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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. aTP319 Costs .A36 Life-Cycle of 1995 ;d States irtmentof culture Alternative Fuels: lomic ;arch Biodiesel Is ice IUS-5S Cost Competitive November 1995 For Urban Buses ' U.S.OEF UlXOf'Ai- NATiONA^i EstimatedTotal PresentValue Costs per Bus Diesel Biodiesel Methanol Note to readers: The special article reprinted here originally appeared in Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Situation and Outlook, published in September 1995. The full contents of that issue are shown below: Contents Page Summary 3 Introduction 4 Current Macroeconomic and Industrial Outlook 8 Starches and Sugars 10 Fats and Oils 15 Natural Fibers 21 Animal Products 24 Forest Products 26 Specialty Plant Products 29 Special Article Life-Cycle Costs of Alternative Fuels: Is Biodiesel Cost Competitive for Urban Buses? 35 List of Tables 42 Coordinator Lewrene Glaser Voice (202) 219-0091, Fax (202) 219-0035 Industrial Uses ofAgricultural MaterialsSituation ucts from the six categories of agricultural output andOutlooksupplies relevant, up-to-dateeconomic shown above, focusing on traditional uses, new intelligence to people involved in the research, de- uses currently in the marketplace, and uses on the — velopment, commercialization, production, proc- horizon. One or more feature articles presenting — essing, marketing, and policy aspects of taking ag- an in-depth look at current topics and issues and ricultural materials from the farmgate through the data tables round out each report. industrial marketplace. Each issue examines the national economic outlook, and how developments Industrial Uses ofAgricultural Materials Situation in the general economy are likely to affect key and Outlook is published once a year. To order the industrial sectors that buy or potentially buy agri- 1995 issue (IUS-5), see back cover. cultural materials. Coverage spans industrial prod- The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, agedisability, political beliefsand marital orfamilial status. (Notall prohibited bases applytoall programs). Personswith disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office of Communication at (202) 720-2791. To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington D.C., 20250, or call (202) 720-7327 (voice) or (202) 720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity employer. 2 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service SpecialArticle Life-Cycle Costs of Alternative Fuels: Is Biodiesel Cost Competitive for Urban Buses? by Nicolas B.C. Ahouissoussi and Michael E. Wetzstein 1 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide an expecte—d cost comparison for operating a transit-bus fleet on three different alternative fuels biodiesel, com- pressed natural gas (CNG), and methanol. Petroleum diesel is the base fuel. Infra- structure, refueling, and maintenance costs are all part of running an urban transit bus. Additional expenditures would be needed to change fuel storage and delivery systems, as well as bus engines and fuel systems, to use methanol or CNG. Using a 5-percent discount rate, the present value per bus per mile was calculated for the total cost (the sum of infrastructure, bus-alteration, refueling, and mainte- nance expenses) of a transit fleet over the estimated 30-year life cycle of a refuel- ing infrastructure. Not surprisingly, diesel buses had the lowest cost at 24.7 cents per mile. As biodiesel is blended with diesel, the cost per mile ranged from 27.9 to 47.5 cents, depending on the amount of biodiesel used and its estimated price. CNG’s cost varied from 37.5 to 42 cents per mile, while methanol’s cost was 73.6 cents per mile. This analysis indicates that, although biodiesel and biodiesel blends have higher total costs than diesel fuel, they have the potential to compete with CNG and methanol as fuels for urban transit buses. Keywords: Diesel fuel, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, methanol, transit buses, life-cycle cost, present value. Alternative fuels for urban mass-transit vehicles have been The industry is currently looking for least-cost methods to receiving a lot of attention lately. This interest is generated meetthe newparticulate-matterstandards. Promisingoptions by the necessity for cleaner emissions as mandated by the include retrofitting buses with emission-control equipment, Clean