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Reference: Biol. Bull 184: 255-268. (June, 1993) Life Cycle Evolution in Asteroids: What is a Larva? LARRY R. McEDWARD AND DANIEL A. JANIES University ofFlorida, Department ofZoology, 223 Bartram Hall. Gainesville. Florida 32611-2009 Abstract. The diversity of larval forms and develop- to asteroids. In general, four different patterns (Table I) mental patterns in asteroid echinoderms has become in- havebeen identified: ( 1)planktotrophy, (2) pelagic lecith- creasingly apparent over the past 10-15 years. However, otrophy, (3)demersal development, and(4)brooding(in- theclassification ofdevelopmental patterns hasbeen am- cluding viviparity) (Thorson, 1950: Mileikovsky, 1971, biguous because the patterns have not been defined as 1974;Chia, 1974;Jablonskiand Lutz, 1983;Grahmeand unique sets of ecological and developmental character Branch, 1985). These patterns are distinguished largely states. In addition, character stateshave not been defined on the basis ofecological characteristics, such as habitat consistently. Thus attempts to understand the evolution- orsource ofnutrition. The followingdescriptionsofthese ary changes in development (e.g.. heterochrony and het- major patterns ofdevelopment outline the features that erotopy in morphogenesis) that underlie larval diversity apply specifically to asteroids. have been hampered. We propose a multifactor classifi- In the planktotrophic pattern, development involves a cation of asteroid developmental patterns that uses an pelagic larva that feeds on suspended particles from the explicitsetofcharactersthatprovideinformation on hab- watercolumn (e.g.. Asterias rubens, Gemmill, 1914; Por- itat (e.g.. pelagic or benthic) and mode ofnutrition (e.g.. ania pnlvillus. Gemmill, 1915; Astropecten aranciacns. feeding or nonfeeding) ofthe developing young, as well Horstadius. 1939; Astropecten scoparim. Oguro el al. = asthetypeofmorphological development(indirect lar- 1976; Patiriella regidaris. Byrne and Barker, 1991; see val: direct = nonlarval). We conclude that direct devel- Emlet et al.. 1987, for an extensive list ofasteroid species opment is exceptionally rare. All asteroids whose devel- and patterns ofdevelopment). Feeding larvae often have opment hasbeen studied, except Pterastertesselatus. have complex morphology and behavior associated with par- the indirect type ofdevelopment. We also propose defi- ticlecapture (Strathmann, 1974, 1987). A universal char- nitions ofsome important terms that have been used in- acteristic ofspecies with planktotrophic development is consistently in the literature (e.g.. larva, metamorphosis, the production ofsmall eggs( 100-250^m)thatcontain indirect development, and direct development). Ourdef- insufficient nutritional reserves to support larval devel- initions take into account the continuous nature of de- opment to metamorphosis. Correlated with the very low velopment and the evolutionary diversification ofonto- levels ofparental investment per offspring are extraordi- genetic sequences. These definitions are intended to pro- narily high fecundities(rangingupto hundredsofmillions vide a clear conceptual basis for analyzing asteroid life of eggs per female per year). Because successful larval cycle evolution. We argue that the ancestral asteroid life feeding is obligatory in species with the planktotrophic cpyicnlneariinavnolavnedd pberlaacghiicollaarrivaalndsetavgeels.opWmeentthweinthprbeostehntbia- pisatotfetrennoqfuidteevelloonpgm(ewnete,ksthteodmuornatthison),ofprtohveildairnvgalcpoenrsiiodd- series of hypotheses for six types ofevolutionary transi- erable potential for larval dispersal. tions in development that can account for the diversity Pelagic lecithotrophy involves development via a pe- oflarval forms and developmental patterns in starfish. lagic nonfeeding larva (e.g., Solaster endeca, Gemmill, 1912; Crossasterpapposus, Gemmill, 1920; Pterastertes- Patterns of Development in Asteroids selatus. Chia, 1966;McEdward, 1992;Mediasteraequalis. Different schemes for classifying the patterns ofdevel- Birkeland et al., 1971; Astropecten gisselbrechti, Komatsu opmentofmarine benthicinvertebrateshavebeen applied and Nojima, 1985). Lecithotrophic larvae are morpho- logically simpler than related planktotrophic larvae, in Received 24November 1992; accepted 23 March 1993. that they lack feeding structures, such as ciliated bands 255 256 L. R. McEDWARD AND D. A. JANIES Table I Traditionalclassification ofdevelopmentalpatternsinasteroids with characteristicsandexamples Characters Name ofpattern Development1 Habitat Nutrition2 Asteroidexamples' Planktotrophy ASTEROID LIFE CYCLE EVOLUTION 257 In the traditional classification, patterns are named and arms varies among species, the arms can be identified by defined on the basis ofthe states ofone (or at most two) their anatomical location using the nomenclature desig- characters. Forexample, demersal development isdefined nated by Mortensen (1898, pp: 6-7). The bipinnaria is a solelyon thebasisofhabitatstate(benthic). Consequently, feeding larva and it occurs in the life cycle ofall asteroids there are two major problems: ambiguity and inconsis- with planktotrophic larval development (e.g.. Asterias tency. Ambiguity arises because only four patterns in the forbesi, A. vulgaris, Agassiz, 1877; Luidia sarsi, Wilson, traditional classification attempt to encompass all ofthe 1978; Paliriella regularis, Byrne and Barker, 1991). A possible combinations ofthe character states that describe brachiolarian larva (Fig. 1B) isdefined by the presence of a developmental pattern. Therefore the four traditional specialized attachment structureson thepreoral lobe: the patternsdonotdistinguish uniquesetsofcharacterstates. brachiolar arms and attachment disk. Brachiolar armsare Demersal development (Table I) is an ambiguous defi- hollow, but contain extensions ofthe larval anterior coe- nition ofadevelopmental pattern because itdoes notdis- lom, and are thereby distinguished from bipinnarian arms tinguish between different nutritional (i.e., feeding or (Gemmill, 1914; Barker, 1978). Brachiolararmsare used nonfeeding) or developmental states (direct or indirect by larvae to test the substratum and provide initial, tem- development). porary adhesion during settlement. The adhesive disk se- Thetraditional classification scheme isalso inconsistent cretes cement and provides more permanent attachment because some patterns, such as planktotrophy. aredefined for metamorphosis. In asteroids with planktotrophic de- and named on the basis of one character (nutrition), velopment, the brachiolarian stage only occurs after the whereasothers, suchasbrooding, aredefined on thebasis bipinnaria (e.g.. Asterias rubens. Gemmill, 1914). Al- of a different character (habitat). Inconsistency in the though these larvae are given different names, they are classification ofdevelopmental patterns also arises from not independently evolved types oflarvae, but rather se- the variable definition ofcharacter states (e.g., direct or quential developmental stages. indirectdevelopment; seebelow)bydifferent authors. The Since thediscovery oftheseasteroid larvaeby Sarsand result ofambiguity and inconsistency is that the patterns Mtiller, several other larval types have been discovered. ofdevelopment described by the traditional classification Someasteroids(e.g.. Crossasterpapposits. Gemmill, 1920; cannot be mutually exclusive, and theclassification must Echinaster echinophorus, Atwood, 1973) develop via a fail to adequately distinguish the existing patterns. nonfeeding pelagic brachiolarian larva (Fig. 1C). Non- We think that there is an additional difficulty with the feeding brachiolarian larvae are morphologically simpler traditionalclassification. Thedefinitionsofdevelopmental than planktotrophicbrachiolarian larvaebecausetheylack patternsemphasizeecological characteristics(habitat and theciliatedband feedingstructures, bipinnarian arms, and nutrition)with little attention tothe morphological nature a functional gut. The most conspicuous larval structures of development (direct or indirect). As pointed out by that characterize both feeding and nonfeeding brachio- Bonar (1978, p. 179), ecological descriptions of devel- larian larvae are the attachment structures (brachiolar opment have tended to mask the basic similarity ofmor- armsandattachmentdisk)and bilateral symmetry. Some phogenesis in many taxa. Conversely, they have also asteroids develop via a benthic brachiolaria that has re- hampered the recognition offundamental differences in ducedbrachiolarstructures. Forexample, inAsterinagib- m1o99r2p;hoJganeineessainsd(Mec.gE..dwPatredr,asitnerrevtieesws)e.laTtuos,illMusctEradtweatrheds.e bosa, the brachiolar arms are reduced to nonfunctional pmoeinnttas,l wchearwaicltlersiusrtivcesyitnheasltaerrvoailddeicvherisniotdyeramnsd.dWeveelwoipl-l abduhlebssiovendaisskirmepmlaeicnisli(aFtiegd. plrDe)o(rLaludlwoibge,,b1u8t82a; MfuanccBtriiodnea,l touhtelninperoapomsuelteixfpalcitciotrdcelfaisnsiitfiiocnatsioonfismcphoermteanftortedremvselaonpd- d1e8v96e)l.opMeodraendtypfiucnacltlyi,onbarlobordaecdhiborlaacrhiaorlmasriaanrdetaaidnhewseilvle- mental patterns. disks (e.g., Henricia sanguinolenta, Masterman, 1902; Leptasteriashexactis, Osterud, 1918;Chia, 1968;Henricia H sp., Chia and Walker, 1991; [= variety F, leviuscula, Asteroid Larval Types Fisher, 1911; p.282, according to Strathmann el ai, Starfish have two characteristic larval types: the bipin- 1988]). Barrel-shaped larvae (Fig. IE) occurin some spe- naria and the brachiolaria (see Fell, 1967, p.S68). A bi- ciesofpaxillosids(e.g.,Astropectenlatespinosus, Komatsu, pinnarian