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Preview LHC constraints on gauge boson couplings to dark matter

CERN-PH-TH/2014-252 LHC constraints on gauge boson couplings to dark matter Andreas Crivellin,1,∗ Ulrich Haisch,2,1,† and Anthony Hibbs2,‡ 1CERN Theory Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 2Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, OX1 3PN Oxford, United Kingdom (Dated: April 14, 2015) Collider searches for energetic particles recoiling against missing transverse energy (E/ ) allow T to place strong bounds on the interactions between dark matter (DM) and standard model (SM) particles. In this article we update and extend LHC constraints on effective dimension-7 opera- tors involving DM and electroweak gauge bosons. A concise comparison of the sensitivity of the mono-photon, mono-W, mono-Z, mono-W/Z, invisible Higgs-boson decays in the vector boson fu- sion(VBF)modeandthemono-jetchannelispresented. Dependingontheparameterchoices,either the mono-photon or the mono-jet data provide the most stringent bounds at the moment. We fur- thermore explore the potential of improving the current 8TeV limits at 14TeV. Future strategies 5 capable of disentangling the effects of the different effective operators involving electroweak gauge 1 bosons are discussed as well. 0 2 r I. INTRODUCTION + p l A Because of their potential connection to DM, searches q γ q Z l- 1 for E/ represent one of the main lines of LHC research. T V V 1 These searches can be categorised based on the type of SM particles that recoil against DM. By now, ATLAS q χ q χ ] h and CMS have considered a plethora of different final p states in DM searches containing jets of hadrons, gauge χ χ - bosons, heavy quarks and even the Higgs boson (see p j e.g. [1] for a recent review of the experimental status). j e h In most cases these studies are performed in the con- q V q [ text of an effective field theory (EFT) which correctly V V χ captures the physics of heavy particles mediating the in- 2 v teractions between DM and SM fields, if the mediators q χ V χ 7 are heavy enough to be integrated out. Below we will q 0 consider the effective Lagrangian χ 9 0 L = (cid:88) Ck(µ)O , (1) j 0 eff Λ3 k . k=B,W,B˜,W˜ FIG. 1: Representative examples of graphs that generate a 1 E/ +γ,E/ +Z(→(cid:96)+(cid:96)−),E/ +W/Z(→j)oraE/ +2j sig- 0 whichcontainsthefollowingfourSU(2) ×U(1) gauge- T T T T L Y nal. The operator insertions are indicated by yellow squares 5 invariant dimension-7 operators whileSMverticesarerepresentedbyblackdots. Propagators 1 : O =χ¯χB Bµν, O =χ¯χWi Wi,µν, labeledbyV includeallpossiblephoton,Z-bosonorW-boson v B µν W µν exchanges. See text for further details. (2) i X O =χ¯χB B˜µν, O =χ¯χWi W˜i,µν. B˜ µν W˜ µν r a Here Λ represents the scale of new physics at which the higher-dimensional operators (1) are generated, i.e. the The operators introduced in (2) appear in models of scale where the messenger particles are removed as ac- Rayleigh DM (see for instance [2–4]). They are special tive degrees of freedom. The DM particle χ can be inthesensethat,uptodimension7,theyaretheonlyef- both a Dirac or a Majorana fermion and B =∂ B − fectiveinteractionswhichleadtovelocity-suppressedan- µν µ ν ∂ B (Wi = ∂ Wi − ∂ Wi + g (cid:15)ijkWjWk) is the nihilation rates of DM to photon pairs [5–7]. While the ν µ µν µ ν ν µ 2 µ µ U(1) (cid:0)SU(2) (cid:1) field strength tensor, while B˜ = sensitivityoffuturedirectdetectionexperimentsmayal- Y L µν lowtosetnovelboundsontheWilsoncoefficientsC (Λ) 1/2(cid:15)µνλρBλρ (W˜µiν = 1/2(cid:15)µνλρWi,λρ) denotes its dual and CW(Λ) for heavy DM particles with mχ >∼ 1BTeV and g is the weak coupling constant. 