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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke On Target from Political Economic Race, Culture and Newtimes Survey Australia Democracy Democracy Nation . . . . . On Target from Triumph of the Library BankWatch Booklist Britain Past from USA Search Library Censored History by E.D.Butler The Reality of Conspiracy - The Sutton Revelations - BombShell Facts - The Truth About The Russian Revolution - Who are The Jews? - Financing The Soviet By Wall Street - Soviet-Zionist Collaboration - Soviet Real Victors In Six-Day War - October 1973 - The Anti Semitic Smear - The Myth of The Six Million - Towards The World State In 1966 The Macmillan Company, New York, and Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, published a revealing history in which the author claimed, in essence, that international financial groups, exercising power through the creation and control of financial credit on an international scale, had worked closely with Communists for the purpose of creating a New World Order. The author was no 'Right-wing extremist', but the prestigious American historian, Dr. Carroll Quigley, who formerly taught at Harvard and Princeton, and who has done special research in the archives of France, Italy and England. He subsequently became professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University in Washington. D.C. Dr. Quigley's 1300-page Tragedy and Hope created little public interest until Mr. W. Cleon Skousen, who served with the American FBI for sixteen years and became publicly known with his best seller The Naked Communist, reviewed it in The Naked Capitalist (1970). As a highly trained investigator of Communism, Skousen had observed a number of strange developments which seemed to point to a conspiratorial control centre higher than either Moscow or Peking. He had waited for someone 'on the inside' of the international power structure to talk, and was convinced that Quigley was a genuine insider. Quigley states that 'I know of the operations of this network (of the international power structure) because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted, for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records.' Why did Dr. Quigley write such a revealing book, documenting the links between Big International Finance and Communism? Quigley makes it clear that he is a strong supporter of those striving to create a New World Order: 'I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and I have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known' (p. 950). Dr. Quigley's thesis is that the men working towards a New World Order are highly cultured, well-educated and have the best interests of the human race at heart. They offer the hope of the world. It is too late, anyhow, to turn back their progressive schemes, and therefore those who resist them represent tragedy. This is why he called his work Tragedy and Hope. The will-to-power has been a dominant feature of man's long history and while it is true, as Lord Acton said, 'That all power tends to corrupt,' it is also true that many of those who have sought power over their fellows have been pleasant individuals. Some of them have been great idealists convinced that the world would be a much better place if they had complete power. The idea of World Government is as old as man. But whereas an Alexander the Great had to rely primarily on the force of the sword to gain power, over the past two-hundred years a new instrument has become available for centralising power that of financial credit creation, increasingly operating on an international scale. From the beginning of the famous Rothschild dynasty down to the present time Dr. Quigley gives a brilliant picture of the development of a closely-locked International Money Power. He quotes the famous statement made by Reginald McKenna, one-time British Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Chairman of the Midland Bank, who, in addressing a meeting of shareholders of the Bank on January 25, 1924, said, as recorded in his book, Post-War Banking, 'I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do create and destroy money. The amount of finance in existence varies only with the action of the banks in increasing or decreasing deposits and bank purchases. We know how this is effected. Every loan, overdraft or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every repayment of a loan, overdraft or bank sale destroys a deposit.' A number of public investigations have taken place since Reginald McKenna publicly said what the operators of credit creation had known for centuries, all demonstrating that trading banks create new finances when making loans and advances. Giving evidence before the New Zealand Royal Commission on monetary systems in 1955, Mr. H. W. Whyte, Chairman of the Associated Banks of New Zealand, readily agreed to the realities of credit creation. 