larva (Fig. 1A) is characterized by the bilateral 1975;Komatsuetal., 1988,Ctenopleurafisheri, Komatsu, arrangement ofthe pre- and post-oral ciliated swimming 1982; Astropecten gisselbrechti. Komatsu and Nojima, and feeding bands that are borne on arms (MacBride, 1985). Barrel-shaped larvaearepelagic lecithotrophiclar- 1914, p.464; Kume and Dan, 1968, p.306). Bipinnarian vae with abbreviated development and simplified mor- armsare hollowextensionsofthebodywall;theycontain phology. Pterastertesselatus has an unusual type ofnon- blastocoelic space, but are not supported by calcareous brachiolarian pelagic lecithotrophic development (Chia, skeletalrods. Althoughthenumberandsizeofbipinnarian 1966; McEdward, 1992). A similar type of nonbrachio- L. R. McEDWARD AND D. A. JANIES B C /) a.d.v br.a. br.a. a.d. c.b. bp.a. bp.a. D br.a. h. G br.a a.d. ASTEROID LIFE CYCLE EVOLUTION 259 larian development also occurs in a brooder (Fig. IF) Table II (Pterastermilitaris, Kaufman, 1968). Relationships between typesolasteroidlarvaeandtraditionalpatterns Appreciation of asteroid developmental diversity has ofdevelopment increased over the past 10-15 years with the discovery of new larval types (e.g., barrel-shaped larvae) and new de- Larval type Developmental pattern velopmental patterns [e.g.. demersal development, Por- Bipmnaria Planktotrophy iinuisp., Bosch. 1989 (Fig. 1C); intragonadal ovovivipar- Demersal development ity,Asterinapseudoexiguapacifica, Komatsu e/<//., 1990 Brachiolana Planktotrophy (Fig. 1H); and viviparity, Pterastermilitaris. McClary and Pelagic lecithotrophy Mladenov, 1990]. This diversity has been described and Demersal development classified largely according to the patternsoutlined above Brooding PaxiIIosid barrel-shaped larva Pelagic lecithotrophy (e.g., planktotrophy. lecithotrophy, brooding, demersal Ptcrastcrid nonhrachiolaria Pelagic lecithotrophy development). Theambiguityand inconsistency inherent Brooding in the traditional classification scheme has hampered at- tempts to understand the evolutionary changes in devel- Developmental pattern Larval type opment that underlie larval diversity. For example, the Planktotrophs Bipmnaria lack ofcorrespondence between larval type and the tra- Brachiolana ditional classification ofdevelopmental patterns in starfish Pelagic Lecithotrophy Brachiolaria isshown in Table II; thetraditional classification scheme, Paxillosid barrel-shaped larva Pterastend nonbrachiolaria cannot predict unambiguously the pattern of develop- Demersal development Bipmnaria ment, given the type oflarva. Clearly the ecological and Brachiolaria morphological charactersofdevelopmental patternshave Brooding Brachiolana evolved independently (e.g., brachiolarattachment struc- Pterastend nonbrachiolaria tures are often retained in brooded young). in fact,theblastulaandgastrulastagesaredefiningfeatures Life Cycle Terminology of the Metazoa (Buss. 1987; Bonner, 1988; Margulis, Manyapparentlysimpletermsareused todescribeand 1990). Hatching in asteroids occurs at various stages of interpret the diversity ofdevelopment in asteroids. How- development (blastula, gastrula, orlater)andcan therefore ever, a consensus for the definition these terms does not define neither the end ofthe embryonic period nor the exist. The problem stems in large part from the different beginning ofthe larval period. In the course ofmorpho- contexts (i.e.. ecological or morphological) inherent in genesis, structuresspecific to eachgroupoforganismsap- considerations of the evolution of marine invertebrate pear and gradually produce a definitive form (larval or larvae. The discussion ofterminology that follows is an juvenile). It is the seamless transition between the onset attempt to provide a clearconceptual basis for analyzing ofmorphogenesisandtheachievementofadefinitiveform evolutionary changes in asteroid life cycles. The appli- that makesthedistinction between lateembryoand early cation ofthese terms to specific developmental patterns larva, or early juvenile, impossible to identify with pre- and the resulting multifactor classification isdiscussed in cision. Forthisreason,theterm "embryo"isbestrestricted the next sections. to the stages ofdevelopment that are ofuniversal occur- rence (cleavage, blastula, and gastrula) and should not be Embryo used to refer to the subsequent transitional period. In general, embryos can bedefined morphologically as Larva cleavage stages, the blastula, and the gastrula. These are In spite ofnumerous attempts, no one has provided a recognizable stages in the development ofall animals, and precise and generally accepted definition of the term Figure 1. Diagramsofvariousasteroidlarvaltypes.A.Complexfeeding,pelagicbipinnaria(unidentified luidiid,e.g..Luidiafaliolala;modifiedfromStrathmann, 1974.p.324);B.Complexfeeding,pelagicbrachiolaria (unidentifiedastenid,e.g.. Pisaslerochraceus. modifiedfromStrathmann, 1974,p.324);C.Simplenonfeeding, pelagicbrachiolaria(Solasterendeca. modified from Hyman, 1955. p.298): D. Simple nonfeeding, benthic brachiolaria(Amerinagihhosa. modifiedfrom MacBnde, 1896,pi. 18);E. Nonfeeding,pelagicbarrel-shaped larva (Ctenopleurafisheri, modified from Komatsu. 