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Life history of Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrödy-Younga (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae), a predator of Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) PDF

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Preview Life history of Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrödy-Younga (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae), a predator of Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(4), 2006, pp. 905-916 LIFE HISTORY OF CYBOCEPHALUS NIPPONICUS ENDRODY-YOUNGA (COLEOPTERA: CYBOCEPHALIDAE), A PREDATOR OF AULACASPIS YASUMATSUI TAKAGI (HEMIPTERA: DIASPIDIDAE) TREVOR RANDALL SMITH AND RONALD D. CAVE (TRS) Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (RDC) Indian River Research & Education Center, University of Florida, 2199 S Rock Road, Ft. Pierce, FL 34945-3138, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.4The life history of the predatory beetle Cyhbocephalus nipponicus Endrody-Younga was studied by rearing the beetle on the cycad aulacaspis scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi. Mean development times of egg (7.3 + 0.8 days), larval (13.7 + 1.1 days), and pupal (18.6 + 1.6 days) stages were determined. Mortality in each life stage, adult longevity, and adult sex ratios also were measured. A clarification of differences between C. nipponicus and C. binotatus is included. Key Words: Beetles, biological control, life cycle, longevity, scale predator, cycads Cybocephalids are one of the most each have very distinctive male genitalia economically important groups of natu- (Endré6dy-Younga 1971) and C. binota- ral enemies against scale insects (Alvarez tus (Fig. 1A) has two large black spots and Van Driesche 1998a). Larvae and on the pronotum, which are absent in C. adults are voracious predators and have nipponicus (Fig. 1B). Although C. nippo- many desirable traits for use as biolog- nicus previously was established in Flor- ical control agents. Cybocephalus nippo- ida before 1998 (according to specimen nicus Endrédy-Y ounga was released and label data in the Florida State Collection later established in the Washington D.C./ of Arthropods), its range and abundance Maryland area to combat the euonymus in the state before 1998 is unknown scale, Unaspis euonymi (Comstock) (Smith and Cave, in press). (Drea and Carlson 1988, Drea and The cycad aulacaspis scale (CAS) is Henrickson 1988). Alvarez and Van the most damaging scale found on Driesche (1998a) later released and cycads in Florida (Hodges et al. 2003). established populations of C. nipponicus CAS is native to Thailand but is found in New England. This same species also throughout China and_ southeastern was released, under the false identifica- Asia, as well as on several Caribbean tion of Cybocephalus binotatus Grou- islands, Florida, and Hawai (Ben-Dov velle, into the Miami area in 1998 for et al. 2003). In 1992, CAS had become control of the cycad aulacaspis scale, such a problem in Hong Kong that 704 Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi (Anony- 100% mortality was recorded in infested mous 1998, Howard et al. 1999, Howard king sagos, Cycas revoluta Thunberg and Weissling 1999). While C. nipponicus (Hodgson and Martin 2001). The first and C. binotatus appear similar, they detection of CAS in Florida occurred 906 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON in 1996 in Miami at the Montgomery CAS as prey, and compare these to the Botanical Center. The scale was thought results from Tanaka and Inoue (1980) to have arrived on infested cycads and Alvarez and Van Driesche (1998a) imported from southeastern Asia (Ho- using euonymus scale as prey. A better ward and Weissling 1999). By the end of understanding of these beetles using 1997, CAS had spread throughout M1- different prey will lead to greater un- ami and as far north as Lake Okeecho- derstanding of how they perform as bee and could be found on 20 species of biological control agents in the field, cycads (Howard and Weissling 1999), and consequently increase success in however it seems to prefer Cycas and controlling CAS. Stangeria (Emshousen, personal commu- MATERIALS AND METHODS nication, 2004). This led to the spread of CAS to Hawaii in 1998 through the A colony of CAS was reared on king legal importation of infested cycads from sagos in a sealed greenhouse to keep out Florida (Hodgson and Martin 2001). At possible predators and/or parasitoids. present, CAS has been reported from Small king sagos were infested with Pensacola east to Jacksonville and south CAS by placing large numbers (>100) into the Florida Keys. Infested cycads in of eggs on each plant. Once infested, northern Florida were suspected trans- plants were then placed in contact plants from southern nurseries rather with other non-infested plants to spread than natural progression of the scale non-parasitized scales to other plants. northward. Thus, we could be confident that para- The objective of this study is to collect