AirActAmendments of 1990 (CAAA) and byconcern such as catalytic converters and particulate traps. There is for reliable sources of energy. Under the CAAA, the U.S. also interestin usingalternativefuelsthatemitlessparticulate Environmental ProtectionAgency(EPA)establishedNational mattercompared with petroleumdiesel. However, theequip- Ambient AirQuality Standardsforseveral pollutants: carbon ment or fuel must first be tested and certified by EPA to monoxide, inhalableparticulates, nitrogen oxides, ozone,sul- determine if it meets the new standards. EPA currently is fur oxides, reactive hydrocarbons, and lead. These standards reviewing alternative fuel systems for the Urban Bus Retrofit for heavy-duty urban buses (table A-l) have resulted in pro- Rebuild Program. grams to lessen emissions ofthese pollutants. Because ofthese stricterenvironmental regulations, the mar- The CAAA and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 have opened ketfordomesticalternativefuelsisbecomingmoreimportant. the market for clean burning, nontoxic, biodegradable fuels. However, there is a gap in the literature comparing the costs However, these laws control access to that market, requiring of these fuels. The purpose of this paper is to provide an extensive testing and demonstrations for verifying perform- expected cost comparison for o—perating a transit-bus fleet on ance and emission reductions compared with low-sulfur die- three different alternative fuels biodiesel, compressed natu- CAAA sel. For example, set tighter particulate-matter con- trolsonpre-1994-model-yearurbanbusesinareaswitha 1980 population ofover 750,000. The standards become effective TableA-1--Emissionstandardsforheavydutyurban busengines when engines are rebuilt or replaced after January 1, 1995. Pollutant 1991 1993 1994 1998 Gramsperhorsepowerhour Hydrocarbons 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Carbon monoxide 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 ' Ahouissoussi is a research assistant, and Wetzstein is a professor, (706) Nitrogenoxides 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 542-0758, in the Department ofAgricultural and Applied Economics, Uni- Particulatematter 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.05 1/ versity ofGeorgia, Athens, Georgia. Some ofthis research was funded by 1/TheU.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgencymayrelaxtheparticulate USDA’s Office of Energy and New Uses under Cooperative Agreement standardto0.07if0.05isdeterminednottobetechnologicallyachievable. 43-3AES-3-80153. 3 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service ral gas (CNG), and methanol. Petroleum diesel is the base Petroleum-deriveddiesel isused asthebasefuel in this study. fuel. It is the most common fuel used in urban buses and other heavy-dutyvehicles. About25billiongallonswereconsumed OverviewofCompeting Fuels in the United States in 1994 for on-road use. In the past, petroleum refiningwascontrolledprimarily forgasolineyield Biodiesel is aclean-burning, renewable, nontoxic, and biode- and quality; thus, the quality of diesel fuel varied widely gradabletransportation fuelthatcan beusedaloneorin blends depending on the demand forgasoline</). This has changed with petroleum-deriveddiesel(2). U.S. farmersare interested over the last few years. Diesel fuel now faces significant in biodiesel because advanced agricultural practices and fuel-quality and engine-emissions requirements. EPA regu- changing dietary habits in the United States have put down- lations set a maximum limitof0.05 percent by weight on the ward pressure on prices for vegetable oils and animal fats, sulfur content and a minimum cetane index of40 for diesel the feedstocks for biodiesel. Greater dietary use of lighter, fuel used in on-road vehicles. more unsaturated vegetable oils is leading to lower demand for saturated oils and fats in human and animal feeds, thus, Bus Refueling Facilities increasing the availability of animal fats and vegetable oils for conversion into biodiesel. Most urban transit authorities operate refueling facilities for their buses. Often at a central location, these facilities are From an environmental standpoint, biodiesel/diesel blends devoted exclusively to refueling buses and house sheltered can reduce significantly emissions of particulates, carbon chassis lanes with eight to ten doors, fueling pumps, storage monoxide, and unburned