1982, p.202): F. Simple nonfeeding. benthic nonbra- chiolarian stage(Pterastermilitaris. modified from Kaufman, 1968,p.508). G. Simplenonfeeding, benthic brachiolaria (Porania sp., modified from Bosch, 1989, p.80); H. Simple nonfeeding, benthic brachiolaria (Asterinapseudoexiguapacifica, modified from Komatsu ela/.. 1990,p.259). Abbreviations: a.d.,adhesive disk; bp.a., bipinnarian arm; br.a., brachiolararm;c.b.,ciliated band;g.,gut; h., hydrocoel; p., podia. 260 L. R. McEDWARD AND D. A. JANIES We "larva." believe that such a definition is impossible to consider metamorphosis asthe transition from the lar- fortworeasons: ( 1)thecontinuousnatureofdevelopment, val body plan to thejuvenile body plan, regardless ofthe and (2) the evolutionary diversification ofdevelopment. rate or magnitude of the change. Metamorphosis then First, "larva" refers to a stage (or series of stages) in a requires a definitive larval stage in the life cycle, and its developmental sequence. In asteroids, development does occurrence thus defines the indirect pattern ofdevelop- not progress as a sequence ofdiscrete instars but rather ment. involves continuous changes in morphology. Stages can- not be precisely defined, because they do not begin and Indirect development end with unambiguously identifiable developmental events. The larval form is produced by morphogenetic This refers to a pattern ofdevelopment in which the processesthatgraduallytransform theembryo intoamore embryo is followed by intermediate stages with structural complex shape. Larval stages transform into juvenile features that are not directly involved in the morphogen- stages during metamorphosis, which can be rapid and esis ofthejuvenile (Fig. 2). These intermediate stages are drastic orprolonged andgradual. Second, developmental larvaeand by virtue ofhavinga specialized structure and sequences may have been greatly modified (accelerated, atransitory body plan must undergo a metamorphosis to retarded, and condensed), and the stages within those se- the juvenile body plan. The construction oflarval mor- quences may have undergone evolutionary modification. phology (e.g., specific organs or overall body symmetry) Given the tremendous morphological, ecological, and defines the indirect nature ofa developmental sequence. taxonomicdiversity ofmarine invertebrates, it is not sur- Larval structures might, but need not be functional during prising that a single definition fails to be universally ap- development. A brooded larva that does not swim in the plicable. water column or settle to the benthos may still possess For evolutionary studies, we maintain that a larva the structures for swimming and settlement. shouldbedefined asan intermediatestage in thelifecycle that is produced by post-embryonic morphogenesis and Direct development is eliminated by the metamorphic transition to the ju- venile; in addition, this intermediate stage must possess This refers to a pattern of development wherein the transitory structural features that are not developmentally embryonic stages are followed by the morphogenesis of necessary for morphogenesis ofthe juvenile. Transitory the juvenile, without an intervening larval stage. The larval features may be specialized for independent exis- idealized life cycles in Figure 2 illustrate the importance tenceduringdevelopment, orbereduced inderived modes of the larval stage in distinguishing between direct and ofdevelopment. Juvenile Sexually mature adult The term "juvenile" has been used in a very broad sense. Atoneextreme, itreferstothe"post-larval" stages, Gametes either immediately followingabrupt metamorphosis from adefinitive larval stage, orat some ill-defined point during Fertilization a prolonged, gradual metamorphosis. At the other ex- treme,juveniles are "pre-adults" that have the definitive Juvenile adult morphology, but are small or at least not sexually Zygote mature. For the present discussion, it is more important tWoeesstuabglgiesshtctrhiatetriaajfuovredneiflienihnagsthaetteaairnleiedsttjhueveandiulletsbtoagdey. :..Diffe"rP"e/'ni-Ji.aJiieo"no""&,"-""*.. rr//GCatsotvmal.ilgaeuo&n plan (symmetry, general body shape), and the majorsys- Embryo tems are functional (especially locomotion and feeding, Metamorphosis but not reproduction). This definition intentionally ex- cludes the transitional period during metamorphosis. Differentiation& Morphogenesis Metamorphosis Figure2. DiagramofanidealizedMetazoanlifecycle.Smalltypeface