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2001. The Journal of Arachnology 29:367-377 LIFE-CYCLES OF FOUR SPECIES OF PARDOSA (ARANEAE, LYCOSIDAE) FROM THE ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA J. Rs Pickavance: Biology Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada AIB 3X9. email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Populations of four species of Pardosa, P. fuscula, P. groenlandica, P. hyperborea and P. moesta, were sampled during summer 1997 on the west coast ofthe Island ofNewfoundland, Canada. Measurements of carapace width indicated that all four species fit a biennial life-cycle model where new individuals join the population in summer, live through the following winter, grow throughout the next year, live through the next winter, and thee mature, breed and die in theyearfollowingtheirsecondwinter. All species showed only one defined recruitment of new spiderliegs during the sampling period, but at least two species may have extended periods of recruitment and some individuals may have an extended life-cycle. Keywords: Lycosidae, Pardosa, life-cycle At the beginning of the 20* century the intermediates between strictly annual and conventional wisdom about araneomorph spi- strictly biennial (e.g. Eason & Whitcomb der life-cycles was that most were annuals, ei- 1965; Toft 1976, 1979; Doedale 1977; Strat- ther spring breeders or summer-autumn breed- ton & Lowrie 1984). ers (Emerton 1902). Palmgren (1939) In addition to such permutations of the an- provided one of the first exceptions when he nual/bieneial theme, the plasticity of spider described the two-year cycle of Dolomedes life history has been demonstrated. For ex- fimbriatus (Cierck 1757) where juveniles ample, the same species may change from an- overwintered twice. Cloudsley-Thompson nual to biennial depending on geographical lo- (1955) concluded that individuals of all three cation, such as Philodromus cespitum thatwas British species of Amaurobius C. L. Koch annual on the warmer Niagara Peninsula, On- 1837 lived for about two years, overwintered tario, Canada (Putman 1967), but biennial in twice, and spent their second winter as adults. colder Nova Scotia, Canada (Doedale 1961). Hackman (1957) described a similar two-year Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer 1802) was an- cycle for Trochosa ruricola (De Geer 1778). nual in the Netherlands (Vlijm et al. 1963) but Dondale’s (1961) seminal work presented biennial in Scotland, and this was attributed quantitative data for five species of spiders in to differences in summer temperatures (Edgar Nova Scotia, Canada: Araniella displicata 1971a, 1972). In addition, individuals of the (Hentz 1847), Philodromus rufus Walckeeaer same population may extend their life-cycle 1826, P. cespitum (Walckenaer 1802) andEris under particular circumstances. Edgar (1972) militaris (Hentz 1845) were shown to be true showed that P. lugubris in the Netherlands biennials, while Pelegrinaproterva (Walcken- varied between annual and biennial depending aer 1837) was annual. He also concluded that on environmental conditions. Workman nine other widespread and abundant spiders (1978) showed that in Norfolk, U.K., Trocho- were biennials. In the last decades of the 20* sa terricola Thorell 1856, usually biennial century a number of studies have not only with the second overwintering as adults, was clearly demonstrated annual and biennial life occasionally triennial when juveniles hatched histories for several different species, but also from late or second cocoons overwintered reported permutations of these two basic life- three times before breeding in their fourth cycles. That is, within these two general cat- year. Leech (1966) suggested that even more egories there are species that mature andbreed extended life-cycles may occur in particularly at different times of year and species that are cold conditions. He surmised that two species 367 368 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY from Hazen (Ellesmere Island, NWT, Cana- ducted in boreal forest dominated by fir and da), Pardosa glacialis (Thorell 1872) and A/- spruce (indicative of lower summer tempera- opecosa exasperans (O. Pickard-Cambridge tures) (Ecological Stratification Working 1877), had a life-span of six or seven years, Group 1995). Leech (1966) reported from the but that surmise was based on the unsupported Canadian arctic at approximately 82°N. Some