hydrocarbons. For economic and tanks, maintenance equipment, and emergency fire equip- engine-compatibility reasons, biodiesel often is blended with ment. Achassis laneisadrivewaynexttotherefuelingpump. diesel at a 20/80 rate. Research results indicate that power, In a lane, maintenance equipment is used to clean one bus torque, and fuel economy with a 20-percent biodiesel blend while another one is being fueled. The regional transport are comparable with petroleum diesel (5). districtrefuelingstation in Denver,Colorado, which wasused to gatherthe datafor this analysis, refuels approximately 280 Producing biodiesel is a relatively simple process. Typically, buses per night in a three-lane system. The three lanes can it is made by esterifying vegetable oil, such as soybean or service 360 buses at full capacity. Diesel fuel is stored in rapeseed oil, and/oranimal fat. This process involves mixing underground tanks, with a capacity of 20,000 gallons each. the oil or fat with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst (potassium or sodium hydroxide) and allowing them to react. No infrastructure changes orengine modifications are needed Ifmethanol isused, theprocessproducesamethylestercalled for using biodiesel. Only the fuel is modified by blending methyl soyate from soybean oil or methyl tallowate from diesel fuel with biodiesel. In this analysis, fuels using 20, animal fat. As the methyl soyate/tallowate is formed, glyc- 35, 60, and 100 percent (neat) biodiesel were considered. erine, which can be sold as a valuable coproduct, separates However, the level of BTU’s associated with biodiesel- out and sinks. Once degummed, the methyl soyate/tallowate blended fuels is lower than with diesel, which results in a is decanted off, and can be used in most diesel engines with lowerlevel offuelefficiency. TheColoradoInstituteforFuels no modification. and High-Altitude Engine Research has estimated the fuel efficiency ofbiodiesel blends compared with diesel at 99.16, CNG is another fuel that can meet tighter vehicle-emission 97.66,92.97,and 88.87percentfor20,35,60,and 100percent requirements. Extractedfrom underground reservoirs, natural biodiesel, respectively. gas isafossil fuel composedprimarily ofmethane,along with otherhydrocarbons,suchasethane,propane,butane,andinert To handle methanol or CNG, a diesel refueling station would gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and helium. Interest need to be modified. For methanol, alcohol-compatible fuel in using CNG as a transportation fuel has increased in recent tanks, new dispensers, and safety equipment would need to years,particularly in urbanareasbecauseitoffersthepotential be added. Also, additional fuel storage capacity would be for reducing exhaust emissions. Also, the United States has necessary because methanol buses require, on average, 2.5 large resources of natural gas, so this fuel could help reduce times as much fuel asdiesel buses. Toservice dual CNG/die- dependence on foreign oil at a competitive price. sel buses, additional equipment to handle CNG would be necessary, includinggassupply equipment,compressors,con- Methanol isanotheralternativefuelthatcanbeproduced from trol valves, piping, gas conditioners, dispensers, and safety domestic resources. Itcan be used in neat (100 percent) form equipment. The compressors condense the gas to 3,000 as a diesel substitute or potentially blended with diesel. Very pounds persquare inch. Also, aCNG fuel system would need little methanol in the United States is used to fuel diesel eight lanes instead of three to service the same number of engines. Significant amounts are used to produce methyl buses. It takes longer to refuel with CNG because the refu- tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). Originally developed in the eling rate slows as the tank fills and the pressure increases. 1970’s as an octane enhancer, MTBE is now blended with gasoline to helpcities meet the oxygenate requirements man- In addition to new facilities,the buses themselves would have dated by the CAAA. The majority of the methanol made in to be modified to use methanol orCNG. To run on methanol, the United States is produced from natural gas. Othersources buses would need a newengine and fuel system. CNG buses of methanol include coal and residual oil. would use a modified diesel engine with a new fuel system. 