identitiesthemajorlifecycleprocesses(e.g.. Differentiation& Morpho- This literally means a change in morphology. But as genesis);medium-sized typefaceidentifiesthemajorlifecyclestages(e.g.. was stated above, the entire developmental process pro- Juvenile);largetypefaceindicatesthetwoalternativetypesofdevelopment ducescontinuouschangesin form. "Metamorphosis" has in the life cycle (e.g.. Direct Development). See the text sections Life CycleTerminology, DirectandIndirectDevelopmentinAsteroids,and often been restricted to cases where there is a drastic and What isa Larva, and What is Not? fordefinitions and explanationsof rapid change in morphology. However, it is more useful lifecycle featuresin asteroids. ASTEROID LIFE CYCLE EVOLUTION 261 indirect development. Direct modes ofdevelopment can lable HI involve short, simple ontogenetic sequences or long, I'aryingapplieation ofthetermsthree!andindirect development in complex ones. All that isrequired fordirect development asteroids is that larval stages be absent from the life cycle. Iflarval stagesareabsent, then metamorphosisdoes not occurbe- Reference cause there is not a definitive morphological stage to be transformed into thejuvenile. Thus, direct development, as defined here, is equivalent to "ametamorphic" devel- opment (Bonar, 1978). In contrast to indirect develop- ment, thejuvenile develops progressively (directly) from the embryo, through a seriesofintermediate stages, all of which are transitional towards the juvenile and without morphogenesis ofany larval structures. Since there is not a generally accepted term to apply to these intermediate ontogenetic stages and the term "larva" only refers to a specialized stage in the indirect pattern ofdevelopment, it seems useful to introduce the term "mesogen" ( =mid- dle stage) to refer to the developmental stages that occur between theembryoand thejuvenile in thedirect pattern ofdevelopment. This recognizes thateven with direct de- velopment there can be a prolonged period ofdevelop- ment before the definitivejuvenile stage is reached. This term is especially useful where stages ofdirect develop- ment are free-living (e.g., Pterastertesselatus, McEdward, 1992). Direct and Indirect Development in Asteroids The distinction between direct and indirect develop- ment has been widely used to characterize asteroid de- velopmental patterns. This is potentially useful for the study ofevolutionary changes in development because it involves only morphological criteria, rather than ecolog- icalones. However, inconsistentapplication oftheseterms (Table III) has led to considerable confusion. Originally, development via a larval stage was termed indirect and development without a larval stage was de- scribed as direct. Habitat and nutrition were not consid- ered relevant to thedistinction. Masterman describedthe broodeddevelopment ofHenriciasanguinolentaas". . . enabling development to proceed independently of the capture or acquirement offood. But although this is the case, there istobediscerned no essential difference in the courseofdevelopmentwhichwouldjustifytheapplication ofa term like 'direct' development, . . . The presence of lecithal nutrition, like that ofhaemal nutrition in vivip- arous forms, no doubt accounts for certain marked ad- aptationsnot unlikethosecharacteristicsofparasites, such as loss of alimentation, sensory and motor organs, but therecan belittlequestion thatthelarval 'entity' isevident both in space and time in these demersal forms equally with the pelagic" (Masterman, 1902, p.384). Henricia sanguinolenta has a brachiolarian stage that remains within a brood protected by the parent during develop- ment. However, because it possesses purely larval struc- 262 L. R. McEDWARD AND D. A. JANIES within the egg-spawn until hatching into a fully formed may or may not be endowed with special larval organs juvenile bottom form. Therefore, larval development of and which always differs sensibly from the adult" (p.9). the species is completely under the protection ofthe egg- The rationale for this broad definition ofthe term larva envelopes and the spawn-substances. (Pelagic larval phase was a practical one: the preparation ofa comprehensive is omitted)." Mileikovsky (1974. p.172). In these exam- catalogue ofmarine larvae (i.e.. pelagic dispersive prop- ples, different and inconsistent sets ofcriteria were used agules). At the time that it was proposed, the broad, eco- to define these patterns, thus effectively removing any logical definition ofa larva was recognized as "a point of meaningful morphological interpretation ofdirect devel- dispute" (Vannucci, 1959, p.7). Chia( 1974) improved on opment. Vannucci's definition by making the language less am- Indirect development is usually restricted to cases of biguous. He maintained the ecological sense ofa larva by feeding larval development (e.g.. Wray and Raff, 1991, making morphology, nutrition, and habitat alternative p.45). This is particularly true for asteroids (Komatsu, criteria by which to define a larva. The advantage ofthis 1975; Oguro et a!.. 1976, 1988). "Development having broaderdefinition isthat it recognizes the important eco- brachiolaria only, irrespective ofwhether it is pelagic or logical roles played by many "larvae" (i.e.. feeding and benthic, is called the direct type. Development which dispersal). This was consistent with the current emphasis passes through both the bipinnaria and the brachiolaria on larval ecology and the adaptive significance ofdevel- is called the indirect type." (Oguro et a/.. 