assumption that each of the estimated six or European work has been conducted at lati- seven instars lasted one year. These points tudes farther north than Insular Newfound- raise a number ofquestions. Do spider species land. Eor example. Toft (1976) reported from not yet examined have similar life histories to Denmark and Edgar (1971a) from Scotland, those already described? Do species in places both at approximately 56°N. However, climate not yet examined have similar life histories to is not simply determined by latitude, and the those in known places? Do species at latitudes generally more temperate European climate is farther north than some of those previously indicated by the beech woods of the former examined show extended life histories, for ex- study and the oak woods of the latter. ample intermediate between those document- METHODS ed in Nova Scotia (Dondale 1961) and those — hypothesised on Ellesmere Island (Leech Species and localities. Lour species of 1966)? Pardosa C. L. Koch 1847 (Lycosidae) were The Island of Newfoundland is an appro- chosen for this study: P. fuscula (Thorell priate location to examine these questions. 1875), P. groenlandica, P. hyperborea (Tho- The life histories of the species in this study rell 1872) and P. moesta. Full descriptions of have not been described before with the fol- these species can be found in Dondale & Red- lowing exceptions. Ricards (1967) reported ner (1990). They were chosen both because the life history of what he called P. groenlcm- the taxonomy of most Canadian lycosids is dica (Thorell 1872) in Montana, and Schmoll- well established (Dondale & Redner 1990) so er (1970) reported on what he called P. tristis conclusions could be confidently assigned to Keyserling 1887 (identified as P. groenlandi- individual species and preliminary investiga- ca by Dondale 1999) in Colorado. But as tions in 1995 and 1996 found dense popula- Dondale (1999) pointed out, both authors tions of these species. Such dense populations were in fact dealing with complexes oftwo or lend themselves to sampling by hand as op- more species, not monospecific populations of posed to using pitfall traps. Pitfall traps are P. groenlandica, so their conclusions have useful measures of activity and have a long limited significance. Buddie (2000) reported history of employment in ecological studies, the life-cycle of Pardosa moesta Banks 1892 but they are selective in trapping different spe- in Alberta, and his observations are directly cies and different life-stages (Berghe 1992; & relevant here. Life histories of spiders on the Topping Sunderland 1992). Island of Newfoundland have essentially nev- The Island ofNewfoundland is in the boreal er been investigated. Hackman (1954) report- shield ecozone where the climate is heavily ed 220 species from the Island, but drew con- influenced by arctic currents, many areas are clusions for only one: Trochosa terricola was exposed to particularly harsh climatic condi- described as biennial, although the data pre- tions and the landscape is dominated by sented could support other interpretations. spruce-fir forest with extensive peatlands. The present study sites on the Island of Within that ecozone, the populations of this Newfoundland, at approximately 50°N, are study were in, or immediately adjacent to, the farther north than previous life history work northern peninsula ecoregion (South 1983; with the following exceptions. Buddie (2000) Ecological Stratification Working Group and Zimmerman & Spence (1998) reported 1995). life-cycles of lycosids and a pisaurid, respec- The populations chosen were all in Gros tively, from approximately 54°N in central Al- Mome National Park, Newfoundland, and were berta. However, both these studies were con- therefore largely protected from human inter- ducted at the George Lake area dominated by ference. The P. fuscula population was on an hardwoods such as aspen (indicative ofhigher extensive peatland immediately below and summer temperatures) in the boreal transition around the highest land on top of Partridge- region, whereas the present study was con- beiTy Hill behind the community of Woody PICKAVANCE—FANDOM LIFE-CYCLES 369 Point (49°30.2'N, 57°56,9'W). The P. groen- July 7, 99; August 14, 143; September 14, 88. landica population was at the back ofapebble- P. hyperborea: June 5, 74; July 3, 75; August cobble beach immediately north of the mouth 11, 55; September 15, 66. P. fuscula: