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The Fourth Annual Guide to understanding M&A practices around the world LexisNexis® Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 Including articles from featured contributors: Legal Advice. Tax Advice. Corporate Services. BASEL | ZURICH | BERNE Competent. Experienced. Focused on solutions. Business law has been our core strength for 30 years. Experience and expertise are our keys to your success. www.wenger-plattner.ch WP_Inserat_A5_160908.indd 1 08.09.16 10:12 Contents Feature Articles: Mechanics of M&A in Indonesia – Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro ...........................................................................................7 Investments in Myanmar – Luther .......................................................19 Jurisdictional Q&As: Bangladesh – The Legal Circle ..............................................................33 Brazil – Ulhôa Canto, Rezende e Guerra Advogados .........................45 India – Chadha & Co. ............................................................................53 Myanmar – Luther ................................................................................63 New Zealand – Mayne Wetherell.........................................................71 Oman – Al Busaidy, Mansoor Jamal & Co. ..........................................81 Pakistan – RIAA Barker Gillette ...........................................................89 Philippines – Molo Sia Dy Tuazon Ty & Coloma Law Offices .............99 Switzerland – Wenger Plattner ..........................................................107 Taiwan – LCS & Partners ......................................................................119 Turkey – Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı Attorneys at Law .................127 3C o ntenLtesxisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 3 4 LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 Feature Articles 5 LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 6 LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 Feature Article: Mechanics of M&A in Indonesia Firm: A li Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro Authors: F reddy Karyadi, Daniel Octavianus Muliawan and Anastasia Irawati A. Regulatory Framework and Shares Acquisition which may Cause the Monopoly Practice and Unfair Business In general, mergers and acquisitions in Indo- Competition, Government Regulation No. nesia are governed by the following laws and 57 of 2010 regarding Merger or Consoli- dation and Shares Acquisition which May regulations: Cause the Monopoly Practice and Unfair (a) Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Lia- Business Competition, Business Compe- bility Companies (‘Company Law’) as well tition Supervisory Commission (Komisi as its implementing regulation, i.e. Govern- Pengawas Persaingan Usaha or KPPU), ment Regulation No. 27 of 1998 regarding Regulation No. 11 of 2010 regarding Con- Mergers, Consolidations, and Acquisitions sultation on Merger or Consolidation of of Limited Liability Companies (‘PP 27’); Business Entity and Acquisition of Shares (b) Law No. 25 of 2007 regarding Investment in the Company, and KPPU Regulation as well as its implementation, i.e. Presiden- No. 13 of 2010 regarding Guidelines on tial Regulation No. 44 of 2016 regarding Merger, Consolidation of Business Entity List of Business Fields that are Closed to and Acquisition of Shares which may cause Investment and Business Fields that are Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Conditionally Open for Investment, Regu- Competitions, as lastly amended by KPPU lation of Head of Investment Coordinating Regulation No. 2 of 2013; Board (BKPM) No. 14 of 2015 regarding (d) Law No. 8 of 1995 regarding the Capital Guideline and Procedure of Principle Market as well as several other regulations License in Investment as amended by Reg- issued by the Capital Market and Financial ulation No. 6 of 2016, and Regulation of Institution Supervisory Agency (Badan Head of Investment Coordinating Board Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga (BKPM) No. 15 of 2015 regarding Guideline Keuangan or BAPEPAM-LK) which is and Procedure of Investment Licensing and currently known as Financial Services Non-Licensing; these laws and regulations Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK), only apply to the merger and acquisition such as: transaction which involves a foreign (i) Financial Services Authority (Otoritas investment; Jasa Keuangan) Regulation No. 54/ (c) Law No. 5 of 1999 regarding Prohibition of POJK.04/2015 on Voluntary Tender Monopoly and Unfair Business Competi- Offers; tion as well as its implementing regulation, (ii) Rule No. IX.G.1 on Mergers and Acqui- among others: Government Regulation No. sition of Public Companies or Issuer 57 of 2010 regarding Merger, Consolidation, Feature Article: Mechanics of M&A in Indonesia 7 Companies as an attachment to the B. Mechanics of Mergers and Acquisitions Decree of Chairman of BAPEPAM- LK No. Kep-52/PM/1997; Mergers (iii) Rule No. IX.H.1 