1976, p.571 ). opmental patterns in marine benthic invertebrates. Differing criteria for direct and indirect development The disadvantage ofsuch an expanded definition ofa create a problem because these patterns ofdevelopment larva is that by allowing three alternative characters to are intimately tied to the definition ofa larva. Does this define a larva (morphology or nutrition or habitat) the mean that nonfeedingorbenthic larvaeare not really lar- definition becomes ambiguous. Under this broad defini- vae after all? Chia argued that ". . . it is indirect devel- tion, nutritional type or habitat could suffice to define a opment when there is a larval stage and it is direct de- larva (indirect development), without regard to the nature velopment when a larval stage is lacking. This definition of morphological development. In addition, numerous seems clear and simple but in practice there has been applications ofthe ecological characterization ofa larva much confusion. The main problem, as I see it, lies in have involved logical errors, in that negation ofonly one differencesofdefiningwhat isa larva and much confusion ofthecriteria(morphology ornutrition orhabitat), rather would be reduced if the term 'larva' is clarified" (Chia, than all of the criteria (morphology and nutrition anil 1974, p.121). habitat), have been used to designate development as nonlarval (i.e.. direct). What is a Larva, and What is Not? The problem is seen clearly with regard to brooded de- velopment in which young stages can be larval by mor- Chia(1974)proposed adefinition forthe term "larva." phological and developmental criteria (indirect develop- "Larva is a developmental stage, occupying the period ment) but do not live in the plankton and thus do not from post embryonic stage to metamorphosis, and it dif- provide larval dispersal (e.g., Leptasterias hexactis. Chia. fers from the adult in morphology, nutrition, or habitat. 1968; Asterina pseudoexigua pacifica, Komatsu et a/.. In thisdefinition, postembryonic designatesthetime after 1990; Henridasp., Chiaand Walker, 1991). On theother emerging (hatching) from the primary egg membrane; hand, there are pelagic propagules that undergo direct prior to that it is considered as embryonic stage" (Chia, development and thus qualify as larvae only in the sense 1974, p.122). Chiaexplicitly rejected the idea that a larva thattheyaredispersed bywatermovements(e.g., Pteraster had to possess purely "larval" structures. This was nec- tesselatus, McEdward, 1992). essary to encompass the ecological sense ofa larva as a Of the four ecological patterns of development de- dispersive propagule. In this regard. Chia was following scribed above (Table I), which necessarily have ordo not Vannucci (1959), who had reviewed the various defini- have larval stages and which can potentially have larvae? tionsofthe term larva that had been used previously and Planktotrophic development must include a larval stage had rejected the common definition ofa larva as a de- inordertopossessthestructuresnecessaryforfoodparticle velopmental stage that had transitory or larval organs. capture. In the other four patterns, indirect or direct de- Vannucci's intention was"to use theword larva in avery velopment areevolutionary options. Pelagic lecithotrophy broad sense, and will thus include many organisms that generally involves larval stageswith specialized swimming would not be considered a larva by authors giving to this or settlement structures, but direct development could word a restricted meaning" (Vannucci, 1959, p.7). He occur in the plankton via a pelagic mesogen. Demersal cited as examples of organisms that had larvae only by development could involve feedingor nonfeeding larvae, theecological criterion, the planula, actinula, and ephyrae as well as direct-developing mesogens. Benthic brooding of cnidarians. Vannucci (1959) defined larva as "a de- often involveswell-developedlarval stages, somebrooded velopmental stage, as a rule sexually immature, which younghave simplified larval features, but brooding rarely ASTEROID LIFE CYCLE EVOLUTION 263 proceeds by strictly direct development. In numerous must be