June 5, of Baker’s Brook (49°39.5'N, 57°57.7'W). The 48; July 9, 135; August 11, 54; September 15, P. hyperborea population was on the extensive 104. F. groenlandica: May 15, 60; June 1 and treeless heath on the higher parts of Partridge- 2 combined, 37; July 4, 68; August 12, 62; berry Hill behind Woody Point (49°30.0'N, September 13, 74. Spiders were caught with 57°56.6'W). The P. moesta population was on an aspirator and transferred to snap-capplastic the treeless coastal meadow immediately above vials. Only one spider was put in each vial to and behind the beach at Lower Head, Shallow avoid intraspecific aggression and cannibal- Bay (49°57.3'N, 57°46.2'W). Voucher speci- ism. Spiders were taken to the laboratory, mens are deposited in the Newfoundland Mu- placed in a deep-freeze until comatose and seum (catalogue numbers NFM ARA-01, -02, then placed directly into 75% ethanol for stor- -03 and -04). — age and later examination. Measurements.- Doedale (1961) conclud- Although considered superior to pitfall ed that carapace width (CW) was the most traps for present purposes, hand collection generally useful measurement to distinguish nevertheless has two principal imperfections: life history stages but the species he examined lycosids are weather-sensitive (Vlijm & Kes- did not include lycosids. Hagstrum (1971) sler-Geschiere 1967) and may not be visible confirmed the essentials of that work with except under warm and windless conditions, measurements of the lycosid Alopecosa kochi and data from hand collections can be mis- (Keyserling 1877). However, Toft (1976) leading because of conscious or unconscious claimed that linear measurement of tibia I size-selection by the collector. To offset gave the best discrimination between instars, weather problems, collections were made as but in support presented dataforonly one spe- far as possible on favorable days, when at cies, the linyphiid Helophora insignis (Black- least two individuals of the selected species wall 1841), His data supported the superiority were visible in a five-minute preliminary in- oftibia I measurements for that particular spe- spection. To offset size-selection, a conscious cies, but what is applicable to a linyphyiid effort was made to catch all individuals seen may not be appCliWcable to lycosids. To resolve of the target species irrespe—ctive of size. this question, and tibia I of a number of Life-stages identified.- -Three separate samples of the lycosids of the present study life-stages were identified: immature, subadult were compared. and mature. Mature contains a single instar Life-cycles.”-“Critical information for all and is clearly defined as adult males with fully four species was whether adults survived the developed functional palps and adult females winter and the general nature of the popula- with fully developed functional epigyna. The tion immediately after the winter. Samples boundary between mature and subadult is were therefore taken just after snow-melt at clearcut. Subadults are close to becoming ma- each site (May or early June). Preliminary ob- ture, presumably within a molt or two of ma- servations in 1995 and 1996 indicated that no turity (although total number of molts and adults were seen until July, except adult P. number of molts within the subadult stage are groenlandica which appeared in June. There- unknown). Secondary sexual characters are fore in 1997, sampling of P. groenlandica pronounced but not complete: male palpal tar- commenced in May and of the other species si are significantly swollen with ventral sur- in June. At each sampling I tried to catch at faces showing pronounced ogee curves; de- least 50 specimens. I achieved this in all but veloping female epigyna have obvious lateral the June samples of P. groenlandica and P. sclerites. Immatures are either smaller speci- fuscula, when bad weather made these two mens showing no differences that would in- larger and less numerous species harder to dicate their future sex, or larger specimens find. In one instance, P. groenlandica in June, with males showing at most a slight thicken- it was necessary to sample the population on ing ofthe palpal tarsi and females showing no two consecutive days, June 1 and 2. Sampling development of the lateral epigynal sclerites dates and numbers caught for each species in and distinguishable from potential males only 1997 are as follows. P. moesta: June 2, 98; by virtue of having no sign of any