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Preview Lewis acid catalysis of phosphoryl transfer from a copper(II)-NTP complex in a kinase ribozyme.

Published online 28 January 2013 Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, Vol. 41, No. 5 3327–3338 doi:10.1093/nar/gkt039 Lewis acid catalysis of phosphoryl transfer from a copper(II)-NTP complex in a kinase ribozyme Elisa Biondi1,2, Raghav R. Poudyal2, Joshua C. Forgy2, Andrew W. Sawyer2, Adam W. R. Maxwell2 and Donald H. Burke1,2,* 1Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO 65211, USA and 2Department of Biochemistry, Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO 65211, USA Received May 26, 2012; Revised January 4, 2013; Accepted January 8, 2013 ABSTRACT thechemicalstrategiesusedbythegreatmajorityofthem are poorly understood. Revealing how they mediate these The chemical strategies used by ribozymes to transformationsiscrucialforassessingthefeasibilityofan enhance reaction rates are revealed in part from RNA-based metabolism, for evaluating RNA world their metal ion and pH requirements. We find that theories of early evolution, for engineering artificial kinase ribozyme K28(1-77)C, in contrast with previ- enzymesandothertoolsforsyntheticbiology,andforbio- ouslycharacterizedkinaseribozymes,requiresCu2+ medical applications of ribozymes. Those ribozymes that foroptimalcatalysisofthiophosphoryltransferfrom havebeenstudiedindetailuseseveralofthesamecatalytic GTPcS. Phosphoryl transfer from GTP is greatly strategiesasproteinenzymes,suchasLewisacidcatalysis, reduced in the absence of Cu2+, indicating a proton transfer, precise positioning and desolvation of substrates and allosteric regulation, and a small handful specific catalytic role independent of any potential of natural and artificial nucleic acid catalysts exploit the interactions with the GTPcS thiophosphoryl group. chemical reactivity of bound organic cofactors (1–4). In-line probing and ATPcS competition both argue Metal ion cofactors accelerate ribozyme catalysis by against direct Cu2+ binding by RNA; rather, these polarizingandacidifyinginnerspherewater,byincreasing data establish that Cu2+ enters the active site electrophilicityofphosphatesandcarbonyls,bystabilizing within a Cu2+(cid:2)GTPcS or Cu2+(cid:2)GTP chelation com- negative charges that develop on transition states, inter- plex, and that Cu2+(cid:2)nucleobase interactions further mediates and products, by assisting in folding and by enforce Cu2+selectivity and position the metal ion other mechanisms [reviewed in (5)]. Although Mg2+ is for Lewis acid catalysis. Replacing Mg2+ with the dominant bioavailable divalent cation, the transition [Co(NH ) ]3+ significantly reduced product yield, metalionsinthefirstrowoftheperiodictableprovidean 36 but not k , indicating that the role of inner-sphere array of unique chemical capacities, such as variations in obs Mg2+coordinationisstructuralratherthancatalytic. Lewis acidity, charge density, preferred bond lengths Replacing Mg2+ with alkaline earths of increasing and coordination geometries. Some metal ions retain their inner hydration sphere and interact via bound ionic radii (Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) gave lower yields water molecules. For others, one or more waters are and approximately linear rates of product accumu- replaced by direct contact with the ribozyme lation. Finally, we observe that reaction rates or substrate(s). The relative stabilities of inner-sphere increased with pH in log-linear fashion with an complexes involving these ions tend to follow the Irving– apparent pKa=8.0±0.1, indicating deprotonation in Williams series (6): Mn2+<Fe2+<Co2+<Ni2+< the rate-limiting step. Cu2+>Zn2+. A different series is observed for the affinities of these same ions in complexes with nucleotide mono-, di- and tri phosphates (7) and phosphate mono- INTRODUCTION esters (5), for which the affinities follow the order Artificialribozymeshavebeenisolatedbyinvitroselection Mn2+>Fe2+>Co2+&Ni2+<<Cu2+>>Zn2+<Cd2+. to catalyse a wide range of chemical reactions, although Interestingly, Fe2+ has recently emerged as a potential *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel:+1 573 884 1316; Fax:+1 573 884 9676; Email: [email protected] Present address: Elisa Biondi, Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, 720 SW 2nd Ave, Suite 207, Gainesville, FL 32601, USA. The authors wish to be known that, in their opinion, the first two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors. (cid:2)TheAuthor(s)2013.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress. ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc/3.0/),whichpermitsunrestrictednon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 3328 NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 prebioticmetalion,basedonitslikelyhighconcentrations hydrogen bond to the developing transition state. These inaqueous solutionon theearly Earthand on itspositive observations for natural ribozymes contrast with studies impact on ribozyme folding and catalysis (8). of two previously studied kinase ribozymes (Kin.46 and Ribozymes have been identified that use most of these 2PT3.2min) (50,51) and by a kinase DNAzyme (Dk1) ions. For example, the hammerhead (HH) ribozyme is (25). For all three catalysts, (thio)phosphoryl transfer active in low concentrations of Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ rates were shown to be independent of pH over the and Cd2+(9–14), and