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LIBER LI T H E L O S T CONTINENT By Aleister Crowley L REBI LI. T HE L OST C ONTINENT . nA tnuocca fo eht tnenitnoC fo Atlantis: the manners and customs, magical rites and opinions of its ,elpoep rehtegot htiw a eurt tnuocca fo ehtrtsatac ,ehpo os, dellac which ended in its disappearance. The Blue Equinox . suoremuN rehto ,smeop syasse dna trohs seirots erew nettirw gnirud this summer [1913]. In particular there is a sort of novel, ehT tsoL Continent , purporting to give an account of the ci noitazilivf o Atlantis. I sometimes feels that this lacks artistic unity. At times it si a citsatnaf ydospahr gnibircsed ym slaedi fo naipotU ;yteicos tub emos segassap era a eritas no eht snoitidnoc fo ruo g nitsixe ,noitazilivic elihw srehto yevnoctnih s fo niatrec dnuoforp lacigam s, nssoteieit rr afcer p.oevoniesoicccinsteinidacs The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. LIBER LI THE LOST CONTINENT ts arLaey I snaewso hdoc eteel cbecahurtseKnev —— Z —— who had it in his mind to die, that is, to join evah I dna ,sitnaltA fo srieH neveS eht fo eno sa ,suneV ni mehT neeb detnioppa ot ,eralced os raf sa yam eb dnuof ,elbissop eht hturt tuobat aht suoiretsym tsol .dnal fO esruoc on erom naht eno htneves fo eht modsiw sir eve dedifnoc ot yna eno fo ehtveS ,ne dna eht neveS teem ni licnuoc tub ecno niy reve thirty - eerht ,sraey tub sti noitavreserp si deetnaraug yb eht dekcolretni smetsysf o eafxloipmrtlomsTaseeh“itrlepn a f rsn;e t poia fmbr“ oyadna tryntie.droa” unm e i”n g the latter is almost inconceivabl e to normal men. Its essence is to train a man to be atnuyrtonitthfsthhi e einnyngdt,k, h e Ato ppiot ssi btee ta.trn oay hibtinyhmi i nngg y bdelio snee bgniva htuohti wderetsa msuh ts ietisopp otah tdn a,etisopp ost ie bo ttuo uts eht fo sruobal eht upon left learning early of impressions false the without and dent, his mind. I ,flesym rof ,elpmaxe dah ylgniwonknu neeb deniart ot drocer eseht snoitavresbo yb eht efil fo a .ylfrettub llA ym snoisserpmi emoc raelc no eht tfos xaw fo ym ;niarb I had nev re deirrow esuaceb eht hctarcs no eht xaw ni on yaw delbmeser eht dnuos ti .detneserper nI rehto ,sdrow I devresbo yltcefrep esuaceb I reven wenk taht Is aw .gn in vo r i , eot ., trst nueotru bl eotSnaoeolftyaeeyk iittih auwaict mopiiyylfaafppus r oIcca nd.oe y iefyrot colttpeognihr nurtpaiocdcsed 2 I OF THE PLAINS BENEATH ATLAS, AND THE SERVILE RACE* Atlas is the true name of this archipelago — continent is an altogether false term, for ,laru tsyawbnol l semt fo it rsukfa cawneipatn u”roeomsu oyhr“eve yrev netfo hguoht .sya w, rw eo nt rsaaeracwhali TntrsAfiA tao oe hrfseo f m.feeohgtna r tI sa we heturt Atlas that supported the ancient world by its moral and magical strength, and hence eb odle gl e befmeahoahftnt - bearer. The root is the Lemurian: T la or, salT rof ,kcalb , reasons which will appear in due course. “A” is the feminine prefix, derived from the shape of the mouth when uttering the sound. “Black woman” is therefore as near a translation as one can give in English; the Latin has a closer equivalent. ehT sniatnuom era tuc ,ffo ton ylno morf hcae rehto yb eht slennahc fo eht ,aes tub from the plains at their feet by cliffs natural or artificial smoothed and undercut for at .elbis s , tyosr ey et ps endrnertmeeodiieofisicktrsvhacaoeteaml These plains had been made flat by generations of labour. Vines and fruit - seert gniworg ylno no eht reppu ,sepols yeht erew detoved yllapicnirp ot ,nroc dna ot ssarg pastures for the amphibian herds of Atlas. This corn was of a kind now unknown, flourish ing in sea - ,retaw dna eht lacidoirepdoolf - se ddietvre seht