palpal 370 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Table 1. Males and females (raw data) caught in 1997. (%) = females with cocoons. P. fuscula P. groenlandica P. hyperborea P. moesta d, ? d, ? d, ? d, $ June 0, 0 (0%) 2, 4 (0%) 0, 0 (0%) 0, 0 (0%) July 19, 18 (89%) 2, 2 (50%) 21, 15 (47%) 35, 26 (4%) Aug. 1, 6 (83%) 0, 5 (20%) 0, 24 (54%) 17, 50 (92%) Sept. 0, 3 (0%) 0, 1 (100%) 0, 30 (80%) 0, 42 (43%) swelling. The immature life-stage contains tures that have just produced the new young. several instars. The boundary between im- The two cohorts of immature individuals pre- mature and subadult is not always clear cut, sent at the end of the year survive the follow- and conclusions drawn from the data must be ing winter and by the next spring have grown. in light of this imprecision. In addition to The cohort of smaller immatures now be- these three stages, very small newly or re- comes the mid-size cohort that will grow cently hatched spiderlings will be referred to throughout the year. The cohort of larger im- occasionally. These were easily identified be- matures becomes sub-adult at or before the cause in previous years females of all four beginning of the year and then matures, species caiTying spiderlings had been caught breeds to produce a cohort of new spiderlings and so the size range of new spiders was well and in turn dies before the end of the year. In known. each species only one recruitment of new spi- RESULTS derlings was seen within the sampling period — and there was no direct evidence that females Measurements. One example will illus- make more than one cocoon. Individual spe- trate the relative usefulness of measurements cies are considered below. ofthe two different bodyCWparts. Figure 1 com- Pardosa moesta males and females ap- opafrtehsemJeualysu7reR.memnotesstoafsamplaendantdibsiahoIwlsentghtaht peared in July (Table 1). Males peaked in July, declined in August and were gone by Septem- both yield essentially similar information with ber. That was similar to P. fuscula, whereas the two different cohorts definitively separated males of the other two species had gone by and both larger and smaller cohorts spread August. Breeding was slightly laterthan in the oveLriffei-vceycolress.i—x uNnuitmsb.ers of individuals with other species because only 4% offemales car- different CWs for all four species populations ried cocoons in July and it was not until Au- are displayed in Figs. 2-5. Numbers of males gust and September that a significant percent- age of females had cocoons. New spiderlings tahnodseffeemmaalleess ccaaurgrhyitnganadcotchoeonpearrceesnthaogwen oinf (modal CW 0.6 mm) appeared in September Table 1. All four species fit the generalized (Fig. 2), later than in R. hyperborea and life-cycle illustrated in Fig. 6. Adults appear P.groenlandica but the same time as R. fus= around the end of June and the sexes are pre- cula. The apparent shrinkage ofimmatures be- sent in approximately equal proportions in tween June and July is an artifact ofsampling. July. Males then either vanish by August or Pardosa hyperborea males and females ap- decline rapidly in numbers and have gone by peared in July (Table 1), and males were seen September. Based on the synchrony of the only in July. Significant percentages of fe- Jseuxnees,antdheJulmya.tiFnegmasleeassopnersiisstprtionactiplaelalsyt mlaitde mSeaplteesmbcearr.rieNdewcocsopoidnesrliinngsJul(ym,odAaulguCsWt a0n.d6 September (when sampling stopped) but do mm) appeared in August (Fig. 3). No new spi- not survive the winter. The breeding season derlings were caught in September despite (here defined as females carrying cocoons) is 80% of females carrying cocoons in that July through to September. New spiders hatch month. The group of immatures in September in mid to late summer and join a population with modal CW of 1.0 mm is seen as the new consisting partly of mid-size immatures spiderlings of August grown to that size. The (hatched the previous year) and partly of ma- similar group of small immatures in August PICKAVANCE—PAi?D05A LIFE-CYCLES 371 Carapacewidth (mm) — Figure 1. Comparison of measurements of car- apace width and tibia I length for the same sample ofPardosa moesta July 1997. (CW 0.9-1.1 mm) is not seen as new spiders hatched the previous month (July) because neither adults nor cocoons were seen until July, and no new spiderlings were seen in that month.Therefore the two groups ofimmatures in