Publishedonline12July2004 Life at low water activity W. D. Grant Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester, Maurice Shock Building, University Road, Leicester LE1 9HN, UK ([email protected]) Two major types of environment provide habitats for the most xerophilic organisms known: foods pre- servedbysomeformofdehydrationorenhancedsugarlevels,andhypersalinesiteswherewateravailability is limited by a high concentration of salts (usually NaCl). These environments are essentially microbial habitats, withhigh-sugar foodsbeingdominatedby xerophilic(sometimescalledosmophilic)filamentous fungiandyeasts,someofwhicharecapableofgrowthatawateractivity(a )of0.61,thelowesta value w w for growth recorded to date. By contrast, high-salt environments are almost exclusively populated by prokaryotes,notablythehaloarchaea,capableofgrowinginsaturatedNaCl(a 0.75).Differentstrategies w are employed for combating the osmotic stress imposed by high levels of solutes in the environment. Eukaryotes and most prokaryotes synthesize or accumulate organic so-called ‘compatible solutes’ (osmolytes) that have counterbalancing osmotic potential. A restricted range of bacteria and the haloar- chaea counterbalance osmotic stress imposed by NaCl by accumulating equivalent amounts of KCl. Haloarchaea become entrapped and survive for long periods inside halite (NaCl) crystals. They are also foundinancientsubterraneanhalite(NaCl)deposits,leadingtospeculationaboutsurvivalovergeological time periods. Keywords:xerophiles; halophiles; haloarchaea; hypersalinelakes; osmoadaptation; microbiallongevity 1. INTRODUCTION a =P/P =n /n (cid:1)n , w 0 1 1 2 Therearetwomajortypesofenvironmentinwhichwater wheren ismolesofsolvent(water);n ismolesofsolute; availability can become limiting for an organism. One is 1 2 Pisvapourpressure ofsolutionandP isvapour pressure asolutioninwhichwateravailabilityisdeterminedbythe 0 of pure water at the same temperature. concentration of solutes in that solution, whereas in the Water activity is simply the effective water content other case, the availability is determined mainly by capil- expressed as its mole fraction, which is also reflected in laryandsurface-bindingeffects,as,forexample,inacom- the relative humidity that is reached at equilibrium in a plex physically heterogeneous environment such as soil. sealed container where a hygroscopic product or solution There is no a priori reason to suppose that an organism has been placed. would react differently to water stress imposed by either It follows that pure water has a water activity of 1 and set of conditions, but in practice, in the heterogeneous all other solutions have values of a less than 1. The environmentthereareothersurface-associatedeffectsthat w advantagesofusinga includeitsreadyapplicationtosol- complicateandcompromiseanyquantitativeanalysis.For w utions and the ease with which it can be measured. It is that reason, the vast majority of laboratory studies relate less useful in complex particulate systems like soil, where toenvironmentswherewateravailabilityisimposedbythe adifferentterm(cid:2)isoftenused,whichaddressestheques- presenceof solutes. A widely adopted wayof defining the tion of capillarity. However, capillarity is negligible for availabilityof water in a particular environment is theuse organisms in essentially liquid environments and can be oftheterma (wateractivity),originallydevelopedbythe w ignoredunder these conditions. The underlying theory of food and pharmaceutical industry, where it is used to (cid:2)and the consideration of the capillary component for determine shelf life and quality of product. The simple environments such as soil is described in Griffin (1981) water content of a material (percentage water) takes no andGriffin &Luard (1979)and isnotconsidered further account of water that is thermodynamically available and in this review, which is largely concerned with homo- has little application to the majority of situations. Water geneous liquid environments. activity (a ) is based on Raoult’s Law for ideal solutions w Organisms capable of growing under conditions of low and does not take into consideration solute interactions wateractivityarecommonlyreferredtoundertheblanket with components other than water; accordingly the accu- termsxerotolerantorxerophilic (althoughseelaterinthis racy of the calculation is greater for dilute solutions. Put section). The suffix ‘tolerant’ indicates that the organism simply: is capable of growth conditions of low a , but does not w necessarily require low a for growth. The suffix ‘philic’ w on the other hand indicates that the organisms actually requirelowa conditionsforgrowth.Generally,xerophilic One contribution of 16 to a Discussion Meeting Issue ‘The molecular w basisoflife:islifepossiblewithoutwater?’