RNaseP functions with Zn2+as the range pH 6.0–8.0 (Dk1 lost activity above 8.0). sole divalent cation (15). From in vitro selections, RNAs The presentwork details the metalion andpH require- have been isolated that assemble Ni2+ or Pt2+ into a ments for phosphoryl transfer by ribozyme K28(1-77)C. coordinate-covalent RNA-amino acid complex (16) and This 58nt RNA is a variant of ribozyme K28, which was that interact with immobilized Ni2+ or Zn2+ on affinity originally selected as a 126nt species for thiophosphoryl matrices (16,17). Use of divalent copper is highly transfer activity using GTPgS as donor (52). Ribozyme unusual among structured nucleic acids—in particular K28(1-77)C folds into a compact pseudoknot and trans- among structured RNA—although a few examples have fers a phosphoryl group from GTP (or a thiophosphoryl beennotedamongcatalyticDNAs.ADNAzymehasbeen groupfromGTPgS)ontoitselfattwodifferentsitesinthe describedthatinsertsCu2+andothertransitionmetalions primary sequence (Figure 1A) (53). The original selection into a mesoporphyrin ring (18,19), and DNAzymes have and functional analysis of ribozyme K28 and its deriva- been identified that have strict dependence on Cu2+ for tives were performed in the presence of alkaline earth their catalysis of DNA ligation (20), DNA cleavage metal ions (Mg2+ and Ca2+), transition metal ions (21,22) and DNA-capping activities (23). Several (Mn2+and Cu2+) and monovalent cations (K+and Na+) 50-self-phosphorylating DNAzymes have been shown to and was buffered to near neutrality with hydroxyethyl- use Cu2+ either as one among many functional cations piperazine ethane sulphonate (HEPES, pH 7.5) (52). In [Dk5, (24)] or as a strict requirement [Cu1, Cu4 and Cu7 the present work, we sought to determine the contribu- (25)].Divalentionsarenotalwaysrequired,however,and tions of each of these components to RNA-catalyzed the hairpin (HP), HH and Varkud Satellite (VS) ribo- phosphoryl transfer. We find that both outer-sphere and zymes remain functional in the absence of divalent inner-sphere interactions with hydrated Mg2+ play im- metals at high concentrations of monovalent ions, portant structural roles. More surprisingly, K28(1-77)C relying exclusively on nucleotide functional groups for is also the first kinase ribozyme to be fully dependent on catalytic chemistry (26–30). Cu2+for optimal activity, and the first for which the rate Proton transfer is integral to the mechanisms of ribo- exhibits a log-linear pH dependence. Other ribozymes zymes such as the hepatitis delta virus (HDV), HP, HH, from the selection that gave rise to K28 and its derivative glmS, VS and others (31–37). In the HDV ribozyme, for K28(1-77)CdidnotshowthisdependenceonCu2+.In-line example, a bound metal ion hydroxide is in position to probing(ILP)andcompetitionstudieswithadenosinetri- abstract a proton from the 20OH nucleophile. The active phosphate(ATP)andATPgSshownoevidenceofadirect site cytosine C75 is ‘histidine-like’, in that its apparent Cu2+-RNA complex and instead reveal that Cu2+enters pKa is perturbed approximately three pH units from its into the ribozyme as part of a Cu2+(cid:2)GTP chelation normal value of 4.2 to neutrality (32), and its N3 is in complex, with additional stabilization likely to come position to stabilize the leaving group by donating a from interactions with nucleobase nitrogens in the RNA. protontotheribose50OHofG1(32–34).Forself-cleavage TheproposedbindingmodeexplainstheCu2+dependence by the HP ribozyme, the apparent pKa is (cid:3)6.0, and the and positions the bound Cu2+to participate in the cata- deprotonated state of residue A38 has been shown to be lytic step of the reaction by serving as a Lewis acid important in catalysis (27,38,39). Intriguingly, in molecu- catalyst. lardynamicssimulations, theN1ofA38movesinto close proximity of the active site 20OH, where it would be in positiontoactasgeneralbase(40).Fortertiary-stabilized MATERIALS AND METHODS HH ribozymes, X-ray crystallography show both G8 and Materials G12 near the scissile bond, with G12 in position to act as Oligodeoxynucleotides were purchased from Integrated general base (36,41), consistent with earlier predictions DNA Technologies (Coralville, IA). RNA was transcribed based on pH rate profiles for site-specifically substituted in vitro using phage T7 RNA polymerase, which was ribozymes (35,42). The potential role of G12 as general overproduced in bacteria and purified in the laboratory. baseisfurthersupportedbylabellingofitsN1vianucleo- philic attack on 20-bromoacetamide (43). Nucleobase- GTPgS and ATPgS were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis). Radiolabelled nucleotides for labelling internal metal ion interactions also appear to contribute to phosphates or internal 20OH positions ([a32P]-CTP and shifting nucleobase pKa values within the active sites of [g32P]-GTP, respectively) were purchased from Perkin- some extended HH ribozymes (9,44), and a suitably pos- itioned Mn2+ ion has been observed in HH ribozyme Elmer (Waltham, MA). N-acryloyl-aminophenylmercuric (APM) chloride was prepared as described (53–55). crystals (45). For the glmS ribozyme, an active-site guanine is in position to extract a proton from the 20OH Self-thiokinase reactions nucleophile (46–48), although it appears from studies of pHdependenceofthereactiontoparticipateincatalysisin Ribozyme kinetic analyses were carried out essentially its neutral, protonated state (49), perhaps by donating a as described (53), in most cases using