e meassopru psa eht eliN ni .tpygE suomronE gnitaolf segats fo ygnopskcor — on seert fo yna dnik werg erehwyna no eht ,snialp os doow sawnwonknu — detroppus eht .segalliv esehT erew detibahni yba epyt fo nam ralimis ot eht nredom naisacuaC .ecar yehT erewt on supplies vast the nor corn, the neither masters, their of food the of any use to permitted follehs - ,hsif tub erew def yb tahw yeht dellac daerb“ morf ,”nevaeh hcihwd eedni emac nwod morfht e ,sniatnuom gnieb eht elohw fo rieht esufer fo yreve .dnik ehT elohw noitalupop saw tup ot lauteprep drah .ruobal ehT gnuoy dna evitca dednet eht amphibians, grew the corn, collected the shell - fish, gathered the “bread from heaven” for their elders, and erew dellepmoc ot ecudorper rieht .dnik tA ytnewt yehte rew deredisnoc gnorts hguone rof eht ,yrotcaf erehw yeht dekrow ni sgnag no a enihcam sihT .ruofytnewt eht fo sruoh 61 rof llimdaert dna pmup ruo fo serutaef eht gninibmoc machine supplied Atlas wi ht sti”ORZ“ † ro ,’rewop‘ fo hcihw I llahs kaeps .yltneserp ynA rekrow gniwohs neve yraropmet ssenkaew saw derrefsnart ot ehts urohpsohp ,yrotcaf erehw eh saw erus ot eid nihtiw a wef .shtnom surohpsohP saw ae mirp ytissecen fo ;saltA ,revewoh ti sawton desu ni sti der ro wolley ,smrof tub ni a driht ,eportolla aeulb - black or rather violet - kcalb ,ecnatsbus ylno nwonk ni redwop renif than precipitated gold, harder than diamond, eleven times heavier than yellow ,surohpsohp etiuq ,elbitsubmocni dna oscohs ylgnik suonosiop ,taht ni etips fo yreve ,e n cno fnaiy d) outtde e s ttoufnr efgneesiaiadomoa ovhocfnworn(itceutsealrhvpa men. Of its properties I shall speak later. * erehT erew ruof emos( yas )evif tcnitsid ,secar hcae gnivah larevesbus -races. But the main scitsiretcarahc erew eht .emas emoS egella eht eseugutroP dna eht hsilgnE ot eb slavivrus fo this or kindred stock. † rO Z ra’a . The ZR is drawled slowly; then the lips are suddenly curled back in a sneering ,lrans dna eht lewov ylprahs dna ylbicrof .derettu tI si detupsid rehtehw siht drow si detcennoc with the Sanskrit Sri .yl o,h 3 THE LOST CONTINENT ehT elpoep erew tfel ni tsomtu yrevals dna ecnarongi yb eht esiw lesnuoc fo ehtif rst fo eht srehposolihp fo ,saltA ohw dah :nettirw nA ytpme niarb si a taerht ot .yteicoS eH dyalh tdneetuuqteistnsonci a metsys fo latn e,me rguntilsuicrpmo cowt:strap 1. .st cdaeftcennoc ssis de ,l s sefsai soassumaAb 2. eru tAcurt sfroepus.seil Pa tr 1 saw ;yroslupmoc eht elpoep neht koot traP 2 tuohtiw.tsetorp * The language of eht snialp saw elpmis tub .esuforp yehT dah wef snuon dna rewef .sbrev oT“ krow ”niaga ereht( saw on drow rof ot“ ”krow ,)ylpmis ot“ peels ,”niaga ot“ tae ,”niaga ot“ erb ka eht ”wal on( drow rof ot“ kaerb eht wal ,)”niaga ot“ emoc morf ,”tuohtiw ot“ find light” ( i.e. ot og ot eht surohp s)oyhrpotcaf erew tsomla eht ylno sbrev desu yb adults. The young men and women had a verb - language yet simpler, and of degraded enesraoc .ss llA ,dah ,revewoh na yranidroartxe htlaew fo ,sevitcejda tsom fom eht meaningless, as attached to no noun ideas, and a great quantity of abstract nouns such sa ,”ytrebiL“ ,”ssergorP“ tuohtiw hcihw on denifer tnatibahni dluow redisnoca ecnetneselpmoc te. He would introduce them into a discussion on the most material .stcejbus ehT“ larommi buns - ,”eson evissergorpnu“ ,”hteet suoivicsal“ , ”cisum yranoitcae”rs“worbeye — such were phrases familiar to all. “To eat again, to sleep again, to work again, to f ind the light — brevorp a saw ”ssergorP si taht ,ytrebiL si taht nom .mnyhoirtceuvoem The religion of the people was Protestant Christianity in all essentials, but with an neve resolc ecnedneped nopu .doG yehT detressa sti ,ælumrof tuohtiw