on Public Company Company Law and PP 27 define a merger as Acquisition as an attachment to the a legal act which is conducted by a company Decree of the Chairman of BAPEPAM- or more to merge itself into another company LK No. Kep-264/BL/2011; which has existed previously and the merging company will then be dissolved. (iv) Rule No. IX.E.2 on Material Trans- action and Change of Main Business Since there will be a transfer of assets and liabil- as an attachment to the Decree of ities of the merging company into the merged BAPEPAM-LK No. Kep-614/BL/2011; company, the tax aspect of a merger transaction will relate to the following: (v) Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) Regulation No. 31/ (a) Transfer Tax POJK.04/2015 on Disclosure of Mate- Transfer tax will be in the form of: rial Information or Fact by Issuers or (i) VAT (in the event that one of the Public Company; and parties of the merger is not a registered (vi) Financial Services Authority (Otoritas taxable entrepreneur); and/or Jasa Keuangan) Regulation No. 29/ (ii) fees for acquisition of land and build- POJK.04/2015 on Issuers or Public ing (bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan Company exempted from Reporting bangunan or BPHTB) if the transfer and Disclosure Requirement. relates to property/land. At the request These laws and regulations will be applied only of the taxpayer, the Director General of if either the target or the purchaser is a publicly Taxation may grant a BPHTB reduc- listed company; tion of up to 50% for land and building (e) Related tax regulations, among others: Law rights transfers in business mergers or No. 7 of 1983 as currently amended by Law consolidations at book value; No. 36 of 2008 regarding Income Tax Law, (b) Income tax as a result of capital gain by Law No. 8 of 1983 as currently amended the transfer of assets and liabilities of the by Law No. 42 of 2009 regarding Value merging company to the merged company. Added Tax Law No. 21 of 1997 as currently Transfers of assets in business mergers must amended by Law No. 20 of 2000 on the generally be conducted at market value. Gains Acquisition Duty of land and/or building, resulting from this type of restructuring are and Government Regulation No. 34 of assessable, while losses are generally claim- 2016 on Income Tax of transfer of land and able as a deduction from income. However, building and conditional agreement and its a tax-neutral merger, under which assets are amendment; and transferred at book value, can be conducted (f) Any other specific regulations depending subject to the approval of the Director General on the nature of business of the target or the of Taxation, in which the merger plan must pass purchaser (as applicable), such as banking a business purpose test by the Director General sector, forestry, mining. of Taxation. As for a tax-driven arrangement, it is prohibited and therefore tax losses from the combining companies may not be passed to the surviving company. 8 LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017 Acquisitions (iii) if the target is a publicly listed company, the obligation to pay tax In Indonesia, there are two types of acquisi- on the capital gains as a result of the tions: shares acquisitions and asset acquisitions. transfer of shares will be subject to For the purpose of this article, we will only final income tax at the rate of 0.1% of elaborate further on shares acquisitions. Com- the gross amount of the transaction, pany Law defines a shares acquisition as a legal provided that the share being sold is act conducted by a legal entity or individuals not a founder share. If it is a founder to acquire either all or most of the shares in share, then the tax will be added by a company which may result in a change of 0.5% of the nominal value of the shares control of such company. in the company by the closing of the A shares acquisition can be achieved by means stock exchange at the end of 1996 or of: the nominal value of the shares in the (a) Transfer of majority shares in the target initial public offering if the shares of company to the purchaser the company are listed on the stock If the acquisition is achieved by a transfer of exchange after 1 January 1997. shares, the seller will have an obligation to pay In relation to this tax obligation, if the seller is taxes in relation to the capital gain achieved a multinational company, they usually prefer for such transfer of shares under the following to complete the deal outside of Indonesia, in conditions: a country which has a favourable tax regime (i) if the seller is an Indonesian tax for them, e.g. they usually own the shares in an subject, the obligation to pay tax on the Indonesian company through their subsidiary capital gains is the seller’s obligation. in country X (‘A Co’) which has a favourable There is no obligation on the part of the tax regulation to them. Once they decide to exit buyer to withhold any amount from from the Indonesian company, they will do the the sale price; transaction through A Co so that the sale will be conducted in country X for the purpose