'They have been doing it for a long time, but they didn't quite realise it, and they did not admit it. Very few did. You will find it in all sorts of documents, financial text-books, etc. But in the intervening years, and we must be perfectly frank about these things, there has been a development of thought, until today I doubt very much whether you would get many prominent bankers to attempt to deny that banks create credit.' The real credit of a community is its productive capacity and real wealth. But if this real credit can only be used on terms dictated by those who have a monopoly of creating and issuing financial credit, a mere bookkeeping arrangement, then it is elementary that if this monopoly can be developed on an international scale, those controlling such a monopoly have a major instrument for imposing a World State. Just as trading banks, whether called private or Government, have progressively become the mere instruments of Central Banks, so are Central Banks now becoming instruments of the International Monetary Fund, which now creates a form of international credit called 'Paper Gold' or Special Drawing Rights. One of the principal architects of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, was Harry Dexter White, Under-Secretary of the U.S. Treasury during World War II, and subsequently discovered to have been one of the Soviet Union's top agents in the United States Administration. When the White House was informed about White, he was neither removed nor arrested, but appointed as the new Executive Director of the U.S. Mission to the International Monetary Fund, and his salary was substantially increased! The power to create financial credit is the power to control all forms of economic activity, including the media. Once the nature of this power is grasped, and how present methods of credit creation generate increasing debt, heavier taxation and accelerating inflation, the nexus between International Finance and International Communism can be readily seen. Credit loans are the instrument which has been used to move massive quantities of Western production and technology from the West to the Soviet Union. Irrespective of Dr. Quigley's intentions in revealing the news that those international groups with the credit power were working to produce an international millenium, the publicity given to his history by Skousen, and later by Gary Allen in his best seller None Dare Call it Conspiracy, had a most revealing effect: Tragedy and Hope soon became almost impossible to purchase! It disappeared from some libraries and today an original copy is a collector's item. THE REALITY OF CONSPIRACY Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand. This provocative statement was made by a character in one of Benjamin Disraelis's novels. The famous British Conservative Prime Minister of Jewish background used his novels to shed light on the suppressed realities of the world. Disraeli clearly was convinced that even in his times the 'hidden hand' was that of an international money power associated with revolutionary groups to subvert traditional society. Controllers of the news media of the world insist that there is no such thing as a conspiracy operating behind national and international events, but themselves provide evidence of conspiracy by the manner in which they attempt to suppress or distort information which provides a strikingly different picture of world affairs to that generally presented. When a senior South African Cabinet Minister, Mr. P. W. Botha, attacked the notorious American Council on Foreign Relations praised by Quigley in his work in 1973, stressing that it was dominated by Socialist-minded individuals and was subverting South Africans associated with it, there was a howl of rage and indignation from both the Afrikaans and English press of South Africa. The Pretoria News of September 6, 1973, said that it was ridiculous that an organisation chaired by Mr. David Rockefeller, the well-known international financier, could be pro-Communist. The Pretoria News said that 'A London report said that Western diplomats had received the Botha charge with a mixture of mirth and sorrow.' And then came the comment that Mr. David Rockefeller 'can safely be presumed to have no interest in supporting an organisation dedicated to world socialism.' Shortly afterwards, while visiting South Africa, Mr. Rockefeller described the Botha charges as 'absurd' but as will be seen in this examination of censored history, Mr. David Rockefeller and other international financiers have played a major role in financing Communism. When he opened his Chase National Bank in Moscow in May, 1973, it was at the most prestigious address in Moscow: 1 Carl Marx Plaza. The Rockefellers have for a long time been financing and urging closer cooperation with the Communists. On November 25, 1959, Study No. 7, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, advocated 'building a new international order which must be responsive to world aspirations for peace and for social and economic change... a new international order including states labelling themselves as 'Socialist''. In May of 1973 David Rockefeller was urging American Congress to grant favoured nation status to the Soviet. As far back as 1955 David Rockefeller was saying that it was 'politically foolish' to ignore Communist China. In July, 1974, the Rockefeller Manhattan Bank started doing business with Red China, the first Western Bank to do this for 24 years. David Rockefeller urged that Red China also be given favoured nation status. At a press conference in Hong Kong at the time of the Red China deal, David Rockefeller said that apart from the banking arrangement with the Red Chinese, he had discussed with them the possibility of links between the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chinese People's Institute for Foreign Relations. 