gnihcatta yna m eaning to the words, in a manner both reverent and passionate. Sexual life was entirely forbidden to the workers, a single breach implying relegation to the suro.hspksroohwp nI yreve dleif saw )revewoh( na suomrone telbat fo ,kcor devrac no eno edishtiw a representation of the three stages of life: the fields, the labour mill, the phosphorus factory; and on the other side with these words: To enter Atlas, fly. Beneath this an .gniylf fo tra eht eriuqca ot woh dewohs serutcip cihparg fo seires etarobale Du rinagl l eht snoitareneg fo ,saltA ton eno nam dah neeb nwonk ot ekat egatnavda foe seht instructions. ehT lapicnirp raef fo eht ecalupop saw a noitairav fo yna dnik morf .enituor roF yna a si degnahc drow siht hguoht ,ylno drow eno dah elpoep eht hcus nnoadtiiifnof ne rent .seirutnec ,”tfarhctiW“ ,”ysereH“ ,”ssendaM“ daB“ ,”mrofxeS“ - ,”noisrevrep kcalB“ Magic” were its principal shapes in the last four thousand years of the dominion of Atlas. Sneezing, idleness, smiling, were regarded as premonitory. ynA noitassecm orf hsiw ehT .suoregnad ylhgih deredisnoc saw ,htaerb ekat ot tnemom a rof neve ,hceeps ot eb enola saw esrow naht ;lla eht tneuqniled dluow eb dezies yb sih ,swollefd na either killed outright or thrust into the compound of the phosphorus ,yrotcafm orf hci hewreht saw on.epacse * ehT emas regnad ot yteicos ni ruo nwomit e sah neeb ,neesrof dna na lacitnediy demer der enddvo eno.iyiacs trlsrdao pie ncsnpdppauliaaadupeepshmwcoecn 4 LIBER LI The habits of the people were incredibly disgusting. Their principle relaxations were that to inferiohra arcdhliye vemesnhto w could they which in drama, the and music art, , ro,aeoh Gre,e Lsnre iu nyPhfortoJnreAH yendiS samohT dna sedliF ekuL ,ecnaD egr .repooC derb etamilc elbauqe taht ni efil roodtuo ehT .tnarongi ylippah erew yeht enicidem fO strong youths and maidens, and the first symptom of illness in a worker was held to riapmi sih ycneiciffe dna yfilauqih m rof eht surohpsohp .yrotcaf segaWe rew yltnenamrep ,hgih dna sa ereht erew on stnahcrem neve fo ,lohocla esohw esus aw forbidden, every man saved all his earnings, and died rich. At his death his savings tnew kcab otni eht .ytinummoc noitaxaT sawsnoc yltneuqe .yrassecennu s ehtolC erew yrassecennu dna ,nwonknu dna eht daerb‘ morf ’nevaeh saw eht eerf‘ tfigf o God’. The dead were thrown to the amphibians. Each man built his own shelter of eht hguor enots egnops hcihw .dednuoba ehT drow ’esuoh‘ sawsu de ylno ni ;saltA the servile race called its huts ‘Hhoklost’ (equivalent to the English word ‘home’). tnetnocs isD aywle t.unlwoosnbkanu tI dah ton n edeeb ryerdaisssneoccen ot tibihorp traffic with foreign countries, as the inhabitants of such were est eemed barbarians. Had a ship landed men, they would have been murdered to a man, supposing that Atlas had permitted any approach to its shores. That it hindered such, and by elbillafni ,snaem saw eud ot rehto ,snoitaredisnoc esohw erutan lliw mrof ehtus tcejb fo .trn eeatupqaehscbus races.ervile the ofc haractetrh e and Atlabse,n eaptlha ins the of nature the is then This 5 II OF THE RACE OF ATLAS ecar a tlewd ,niatnuom yreve fo tserc eht morf demrof saw hcihw ’esuoh‘ ro ytic eht nI ton yltaergoirepus r in height to our own, but of vaster frame. The bulk and strength of the bear is not inappropriate as a simile for the lower classes; the higher had the an gasvter engTthhi s lion. the ofh aunchleesa n the asnhdo uldearnsd cheensotr mous elbillafniaeb ,ytu edam suortsnom yb rieht tsom elbaroxeni ,wal taht yreve dlihc ohw depoleved on laiceps erutaef ni eht tsrif neves sraey dluohs eb decifircas ot eht .sdoG This special feature might be a nose of