. organisms are capable of growing at a values lower than w Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004)359,1249–1267 1249 2004TheRoyalSociety DOI10.1098/rstb.2004.1502 1250 W. D. Grant Life at low water activity xerotolerant organisms, but there are exceptions to this geology of the area where they develop, for example by general rule, particularly among the prokaryotes, where theresolutionofsaltdeposits from apreviousevaporative thereare organismsin bothcategoriescapable ofgrowing event,orsignificantleachingofionsfromthesurrounding in saturated salt (Vreeland 1987; Brown 1990). Two geology. The Dead Sea is an example of a hypersaline major types of environment provide habitats for the most environment profoundly influenced by an earlier Mg2(cid:1)- xerophilic organisms, namely foods preserved by some rich brine, somewhat depleted in Na(cid:1). Eugster & Hardie form of dehydration or organic solute-promoted lowering (1978) have attempted to define the key geological and of a , and saline lakes, where low a values are a conse- chemical features that influence how a hypersaline brine w w quence of inorganic ions. These environments are essen- develops. tially exclusively populated by micro-organisms and Apart from total salinity and ionic composition, pH is contain the most xerophilic organisms described to date. important in determining the composition of any Saline soils, often adjacent to saline lakes, share micro- microbial population in any hypersaline brine. The organisms in common with saline lakes (Ventosa et al. amount of Ca2(cid:1) (and to a lesser extent Mg2(cid:1)) is critical 1998a). in determining the final pH of a brine. The equilibrium The stresses imposed by ions and organic solutes are between CO2(cid:3), HCO(cid:3) and CO is one of the principal 3 3 2 not necessarily the same. Many xerophilic micro- buffer systems in the aquatic environment, being, for organisms from high-sugar foods are tolerant of low a example, oneof the buffer systems that maintains the pH w levels imposed by ions. Zygogaccharomyces rouxii, a xero- of seawater. The presence of Ca2(cid:1), which removes alka- philic yeast food-spoilage organism, will grow in media line CO2(cid:3) through the precipitation of insoluble calcite 3 containing 20% (w/v) NaCl (Eriksen & McKenna 1999) (CaCO ), obviously influences this equilibrium. Brines 3 and in media supplemented with glucose or glycerol at derived from seawater have relatively high concentrations similar a levels (although it will grow at much lower a ofCa2(cid:1)andremainaroundneutralityevenafterextensive w w levelsinthese media).The limitinga for food-poisoning concentration because the molarity of Ca2(cid:1) always w strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from food is the exceeds that of CO2(cid:3). Profoundly alkaline lakes develop 3 same whether the solute is salt or sugars (Scott 1957). in areas where the surrounding geology is deficient in However, the converse is generally not true—micro- Ca2(cid:1), for example in the East African Rift Valley. Here, organisms growing in saturated salt lakes (a 0.75) for surrounding high Na(cid:1) trachyte lavas are deficient in both w example, as a rule, cannot grow in media of similar a Ca2(cid:1) and Mg2(cid:1), allowing the development of lakes with w solely imposed by organic solutes (Kushner 1978). In pH values in excess of 11 (Grant & Tindall 1986; Grant particular, micro-organisms inhabiting low a , high-salt et al. 1990; Jones et al. 1998). Levels of Mg2(cid:1) also influ- w environments have features specifically adapted to higher ence the systems by removing CO2(cid:3) as dolomite 3 levels of ions, in addition to an overarchingadaptation to (CaMg(CO ) ), and in the case of the Dead Sea, whose 3 2 low a values. Such organisms are generally described as compositionismarkedlyinfluencedbyapreviousMg-rich w halophilicorhalotolerantratherthanxerophilicorxerotol- evaporite,causeslightlyacidicconditionsthroughthegen- erant. Hence, the terms xerophilic and xerotolerant are eration of Mg2(cid:1) minerals such as sepiolite, which gener- often now restricted to describing those organisms grow- ates H(cid:1) during the precipitative process. Figure 1 shows ingata valuesimposedbyotherthaninorganicions,and aschematic representationofthegenesisofmajorneutral w this usage is followedhere. There are a number ofsubcat- and alkaline hypersaline lake types. High levels of other egories of terms for organisms that have intermediate ionsinthesurroundingtopographywillalsoinfluencethe properties of halotolerance and halophily, not all of which final composition, and there are exceptional hypersaline are takento meanthe same thingbydifferentauthors(see lakes dominated by Ca2(cid:1). Javor (1989) should be con- Grant et al. 1998a). This review is concerned with organ- sultedforalistofbrinetypesandthechemicalandphysi- isms, the majority of which are capable of growth at a cal parameters that influence their development. w valuesof0.80orless,whethertheybexerophilic/halophilic Surface hypersaline lakes and solar salterns are the or xerotolerant/halotolerant. major habitats for halophilic and halotolerant micro- organisms, but there are other, less well-studied high-salt habitats such as hypersaline soils, salt marshes, desert 2. HYPERSALINE ENVIRONMENTS plants,wallpaintings,seafloorbrines(suchastheAtlantis Hypersaline waters are