'I think they were very much interested in knowing more about how we conduct foreign relations and our attitudes on many subjects', he said. As the amazing Dr. Henry Kissinger has played a major role in advancing closer relations between the United States and both Communist China and Communist Russia his background is of importance. Before Richard Nixon was first elected President in 1968, Kissinger rather contemptuously said that he was unfitted to be the President of the United States. Kissinger had worked for the Rockefellers for years. He is a One World advocate. But when elected Nixon's first major appointment was Dr. Henry Kissinger as his personal adviser on foreign affairs, thus demonstrating the source of real power in the United States. It was Kissinger who prepared the way for the dramatic Nixon change of attitude towards Peking, a victory for the policies of International Finance. Kissinger negotiated the 'peace-with-honour' deal in South Vietnam, leaving South Vietnam with no peace and the prospect of ultimate take-over by the Communists. Henry Kissinger immigrated to the United States from Germany before the Second World War. Serving with him in the U.S. Army's Jewish intelligence task force in Germany at the end of the Second World War were Michael Fribourg, the multi-billionaire grain operator who is reputed to have cleared $700 million from Kissinger's massive wheat deal with the Soviet Union, Captain Walt Rostow, later White House Chief Adviser under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and Helmut Sonnenfeldt, now top adviser to the U.S. State Department. A former K.G.B. agent, Colonel Michael Golleniewski, has been quoted as charging that Kissinger was at one time a secret unit of Communist intelligence. In spite of former State Department officials and security officers charging that Sonnenfeldt was a security risk, one charge being that he had leaked highly classified information to the Israel Embassy in Washington, Sonnenfeldt was employed by Kissinger as one of the top aides on the National Security Council staff. He accompanied Kissinger on all his trips to Peking and Moscow and is therefore familiar with all secret deals made by Kissinger. When a group of American Congressmen proposed that Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, the famous exiled Russian writer, be brought to America to address the American Congress on the oppression inside the Soviet Union, Kissinger strongly opposed this, arguing that it would jeopardise detente. But Solzhenitsyn warned that massive American economic aid to the Soviet was enabling the Soviet to expand its military strength; detente was a myth. Paul Scott, distinguished American commentator, in The Wanderer, March 26, 1974, states that 'In his testimony before the Senate Finance Committee Kissinger clearly indicated that the Nixon Administration policy of accommodating the Russians now has priority over U.S. relations with Western nations. The signing of 67 bilaterial U.S.-Soviet agreements, ranging from political consultation to joint space exploration, since President Nixon took office is cited as proof that the NixonKissinger policy puts relationships with Russia ahead of proven allies. 'Like the international power groups he is serving, Dr. Kissinger takes a detached approach to the suffering of the millions of victims of Communism in both the Soviet Empire and Red China. These noble advocates of a New One World are opposed to any policies which might free the victims of Communist tyranny. They are prepared to ensure that Soviet military strength is maintained with financial and economic blood transfusions from the U.S.A. and other Western nations. They may be well-educated, as Dr. Quigley asserts, but they are traitors to Civilisation. THE SUTTON REVELATIONS 100,000 Americans have been killed in Korea and Vietnam 'by our own technology. The only response from Washington and the Nixon Administration is the effort to hush up the scandal.' This is the explosive indictment, not of some 'neurotic right-wing extremist', but of Antony C. Sutton, the Western world's most outstanding academic on Western technological and economic aid to the Soviet Empire. Antony Sutton's carefully documented studies shatters completely the most dangerous myth ever presented to a gullible mankind; a myth accepted by non- Communists as well as Communists and their fellow-travellers. The myth was once stated to me as follows by a young first-year school teacher: 'Communism has certainly been responsible for brutalities with which we cannot agree. But starting with an impoverished Russia in 1917, Communism has in the face of bitter opposition from the capitalist world, progressively built the Soviet Union up to the stage where it is one of the great super-powers in the world. We must admit its tremendous industrial and technological achievements and now learn how to co-exist with the Soviet Union.' Like tens of millions of other people, that teacher was reflecting an image created by the instruments of modern centralised propaganda. A false image can be created by a combination of both distortion and suppression. The result is that people are living in two worlds: the one presented by the creators of false images and the one of reality.The reality presented by Antony Sutton is one which the deeper students of Communism have known about for a long time. Some of these have dealt with different aspects of the evidence concerning the external financing of the Soviet Union. In his last book, The Bolshevik invasion of the West (1966), the late Louis Budenz, the former top Communist and Managing Editor of The Daily Worker (U.S.A.), who eventually came back to his Christian Faith, warned of a growing alliance between 'Wall