4 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service CostAnalysis Procedures andData Most experiments on alternative fuels have been mainly for demonstration purposes, resulting in shortduration times and The economic performance of alternative fuels for urban little, ifany,collecteddata. Oneexception wasanexperiment transit buses can be measured by estimating and comparing by the Denver, Colorado, regional transportation district. As ttihceipeaxtpeedcotpeedrattoitanlgcloifsetuosfinrgundnififnegreantbfuuselsf.leeTthdeurcionmgpairtsisaonn- part of its commitment to meet Clean Air regulations, the district has conducted research on alternative fuels using oftotal costs is enhanced by considering the present value of transit buses. The experiment, which lasted from June 1989 total fleet costs over the fleet’s life cycle. Present value to December 1993, used five diesel buses, which could use explicitly incorporatesthe time valueofmoney bycomparing both diesel and biodiesel fuel, and five methanol buses (table thecosts in one time period, say agiven month, with thecosts A-2). Five dual CNG/diesel buses, which are diesel buses dinolalanrotfhoerrthpecroimoidn.g Tahyeeatrifmreovmalnuoewofismnoontewyoratshsuasmemsucthhatasa converted so they can also use CNG, were added in 1991. a dollar today. Thus, future costs are reduced by a discount The three fleets of buses were exposed to similar operating rate so they are comparable with current costs. The present conditions such as scheduled speeds, stops per mile, traffic value ofcosts is then the sum ofall discounted costs over the conditions, and passenger loading. They were also main- total number of years a fleet is in operation by a transit tained underthe samepreventive maintenanceprogram. This authority. unique data set allows a cost comparison ofalternative fuels based not only on fuel cost and usage, but also on mainte- Infrastructure, refueling, and maintenance costs are all part nance, repair, engine-rebuild, and in-service failure costs for ofrunning a bus. Infrastructure costs represent lane building the total operational life ofthe transit buses. and tankage installation expenditures. Changing fuel storage anddeliverysystems,aswell asbusenginesandfuel systems, CNG In this experiment, the variation of mileage at rebuild was to use methanol or will requireadditional expenditures. large, particularly for diesel and methanol buses. This indi- Refuelingcosts includeactual fuelexpendituresandrefueling cates that rebuild decisions are based upon other information laborcharges. Maintenanceexpenses include repair, rebuild, besides the odometer value. CNG/diesel buses were rebuilt and insurance costs, and costs associated with the loss of in approximately half the time and mileage of diesel and ridership and good will due to unexpected breakdowns. methanol buses, which resulted in higher maintenance costs. However, these higher costs are potentially offset by the Generally, the purchase prices for engines that run on diesel, CNG/diesel buses’ considerably lower standard deviation. A biodiesel, CNG, and methanol are comparable. However, lower standard deviation implies less uncertainty regarding engine-rebuild and fuel-system costs differ by fuel type and timing ofrebuilds and, thus, possibly lower costs in terms of the number of miles between rebuilds. Calculating engine- less unexpected rebuilds. rebuild costs for alternatively fueled buses is at present a tricky proposition. The date when an engine was rebuilt and The transportation district’sdatasuggestthatasettimeframe monthly mileage since the last rebuild are key bits of infor- or mileage may not be a good indicator for when engines mation. Unfortunately, data on monthly mileage and time of need toberebuilt. Inthiscase,Rustproposestakingobserved rebuilds for alternatively fueled buses are still quite limited. engine rebuilds as optimal and infer the total maintenance costs leading to these rebuilds (4). Basically, this method TableA-2-Experimentstatistics Item Diesei Methanol CNG/Diesel NumberofBuses 5 5 5 Buscharacteristics Engine 6V-92TA DDEC 6V-92TAM DDEC 6V-92TA DDEC 1 II II Transmission Allison HTB-748ATEC Allison V-731 ATEC Allison HTB-748ATEC Purchaseprice(1991 model) $217,400 $188,500 $252,400 Grossweight(pounds) 35,130 34,970 38,000 Fueltank(gallons) 125 285 1/ Mileageatrebuild Maximum 89,600 110,100 34,500 Minimum 12,150 14,590 20,200 Mean 55,271 53,432 26,833 Standarddeviation 28,861 27,016 5,901 Elapsedtimebetween rebuilds Months Maximum 28 34 10 Minimum 3 5 6 Mean 17.57 17.33 8.33 Standarddeviation 9.93 8.79 1.63 1/8,084cubicfeetofcompressednaturalgas(CNG)and62.5gallonsofdiesel. Source: TheDenver,Colorado,regionaltransportationdistrict. 