2 once loop effects are taken into account [8], in the case (cid:0) of light DM the leading and for C (Λ) and C (Λ) the B˜ W˜ (cid:1) only restrictions arise and will continue to arise from collider searches involving large amounts of E/ . In fact, ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] T †Electronicaddress: [email protected] the DM-SM interactions (2) have been constrained us- ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] ing7TeV and8TeV LHCdataoninvisibledecaysofthe 2 Higgs boson in the VBF mode [9] as well as the E/ +Z ferent signal regions with a varying cut on the trans- T [10,11],themono-photon[12]andtheE/ +W [13]chan- verse momentum of the photon (p ). Note that due T T,γ nel. to the higher-dimensional nature of the operators (2), The main goal of this article is twofold. First, to up- the E/ +γ signal has a rather hard p spectrum. As a T T,γ date the existing constraints by taking into account the result,wefindthatthemostseverecutofp >700GeV T,γ latestmono-photon[14,15],E/ +W/Z(→hadrons)[16] givesthestrongestboundsontheparameterspaceinour T and VBF h → invisible [17] searches. Second, to ex- case. The corresponding 95% confidence level (CL) limit tend the studies [9–13] by considering in addition the on the fiducial cross section reads E/ +W (→leptons)channel[18,19]aswellasthenewest T mono-jetdata[20]. AnassortmentofFeynmandiagrams σfid(pp→E/T +γ)<0.22fb. (4) thatleadtotheE/ signaturesinvestigatedinthefollow- T ing are displayed in Fig. 1. B. Mono-Z signal Ouranalysisshowsthatdependingonthechoiceofpa- rameters, either the mono-photon or the mono-jet data giverisetothestrongestrestrictionsatpresent. Bycom- InthecaseoftheE/T+Z(→(cid:96)+(cid:96)−)searchchannel,we bining the information on all available channels we are usetheATLASresults[11],thatutilise20.3fb−1of8TeV thus able to derive bounds on the coefficients C (Λ)/Λ3 data. The selection criteria relevant to our analysis are k in (1) that improve on the existing limits. Building p >20GeV, |η |<2.5, m ∈[76,106]GeV, upon [21], we furthermore demonstrate that measure- T,(cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96)(cid:96) mentsofthejet-jetazimuthalangledifferenceinE/T+2j |p −E/ | (5) eventsmaybeusedtodisentanglewhethertheDMbilin- |η |<2.5, T,(cid:96)(cid:96) T <0.5. earχ¯χcouplesmorestronglytothecombinationB Bµν (cid:96)(cid:96) pT,(cid:96)(cid:96) µν (Wi Wi,µν) or the product B B˜µν (Wi W˜i,µν) of field µν µν µν Here m(cid:96)(cid:96), η(cid:96)(cid:96) and pT,(cid:96)(cid:96) denote the invariant mass, the strength tensors. Similar ideas have also been brought pseudorapidity and the transverse momentum of the di- forward in [9]. leptonsystem,respectively. TheATLASanalysisdefines The outline of this article is as follows. In Sec. II we foursignalregionswithdifferentlowerE/ thresholds. As T review the existing LHC searches for E/T signatures that itturnsout,intheconsideredcasetherequirementE/T > we will use to constrain the effective interactions (2). 350GeVgivesrisetothebestbounds. IncludingZ-boson In Sec. III we derive the restrictions on the parameter decays to both electrons and muons ((cid:96) = e,µ), the AT- space by combining all individual search modes, com- LAS experiment obtains for this E/ cut the following T menting also on how future measurements may improve 95% CL bound these limits. This section contains in addition a discus- sion of the azimuthal angle correlations between the two σ (cid:0)pp→E/ +Z(→(cid:96)+(cid:96)−)(cid:1)<0.27fb. (6) fid T jets in the E/ +2j channel. Our conclusions are pre- T sented in Sec. IV. C. Mono-W signal II. SEARCH CHANNELS Both ATLAS [18] and CMS [19] have searched for a mono-W signalintheleptonicdecaymode. Wefindthat In this section we list the various cuts and the values the ATLAS search for the µνµ final state, which uses of the fiducial cross section (σ ) of each individual E/ 20.3fb−1 of 8TeV data, gives the strongest constraints, fid T channel. Thisinformationwillbeusedinthenextsection and thus we consider only this channel. The most im- to set limits on the coefficients C (Λ)/Λ3 appearing in portant experimental cuts are k the effective Lagrangian (1). p >45GeV, |η |∈[0,1]∪[1.3,2], T,µ µ (7) (cid:113) (cid:0) (cid:1) A. Mono-photon signal m = 2p E/ 1−cosϕ , T T,µ T µE/ T where m is the transverse mass which depends on the We begin with the mono-photon signal, which has re- T angle ϕ between the p and the E/ vectors. AT- cently been searched for by both CMS [14] and AT- µE/ T,µ T T LAS sets bounds on σ for three different m cuts, and LAS [15]. Since the former search leads to the stronger fid T like in the case of the mono-photon signal, we observe restrictions,weemploytheCMSresults,whicharebased on 19.6fb−1 of 8TeV data. The relevant cuts are that the strongest restriction of mT >843GeV provides the best limits on the interactions (2). At 95% CL the E/ >140GeV, |η |<1.4442, (3) bound