 11. stefan meyer fexibility is based on the same (Picture 13) Alder’s typological notion seems akin to Aldo Architekturfotografe. c/o siebzehn 04, brunnenstr. 181, 10119 berlin, principle: a linear zone of sec- Rossi’s concept of multifunctional adaptable typologies. sists of a sequence of several neutral-use rooms along an ex- rangements and individual demands of household mem- ceptionally capacious threshold space that also functions as bers, whether during the course of the day or for long-term a hall. Due to its robustness, this building type principally modifcations. Furthermore, a lot of Wimmer’s projects al- qualifes in accommodating many diferent uses, ranging low for individual adaptation of the façade, such as the 1996 from family housing to apartment share, or ofce use to project Grieshofgasse 12 in Vienna-Meidling. medical practice, as well as for various combinations. Yet, most of the units of the co-operative housing project are Flexibility – namely permanent, useful fexibility – to us is a occupied by families today. Te multifunctional hub space question of equivalence of rooms (in the sense of multifari- is variably used for working, playing and living. ous ”connectivity”) and a question of “wall” construction (in 19 the sense of easy changeability). Subsidized housing projects, Helmut Wimmer, Vienna, Austria Te fexibility concept of the diferent projects leads back to Whereas Michael Alder’s design foresees neutral-use but the same, extreme, underlying principle. Te spatial setting spatially defned “permanent” structures, Helmut Wim- may be modifed by room-high movable screens; complete mer clearly chose a diferent strategy for fexibility and opening or partitioning of individual rooms is possible. Ser- short-term adaptability in his subsidized housing project vice units form the fxed elements of the foor plan. In con- Donaufelderstrasse Vienna, 1998 (Picture 14). Almost 1000 trast to Alder’s clear and stable spatial composition, these housing units have already been constructed. Tey contain confgurations resulting from the mutability of the basic fexible partitions that respond to various household ar- element have an extraordinarily dynamic appearance. One may criticize the limited usability of the project’s individual zones: Extensive spaces have to be kept free of furniture, otherwise the fexible elements can not be altered. Hellmutstrasse, ADP, Zurich, Switzerland, Whereas these two projects implement the concept of fex- ibility within the limit of foor plan borders, younger inno- vations focus on adjustable foor plan sizes. A sophisticated solution is the 1991 combination concept by the Architek- ten ADP for the Hellmutstrasse in Zurich. (Picture 15) Tis adaptability model promotes, above all, external changes in apartment size by the alteration of apartment foor plans within the building. Te sizes of the neutral- use housing units may be modifed through bi-directional combination and partition of spaces. Tus, the structure allows for adaptation to the dynamic changes of household arrangements. However, this type of system only works well to a limited extent, since the change of one apartment has to correspond – conversely - to the neighbor’s demand. Ac- cording to the architects, this problem can be mitigated by a close exchange of information within the housing coopera- tion, so that, for example, apartment exchange within the Picture 14. dworschak, gunda; wenke, Alfred: Architektur verrueckt. berlin 20 2002, p.185. block could be organized. sigrid loch: life transforms living transforms life tures. Difering spatial pro- portions, varying ceiling heights from 2.26 to 3.12 meters, and gradual levels of openness and privacy in relation to the southward access balcony all provide spatial structure, yet leave room for individual inter- pretation. Te concept of movement was introduced into the architectural de- sign and replaces traditional space-shaping factors. Te spatial confguration is based on a choreographic diagram rather than on a static defnition of path and space – a housing sculpture that stimulates activities and events. Its sculptural character evokes Claude Parent’s search for “vitaliza- tion of spaces”, which he Picture 15. university stuttgart, institute Housing and design, student’s work. saw created by the principle of slopes. Miss Sargfabrik, BKK , Vienna, Austria, 000 Likewise, the integrative Slopes make a path an adventure trail. Architecture becomes housing project Miss Sarg- the supporting ground for movement; movement is liber- fabrik by BKK 3 Architek- ated from following fxed tracks; the choice of way is open. ten (Vienna, 2000) was col- It is not a matter of channeling, but of distribution; not a 21 laboratively initiated and matter of control, but of taking space. (Picture 18) implemented (responsible Picture 16. bkk 3 Architektur body: Verein fuer integrative ZT-gmbH Lebensgestaltung, Vienna). It comprises 39 housing units with 50 to 60 square meters and ofers a variety of high quality community spaces. (Picture 16, 17) Even though the hous- ing units are rather small, they have been detailed as Picture 17. ibidem neutral-use, habitable sculp- Picture 18. werk, bauen+wohnen, issue 11/ 2002, p.19. Nordisk Arkitekturforskning 2006: 3

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