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Lexicon Grammaticorum: A Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics PDF

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Preview Lexicon Grammaticorum: A Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics

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LEXICON GRAMMATICORUM LEXICON GRAMMATICORUM A Bio-Bibliographical Companion to the History of Linguistics Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged General Editor: Harro Stammerjohann Co-Editors: Sylvain Auroux, Dieter Cherubim, Bernard Colombat, Laurent¸ia Dasca˘lu Jinga, Tullio De Mauro, Donatella Di Cesare, Steven N. Dworkin, Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo, John N. Green, Anne Grondeux, Robert Hammel, Eric. P. Hamp, Christoph Harbsmeier, Caroline C. Henriksen, Werner H5llen†, Mikl6s Kontra, Andrzej M. Lewicki, Bruno Lewin, Jolanta Mindak, Jan Noordegraaf, Georges-Jean Pinault, Ir8ne Rosier, Algirdas Sabaliauskas, Paul Salmon†, Ram6n Sarmiento, Werner Sasse, Sorin Stati†, Kees Versteegh English-Language Editors: Lois Grossman and Mark DeVoto n Max Niemeyer Verlag T5bingen 2009 Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbiblio- grafie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet ber http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-484-73068-7 * Max Niemeyer Verlag, T bingen 2009 Ein Imprint der Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG http://www.niemeyer.de DasWerkeinschließlichallerseinerTeileisturheberrechtlichgesch tzt.JedeVerwertungaußerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzul=ssig und strafbar.Dasgiltinsbesonderef rVervielf=ltigungen,>bersetzungen,Mikroverfilmungenunddie Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. Printed in Germany. Gedruckt auf alterungsbest=ndigem Papier. Satz: epline, Kirchheimunter Teck Druck und Einband: Hubert & Co., Gçttingen Inhaltsübersicht A 1 Q 1229 B 90 R 1235 C 242 S 1305 D 346 T 1466 E 412 U 1533 F 446 V 1545 G 502 W 1602 H 594 X 1662 I 602 Y 1664 J 734 Z 1673 K 776 L 857 M 948 N 1070 O 1093 P 1109 Preface to the Second Edition The aim and general format of the LEXICON GRAMMATICORUM (LG) arethe same as laid outintheprefacetothefirsteditionof1996(below).Iamgratefultothepublisherforgrantingme theopportunitytocorrecterrors—sometimesembarrassingones—andforagreeingtoexpandthe numberof entries to over 2,000. Now as then, living scholars, whose work and influence are still developing,areexcluded.Usersofthefirsteditionwhofoundtheabundantabbreviationsconfus- ingwillnoticethatthesearenowlimitedtothebibliographies.Theco-editors,includingthosefrom the first edition, are here listedwith their areas: – Sylvain Auroux and Bernard Colombat, Paris, France (French-speaking countries) – DieterCherubim,Gçttingen,Germany(German-speakingcountries) – Tullio De Mauro and Donatella Di Cesare, both Rome, Italy (Antiquity and Italy) – Eric P. Hamp, Chicago, IL, USA, and Steven N. Dworkin, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (North America) – ChristophHarbsmeier,Oslo,Norway(China) – Caroline C. Henriksen, Roskilde, Denmark (Scandinavia) – MiklKs Kontra, Budapest, Hungary (Hungary) – Andrzej M. Lewicki, Lublin, Poland, and Robert Hammel, Berlin, Germany (Slavic countries) – Bruno Lewin, Bochum, Germany, and Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo, T bingen, Germany (Japan) – Jolanta Mindak, Warsaw, Poland, and Robert Hammel, Berlin, Germany (South Slavic coun- tries) – Jan Noordegraaf, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Dutch-speaking countries) – Georges-Jean Pinault, Paris, France (India) – IrMne Rosier and Anne Grondeux, Paris, France (Middle Ages) – Algirdas Sabaliauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania (Baltic countries) – Paul Salmon†, Oxford, Great Britain, John