tri-layer NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 3329 A 0.5 to 1mM and moving the reaction mixtures to 32(cid:4)C. Except where noted, reactions were quenched at various timesinstopbuffer(95%formamide,15mMethylenedia- minetetraacetic acid and trace amounts of xylene cyanol and bromophenol blue as tracking dyes). ‘Zero’ time points were collected immediately after all components werepresentin thereactionmix.Products wereseparated on 8% denaturing tri-layered organomercurial gels in which the middle layer contained 100mg/mL APM [(N-acryloylamino)phenyl]mercuric chloride (52,53,56). Autoradiographs were obtained with a FLA-5000 phosphorimager (FujiFilm) and analysed with MultiGaugesoftware.ThefractionoftheRNAconverted toproductatagiventime[f(t)]wascalculatedbydividing B theintensitiesofRNAretainedattheAPMinterfaceinto the sum of all bands within a given lane. First-order ex- ponential rate constants (k ) and extrapolated plateaus obs values(f )ofmostreactionswereobtainedbyfittingthe max data to a first-order rate equation using KaleidaGraph (Synergy Software): f(t)=(f )[1(cid:6)exp(-kobst)]. Data max points in figure 5 are the mean values of at least two rep- licas for concentrations in which activity was detectable. Datapointsfortheextrapolation ofk inFigures 1and obs 5 were the mean values of at least three replicas for con- centrationsinwhichactivitywasdetectableandwerefitto a linear equation. Self-32P-kinase reactions for Cu2+/sulphur dependence Ribozyme K28(1-77)C was transcribed without radiolabel, C gel purified, unfolded in water at 85(cid:4)C for 5min, then refolded on ice for 5min by addition of 5(cid:5) SP buffer or 5(cid:5) SP buffer lacking Cu2+. Kinase reactions used 1mM RNA and were initiated by adding [g-32P]GTP to a final concentrationof0.6mMandmovingthereactionsmixtures to 32(cid:4)C. After the indicated times (0, 0.5, 1,2, 3,and 9h), samplesweremoved toice and ethanolprecipitatedimme- Figure 1. Cu2+ dependence of SP. (A) Secondary structure of diately by addition of NaOAc, glycogen and ethanol to K28(1-77)C. Circled sP indicate the two self(thio)phosphorylation remove excess non-incorporated radiolabelled GTP. After sites; nucleotide G1 represents the major site (52). (B) Thiophosphoryl transfer fromGTPgS wasmonitored while titrating Cu2+from0.01 to resuspension in 1(cid:5) gel loading buffer, samples were 2mM(0,0.01,0.1,0.5,1,2,5,10,50,100mM;fulldatasetto100mMis analysed on 8%, 8M urea denaturing polyacrylamide gels shown in inset.) The ‘zero-Cu2+’ data point was omitted from the plot as aforementioned. to allow the log plot. Maximal rate at saturation was 0.00151± 0.00019min(cid:6)1. Fitting the initial rates to the quadratic form of a Self-thiokinase reactions with competitors standard 2-state binding equation for a 1:1 complex yielded an apparent dissociation constant for Cu2+ (KdCu2+) of 0.9±0.4mM. K28(1-77)C was unfolded and refolded as aforemen- (C)SPreactions(nosulphur)wereperformedwith[g-32P]GTPasphos- tioned.ATPorATPgSwasaddedtoafinalconcentration phoryl donor in SP buffer in the absence or presence of 10mM Cu2+. of 2mM and kept in ice for 5min. Donor GTPgS was Reaction times in hours are given above the lanes. added to final concentration of 0.5mM, followed where indicatedbyadditionofsupplementalCu2+toafinalcon- organomercurial gels to analyse product formation by in- centration of 30mM. ternally radiolabelled transcripts (52,53,56). In brief, in- ILP analysis ternally radiolabelled K28(1-77)C RNA and other RNA moleculesweregelpurified,unfoldedinwaterat85(cid:4)Cfor Ribozyme K28(1-77)C was 50-end labelled using 5min, then refolded on ice for 5min by addition of the [g-32P]ATP, unfolded at 85(cid:4)C for 5min, and then same 5(cid:5) self-phosphorylation (SP) buffer used originally refolded by addition of SP buffer with or without CuCl , 2 toselectthisribozymeinvitro(52)(1(cid:5)SPbuffer=6mM and modified to contain 25mM TRIS (2-Amino- MgCl , 0.2mM CaCl , 0.5mM MnCl , 10mM CuCl , 2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1,3-diol) (pH 8.0) in place of 2 2 2 2 200mM KCl, 15mM NaCl, 25mM HEPES, pH 7.5) or 25mMHEPES(pH7.5).Competitors,donorandsupple- modifications of this buffer as detailed in the text. Kinase mental Cu2+were added in the same order as described reactionsused1mMRNA(50000–200000cpm)andwere earlier in the text. ILP reactions were carried out at room initiated by adding GTPgS to a final concentration of temperature and stopped after 10h by addition of half 3330 NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 a volume of 95% formamide and 50mM ethylene- non-radiolabelled K28(1-77)C RNA was incubated with diaminetetraacetic acid. Digestion products were then [g-32P]GTP in SP buffer with and without Cu2+. separatedonan8%denaturingpolyacrylamidegelelectro- AccumulationofradioactivityintheRNAunderthesecon- phoresis gel, and autoradiographs were analysed as ditions indicates sulphur-independent SP by K28(1-77)C. aforementioned. As with the GTPgS donor, product formation from the GTP donor occurred much more vigorously when Cu2+ Self-thiokinase reactions for pH dependence was present, even though there is no sulphur in the GTP donor(Figure1C).Therefore,theobservedrequirementfor SP buffer was modified as follows: 25mM [2-(N- Cu2+inbothGTP-dependentand GTPgS-dependentreac- morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid] (MES) was used in tionsindicatesaspecificfunctionofthemetalionandnota place of HEPES for pH 5.5, 6.0. 