on the corresponding fiducial signal cross section T γ is given by where η denotes the pseudorapidity of the photon. The γ (cid:0) (cid:1) σ pp→E/ +W (→µν ) <0.54fb. (8) CMS collaboration performs the measurement in six dif- fid T µ 3 D. Mono-W/Z signal channel [17], which uses a 8TeV data sample, corre- sponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5fb−1. Jets The ATLAS search [16] looks for a E/ +W/Z signal, are reconstructed employing an anti-kt clustering algo- T where the W or Z boson decays hadronically. This anal- rithmwithR=0.5,andsubjecttothefollowingrequire- ysis is based on 20.3fb−1 of 8TeV data, jet candidates ments are reconstructed using the Cambridge/Aachen (C/A) p ,p >50GeV, |η |,|η |<4.7, algorithm [22] with a radius parameter R=1.2 and sub- T,j1 T,j2 j1 j2 jectedtoamass-dropfilteringprocedure[23]. Eventsare η ·η <0, ∆η >4.2, (13) required to have at least one C/A jet with j1 j2 j1j2 m >1100GeV, ∆φ <1.0. j1j2 j1j2 p >250GeV, |η |<1.2, T,j j √ (9) The missing-energy cut is E/ > 130GeV and a central m ∈[50,120]GeV, y >0.4. T j jet-vetoisimposedtoanyeventthathasathirdjetwith p > 30GeV and a pseudorapidity between those of H√ere mj refers to the m(cid:112)ass of the large-radius jet, while thTe,j3two tagging jets. For these cuts, CMS obtains the y = min(p ,p ) (∆φ )2+(∆η )2/m is a T,j1 T,j2 j1j2 j1j2 j following 95% CL bound on the fiducial cross section measure of the momentum balance of the two leading subjets j and j contained in the C/A jet. The 95% CL 1 2 σ (pp→E/ +2j)<6.5fb. (14) limits on the fiducial cross section depend also on the fid T imposedE/ threshold,anditturnsoutthatthestronger T of the two cuts, i.e. E/ > 500GeV, provides the most T III. NUMERICAL RESULTS stringent constraints. In this case, the relevant limit on the fiducial cross section is In order to determine the cross section for the E/ sig- T σ (cid:0)pp→E/ +W/Z(→hadrons)(cid:1)<2.2fb. (10) nals associated to the effective operators (2), we have fid T implemented each of them in FeynRules [27], generating aUFOoutput[28]. Theactualeventgenerationhasbeen E. Mono-jet signal performed at leading order with MadGraph 5 [29] utilis- ing CTEQ6L1 parton distributions [30]. Parton-shower effects and hadronisation corrections have been included One can also use mono-jet events to constrain the op- by means of PYTHIA 8 [31] and jets constructed us- erators in (2), since the corresponding searches allow for ingFastJet3[32]. WeemployDelphes3[25]asafastde- the presence of a secondary jet. Here we will employ thenewestCMSresults[20],whichmakeuseof19.7fb−1 tector simulation to estimate the reconstruction efficien- cies for the different E/ signals. The efficiencies that we of 8TeV data. Like CMS, we reconstruct jets using an T find amount to around 70% for the mono-photon signal, anti-k algorithm [24] with radius parameter R = 0.5. t 60% in both the mono-Z and mono-W case and 65% for The relevant selection cuts are the mono-W/Z signature. These findings agree with [15] p >110GeV, |η |<2.4, for the E/ +γ, [11] for the E/ +Z, [13] for the E/ +W T,j1 j1 T T T and [16] for the E/ +W/Z signal. For the mono-jet sig- pT,j2 >30GeV, |ηj2|<4.5, (11) nalandthesearchTforinvisibledecaysoftheHiggsboson ∆φ <2.5, intheVBFchannel,wefindreconstructionefficienciesin j1j2 the ballpark of 95%. where∆φ istheazimuthalseparationofthetwolead- Our Monte Carlo (MC) implementation has been val- j1j2 ing jets. Another important selection criterion is the idated by reproducing the numerical results of [11, 12] imposed jet-veto [26], which rejects events if they con- within theoretical uncertainties. These errors have been tain a tertiary jet with p > 30GeV and |η | < 4.5. assessed by studying the scale ambiguities of our re- T,j3 j3 The CMS measurement is performed for seven differ- sults. We have used the default dynamical scale choice ent E/ regions, and we find that for the considered in- of MadGraph 5, varying the scale factor in the range T teractions the highest sensitivity is obtained for E/ > [1/2,2]. We find that the predictions for the mono- T 500GeV. The corresponding 95% CL limit on the fidu- photon, E/ +Z(→ (cid:96)+(cid:96)−) and E/ +W (→ µν ) cross T T µ cial cross section reads sections calculated in this way vary by around ±15%, while in the case of the E/ + W/Z(→ hadrons), the T σfid(pp→E/T +2j)<6.1fb. (12) mono-jet and the VBF h→invisible signal, relative dif- ferences of about ±20% are obtained. Note that these errors are smaller than those found in [26, 33–35], since F. VBF invisible Higgs-boson decays allthetree-levelE/ crosssectionsconsideredinourwork T donotexplicitlydependonα . Thequoteduncertainties s Last but not least, we consider the results of the CMS thus reflect only the ambiguities related to the change of searchforinvisibledecaysoftheHiggsbosonintheVBF factorisation scale, but not renormalisation scale. 