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Preview Life of An Anarchist - The Alexander Berkman Reader.pdf - Libcom.org

LIFEO F AN ANARCHIST ALEXANDER BERKMAN At the time of the Homestead Strike LIFEO F AN ANARCHIST TheA lexandBeerr kmaRne ader EditebdyG eneF ellner ForewobrydH owarZdi nn SEVENS TORIESP RESS NEW YORK LONDON TORONTO MELBOURNE Copyrig©h 1t9 92,20b0y5S eveSnt oriPerse ss Noteasn di ntroduc©t i1o9n9s2b yG eneL .F ellner Forewo©r d2 004b yH owardZ inn Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducsetdo,r ienda retriesvyaslt eomr,t rans­ mitteidna nyf ormb,y a nym eansi,n cludmiencgh anicealle,c trpihco,t ocopyriencgo,r dionrg otherwiwsiet,h otuhtep rior wrpietrtmeins soifto hn ep ublisher. Thec overosfT he Blast fromJ anuarISy, Februa1r2y,a ndJ ul1y5 ,1 916,, mdJ anua1r5ya nd March1 5,1 917t,h aatp peairnP arTtw op rintheedr ceo urteosfTy a mimenItn stitLiubtrea Nreyw, YorkU niversity. SeveSnt oriPerse ss 140W attSst reet New YorkN Y 10013 \vwv\, .sevenstories.com InC anada PublishGerrosu pC anada 250AC arltSotnr eet TorontOon,t arMi5oA 211 Int heU .K. Turnaround PuShelrivsihLceterds U. n, i3t OlympiTar adiEnsgt atCeo,b urRgo ad WoodG reenL,o ndoNn2 26 TZ InA ustralia PalgraMvaec millan 627C hapeSlt reet SomhY arraVI,C 3141 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data BerkmaAnl,e xand"I eR7r0,-1 Q36. Lifoefa na narch:it shteA lexandBeerr kmarne adIe erd itbeydG eneF ell;nf eorrewobrydH oward Zinn.1-s-tS eveSnt oriPerse sesd . p.cm. Originaplulbyl ishNeedw:Y orkF:o uWra llEsi ghWti ndows1,9 92. Includbeisb liograrpehfiecraeln ces. ISNB 1-58322-6I6I2S-B1N-1937 8-1-58322-(6p6b2k-:a.9 l kp.a per) 1. BerkmaAnl,e xand1e8r7,0 -19326.. A narchists--SUtnaitteesd- -Bio3g.r Aanpahryc.h ism-­ UniteSdt ates--History4-.-A Snoaurrccheis5s..m G.o ldmanE,m ma,1 869-19460.A. n archists-­ Corresponde1.n Fceel.l nGeern,e I.I Z.i nnH,o ward1,9 22I-IIT.i tle. HX843.7.B472A0304 335'. 8'30 92--dc22 2004027825 9 8 7 65 4 32 1 Collepgreo fessmoaryos r deerx aminatcioopni oefsS eveSnt oriPerse stsi tflreesfe o ars ix-motnrtiha l perioTdo.o rdevri,s wiwtw .sevenstories.coomlrtf eaxxot nbs ocobko,lo elt tertoh e(a2d1 22)2 6-1411. Book Desbiyg nM arMtoisn kof PrintienCd a nada "Afso mry f am(eG ohde lups a!) nydo ur inIwf oaumlebd,ew illing toe xchaang goeo dde aolfm infeo arb iotfy ourIsti. sn ohta rd to write ownhfeae tea lsts r uIttih s.d amnheda rtdol iivte. " Eugene O'Neill to Alexander Berkman Janua29r, y19 27 Contents Forewobryd H owardZ inn Xl Introducbtyi Goenn eF ellner XU1 PARTO NE:1 892-1906 PrisoMne moiorfsa nA narchainsdTt w oL etters Secti1o:Pn risMoenm oiorfas nA narchist 3 FromP arOtn eT:h eA wakenianngdI tTso ll 5 Chapt1e:rT heC alolf H omestead 5 Chapt2e:rT heS eaotfW ar 9 Chapt4e:rT heA ttentat 11 Chapt6e:rT heJ ail 13 Chapt7e:rT heT rial 32 FromP arTtw o:T heP enitentiary 35 Chapt5e:rT heS hop 35 Chapt7e:rW ingie 39 Chapt1e6r:T heW ardenT'hsr eat 44 Chapt1er7: T he" BaskeCte"l l 50 Chapt2e5r: H ow ShatlhleD epthCsr y? 51 Chapter 26: HEivdiidnegn cteh e 56 Chapt2e7r: L oveD'usn geoFnl ower 60 Chapt2e8r: F orS afety 66 Chapt2e9r: D reamosf F reedom 67 Chapter 30: WhiAtgeawians hed 70 Chapt3e6r:T heU nderground 73 Chapt4e1r: T heS hocaktB uffalo 77 Chapt4e3r: " PassitnhgeL ovoef W oman" 82 FromP arFto urT:h eR esurrection 89 Secti2o: Tnw o Letters 105 EmmaG oldmatnoA lexandBeerr kman. 107 November 23, 1928 AlexandBeerr kmatnoE mmaG oldman. 