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Letters From Prison PDF

155 Pages·1979·16.639 MB·English
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LETTERS9 FROMP RISON BY-===- ==- -= ANTONGIROA MSCI INTRODUC�BDY LYNNLEA WNER 'Imprisonimsea n tt errtihbilnebg u,t f orm e dis­ honouorn a ccouonftm orawle akneosrsc owardice woulbd ee venw orse' 'I'avlew ayrse fusteodc ompromimsye i deaasn da m readtyo d iefo rt hemn,o tj ustto b ep uti np rison' (Gramsicnil ettetrosh imso ther) AntoniGor amsc(i1 891-19w3a7s)o neo ft hef oundeorfst he ItalCioamnm unispta rtayn da g reaMta rxitshti nker. Fbrya med MussolinFia'ssc icsotu rtasf tehri sa ctivitiinte hse w orkers' movementisnT urinh,ew ask eptm ostliyns olitcaornyf inement andd iedi np rison. Hisl ettearrsea mongt hem osti mportawnotr kso ft wentieth­ centurIyt alliiatne ratounrf ei;r psutb licaitni1 o9n4 7t heyw ere awardetdh eV iareggpiroi ze. ISBN. Unite LynneL awnehr:a sw rittae dne taiblieodg raphaincdaa nla lytiinctarlo ­ ductiownh,i chd iscusGsreasm scip'osl itical philohsiosop thhye ri n writinagsws e lasl int heL etters from PriSsonh.e h oldas Ph.fDr.o m ColumbiUan ivershiatsyp ,u blishtewdov olumeosf p oetrayn,d has writteesns aoynsP rovensaanldI talliitaepr atfuorrse c holajroluyr nals. Dr Lawnelri veisnR omea ndh ash adt hec losceo llaboraotfti hoen GramscInis tituitnte h ep reparaotfit ohniv so lume. AntonGiroa msci LETTERSF ROM PRISON Selecttreadn,sf lraottmeh dIe t alian andI ntrodbyu LcYeNdN E LAW NER Q QUARTET BOOKS LONDON MELBOURNE NEW YORK PublisbhyedQ uartBoeotks Limit1e9d7 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A membero ft heN amaraG roup 27G oodgSet reLeotn,d on WtrFPD Firstp ublisihneG dr eaBtr itabiyJn o nathCaanp eL imiteLdo,n don1,9 75 Copyrigh1t9©7 b3y L ynnLea wner ISBNo 704332 56 6 Iw oulldi kteot hantkh ed irecatnodrs taoffft heG ramscIin stitute Primeadn db ounidn G reaBtr itabiyBn i llingSso naLsnt dd G,u ildfaonrddW orcester inR ome,a bovael Ell sFau binfio,rh elpimneg t op repatrhei fisr st editioofGn r amsciL'esu edraelc arcienrE en glisI ahm. grateffourl Thibso oki ss olsdu bjetcott h e condtihtaiitots n h anlolc b,y wayo ft radoero therwibsele e,n rte,- sohlidr,eo du to ro therwciisrec ulated thepe rmissitoonp ublitshhel euearssw elals t or eprodumcaen u­ withotuhtep ublisher'cso npsreiinontar n yf ormo fb indionrgc oveort hetrh an scrippatg easn dp hotographs. thaitnw hicihti sp ublisahneddw ithoaus ti milcoanrd itbieoinn igm posoednt he subsequpeunrtc hasTheirbs.o oki sp ublisahtea dn etpr icaen di ss uppliseudb ject w theP ublishAesrsso ciaSttiaonnd aCrodn ditioofnS sa lree gistuenrdeedtr h e RestricTtriavdee Psr actiAccets1, 9 s6. CONTENTS I.I ntroduction II.T heL etters s7 APPENDIX: LETTER FROM TATIANA SCHUCHT 277 283 BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX 285 LETTERSF ROM PRISON Introduction 1 IN 1946w,h ena fi rsetd itiooftn h eL mm ofA ntoniGor amscwia s issubeydt hTeo rinefisrem E inauodnic heappa pearn di nt hef orm ofa pamphlIetta,wl ays j usetm ergifnrgo mt hep hysiacnadlm oral devastaotfit ohnew arA.f tehra ving floatri wne nty yeartsh eu nder weighotfd ictatoarnsdho iffipc irahle tortihcen, a tiwoans s uddenly inundatweidt nhe wspapearr ticbloeosk,s a,n do thepru blications describeivnegr y koifmn adr tyrduonmd eFra sciasnmdN azisBmu.t Itawlays u setd op risloint eraMtaunryeo .f i rsg reatienstte llectuals hadb eenp risonaenrdse xil(eDsa ntCea,m panelPleal,l iicnoa , specisaeln sLee opardiY)e.tG ramsciL'mse rasto ncec ommanded thea ttentoifot nh ef oremomsetm berso ft heI taliiannt elligentsia. BenedetCtrooc es tayeadw akaew holnei ghttofi nisthh ebo ok and knewt hahte h adm adea m ajolri terdairsyc oveIrnty h.ef ollowing yeart,h eL ettewrosn thei mportanVti areggPiroi zUen.t itlh en, howeveGrr,a mscnia'mse had beena lmousntk nowinnI talpeyo;p le stiflolu nidta w kwartdop ronounScoem.e r ecaltlheadht e h adbe en a politfiguircea lw how ast hrowinn tpor isbonyM ussoltiwnein ty yearesa rlainedrw hod ieadm iseradbelaet ahf tyeera rosfh ardship andi llneOstsh.e rrse caltlheadht e h adb eena C ommunisitn,d eed oneo ft hef oundeorfst hep artiyn I 9 2I . YetG ramscwia san entirneelwyf acotn tchuel tusrcaeln hei:sL ettaenrdws h atf ollowed themh adt hee ffecotf a ne lectsrhiocc kw,a kinIgt aloyu to ft he traumoaft hew ara nds ettiintbgsr aiinnm otion. Itw asa si ft hipsr oswee reas uddesnt retocflh a nedm ergifnrgo m thes eat,h er emainosfa sunkeins lanad s,e lf-contained region forminag l ittlliev,e wloyr lodf i tosw n.T hes ubjemcatt tewra s 3

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