prodigious size, hands and wrists of gigantic strength, goar iljelaalawne , p haenatr — :efil ot renwo sti eltitne thgim eseht fo yna ro * rof ni lla hcus snoitairav morf eht lamron yeht deviecrep eht ytilibissop fo a tnempoleved fo eht .ecar neM dna nemow erew yriah sa ehtgnaruo - outang, and all ylhe sseorlecw neva morf daeh ot .teef tI dah neeb dnuof taht siht ecitcarp depoleved ni erom mohw fo ,’altA gniviL‘ eht ot ecnerever ni enod osla saw tI .ytilibisnes elitcat its place. ehT rewol ssalc saw wef ni .rebmun stI noitcnuf saw ot dnetnirepus eht elivrescar ,e to bring the food of the children to the banqueting - hall, to remove the same, to attend to the disposition of the ‘light - ,’sneercs ot erusne eht ecnaunitnoc fo eht ecar yb eht begetting, bearing and nourishing of the children. ehT yltseirp ssalc sawnoc cerned with the further preparation of the orZ de i lypbpus the labour mills, and its impregnation with phosphorus. This class had much leisure . , rt’d ecke rternoaoajoitfl bwaeu‘lbspxe The High Priests and High Priestesses were restricted in number to neveles emit thirty - three in any one ‘house’. To them were entrusted the final secrets of Atlas, and ot meht saw dedifnoc eht tcudnoc fo eht stnemirepxe ni hcihw yreve lliw saw dnuob up. † ehT ruoloc fo eht snaetnaltA saw yrev ,suoirav hguoht eht riah saw ylbairavni fo a fiery chestnut with bluish reflections. One might see women whiter than Aphrodite, srehto ynwat sa ,artapoelC srehto wolley sauT - ,ihS srehto fo a ,egnarts eltbus eulb ekil eht deoottat secaf fo nihC ,nemow srehto niaga der sa .reppoc erG nes aw revewoh a detibihorp euh rof ,nemow dna der saw ton dekil ni .nem teloiV saw ,erar tub ylhgih ,dezirp dna nerdlihc nrob fo taht ruoloc erew yllaiceps deraer yb eht hgiH .ssetseirP ,r env ie ewtnoroH afp o e yhky dtclloat lblc neabeeehfrmtreoewwp htiw a ssenkcalb no negro can equal; from this circumstance comes the name Atlas. It is absurdly detubirtta yb emos srohtua ot eht tisoped fo ssecxe fo surohpsohp ni eht orZ . I need * yranoissi m asa woh wahddu Bsuoiver p af odnege lr onoitanracnie reh tsa wahddu Bamatua G mor f,sal teAcneh eh ttnuocca fo seilhbav,okmcmein eht srae taht eh dluoc dlof revo sih ,ecaf and other monstrous details. † erehT saw a ronrevoG fo ,eseht fo esohw ,eman erutan dna noitcnuf I ma ton dettimrep ot speak. 6 LIBER LI y ltnnoi otpu otah te h dtke rtgeyasnrrmioo exlfev eehof btcoksciadlb phosphorus. It is evidently a racial stigma. It was the birth of a girl child without this mark which raised her mother to the rank of goddess, and ended the terrestrial adventure of the Atlanteans, as will presently appear. fO eht scihte fo sihtelpoep little need be said. Their word for ‘right’ is ‘phph’ made spiral ‘a meaning thus right, to left from across sharply drawn jaw the with blowing by efil yrartnoc ot eht esruoc fo eht ’.nus eW yam mus ti sa ’.yrartnoc‘ revetahW“ ,si si ”gnorw smees otah ev neeb rieht tsrif .elpicnirp sgeL era ’gnorw‘ esuaceb yeht ylno yrrac uoy evif selim ni eht ;ruoh tel su esufer ot ;klaw tel su edir .kcabesroh oS eht horse is ‘wrong’ compared to the train and motor - car; and these are ‘wrong’ to the ‘aeroplane’. If s deep dah neeb eht s’naetnaltA ,tcejbo eh dluow evaht hguoht ’sgenn oadrlnwpa‘o rlela aes l,eoot os gnol sa e hdteep sf othg isl adwe stso anypbrus him. suoiruC slavivrus fo eseht swal era dnuof ni eht hsiweJ tpircsnart fo ehtn aitpygE ,eyb ehhct i,hewdoc ing a slave race, interpreted in the verse manner. “Thou shalt not make any graven image.” Every male child, on attaining manhood, had a graven image given him to worship, a miracle - working image, whose principal stio le p hdxoleo utnotowaptu.ti ebmemeR“ r eht htabbaS yaD ot peek ti ”.yloh ehT naetnaltA tpek eno yad ni neves for all purposes unconnected with his principal task. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Though the Atlanteans married, intercourse with .neddib rty oclese fanhafeotwihwt rutonoH“ hyf athera ndt hym other.”O nt hec ontrary,t heyw orshippedt heirc hildren, sa fi os:tiy hasTs i“e h dtmooGh w I eevda ah”nm.is sye mnnewkoil * Similarly, there is one exception and one only to the rule of silence. It is the utterance fo eht ”emaN“ihw ch it is death to pronounce. This word was constantly in their mouths; it is arrcZ , a tros fo suomenevtaorht - .gnilgrag ,ecneH ,ylbissop eht cileaG rrucS Penninetsh.e aYnodr kshirien “Scar” or “ScEon“ugsrlp”ie sahk ”, arrcZ osla si eht eman fo ehtiH‘ , ’ hedgsnua odfHe o rn ee.reogheevtatvfamoeribrga rehtO secart yam eb dnuof ni ;erolklof emos erem .snoititsrepus suhT ehtt cerroc rebmun rof a teuqnab saw ,neetriht esuaceb fi ereht erew ylno eno erom ngis ni eht ,caidoZ eht raey dluow eb a htnomnol ,reg dna eno dluow evah erom emit rof .’krow‘ This is probably a debased Egyptian notion. Altanteans knew better than anyone that eht caidoZ si ylno na yrartibra .noisivid llitS ti yam eb dial nwod taht eht elbissopmi never daunted Atlas. If one said, owT“ dna owT ekam ”ruoF sih thguoht dluow eb “Yes, damn it!” * enO fo eht tsom tnaillirb nerdlihc dettimmoc edicius no gninrael taht eh dluoc tonm evo sih reppu .waj sihT yob si eno fo eht nevele seoreh ohw dah seutats ni eht hgiH .esuoH dnA eht upper the at wrench to is ‘weltschmerz’) or (‘Dukka’ sense ultimate its in ‘sorrow’ for Atlantean jaw. 7 THE LOST CONTINENT I now explain the language of Atlas. The third and greatest of their philosophers saw that speech had wrought more harm than good, and he consequently instituted a rail u.ceetpir owT nem erewc ,yaw eht yb ,hcihw ,egaugnal eht evreserp ot tol yb esoh detsisnoc fo selballysonom ,ylno owt derdnuh dna neetruof ni ,rebmun ot hcaef o which was attached a diacritical gesture, usually ideographic. Thus ‘wrong’ is given as ‘phph’ moving the jaw from righ t ot .tfel gnipiW eht worb with ‘phph’ means “hot”, hollowing the hands over the mouth ‘fire’, striking the throat, ‘to die’; so that each ‘radicle’ may have hundreds of gesture - .sevita vired ,rammarG yb eht ,yaw yldrah ,detsixe eht kciuq noisneherppa fo the Atlanteans rendering it unnecessary. esehT owt nem neht detraped ot a nrevac no eht edis fo eht niatnuom tsuj evoba eht cliff, and there for a year they remained, speaking the language, and carving it yllacilobmys nopu eht .kcor tA eht dne fo ehtraey they returned; the elder is ,decifircas dna eht regnuoy snruter htiw a ,reetnulov yllausu eno ohw sehsiwo t expiate a fault, and teaches him the language. During his visit he observes whether any new thing needs a new name, and if so he invents it, and a dds it to the language. esu eht rehtegotla denodnaba elpoep eht fo tser ehT .dne eht ot deunitnoc ssecorp sihT . ey lechi T deh ahtertiswne p m soegithndtilb aenceitc a’r spyr la,waneheoycfe efpos then sought to do without gesture, and in eight generat snoi eht ytluciffids aw ,dereuqnoc dna yhtapelet.dehsilbatse * hcraeseR neht detovod flesti ot eht ksatf o doing without thought; this will be discussed in detail in the proper place. There was also a ‘listener’, three men who took turns to sit upon the tsehgih ,kaep evobae ht ‘light - ,’sneercs dna esohw ytud ti saw ot evig mrala fi yna esion debrutsid .saltA nO their report that High Priest charged with active governorship would take steps to ascertain and destroy the cause. The ‘light - ’s nneeekrocpsso f were a contrivance of laminæ of a certain spar