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LIBERATION MOTIF IN SELECT NOVELS OF MULK RAJ ANAND AND CHlNUA ACHEBE : A SEARCH FOR A NEW PARADIGM IN TERMS OF RELEVANT THIRD WORLD FICTIONAL STRATEGIES Thesis submitted to the Pondicherry University for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in ENGLISH BY FR. A. LEO ANTONY TAGORE, S.J. PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY PONDICHERRY 605 014 APRIL 1993 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is with a tremendous sense of gratitude and appreciation that I recall the services rendered to me by numerous friends, well-wishers, colleagues, scholars and professoein the process of my completing successfully my Ph.D. thesis. The journey has been at once challenging and hlfilling, exhausting and enriching. However the role that these persons played all through the process has been nourishing and sustaining me. I owe my debt of gratitude first and foremost and in an abundant measure to Dr. P. Marudanayagarn, Ph.D. Professor and Head of the Department of English, Pondicherry University, who guided my research with critical interest, scholarly insight, friendly concern and above all, with a perfectionist's eye for the correctness of language, aptness and appropriateness of style and format of the thesis, and the overall evolution of thought and the impact of theme. I remember with a deep sense of gratitude the long hours he has spent with me, discussing the different aspects of the thesis, clarifying, criticising, elucidating and eliciting. It has been an extremely enriching experience relating to him as my mentor teacher and fiend. He has introduced me, by his example and teaching, to fascinating and hitherto mchartered areas of research and investigation, specially to the infinite research potential that is there in the domain of Commonwealth Literature and that of Comparative Literature. My sincere thanks are also due to my Professors in the faculty of English of Pondicherry University. Their positive approach to me and their timely suggestions and ideas have sustained my research fervour. I express my deep sense of thankfulness to a host of my Jesuit friends who were a constant source of encouragement and support : Fr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J. who was instrumental in my conceiving and relentlessly pursuing the topic that lent itself for fruitful research; Fr.G.Packiaraj, S.J. who has all through rendered help by way of offering suggestions, comparing notes and above all, by providing a stimulating companionship; and my religious Superiors and fellow Jesuits who have given me the necessary support and encouragement. I place on record my sense of gratitude to Dr. C.D. Narasirnhaiah, for his rare insights and views, and his monumental collection of works on Commonwealth Literature in his Dhvanya Loka Library at Mysore. The American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad, the Central Institute of English, Hyderabad, the Central Library, Pondicherry University, the library of the Department of English, American College, Madurai, the library of the Regional Institute of English, Bangalore and the libraries of St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli and Loyola College, Madras have been the resource centres I have visited and benefited from. I remain grateful to the Pondicherry University and particularly to the English Department for kindly allowing me to do research. My special thanks are due to Rev. Sax, S.J. who &om Nigeria generously supplied me with primary and secondary source materials on Chinua Achebe- Finally let me thank Mr. Charles and Mr. Esther for the excellent typing of the thesis and Profhirthan,M .Phi1. of the Department of English of St.Joseph's College, Tintchirappalli for his meticulous reading of the rough draft of the thesis and his suggested corrections and alterations. April, 1993 Dr. P. Marudanayagam, P~.D. Professor and Head Department of Engl~sh Pondicherry University Pondicherry 605 014 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled LIBERATION MOTIF IN SELECT NOVELS OF MULK RAJ ANAND AND CHINUA ACHEBE :A SOllURCH FOR A NEW PARADIGM IN TERMS OF RELEVANT THIRD WORLD FICTIONAL STRATEGIES submitted by Fr. A. Leo Antony Tagore, S.J., is a research work done during 1990-93 under my supervision and that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award to the candidate of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other similar title. I also certzy that this thesis represents complete independent work on the part of the candidate. Fr. A. LEO ANTONY TAGBRE, MA Department of English Pondicherry University Pondicherry 605 014. DECLARATION This is to certify that the thesis entitled, LIBERATION MOTIF IN SELECT NOVELS OF MULK RAJ ANAND AND CHINUA ACHEBE :A SEARCH