used to unambiguously describe or classify a de- cases, brooding involves stages with larval structures velopmental pattern. (sometimes reduced but often functional). This makes the Eight different developmental patterns can potentially classification ofdevelopmental stages as larvae or meso- be described when three characters exist, each with two gensdifficult; howeverit is important to realizethat there alternative states. Ofthese eight potential patterns, only cannot bean absolutedistinction between larvaeand me- six are known to occur in asteroids (Table IV). Indirect sogens, because the evolution from indirect to direct de- development via pelagic feeding larvae is common in as- velopment usually involves the successive reduction and teroids, and it can involve either bipinnarian and bra- eliminationoflarval structures. Theclosestapproximation chiolarian stages (e.g.. Asterias rubens, Gemmill, 1914) totrulydirect development in theasteroids isin the highly or only bipinnarian stages (e.g., Astropecten scoparins, derived pterasterids which lack all larval structures, as Oguro et uL, 1976). Indirect development via pelagic well as bilateral symmetry, and are thus fundamentally nonfeeding larvae can involve a simplified brachiolaria different from all other starfish (McEdward, 1992; Mc- or the barrel-shaped larva. Indirect development on the Edward, in prep.; Janies and McEdward, in review). benthos with a feeding larva possibly occurs in the Ant- To answer the question raised in the heading to this arctic asteroid Odontaster validus, but this is uncertain section, only a larva (in the strictest morphological and (Pearse and Bosch, 1986). Indirect development via a developmental sense) is a larva, and everything else in- benthic nonfeeding larva iscommon amongbroodingas- cluding a mesogen is not. teroids (e.g., Ctenodiscus australis, Lieberkind. 1926: Hfimcia sanguinolenta, Masterman, 1902; Leptasterias Classification of Developmental Patterns of Asteroids lic.\tictis. Chia, 1968). Strict direct development is ex- tremely rare in asteroids. Pelagic nonfeeding direct de- We propose a multifactor classification scheme for as- velopment occursonly in Pterastertesselatus(McEdward, teroiddevelopmental patterns(Table IV). Therearethree 1992). Benthic nonfeeding direct development has not completely independent characters by which develop- been reported, butweinferit forthebroodingpterasterid, mental patterns are classified. First, the morphological Pteraster militaris (Kaufman, 1968; McClary and Mlad- nature of development can be described using the dis- enov, 1990), based on similarities with P. tesselatus tinction between indirect and direct development, in the (McEdward, in prep.). Construction oftheproposed mul- strict sense outlined above. In our scheme, all indirect tifactorclassification scheme was stimulated, in large part, types have larvae and all direct types do not, regardless by the need to clarify the developmental differences be- ofhabitat or mode ofnutrition duringdevelopment. Sec- tween pterasterids and other asteroids with nonfeeding ond,developmental patternscan bedistinguished by hab- patterns ofdevelopment. Direct development involving itat, using the pelagic or benthic distinction. Third, the feeding has not been reported for asteroids. Given the distinction between feedingand nonfeedingdevelopment predatory nature ofmostjuvenile and adult asteroids, it provides information about nutrition. All three characters is unlikely that transitional developmental stages (meso- Table IV Mullifactorclassification ofasteroiddevelopmentpatterns Developmental pattern Characters Type 264 L. R. McEDWARD AND D. A. JANIES gens) could acquire paniculate food without the use of lifecycleand resulted inapelagic, nonfeedingbrachiolaria. specialized (i.e.. larval) feeding structures. Direct devel- Associated with the loss oflarval feeding structures, such opment, with feedingseems to bean unlikelyevolutionary asciliated bands, bipinnarian arms, and a functional gut. option for starfish. the morphology ofthe brachiolaria wasgreatly simplified (Fig. 1C). However, the larva retained bilateral symmetry, brachiolar arms, and many features ofinternal develop- Evolution of Developmental Patterns in Asteroids ment (e.g.. coelom formation) characteristic ofthe more Although indirect development with a complex, feed- complex bipinnarian and brachiolarian forms. This has ing, pelagic larvaisconsidered theancestral condition for occurred at least 6-9 times in the asteroids (Strathmann. echinoderms (Jagersten, 1972; Strathmann, 1978), there 1978). Indirect development via a simple brachiolarian has been considerable debate over the nature ofthe an- larva is known to occur in four orders: Forcipulatida, cestral asteroid life cycle (Bather 192la. b, 1923; Mac- Valvatida, Spinulosida, and