4 uated at Λ. The shown predictions correspond to Dirac 1000 DM and the widths of the coloured bands illustrate the impact of scale variations. For C (Λ) = 1, C (Λ) = 0, B W one observes that the mono-photon search [14] provides 700 thestrongestconstraintsinmostoftheparameterspace. Numerically, we find that the scale Λ has to satisfy Λ>∼ 510GeV formχ <∼100GeV inordertomeetthe95%CL (cid:68)V 500 requirement (4). In the case CB(Λ) = 0, CW(Λ) = 1, e on the other hand, the latest mono-jet data [20] impose G the leading restrictions. At 95% CL, the inequality (12) (cid:64) (cid:76) translates into a lower limit of Λ >∼ 600GeV for DM masses below 100GeV. The shown limits also hold in the case that C (Λ) = 1, C (Λ) = 0 or C (Λ) = 0, 300 B˜ W˜ B˜ C (Λ) = 1 and C (Λ) = C (Λ) = 0, while for W˜ B W Majorana DM the constraints on Λ would be stronger by around 12%. Note finally that E/ + W (→ µν ) T µ searches do not provide any constraint on scenarios with 200 1 10 100 1000 CW(Λ)=CW˜(Λ)=0. To better understand the restrictions imposed by the m (cid:64)GeV(cid:68) Χ various search channels, we consider the Feynman rules associated to the effective operators O and O enter- 1000 B W ing (1). In momentum space, the resulting interactions betweenpairsofDMparticlesandSMgaugebosonstake the form 700 4i g (cid:0)pµ2pµ1 −gµ1µ2p ·p (cid:1), (15) Λ3 V1V2 1 2 1 2 D V 500 where p (µ ) denotes the momentum (Lorentz index) of i i e G the vector field Vi and for simplicity the spinors associ- @ ated with the DM fields have been dropped. In terms L of the sine (s ) and cosine (c ) of the weak mixing an- w w gle and the Wilson coefficients C (Λ) and C (Λ), the B W 300 couplings g read ViVj g =c2 C (Λ)+s2 C (Λ), AA w B w W (cid:0) (cid:1) 200 g =−s c C (Λ)−C (Λ) , AZ w w B W 1 10 100 1000 (16) mc GeV gZZ =s2wCB(Λ)+c2wCW(Λ), g =C (Λ). WW W FIG. 2: Assortment of LHC bounds on the new-physics scale Λ, assuming C (Λ) = 1, C (Λ) = 0 (upper panel) B W These results do not coincide with the expressions re- @ D and C (Λ)=0, C (Λ)=1 (lower panel). In both cases the B W ported in [10, 12, 13]. From (16) we see that in the cou- DM particles are taken to be Dirac and C (Λ) = C (Λ) = B˜ W˜ pling g of DM to two photons, the Wilson coefficients 0. The coloured curves correspond to the limits arising from AA the latest mono-photon (red), E/ +Z(→ (cid:96)+(cid:96)−) (orange), CB(Λ) enters compared to CW(Λ) with a relative factor E/T +W(→µνµ) (yellow), E/T +WT /Z(→hadrons) (purple), of c2w/s2w (cid:39) 3.3. On the other hand, in the case of the mono-jet (blue) and VBF h→invisible (grey) searches. The couplingbetweenDMandZ-bosonpairsgZZ,thedepen- width of the bands reflect the associated scale uncertainties. dence on sw and cw is reversed compared to gAA. These propertiesexplainwhythelimitonthenew-physicsscale Λ from mono-photon (cid:0)E/ +Z(→(cid:96)+(cid:96)−), E/ +W/Z(→ T T (cid:1) hadrons), mono-jet and VBF h → invisible searches is A. Dependence on a single Wilson coefficient stronger (weaker) in the upper panel than in the lower panel of Fig. 2. In Fig. 2 we present the limits on the new-physics Asecondimportantfeatureworthnotingisthatchan- scale Λ for C (Λ) = C (Λ) = 0 and the two choices nelswithleptonsinthefinalstatetypicallyleadtoweaker B˜ W˜ C (Λ) = 1, C (Λ) = 0 (upper panel) and C (Λ) = 0, restrictionsontheparameterspacethanmodesinvolving B W B C (Λ)=1(lowerpanel)fortheWilsoncoefficientseval- hadrons. Thisisasimpleconsequenceofthefactthatthe W 5 FIG.3: LimitsonΛintheC (Λ)–C (Λ)plane. Thedifferentpanelscorrespondtothemono-photon(upperleft),E/ +Z(→ B W T (cid:96)+(cid:96)−)(uppermiddle),E/ +W(→µν )(upperright),E/ +W/Z(→hadrons)(lowerleft),mono-jet(lowermiddle)andVBF T µ T h → invisible (lower