sitoids and predators did not invade the life history date on C. nipponicus using colony. VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 907 A colony of C. nipponicus was initiated CAS-infested leaflets on top of sterilized from individuals collected in south Mi- sand: in) the <bottom of sthe> vial. Old ami (25°38'21="N, 80°20'09"W). Aphanog- leaflets were replaced with fresh, infested mus albicoxalis Evans and Dessart (Hy- leaflets every five days throughout the menoptera: Ceraphronidae) parasitizes life cycle. A fine mesh cloth was placed the pupae of C. nipponicus in southern over the top of the vials to allow airflow. Florida (Evans et al. 2005), but this Larval and pupal development was parasitoid was excluded by collecting checked daily. Upon emergence from only adult beetles and subsequently rear- the pupal case the adults remained in ing future generations in sealed cages plastic vials and were provided with 204 (ism < 0:5 .m X 0.5 m). Cycad leaves 30 fresh CAS every 3 days. Adults were infested with CAS were cut from the checked daily until death. colony plant, with rachis bases placed in Eggs, larvae, and pupae were critical- floral water tubes for hydration, and point dried in a Tousimis®samdri-780 A, then placed in rearing cages. The leaves and sputter coated with a gold-palladium and interior of cage were misted with alloy. Images were taken with a JEOL® distilled water every three days. A moist JSM-S5510LV scanning electron micro- sponge also was provided for hydration. scope and a Syncroscopy® automontage Leaves were replaced every three weeks. photography system. Old leaves were held in separate cages for Descriptive statistics were generated in three weeks to recover emerging beetles. SAS (2001) using a PROC UNIVARI- Beetle and scale voucher specimens were ATE analysis. The dependent variable placed in the Florida State Collection of was number of days in each stage and the Arthropods (FSCA). independent variable was the stage itself. All life cycle studies were carried out in PROC UNIVARIATE and PROC 1-test temperature- and humidity-controlled were used to generate statistics for adult cabinets set at 25°C with a relative longevity. humidity of 80% and a photoperiod of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 14:10 (L:D). Each treatment was initiat- ed by isolating 25-30 mating pairs of The egg of C. nipponicus is elongate beetles randomly selected from the lab- oval with both ends rounded, relatively oratory colony. Each pair was placed in large measuring 0.42 mm by 0.20 mm a 25-dram plastic vial with one C. (n = 50) and usually light gray to purple. revoluta leaflet infested with male and Eggs were usually found singly inside the female CAS. After 24 hours the beetles vacated tubular cover of a male scale or were removed and eggs collected from under the armor of a female scale, beneath the scale armor on the leaflet. usually with a live scale beneath but Eggs were measured (length and width), occasionally with a dead female. During and then, to simulate natural conditions, low scale density, as many as 5 eggs placed on the surface of a small, clean under one female armor were observed. piece of C. revoluta leaflet and covered An egg deposited within the male scale with the armor of an adult female CAS. cover fit snugly and had almost the same The leaflet piece was placed in the well of diameter as the scale cover, thereby a rectangular tissue culture dish, covered allowing only one egg to be placed in with parafilm, and placed in the envi- one male cover. The surface was smooth ronmental chamber. Eggs were checked aside from debris sticking to the surface daily until larvae emerged. (Fig. 2) and was slightly tacky, allowing Newly emerged larvae were placed in the egg to stick to the substrate. Females 25-dram plastic vials with freshly-cut, typically laid about 3 eggs per day and 908 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Cybhocephalus nipponicus. 2, Egg.u 3, First-instar larva dorsal habitus (A), ventral habitus (B). & VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 909 Table 1. Development of Cybocephalus nipponicus on Aulacaspis yasumatsui. SS Stage Mean (Days) SE Range (min-max) (Days) N Egg eS 0.1 4 (5-9) Sil Larva [S57 0.1 4 (12-16) 94 Pupa 18.6 0.2 6 (16-22) 44 Total development time BOS Male life-span 89.1 OFF. 146 (9-155) 23 Female life-span 110.0 9.6 175 (15-190) 3) on average 288 eggs in a lifetime (Alvarez instars in Cybocephalus semiflavus Cham- and Van Driesche 1998a). Eggs hatched pion. When molting, the cuticle ruptured about 7 days after oviposition (Table 1). along the top of the head capsule and Eyespots could be seen 142 days before along the median dorsal region of the larval emergence. body. The larva emerged from _ the When the larva emerged, the chorion anterior portion of the old exuviae first, split along the longitudinal axis and the then wriggled vigorously to extract the larva wriggled free. This process took posterior body portion. The posterior about 15 minutes compared to the 30 to portion of the old exuviae