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Preview Letters to Marc About Jesus: Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World

Letters to Marc About Jesus Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World HENRI J. M. NOUWEN Contents Preface v LETTER I Jesus: The Heart of Our Existence 1 LETTER II Jesus: The God Who Sets Us Free 9 LETTER III Jesus: The Compassionate God 21 LETTER IV Jesus: The Descending God 37 LETTER V Jesus: The Loving God 51 LETTER VI Jesus: The Hidden God 65 LETTER VII Listening to Jesus 79 Index of Biblical References 87 About the Author Other Books by Henri J. M. Nouwen Cover Copyright About the Publisher Preface Some years ago Herman Pijfers, a publisher friend of mine, asked me: “Why don’t you, for once, write a book in Dutch?” My answer at the time was, “I’ve been living in the United States for so long and been in my own country so seldom that I feel no longer in a position to sense the spiritual climate in the Netherlands fairly or to say anything about it.” To this Herman replied, “Even so, write some letters, based on your personal situation, to a Dutch person to whom you really would like to convey something about the life of the spirit.” It was that simple, but fascinating proposition that touched off these letters to Marc. Marc van Campen is my sister’s son, now nineteen years of age. When I asked him whether he might feel inclined to share the task of writing a “book of letters” about the spiritual life, he turned out to be keen on it and promised his full cooperation. After that, it was some while before I could find the time and the quiet to begin writ- ing; but in 1986, when I did at last get down to it, writing letters to Marc became such a source of inspiration for me that it proved easy to keep going. So these are not letters which turned out, in retrospect, to be worth publishing. They were written with publication in mind. I make a point of this because it explains their style and tone. From the begin- ning, and despite the fact that these letters were indeed written for Marc, I had in mind a readership far wider than those of his age and upbringing. That may be why the “epistolary” aspect has here and there gone by the board. Still, it would not have been possible to write these texts at all had Marc not been open to receiving them as an interested and critical party. From beginning to end he was the center of my concern. vi / Preface In the course of writing I became aware that I was engaged not only in telling Marc what I thought about Jesus and the meaning of our existence, but also in rediscovering Jesus and the meaning of my existence for myself. When I began these letters I had no precise idea as to how I should write about the spiritual life. I was often surprised to find that places where I was staying, events that were happening in the world, and people whom I met were providing me with new ideas and new perspectives. These letters, then, have come to be a logbook of spiritual discoveries that I want to share with Marc and others. Although my initial intention was to write something helpful to Marc himself, it soon became evident that my main concern was to convey to him the enthusiasm I was feeling about my own discoveries. The letters in this book witness first and foremost, therefore, to my personal dealing with the life of faith. It was in that spirit also that Marc himself has received and valued them. The original plan had been to record Marc’s reactions as well. I eventually dropped that idea because it suited me better to use his reactions, which were mostly requests for clarification, in my rework- ing of the text. That made it possible to achieve a greater degree of internal unity and clarity. I am especially grateful to Herman Pijfers and to Marc for the parts they have played in the writing of this book. Without them it would never have seen the light of day. I would also like to thank Mrs. B. van Breemen for her secretarial assistance, Pieter Janssens and Margreet Stelling for their stylistic corrections, and Lieven Sercu for being of such great help to me on the editorial side. I very much hope that those who are asking themselves what it means to lead a spiritual life will be helped by this book. LETTER I Jesus: The Heart of Our Existence

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