right) search. All results employ m = 100GeV and C (Λ) = C (Λ) = 0. The contour labels indicate χ B˜ W˜ the value of the new-physics scale in units of GeV. electroweak SM gauge bosons dominantly decay hadron- B. Dependence on two Wilson coefficients ically. Numerically, one has Br(Z →(cid:96)+(cid:96)−) (cid:39) 7% and Br(W →µν ) (cid:39) 11%, while Br(Z →hadrons) (cid:39) 70% µ Until now we have have studied the constraints on the and Br(W →hadrons)(cid:39)68% [36]. The strong suppres- new-physics scale Λ as a function of the DM mass m , sion of the leptonic decay widths overcompensates the χ keeping the values of the high-scale Wilson coefficients higher detection efficiencies of final states involving lep- fixed. In the panels of Fig. 3 we instead show contours tons, and as a result the LHC searches for E/ +hadrons T of constant Λ in the C (Λ)–C (Λ) plane. In all plots are superior to those looking for E/ +leptons signals. B W T we employ m =100GeV and set C (Λ)=C (Λ)=0. χ B˜ W˜ The first noticeable feature of the shown predictions is Our third observation is that the latest mono-jet data thatonlythemono-photonsignaldependsmorestrongly areevidentlymoreconstrainingthantherecentVBFh→ on C (Λ) than C (Λ), while for all the other E/ chan- B W T invisible search. While these analyses explore the same nels the situation is reversed. Second, with the excep- finalstate,i.e.E/ +2j,theyprobequitedifferentpartsof tion of the mono-photon case, one observes that the ma- T the phase space. In fact, the selection criterion that has jor axes of the elliptic contours in all panels are almost thebiggestimpactinourstudyistheratherloosemissing aligned with the C (Λ) axes. This means that interfer- W transverse energy cut of E/ > 130GeV imposed in the ence effects between contributions arising from O and T B VBF h → invisible search. This selection is tailored for O are small in all of these cases. The third impor- W a Higgs boson of 125GeV, but fares less well if one tries tant property following from the colour shading of the to probe higher-dimensional operators of the form (2). depictedresultsisthatcurrentlyeitherthenewestmono- Since the operators O (O ) and O (O ) produce a photon or the mono-jet data provide the leading bounds B B˜ W W˜ rather hard E/ spectrum, more severe E/ requirements in the entire C (Λ)–C (Λ) plane. This feature is fur- T T B W allow for a cleaner separation between signal and SM ther illustrated by the upper panel in Fig. 4. In this plot background. the overlaid numbers indicate the search strategy that 6 Finally, we note that the values of Λ that can be ex- cludedwiththecurrentdataarelowcomparedtotypical LHC energies. In order to go beyond the EFT descrip- tion, one has to specify a ultraviolet (UV) completion, where the operators in (4) arise from a renormalisable theory after integrating out the heavy degrees of free- dom mediating the interactions. UV-complete models that generate the operators O and O through loops B W ofstateschargedunderU(1) and/orSU(2) havebeen Y L proposedin[3]andtheirLHCsignatureshavebeenstud- ied in [4]. If these new charged particles are light, the high-p gauge bosons that participate in the E/ pro- T T cessesconsideredhereareabletoresolvethesubstructure of the loops. This generically suppresses the cross sec- tionscomparedtotheEFTpredictions[33],andthuswill weaken the bounds on the interaction strengths of DM and the electroweak gauge bosons to some extent. Fur- thermore, the light charged mediators may be produced on-shell in pp collisions, rendering direct LHC searches potentially more restrictive than E/ searches. Making T the above statements precise would require a study of a concrete UV completion. C. Future sensitivity It is also interesting to explore how the reach on the new-physics scale Λ might improve at the 14TeV LHC. Inwhatfollows,wewillonlyconsiderthemono-jetsignal, applying the event selection criteria that have been used in the sensitivity study by ATLAS [37]. These read p >300GeV, |η |<2.0, T,j1 j1 pT,j2 >50GeV, |ηj2|<3.6, (17) ∆φ >0.5, jE/ T andjetsarereconstructedusingananti-k algorithmwith t R = 0.4. Events with a third jet of p > 50GeV and T,j3 FIG.4: Combinationoftheboundsonthenew-physicsscale |η | < 3.6 are vetoed and the missing transverse en- j3 in the CB(Λ)–CW(Λ) plane, employing