of (ii) if the seller is not an Indonesian tax having a lower tax rate rather than doing the subject, the resident buyer must with- transaction in Indonesia. hold 20% of the estimated net income (i.e. the capital gain amounting to 25% of the transaction value) to the seller D CO Country Z from the sale of the shares, except where the taxation of capital gains is reserved to the treaty partner by an Y CO Country C applicable tax treaty. To obtain the benefit of the applicable tax treaty, the seller must comply with the The sale will be done certification, eligibility, information in Country X by the and reporting requirements in force sale of Y Co’s shares in Indonesia. Currently, the seller A CO Country X would need to provide a certificate of tax domicile issued by competent tax authority (the Internal Revenue Servic- PT XYZ Indonesia es) to the purchaser and the company; Feature Article: Mechanics of M&A in Indonesia 9 However, if Country X is a tax haven country, If the acquisition is achieved by subscription the disposal of shares of A Co in Country X of new shares in the company, the subscription might be subject to tax pursuant to Regulation of these new shares will not be subject to tax. of Minister of Finance No. 258/PMK.03/2008 Nevertheless, if such subscription of new shares regarding Withholding of Income Tax of Ar- is based on the conversion of an existing loan ticle 26 for the Income of Sale or Transfer of (i.e. shareholder loan, advance payment and/ Shares as Intended under Article 18 Paragraph or convertible bond), such conversion shall be (3c) of Income Tax Law Which is Obtained by subject to be taxed (if the amount of advances Non- resident Taxpayer (‘PMK 258’). Pursuant (shareholder loan) is lower than the value to PMK 258, the transfer of shares of a company of shares, the difference may be deemed as which was established in a tax haven country deemed interest given to the lender, which will and has a special relationship with Indonesian be subject to income tax). Further, Government company or permanent establishment in Indo- Regulation No. 15 of 1999 stipulates that the nesia is subject to 20% of the estimation of the conversion of a certain form of claim into net amount. The estimation of the net amount shares must be announced in two newspapers. will be calculated as 25% from the sale price. In the event the conversion of the existing However, if the country origin of the seller loan comes from offshore, the Regulation of has a tax treaty agreement with Indonesia, the Bank Indonesia (Peraturan Bank Indonesia) withholding of the income tax for the gains No. 16/22/PBI/2014 concerning Reporting of will only be conducted once the treaty provides Foreign Exchange Flow Activity and Reporting that Indonesia has the right of taxation for this of the Application of Prudential Principles in type of transaction. We believe that there is no Management of Offshore Loan of Non-Bank special rule dealing with the disposal of stock Corporations (‘PBI No. 16/22/PBI/2014’) states in real property, energy, and natural resources that an Indonesian company (and individual, companies. as relevant) conducting foreign exchange ac- Under Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 17/3/ tivities, inter alia, obtaining an offshore loan, PBI/2015 on Mandatory Use of Rupiah in the must submit foreign exchange traffic reports Territory of Indonesia (‘BI Regulation’), Bank (‘Foreign Exchange Traffic Report’) and the Indonesia requires every business actor to set application of prudential principles reports a price of a good and/or service in Rupiah. In (‘Prudential Principles Reports’) periodically addition to BI Regulation, Bank Indonesia has to Bank Indonesia in accordance with the issued a circular letter No. 17/11/DKSP as im- provisions and procedures set forth in PBI No. plementing regulation of the BI Regulation on 16/22/PBI/2014 and subsequent implementing 1 June 2015 (‘Circular Letter’). Article 2 point regulations prevailing from time to time. A of the Circular Letter clearly mentions that The Foreign Exchange Traffic Report consists every business actor in Indonesia must set the of reports on: price of a good and/or service only in Rupiah and is prohibited from setting the price in any (i) the execution of the loan agreement, other currency (dual quotation); or the realisation and repayment of the loan thereunder including all (b) Issuance of new shares in the target payments of interest under the loan company to be subscribed by the new agreement; shareholder which dilutes the share pro- portion of the previous shareholder in the (ii) foreign exchange activities other target company than offshore loan conducted by an Indonesian company (which includes a guarantee granted by an Indonesian 10 LexisNexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017

In general, mergers and acquisitions in Indo- nesia are In such strategic acquisitions, the selling shareholder's .. A R M Ahsanul Haq Khan and N M. Eftakharul Alam .. provisions of the Double Taxation Avoidance. Agreement
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