remained 45 minutes reported by Blumberg and attached to the substrate. Average larval Swirski (1982) on the life history of development was about 14 days (Ta- Cybocephalus micans Reitter and Cybo- blew): cephalus nigriceps nigriceps (J. Sahlbery). If bright light was shone on larvae The neonate larvae were white or yel- they immediately moved underneath lowish with long setae along the body, a scale armor or debris. Once disturbed but after feeding for a day turned light larvae raised the head and body away purple or lavender, with 4 black stem- from the leaf surface, arching the body mata on each side of the head (Figs. 3A, into a C-shape, and holding to the B). Not only were larvae covered in long, substrate with the conical protuberance slender setae but also shorter trumpet- found on segments 8 and 9. This threat shaped setae (Fig. 4). After emergence, posture is similar to that used by the larvae immediately began to feed either larvae to extract themselves from old on the scale eggs sharing the space exuviae. beneath the armor or rarely on the Larvae became less active 2 to 3 days female scale. If an egg hatched in a male prior to pupation, stopped feeding, and scale cover, the larva would go to the eventually becoming immobile and at- nearest food source. Larvae continued to taching the posterior of the abdomen to move from scale to scale feeding on the substrate before forming the pupal males, females, and eggs but spent the case. Larvae gathered pieces of scale most time underneath female armor. armor and incorporated these pieces into They also were seen cannibalizing other an ovoid pupal chamber with one end larvae when scale density was extremely flatter where it attached to the substrate low, as mentioned by Alvarez and Van (Fig. 6A). Driesche (1998a). Larvae fed for 9 to Pupal chambers often were found in 10 days. the anterior portion between leaflet and Three instars (Figs. 5A, B) were ob- leaf rachis or near the leaflet base. served, similar to C. micans and C. n. However, pupal chambers also were nigriceps (Blumberg and Swirski 1982). observed along leaflet and rachis. When However, Ahmad (1970) recorded four not given access to scales, larvae used PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 4. Short trumpet-shaped setae on third-instar larva of Cybocephalus nipponicus. sand or other organic material to con- tions could be produced per year in struct the pupal chamber (Fig. 6B), southern Florida or other areas with sometimes attaching to the leaf or amenable temperatures. Alvarez and dropping to the sand. Infrequently, Van Driesche (1998a) suggested that larvae dropped to the sand and made these beetles were capable of producing a sand cocoon even when scales were 3 generations per year in New England. available. This behavior is common in Preoviposition lasted about 4 days (n Cybhocephalus and has been suggested or = 29) with some females laying eggs as recorded for other species (Clausen and early as 2 days (n = 2) after emergence. Berry 1932, Flanders 1934, Smirnoff Adults (Fig. 8) began feeding soon after 1954, Blumberg and Swirski 1982). All emergence and consumed an average of 4 pupae exhibited typical exarate features scales per day, with females typically (Figs. 7A, B). Pupation lasted about eating more than the males. Dispropor- 18 days (Table 1). Beetles exited the tionate feeding is probably due to size, chamber by chewing an emergence hole. because males are smaller than the There was no significant difference in females. Maximum female longevity development time from egg to adult was 190 days, with an average of about between sexes (¢ = 1.50, df = 52, P = 110 days (Table 1). Average longevity 0.1389). Total development from egg to of males was 89 days (Table 1) with adult lasted about 40 days (Table 1), a maximum of 155 days. Due to high thus it is conceivable that 748 genera- variation, a f-test showed no significant VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 S68 sm Figs. 5-6. Cybocephalus nipponicus. 5, Third-instar larva dorsal habitus (A), ventral oblique habitus (B). 6, Pupal chamber made from female scale covers (A), chamber made from sand (B). 912 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOG NGTON / , . ya's ne die 5 Figs. 7-8. Cybhocephalus nipponicus. 7, Pupa dorsal habitus (A), ventral habitus (B). 