mχ = 100GeV and ergy cut that we employ is E/T > 800GeV. Note that tChB˜a(tΛp)ro=viCdeW˜s(tΛh)e=lea0d.inIngcthonesutrpapinertpisainnedlicthateesdeabrychthsetrsautpeegry- icnocmrepaasreeddbtooth(1t1o)atvhoeidpTp,ijl1e,-uppT,ajn2dantodeE/nhTanthcreetshheolsdigsnaarle- imposed numbers, with 1 (5) representing the latest mono- over-background ratio. In order to determine the limits photon (mono-jet) search, while the lower panel shows the (cid:0) (cid:1) on the scale Λ, we take σ pp → Z(→ ν¯ν) + j = resulting contours of constant Λ in units of GeV. fid 5.5fb [37], assuming a total systematic uncertainty on the SM background of 5%. For the choice C (Λ) = 0, B C (Λ)=1 and C (Λ)=C (Λ)=0, we find that with W B˜ W˜ 25fb−1 ofdata,correspondingtothefirstyearofrunning contributes the best sensitivity on Λ at each point, with aftertheLHCupgradeto14TeV,onemaybeabletoset 1 and 5 corresponding to the mono-photon and mono- a 95% CL bound of Λ >∼ 1.3TeV for mχ <∼ 100GeV. jet channel, respectively. One sees that if the ratio of Compared to the present limit, this corresponds to an Wilson coefficients satisfies |CB(Λ)/CW(Λ)| >∼ 1.5 then improvement of the bound on Λ by more than a factor the limit (4) gives rise to the strongest constraint, while of 2. With 300fb−1 and 3000fb−1 of accumulated data, in the remaining CB(Λ)–CW(Λ) plane the bound (14) is we obtain instead Λ >∼ 1.4TeV. These numbers make most restrictive. The Λ contours obtained by combining clear that at 14TeV the sensitivity of E/ +j searches T all available E/ channels are depicted in the lower panel will rather soon be limited by systematic uncertainties T of Fig. 4. associated to the irreducible SM background. To what 7 extent this limitation can be evaded by an optimisation ��� ofthemono-jetsearchesand/oranimprovedunderstand- ing of the pp → Z(→ ν¯ν)+j channel, would require a ��� dedicated study. Such an analysis is beyond the scope of this work. ��� ] � � D. Analysis of jet-jet angular correlations [ ϕ���� ��� So far we have analysed only observables that are in- Δ sensitive to whether the E/T signal is generated by an in- σ/� sertion of the effective operator OB (OW) or OB˜ (OW˜). � ��� This ambiguity can however be resolved by measuring theazimuthalangledifference∆φ offorwardjetspro- duced in E/ +2j events [9, 21].j1Bj2esides the cuts (17), ��� T we impose the following VBF-like selection requirements in our analysis ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� η ·η <0, ∆η >2, m >1100GeV. (18) j1 j2 j1j2 j1j2 Δϕ �� Here the cut on the pseudorapidity separation helps to � � sculpt the angular correlations between the tagging jets, FIG. 5: Azimuthal angle distributions at the 14TeV LHC. while the di-jet invariant mass threshold improves the ThesignalcurvescorrespondtoC (Λ)=0,C (Λ)=1(red) signal-over-background ratio. B W and C (Λ)=0, C (Λ)=1 (blue), and both use Λ=1TeV In order to understand why the operators O (O ) B˜ W˜ B W and m = 100GeV. For comparison the prediction of the χ and O (O ) lead to different jet-jet angular correla- B˜ W˜ dominantSMbackgroundprocesspp→Z(→ν¯ν)+2j(black) tions, one has to consider their Feynman rules. In the employing the same event selection criteria is shown as well. case of the operators containing regular field strength tensorsthishasalreadybeendonein(15),whilefortheir dual counterparts we obtain C (Λ) = 1 (blue curve). All shown predictions are ob- 2i g (cid:15)µ1µ2νλ(cid:0)p p −p p (cid:1), (19) taWi˜ned for the 14TeV LHC and employ Λ = 1TeV and Λ3 V1V2 1ν 2λ 1λ 2ν m =100GeV. Thefiducialsignalcrosssectionsamount χ pwhitahsisgeVitVhjegpivaerntsinof(t1h6e).phTahsee sseplaeccetiownhecruetsth(1e8e)xetemr-- otorO1.W0˜fbis,cinodnesipdeenrdeden.tTlyheofexwpheecttheedrstihnee-liinkseer(tcioosninoef-lOikWe) nal partons experience only a small energy loss and the behaviour of the modulation in the azimuthal angle dis- momentum components of the tagging jets in the beam tribution corresponding to OW (OW˜) is clearly visible direction are much greater than those in the transverse in the figure. These shapes should be contrasted with plane. In this limit the structure of the pp → E/ +2j the spectrum of the dominant SM background process T matrix elements is straightforward to work out [38]. pp→Z(→ν¯ν)+2j (blackcurve),whichisratherflatfor