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Librairies Annual Report 2004-2005 PDF

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INTRODUCTION MISSION VISION STATEMENT STATEMENT ‘An annualrepertis primary an whichis gourd inl ac ferercise at enables usta ake a caherenfacademe pogroms opp: Conor Unrest Library Working tgeter with the ccaseme fulleofwhatwe have done and pote academic ading adage. ——suppors the Unversity mission _andresearch commu of We how our accomplishments during quote andere support services” "To devlop and disseminate Unies the brary i Arenyeararelinkedin cursut- Thellbaryhas acevalrete pay knowledge ond values and ‘mission Ourconmitmentto——Aensuingtatstuertsrcenea actos asad ite” + Dedcote, te advancement fer the best possible service to sper univers edcaton of none promoting infor teers ensures that student ed ‘As on essen pornerin the ‘matin oil the heat of atonal experience at Conca Conca Universy Libary re-center, th Libary ccodemie sucess czeashp Isa postive ne. Concrdas cognzes that ofalltheibajs provides overs university ‘and feo earning. ew academic plan cals forthe —_resoures, ts staffs the most Eammunity wth te nformaton Univer t became oe of Important. The colectve effets resources ond eres funda + Dynami, sig or ctectve Canadasleading universes over troughout the yer ofthe ‘mento loring andthe pursuit expertise ta recognze and theres five yes Ae stated in —_Atsitane rectors, Unt Head, knowledge femtace the changes naming the planning document enti, ule and parttime staf con (nd research enters and ris CanadesUnverstufor vegeta mae Concoaia nso ding, the Ubvaryfosers on _—_twafrinovve ond theZIst Century "Concorde must Unters Libary an innovate, envionment in whch Concordia responses. ensue tot its studentsreceive@ pulsating nepal component of _Uversty stufents focuty ond ‘pero university edvcton (he Univers commun stoffean become formed and + Waleoming, proving a secure responsibly rial eizens who and stimulating envionment or te cammitd toring ond ‘uty and research, responding tothe spt ofigury” With @camminent a serie to {he verse needs ou ser = fetes, > repository of knowledge, using leo q teomeqyeroneccces * Cotoborave ftng ou respon sities wi fecuty ond wi un ‘erst services. ondreeching out ‘trough porters wih other codemc nso ye STAFF Training and Development ‘cimmited erecting and ereanment that provides raining sh developnent oppartuntis Dirge 200805 aa yr an investment a marta 20 wa Inghaus nas magn eanegses Sloat ast of ver $40,000. Fem trang ne sta, 27 partcpans tvaledteeeles of ining es sors esr ee poe ‘ie CREPUD consort, Conca an esoees HS andConta Editon The general tees cor ‘eredadeangeat areas om ‘ge [terse Free Caneatin| ‘ouraes feed by Concorals Continuing Education, baie rat Th era) cme ees 202 Wows Pas eas leadership ae peciiaed manage rent sis, marking aan, Imevewingteennques, castor Satstcon ana presentten sie) who are pursuing oma stasis Some teach ret courses in Montes ta Libary Sebo, and several are inted euly tobe gues speakers at conte ences and ares group 35 nan atempt to prove manage experience to aman barns Se possibi, 3 sopecry postion was crestedin the Poros & Media Services unitin 2008, Tis pasion has een filed ona em asin ccordance wth the ey ‘rol apical to depart ‘ier Chartonrenu Pate able 2004 Soc Goasphin Negara: amis Verna 2005 Barta Borne Ai Closimo. ces Haran Loraine Joes Rosemary Melaan Rabiner Sota Mary ansey Limited Term Appointments 2003 Fj ot es Goliman 200s amon Duty Nam a0 Kon Aone Murray Fra im dred Wercnahi Retirements 2003 Fut Note 200s Chart McLaurin Sings Matin Marvin Obaen ‘algo Catherine Oe Water Thomas Oe (Chi) Aetremants, Gradual Wang, Chany 0 Reber Wghison (2006) Hela Bas (2008) Stent Representation ian bin (2008) Beck, Alon Undegaaunte stent University Library ruber Melee Committee Undegatunte stent Members or 2004-05 ‘ute, mes Create student ross Michal Oc Curran iim Har ee dpi, Jceyy etarney, An Chesley Paterson, Elie Oe THE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AT YOUR SERVICE Der the single nest nora fare atetingsoraces ta eon themed albiflora resources Sercesprowedy ease tres hve eng reflect