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Life is Beautiful, But Not for Jews: Another View of the Film by Benigni (Scarecrow Filmmakers Series) PDF

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Preview Life is Beautiful, But Not for Jews: Another View of the Film by Benigni (Scarecrow Filmmakers Series)

Life Is Beautiful, but Not for Jews FILMMAKERS SERIES edited by ANTHONY SLIDE 1. /urrres Wlrale,by James Curtis. 1982 2. Ciricrrra Stylists, by John Belton. 1983 3. Hurry Loriytforr,by William Schelly. 1982 4. Willirirtr A. Wdlrrrori,by Frank Thompson. 1983 5. Sturrlq Dorim, by Joseph Casper. 1983 6. Brim Dc Pulrtrn, by Michael Bliss. 1983 7. 1.Stirurt Blnckfon, by Marian Blackton Trimble. 1985 8. Martiti Scorscsc nrid Midri~clCirrririu, by Michael Bliss. 1985 9. Frarikliri 1. Sclr~ifrrcrb,y Erwin Kim. 1985 10. D. W. Grififlr mid the Bioyrqdr Cornp~rrryb,y Cooper C. Graham et al. 1985 11. Sorrrr Dry Wc’ll Lmirylr: Arr Airtobioyrrrplry, by Esther Ralston. 1985 7 2. Tlrc Mnrroirs of Alic-c Guy Blnclri, 2nd ed., translated by Roberta and Simone Blacht!. 1996 13. Lcrri Ric.fi.rishilrlorid Olyrrzyia,by Cooper C. Graham. 1986 14. Rohcrt Floriy, by Brian Taves. 1987 15. Hl~rKyirry’s ArrrcvYc-o,by Walter Coppedge. 1986 16. Aliioirs Hrtslc1/ tirid Filrrr, by Virginia M. Clark. 1987 17. Fiw Arrrcricm Ci,rcrrrntc)sr.r.l7~ilrcb~yr sS, cott Eyman. 1987 18. Cirr~~rrriih~~r~ori1y lfil~rr~ Arrst urrd Crtlff of Cirr~‘riiatoyruplr!b/,y Anna Kate Sterling. 1987 19. Stnrs cfflwS ilrrrts, by Edward Wagenknecht. 1987 20. T7o~ritirtlrG wtriry-Fox, by Aubrey Solomon. 1988 21. Hiyliliylits nrrd SI11i~io7vsT:lic Mcrrroirs oju Holly7oood Cnrtrcrurrran, by Charles G. Clarke. 1989 22. I Went Tliut-n-Wny: Tlrc Mcnroirs if u Wcstcrrt Film Director, by Harry L. Fraser; edited by Wheeler Winston Dixon and Audrey Brown Fraser. 1990 23. Or1fr.r in tlic Llrriz)rrs~~T:lrc Film if /olrn Curpvitrv, by Robert C. Cumbow. 1990 (orif ofyririf; SR’ No. 70) 24. Tlir Film of Frddic Frorrcis, by Wheeler Winston Dixon. 1991 25. Hollynwd hc Thy Nnrrw, by William Bakewell. 1991 26. Tlr~Clrrirrrr if Er~j/:Tlrc L;fi Iirrd Filrris (fRrrrrcc~Fislrrr, by Wheeler Winston Dixon. 1991 27. Liorrlrcwrf if!Hol/pooif:Tlrr.Aiitohiogruplry of Hcri ry Wilcosorr,with Katherine Orrison. 1991 28. Williarir Dcsriionil Tzylor: A Dossier,by Bruce Long. 1991 29. The Filriis of Lcrzi Rii.fL.rzstalrl,2nd ed., by David B. Hinton. 1991 30. Hollyuwoii Holyluriil: The Filririrrg arid Scoriris (f“Tlir Griwtrsf Story Ezicr Told,“ by Ken Darby. 1992 31. Tlzc Films of Rc‘qitznld LeBorg: lritcrz~~euE~sss,iiys, urid Filrfrogrqilry, by Wheeler Winston Dixon. 1992 32. Mcriroirs of ir Professioriiil Gid, by George Sanders, with Tony Thomas. 1992 33. Tlic Holocuirst irz Frcricli Filni, by Andr6 Pierre Colombat. 1993 34. Robert Goldstein aiid “Tlv Spirit of ’76,” edited and compiled by Anthony Slide. 