In the case of the effective operator OW, one gets for values ∆φj1j2 <∼2.6 and then rapidly drops to zero. The instance M ∼ Jµ1Jµ2(g p · p − p p ) ∼ corresponding fiducial cross section√is 0.35fb, implying a p(cid:126) ·p(cid:126) ,Wwhile fo1r O2 onµe1µa2rri1ves i2nstead1µa1t 2Mµ2 ∼ signal-over-background ratio of S/ B (cid:39) 8.4, 29 and 93 (cid:15)T,j1 TJ,µj21Jµ2pνpλ ∼ p(cid:126)W˜ ×p(cid:126) . Here J and pW˜de- for 25fb−1, 300√fb−1 and 3000fb−1 of data, respectively. µ1µ2νλ 1 2 1 2 T,j1 T,j2 i i The given S/ B values imply that running the LHC note the currents and momenta of the electroweak gauge foracoupleofyearsat14TeVshouldprovideasufficient bosons that partake in the scattering. These simple ar- number of events to analyse the jet-jet angular correla- guments imply that the ∆φ spectrum corresponding j1j2 tions. To quantify this statement, we use a toy MC and to O should be enhanced for collinear tagging jets, W generate event samples for both signals and background ∆φ = 0, while for ∆φ = π/2 it should show an j1j2 j1j2 corresponding to 300fb−1 and 3000fb−1 of luminosity. approximatezero. InthecaseofO ,ontheotherhand, W˜ The resulting differential cross sections are then fitted the ∆φ distribution should have a dip if the two jets j1j2 to [39] are collinear, ∆φ = 0, or back-to-back, ∆φ = π. j1j2 j1j2 Notethattheaboveargumentsdonotdependonthechi- 2 ralityoftheDMcurrent. ThismeansthatO ,O ,O , 1 dσ (cid:88) O and the operators obtained from (2) bBy reWplacinB˜g σd∆φ = ancos(n∆φj1j2) . (20) W˜ j1j2 n=0 χ¯χ with χ¯γ χ lead to very similar jet-jet angular corre- 5 lations, as we have explicitly verified. The coefficient a is fixed by the normalisation of the 0 In Fig. 5 we plot the ∆φ spectra for the choices ∆φ spectrum, and the ratio r = a /a turns out to j1j2 j1j2 1 1 0 C (Λ) = 0, C (Λ) = 1 (red curve) and C (Λ) = 0, beratherinsensitivetowhichtypeofhigher-dimensional B W B˜ 8 interactions is considered. In contrast, the combination ��� r = a /a is a measure of the CP nature of the inter- 2 2 0 actions that lead to the 2j final state (see e.g. [38, 39]). ��� This ratio is expected to be positive (negative) for an insertion of O (O ) and O (O ). We stress that B B˜ W W˜ by considering normalised ∆φ distributions, theoret- ical uncertainties are reducedj1ajn2d that the predictions ϕ���� ��� become fairly independent of EFT assumptions [21]. Δ � In Fig. 6 we present the results of our toy MC. / ��� σ The upper panel (lower panel) corresponds to 300fb−1 � (3000fb−1) of LHC data collected at 14TeV. The σ expected azimuthal angle distributions for the signal /� ��� plus background predictions are coloured blue (red) for O (O ). For comparison, the SM-only result (grey) W W˜ ��� divided by a factor of 3 is also shown. The solid curves illustratethebestfitsto(20),restrictingtherapiditysep- aration∆φ totherange[0,2.5]. For300fb−1 ofdata, j1j2 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� we obtain for r the central values and uncertainties 2 Δϕ �� (r ) =0.15±0.10, � � 2 W+SM ��� (r ) =−0.45±0.14, (21) 2 W˜+SM (r ) =−0.12±0.22. 2 SM ��� In the case of 3000fb−1 of luminosity, we find instead (r2)W+SM =0.18±0.03, ϕ���� ��� Δ (r2)W˜+SM =−0.40±0.04, (22) /� ��� σ (r ) =−0.13±0.07. � 2 SM σ We observe that for O (O ) the combination r is /� ��� W W˜ 2 indeed positive (negative). Defining a significance as (cid:0) (cid:1) s = (r ) −(r ) /(∆r ) , we get from (21) k 2 k+SM 2 SM 2 k+SM ��� the values s =2.7 and s =−2.4, while (22) leads to W W˜ s = 10.3 and s = −6.8. Our toy MC study corre- W W˜ sponding to 300fb−1 (3000fb−1) of data hence suggest ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� that a distinction between the azimuthal angle distribu- tions of O and O at the 5σ (17σ) level should be Δϕ W W˜ ���� possible at the 14TeV LHC. We emphasise that our toy study assumes a perfect detector and that we have not FIG. 6: Normalised ∆φ distributions for 300fb−1 (up- optimised the cuts (18) to achieve the best significance. per panel) and 3000fb−1 j(1loj2wer panel) of 14TeV LHC data. Once the data is on tape, it will become an experimen- The red (blue) histogram shows the signal plus background tal issue of how stringent the VBF-like selections can be prediction for O (O ). The grey bar chart represents the W W˜ made to extract the most information on the jet-jet an- expectedSMbackground,whichforbettervisibility,hasbeen gular correlations for a given limited sample size. rescaledbyafactorof1/3. Thesolidcurvesindicatethebest fitsoftheforma +a cos∆φ +a cos(2∆φ ). Seetext 0 1 j1j2 2 j1j2 for additional explanations. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this article we have studied LHC constraints on ef- fective dimension-7 operators that couple DM to the SM wayweareabletoderiveboundsonthenew-physicsscale electroweak gauge bosons and emphasised the comple- Λ that exceed all previous limits. Our studies show that mentarity of different E/ searches for constraining the at present, depending on the choice of parameters, ei- T associated Wilson coefficients. Focusing on the interac- thermono-photonormono-jetsearchesprovidethemost tions that induce only velocity-suppressed annihilation severeconstraintsontheconsidereddimension-7interac- rates,wehavecombinedtheinformationonallindividual tions. For DM masses mχ <∼ 100 GeV and Wilson co- search modes that are available after LHC run-1. In this efficients |C (Λ)| (cid:39) 1, the existing 8TeV LHC searches k 9 allow to exclude values of Λ below about 600GeV at new-physicsandtheSM-onlyhypothesescanbeachieved 95%CL. The improved reach of E/ analyses in 2015 atastatisticallysignificantlevel,andthatthesensitivity T and beyond is also studied, finding that with 25fb−1 of of the discussed searches is greatly improved by going to 14TeV data, LHC mono-jet searches should be able to 3000fb−1 ofluminosity. Amoreprecisedeterminationof improve the latter bound to approximately 1.3TeV. Be- the analysing power, including systematic uncertainties yond this point further progress will be hindered by the wouldrequireafulldetectorsimulation, whichisbeyond imperfect understanding of irreducible SM backgrounds thescopeofthepresentarticle. Wehoweverbelievethat such as pp → Z(→ ν¯ν)+j. Finding ways to overcome itisimperativethattheATLASandCMScollaborations theselimitationswillbecrucialtoexploitthefullphysics directsomeactivitytowardsthestudyofdifferentialdis- potential of E/ searches to be carried out at later stages tributions of final states like E/ +2j. T T of the LHC. We have furthermore emphasised that given the large statistics expected at the phase-1 and phase-2 upgrades of the 14TeV LHC, E/ searches should be able to not T Acknowledgments only determine integrated, but also differential cross sec- tions. From the theoretical point of view, such nor- maliseddistributionshavetheclearadvantage,thatcom- We thank Tim Tait for clarifying discussions concern- paredtothetotalcrosssectionstheoreticaluncertainties ing his work [10] and are grateful to Benjamin Fuks, are reduced and that the obtained predictions depend Emanuele Re and Giulia Zanderighi for help with only weakly on the assumptions underlying the EFT de- MadGraph and/or PYTHIA. AC is supported by a scription. Asanexamplewehaveexploredtheprospects Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the European tomeasurejet-jetangularcorrelationsinE/ +2j events. Community’s7th FrameworkProgrammeundercontract T Taking into account the pseudorapidity correlations of number PIEF-GA-2012-326948. UH acknowledges the the two tagging jets, the resulting distributions in the hospitalityandsupportoftheCERNtheorydivisionand azimuthal angle separation ∆φ exhibit the relative theMunichInstituteforAstro-andParticlePhysics(MI- j1j2 strengthofCP-evenandCP-oddinteractionsofDMwith APP)oftheDFGclusterofexcellence“OriginandStruc- gauge boson pairs. Our toy MC studies indicate that ture of the Universe”. The research of AH is supported already with 300fb−1 of data a distinction between the by an STFC Postgraduate Studentship. [1] A. Askew, S. Chauhan, B. Penning, W. Shepherd and [13] N.Lopez,L.M.Carpenter,R.Cotta,M.Frate,N.Zhou M. Tripathi, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1430041 (2014) and D. Whiteson, Phys. Rev. D 89, 115013 (2014) [arXiv:1406.5662 [hep-ph]]. [arXiv:1403.6734 [hep-ph]]. [2] N.WeinerandI.Yavin,Phys.Rev.D86,075021(2012) [14] V. Khachatryan et al. [CMS Collaboration], [arXiv:1206.2910 [hep-ph]]. arXiv:1410.8812 [hep-ex]. [3] N.WeinerandI.Yavin,Phys.Rev.D87,023523(2013) [15] G. 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