erent ways wsng infos Iraton and using asdeme Bary Denardo sich sec ‘talons, research hep by rpnntment antral se ‘eshasinrened ee of eeconie resnuces tar nese inthe Saar andronety ence Lang eget oft thi The flowing ste cront foractiyintne Ur Serves Divison hey are consent wth ‘erred inte 200203 | Canaan Reser of Reseach Ubi [CARL] Stites ‘The numberof ines exesurces vere actsted fom on ste Inernee om S14100n 2002083 10 1,080,800 he feowing yest [tx ana agin increased an sion 68 to eaeh 1,256,700 in 200805, Remote acess jogos 2% between 200203 an 2003 (ny an ational 408 between 2003 04 an 200405. In the bangs ererources heressed by {76K oer 3 yp ‘sa ruber fines a0 3 fb leony the apse 0 “amtine sere tems teaming: “srmegie and enables esescers tofane are deci on the spe ‘fe documents extematerale ewe Consequently te ruber pute warkstatane inthe ray ha inereaaed 120%, rom 108 in 2001 e240 in 2005 Sting statics inate an cinle end over 3 years. yet ap increase of 358 verte past 2 ors aloe, Saar he tai: "ee deote that attendance athe Nrarghas mained tt, emote scsshar merase exponent 1 millon one unre oy ‘thousand ve hundred ees wore regiteredin 2008.05 anon an rage ey stain the reorence Uns aces aver SSO ques. The number frome se renwal also ereaeng THE “UNCOMMON” CommMoNS, ‘dn acadericiorarys voraton Commons negates a itary's space, resoutes and spar ‘eeveesnaucha fen tat ‘ses expenence ore stap acess Asser needs vary estersively Intype ard comply te |nfamaton Commons can provide ses wih varie and dynamic ‘Support inal sages other {academic and atin, persona! devour An nfrmation Commons seks to mee tefl range nformatena needs fo ers, fom nave undead tw abranced research cols, ‘and encourages uses move ‘ange vais aspects ofthe Infomation Commons ina sear lesiy megs ereonmen. ae, an rfrmationCammens Interates open service desk reas, ofees for onean ane work, {rou study oan, eanterence ‘toms, varie ve assrcams lecture, mansion hands on ‘ndclsorative wor], Bockeshop production abs, muted abs Sndstudes,terctive video fassroons, and purpastaly este and open pubic paces. concord ier bar des rot have the haar of vt ‘space With te wielss hab ‘tectnaogy nse troughout Concord main bling he Library launched th ano laptops. Tis past yea he ‘amplinet of Webster Litany ‘less paps olen nereased {rom $010 70, ging the amber sf tapops avaiable on both eam puslibaves ttt of 100. ‘vial reference service ea invoduced in 2003/08. Ti ansttutes Concord "uncom Laptop Checkouts Increase Users Satisfaction [recent survey inthe Feo ‘Meda Services Unt insets that ange mj frag laptop urs are ether satisies very sted wth the ary laptop ending serie Laptop ‘ses. the marty of whom ae Undergraduate students, ey “singe pops anywhere {nthe lara fin them ‘self roup mark ng sSsgnents and checking css ‘ots an the Web, Comments 1 Gon service ove the wot |s rs cmenient andthe 2r loons good because it gives everyone chance tbo” ‘tory one nice heb ond the lot is useful” ‘Geena be able thave © apap. grote forth.” ‘uring the 200805 acai year, 180700 ersten ranaactons vere ecorsefor the pops Tat ‘San inerease of 53 from 69.500 Inthe prevos academic year. ‘Additional Computers, in Webster Library Periodicals and Media Services Inthe fal of 2006, en new mt media workstations were aed Inthe evades and Mesa areas of etary, An average of 3,300 logins per meron this group of “aetaationeaccrred between ‘September 2008 and ay 2005. ‘These computers fer Merosot Oe suite andthe eapbity or ‘eating and buring COs aed Dios. Eleven asonal wos Peradiale and Meda Desks ‘naier nd Webster Libraries answered over 53,00 questions turing the 2008.05 acadomic year Many questions relted to laptops and how to access the wireless network: stat also essed utersin dng videos and perioias,providng dire: tions and answering questions out fans poices. [Now Graphics Workstation Trough the generosiy ofa ono Library uses can sean Images using brary Graphs erkstaton abot Vanier and Webster Libres The species workstations equiped wih 2 atbad scanner and software forscanningand manipulation images. new colour printer was alpina ta mabe pin Ingfrom the graphics workstation and other itary workstations