6.5, 6.8; HEPES was spurious consequence of having used GTPgS during the used for pH 6.8, 7.0, 7.2, 7.5, 7.8, 8.0; and TRIS was initial selection. Therefore, all further reactions included used at pH 8.0, 8.2, 8.5, 8.8, 9.0, 9.5. Owing to precipita- 10mM Cu2+unless otherwise noted. tion of manganese at elevated pH, this cation was eliminated in all SP buffers used in the pH study. Uniqueness of the Cu2+dependence of kinase Control reactions performed over the pH range 5.5–8.0 ribozyme K28 in HEPES verified that activity remains the same with and without Mn2+ (data not shown), thereby validating We next sought to determine whether other divalent ions this approach. Very low product accumulation at the could substitute for Cu2+ and whether other ribozymes lowest pH values (MES buffer) precluded fitting to a from the same selection as K28 displayed a similar de- first-order exponential rate equation. Rates for these low pendence on Cu2+. Little or no product was observed in pHvalueswereobtainedfromtheslopeofthelineofbest overnight reactions when 10mM Cu2+was replaced with fit through these data, adjusted to an assumed plateau of this same concentration of transition metal ions (Cr3+, 66% (plateau values for the HEPES and TRIS data are Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) or alkaline earth 66±7% conversion to product). The observed rate con- metals (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+), in the presence of stants were then fit to a standard equation for a the other buffer components (Figure 2, data not shown). one-proton transfer: kobs=kmax/[1+10(pKa-pH)]. Kinetic These other metal ions are therefore poor substitutes for reactions were performed at least in duplicate. 10mM Cu2+. Because Cu2+binds phosphate more tightly than do these other metal ions (5,58), we next monitored product yields as a function of metal ion concentration. RESULTS There is a modest increase in product formation when A Cu2+-dependent kinase ribozyme 10mM Cu2+ is replaced with at 100–500mM Mn2+ or Ni2+, but strong inhibition is observed for Zn2+, Co2+ Ribozyme K28, which is the 126-nt parent form of the and potentially Cd2+ at (cid:7)100mM concentrations, 58-nt ribozyme K28(1-77)C, was originally selected for perhaps because of non-specific binding to the RNA. thiophosphoryl transfer activity in SP buffer, which Therefore, the role played by Cu2+ cannot be fully contains monovalent ions (200mM K+ and 15mM provided by these other divalent metal ions, which can Na+), divalent alkaline earth ions (6mM Mg2+ and only support sub-optimal activity (at best) even at 10- to 0.2mM Ca2+) and divalent transition metal ions 100-fold higher concentrations. (0.5mM Mn2+and 10mM Cu2+). To begin to understand The in vitro selection that gave rise to kinase ribozyme the contributions of each of these ions to thiophosphoryl K28 also produced several other ribozymes that could be transfer activity by ribozyme K28(1-77)C, reactions were classified into at least three different families based on carried out in SP buffer in which individual components their secondary structures (52). Because all of these ribo- were omitted. Surprisingly, the ribozyme was essentially zymes were selected under identical ionic conditions, two inactive without Cu2+. When product formation was ribozymes from each structural family were tested for monitored, as Cu2+was titrated from 0.01 to 100mM in Cu2+ dependence by performing the self-thiphosphory- the presence of all of the other buffer components, initial lation reaction in the absence and presence of 10mM rates increased quickly at sub-micromolar concentrations Cu2+. Although ribozymes K28(1-77)C and K28 showed andreachedaplateauneartheconcentrationoftheRNA theexpecteddependenceonCu2+,allsixoftheotherribo- (1mM),withlittleadditionalchangeatstillhigherconcen- zymes produced at least as much product in the Cu2+- trations (Figure 1B). Fitting the initial rates to the quad- depleted SP buffer as they did in the complete SP buffer, ratic form of a standard two-state binding equation and K5 and K6 yielded slightly more product when Cu2+ yielded a good fit for a 1:1 stoichiometry and an apparent dissociation constant for Cu2+ (KdCu2+) of wasomitted(Figure3).Cu2+dependenceisthereforenota widespread characteristic among the ribozymes that were 0.9±0.4mM, which was close to the concentration of selectedinthepresenceofCu2+andisuniqueforK28and RNA used in the assay. Cu2+ is considered to be ‘borderline’ on the Pearson its derivatives. scale of hard and soft metal ions, and it associates ILP identifies RNA binding by GTP and GTP-Cu2+, but well with ‘soft’ ligands such as nitrogen and sulphur (57). not by Cu2+alone To determine whether the observed Cu2+ requirement is the result of essential interactions between the Cu2+ ILP assays were used to determine whether ribozyme and the thiophosphoryl group of the GTPgS donor, K28(1-77)C uses Cu2+ to fold into its active structure. NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 3331 A B 80 80 edPercent Product Form 712345600000000 10µM 0 10 M1n002+ 500 1000 medPercent Product For 123456700000000 10µM 0 10 1N00i2+ 500 1000 Cu2+ Cu2+ C D 80 ercent Product Formed 45678123000000000 Zn2+ oduct FormedPercent Pr 456712300000000 Cd2+ P 1100 µµMM No0 1100 110000 550000 11000000 1100µ µMM N0o 1100 110000 550000 11000000 E CoCpupe2+rCopper CCopup2+erCopper 80 ed 70 m For 5600 Co2+ uct 40 d o 30 Pr nt 20 e 10 c re 0 P 1100 µµMM N0o 1100 110000 550000 11000000 CoCpup2e+rCopper Figure 2. Substitutions for Cu2+reduce or eliminate activity. Product yields were plotted for 18h self-kinase reactions that were carried out in SP buffersthatweremodifiedbyreplacing10mMCuCl withMnCl,NiCl ,ZnCl ,CdCl orCoCl attheindicatedconcentrations(greybars).Yield 2 2 2 2 2 2 from a parallel reaction carried out in normalSP buffer (‘10mM Cu2+’) isplotted for comparison (black). Average values for four sets of reaction (except for Cd2+, for which N=2) are plotted. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. ILP gives information on conformationally mobile substrateanalogs(52).GTP,30dGTPandafewotherana- phosphoester bonds that increase the fraction of time in logues were recognized by the RNA and occupied the which the 20OH samples conformations appropriate for active site in a manner that prevented GTPgS use. ATP in-line attack on the adjacent phosphate and release of exhibited no such competition and is therefore not the downstream 50OH (59). No new ILP cleavage was believed to interact with the ribozyme. Consistent with observed when Cu2+was added to the reaction buffer at this interpretation, the intensity of ILP cleavage at A32 a concentration of either 10 or 30mM (Figure 4A, lanes inthepresenceof2mMATPand0.5mMGTPwasiden- 1–3). In contrast, addition of 0.5mM GTP induced a tical to those observed in reactions without ATP, and strong cleavage after A32, and this cleavage was further addition of excess Cu2+had no effect on the cleavage in- sensitized by addition of Cu2+(Figure 4A lanes 4–6). No tensity (Figure 4A, lanes 7 and 8). However, we reasoned changesareseenatotherpositionsinresponsetoaddition that a different mode of competition could result from of Cu2+ or GTP. These data support direct binding of sequestration of free Cu2+by the triphosphates of other GTP in the absence of Cu2+ and enhanced binding of nucleotides, thereby reducing both GTP-induced ILP GTP when Cu2+ is present, but they do not provide cleavage and self-thiophosphorylation yield from the evidence of a direct interaction between RNA and Cu2+ GTPgS donor. Furthermore, although Cu2+dependence in the absence of GTP. Instead, we interpret the stimula- doesnotrequirethesulphurmoietyofGTPgS(Figure2), tion as indicating that Cu2+ binds the triphosphate of the presence of the sulphur can be safely assumed to GTP in solution, and that the metal-bound form of the increase affinity of the NTP for Cu2+. Indeed, when ILP GTP makes additional RNA-Cu2+contacts. was carried out in the presence of 2mM ATPgS, the cleavage signal at A32 owing to GTP was diminished. Cu2+interacts with the triphosphate region of the Signal strength was partially restoredon supplementation phosphoryl donor with additional Cu2+ (Figure 4A, lanes 9 and 10). Previous studies measured competition for access to the Quantification of signal strength at position A32 ribozyme active site between GTPgS and a series of shows that ATPgS reduced total cleavage by (cid:3)4.6-fold 3332 NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 A(cid:129)G YG(cid:129)A G(cid:129)AAAAA UAGG(cid:129)GA(cid:129)AA (cid:129)G NAG Ac/aGCGU AUCCAA 8800 d 70 e m r 60 o F t 50 c u d 40 o rPP 3300 t n e 20 c r e 10 P 0 28CK28 K5 K6 K11 K20 K22 K37 Figure 3. Stimulation by Cu2+is unique to ribozyme K28. Percentage of the indicated ribozymes that were converted to self-thiophosphorylated product is shown for 18-h reaction that was performed in the presence (black) or absence (grey) of 10mM Cu2+. The secondary structural features shared between each pair of ribo- zymes are indicated above the graph [detailed in ref. (52)]. Asterisks indicate sites of self-thiophosphorylation; ‘28C’ indicates ribozyme K28(1-77)C. (Figure 4B). When GTP was omitted from the ILP reaction, neither ATP nor ATPgS induced RNA cleavage at A32, irrespective of Cu2+ concentration (Figure 4A, lanes 11–14). These results rule out the possibility of direct RNA–ATP or RNA–ATPgS interactions and suggest that competition by ATPgS is indirect, as would beexpectedfromsequestrationoffreeCu2+byATPgS.In thepreviousanaloguestudies,GMPcompetedonlyweakly with GTPgS, indicating that the beta and gamma phos- phates are important for efficient recognition. ILP reac- tionsusing GMP inplace of GTP gavea Cu2+-dependent cleavage signal at A32 that was much weaker than the GTP-dependent signal, along with faint bands at C39, A46 and C47, all of which were suppressed by ATPgS (SupplementaryFigureS1). The effect of ATPgS on the ribozyme’s ability to interact with GTPgS was also examined by monitoring self-thiophosphorylation. Ribozyme K28(1-77)C was incubated overnight with 0.5mM GTPgS and 2.0mM ATP or ATPgS. As observed previously (52), excess ATP did not compete and had no effect on reaction Figure 4. Triphosphate interactions revealed by ILP. ILP analysis was used to determine Cu2+-induced structural changes. (A) ILP reactions yield (Figure 4C). In contrast, ATPgS reduced the were performed for 10h in SP buffer modified to contain 25mM TRIS observed self-thiophophorylated product by (cid:3)3.8-fold, (pH8.0).ATPorATPgSwasaddedbeforeGTPwhenbothnucleotides and the addition of supplemental Cu2+restored the yield were present. For lanes 3, 6, 8 and 10, Cu2+concentration was initially of thiophosphorylated product. These data establish that 10mM and was adjusted to 30mM after addition of ATP/ATPgS and Cu2+ does interact with the triphosphate region of the GTP. (B) Integrated ILP cleavage signal at position A32 under the indicatedconditions.