1993 35. Those Were the Days, M!/ Frirrid: My L@ iii ~o~/ysoooioiiifh Dnuid 0.Selzirick arid Others, by Paul Macnamara. 1993 36. The Crerifivc Prodirccr, by David Lewis, edited by James Curtis. 1993 37. Rcimvrtiri~Rmilifi/: The Art arid Lif2 of Rorrbni Manrorrlimi, by Mark Spergel. 19% 38. Molc.oliir St. Clair: His Filnis, 1915-1948, by Ruth Anne Dwyer. 1997 39. Rryorid Holl!/icwod’s Grusp: Airr~ric~riF ilrirrrriikcrs Abro1111, 1914-1945, by Harry Waldman. 1994 40. A Steaily Disimsiori to (I Fised I’oirit, by Rose tlobart. 1994 41. Rrirlicul ]ir.utapositiotz: The Filmo f Yz~oririrRizirrcr, by Shelley Green. 1994 42. Coirrpiiy of Heroes: My Life us iiii Actor iri tlrc john Ford Stock Coiir- pariy, by Harry Carey Jr. 1994 43. Strarigcrs in Hoflyzciond: A History of Scarzdiiiaz~iiirzActors iii Arricri- can Filnisfrm 1910 to World Wur 11, by Hans J. Wollstein. 1994 44. Clrarlic Cliaplirr: lritiniate Close-Ups, by Georgia Hale, edited with an introduction and notes by Heather Kiernaii. 1995 45. Tlrc Word Mirile Flesh: Cutliolicisrn arid Coripict in tlir Filriis of Miir- tiri Scorscsc, by Michael Bliss. 1995 46. W.S. Virn Dyke’s joiiriurl: White SlmAoios irz the Soirtlr Seas (1927-1928) ar;d otlicr Vari Dyke ori Krri Dyke, edited and anno- tated by R~idyB ehlmer. 1996 47. Music froirr tlic Hoiisc~of Hmiitrrer: Mirsic iri tlic ffririrrrrcr Horror Filiirs, 1950-1980, by Randall D. Larson. 1996 48. Dirwting: Ltnrrz fYoni the Miisters, by Tay Garnett. 1996 49. Fmtiircd Plii!/cr: An Oriil Aiitobiogruplry of Mue Clarke, edited with an introduction by James Curtis. 1996 50. A Grtwt Lad!/: A Lifi. (ftlrc Scrwriwritcr Soya Leuicri, by Larry Ce- Flair. 1996 51. A History (IfHorrors: Tlrr Risc arid Fall (ftlie Hoirsc of Harrinr~>rb,y Denis Meikle. 1996 52. TIrr Film of Micliacl Pozucll arid tlic Arclrrrs, by Scott Salwolke. 1997 53. Frorrr Oz to E.T.: Wally Worsly’s Half-Ccritirry iri Holly7uoo~f- A Mrrrroir iri Collaboratiori witli Sire Dwiggiris Worsley, edited by Charles Ziarko. 1997 54. Tliorold Dickirisort arrd tlic British Cirrcma, by Jeffrey Richards. 1997 55. TIrc Film of0liuc.r Storic, edited by Don Kunz. 1997 56. Biforc, lri arid Affcr HO//!/?i~OOdT:l ic Airtobiogragliy of/osqdr E. Heri- abery, edited by Anthony Slide. 1997 57. Ravished Armenia arid tlrc Story (if Aurora Mardigariiari, compiled by Anthony Slide. 1997 58. Srrrilr. Wlrcri tlic Rairiilrops Fall, by Brian Anthony and Andy Ed- monds. 1998 59. /U~P\J/~H. LLWJ~OS:~ ~rz~iilr~iiteur,~ ~iiawr,id Filrriograyliy, by Francis M. Nevins. 1998 60. Sq~f~~rrrSbocrrig: Air Irifirrrafc Biography of Waltcr Hustori, by John Weld. 1998 61. W@ of tlic L@ of tlrc Rirty, by Lita Grey Chaplin and Jeffrey Vance. 2998 62. D07i~riBiit Not Qiritc. Oirt iri Hollow-zurird: A Docirrrwritary in Lcttcrs of Eric Kriiglit, by Geoff Gehman. 1998 63. 011Actors arid Actirrg Essnys by Alrxundcr Kiiox, edited by An- thony Slide. 