andaptaps. New Reference and Government Information ‘Service Point InSepembe 2004, the Libraries amined the te separate ifr ‘mation desks onthe main Nor ofthe Webster rary, The newly redesigned desk or bath Government norman and elerenceSerce optimizes service An important benefit resuting om he combined ook leased space forthe don of much-needed public Compute werkstatons. Online Virtual Reference Service In september 203, he Libary ‘ded an online "Vial Reference “heka Lara’ servce othe isting person, telephone hd ema tence services aati wekdayaternoons uring the Fal and Winter terns and Sales ty hrarans abot rai hs Service as een welleceived by stufens and ontuesto yom in pop The number of questions answered cnlre durimg the ve mons between January and May umped bi $3%, fom 170 in 2008258 in 2005. he Virtual Reference Servic uses OCLC Duestnfaint “oftware and willbe migating ‘othe merge Questonnt 247 ‘oftware n 200505, Concord Lars taking a active, ede shiproleina proposed colabra ‘we projet wth ether REPU bai Research Help bby Appointment rowing numbers ef undergrad ste andgaduote students ae rang fr cnsutations th he Reference B Subject Nrarans to seek aesstance THE “UNCOMMON” ih rn recaurcestr tes Imeres ndreserch. pints ferindvaisaed esitance canbe trade with elerence iran =p ‘alzingina parte ae, ‘here as been 939K inreaeein te ee ier, rom 440 ors 12003 04a 613haursin 200405, shin of serie especially Couialor godt stents. Video and DvD Checkouts Increase Vos and DVD saw 15 cease incest from atttof 55,300, ‘hacks a Webster and oer (is 200304 oot 4,000 | 200405 nn if 205, we willbe itoxcng nine eels fer idos ad Ds atoning ses Electronic Reserves The Electron Reserves Service a inte in 2008 96a lt projet. This sevice paces trang of the reserve readings” ‘hose aces sslected by professors 3s Key eaings for ‘esa that students may ey acces them onthe computer Seeane a school rhe Expansion of this service ie fervsloned, as the Lirary develops new strategies fr ‘nie delivery of documents Iesopeion toate COMMONS (CONT’D) ‘pprsimaely half ofthe 6,000 Jaumals to wich the Libraries Fulton databases ch 35 Jeademi Search Prmer nce f= the number fates avaiabe online forse. Forth databases hat provi only bibiogaphic information, Find @ ancora hs ben iglerantad tofnk decry whe talent rien the Library callin here alter electronic ers to CLUES to inure stout pring copy int © Concord Nos Become an inaspensabie olor, MetaFind: ‘the Information Discovery Too! Metin sahara ser lee Much ike Google, provides ‘seamless commen intertceto {vat colctan of research dt bases. Metafind pes itary ers the optan of acessing ‘esearch teal though a sige ‘earch operation without having anced brary provides 2 varity of serves o stuf, Foc ad ta who may have speci needs including renewals 2a inercampus delvery by telephone or -mandvi ooking of yup sty oon, and sta eval fee om the colicin. Requests for up to Dems are accepted by telephone, ema orn person. Extramural Borrowers Conca ives vary el ‘ames users rom outside the brary may purchase Conca Univesity Library Prep Crd {or $50.00 an efundatie ai foraperid omni, Ltrary Pree Cardhalders can boron ‘cle Fam the Live. 24-Hour Acces The objective ofthis intave as provide much-needed ‘Stay space fr Concoa ‘Student ot time of year whan ‘ame inthe Fall and Wier terms From the respanse fentque Otte academe Haris have flowed Concord od and have netted sia plices, INTERLIBRARY LOANS The flowing abies show arate able change in iterbary Loans transaction both nts fbr rem ram the vanes an in lending tee aes. Borowing Increased ay 2% while the number ‘fra aries borawed sesreaed ty 25% Over the past ‘the nerf Dake borowed Increased 7, bu the numberof ses borowed decreased by 13%. The decease inurl arte arranges eorespands the ineeased aality of elecrone ural at Concord lowing ‘the lunch fhe Canaan Nationa Se Leense Project hat provided ‘deetoncaecet 10 over 2200 “scolar rats andreserch atabaes From ths sere pilot projet wth eed money {rom he Canaan Funston fr Inoraten, provincial ae regions! {ovement and ier, {he Canadian Research Keowee Network ha nom merged ts amis expand acess or over 650,00 university researchers