(C)Chelation-mediatedcompetitioninself-thiopho- nucleotide donor, and that the effects of ATPgS on ILP sphorylationreactionswasevaluatedbyquantifyingproductformedafter cleavage and thiophosphoryl transfer is due to chelation 18h reactions under the indicated conditions. As aforementioned, com- of Cu2+by the thiophosphate of ATPgS. petitorswereaddedbeforeadditionofGTP,andsupplementedCu2+was added after the additionof competitors and donor. Non-specific Mg2+interactions Apart from Cu2+, the major divalent ion present during K28(1-77)C, as Mg2+ concentration was titrated from theinitial selection was Mg2+.Therefore, all divalent ions 0.01 to 15mM. Thiophosphoryl transfer rates increased except for Cu2+ were omitted from SP buffer, and linearly from 1 to 15mM Mg2+, with no indication of self-thiophosphorylation was monitored for ribozyme approaching saturation over this range (Figure 5A). NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 3333 A B 50 d + Copper -30) 3.0 orme 40 -Copper 1 F x ct 30 -1n 2.0 du i(m oPro 20 kobs1.0 ent rc 10 e P 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 6 15 30 60 100 [Mg2+] (mM) [Mg2+] (mM) D C 60 Cobalt 60 Alkaline Earths Mg2+ med 50 Hexammine med 50 Metal Ions Ca2+ oduct For 4300 6 mMMg2+ 12 mM oduct For 4300 Sr2+ Prnt P 20 CCoHHex nt rPP 20 Perce 10 C6o HmeMx Perce 10 Ba2+ 0 0 0 400 800 1200 1600 0 200 400 600 Time (min) Time (min) Figure 5. Outer-sphereandinner-sphereMg2+interactionsforribozymeK28(1-77)C.(A)ReactionswerecarriedoutinthepresenceofvariousMg2+ concentrations(0,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,1,3,6,and15mM).Observedkineticconstants(k )areplottedversusMg2+concentrationforreactions obs in which product was detected. Reactions in which Mg2+was <1mM yielded insufficient product for accurate determination of k and were not obs plotted. (B) Accumulation of thiophosphorylated product in the presence of the indicated Mg2+concentrations after short (3h) reactions in the presence(black)orabsence(grey)of10mMCu2+.(C)Toevaluatepotentialinner-sphereMg2+interactions,kinetictraceswereplottedforreactions in which the 6mM Mg2+component of SP buffer was replaced with 6 or 12mM CoHex. Uncertainty reported for the rate constants reflects the uncertaintiesofthefit.(D)SimilartopartC,exceptthatMg2+wasreplacedwithotheralkalineearthmetalions.Dashedlinesindicatelinearfitsto these data. TitrationwithMn2+yieldedasimilarpatternastheMg2+ black bars). Interestingly, product yield also increased to titration to (cid:3)6 mM but was inhibitory at still higher con- wellabovebackgroundintheabsenceofCu2+atelevated centrations (data not shown). Little or no product was Mg2+, although the yield reached a plateau at (cid:3)30mM observed with <1mM Mg2+ or Mn2+, and no product Mg2+ and did not approach the yield observed in the was detected when 6mM Co2+ or Ni2+ was used in presence of Cu2+(Figure 5B, grey bars). Thus, although place of 6mM Mg2+ (data not shown). Thus, Mg2+ or Mg2+maypartiallysubstituteforCu2+athighconcentra- Mn2+(or potentially other divalent ions) is required for tions (for example, by forming a Mg2+(cid:2)GTPgS complex), phosphoryl transfer by K28(1-77)C via low-affinity inter- this partial rescue is only observed when Mg2+ is least actions,butneitherdivalentcationisspecificallyrequired. 3000 times higher than the Cu2+concentration and >15 Naturalkinaseandpolymeraseenzymesmakeextensive times higher than the normal Mg2+concentration in SP use of Mg2+(cid:2)NTP and Mg2+(cid:2)dNTP complexes [see buffer. It would therefore be premature to infer that the (60–62) and references therein]. However, Cu2+ has a precise contribution of Mg2+ at high concentrations is higher affinity for phosphates than do Mg2+ and other fully interchangeable with the role of 10mM Cu2+. divalent metal ions [>30-fold higher for NMP-metal ion Overall, the observations from Mg2+ titrations suggest complexes (5)]. Formation of Cu2+(cid:2)GTPgS is therefore that low-affinity, non-specifically bound Mg2+ions serve expected to be strongly favoured over formation of primarily to aidfolding the ribozyme into its activestruc- Mg2+(cid:2)GTPgS when both ions are present. To test ture, which can then use the Cu2+(cid:2)GTPgS complex for whether Cu2+dependency at relatively low Mg2+concen- optimal catalysis. trations could be overcome at higher Mg2+ concentra- Evidence for inner sphere interactions with Mg2+ tions, self-thiophosphorylation yield for relatively short reaction times (3h) was monitored at Mg2+ as high as Mg2+ can contribute to ribozyme activity by contacting 100mM in both the presence and absence of 10mM ribozymes and substrates directly (inner sphere), and via Cu2+. As aforementioned, product yield in the presence ligandssuch as water that are bound directly to themetal of Cu2+ continued to increase with Mg2+ concentration ion (outer sphere). Cobalt hexammine {[Co(NH ) ]3+, 3 6 with no sign of approaching saturation (Figure 5B, CoHex} is a reasonably good analogue for outer sphere 3334 NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 interactions with hydrated Mg2+owing to its similar size, (MES,HEPESandTRIS),includingseparatereactionsin geometry and charge, but kinetic stability of the coord- MESorHEPES(pH6.8)andinHEPESorTRIS(pH8.0) inated NH ligands precludes significant inner-sphere at the two overlapping pH values to control for 3 interactions. CoHex supports catalysis as well as, or buffer-specific effects. In contrast to previously analysed nearly as well as, Mg2+ for ribozymes that do not kinase ribozymes (50,51) and