Velatida (Fig. 4). From this Bride, 1921, 1923a, b; Mortensen, 1922, 1923). Until re- pelagic, nonfeeding pattern of development, a second cently, it was widely accepted that indirect development evolutionary change (transition B, Fig. 3) eliminated the viaa pelagic feeding bipinnaria with complex larval mor- pelagic phase ofdevelopment and resulted in benthicde- phology, but without a brachiolaria stage, characterized velopment via brooding, or a free-living demersal larva. theoriginaldevelopmental pattern ofasteroids(Fell, 1967. This resulted in an indirect pattern ofdevelopment with p.S71; Oguro et ai. 1988). This argument was first de- a nonfeeding brachiolarian larva and is known from the veloped by Mortensen (1921, p.219-220), and it was orders Forcipulatida, Valvatida. Spinulosida, and Velatida largely based on the absence ofthe brachiolarian stage in (Fig. 4). the paxillosids (esp. Luidiidae and Astropectinidae). Pax- Direct development, in the strict sense that we use the illosids were considered to be the most primitive ofthe term, is known among asteroids only in the family Pter- starfish orders, so the lack ofa brachiolarian larval stage asteridae. We postulate that direct development evolved was interpreted as the original condition forthe asteroids in a lineage of brooders within the order Velatida (Fig. (Oguroetai, 1988). Thebrachiolariawasthoughttohave 4). Brooding is rare in solasterids, but is presumed to be evolved later, at about the same time as the appearance thepredominantmodeofdevelopment intheothervelatid ofsuckered podia (Fell, 1967, p.S71). The importance of families: Korethrasteridae, Caymanostellidae, Myxaster- thetaxonomicposition ofthepaxillosidsinthisargument idae, and Pterasteridae. Unfortunately, because these are was clearly pointed out by Mortensen (1923, p.323): "I mostlydeep-seaorganisms, very littleisknown about their have no direct interest in maintainingthe Brachiolaria to development (Clark and Downey, 1992). Larval attach- beasecondarilyspecialized larval type. Ifconclusiveproof ment structures were likely lost in the pterasterids as the is given that the Brachiolaria is the primitive, the Astro- lineage became specialized in the deep-sea and evolved pectinid-larva the specialized form, I shall not hesitate to brooded young. Direct development wasprobably the re- drop my present view. But I must maintain that this view sult ofselection forgeneral developmental efficiency(i.e.. is not unjustified by the facts so far known." In contrast, the discontinuance ofvestigial larval programs) during a MacBride(1921, 1923b)argued that paxillosidswere spe- long history of brooding. Extreme simplification of de- cialized, not primitive, and he explained the lack of a velopment(transitionC, Fig. 3),eliminatedallofthelarval brachiolarian larva as an adaptation for life on soft sub- features (e.g.. brachiolar arms, bilateral symmetry) from strata. This view was strengthened by the discovery that the lifecycleand produced an ontogenetic sequence lead- some paxillosids have suckered podia for a short period ing directly from the embryo to thejuvenile (Fig. 2). In- immediately after metamorphosis (Astropecten latespi- termediate developmental stages represent mesogens (Fig. nosus, Komatsu, 1975, p.53',Astropectenscoparius, Oguro IF) that are brooded by the parent. The developmental et ai, 1976, p.567). The recent analyses ofpaxillosid bi- pattern is benthic, nonfeeding, and direct (Table IV) and ology by Blake (1987, 1988) have provided convincing it is known for only a single species, Pteraster militaris support to the view that paxillosids are highly derived (Kaufman, 1968; McEdward, in prep.) (Fig. 4). A sub- asteroids with body form, digestive, podial, as well asde- sequent modification ofthispattern ofdirectdevelopment velopmental, specializations for life in sandy and muddy involved the re-evolution ofa pelagic period during de- habitats. We accept this view and consider the original velopment(transition D, Fig. 3). Thisproducedtheunique asteroid life cycle to have consisted ofpelagic feeding in- typeofpelagic, nonfeeding "larva" ofPterastertesselatus direct development via a complex bipinnaria and a com- (McEdward, 1992). This pelagic developmental stage isa plex brachiolaria (Fig. 1A, B, 3, 4). mesogen (not a larva) and the pattern ofdevelopment is All ofthe other developmental patterns that occur in direct, pelagic, and nonfeeding (Table IV). The pelagic asteroids (Table IV) can be derived by means ofsix dif- mesogen ofPterastertesselatusisfundamentallydifferent ferent evolutionary transitions (Fig. 3). Loss of larval from the pelagic, nonfeeding brachiolarian larva ofother feeding(transition A) eliminated the bipinnaria from the starfish. Important differences include: absence of bra-

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