5 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service assumes that transit authorities have developed a procedure equivalent gallons of CNG.) The price of natural gas is set for optimally determining when a bus should be rebuilt. A by local utilities and approved by state public utility commis- computerprogramdevelopedby Rustwasusedinthisanalysis sions. Thus, fleet operators around the country face different to calculate engine-rebuild and monthly maintenance costs. prices for CNG. Actual rebuild expenses were used for scaling these parame- ters and estimating maintenance costs. Annual refueling costs are $21,102 per bus for methanol buses, which isabouttwicetherefuelingcost fordiesel buses. Comparing Life Cycle Costs The 2.5-times higher fuel consumption for methanol buses requires 4.5 times more labor for refueling. The additional The Denver transportation district scaled up their data to labor needed fortheextra five refueling lanes forCNG/diesel estimate the costs for running a fleet of 300 buses on diesel, biodiesel, methanol, and CNG. The costs of alternatively buses account for most of its 37 percent higher annual refu- eling cost per bus compared with diesel buses. Conversely, fueled buses are based on the assumption that regional trans- mostoftheadditional costforbiodiesel was forthefuel itself, portation districts already have diesel-bus refueling facilities. 73 percent of the $14,795 annual refueling costs. Therefore, the fixed costs for alternative-fuel facilities are incremental to diesel-facility fixed costs. This assumption Major maintenance costs involve engine rebuilds and general may favordiesel and biodiesel, but it is realistic given current bus maintenance and repair. Rebuild costs are $6,500 per transit operations. engine for diesel, biodiesel, and CNG/diesel and $9,500 for methanol buses. In this analysis, rebuilds were estimated to Total infrastructure cost per bus is only $1,461 for diesel and occur every 20, 21, and 10 months for diesel and biodiesel, biodiesel (tables A-3 and A-4) compared with about $10,000 methanol, and CNG, respectively. These rebuild cycles were per bus for methanol and CNG/diesel buses (tables A-5 and derived by dividing average mileage at rebuild by monthly A-6). Not only are six more storage tanks needed for metha- travelled mileage. nol, they are approximately 6.5 times more expensive than diesel storagetanks. The infrastructure forCNG/diesel buses Given monthly mileage and considering marginal mainte- also are significantly more expensive than diesel due to the nance cost changes every 5,000 miles, maintenance cost es- requirementofeightfueling lanes instead ofthreeand storing timates are used in calculating average monthly maintenance pressurized fuel. In addition, the cost to change a bus so it costs over a rebuild cycle, which are then used to calculate will run on methanol insteadCoNfGdiesel is $29,900 and the cost the present value oftotal costs. Because regional transporta- ofalteringadieselbustouse is$35,000. Inthisanalysis, tion districts expect average monthly maintenance costs to theseexpenses accrueevery 10years forreplacing theengine rise over time, they were increased every 5,000 miles in this and fuel system. analysis. The estimated maintenance cost per month, based on Rust’s model, for diesel and biodiesel, $4.34, is quite low In addition to infrastructure and bus expenses, transit opera- compared with the cost for methanol of $31.84 (table A-7). tors also face refueling and maintenance costs. Refueling However, this marginal maintenance cost permonth is higher laborcosts are based on one supervisorand three laborers per than the $1.80 cost for CNG/diesel. lane. Two laborers drive the buses to the lane and a third laborer refuels the buses. The hourly wage rate for supervi- Present value per bus per mile was calculated for the total sors and laborers is $16.00 and $13.95, respectively. Adding cost (the sum of infrastructure, bus-alteration, refueling, and in benefits of29 percent, 15 days ofpaid vacation, and 8 days maintenance expenses) of a transit fleet over the estimated of paid sick leave results in actual wage rates of $22.89 per 30-year lifecycleofthe refueling