such that eht thgil dna taeh fo eht nus er eywletelpmo ctuc ,ffo ton yb ,yticapo tub yb tahw ew these ‘house’, the entered sun the of rays subtler other way this In ‘interference’. cann syar gnieb desoppus ot eb yrassecen ot .evil esehT srettam erew eht stcejbus fo eht tsepeed .yesrevortnoc emoS dleh taht eseht syar sevlesmeht erew ,suoirujnid na should be excluded. Others considered that the light - noitisop ni tup eb dluohs sneercs during moonlight, inste da fo gnieb denepo ta ,tesnus sa saw eht .motsuc , sihT ,revewoh saw reven ,detpmetta eht taerg ssam fo eht elpoep gnieb detoved ote ht moon. Others wished full sunlight, the aim of Atlas being (they thought) to reach the sun. But this theory contradicte d the prime axiom of attaining things through their ,setisoppo dna saw ylno dleh yb eht rewol ,sessalc ohw erew ton setaitini otnis iht doctrine. * sihT metsys fo noitacinummoc sah taerg segatnavda revo yna .rehto tI si tnednepednif o distance, and dependent on the will of the transmitter. Telepathic messages could not be y .rnyyrina aaw’ cdrseoipmpat‘ 8 LIBER LI ehT ’sesuoh‘ fo saltA erew devrac morf eht gnivil kcor yb eht noitca fo orZ in its sevepnrtehc ipiEtnati on. ,ssalg naht rehtooms dna ytfol erew sllaw eht ,dilos ylsuomro hguoht eht stnemevap erew hguor dna nekorb tsomla erehwyreve rof a nosaer hcihw I ma ton dettimrep ot .esolcsid ehT segassap erew ylbairavni ,worran os tahto wt rd sselhnsvucoaeoaspntceroep gninioj yb teerg ot wal eht saw ti ,tem owt nehW .reh in ‘work’ and then going away together on their separate errands, or passing one evoba eht .rehto sihT saw enod ,ylesoprup os sa ot dnimer yreve nam fo sih ytud ot hn coeniihohs waysc racneloovteA tthegeiw mmoallef - citizen. The Banqueting - furTnhhiwaethd ui rcehl u, acs vrhuegiwartelalyh.dsl e r y e onf H all neeb thguorb yb eht tsrif ,stsinoloc dna yllaudarg desusid yb ,stluda revend edeen .riaper A tsav nepo yawrood gnicaf htroN denepo no ehtom untainside on to the vineyards and orchards, the meadows and gardens, in which the children passed their .emit delkcuS yb eht rehtom rof eerht shtnom ,ylno eht dlihc saw neht ydaerla elba ot amthe of flesh the on and wine, and bread the on itnsoeulrfi sh which of herdpsh,i bian there were several kinds; one a piglike animal with flesh resembling wild duck, another a sort of manatee tasting like salmon, its fat being somewhat like caviar in s’doohdlihc fo yna rof cificeps erus a dna ,erutxet tub gnihtyreve troutbhAli er std.h, e s redol efi yyv e,bo rdhd lsenteypas amlm w,alesstaauewmrat orp oo ftprospueiochna covered were they while fields the though trampling corn, the for ground the preparing aes htiw -seethe which in holes deep leaving thus and water, saw hself stI .tsac erew sd ton ekilnu ,raeb tub erom .etaciled ,elbatoN ,oot saw eht taerg ytitnauq fo ;eltrut osla eht tnaig ,sretsyo eht eguh peed aes ,sbarc a dnik fo supotco esohw hself edama nutritious and elegant soup, and innumerable shell fish, added to the table. The syawretaw erew detnuah yb slaohs fo a llams dna suonosiop,hsif * esohw tibs aw etaidemmi htaed ot ,nam a tcaf hcihw rehtegotla tuc ffo noitacinummoc neewteb eno island and another except by air, as the hippopotamus - animala,l thoug ihm muntieot s e. lm o,bisteawatnswiub Of the sleeping chambers I shall tell more particularly in the course of my remarks on orZ . * d e l ylmbaeCht eehZ - uohZ , ni noitaimi fo eht hsiws fo sti liat dna eht yrc fo sti.mitciv 9

civilization, while others convey hints of certain profound magical secrets, or anticipations of discoveries in science. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley.
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