defined as those with total salt Deep and the Discovery Deep in the Mediterranean), oil concentrations greater than that of seawater. Thalasso- field brines and ancient evaporite deposits, where iso- haline waters are derived from seawater, and initially at lations of halophilic and halotolerant micro-organisms least, have a proportional composition of ions similar to have been recorded. Accounts of these unusual environ- that of seawater. Solar salterns, where seawater is ments and their microbial ecology are to be found in evaporated to produce sea salt, are typical examples of Oren (2002). thalassohaline environments. Calcite (CaCO ), gypsum Severaltermsdescribethesalttolerance/requirementof 3 (CaSO .2H O), halite (NaCl), sylvite (KCl) and finally organisms. The term halophilic is generally restricted to 4 2 carnallite(KCl.MgCl .6H O),precipitateoutsequentially those organisms that have a specific requirement for salt 2 2 as evaporation occurs. It therefore follows that the final (almostalwaysassumedtobeNaCl).Suchorganismswill proportional composition of a hypersaline brine will be not grow in the absence of relatively high concentrations different from that of seawater. Brines that have under- of salt, usually greater than 1.0–1.5M. Halotolerance is gonehaliteprecipitationsaredominatedbyMg2(cid:1)andCl(cid:3) generallytaken to mean that the organismhasno specific and are more acidic than seawater (table 1). By contrast, requirement for salt, but will continue to grow in the athalassohaline waters are markedly influenced by the presence of high concentrations. There are examples of Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) Life at low water activity W. D. Grant 1251 Table1. Concentration of ions in thalassohaline and athalassohaline brines. (Modified from Grant et al. 1998a.) concentration (gl(cid:3)1) seawater at seawater at Great Salt onset of NaCl onset of KCl Lake (North Wadi Natrun ion seawater precipitation precipitation America) Dead Sea Lake Magadi Lake Zugm Na(cid:1) 10.8 98.4 61.4 105.0 39.7 161.0 142.0 Mg2(cid:1) 1.3 14.5 39.3 11.1 42.4 0 0 Ca2(cid:1) 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 17.2 0 0 K(cid:1) 0.4 4.9 12.8 6.7 7.6 2.3 2.3 Cl(cid:3) 19.4 187.0 189.0 181.0 219.0 111.8 154.6 SO2(cid:3) 2.7 19.3 51.2 27.0 0.4 16.8 22.6 4 CO2(cid:3)/HCO(cid:3) 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.2 23.4 67.2 3 3 pH 8.2 7.3 6.8 7.7 6.3 11.0 11.0 CaSO 4 gypsum CaCO 3 calcite salt lake pH 7–8, salt lake pH 6–7, e.g. Great Salt Lake, Utah e.g. Dead Sea Na+ Na+ K+ Na+ Cl– Ca2+ Mg2+ Mg2+ Cl– high Ca2+ HCO– CO2– high Ca2+ 3 3 SiO SO2– and Mg2+ 2 4 Cl– Mg Si O .nH O 2 3 8 2 sepiolite low Ca2+ MgCO and Mg2+ 3 CaMg(CO ) magnesite 32 dolomite Na+ Cl– CO2– 3 soda lake pH 10–12, e.g. Lake Magadi, Kenya Figure1. Schematic representation of the genesis of hypersaline brines. The centre box indicates the leaching of minerals by CO -charged waters. Alkaline lake development is dependent on low levels of Ca2(cid:1) and Mg2(cid:1). Neutral lakes develop where 2 Ca2(cid:1) and Mg2(cid:1) levels are high. High Mg2(cid:1) lakes are more acidic due to reactions involving sepiolite precipitation. (Modified from Grant (2004).) organismsthatarecapableofgrowthovertherangeofsalt microbial colonization of this site (Horowitz et al. 1972) concentrations from zero to saturation (sometimes called and the prevailing opinion is that life is unlikely to exist haloversatile),and,indeed,othertermsfororganismsthat at this a value, which is substantially below the lowest w grow within a particular window of salt concentration. recorded a for growth recorded to date, that in high- w Kushner(1978)andVreeland(1987)haveextensivelydis- sugar food (0.61). This particular site is long overdue for cussed the terms in use. This review is mainly concerned a re-examination using direct molecular technologies. with organisms growing at salinities exceeding 1.0M and Primary productivity in many hypersaline lakes, mainly doesnotattemptsuchsemanticdescriptorsfortheorgan- by halophilic and halotolerant cyanobacteria, anoxygenic isms. phototrophic bacteria, and also eukaryotic algae of the There is no doubt that the majority of hypersaline sites genusDunaliellamaybethesourceofthesignificantlevels harbour significant populations of micro-organisms. oforganic compounds oftenpresent (Oren 1994;Jones et Values of a do not generally fall much below 0.75, the al. 1998). Phototrophic productivity is probably greatest w limiting value obtainable at the saturation point of NaCl during periods of dilution, since most of the recorded (5.2M).OneoftheexceptionsisDonJuanPond,asmall phototrophs, with the possible exception of Dunaliella unfrozen Antarctic lake dominated by very large concen- spp., are unable to grow significantly at saturation point trations of CaCl . Total dissolved salts may exceed 47% for NaCl. The organic compounds generally support sig- 2 (w/v) and the a value is recorded at 0.45 (Siegel et al. nificantpopulationsofaerobicheterotrophsthatmayform w 1979).Therehasbeensomedisputeovertheevidencefor dense blooms that impart coloration to the brines. Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) 1252 W. D. Grant Life at low water activity Cyanobacteria Acidobacteriae Spirochaetes Nitrospirae Fibrobacteres Deferribacteres Fusobacteria Chlamydiae Verrucomicrobia Planctomycetes Actinobacteria Chlorobi Firmicutes Chloroflexi Bacteroidetes root Deinococcus-Thermus Dictyoglomi Aquificae Thermotogae 10% Proteobacteria Figure2. 16s rRNA gene sequence tree showing the major bacterial lines of descent. Lines of descent with halophilic or halotolerant representatives are shown shaded. (Modified from Ludwig & Klenk (2001).) Hypersalineenvironmentsarerelativelylowinoxygendue establishedgenerawithnon-halophilicrepresentatives,but to reduced oxygen solubility (2p.p.m. in saturated NaCl, the family Haloanaerobiaceae exclusively contains halo- compared with 7p.p.m. in seawater) and the brines also philes and the Halomonodaceae predominantly contains harbour substantial populations of anaerobic hetero- halophiles. Table 2 lists examples of taxonomic groups trophs. containingprokaryoterepresentativesisolatedfromhyper- saline environments. It is possible to make some predictions as to the roles 3. LIFE IN LOW a HYPERSALINE ENVIRONMENTS w playedbydifferentorganismsintheutilizationandrecyc- The upper limit of NaCl concentration for vertebrates ling of organics. Despite apparently inhospitable con- and invertebrates is ca. 1.5M, although the brine shrimp ditions, salt and soda lakes are extremely productive (Artemiasalina)isanexception,oftenpresentinextremely environments (particularly soda lakes, presumably hypersaline brines but not in extremely alkaline types. because of unlimited access to CO for photosystems via 2 Eukaryotes in general are scarce above this salt concen- the HCO(cid:3)/CO2(cid:3)/CO equilibrium). Cyanobacteria and, 3 3 2 tration, with the exception of phototrophic flagellates of inneutralsaltlakes,speciesoftheeukaryoticalgaDunali- the genus Dunaliella that frequently impart pigmentation ella are the key primary producers, although anoxygenic to brines. Between concentrations of 1.5M and 3.0M, phototrophic bacteria of the genus Halorhodospira may be prokaryotes become predominant, with the haloarchaea significantfromtimetotime(Grant&Tindall1986;Oren and a few rare bacterial types such as Salinibacter ruber 1994). The primary productivity supports large numbers forming the climax population at the point of halite pre- of aerobic heterotrophic Gram-negative bacteria. These cipitation (Oren 1994; Anto´n et al. 2002; Grant et al. are mainly Proteobacteria, in particular members of the 2001).Afewunusualfungiandprotozoaarealsopresent, Halomonadaceae (the halomonads), probably the most but these are probably active at lower salt concentrations importantgroupofbacterialheterotrophsinbothalkaline (Post et al. 1983; Gunde-Cimerman et al. 2000, 2004). and neutral hypersaline environments, although other Figure 2 indicates that the halophilic or halotolerant Proteobacteria related to pseudomonads and vibrios are character has appeared in most of the main evolutionary alsopresent(Duckworthetal.1996;Ventosaetal.1998a; lines of bacteria. Within the domain Archaea, halophilic Arahalet al.2002).Heterotrophic Gram-positivebacteria prokaryotes occur in three families: the Halobacteriaceae of both the high G(cid:1)C (Firmicutes) and low G(cid:1)C (alsoknownasthehaloarchaeaorhalobacteria)andafew (Actinobacteria) lineages are also readily isolated from examplesofhalophilicmethanogensintheMethanospiril- hypersaline brines. Especially abundant are members of laceae and the Methanosarcinaeae. Unlike the Halobac- the low G(cid:1)C lineage associated with the diverse Bacillus teriaceae,wheremembersareallextremelyhalophilic,the spectrum (Ventosa et al. 1998a,b). There are also high Methanospirillaceae and the Methanosarcinaceae have G(cid:1)Crelatives ofstreptomycetes.Isolatesfrom sodalakes representatives that are not halophilic. Among the bac- have proven to have commercial potential in that they teria, most halophiles described to date fall into secrete many extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, including Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) Life at low water activity W. D. Grant 1253 Table2. Halophilic and halotolerant prokaryotes. groups species habitat Bacteria Cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis soda lake Dactylococcopsis salina Dead Sea sabka Aphanothece halophytica salt lakes Microcoleus chthonoplastes salterns Halospirulina tapeticola salterns (Mexico) Proteobacteria halomonads Halomonas elongata salterns (Spain) Halomonas subglaciescola salt lake (Antarctica) Halomonas halodurans river estuary Halomonas halmophila salt lake (Dead Sea) Halomonas eurihalina salterns (Spain) Halomonas halophila saline soil (Spain) Halomonas salina salterns (Spain) Halomonas halodentrificans salterns, curing brines Halomonas variabilis salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Halomonas pantelleriensis alkaline saline soil (Italy) Halomonas magadiensis soda lake (Kenya) Halomonas desiredata sewage plant Halomonas