infrastructure. Considering hour for supervisors and $19.95 for laborers. a 5-percent discount rate, it is not surprising that diesel buses resultinthelowestper-milecost,24.7cents(tableA-8).Diesel The wholesale, pretax price of diesel used in the study was and biodiesel buses have the lowest infrastructure cost per 67 cents per gallon, and the price for methanol was 59 cents bus compared with methanol and CNG/diesel buses. Also, per gallon. Given the current thin market for biodiesel, the diesel and biodiesel buses do not incur the added cost of long-run equilibrium price has yet to be determined. There- engine and fuel-system conversion required every 10 years. fore, three prices for biodiesel were used: $1.75, $2.50, and Another reason for this relatively low cost per mile fordiesel $3.00 pergallon. The $2.50 pergallon represents theaverage price of biodiesel. The $1.75 represents an optimistic near- is that the estimated increase in maintenancecosts per month term scenario and assumes that some lower cost feedstocks is quite lowcompared with the maintenancecosts formethanol. are used, while the $3 price reflects higher production costs. As biodiesel is blended with diesel, the cost per mile ranges T42h.re18ecpernitcsespeforreCquNivGalaelnstogwaelrleonc.onTshiedseerepdr:ic1e4s.0a6r,e2a8s.so1c2i,aatnedd fbbiiroooddmiiee2sse7ell.9ursacneegdntesasntfdorio4tms7.p45r3i.cc8ee.ntcseT,nhtdesepppererensdmeinintlgevaotlonu6et4ho.e5faucmseinotnusgn.tnAelao-tf CwiNtGh.$1,(A$n2,eqaunidva$l3e,ntregsaplelcotnivieslyt,hepenrum1bemirlloifonBTBUT’Us’sinoaf though thisis 1.8- to2.6-timeshigherthandiesel’s 24.7 cents, gallon ofdiesel fuel. One million BTU’s ofCNG divided by it is still lower than methanol’s cost of 73.6 cents per mile. However, methanol blended with diesel should have cost 140,600 BTU’s per gallon of low-sulfur diesel yields 7.1 123 6 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service TableA-3--Estimated infrastructureandrefuelingcostsforafleetof300diesel buses Item Unitcost Units Totalcost Infrastructurecostperlane 1/ Buildingcost2J $92,000perlane 3 $276,000 Tankage3/ $40,600pertank 4 162,400 Total 438,400 Infrastructurecost perbus 300 1,461 Refuelinglaborcostsperlaneperday4/ Supervisor5/ $22.89perhour 1/3 61 Labor6/ $19.95perhour 3 479 Total 540 Annual refueling laborcosts7/ $3,240perday 365 1,182,600 Annual refuelingcostsperbus Laborcosts 300 3,942 Fuel usage8/ 67centspergallon 10,392 6,963 Total 10,905 Annualcostpermile9/ 0.298 1/Threelanescanservice360busesatfullcapacity. TheDistrictrefuelsapproximately280busespernightinathree-lanesystem. 21$1,000persquarefoot. Servicelifeforthebuildingis30years. 3/Atankcapacityof26,666gallonsisrequiredperlane. FourFTP-3fueltanks,withacapacityof20,000gallons each,wereusedtomeetthisrequirement. Materialandinstallationcostsequal$40,600pertank. 4/Refuelinglaborincludesonesupervisorperthreelanes andthreelaborersforeachlane. Twolaborersdrivethebusestothelaneandathirdlaborerrefuelsthebuses. 5/Thewagerateforsupervisorsis$16.00 perhour,plusbenefitsof29percent. A40-hourworkweekequals2,080hoursperyear. Subtracting 15daysofpaidvacation,9paidholidays,and8paid sick-leavedaysyields1,824hoursperyear. Therefore,theactualhourlyrateis$16.00[(2,080/1,824)+0.29]=$22.89. 6/Thesameformulayieldsanactual wagerateof$19.95perhourforlaborersbasedonanhourlyrateof$13.95. 7/Threelanesat$540perlanetimesanoverheadmultiplieroftwoequals$3,240. 8/Withbusesusinganaverageof866gallonspermonth. 9/With36,578milesdrivenperbusperyear. Source: TheDenver,Colorado,regionaltransportationdistrict. TableA-4--Estimated infrastructureand refueling costsforafleetof300Dusesrunningona20-percentbiodiesel blend Item Unitcost Units Totalcost Infrastructurecostperlane 1/ Building cost2/ $92,000perlane 3 $276,000 Tankage3/ $40,600pertank 4 162,400 Total 438,400 Infrastructurecostperbus 300 1,461 Refueling laborcosts perlaneperday4/ Supervisor5/ $22.89 perhour 1/3 61 Labor6/ $19.95 perhour 3 479 Total 540 Annual refueling laborcosts7/ $3,240perday 365 1,182,600 Annual refuelingcostsperbus Laborcosts 300 3,942 Fuel usage8/ $1.036pergallon 10,476 10,853 Total 14,795 Annualcostpermile9/ 0.404 1/Threelanescanservice360busesatfullcapacity. TheDistrictrefuelsapproximately280busespernightinathree-lanesystem. 21$1,000persquarefoot. Servicelifeforthebuildingis30years. 3/Atankcapacityof26,666gallonsisrequiredperlane. FourFTP-3fueltanks,withacapacityof20,000gallons each,wereusedtomeetthisrequirement. Materialandinstallationcostsequal$40,600pertank. 