DNAzymes (25), for which require direct contact with the metal ion, such as the HP the rates showed no pH dependence, thiophosphoryl ribozyme(26,27,63)andtheinvitroselectedATRib/AT02 transfer by K28(1-77)C was strongly dependent on pH acyltransferase ribozymes (64,65). In contrast, CoHex (Figure 6). The observed first-order rate constants (k ) obs does not support catalysis at all, or not nearly as well as increased (cid:3)1000-fold from pH 5.5 to 8.5, indicating one Mg2+, for ribozymes that exploit direct contacts with the proton-transfer event in the rate-limiting step. Fitting metal ion, such as the HH (44,66), VS (67), RNaseP (68), these data to a single-proton equation (see ‘Materials HDV (69,70) ribozymes and the in vitro selected 2PT3.2 and Methods’ section) yielded an apparent pKa value of kinase ribozyme (51), and CoHex even induces aberrant 7.99±0.08, and a maximal rate constant folding of RNaseP (15). (0.049±0.002min(cid:6)1) that is >15-fold higher than that When the 6mM Mg2+component of SP was replaced observed in normal SP buffer. The rate constants for re- with 6mM CoHex, self-thiophosphoryl transfer was actions carried out in HEPES were 3–5-fold lower than greatly reduced ((cid:3)5% yield after 16h) (Figure 5C) those for reactions carried out in either MES or TRIS at relative to Mg2+at the same concentration, supporting a the two overlapping pH values, and the overall increase potential role for at least one inner-sphere contact with with pH was less steep in the presence of HEPES relative Mg2+. Doubling the CoHex concentration increased to MES or TRIS, indicating buffer-specific effects that yield after 16h (18%), but the calculated kobs values at make HEPES a suboptimal buffer for ribozyme these two CoHex concentrations are similar (0.0034± K28(1-77)C. 0.0006 and 0.0026±0.0003min(cid:6)1, respectively). Increas- ing CoHex therefore stimulates the amount of RNA that can self-thiophosphorylate without altering the intrinsic DISCUSSION rate. Importantly, the k values measured in CoHex/ obs Cu2+are not significantly different from those measured We demonstrate here that phosphoryl transfer by the inMg2+/Cu2+(0.0032±0.0001min(cid:6)1),eventhoughmuch K28(1-77)C kinase ribozyme strongly depends on the more product is formed in Mg2+/Cu2+. Thus, Mg2+plays presence of Cu2+, that the reaction also requires Mg2+ a role in forming the active structure of ribozyme or similar divalent cations and that the rate-limiting step K28(1-77)C but does not play a catalytic role in ofthereactionincludesaprotontransferevent.Verylittle thiophosphoryl transfer, even for the Mg2+ ions that product was formed in the absence of Cu2+, independent appear to make inner sphere contacts. of whether the donor was GTPgS or [g-32P]GTP, estab- lishing that the Cu2+requirement persists apart from any Probing the dimensions of the Mg2+-binding site(s) potential interaction with the donor sulphur. Fitting the titration data to a binding isotherm indicated a 1:1 stoi- To determine whether divalent alkaline earth ions larger chiometry, with KdCu2+ of 0.9±0.4mM. However, ILP than Mg2+ could also support catalysis, thiophosphoryl analysis argues against interpreting these data in terms transfer was monitored for reactions in which Ca2+, Sr2+ of a simple direct metal ion-RNA interaction, as there orBa2+wastheonlydivalentionapartfrom10mMCu2+. Replacing 6mM Mg2+with 6mM Ca2+or Sr2+produced amodestreductioninoverallrateandyieldduringthe11- -1 hreaction,andmuchlessproductformedin6mMBa2+as the major divalent cation (Figure 5D). Interestingly, the rate of product accumulation for these ions is approxi- mately linear rather than fitting well to a first-order kinetic best-fit curve, potentially indicating a shift in the -1n)] -2 rate-limiting step (e.g. slow folding). These three trends mi (reductions in rate and yield, and deviation from simple ( bs first-order kinetics) all correlate with the ionic radius of o k these alkaline earth metal ions. Specifically, thiopho- [g -3 o sphoryl transfer activity decreased in the order L Mg2+>Ca2+>Sr2+(cid:8)Ba2+, for which the ionic radii of their hexacoordinate forms are 0.86A˚ , 1.14A˚ , 1.32A˚ and 1.49A˚ , respectively (71). -4 pH-dependence 5 6 7 8 9 10 pH To determine the potential role of proton transfer in the Figure 6. pH rate profile of K28(1-77)C. k values are plotted as a reactivity of ribozyme K28(1-77)C, apparent rate con- obs function of pH. Because HEPES (triangles) exhibited sub-optimal, stants were measured, as pH was varied from pH 5.5 to buffer-specific effects, only the data from reaction carried out in 9.5. Three different buffers were used to span this range MES (circles) and TRIS (squares) were used in determining the fit. NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 3335 b o z y Co2+,Ni2+,Cu2+,Cd2+andZn2+wasinitiallyreportedas i m R e requiringCu2+(72,73).TheyinterpretedtheCu2+require- mentintermsofcatalyticCu2+Lewisacidsites,consistent Cu2+ Mg2+ with Lewis acid-catalysed Diels–Alder reactions in water. However,oneofthoseDiels–Alderaseribozymeswaslater shown to function in the absence of Cu2+, given elevated concentrations of Mg2+, thereby establishing that Cu2+ plays a non-essential role in that ribozyme (74). Nevertheless, Lewis acid catalysis figures prominently in ribozyme reactions related to phosphoryl transfer. For example, a recent crystal structure of the HDV ribozyme shows inner-sphere ligand interactions between an active Figure 7. Schematic representation of metal ion