meridiana salt lake (Antarctica) Halomonas campisalis soda lake (Washington) Halomonas maura salterns (Morocco) Halomonas alimentaria salterns, fermented sea food Chromohalobacter marismortui salt lakes (Dead Sea) Chromohalobacter canadiensis culture contaminant Chromohalobacter israeliensis salt lake (Dead Sea) Chromohalobacter salexigens salterns (Spain) anoxygenic phototrophs Rhodothalassium salexigens brackish seawater (Oregon) Rhodovibrio sodomensis salt lake (Dead Sea) Rhodovibrio salinarum saltern (Portugal) Halochromatium salexigens saltern (France) Halochromatium glycolyticum salt lake (Egypt) Thiohalocapsa halophila saltern (France) Ectothiorhodospira mobilis salt lakes Ectothiorhodospira marismortui salt lake (Dead Sea) Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila soda lakes Halorhodospira halophila salt and soda lakes Halorhodospira halochloris soda lake (Egypt) Halorhodospira abdelmalekii soda lake (Egypt) Alcalilimnicola halodurans soda lake (Tanzania) pseudomonads/vibrios/alteromonads Pseudomonas halophila salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Pseudomonas beijerinkii salterns?, salted beans Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus seawater Marinobacter aquacolar oil well (Vietnam) Salinivibrio costicola saltern? Cured meats sulphate reducers Desulfovibrio halophilus salt lake (Egypt) Desulfovibrio senezii saltern (California) Desulfovibrio oxyclinae salt lake (Egypt) Desulfohalobium retbaense salt lake (Senegal) Desulfobacter halotolerans salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans soda lake (Kenya) Desulfonatronum lacustre soda lake (Kenya) Desulfosalsa halophila salt lake (Great Salt Lake) sulphur oxidizers Halothiobacillus halophilus salt lake (Australia) Halothiobacillus kellyi hydrothermal vent (Aegean Sea) hyphomicrobia Dichotomicrobium thermohalophilus salt lake (Egypt) Firmicutes (low G(cid:1)C% Gram-positives) unknown affiliation Thermohalobacter berrensis saltern (France) haloanaerobes Haloanaerobium praevalens salt lake Haloanaerobium alcaliphilum salt lake (Great Salt Lake) (Continued.) Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) 1254 W. D. Grant Life at low water activity Table2. (Continued.) groups species habitat Haloanaerobium acetyethylicum oil well (Mexico) Haloanaerobium salsuginis oil well (Oklahoma) Haloanaerobium saccharolyticum salt lake (Crimea) Haloanaerobium congolense oil well (Congo) Haloanaerobium lacusrosei salt lake (Senegal) Haloanaerobium kushneri oil well (Oklahoma) Haloanaerobium fermentans salterns, salted fish Halocella cellulosilytica salt lake (Crimea) Halothermothrix orenii salt lake (Tunisia) Natrionella acetigenica soda lake (Egypt) Halobacteroides halobius salt lake (Dead Sea) Halobacteroides elegans salt lake (Crimea) Acetohalobium arabatiania salt lake (Crimea) Haloanaerobacter chitinivorens saltern (California) Haloanaerobacter lacunarum salt lake (Kerech) Haloanaerobacter salinarius saltern (France) Orenia marismortui salt lake (Dead Sea) Orenia salinaria saltern (France) Orenia sivashensis salt lake (Crimea) Halonatronum saccharophilum soda lake (Kenya) Natrionella acetigena soda lake (Kenya) Bacillus/Clostridium Sporhalobacter lortetii salt lake (Dead Sea) Bacillus halophilus seawater Bacillus haloalkaliphilus soda lake (Egypt) Gracibacillus halotolerans soda lake (Great Salt Lake) Gracibacillus dipsosauri salt glands of iguanas Halobacillus halophilus salt marsh Halobacillus literalis salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Halobacillus thailandensis salterns, fish sauce Salibacillus salexigens salterns Salibacillus marismortui salt lake (Dead Sea) Oceanobacillus iheyensis deep sea ridge Tindallia magadiensis soda lake (Kenya) Clostridium halophilus salt lakes Desulfotomaculum halophilus oil field brine (France) sulphate reducer cocci Salinicoccus roseus salterns (Spain) Sailinicoccus hispanicus salterns (Spain) Marinococcus halophilus salterns Marinococcus albus salterns Tetragenococcus halophilus salterns/salted food Tetragenococcus muraticus salterns? fermented squid Actinobacteria (high %G(cid:1)C Gram-positives) Nesterenkonia halobia salterns Actinopolyspora halophila culture contaminant Actinopolyspora mortivallis saline soil (Death Valley) Actinopolyspora iraqiensis saline soil (Iraq) Nocardiopsis lucentensis saline soil (Spain) Nocardiopsis halophila saline soil Nocardiopsis kunsanensis saltern (Korea) Bacteroidetes Flavobacterium salegens salt lake (Antarctica) Salinibacter ruber salterns (Spain) Archaea haloarchaea Halobacterium salinarum salterns/salted hides Haloarcula vallismortis saline ponds (Death Valley) Haloarcula marismortui salt lake (Dead Sea) Haloarcula hispanica salterns (Spain) Haloarcula japonica salterns (Japan) Haloarcula argentinensis salt flats (Argentina) (Continued.) Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) Life at low water activity W. D. Grant 1255 Table2. (Continued.) groups species habitat Haloarcula mukohataei salt flats (Argentina) Haloarcula quadrata sabka (Egypt) Halobaculum gomorrense salt lake (Dead Sea) Halococcus morrhuae salterns? salted cod Halococcus saccharolyticus salterns (Spain) Halococcus salifodinae salt mine (Austria) Haloferax volcanii salt lake (Dead Sea) Haloferax gibbonsii saltern (Spain) Haloferax dentrificans saltern (California) Haloferax mediterranei salt lake (Spain) Halogeometricum borinquense saltern (Puerto Rico) Halorhabdus utahensis salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Halorubrum saccharovorum saltern (California) Halorubrum sodomense salt lake (Dead Sea) Halorubrum lacusprofundi salt lake (Antarctica) Halorubrum coriense saltern (Australia) Halorubrum distributans saline soil (USSR) Halorubrum vacuolatum soda lake (Kenya) Halorubrum trapanicum saltern (Sicily) Halorubrum tebequense salt lake (Chile) Haloterrigina turkmenica alkaline soil (USSR) Haloterrigina thermotolerans saltern (Puerto Rico) Natrialba asiatica beach sand (Japan) Natrialba taiwanensis saltern (Taiwan) Natrialba magadii soda lake (Kenya) Natrialba hulunbeirensis soda lake (China) Natrialba chahannoensis soda lake (China) Natrinema pellirubrum saltern? salted hide Natrinema pallidum saltern? salted cod Natrinema versiforme salt lake? (China) Natronobacterium gregoryi soda lake (Kenya) Natronobacterum nitratireducens soda lake (China) Natronococcus occultus soda lake (Kenya) Natronococcus amylolyticus soda lake (Kenya) Natronococcus pharaonis soda lake (Kenya) Natronorubrum bangense soda lake (Tibet) Natronorubrum tibetense soda lake (Tibet) methanogens Methanocalculus halotolerans oil well (France) Methanohalobrium evestigatum saline lagoon (Crimea) Methanohalophilus mahii salt lake (Great Salt Lake) Methanohalophilus halophilus salt lake (Australia) Methanohalophilus portucalensis saltern (Portugal) Methanosalsum zhilinae soda lake (Egypt) Methanococcus doii saltern (California) proteinases, cellulases and lipases (Rees et al. 2003). Sulphidogenesis is usually pronounced in hypersaline Genencor BV (Leiden) currently markets two different sediments. Isolation of halophilic sulphate-reducing soda lake cellulases derived from Gram-positive isolates bacteriahasprovendifferent,butthere arenowseveralof for use in laundry and textile processes. these in cultures from both neutral and alkaline Hydrolysis products of complex polymers are also sub- hypersaline environments including Desulfovibrio, strates for anaerobes, especially members of the Halo- DesulfonatronovibrioandDesulfobacterspecies(Caumetteet anaerobiales and organisms related to other clostridial al. 1991; Zhilina et al. 1997; Tsu et al. 1998). Oxidation groupsinthelowG(cid:1)CdivisionoftheGram-positivebac- of sulphide is brought about by anoxygenic phototrophic teria.Thesebacteriafermentorganiccompoundstoacetic bacteria such as Halorhodospira spp. and under aerobic acid, hydrogen and CO (Grant et al. 1998a; Zavarzin et conditions inalkaline hypersaline lakesby Thioalkalivibrio 2 al. 1999), which in turn may be used by methanogens, spp. (Sorokin et al. 2001). Halophilic thiobacilli are also although most of the methanogens isolated to date from found in neutral salt lakes (Kelly & Wood 2000). hypersaline environmentsare methylotrophic, using com- Ammonia oxidation is known to take place in soda lakes pounds such as methanol and methylamine (Oren 1999). (Khmelenina et al. 2000), but nitrifying bacteria have not Such C1 compounds are likely to be abundant in hyper- yet been recorded in any neutral lakes. saline brines, probably derived from the anaerobic The climax population in sodium-dominated hyper- decomposition of cyanobacterial mats. saline lakes at the point of halite (NaCl) precipitation Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) 1256 W. D. Grant Life at low water activity almostalwayscompriseshaloarchaea,withonlyafewbac- Table3. Approximate water activity (a ) values of selected w terial types such as S. ruber able to compete. These satu- foods. rated brines provide among the most extreme a values (Adapted from Brewer (1999).) w possible via inorganic solutes. Soda lakes impose the additional stress of very alkaline pH values, up to pH 12 aw value foods in some cases. Haloarchaea now comprise 15 genera 1.00–0.95 fresh meat, fresh and canned fruit and (table 2) on the basis of phylogenetic analysis, although vegetables, sausages, eggs, margarine, phenotypically they are all rather similar. Dense blooms butter, low-salt bacon of these organisms colour neutral and alkaline saturated 0.95–0.90 processed cheese, bakery goods, raw ham, hypersalinelakesbrightred.Theseorganismsarethemost dry sausage, high-salt bacon, orange juice halophilic known, most requiring at least 2M NaCl for concentrate growth and many capable of growing in saturated NaCl 0.90–0.80 hard cheese, sweetened condensed milk, (5.2M). As might be expected, the isolates from alkaline jams, margarine, cured ham, white bread soda lakes have an additional requirement for high pH in 0.80–0.70 molasses, maple syrup, heavily salted fish growth media, usually growing between pH 8.5 and 11.0 0.70–0.60 Parmesan cheese, dried fruit, corn syrup, with an optimum at pH 9.5–10.0, whereas those halo- rolled