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Lewis Arundel, or, The railroad of life [microform] PDF

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CIHM ICIMH Microfiche Collection de Series microfiches (IMonographs) (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microraproductions / Institut Canadian da microreproductions historiquas Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original L'Institut a microfilm^ le meilleur exemplaire qu'il lui a copy available for filnning. Features of this copy which 6\6 possible de se procurer. 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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mathoda. 12 3 2 3 1 4 5 6 MKMCOrV nSOUITION TBT QUIT (ANSIand ISOTESTCHARTNo. 2) ta 1^ |3j2 M22 L£ 2.0 1^ 1.6 J APPLIED INA^GE pjSg. (R17o6'cS6hJ)eME4ear8s.2t-NM0aaiw3n0Y0Sot-rrkeP«thon1,4609 US^*I £s '7") 2U-5988-Fa> LEWIS ARUNDEL /"'/-. / /;.,.. 4[r^ -^ ^1 i

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