August, lying between CW 0.9 and 1.6 mm, are seen as one group with a wide size range. That same group grew to occupy the range CW mm 1.1-1.8 in September. Therefore the CW mm breaks in the data at 1.2 in August CW mm and 1.6-1.7 in September are arti- Carapacewidth (mm) facts of sampling. — Pardosa fuscula males and females ap- Figure 2. Frequency distribution of carapace peared in July (Table 1). Males had declined width measurements of the monthly 1997 samples significantly by August and were gone by of Pardosa moesta. September. Breeding was in July and August with over 80% offemales carrying cocoons in each ofthose months. New spiderlings (modal and a single female with a cocoon was caught CW 0.6 mm) (Fig. 4) appeared in September. in September. New spiderlings (modal CW 0.8 Pardosa groenlandica males and females mm) appeared in August (Fig. 5), and had CW mm appeared in June (Table 1), the earliest ap- grown to modal 1.0 by September. pearance of adults in this study. Males were The single subadult taken in July (CW 3.4 present in June and July but were gone by mm) was the latest observation of this stage August. Females were still seen in September. for any of the four species. Small numbers of Females carried cocoons in July and August, small immatures (CW 0.8 mm) were also seen 372 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Figure 3. Frequency distribution of carapace width measurements of the monthly 1997 samples of Pardosa hyperborea. 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 Carapace width (mm) in June and July. In July these might have — been a small number of early-hatching new Figure 4. Frequency distribution of carapace width measurements of the monthly 1997 samples spiderlings because both sexes had been pre- of Pardosafuscula. sent the previous month, but the same expla- nation is not applicable to June because there was no evidence of cocoon production in that month. This is the only species of this study where subadults were seen in September. The PICKAVANCE—FAi^DO^A LIFE-CYCLES 373 l.i 1.4 1.8 22 2.i 3.0 3.4 3.1 4.2 Carapacewidth (mm) — Figure 5. Frequency distribution of carapace width measurements of the monthly 1997 samples of Pardosa groenlandica. smaller immatures seen in September (modal easier to manipulate the carapace into position CW LO mm) were new spiders hatched the for measurement. This is contrary to the opin- previous month (August) with one month’s ion ofToft (1976) who argued that tibia I was growth, and the smallest ofthis group may be easier to measure and used a linyphiid as an a few new spiders hatched in September. The example. No doubt this discrepancy is due to larger immatures (modal CW 1.9 mm) are the morphology of the taxa under consider- seen as persistentjuveniles from the previous ation: what is true for lycosids may notbe true CW year that were not large enough to become forlinyphiids. The use of to establish life- subadults, possibly in combination with some cycle stages has frequently been reported, for slightly older individuals hatched the previous example by Almquist (1969), Workman month. (1978) and Pu—tman (1967). Life-cycles. The four life-cycles demon- DISCUSSION strated here are essentially similar to biennial Measuremeets»-—Since measurements of species elsewhere, for example P. lugubris in CW and tibia I yielded essentially the same Scotland (Edgar 1971a), Trochosa ruricola in information either could have been used here. Finland (Hackman 1957), P. moesta and P. CW However, was adopted because it was mackenziana (Keyserling 1877) in Alberta 374 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY ISatyre Subadult HIHH [ g [ jyjature ImmMure Winter Winter Mating #1 #2 Recruitment | ? ? I Recruitment ' \ ' r“ i " I I I n^T r ”n i ! i n i “n ~r AUG SIP OCT I^OV-APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SIP OCT NOV-APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT YEAR! YEAR YEAR II III — Figure 6. Generalized life-cycle of Pardosa moesta, Pardosa hyperborea, Pardosafuscula and Par- dosa groenlandica on the Island of Newfoundland, Canada. (Buddie 2000), Dolomedesfimbriatus in Fin- two of the present four species had a longer land (Palmgren 1939) and D, triton (Walcken- period of recruitment than immediately appar- aer 1837) in Alberta (Zimmermann & Spence ent from the data. Within the sampling period 1998), Philodromiis rufus and P. cespitum in (which ended mid September) all species