Street' 'international financial groups' and Moscow. However, the evidence presented by Sutton is much more concrete than that presented by others. Once it is grasped that Western technology and industry has been primarily responsible for the creation of the formidable Soviet military machine, and the expanding Soviet naval power, the reality takes on a chilling significance which those who wish to retain freedom can only ignore at their peril. British-born Antony Sutton, former professor of economics at California State University at Los Angeles, began a study late in the 1950's of the transfer of Western technology to the Soviet Union and how the Soviet economy and military-industrial complex had benefitted from this flow of Western assistance. The first work was completed in 1966 and published in 1968 by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University under the title Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917 to 1930. Deeper students of International Communism quickly perceived that an outstanding academic had carefully documented in detail the vast technological and economic aid which the West had been supplying to the Soviet Union since 1918, confirming what they already knew. The second volume of Sutton's study was published by the Hoover Institution in 1971 under the title Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1945 to 1965. Although Sutton's studies are of the greatest significance, they were only publicised in reviews in a few conservative and anti-Communist publications. But the media generally ignored what is beyond doubt the most significant work of the last 50 years. However, a few Members of the Republican Party grasped the vital importance of Sutton's research work with the result that he was invited to testify before a sub-committee of the Platform Committee of the Republican Party at Miami Beach, Florida, on August 15, 1972. I am informed that many of those who heard Sutton found it a most shattering experience, which is not surprising when they were told that President Nixon, the man they were planning to re-elect in November, was permitting American troops in Vietnam to be killed with American technology. If it had been adequately publicised, Sutton's testimony would have caused a national sensation and had a major impact on the elections. BOMBSHELL FACTS Sutton made his position clear at the beginning by stating that he was not a politician and that his responsibility was to present facts. He was not concerned about whether his listeners liked or disliked his facts. After pointing out that he had spent ten years in research on Soviet technology, he then proceeded in a short fifteen minutes to drop bombshells such as the following: There was no such thing as Soviet technology. 'Almost all' perhaps 90-95% came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. In effect the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union, its industrial and its military capabilities. This massive construction job has taken 50 years. It has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance. The United States is spending $80 billion a year on defence against an enemy built by the United States and West Europe. Even stranger, the U.S. apparently wants to make sure this enemy remains in the business of being an enemy. The Soviets have the largest merchant marine in the world, about 6,000 ships. I have the specification for each ship. About two- thirds were built outside the Soviet Union. About four-fifths of the engines for these ships were also built outside the Soviet Union. About 100 Soviet ships are used on the Haiphong run to carry Soviet weapons and supplies for Hanoi's annual aggression. I was able to identify 84 of these ships. None of the main engines in these ships was designed and manufactured inside the USSR. All the larger and faster vessels on the Haiphong run were built outside theUSSR. All Soviet automobile, truck and engine technology comes from the West.” The Gorki organisation, built by the Ford and Austin companies, produced most of the trucks used to carry Soviet-supplied military equipment down the Ho Chi Minh trail. Automobile factories can also be used to build tanks. Antony Sutton summarised his testimony with his charge that 100,000 Americans had been killed with American technology, adding - The only response from Washington and the Nixon Administration is the effort to hush up the scandal. No wonder the Republicans listening felt chilly! While they could not argue against Sutton's charge that 'You do not subsidise an enemy', they also feared that Sutton was right when he said that 'when this story gets out and about in the United States, it's going to translate into a shift of votes.' It was therefore essential to ensure that as far as possible the story did not get publicised. Political survival and party loyalties were much more important than trying to expose a treacherous policy of aid to an enemy killing American troops. But what about the news media? Surely the Sutton exposure was news by any standard? Both the two major American wire services UPI and AP received copies of the Sutton testimony. Both suppressed it! And the media generally has ignored Antony Sutton's book, National Suicide (1973) in which he tells the whole dreadful story of how the Soviet has been built up by the West over fifty years. At the conclusion of an address to a British audience in 1972, during which I had mentioned the emerging policy of Western nations openly providing the Soviet