rd students to awe variety ofelecrni clr resources inthe sinc, he socal sences Sede hranties Statist of ning operations sresleoreveaing n2002.08, Dusters Minatre de Eaton allocated special onetime funds for unversiy brary acquisitions ‘is had poitve impact nun ‘vest Hany acqision budgets {35 atonal purchases wee made posible tat yo As 2 conse- ‘uence, here was dcreasein lana rom ater academe ‘rani 2003.08, 9 68 decane wa recorded in ening books anda 73 decrease was recordin requests roel tees Tat was typical In 2004 (05,maters stabilized and one notes ght erase once again inrequess for books 033), bat, wth a increas of in equests Ferjuaiatces. The wouesr srcrease im deran romaher oars has ben revere in 2004s SPACE NEEDS Cangsin scot commana ten andi the was owes crete, stored andere, rere new ppaaches tothe ser ‘enthe Lay proves to Seo, dite ndundergaaite ‘Sent adem rans rust plan pace requirements force: ‘one that let he pnt athe ‘igi! pateton reais othe aisveartny, sta tia purus argument Serum that the cut comple ‘mentin uneretie cold iminish theta the electron tanemiesons bflectres ane trina 200 ‘he notion ha university students have itl ure fr tonal aa dic itary, The inreasing pe ponderance onda atone monguniversiy studorsis some ‘mesure raze pace con ‘rants onthe sssmption tat stderscan "go aruwer” wo con uct ther studs. One musta ‘in aint uch ace ands lesingrespances to pace rob lems. The rivers as 2 respons iyo provie sf, secure places here toon an gn groups or lore, tocomplete he scademic simon ast owes hem css room and istortory spac. Not SPACE PLANNING Study Space Inthe orginal biting plan of 1990, he 2 hough 6° ors ofthe MeConnel Baiting were ‘marke or Concordat Webster Ura Webster Lary wae shot oF space ted it opnedin 1982. ‘There were abou 16,00 stents Concord at te tne Concordia aw ae 2,000 stds ‘Simos dole the envelert om 1 years go. The brary tae 3 feet of compute workstations snd ie pont cocina grown Hore ‘Soden requ more spare ad more resources. Te Associaton of Calege and Research itaies recommends hat ude sting area Sheu proximate 2 Iinimum of 108 of he ume ecuivatons (FTE) enetinent. The resent seating opacy inthe ‘ees Library approximately 1.150, inthe Vanier rary, 803), he ACL stand were appli, Conor would not came neo meeting. Concord gol of Increasing radate voters to 20% the pejecte 2,000 FTE totals forthe irae. everythings alte electronical tendencies sti cle, Books oval, emspapes maps, tapes and eos, whichate sccessedinand tvougout a rary. The academic ibary remaine enter forlesng and ‘study The need fr space a ancora evident ram the afc ‘ow the inhouse se of eect resturces, the se oh pp. lean service andthe responae the ertended sty tours report issued by the Assocition ‘of esearch Libra Clectane & Access less Tak Force ete, The spec neods of is poop imurtbe sconmodated ning ther need or seminr oan, stu space rescarchevet foliar ad pected ‘services by appiniment 5 reported above. order toabdess ‘ent enalant needs, the Lbraryisin rita need of 50 ‘emma rooms, 100 atonal compute workstations, 300 ‘tien stody cas, ond 100 ‘ables. Apropos hasbeen made twevtend he Lary ona he flor ofthe HeConnel Buiding Callens ScAcess othe 2ist, Century Sela Changing Roles af Rese LibranesSummarzes ‘he changes hale space “Lbrory cies oe bing recanfoured a provide space orcoltbratve eaming and ‘eseorch, Mere ar casos (nd mai bs where fcuty rong state earning epereces, grup stu ces and community spaces dscuss es Library space Is now sen os learning space Stack Space The average monograph romth pergear's round 26,000, ‘lume, and 0% 20200 ‘lunes per yar re ded Wester whereas 208, o 5,200 {re major unfresen department moves between campuses prudent plan according othe '80/20 clean growth statist The output of pried schtriy Information creases ech yea ands use imag to study nen ing ih coe eres ae hg enone teespand occa one Sug lg di reer feign ond parang fe hors late oe tbicing specs ced Woman Canmore ele ing canner o wowiege cana roy ior tren serves ofc ‘ao ryemton ene Spor” Vanier Library The tansfematn eth causes, most aparet in the constuction ef the Retard J Renaud Scence Compleat Loy andthe Engesring