1998 64. Back Lot: Gro~iii~Uqp ruitlr tlrc Mozks, by Maurice Rapf. 1999 65. Mu. Hrrrids Goes to Holly7uood: My Early Lij? arid Carwr in Soirrtd Rrcordirig at Coliiirrbia zoitli Frarik Capra arid Otlicrs, by Edward Bernds. 1999 66. ffirgu Fricdlro@r: Tlir Bcsf kirs of His L@: A Holl!~i.uoodM astcr of Mirsicfor tlic Movics, edited by Linda Danly. 1999 67. Actors or1 Rcd Alrrt: Carwr lr~f~~rz7u~itilr~ Fwiws A ctors arid Actrcsscs Affi.ctcd by tlic Blncklist, by Anthony Slide. 1999 68. M+LO/ rily Grlrit IJassiori: TIrc L@ arid Filrirs (fCarl TIi. Driyr, by Jean Drum and Dale D. Drum. 1999 69. Rimly Wlicw You Arc, Mr. Coppula, Mr. Spidbiyq, Mu. Crou~b~y, J erry Ziesmer. 1999 70. Ordrr iri tlrc Llriiu~~rscT:l ic Filrris of Jolrri Carpcrrter, 2nd ed., by Robert C. Cumbow. 2000 71. MrikiriX Mirsic 7uifh Charlie Cliiipliri, by Eric James. 2000 72. Arz Opz Wiiido7u: The Cirzcrira (fVictor Ericc, edited by Linda C. Ehrlich. 2000 73. SafyajifR q: 111 S~iircloif tlic Modcrrr, by Suranjan Ganguly. 2000 74. Voic~fsro w flrp Scf: Tlrc Film Heritage lrit~r77i~7uesd, ited by Tony Macklin and Nick Pici. 2000 75. Pnrrl Lnridrw A Dirwfor‘s Storicis, by Francis M. Nevins. 2000 76. No Film iri My Crirncrrr,by Bill Gibson. 2000 77. Sa-cidfrnrir Obliviori:An Arrtohiognq~/ryb,y Bernard Vorhaus. 2000 78. Worf Mnrz’s Maker: Mcrrroir qf 11 Hollyroood Writcr, by Curt Siod- mak. 2001 79. Ari Acfor, nrid n Raro Ow: Prfcr Cirslririy (is Slicrlock Holrrrcs, hy Tony Earnshaw. 2001 80. Picfrrrc Pcrfi.cf, by Herbert L. Strock. 2000 81. Pctcr Gr~~criuruoy’Psost~~rod~~rri/PostsfrzrcfrrrCrirr/iicsrfria, edited by Paula Willoquet-Maricondi and Mary Alemany Galway. 2001 82. Mcrrrbcr c,ff/ic Cr~770b,y Winfrid Kay Thackrey. 2001 83. Brir~footor1 Bnrbrri Wire, by Jimmy Starr. 2001 84. Htwy Haflr~zci~A~ yD:i rectors Girilii (fArircvicn On?/History, edited and annotated by Rudy Behlmer. 2001 85. Tlrc Diziiric Co/rric:Tlic Ciricrrrri of Rolicrfo Bcriipi, by Carlo Celli. 2001 86. With or Witliotrf17 Soriy: A Mcrrroir, by Edward Eliscu. 2001 87. Stirart Er7viri: TIic Irioisiblc Acfor, by Judy Comes. 2001 88. Sorrrc Crrffirig Rcrirclrks: Scwrity Ytnrs 17 Filrrr Erfifor, by Ralph E. Winters. 2001 89. Corlfi.ssiorisof u Ho//!/zoooii Dirc‘cfor,by Richard L. Bare. 2001 90. ~PCkif?[Jd?~’OsI 7iCfJA: R(>a/Jpt“?is(r?f/fhP P(Wfi’U!/d Of WOfiiiV?ifff /fP Pcriod Wcsterris of Srinr Peckinpdr, by Bill Mesce Jr. 2001 91. Brdd Sclrirlbcrg: A Bio-Bib/~[~Xr[i[~b/yr! /N, icholas Beck. 2001 92. Bc~~uLf‘hcc~ B~rrllcts: The Spirifiriil Cirrnir~?(flohn Woo, by Michael Bliss. 2002 93. Tlic Hollyuiooif I Krieru: 1926-1 988, by Herbert Coleman. 2002 94. Tlrc. Film c$Sh>zwz Spirlb~rge,dited by Charles L. P. Silet. 2002 95. Hitchcock arid tlic Mrikiri‘q of Marrric, by Tony Lee Moral. 2002 96. Wliifc HOK+CB, l ~ Hkil t: A Qiriirfi’r C(>\ifi/r!(1/1 1 ~0//!/7UOOdP’~o~rf!