When a potent virus decimates humanity within twenty-four hours, Jonathan Foster flees the City's growing chaos and finds refuge in a warehouse his boss, Mr. Dean, has recently purchased a few miles south. The old man joins Jonathan and, while the two men mourn those they have lost to the virus, they begin transforming the warehouse into a home in anticipation of what they believe will be a long stay.
Anna Cobb, a patient at a rehabilitation center located seventy miles east of the City, is nearing the conclusion of a painful rehabilitation following a devastating car crash that robbed her of the use of her legs. After the initial strike of the virus, the few survivors among patients and staff are left with little resources and no news from the outside world. When the center is attacked by thugs, and after a second wave of infections, Anna is forced to flee. On her own, in her wheelchair, she undertakes a long and dangerous journey to the City. Upon her arrival there, her path crosses Jonathan's and the two join forces in their attempt to survive in the new world.
In the months that will follow the initial waves of infections, the escalation in what Jonathan and Anna will be forced to do to ensure their survival will become the source of a powerful bond between the two and change them for as long as they live.