FOR A NEW PAILADIGM IN TERMS OF RELEVANT THIRD WORLD FICTIONAL STRATEGIES submitted by me is a research work done during 1990-93 under the supervision of Dr.P.MARUDANAYAGAM, Ph.D., Professor and Head of the Department of English, Pondicherry University , Pondicherry - 605 014 and that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for award to me of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or other similar title. I also certify that this thesis represents complete independent work on my part. PREFACE It was during my fairly long stint with a College students' movement as its national adviser that I began to dabble in liberation theology and liberation movements and struggles in various third world countries. As it became an absorbing interest I felt urged to make a study of some third world English novelists who have sought to capture the liberationist aspirations of their people and their struggles in their novels. It was at this juncture, that a friend of mine who had already examined the cultural assumptions of a group of South Indian novelists, proposed that I could consider the possibility of a comparative study of two third world novelists from the perspective of liberation. As Mulk Raj Anand of India and Chinua Achebe of Nigeria came across to me as novelists with a basic liberative thrust, I decided to work on theh keeping in mind the liberation parameters and the literary aspects of a study like this. I discussed this topic with colleagues and professors of English. I found their responses quite positive and challenging. The topic, however, assumed its present form only after I held a series of discussions with my guide. It was he who enabled me to understand the full import of such a topic and the hurdles I would have to cross in order to complete my research successfully. It dawned on me during these sessions that an investigation of the novels of Anand and Achebe from the perspective of liberation could not only yield some invaluable insights into the perceptions and performance of these two wrikrs as committed novelists but throw light on some hitherto unexplored areas in the realm of third world English fiction. This was how I commenced my research odyssey realizing that, while investigating the comparative merits of hand and Achebe as committed artists, it would not be an iduence study but an analogical one. In point of fact, the whole exercise turned out to be a fascinating and liberating one, as it helped me to rethink my own traditional and stereo-typed approaches .to literature in general and fiction in particular and to be open to culture - specific literary categories, outputs and approaches. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS In the present study, citations from Mulk Raj hand and Chinua Achebe are from the following editions. Abbreviations here indicated are used throughout. hand, Mulk Raj Untouchable (London : Wishart, 1935) Coolie (London : Lawrence and Wishart, 1936) Tulo Leaves and a Bud (London : Hutchinson, 1945) The Big Heart (London : Hutchinson, 1945) Gauri (New Delhi : Orient, 1976) The R o d (Bombay : Kutub, 1961) Achebe, Chinua TFA Things FUZZ Apart (London : Heinemam, 1958) NLAE No Longer At Ease (London : Heinemann, 1960) AOG Arrozu of God (London : Heinemann, 1964) AMP A man of the People (London : Heinemarm, and New York : John Day 1966) Anthills of the Savannah (Kenya : Heinemann 1987) JTWE: Journal of Indian Writing in English TBP The Banasthali Patrika KJES The Kakatiya Journal of English Studies WLWE World Literature Written in English BW Black World LHY The Literary Half Yearly Research in African Literature 513s Journal of Black Studies CWQ Commonwealth Quarterly JCT;;;IVL, Journal of Commonwealth Literature LC Literary Criterion ALT African Literature Today MFS Modern Fiction Studies TLE The Literary Endeavour JLC Journal of Literary Criticism IJES The Indian Journal of English Studies REL Review of English Literature CI3 Chandrabhaga ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTIFICATE PREFACE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PAGE INTRODUCTION THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION AND RELEVANCE OF "LIBERATION" IN THE THIRD WORLD CONTEST MULK RAJ ANAND AND CHINUA ACHEBE AMONG THEIR CONTEMPORARIES LIBERATION MOTIF IN THE DELINEATION OF PROTAGONISTS TRADITION VERSUS MODERNITY CLASS WAR AND CASTE POLITICS LIBERATION FROM THE FEMINIST PERSPECTIVE ART AND COTUIMITMl3NT SUMMING UP BIBLIOGRAPHY

Things FUZZ Apart (London : Heinemam, 1958). NLAE Anthills of the Savannah (Kenya : Heinemann 1987). JTWE: Mulk Raj Anand and Chinua Achebe from the perspective of social .. He comments on the realism of Anand as portrayed in his novels .. According to her, Anandfs characters fall.
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