oats, jam archaea from neutral lakes generally have pH optima for 0.60–0.50 chocolate, confectionary, honey 0.40 dried egg, cocoa growth between pH 6 and pH 8. Alkaliphilic haloarchaea 0.30 dried potato flakes, potato crisps, crackers, are currently classified in six genera (table 2); four of cake mix these, Natronococcus, Natronobacterium, Natronorubrum 0.20 dried milk, dried vegetables andNatronomonas,harbouronlyalkaliphiles.Haloarchaea from neutral sites comprise the remaining 11 genera, two of which contain both alkaliphilic and neutrophilic types. Itisnotusuallyclearwhetherbloomsofthesehaloarchaea becomeentrappedwithinthecrystals,leavingbehindaso- comprise predominantly one species or a mixture of sev- calledbitternbrine dominatedby MgCl and KCl,which 2 eral species. Often a majority of isolates from neutral does not support significant growth of haloarchaea, brines are Halorubrum or Haloarcula spp. (W. D. Grant, although it is not actually toxic (Norton & Grant 1988). unpublishedresults),butananalysisoflipidsinDeadSea The failure to recover haloarchaea from these bittern biomasssuggestedmainlyHaloferaxandHalobaculumspp. brines is because these have been physically removed by (Oren&Gurevich1993).Earlyworkreliedonphenotypic entrapment within halite. Crude solar salt contains many characterization, and most rod-shaped isolates were viable haloarchaea, typically 106 viable cells per gram. assignedtothegenusHalobacterium.However,Halobacter- Since crude solar salt is generally used in the salting of iumsalinarum, the solerepresentative ofthis genus, issel- hides and fish, this is the explanation for the recovery of dom isolated from hypersaline brines and is typically haloarchaea from these products, notably Halobacterium isolated from salted hides and salted fish, as a conse- salinarum. quence of its proteolytic capacity. Alkaline brines have yielded a considerable number of isolates, but it is not 4. LIFE IN LOW a FOODS clear as yet, which types, if any, are dominant. w Direct molecular analysis of both alkaline and neutral Low a foods fall broadly into two types: cured foods w hypersalinebrinesby16SrDNAamplificationofenviron- whosewateractivityisloweredbythepresenceoraddition mental DNA, preparation of gene libraries, followed by of a solute, either salt or sugar, and those foods that are sequence determinations of individual 16S rRNA genes, dehydrated by the removal of water by freeze-drying or hasrevealednovellineagesthathaveyettobebroughtinto simple evaporation. Freezing food owes part of its effec- culture (Grant et al. 1999; Benlloch et al. 2001), notably tiveness to the removal of water. Clearly, other factors enabling the phylogenetic identification of the square flat suchastemperature,pH,oxygenandthepresenceofanti- cells first described by Walsby (1980) that are frequently microbial inhibitors also markedly affect any microbial observed in neutral hypersaline brines from a variety of population (Houtsma et al. 1996). Table 3 lists the a w geographical locations (Anto´n et al. 1999). There have values for particular types of food. alsobeenreportsoftheretrievalofhaloarchaealsequences Preventing pathogen growth and retarding spoilage are from environments that are not particularly saline, sug- crucialinthepreservationoffoods.Mostfreshfoodshave gestingthatlesshalophilichaloarchaeamayexist(Munson a valuesof0.95–0.99,allowingthegrowthofmanytypes w et al. 1997). of micro-organism. The minimum a for most bacteria is w Haloarchaealbloomsinsolarsalternsareknowntopro- ca.0.90(table4)andfoodswitha valuesbelowthispro- w mote crystallization of halite. It is possible that the cells vide environments largely for xerophilic and xerotolerant may serve as templates in the nucleation of halite crystals fungi and a few highly resistant prokaryotes (Brewer and their subsequent development (Lope´z-Corte´s & 1999). The vast majority of human pathogens are sup- Ochoa1998).Thereisnodoubtthatsaltyieldsaredimin- pressed by a values below 0.90 (Houtsma et al. 1996). w ished in the absence of haloarchaeal blooms, and labora- OneexceptionisStaphylococcusaureus,whichisextremely tory experiments support this view (Javor 2002). xerotolerant and will survive in salted foods at a values w Haloarchaeal blooms, by virtue of their red carotenoid ofca.0.82(15% w/vNaCl)(Scott1957; Kushner1978). pigments, also increase light absorption of the brines and Curing foods in baths of brine extracts nutrients that promote evaporation by increasing the temperature. promote the growth of halophilic and halotolerant micro- Observationsofhalitecrystallizationshowthathalorchaea organisms. Often, specific concentrations of salt are Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) Life at low water activity W. D. Grant 1257 Table4. Minimum inhibitory a values for growth of micro-organisms in food. w (Adapted from Brewer (1999).) a value prokaryotes yeasts moulds w 0.97–0.95 Clostridium spp. Pseudomonas spp. Escherichia spp. Bacillus spp. Pediococcus spp. Citrobacter spp. Vibrio spp. Lactobacillus spp. 0.95–0.90 Streptococcus spp. Rhodotorula spp. Rhizopus