Computer Scene, auol rts Complex tS George tions cones toimpact one Libary in major move n 2003, 108,000 mong 2000 bond pedicles, snd 200 b0es ‘of martes wee vanfeed onthe Loy campus a CoOLLecTIONS ft Beta as mau. one roger ‘esate vale oan academe ayer by the vues nis ‘Shales, uty the ACCESSTO NFOR- ATION proves Teale blown reve afte Libaco- lection bets curently spenton ‘econ rset books, pumas, andthe cigtainoration ‘The the breakdown of the Unrarysaeqision budget “Growth in prin brary colections: ‘Tre table (a iht) states haw much eniacal prices aft ing Canadian research iranes ‘ove increased. AS pce have Increased mare than te cost of tng ever ions tothe aie elections have een possible. igh ve percent (a) of purchases are completed ‘trough foreign publishes. ‘Te buying pomer af Canadian raise tected by each increase or dap inthe vale of ‘he anadan dlr Seria cancellations have been rampant In 2003/04, the Livny Undetcak a major peeet cancel pate ies of seals ‘and to convert pint subscriptions, where possi, tothe elecvonc Format, While thisconinues abe 2 rypeal response tote funding trees in Canada restrch Naresh ees ver ite “houghout the sea yea he and bre 35 costs of eacrone Uren suistion budget of ‘pprximstely $3,100,000 5 Site price increases over Urartu tion the calle offen reseneh en {esearch and incensed graduate ‘ales wl nesta be aatressed, The Library continues oly on forthe genres of dons, Concordia wert eoule sat evenatemgt to meet the ‘nfomatien needs ft shears, ‘or cul the Lirary endeavour to heepabeas of technol developments show nfomotian mong the endowment foc of whieh he Libary an annual benfcy ae the Annual Giving, Captl Campaign ond Student Contibutons. In sition o whic, sme spe oe ine anata enable he Leary to 4} acquire enhancements ots esting colctan 2} nrease ha stack of machneeded ele: ‘tronic computer equipment ‘thereby ensuring acess fora [eater number of ibrar users, (3) develop calecton ina ‘new dsp erin ane whieh as previously avaiable Concer. The Library insta is peoounaly ‘atfl forthe suppot provided Sythe fe of Univers davaneement. PRIORITIES FOR THE YEAR Measuring Excellence Sunes ae ways of resurig ‘cllence Conor wshesto be festa university, The Libarysa farmer payerin tat equi, As tisimparanto esau be ualyetteching an research t Cencora, oto ete needa measure quay cf teary ‘serce Concada Univers 230 ton comprehensive univers has "Spec needs Between 202 ard 2004, the anteraf iret ‘utes ceased fam 2400%0 3.260, or 36% mis irgorantia ‘maybe copng wi ings ard ‘ual aferences ae bang served urge cea eek semester Simian ts aso imparantto lngor for grate suet reeds bremet porte ase ruber ircease A por ofa ma anoingetor. be Lrarynln tier anadan an Aen sewers ares erplemetng UUsdut-2sanaiazeresear dee depen survey degre braves A). Te surveys tray sree qty cs (gostyassessret ler Boing menses bry ses cepts of eve qty ae Ices ps between ese an pucoved expectations of see. Information Literacy Inrecee years the prtiration accessing t have charge the wos we etch for and use Sices in cindictingesexch persist a foundin 2003 CREPUD {ep tic shone that have ltd koowldg, ono CGaraceting the formation research poses. $6. hey fsck urs inforation Ineracy eats stents to hve vthin an inerasingy ifort independent, ong ang Infrmstion eran eocompasees the set of earing and eral "hnking sil coneon a ‘tect Iteration of ‘formation itera teaching and ene stsersin preparing tar tol informed and rexpensby cereal zen. Th following Information ere Campetency Standarés fr Higher Edson ave een ied by the Assocation of Clge & esearch rare 1. eterine the nture ond extent oft information 2 hecess information effectively ond offer Brat infomation rial nomedge bse 4 Use infomation effectively to accomplish spect purpose ‘5 Respect tia ond egal bigatins of information toccess ond use ancora rivers bar is implementing svatepesin. Celboation with he Cente or Tesching& LeamingComssting & Development nthe Sto ensure hat Concord Univers tecome“ifomaton tare” ‘The Library's Home Page (setp://ibrary.concorda.ea) contains a wath of infomation on ‘he bars innovations ples andproducs

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