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by  DefoeDaniel
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t !SS ^^•' I "S^^*' c-y hx/wJ'. <>WV<.'W ^^ UFE AND ADVENTURES car WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF DEFOE* JfewEdition, tompkt«. NEW YORK: HtJEST & COMPANT, , CONTENIS HATTER I, Robinsou'r Family et*.-^_i'?. Ekpeioen*.-X)»likParento... Sb CHAPTER -. . FirstAdventuresatSea,andExperienceoi MaritiiaeLife- "Voyage toGuinea..„ • >> o................ 29 CHAPTER III. — Robinson's Captivityat Sauee Escapex^liliXury Amrai the Brazils , *» CnAPTER I^. — He settlesintheBrasdlsqbaPlanter MokeranotherVoi"affe,ana_f! ahinwrecked. o.c », 49 Vi CONTENTfi. CHAPTER V. — Robinson flnda Himself in a Desolate laland Proouret a Stockof ArtltlMfipomtheWreck—Conatructs hii Habitation,.,,.. 6tf CHAPTER VI. — Ofurrie* all bis Ricbea, Proyisiona, etc., into hieHabitation Dreari- — iMMofSolitude Consolatory Eeflections 70 CHAPTER VII. — Hobinaon'eMode of ReckoningTime Difficultiesarising fromWant ofTools-^He arranges hie Habitation 78 CHAPTER VIII. — Robinson's Journal Details of his Domestio Eaouomy and Coatriv- anoes-^hook ofan Earthquake 7t CHAPTER IX. — 'Robinson obtains moreArticles from the Wreck His Illness and Affliction 8t CHAPTER X. — IUm RecoTery His Comfort in Reading the Scriptures—Makesan — BxonrtionintotheInteri'>rofthe Island Forms his "Bow«r."... 96 CHAPTER XI. lUiVidaaoasiAkesaTourto explore his Island—Employed inBMk«t- KH 2ri3aBg , CONTENTS. t?U CHAPTER XII. Pftga. lie returnsto hiaOav«—His Agricultural Labors and Sucoefls ...... 110 CHAPTER XIII. HifcManufecture ofPottery, and Contrivanoe forbaking Bread 116 CHAPTER XIV. — — Meditateshis Escape from the Island Builds a Canoe Failure of — — his Scheme Resignationtohis Condition MakesHimselfa New DresB 120 , CHAPTER XV. B« makesasmallerCanoe, inwhich heattempts to cruise round the — — Island His Perilous Situationat Sea He retimeHome 136 CHAPTER XVI. — — H«rears a Flock of Goats His Diary His Domestic Habits and — StyleofLiving ^Increasing Prosperity 187 f CHAPTER XVII. — l}n«zpe»ted Alarm and Cause for Apprehension He Fortifies his Abode 144 CHAPTER XVIII. — Prooautiooeftgaiast Surprise Robinsondiscovers tiiathis Isiaadhas t^eenvisitedby Camubals l&j via OONTBNW. CHAPTER XIX. Robiiwoa d&Be«v«l« a Caf«,wM«b eerres Himaa a B«<sr«ata^ilMt th«SarafM 163 CHAPTER XX. — A.D«thcr Tiait oftb« Sav»g«t R9baas«a ce«s th«B daaelBf'-Per* cairesth«WreakofaTmmI 169 CHAPTER XXI. — B« rkito tk« Wivak aad obtaiiu many Siore« from it Agaiathiuiu — •f<[aittiag UmIsland HasalUmarkable Dr«aiB 171 CHAPTER XXII RobinsonrescaesOne oftheirCaptivesfromtheSavages, whomHe namesFriday, andmakeshisServant , 183 CHAPTER XXIII. — fcobintf»n iastructs and civilizM hi> UanFriday Eadeavon togive HisaaIdeaofOhristianify IBS CHAPTER XIIV. UoMnHW cadFridaybuilda Canoe tocarry Themto Friday's Couu- iay VktkrSchemepreventedby theArrival ofaFart^ «fSavages. 198 CHAPTER XXV. I — ^s\iiisii Mloaaes a SpaBiard-<-Frid>y dkaor^rs his Fa&«r Ao* •ommodatton provided for these NewOnests—Who are afterward MBt toliberaV theother Spaaiords—Arrival ofaaEugliehVessel. 208

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