8), Adult, lateral habitus. VOLUME 108, NUMBER 4 S18 Table 2. Mortality (%) of immature stages of rates in our study also were slightly Cybocephalus nipponicus reared on Aulacaspis higher, possibly due to high humidity. yvasumatsui (n=200). Fungal growth was a consistent problem in the humid environment of our rearing No. Alive at No. Dying in Apparent Stage (x) Start (1x) Stage (d,) Mortality (qx) chambers. Scales often became so en- Egg 200 44 0.22 crusted on the cycad leaflet that sapro- Larva 156 134 0.86 phytic fungi quickly spread. Alvarez and Pupa 2p D, 0.09 Van Driesche (1998a) did not record Adult 20 relative humidity, thus a comparison cannot be made. Mortality was highest during the difference between longevity of the sexes larval stage. The first few days of larval (¢ = 1.50, df = 52, P = 0.1389). These development proved to be most difficult findings are intermediate between the (Fig. 9). Eggs and pupae seemed to be 78 days for males and 99 days for quite hardy with mortality of 22% and females reported by Alvarez and Van 9%, respectively (Table 2), which are Driesche (1998a) at 22°C and 122 days similar to the 14% and 8% mortality for males and 143 days for females rates found by Alvarez and Van Driesche reported by Tanaka and Inoue (1980), (1998a). Therefore, the 86% mortality who do not detail their experimental rate in the larval stage (Table 2) is temperatures used. Shorter male longev- interesting and not predicted. However, ity may be due to their more active when reared on San Jose scale, Quad- nature. Males were observed moving raspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock), Al- around the cages more often than varez and Van Driesche (1998a) found females. Often, 5 or 6 males would chase the larval stage of C. nipponicus had a female for hours before finding a new a correspondingly high 77% mortality female to; jpursue. The Sex ratio of rate. emerging adults was 23:31 (male:female). Certain aspects of the biology and life Our results were similar to those of history of other Cybocephalus species Alvarez and Van Driesche (1998a) and have been studied, typically as part of Tanaka and Inoue (1980). However, all biological control projects, e.g., Cyboceph- stages developed slower in the former alus rufifrons Reitter (DeMarzo 1995), study (9.1 days for eggs, 14.5 days for Cybhocephalus freyi Endrody-Younga larvae, and 20.4 days for pupae) in (Lupi 2003), and Cyhbocephalus fordori comparison to our results, but this may Endrédy-Younga (Katsoyannos 1984) be due to their lower experimental have been studied in Europe; and Cybo- temperatures or the food source. Popu- cephalus. semiflavus Champion (Ahmad lation differences may account for some 1970) and Cybhocephalus gibbulus Erichson discrepancies in the life history parame- (Nohara and Iwata 1988) have been ters of the beetles in each study. The studied in Asia. In the Middle East, beetles studied by Tanaka and Inoue several studies have been carried out on (1980) originated in Japan and those C. aegyptiacus, C. binotatus, C. micans, studied by Alvarez and Van Driesche and C. n. nigriceps (Blumberg 1973, 1976; (1998a) originated in Beijing, China. Our Blumberg and Swirski 1974 a, b, 1982). In beetles may have originated in Thailand, Australia, Kirejtshuk et al. (1997) de- however, this is only speculation consid- scribed Cybocephalus aleyrodephagus and ering the beetles were present in Florida studied its life cycle. The life histories of before the recorded introduction in 1998 these species do not differ dramatically (Smith and Cave, in press). Mortality from C. nipponicus, and there seems to be 914 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON a %Mo rtality a] T Ue T T T 1 8-9 10 Wy 12) tS 4a Age in Days Fig. 9: Larval mortality of Cybocephalus nipponicus over time. fairly consistent life cycle and feeding that provide a larger food source and habits. require less searching (Alvarez and Van In the absence of prey, female cyboceph- Driesche 1998b). Alvarez and Van alids are able to withhold eggs for up Driesche (1998b) found that the highest to 2 days, indicating that oviposition larval survival rate could be found in strategy is not only governed by food larvae feeding on scales older than consumption but also by qualitative 30 days. Blumberg and Swirski (1982) features of the scale population (Alvarez noted that C. n. nigriceps rarely laid eggs and Van Driesche 1998b). In the pres- under dead female scales. ence of high scale density, cybocephalids Evans et al. (2005) described two increase egg production until an asymp- species of Aphanogmus (Ceraphronidae) tote is reached. Again, this allows that parasitize C. nipponicus pupae. cybocephalids to maintain their popula- Aphanogmus inamicus Evans and Dessart tions at low scale densities. If circum- emerged in quarantine from hosts col- stances allow, female cybocephalids will lected in Thailand, and A. albicoxalis lay only one egg under a single scale occurs naturally in Florida. The latter cover. However, if the number of scales species is broadly distributed in southern in a patch is low, and the beetle cannot Florida, with collection sites in Collier, find new scales, it will lay eggs under Miami-Dade, and St. Lucie counties. a scale under which eggs are already The levels of parasitism in C. nipponicus present (Alvarez and Van _ Driesche populations in Florida are currently 1998b). The beetle larvae are forced to undetermined, but large numbers of consume more prey when feeding on these wasps occasionally have been seen younger scales, therefore for greater on cycads. offspring survivability female cyboceph- Cyhocephalus nipponicus probably al- alids prefer oviposition on older scales ways will be considered a supplementary

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