interactions in siteMg2+ionandthepro-R(P)oxygenofthescissilephos- ribozyme K28(1-77)C. Cu2+(blue) is proposed to serve as Lewis acid phate and the 20-hydroxyl nucleophile (75). Similarly, catalyst by chelating both the nucleotide triphosphate and nucleobase nitrogens within an azophilic binding pocket in the RNA, while Mg2+ polymerase and pyrophosphatase enzymes (which (red-orange) contributes to structure through both inner sphere and formally catalyse phosphoryl transfer to a polynucleotide outer sphere interactions. Postulated RNA-GTP interactions through chain or to water) use two Mg2+ions as Lewis acid cata- the guanine Watson-Crick face, 30OH and phosphates are based on lysts to shield charges and lower the pKa of the leaving previous analysis using analog competition (52). group (62). The reduction in overall thiophosphoryl transfer activity by ribozyme K28(1-77)C on replacing Mg2+with are no new RNA cleavages associated with addition of the non-exchanging CoHex indicates that the ribozyme Cu2+ alone. Instead Cu2+ stimulates GTP-dependent takes advantage of inner sphere interactions with Mg2+; RNA cleavage and partially alleviates the inhibitory however,theprimaryroleofMg2+istohelpestablishthe effects of competitor ATPgS on RNA cleavage during active structure, as evidenced by the insensitivity of the ILPandonproductformationduringself-thiophosphory- first-order rate constants to the CoHex substitution. lation reactions. All of these observations suggest that Larger alkaline earth metal ions also promoted Cu2+ enters the ribozyme as a Cu2+(cid:2)GTPgS chelation self-thiophosphorylation, but they did so less well and complex, wherein it is additionally chelated by a induced an intriguing and increasingly prominent devi- nitrogen-rich site in the RNA (Figure 7). Cu2+is highly ation from first-order kinetic behaviour. The correlation azaphilicandpronetoJahn-Tellergeometrydistortionsin of these trends with ionic radius may reflect simple steric certain binding environments. As such, it may be particu- constraints (upper size limit on ions that can successfully larly well suited to bind within a nitrogenous pocket that replace Mg2+in at least one specific binding site), or they is unable to form strong interactions with other metal may arise from chemical features of the ions that also ions. Such interactions would ideally position the metal correlatewithionicradius,suchasincreasedpolarizability ion to promote the chemical step of the reaction by with- or reduced charge density. drawing electrons from the phosphate (Lewis acid cataly- In addition to its unusual metal ion requirements, sis), making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by K28(1-77)C is also the first kinase ribozyme to demon- the acceptor oxygen. In addition, Cu2+binds phosphate strate a dependence on pH. Prior work with ribozymes more tightly than do the other metal ions assayed here Kin.46 (50) and 2PT3.2min (51) observed no change in (5,58), and phosphodiester cleavage rates by HH ribo- reaction rates, as pH were varied over several pH units. zymes in various metal ions correlate with binding These observations suggested that deprotonation and ac- affinities of those metal ions with phosphate monoesters tivation of the 20OH acceptor nucleophile was not rate (5). However, phosphate affinity alone does not explain limiting for those ribozymes and potentially suggested metal ion selectivity, as these other metals cannot fully an S 1-like dissociative mechanism in which release of N substitute for Cu2+even at 100-fold (for transition metal the gamma (thio)phosphate from the donor precedes for- ions) to >1000-fold (for Mg2+) higher concentrations. mation of the acceptor-phosphate bond (50). The Partial rescue in the absence of Cu2+at very high Mg2+ log-linear increase in the pH rate profiles observed here concentrations suggests that the Mg2+(cid:2)GTPgS complex indicatesthatdeprotonationofaspecieswithpKaof7.99 can also be used. However, the yield of thiophosphory- ± 0.08 is required for maximal thiophosphoryl transfer latedproductinthepresenceofCu2+continuestoincrease activity.Theribose20OHatthetwomodificationsitesare well above the Mg2+concentration where the yield satur- logical candidates for deprotonation to increase their ates in the absence of Cu2+, indicating that the nucleophilicity for attack on the gamma phosphate. Mg2+(cid:2)GTPgS is not used by the ribozyme as well as the However, the pKa for a ribose 20OH is in the range of Cu2+(cid:2)GTPgS complex. We therefore propose that Cu2+ 12.2–13.7 (52,76,77)and would need to be perturbed four ion selectivity results from a combination of coordination tofivepHunitstoaccountforthedatahere.ThepKafor geometry, azaphilicity, geometric constraints of the active hydrated Mg2+ (11.4) is closer to the observed kinetic site and affinity for phosphates. pKa, but the essentially unperturbed k in CoHex obs ApartfromK28(1-77)C,therearefewornootherCu2+- argues against a catalytic role for Mg2+. The pKa values dependent ribozymes available for comparison. A Diels– for free guanosine (N1)H and uridine (N3)H are each AlderaseribozymeselectedinthepresenceofMn2+,Fe2+, (cid:3)9.2 and could be shifted to near 8.0 within the context 3336 NucleicAcidsResearch,2013,Vol.41,No.5 of the ribozyme active site, for example, via metal ion and D.H.B. designed experiments, interpreted data and interactions (9,44). Intriguingly, the pKa of Cu2+-bound wrote the manuscript. 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