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THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH A NEW TRANSLATION VOLUME 81 THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH A NEW TRANSLATION EDITORIAL BOARD Thomas P. Halton The Catholic University of America Editorial Director M. Josephine Brennan, I.H.M. Kathleen McVey Marywood College Princetun Theological Seminary Elizabeth Clark Daniel J. Sheerin Duke University University of Notre Dame Hermigild Dressler, O.F.M. Robert D. Sider QJdncy College Dickinsun College Robert B. Eno, S.S. Michael Slusser The Catholic University of America DtuJuesne University David J. McGonagle Director The Catholic University of America Press FORMER EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Ludwig Schopp, Roy J. Deferrari, Bernard M. Peebles, Hermigild Dressler, O.F.M. Warren J. A. Soule Staff Editor SAL T AUGUSTINE LEI' I ERS VOLUME VI (1 *-29*) Translated by ROBERT B. ENO, S.S. The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS Wa<;hington, D.C. copyright © 1989 THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS, INC. All rights reserved LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA (Revised for vol. 6) Letters. (The Fathers of the church, a new translation, V.81.) Vol. 6: Translated by Robert B. Eno. Bibliography: v. 6, p. 1. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo---Correspondence. 2. Christian saints-Algeria-Hippo---Correspondence. I. Parsons, Wilfrid, 1881-197°. Eno, Robert B. III. Title. IV. Series. BR60.F3A82 27°.2'092'4 ISBN 0-8132-0081-4 (v. 6) CONTENTS Abbreviations VII Select Bibliography IX Introduction 3 Letter 1 * 9 Letter l*A 14 Letter 2* 17 Letter 3* 31 Letter 4* 38 Letter 5* 44 Letter 6* 49 Letter 7* 60 Letter 8* 65 Letter 9* 69 Letter 10* 74 * Letter 11 81 Letter 12* 99 Letter 13* 109 Letter 14* 112 Letter 15* 114 Letter 16* 117 Letter 17* 121 Letter 18* Letter 19* Letter 20* Letter 21 * v VI SAINT AUGUSTINE Letter 22* 153 Letter 23* 162 Letter 23*A 165 Letter 24* 171 Letter 25* 175 Letter 26* 179 Letter 27* 181 Letter 28* 186 Letter 29* 19~) Indices Index of Persons 199 Subject Index 204 Index of Citations 207 ABBREVIATIONS ACW Ancient Christian Writers. New York, New YorklMahwah, New jersey: Newman Press, 1946-. BA Bibliotheque Augustinienne. Oeuvres de St. Augustin. Paris: Des elee de Brouwer, 1947-. CCL Corpus Christianorum. Series latina. Turnhout: Brepols, 1953-. Colloq Les Lettres de Saint Augustin decouvertes parJ ohannes Divjak. Communi cations presentees au colloque des 20 et 21 Septembre 1982. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1983. CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Austrian Acad emy of Sciences: Vienna, 1865-. Divjak Epistolae ex duobus codicibw nuper in lucem proiatae. CSEL Vol. 88. ed. johannes Divjak. Vienna, 1981. DPAC DWonario Patristico e di Antichita cristiana. 2 vols. ed. A. di Berardino. Rome: Marietti, 1983. FOTC The Fathers of the Church. New York and Washington, D.C., 1947-. jThS Journal of Theological Studies NPNF A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Chris tian Church. Series I: Augustine and Chrysostom; Series 2: Various Authors. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 1965. ODC O:iford Classical Dictionary. 2d ed. edd. N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard. Oxford, 1970. ODCC The OxfordDictionary oft he Christian Church. 2ded. edd. F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1974. PCBE Prosopographie chrltienne du Bas Empire. Vol. 1: Afrique. ed. Andre Mandouze. Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1982. PLRE The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. 2 vols. edd. A. H. M. jones,J. R. MartindaleandJ. Morris. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge U.Pr., 1971-. RBen Revue Blnldictine REAug Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes SC Sources chretiennes. Paris, 1942-. StPatr Studia Patristica. ed. E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1982-. TU Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Li- teratur. Berlin, 1882-. Vg Chr Vigiliae Christianae. A Review of Early Christian Life and Language Abbreviations of Classical and Patristic texts follow OCD and ODCC. Authors are cited in footnotes by surname and short title: full bibliographical references will be found in the Select Bibliography. vii SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Text Divjak, johannes, ed., Epistolae ex duobus codicibus nuper in lucem prolatae. Sancti Aureli Augustini Opera. CSEL 88. Vienna: Noelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1981. ---, ed., Lettres I*-29*. Nouvelle edition du texte critique et introduction par johannes Divjak. Traduction et commentaire par divers auteurs. BA 46B. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1~87. Studies Andreau, jean, "La Lettre 7*, document sur les metiers bancaires," Colloq, pp. 165-176. Berrouard, Marie-Fran~ois, "L'activite litteraire de saint Augustin du 11 sep tembre au 1"" decembre 419 d'apres la Lettre 23*A a Possidius de Calama," Colloq, pp. 301-327. ---, "Les lettres 6* et 19* de St. Augustin. Leur date et les renseignements qU'elles apportent sur l'evolution de la crise pelagienne," REAug 27 (1981), 264-277. ---, "Un Toumant dans la vie de I'eglise d'Afrique: les deux missions d'Alypius en ltalie a la lumiere de lettres 10*, 15*, 16*,22* et 23*A de St. Augustin," REAug 31 (1985),46-7°. Bonner, Gerald, "Some remarks on Letters 4* and 6*," Colloq, pp. 155-164. a Bouhot,jean-Paul, "Une Lettre d'Augustin d'Hippone Cyrille d'A lexandrie (Epist. 4*)," Colloq, pp. 147-154. Braun, Rene, "Observations textuelles sur l'edition des nouvelles Lettres," Colloq, pp. 33-35. ---, "Une nouvelle lettre de saint jerome," Nikaia-Cemenelum, Bulletin de l'Arelan 4 (1985), 17-25. Brox, Norbert, "Consentius fiber Origenes," VgChr 36 (1982), 141-144. Castritius, Helmut, "Seid weder denjuden noch Heiden noch den Gemeinde Gottes ein Argemis (I Kor 10.32). Zur sozialen und rechtlichen Stellung der juden im spiitromischen Nordafrika" in Antisemitismus und jUdische Geschichte (edd. Rainer Erb and Michael Schmidt). Berlin, 1987. ---, "The jews in North Mrica at the Time of Augustine of Hippo: Their Social and Legal Position" in The Ninetieth World Congress ofJ ewish Studies. jerusalem, 1986. Division B, Vol. I, pp. 31-37. Chadwick, Henry, "New Letters of St. Augustine," jThS 34'2 (1983),425- 452. Delmaire, Roland, and Claude Lepelley, "Du nouveau sur CartlIage: Ie tem oignage des Lettres de Saint Augustin decouvertes par johannes Divjak," ix

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