spp. Corynebacterium spp. Pichia spp. Mucor spp. Micrococcus spp. Candida spp. Trichosporon spp. 0.90–0.85 Staphylococcus spp. Saccharomyces spp. Cladosporium spp. Hansenula spp. Torulopsis spp. 0.85–0.80 Zygosaccharomyces bailii Aspergillus patulum 0.80–0.75 haloarchaea Aspergillus glaucus Aspergillus conicus Aspergillus flavus (cid:4)0.70 Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Xeromyces bisporus necessarytofavourasuccessionoforganismssuchaslac- 1985). Growth of Z. rouxii has been recorded at a 0.62 w tic acid bacteria during fermentation, for example in andtheorganismalso,unusually,iscapableofgrowingin picklesandsausages(Brewer1999).Atveryhighsaltcon- relatively high NaCl concentrations (20% (w/v); a 0.85; w centrations (a values below 0.8) the only prokaryotes to Tokuoka(1993)), sharing with X.bisporus the capacityto w flourisharethehaloarchaea,originallyintroducedintothe produce ascospores at a values below 0.7. w foodviasolarsalt.Thesemaycausethespoilageofheavily salted proteinaceous products, being responsible for the ‘pink’insaltedfishand‘redheat’ofsaltedhides(Grant& 5. OSMOADAPTATION Larsen1989).Here,oneparticularspecies,theproteolytic Micro-organismsexposedtoalowa environmentmust H. salinarum seems to be dominant. w possess mechanisms to avoid water loss by osmosis. At The minimum a that can be achieved by the addition w least some level of turgor pressure has to be maintained ofNaClis0.75(saturationpointforNaCl).Valuesbelow toallowcellsurvivalandgrowth.Therearetwobasicstra- this infood can occuronlyinthepresenceoforganic sol- tegies: utes such as glucose and fructose, and sometimes there may be additional significant surface effects in hetero- (i) a minority of halophiles use counterbalancing levels geneous foods through drying. Foods, which include of inorganic ions (usually KCl) to achieve osmotic honey,fruitsyrups,jams,marmaladesanddriedfruits,are stability; dominated by xerophilic fungi and yeasts. The vast (ii) the majority of halophiles (and all the xerophiles) majority of fungi and yeasts are inhibited at a values w produce or accumulate low-molecular-mass organic between 0.8 and 0.75, but the spoilage mould Xeromyces compounds that have osmotic potential. bisporus is exceptional in being able to grow at a lower wateractivity(a 0.61)thananyotherorganismdescribed w to dateand can thus cause spoilage offoods thatare nor- These osmolytes, also known as compatible solutes mally considered safe from microbial attack (Hocking & because of the need for them to be compatible with cell Pitt 1999; table 4). The organism will not grow at a machinery(Brown1978,1990),mustalsoprotectagainst w valuesgreaterthan0.97,isthusanobligatexerophile,and inactivation, inhibition and denaturation ofboth enzymes is also capable of completing a sexual life cycle, forming and macromolecular structures under conditions of low ascospores, at a values below 0.7. Originally isolated water activity. Compatible solutes are polar, normally w from spoiled liquorice, X. bisporus also causes problems uncharged or zwitterionic compounds under the con- with dried fruit, tobacco and honey, although its natural ditions experienced inside cells. Compatible solutes habitatisasyetunknown(Hocking&Pitt1999).Zygosac- belongtoseveralclassesofcompoundsandtherearesome charomyces rouxii is one of three Zygosaccharomyces spp. commonstructuralmotifs,particularlyamongaminoacid that are troublesome spoilage organisms at very low a derivatives.Figure3showsthemostimportantcompatible w values, particularly under acidic conditions in products solutes of micro-organisms. They include the following: such as fruit concentrates and brined vegetables (Eriksen & McKenna 1999). Under extreme conditions, (i) polyols such as glycerol, arabitol, mannitol, sugars internalCO pressureduetosugarfermentationcancause or sugar derivatives such as trehalose, sucrose, sul- 2 explosionsofglassbottlestooccur(Thomas&Davenport photrehalose and glucosylglycerol; Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.B(2004) 1258 W. D. Grant Life at low water activity CH3 CH COO– O NH+3 O 2 CH3 N+ CH3 NH2 C CH2 CH CH2 COO– CH3 C NH CH2 CH2 CH2 CNH+3 H COO– glycine betaine β-glutamine Nδ-acetylornithine O OH NH NH C CH CH CH 2 2 2 CH + COO– CH + COO– CH3 NH CH2 CH COO– 3 NH 3 NH NH+ 3 ectoine β-hydroxyectoine Nε-acetyl-β-lysine CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH OH O OH O OH O OH OH OH O OH OH OH O CH OH O SO3H O 2 OH O CH OH O CH2OH 2 CH OH O OH OH OH OH 2 OH OH sucrose trehalose 2-sulphotrehalose CH OH 2 CH OH 3 O NH CH S CH 2 OH 3 + 2 COO– O C CH OH CH OH 2 2 CH 2 O C H dimethyl sulphonio- O CH propionate 2 CH OH C NH C CH 2 3 glucosylglycerol NH O C 2 C CH NH O 2 CH C 2 O H NH + C O 3 C CH CH C 2 2 COO– NH2 CH3 NH CH2 CH2 H Nα-acetylglutaminylglutamine amide glucosylglycerol NH 2 C O H NH 2 H C OH C CH NH CH CH COO– O CH 2 C 2 2 H C OH 2 H H C OH C O CH2 + C N NH H H H 2 2 glycerol Nα-carbamoylglutamine amide proline Figure3. Structure of compatible solutes. (Modified from Grant et al. (1998a) and Oren (2002).) 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