Nova Scotia (Dondale 1961), Araniella dis- showed one recruitment ofnew spiderlings: P. plicata in Nova Scotia (Dondale 1961) and fuscula and P. moesta in September and F. Eris militaris in Nova Scotia (Dondale 1961). hyperborea and P. groenlandica in August. Others, such as the three British species of However, a significant number of P. hyper- Amaurobius, are biennials but the second borea and P. moesta in September carried co- overwintering is as adults not as older im- coons that would have hatched after sampling matures (Cloudsley-Thompson 1955). stopped. The single P. groenlandica female Pardosa moesta is the only one of the pre- (with a cocoon) caught in September is not an sent four investigated elsewhere, and the bi- adequate basis for further discussion.Whether ennial life-cycle of this species in Alberta such an extended period was due to females (Buddie 2000) differs from the present work carrying single cocoons over a longer period only in detail. In Alberta mating was mid-May or to some females carrying more than one to early June (July in Newfoundland) and co- cocoon, whether this might be expressed bi- coon-carrying early June through August modally, and the implications of this for both (principally August and September in New- synchrony of the sexes and the size range of foundland). These differences can be attribut- the life-stages will be discussed below. ed to climate. In Alberta the population lived Production of two or more cocoons by one in the boreal transition ecoregion dominated female over an extended period has been re- by hardwoods with a mean annual precipita- ported for several lycosids. Some reports were mm tion of ca. 500 and the following mean based on the direct evidence ofmarking tech- temperatures: annual 1°C, summer 14°C and niques (e.g, Vlijm et ak 1963 for P. amentata winter —13.5°C. The Newfoundland popula- (Clerck 1757), F. monticola (Clerck 1757), tion lived in the northern peninsula ecoregion and P. nigriceps (Thorell 1856) in the Neth- dominated by conifers with a mean annual erlands) Others were based on indirect evi- mm . precipitation of ca. 1150 and the follow- dence such as length of the cocoon-carrying ing mean temperatures: annual 3°C, summer season (e.g. Eason (1969) for P. lapidicina 11°C and winter —4.5°C (Ecological Stratifi- Emerton 1885 in Arkansas; Vlijm & Kessler- cation Working Group 1995). Geschiere (1967) forP. pullata (Clerck 1757), Apart from these generalizations, at least P. nigriceps and P. monticola in the Nether- PICKAVANCE— LIFE-CYCLES 375 lands; Edgar (1971a) for P. lugubris in Scot- September of subadult F. groenlandica, the land; Toth et at (1997) for P. agrestis (Westr- presence of small immature F. groenlandica ing 1862) in Hungary). These species all had in June and July, and the large immature F. an early start to mating followed by a mini- hyperborea embedded among the adults in mum four-month cocoon-carrying season, but September. On the other hand, Edgar (1971b) there are suggestions of two cocoons in a showed that late hatched spiderlings rapidly shorter period. For example, both Wolff catch up in size with their counterparts from (1981) for P. moesta and Buddie (2000) for an early hatch, thereby reducing or obliterat- P. moesta and F. mackenziana surmised that ing the anticipated bimodal age distribution of a second cocoon was likely because they were these two cohorts. carried over 3 mo. In the present study there The wide variation in size-range oflife-stag- is only the indirect evidence of duration and es seen in the present study has been reported late start of the cocoon-carrying season to in- for other lycosids, for example by Eason & dicate how many cocoons females carried. Whitcomb (1965), Almquist (1969) and Eason None of the four species here had cocoons (1969). An extended period of recruitment before July, whereas they were typically seen would increase the number ofinstars occurring in May or at latest June in reports of two co- together, which would increase the size-range coons elsewhere. The cocoon-carryingperiods of life-stages, particularly the immatures that of all four present species seem shorter than contain several instars. There may also be dif- reported elsewhere, but there was an unob- ferences between early and late-hatched spi- served, extended cocoon-carrying season for derlings. Edgar (1971b) reported that later spi- at least two species after sampling stopped in derlings