with increasing credits on a long-term basis and at low interest rates, a member of the audience took me aside and introduced himself as an oil technologist whose work took him throughout much of Soviet Russia. He stressed the appalling state of much of the Soviet economy, particularly agriculture. He also told me of how in Moscow he had met with a number of American computer experts who had come to the Soviet to instruct the Russians on the latest American computer equipment being supplied on credit. Sutton points out that computers are now indispensable in modern warfare. And so are heavy, multi-axle trucks for transporting both troops and heavy equipment. The huge Soviet Kama organisation, the biggest in the world, has been virtually a gift from the United States. The American Export-Import Bank has advanced direct loans of $86.5 million for the project, while the Rockefeller Chase National Bank of New York anticipates making loans up to $192 million. The Kama organisation is projected to manufacture 100,000 trucks per year, more than all the American truck manufacturers put together. In a testimony presented to the United States of America House International Trade Sub-committee of the Banking and Currency Committee, on April 24, 1974, Sutton said that 'About 1968 I became concerned with our policy of technical assistance to the Soviet military-industrial complex, a policy denied by the State Department, and some Members of Congress. This technically subsidised Soviet economy was providing about 80 per cent of all supplies to North Vietnam and U.S. troops were being killed in Vietnam. I made numerous attempts to bring the problem to public attention, none of these efforts on my part had any recognisable impact. Therefore, in late 1972 I put together the information immediately at hand into a book: National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union, published by Arlington House in New York.' This was in October, 1973. National Suicide published as an appendix Sutton's testimony before the Republican Party Platform Committee in August, 1972. Also given are the specifications of the ninety-six Soviet ships identified transporting weapons and supplies to North Vietnam, 1966-1971. Sutton tells the whole dreadful story of how the Soviet has been built up over fifty years. He names firms, organisations and Presidents. National Suicide has been generally ignored by the media. It is too explosive, even for those self-proclaimed 'fearless' journalists who are allegedly always searching for the truth. National Suicide was also too much for some professed anti-Communists. In his Testimony before the American Banking and Currency Sub-committee, Sutton revealed how, after National Suicide came to the attention of the Hoover Institution, 'Immediately and I mean immediately' came under considerable criticism and hostility for publishing the book. My name was removed from my position as Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution. My hasty conversion into a non-person was so complete that the third volume of my Hoover series, which was then in press, had its dust jacket changed to read 'was a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute from 1968 to 1973'. 'Sutton has commented that his shameful treatment by the Hoover Institution because of his protests against American military aid to the Soviet Union 'parallels the police state tactics of Hitler's Germany and is a pitiful state of affairs to encounter at one of this country's great universities'. Sutton effectively disposes of the argument that it is possible to have 'peaceful' trade with the Soviet Union. Automobile manufacturing organisations can also be used for producing a variety of military vehicles. The Gorki organisation, for example, built under the guise of 'peaceful trade', produced in 1964 the first Soviet wire-guided anti-tank system. Western-provided tractor plants have been used to produce Soviet tanks. Technological assistance to the Soviet to produce chemicals for agriculture has in fact meant vital assistance to the Soviet munitions industry. Antony Sutton says 'let's take a look at the Soviet industry that provides the parts and materials for Soviet armaments: the guns, tanks, aircraft. The Soviets have the largest iron and steel plant in the world. It was built by McKee Corporation. It is a copy of the U.S. steel plant in Gary, Indiana. All Soviet iron and steel technology comes from the U.S. and its allies. The Soviets use open hearths, American electric furnaces, American wide strip mills, and so on, all developed in the West and shipped in as peaceful trade.' The Soviets have the largest tube and pipe mill in Europe, one million tons a year. The equipment is Fretz-Moon, Salem, Aetna Standard, Mannesman, etc. All Soviet tube and pipe making technology comes from the U.S. and its allies. If you know anyone in the space business, ask him how many miles of tubes and pipes go into a missile. Perhaps the classical example of what 'peaceful' trade with the Soviet means was provided by the U.S. State Department's approval that Burmeister and Wain of Copenhagen, Denmark, should provide the Soviet with technical assistance for the manufacturing of diesel engines. These engines were used in the ships which carried Soviet nuclear missiles to Cuba! Early this century the Baku oil field in Russia was producing more than a half of the total world output of crude oil, but the Bolshevik Revolution resulted in a

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