/ Ro7u, by C. Jack Lewis. 2002 97. Worrirs it1 tlir Wirieciry:A Mcrrroir, by John Bright. 2002 98. Sfrsiglzf fium flrc Horse’s Morrflr: Roriald N~nrricA, ir Airfobiogruphy, by Ronald Neame. 2003 99. Rcvclifor tlrc Top: Tlrr nrrbtrlcrit Lifi. of Liziirericr Huurwy, by Anne Sinai. 2003 100. Juckie Coogmi: The World’s Kirig: A Biogruphy of Hollyn~ood’s Boy Lcgrndary Child Star, by Diana Serra Cary. 2003 101. Riirzgs or1 u Luddcr: Hanittwr Filriis Sceit tlrrotiglz u Soff Guiizr, by Christopher Neame. 2003 102. Tlie Classically Aincricurt Coritrdy if Larry Gclhart, by Jay Malarcher. 2003 103. Pcrprttially Cool: Tlrc Muti!/ Lirm of Artria May Worzg (1905-1961), by Anthony 8. Chan. 2003 104. Irc.rrc Dtinizc: The First Lady of Holfyzuood, by Wes D. Gehring. 2003 105. Scorscsc Up Closc: A Sfrrd!/if tlrc Filirrs, by Ben Nyce. 2003 106. Hitclrrock urtd Poc: The Lcgmy qf Dcli,ylrt arid Error, by Dennis R. Perry. 2003 107. Lifi. Is Bcaiitifril, hut Not for \c7i~:Airotlzrr z)ino of tlrr Filirr by Be- Iiigiii, by Kobi Niv, translated by Jonathan Beyrak Lev. 2003 Life Is Beautiful, but Not for Jews Another View of the Film by Benigni Kobi Niv Translatedfrom the Hebrew by Jonathan Beyrak Lev Filmmakers Series, No. 107 The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford 2003 SCARECROW PRESS, INC. Published in tlie United States of America by Scarecrow Press, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rownian & Littlefield I'ublishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Idanham, Maryland 20700 Www.scarecrowpress.com 1'0 Box 317 Ox ford OX2 ORU, UK Copyright 02003 by Kobi Niv I wish to express iny gratitude to the Hubert Burda Center for Innovative Communications at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel for its sup- Fort for the translation of the book into English. A//rights rcssrwd. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Inforination Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Niv, Kobi. [Hachairn yafiin aval lo li-Yehudim. English] Lifc is beautiful, but not for Jews : another view of tlie filai by Benigni / Kobi Niv. -I d c d. p. cni. -(Filmmakers series ;no. 107) ISBN 0-8108-4875-9 (alk. paper) 1. Vita P bella (Motion picture) 2. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in motion pictures. I. Title. 11. Series. PN1997 .V5373 N5813 2003 791 .43'72-d~21 2003010781 @' The pa j7er used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO 239.48-1992. Manufactured in the United States of Amcrica. Contents Acknowledgments xi ... Dedication Xlll Before I Begin xv 1 Hitler’s Holiday Camp 1 2 Reality as Fairy Tale 17 3 See No Evil, Hear No Evil 33 4 A World without Jews 51 5 Annihilation as Salvation 71 6 Gift and Sacrifice 85 7 What Is This Film About, Anyway? 95 Afterthoughts: Success Does Not Lie 103 About the Author 107 ix

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