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Life and Death of Leon Trotsky PDF

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Tl-i� LIJ=�A ND L �r 0 N t:. D�ATI-i OF TROTSKY VICTOSR� RG�a ndN ATALISA� DOVAT ROTSKY �orewoarndda fterwobrydR ichaGrrde eman TranslabtyAe rdn olJd.P omerans The Life and Death of LEON TROTSKY The Liefa ndD eatho f LEONT ROTSKY VICTORS ERGE AND NATALIAS EDOVAT ROTSKY Translabtye d ARNOLDJ P.O MERANS HaymarBkoeotk s ChicaIglol,i nois © 1973A rnolJd.P omerans Firpsutb lisihne1 d9 73b yB asiBco oks Thise ditipounb lisihne2 d0 15b y HaymarkBeoto ks P.O.B ox1 80165 ChicagIoL6, 0 618 773-583-7884 www .haymarketbooks.org [email protected] ISBN9:7 8-1-60846-469-2 Traddei stribution: Int heU S,C onsortBiouomk S aleasn dD istribuwwtwi.ocnb,s d.com InC anadPau,b lishGerrosu pC anadwwaw, .pgcbooks.ca Int heU K,T urnarouPnudb lisSheerrv icwwwes.,t urnaround-uk.com Allo thecro untrPiuebsl,i shGerrosu Wpo rldwiwwdwe,. pgw.com Thisb ookw asp ubliswhietdth h eg enerosuusp poorftL annaFno undation andW allaAccet ioFnu nd. Covedre sibgynS amantFhaar bman. PrintienCd a nadbay u niolna bor. LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloginPgu-bilni-cadtaitoiansa vailable. 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 e:..YJ -· RECYCLED Papemra dfroem recycmlaetde rial !;,.�� FSC" C10 3567 Contenst FOREWORD byR ichGarrede man vii INTRODUCTION TO THE 197E3DI TION byV aldiKmiibra /ch1i ch THE OLD MAN byV citSoerr ge 3 PREFACE byV itcoSre rge 7 ONE Youth 9 TWO Revolution 33 THREE Power 71 FOUR Oppoiosni t 111 FIVE Persecution 135 SIX Nightmare 195 SEVEN TheA ssassins 245 FurtDheetra oifTlrso tsDkye'ast h 271 AFTERWORD by RiGcrheaermda n 218 APPENDIX A InM emoroyfL eoTnr otsky byV citSoerr ge 291 APPENDIX B UnpubliMsahneuds cript onT rotsThkye'iMsro raalnsdO urs byV citSoerr ge 295 INDEX 307 Foerword Thisb ooiksa na uthehnitsitco droiccuamlIe tni tst. h fer uoifat c ol­ laborbaettiwoente wnoc lopsoel itaiscsaolca inadet yeesw ittnoes ses Trotslkyi'fse : SVeircgtteho,rer e volutnioovnealarinysTd tr ,o tsky's widoNwa,t aSleidao Ivtta h.us sp eawkista hu thoirnti htleyi ,t seernasle oft hweo rWdr.i titnMe enx iicn1o 9 64-4i7nt hCeo yoahdo.uns e-for­ trewshse Trreo twsakyas s sassiitnpsaa tgaeerdshe, a unbtyet dhn ea mes anmde moroifaec so nsteolfld aetacidoo mnr aSdeersag.ne Sd e doivna , thepirre caMreixoiucesax niw leera,em ontgh lea ssutr viwviitnnge sses tot hter iuamnptdhh etnht er agoefRd uys sRieavno luThteia ount.h ors beawri tnneosjtsu sftoT rr otbsukftyo arw holgee neraotfhi eorno ic Russrieavno luteixotnearrmiibenysSa ttaeldi n. Thisb iograalpthhyo,cu lgehaw rrliytf treonamM arxpiesrts pective byi ntimoaftt hesesu bjaetctte,mt pobt ers i goroobujselcyIt tpi rvee­. senittpssr otagionntiesgtwr iatttheh hdei stoofhr iyts i mIetsts.h ree­ hundredp-aogsdeudsmu pt hger eatanneddse sc adoefnt chReeu ssian Revoluitnwi hoincT hr otpslky'a yoendeo ft hlee adrionlgae nsdo f whihcehw aosn oef t hmea itnh eoretainhcdii satnosir nitcearlp reters. Narrawtietrdhe markcaobnlceia sniidon nt ellreicgitoteur xa,pl o unds Trot'stskh yeoarniwder si tiintn