4/Refuelinglaborincludesonesupervisorperthreelanes andthreelaborersforeachlane. Twolaborersdrivethebusestothelaneandathirdlaborerrefuelsthebuses. 5/Thewagerateforsupervisorsis$16.00 perhour,plusbenefitsof29percent. A40-hourworkweekequals2,080hoursperyear. Subtracting 15daysofpaidvacation,9paidholidays,and8paid sick-leavedaysyields 1,824hoursperyear Therefore,theactualhourlyrateis$16.00[(2,080/1,824)+0.29]=$22.89. 6/Thesameformulayieldsanactual wagerateof$19.95perhourforlaborersbasedonanhourlyrateof$13.95. 7/Threelanesat$540perlanetimesanoverheadmultiplieroftwoequals$3,240. 8/Withbusesusinganaverageof873gallonspermonth. Thefuelisa20-percentbiodieselblend,withbiodieselat$2.50pergallon. 9/With36,578miles drivenperbusperyear. Source: TheDenver,Colorado,regionaltransportationdistrict. 7 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service TableA-5-Estimated infrastructureand refuelingcostsfora fleetof300jnethanol buses Item Unitcost Units Totalcost Infrastructurecostperlane 1/ Buildingcost21 $92,000perlane 3 $276,000 Tankage3/ $268,148pertank 10 2,681,480 Total 2,957,480 Infrastructurecostperbus 300 9,858 Fuelalterationcostsperbus4/ 29,900 Refueling laborcosts perlaneperday5/ Supervisor6/ $22.89perhour 1/3 61 Labor7/ $19.95perhour 7.5 1,197 Total 1,258 Annual refueling laborcosts8/ $7,550perday 365 2,755,546 Annualrefuelingcostsperbus Laborcosts 300 9,185 Fuel usage 59centspergallon 19,867 11,722 Lubrizol9/ $15.69 pergallon 12.42 195 Total 21,102 Annualcostpermile 10/ 0.708 1/Threelanescanservice360busesatfullcapacity. TheDistrictrefuelsapproximately280busespernightinathree-lanesystem. 2/$1,000persquarefoot. Servicelifeforthebuildingis30years. 3/Tenfueltanksarerequiredinsteadoffourbecausemethanolbusesuse,onaverage,2.5timesmorefuel. 4/The additionalcostperbusforamethanolengineandfuelsystem. 5/Refuelinglaborincludesonesupervisorperthreelanesand7.5laborersforeachlane. Since 2.5timesmorefuelisused,itisassumedthat2.5timesmorelaborisneededtorefuelthebuses. 6/Thewagerateforsupervisorsis$16.00perhour,plus benefitsof29percent. A40-hourworkweekequals2,080hoursperyear. Subtracting 15daysofpaidvacation,9paidholidays,and8paidsick-leavedays yields1,824hoursperyear. Therefore,theactualhourlyrateis$16.00[(2,080/1,824)+0.29]=$22.89. 7/Thesameformulayieldsanactualwagerateof$19.95 perhourforlaborersbasedonanhourlyrateof$13.95. 8/Threelanesat$1,258.24perlanetimesanoverheadmultiplieroftwoequals$7,550. 9/Lubrizolis addedat6.25gallonsper10,000gallonsofmethanol. 10/With29,801 milesdrivenperbusperyear. Source: TheDenver,Colorado,regionaltransportationdistrict. TableA-6-Estimated infrastructureand refueling costsforafleetof300 Dual CNG/diesei buses Item Unitcost Units Totalcost Infrastructurecostperlane 1/ Buildingcost21 $92,000perlane 8 $736,000 Fuelingfacility3/ 2,320,500 Total 3,056,500 Infrastructurecost perbus 300 10,188 Fuelalterationcosts perbus4/ 35,000 Refueling laborcostsperlaneperday5/ Supervisor6/ $22.89perhour 1/8 23 Labor7/ $19.95 perhour 3 479 Total 502 Annual refueling laborcosts8/ $8,028perday 365 2,930,337 Annualrefuelingcosts perbus Laborcosts 300 9,768 Fuel usage9/ 40centspergallon 10,764 4,306 Maintenancecosts 400 Compressorenergycosts $1.28perday 365 467 Total 14,941 Annualcostpermile 10/ 0.431 1/Eightlanescanservice300buses. 2/$1,000persquarefoot. Servicelifeforthebuildingis30years. 3/Estimatedinstallationcostsare$1 7million;plus 10percentforcontractor’smarkup; 10percentforengineering;5percentfordevelopmentandpermitting;and 10percentofthe$1.7million,engineering, development,andpermittingcostsforcontingency. 4/Theadditionalcostperbusforacompressednaturalgas(CNG)engineandfuelsystem. 51Refueling laborincludesonesupervisorpereightlanesandthreelaborersforeachlane. 6/Thewagerateforsupervisorsis$16.00perhour,plusbenefitsof29percent. A40-hourworkweekequals2,080hoursperyear. Subtracting 15daysofpaidvacation,9paidholidays,and8paidsick-leavedaysyields 1,824hoursper year. Therefore,theactualhourlyrateis$16.00[(2,080/1,824)+0.29]=$22.89. 7/Thesameformulayieldsanactualwagerateof$19.95perhourforlaborers basedonanhourlyrateof$13.95. 8/Eightlanesat$501.77perlanetimesanoverheadmultiplieroftwoequals$8,028. 9/Equivalentgallons. 10/With34,691 milesdrivenperbusperyear. Source: TheDenver,Colorado,regionaltransportationdistrict. 8 Industrial Uses/IUS-5S/November 1995 USDA Economic Research Service

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.