N. Green, Bradford, Great Britain, and Werner H llen†, Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Britain and Ireland) – RamKn Sarmiento, Madrid, Spain, and John N. Green,Bradford,Great Britain (Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries) – Werner Sasse, Hamburg, Germany (Korea) – Sorin Stati†, Bologna, Italy, and Lauren¸tia Dasca˘lu Jinga, Bucharest, Rumania (Rumania) – Kees Versteegh, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Arabic-speaking world). Some lacunae were again filled ad hoc by additional specialists, and there are now entries on modern Greek, Israeli, Maltese, Tibetan and Turkish scholars. As I pointed out in the preface to thefirstedition,“[a]worklikethiscanneverbefinal,norwilliteverseemsufficientlybalancedto allreaders”—nortoallcontributors,forthatmatter.Thisremainsastruefor2,000entriesasitwas for 1,500, and as it would be for any number. In fact, while some critics, as well as some contributors, urged the inclusion of all major figures, whatever that might mean, others felt that those who can be easily found in general reference works might as well be omitted in favor of devotingmorespacetolessuniversallyknownfiguresaboutwhomitisdifficulttofindinformation elsewhere. But would not one who is looking for information on a linguist, major or otherwise, rightlyexpectto findhim orherinabio-bibliographicalreferenceworkonthehistoryoflinguis- tics? And since most major figures were already in the first edition, the expansion to over 2,000 entrieshaspermittedtheinclusion ofagreaternumberoflesser-knownfiguresselectedattheco- editorsVdiscretion. Forsomelacunae, evenmajorones, thebest explanationI canofferis that no authors could be foundwhowere willing to contribute. Obtainingtheupdatesofthefirst-editionentriesfromtheiroriginalauthorsalsoturnedoutto bedifficultandattimesimpossible.Somehaddied;otherscouldnotbetracedordidnotreply;still othersdidnotwanttocollaborateagain.Inthosecasestheco-editorseitherfoundotherrevisorsto update the entries ordid so themselves to thebest of their ability. Inthesecondedition,allentriesnotwrittenorco-editedbyanativespeakerofEnglishwereread by Lois Grossman and Mark DeVoto (both of Boston), who pointed out and corrected not only problemswithlanguagebutalsofactualerrors,suchasfalsedates,wrongtranslations,ormistaken transliterations.Ithankbothofthemfortheirunflaggingdedication.Onbehalfoftheco-editorsand myself, I also want to thank Nicole Arnold, Barbara Bayer, Patrick Boylan, Steven N. Dworkin, Gideon Freudenthal, Michael Job, Joseph Kronick, Karl Ludwig M ller, Dona Munker, David Pengelley,AnnaPriddy,HeikeRenner-Westermann,AngelikaSchmidt,andPieterSeuren,whoallin onewayoranother,somewithoutanyformalobligation,helpedtocompletethisproject.Working withMaxNiemeyerVerlag,thistimeinthepersonofCorneliaSaier,hasagainbeenmostpleasant. VI PrefacetotheSecondRevisedandEnlargedEdition Severallinguistswhowouldhavedeservedanentrydiedwhentheprojectwastooadvancedto commission entries about them. The following havebeen brought to myattention: Iv(cid:3)n F(cid:6)nagy (b. April 8, 1920, Budapest, Hungary, d. April 11, 2005, Antony, France; phone- tician and psychoanalyst, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris); Sergej A. Starostin (b. March 23, 1953, Moscow, then USSR, d. September 30, 2005, Moscow, Russia; comparatist, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow); J(cid:6)zsef Herman(b. August18,1924,Budapest, Hungary, d.October 9,2005,Budapest, Hungary; Romanist and general linguist, Universityof Venice, Italy, and Hungarian Academyof Sciences, Budapest); Henry A. Gleason (b. April 18, 1917, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, d. January 13, 2007, El Paso, TX, USA; general linguist, Universityof Toronto, Canada); Winfried P. Lehmann (b.June23,1916,Surprise,NE,USA,d.August1,2007,Austin,TX,USA;Indo-Europeanistand