tended to be heavier than earlier (but CW September as discussed above. Overall, the whether heavier equals a larger is uncer- late start and shortness ofthe cocoon-carrying tain). On the other hand, Buddie (2000) said season suggest that second cocoons were not that later spiderlings were substantially smaller usual. But whether from one cocoon or two, than earlier. Against this must be balanced the F. moesta and F. hyperborea had extendedre- report that later spiderlings tend to catch up cruitment periods. These might result in bi- with earlier ones (Edgar 1971b). Either way, modal recruitment and they have implications size difference of new spiderlings will to an for both synchrony of the sexes and the range extent increase the spread of the size-range of of sizes of life-stages. subsequent life-stages, particularly of the im- One type of bimodaiity was reported by matures. Overall, such variations in size do not Samu et ah (1998) inF. agrestis, where a long obscure the general conclusions of the present reproductive period had synchronous peaks of work, but may mask subtle attributes of the males and females in May and August, each populations. preceded by a peak of subadults, with new The present work has increased the knowl- spiderlings present from early June to Octo- edge of spider life-cycles in northern locali- ber. The present study is clearly distinguished ties, compared these four species to other bi- by the shortness of the cocoon-carrying peri- ennials, and suggested that some individuals od, the late start to mating and the lack of a may extend their life-cycle beyond 2 yr. The double peak ofsubadults. However, there may question ofv/hether and to whatextent spiders be an unobserved, bimodal peak in recruit- can extend their life-cycles to accommodate ment produced by late hatching cocoons as increasingly difficult environmental condi- predicted by Edgar (197lb) for F. lugubris in tions awaits further studies at more northern Scotland. latitudes or perhaps higher elevations. An extended recruitment period could af- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS fect synchrony because some late-hatched spi- derlings might not mature in concert with the I am very grateful to Charles Dondale and majority ofimmatures that havejust overwin- James Redner fortheirencouragement and ex- tered for the second time. Therefore some in- pertise, to Parks Canada for permission to dividuals could be triennial, taking an extra sample in Gros Morne National Park, to Carol year to mature, as reported for Trochosa ter- Harding for her assistance in the field and to ricola (Workman 1978). This might explain Chris Buddie for comments on the manu- the presence in July and early appearance in script. I would like to thank Ian King for his 376 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY generosity with his time, and the Biology De- United States. Ginn and Company, Boston. 235 partment, Memorial University of Newfound- PP- land, for materials and facilities. Hackman, W. 1954. The Spiders ofNewfoundland. Acta Zoologica Fennica 79:1-99. LITERATURE CITED Hackman, W. 1957. Studies on the ecology of the Almquist, S. 1969. Seasonal growth of some dune- wolf spider Trochosa ruricola Deg. Commenta- living spiders. Oikos 20: 392-408. tiones Biologicae 16 (6):1-34. Berghe, Van den E. 1992. On pitfall trapping in- Hagstrum, D.W. 1971. Carapace width as a tool for vertebrates. Entomological News 103:149-156. evaluating the rate of development of spiders in Buddie, C.M. 2000. Life history ofPardosamoesta the laboratory and the field. Annals of the En- and Pardosa mackenziana (Araneae, Lycosidae) tomological Society of America 64:757-760. in central Alberta, Canada. Journal of Arachnol- Leech, R.E. 1966. The spiders (Araneida) ofHazen Camp 81°49'N, 71°18'W. Quaestiones Entomo- ogy 28: 319-328. Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1955. The life-histories logicae 2:153-212. ofthe British cribellate spiders ofthe genus Cin- Palmgren, P. 1939. Okologische undphysiologische iflo Bl. (Dictynidae). Annals and Magazine of Untersuchungen uber die Spinne Dolomedesfim- briatus (CL). Acta Zoologica Fennica 24:1-42. Natural History 8:787-794. Dondale, C.D. 1961. Life histories of some com- Putman, W.L. 1967. Life histories and habits oftwo mon spiders from trees and shrubs in Nova Sco- species of Philodromus (Araneida: Thomisidae) tia. 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