hgceso ntoeftx htue n folodfhi insgt ory anhdi rso ilnem akiintg. Tob es urlea,tb eiro gra-pIhsiaeDasec u tscher''psr octplrhaieslts­ ic og'y( ,1500p ageasn)dP ieBrrroeu mea'gsi stteorm(ie1a ,0l1p 0age-s) havceno tribgurteeatdtoo l uykr n owleodftg hese u bjYeecStte .r agned Sedo3v0a0p' asg wersi,t itnaer na pliudc,si tdyp laec,kw eidtf ha cwtist,h portrtaaikftersno lmi fwei,td ho cumeanntdcs r itaincaallyr seemsa,i n thbee isnti tinaototin oltnyot, h lei afnetd h ouogfThrott s,bky uatl tsoo three volutionoaftr hyte w heinstctieoenrttyhOu nrewy o.n dwehryts h is autheanuttihco,r iatcacteisrvseeiv,bo lleu tciloanshasarrisyec m aisnoe d lonigno bscuPrairottfty h.ae n swleirie nts h set oorfty h wer itainndg vii viiFOiRE WORD afteorflT ihLfeeife a nDde aoftL he oTnr oytw,sh kiicsah l stohs et oorfy three lat1)ib oentsw Seeernag neTd r ot2s)kyb ,et weena nSSdee rdgoev a an3d) b etwSeeernSg eed,o avnaTd,r ot'sdski cysipRleeasd.i enrtse rested int hfiascs inasttionsrghy o utludrt nom ya fterawtto hreedn odf t his volume. Whatevtehrre e asfoonirst lso nnge gltehcatn,tk osH aymarket BookTsh,Le ife a nDde aoftL hoe nT rothasasktl y a rsets urbfraicnegdi,n g bactkol itfhehe o paensdd eeodfst hhee rodioco,m geedn eraotfi on Russrieavno lutfiootrnh baeer nieoefifsant e gwe nertahtaailtohs noo p es tha'ta nowtohreilrspd o ss'iA bclocred.itnoFg r enncohv eFlriasntc; ois Maspewrhoop, u bliSsehreigdnPe a riints h 'e06 sa n'd07 s,' Serwgoer'ks isi ndispetnoas naybolwnehe od oeswna'nttt od iaen i diforto amn overdoofts he"e p olitciocrcartrle"el vyi soifho insstw oirtwyhh icweh havbee ecno nstbaonmtblayr idnre cede ntti m'eI sn.dispeansws ealbll e foarn yone teoma ogveheri stfoorryw ianrt dh dei recotfgi roena ter justainchdue m anity. Asf oLre oTnr ot-skwyh atehvifesar u wlhtishcw, e rteh oosfhe i s tim-esh er emaoinnoesf t hoeu tstarnedvionlgu tfiigounroaeftrs hy e twentcieentthUu nrlyiS.kt ea alnildna tMearow ,h oh elpdo waenrbd u ilt totalietmaprioirnaet nshr eu ionfgs e nupionpeu rleavro luTtriootnssk,y remaitnreutdeoh irse volutsiocoinaaplrriycis intp lHeisrs.o lient he RussRieavno luhtisisto rnu,ag ggalieSn tsatlb iunr'ecsar uattaikce oofv er thSeo viheitcsso ,u rianeg xei alnetd,h pee rspiocfha icasin tayl oyfs is threi osfeF ascainsodmf S talirnainhskim ma monhgi syts'og rreatest revoluttihoinnakarenyrda s tc orHsi.sw ordasn dd eedrse maainn indispernesfaebrfleotenrh c oews heow isthou nderstthsaetn rdu tgog le overccoampei tailniesvmiw'tasar dbsel,pe r esasnimdoa nsscs,raa essw ell asf otrh osseee ktiobn ugi aln de ,wm orjeu setg,a litcaoroipaenr,a tive socie-tayni detahlTa rto tsgkeyn'esr eautqaitowenid t" hc ommun'i's m. ThLeife a nDde aoftL he oTnr otitssh kye ibnetsrto dtuotc thtiero ang ic histoofr yts htirsu ggle. RICHARD GREEMAN

Trotsky's theories and writings in the context of the unfolding of history and his role afterlife of The Life and Death of Leon Trotsky, which is also the story of . energy was such that his collected works would fill something like fifty . in 1939 she was seen in a Central Russian concentration c
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