historicallinguist,UniversityofTexasatAustin);PaulM.Lloyd(b.September15,1929,Rochester, NY,USA,d.December6,2007,RiddleVillage,PA,USA;Romanist,UniversityofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA); Alan S. Kaye (b. March 2, 1944, Los Angeles, CA, USA, d. May 31, 2007, Fullerton, CA; Semiticist, CaliforniaStateUniversityatFullerton); EdoardoVineis (b. March24, 1944,Pisa,Italy,d.August16,2007,Bologna,Italy;LatinistandItalianist,UniversityofBologna); Tat&jana J. Elizarenkova (b. September 17, 1929, Leningrad, then USSR, d. September 5, 2007, Moscow,Russia;Indologist,InstituteofOrientalstudies,RussianAcademyofSciences,Moscow); Eugen A. Helimski (b. March 15, 1950, Odessa, then USSR, d. December 25, 2007, Hamburg, Germany; Finno-Ugrist, University of Hamburg); Riccardo Ambrosini (b. November 13, 1925, Livorno, Italy, d. January 13, 2008, San Quirico di Moriano, Lucca, Italy; Indo-Europeanist, UniversityofPisa,Italy);GiovanniBattistaPellegrini(b.February23,1921,Cencenighe,Belluno, Italy,d.February2,2008,Padua,Italy;Indo-EuropeanistandRomanist,dialectologist,University ofPadua).WernerH,llen(b.October17,1927,Cologne,Germany,d.April13,2008,D sseldorf, Germany;Anglicist,UniversityofDuisburg-Essen,Germany);GiovanniNencioni(b.September11, 1911,Florence,Italy,d.May3,2008,Florence;Italianist,ScuolaNormalediPisaandAccademia dellaCrusca,Florence);RulonS.Wells,III(b.April30,1919,SaltLakeCity,UT,USA,d.May3, 2008, Salt Lake City, UT; language philosopher, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA); Pier- giuseppeScardigli(b.October13,1933,Altopascio,Lucca,Italy,d.May27,2008,Florence,Italy; Germanic philologist, University of Florence); Gerhard Helbig (b. December 29, 1929, Leipzig, Germany, d. May 29, 2008, Leipzig; specialist in the grammarof German, especiallyas a foreign language,andhistorianoflinguistics,UniversityofLeipzig);BengtLçfstedt(b.November19,1931, Lund,Sweden,d.June2,2008,LosAngeles,CA,USA;specialistinMedievalLatin,Universityof CaliforniaatLosAngeles);HansGlinz(b.Dec.1,1913,Rheinfelden,Switzerland,d.Oct.23,2008, W=denswil, Switzerland; Germanist, RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Walter Belardi (b.March22, 1923, Rome, Italy, d. November 1, 2008, Rome; general linguist and Indo-Euro- peanist,UniversityLaSapienza,Rome);ManlioCortelazzo(b.December19,1918,Padua,Italy,d. February 3, 2009, Padua;Italianist, Universityof Padua). WernerH llen,oneoftheco-editorsforBritainandIreland,wasinthemidstofworkingonhis subsectionwhenhefellill;JohnN.Greenwaskindenoughtocompletethetask.PaulSalmon,co- editorforBritainandIrelandinthefirstedition,whohelpedmemorethananyonewiththegeneral conceptoftheproject,diedsoonafterthateditioncameout.IamgladIwasabletocommissionan entryabouthimandalsooneaboutSorinStati,co-editorforRumania,whoputhisfailingenergies into the revision of his section; I am grateful to Lauren¸tia Dasca˘lu Jinga for completing it. In addition to these three, many more names in the following list of authors and revisors had to be markedwith a dagger. It is to the memoryofourdeparted colleagues that this edition is dedicated. Harro Stammerjohann Frankfurt am Main March,2009 Preface to the First Edition (1996) It is the aim of the LEXICON GRAMMATICORUM to provide access to the worldVs linguistic traditionsthroughtheirmostimportantrepresentatives,excludinglivingscholars,whoseworkand influencearestilldeveloping.Onlyintherarecaseswherenoindividualsstoodoutwerewholeschools ofthoughttreatedasentries. Although the book is organized alphabetically, the actual work was divided into twenty areas accordingtohistorical,geographicorlinguisticcriteria.Theseareaswereassignedtospecialistco- editorswhodeterminedtheentriesandeitherwrotethemorassignedthemtootherspecialists.Theco- editors(withareainparentheses)are: – SylvainAuroux,Paris,France(French-speakingcountries) – DieterCherubim,Gçttingen,Germany(German-speakingcountries) – Tullio De Mauro and Donatella Di Cesare, both Rome, Italy (Greece and Rome; Italy) – Eric P. Hamp, Chicago, IL, USA (North America) – Christoph Harbsmeier, Bergen, Norway (China) – Caroline C. Henriksen, Copenhagen, Denmark (Scandinavia) – MiklKs Kontra, Budapest, Hungary (Hungary) – Andrzej M. Lewicki, Lublin, Poland (Slavic countries) – Bruno Lewin, Bochum, Germany (Japan) – Jolanta Mindak, Warsaw, Poland (South Slavic countries) – Jan Noordegraaf, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Dutch-speaking countries) – Georges-Jean Pinault, Paris, France (India) – IrMne Rosier, Paris, France (Middle Ages) – Algirdas Sabaliauskas, Vilnius, Lithuania (Baltic countries) – Paul Salmon, Oxford, England (Britain and Ireland) – RamKn Sarmiento, Madrid, Spain (Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries) – Werner Sasse, Hamburg, Germany (Korea) – Sorin Stati, Bologna, Italy (Rumania) – Kees Versteegh, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (Arabic-speaking world). Any lacunae were filled ad hoc byLEXICON authors or byadditional specialists. The original plan agreed upon with the publisher provided for 1,000 large-size, double-column pagescorrespondingto1,000 entries;theaveragelength ofanentrywas tobeonepage. Ofthese 1,000 pages, each co-editor was allocated space roughly proportionate to the area of his or her responsibility. Within their allotted space, the co-editors suggestedthe entriesto beincluded, and once the list was agreed upon, the entries were prepared. As is so often the case, however, more entries were written than originally planned and many turned out longer than expected. In consequencethetotalnumberofentriesrosetoover1,500.IthereforebegthereaderVsindulgence for the unseemly numberof abbreviations needed to save space. In general, each entry consists of three sections: biography; analysis of the work and its importanceforthehistoryoflinguistics;andbibliography,thelatternecessarilylimitedforreasons ofspace.Entriesapprovedbytheco-editorwerethenpassedontotheGeneralEditor;bothread the proofs. Giventheinternationalnatureoftheundertaking,itwasdeemedappropriatetouseEnglish.James Kerr,EnglishlecturerattheUniversityofFrankfurt,checkedentriesnotwrittenorco-editedbya nativespeakerofEnglish.ItistohimfirstofallthatIwishtoexpressmygratitudeforhisunremitting diligence;toKarinKotitschke,mystudentatFrankfurt,whohasworkedselflesslyontheprojectfor the last three years; to Rainer Schlçsser, my collaborator at Chemnitz, who oversaw the last two rounds of proofreading; and to Robert Hammel and Hans-Ingo Radatz, who helped to fill in a numberoflacunae.Withouttheiridealismandthededicationofthecontributorsitcouldnothave beencompleted.Iwouldalsoliketothank,onbehalfoftheco-editorsandmyself,KarenM.Booker, Patrick Boylan, Mark DeVoto, John Dvorachek, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Daniel Feldhendler, Gerd Freidhof,LoisGrossman,OskarvonHin ber,MurrayKinloch,AdamMakkai,DorisMeyer,Alain Morot,DonaMunker,IngridNeumann-Holzschuh,GermYnOlarieta,ThomasRackow,Francesco Sabatini, Paul Salmon, Vivian Salmon, Axel Schçnberger, Isabel Scholes, Michael Silverstein; the librariansoftheStadt-undUniversit(cid:31)tsbibliothekFrankfurtfortheirexperthelp;theVereinigungvon FreundenundFçrderernderJohannWolfgangGoethe-Universit(cid:31)tandtheDeutscheForschungsgemein- schaftfortheirfinancialsupport;andtheever-patientMarleneKirtonofMaxNiemeyerVerlag. VIII PrefacetotheFirstEdition(1996) Aworklikethiscanneverbefinal,norwilliteverseemsufficientlybalancedtoallreaders.Any suggestionsthatwouldcontributetowardsupdatingandcomplementingtheLEXICONwouldbe most welcome and greatlyappreciated. Harro Stammerjohann FrankfurtamMainandChemnitz March,1996 Authors and Revisors CliffordAbbott, Green Bay, WI, USA