109 November 1928 Vlll The Berkman Reader PARTTW O: Agitaitnit nhgUe n itSetda t1e9s0,6 -1919 TheB laasntd t hNeo C onscriLpetaigoune Secti1o: nT hBel ast 113 Vol1. N o.1,J anua1r5y1, 9 16C,o ver 114 Vol1. N o.1,J anua1r5y,1 916",W hyT heB las"t ? 116 Vol1. N o.1,J anua1r5y1, 9 16",P repare"d ness 117 byR . E.B ell Vol1. N o.1,J anua1r5y1, 9 16",N otG uil"t y 118 byM argarHe.t S anger Vol1. No.F5e,b rua1r2y,1 916C,o ver 119 Vol1. N o.6,F ebrua1r9y,1 916",T heY oungF olk"s 120 Vol1. N o.7,F ebrua2r6y,1 916",W ilsTohne L ackey 122 ofC arrzaan" Vol1. N o.9,March1 5,1 916",V ilolraW ilson-Which 123 IsT heB andi"t ? Vol1. N o.1 0A,p ri1l,1 916",A G rouTph atD oesT hin"g s 125 byR ebR aney Vol1.N o.1 1,A pri1l5 ,1 916",T heB loodhou"n ds 127 Vol1. N o.1 5,J ul1y,1 916",M oreS upprieos"ns 129 Vol1. N o.1 6,J ul1y5 ,1 916C,o ver 131 Vo.l1 No.1 7,A ugus8t,1 916, "AnI nspirEixnagm p"l e 132 "TheH opeo ft heL ongsheomren" 132 Vul1. N u. 18,A ugust 15,1 916",D own With 133 TheA narcth"!i s Vol1. N o.1 9,S eptember 15",T h1eB9 i1l6l,iT nrgis"a l 136 Vol1. N o. 20, October 15, 1916, "The BilliVnegrsid c"t 139 Vol1. N o.2 4,J anua1r,y1 917",T heD ayligBhutr gl"a ry 142 Vol2. N o.1,J anua1r5y1, 917C,o ver 143 Vol2. N o.4,M ay1 ,1 917",M arcahn dM ay" 144 byA lexandBeerr kman Vol2. N o.3,M arch1 5, 1917, Cover 145 Vol2. N o.5 ,Jun1e, 1 917, "ToT heY outOhf A mercia"b yA lexandBeerr kman 146 "Registr"ab tyiA olnexandBeerr kman 147 "WarD ictiroy"nb ayA lexandBeerr kman 148 Secti2o: Tnh eN o ConscripLteiaognu e 149 No Conscription! 151 Minutteost heJ un4e, 1 917m,e etionfgt heN o Conscription 152 LeaguaetH untPso inPta laicneN ew YorkC ity Contents IX PART THREE:I na ndA boutR ussi1a9:1 9-1922 TheB olsheMvyitkh T�h eK ronstRaedbte llion TheR ussiTarna geadnyd a L ettefrr oEmx ile Section 1:T heB olsheMvyitkh 161 From Chapter 1: Log of the Transport "Buford" 163 Chapter 3: In Petrograd 165 Chapter 7: The Market 171 Chapter 8: In the Moskkommune 174 Chapter 13: Lenin 176 From Chapter 14: On the Latvian Border 178 From Chapter 22: First Days in Kharkov 181 Chapter 28: Fastov the Pogromed 185 From Chapter 30: In Various Walks 191 From Chapter 32: Odessa: Life and Vision 195 Chapter 38: Kronstadt 198 Chapter 39: Last Links in the Chain 205 Section 2: TheK ronstRaedbte llainod nT heR ussiTarna gedy 215 From The Kronstadt Rebellion 217 The Russian Tragedy 231 Section 3:A Letter from Exile 247 Alexander Berkman to Michael Cohn, June 6, 1930 248 PART FOUR:F romE xil1e9:2 8-1935 FourL ettearnsdT heAB C ofA narchism Section 1:Fo ur Letters 253 Alexander Berkman to Emma Goldman. June 251,9 28 254 Emma Goldman to Alexander Berkman. June 291,9 28 255 Emma Goldman to Alexander Berkman. July 3,1 928 258 Alexander Berkman to Pauline Turkel. March 211,935 260 Section 2: TheAB C ofA narchism 263 Cha pter 1: Introduction 267 Chapter 2: Is Anarchism Violence? 268 Chapter 3: What is Anarchism? 273 Chapter 4: Is Anarchy Possible? 275 Chapter 5: Will Communist Anarchism Work? 280

mitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electric, photocopying, recording or Chapter 1: The Call of Homestead Minutes to the June 4, 1917, meeting of the No Conscription .. sunshine from his life, degrades him lower than the beasts, and between the mill their faces grimy, ey
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