Karl-Heinz Best, Gçttingen, Germany Dionisius A. Agius, Leeds, Great Britain Jo]l Biard,Tours, France Anders Ahlqvist, Sydney, Australia Mechtild Bierbach, D sseldorf, Germany Federico Albano Leoni, Rome, Italy Laura Biondi, Milan, Italy Werner Alberts, Gçttingen, Germany Andreas Bittner, M nster, Germany Jçrn Albrecht, Heidelberg, Germany Herbert Blume, Braunschweig, Germany Giancarlo Alessio, Venice, Italy Anna J. Bluszcz, Sosnowiec, Poland John Algeo, Athens, GA, USA Hartmut Bobzin, Erlangen-N rnberg, Ger- Vladimir M. Alpatov, Moscow, Russia many Robin Carfrae Alston, London, Great Britain Louis-Jean Bo], Grenoble, France Gabriel Altmann, Bochum, Germany Winfried Boeder, Oldenburg, Germany RenZ Amacker, Geneva, Switzerland Anne Bo]s, Paris, France Roberto Antonelli, Rome, Italy Aleksandr V. Bondarko, St. Petersburg, Russia Franco Aqueci, Messina, Italy KarenM. Booker, Lawrence, KS, USA Vassileios Argyropoulos, Athens, Greece Dçrte Borchers, Berlin, Germany Michel ArrivZ,Nanterre, France Tilman Borsche, Bonn, Germany John Ale Askedal, Oslo, Norway Egbert Peter Bos, Leiden, The Netherlands Sylvain Auroux, Paris, France Olivier Boulnois, Paris, France Robert Austerlitz†, New York, NY, USA Simon Bouquet, Paris, France Wolfram Ax, Cologne, Germany Jacques Bourquin†, BesanÅon, France WendyAyres-Bennett,Cambridge,GreatBritain Sonia Branca-Rosoff, Paris, France Laurent Bray, Heilbronn, Germany Ursula B=hler, Zurich, Switzerland Cor van Bree, Leiden, The Netherlands Daniel Baggioni†, Aix-Marseille, France Rolf Hendrik Bremmer Jr., Leiden, The Neth- Richard W. Bailey, Ann Arbor, MI, USA erlands Philip Baker, London, Great Britain Frederick H. Brengelman, Fresno, CA, USA Ferenc Bakos†, Budapest, Hungary Charlotte Brewer, Oxford, Great Britain Nalini Balbir, Paris, France Dietrich Briesemeister, Jena, Germany Joachim Ballweg, Mannheim, Germany William Bright†, Boulder, CO, USA Jerzy Ban´czerowski, Poznan´, Poland Jospeh M. Brincat, St. Julians, Malta Galina S. Barankova, Moscow, Russia Klaus Brinker†, Hamburg, Germany Moshe Bar-Asher, Jerusalem, Israel Bela Brogyanyi, Freiburg, Germany Marc Baratin, Lille, France Christine Brousseau, Paris, France Hans-Hermann Bartens, Gçttingen, Germany Wolfram Bublitz, Augsburg, Germany Raija Bartens, Helsinki, Finland Anthony F. Buccini, Chicago, IL, USA Czesław Bartula, Cracow, Poland Tove Bull, Tromsø, Norway Irmhild Barz, Leipzig, Germany Robert W. Burchfield†, Oxford, Great Britain PZter Bassola, Szeged, Hungary Armin Burkhardt, Magdeburg, Germany Janet M. Bately, London, Great Britain Ulrich Busse, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Barbara Bayer, Gçttingen, Germany Theodora Bynon, London, Great Britain Eric Beaumatin, Paris, France Lidia Becker, Trier, Germany Mar‘a Luisa Calero Vaquera, CKrdoba, Spain George Bedell, Los Angeles, CA, USA George Cardona, New Haven, CT, USA Leszek Bednarczuk, Cracow, Poland Valerio Casadio, Rome, Italy Wout Jac. van Bekkum, Groningen, The Frederic G. Cassidy†, Madison, WI, USA Netherlands James E. Cathey, Amherst, MA, USA Massimo Bellina, Rome, Italy FranÅoise Caujolle-Zaslawsky, Paris, France Anna G. Belova,Moscow, Russia Courtney B. Cazden, Cambridge, MA, USA Byron W. Bender, Honolulu, HI, USA Roberta Cervani, Trieste, Italy Reet Bender, Tartu, Estonia Jirˇ‘ Cˇerny´, Olomouc, Czech Republic Emmett L. Bennett, Madison, WI, USA FranÅois Charpin†, Paris, France RenZ van den Berg, Ukarumpa, Papua New Dieter Cherubim, Gçttingen, Germany Guinea Jean-Claude Chevalier, Paris, France Lothar Berger, Marburg, Germany Jean-Luc Chevillard, Paris, France Gabriel Bergounioux, OrlZans, France Jean-Louis Chiss, Paris, France Knut Bergsland†, Oslo, Norway Alexandru Cisek, M nster, Germany Giuliano Bernini, Bergamo, Italy GeneviMve Clerico, Rennes, France

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