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LETTERED IG IOVANNI Hans-JKolsaeufc k PAIDEIAE DITRICE 978883 490 8433 ISBN Titoorliog dienlall'eo pera: Hans-KJloasuecfk Dere rs]toeh anineefs br Derz weitder iu]tndot hea nineefs br (vEangelischK-oKmamtehnzotulaNmire sc uhTeeenrs tament) TraduiztiaolndieiCa rniasE tsipnoas to © NeukirVcehrelNnaeegur,k irch1e9n9-e1V1 9I 9uy2n © PatmVoesr l& aBegn ziVgeerrlD aiigs,s eulndZdoii rrfi1 c9h9e 11 99 :z © PaidEdeiiat rBircees2,c0 i1a 3 PREMESSA ALL'EDIZIONIET ALIANA Iclo mmeanltlloee t dtiGe iroev cahnqenu isip i u bbèlu iscciaipn tr oi ma ediztieodnees ca 1n9e9(g1IGl v i).e 1 a9n9(n22i3 Gev ).P.e lr' edizio­ nei tallideau pneaa r dteil l'soopnseotr arati eu inni tuuenn iv cool ume. Nonosittalen mttpero a sccoonrfiscdohqo eu ecsotmom epnotsofs aear ancoisrlua so e rvsienz oianol ,tp reiorb reevxic ucrhsceuo ss teilll ano tesdteod,ia claslttaio d reilsale 'geeed seig leitt ie.f f Negalninc ihc eis epadraanlol 'etdeidzeèiss ocunace c qeusasloc osa anche nedlelll'leeetsd teiGeg ireoesv iam naln taie ,cs hide ni u osvtior o­ vaae ssseorset edneluln'ttaae ridoerlliletetà t ereav lra insgpeeltot,o allo­ ra coogmngeoi pn o scsoon divciodcseoìrm mleipa a,re cec evsesdievroe negalviv eurnsiacraidm eemine trgeii udeocirnitsetrcieoasmnseia tsie m­ prees clusiavlaqlmuaee nsttdeiem olen ssei a. Delcloen vendzeiltolenaci ne ipcias tmoisl oaniroane n vniic lianrig a­ mente ocinc uunpo'apteoorr aea d iatnaci hniea t liaLanl oe:t taenrtai ­ ei Nlu ovToe asmtenGtuoi.ada l c onteea sltlo' e(saPeigdeBesriiea ­, ca sc2i0a11 s,p epcp3..-0 65)m,an opno tnroernii chila'tmaeatnrzesi uo ne un'impqounaennittmoep ressiimopnradenestdaei a clallteaat teratura gionvna,ee adidtira e cednaUt reb Ca.nv oWna hlTdheeG :o spaenlds Lettoeffr osh( neE rdmCarnistC iocmamie n)t3,va or.lyG,lr aRnadp ids, Mic2h01.,0 d ovicelo mmeanltlloee t otcecruievpl oa l utmeerP zeosr.a ­ perseeip lo stuclhvaeist s ioo stiene deid itzdrieevol an dniig veleor se posismap onrosrnie ,sc thaae t tenAd qeuraens.tvi oe diedl,i baèt tito inp iesnvoo lgiemc ehineclt o on,s cehnmeso om entanesèai m reangt­e giuvnetnosg eam pdrine u ovo riinqm ueessstèoi onnneeal tludare la­ l'esdeirg iecseir ca. Quesvtear siitoanlneio panun còah ree ndmeorlmftieo l ein coen, pos­ soc hees sgerraaetC or isEtsipnopase ltrgao r afnadteci hcseèai s obbar­ cata. cPhateia dnmeteiirha ia,dt ait emapcoq unieslilt'oda emlbli'teos e­ gebsiib leqi uciianp , a rticiosllu adori er ettoreS,c aMrhaparra ectso,o possli'beidliieazt liioAanl neoa vr.aol mai rai conopsicsùei nnzcae ra. Chicfaegbob,2r 01a.2i o Hans-KJloasuecfk INDICED EL VOLUME 7 Premeasldslia'z eiiotnael iana I 3 Abbreveib aizobiglorinaifi a DI PRIMA LETTERA GIOVANNI 29 Introduzione 29 ILa. traditzeisotunael e 3 2 2A.t tzeisotecan ain onizzazione 3 6 3L.i ngsutai lee 38 4C·r itliectat eraria 40 5L.a s truttura 4 5 6I.gl e nere 49 7O.c casdieollnleeatt era so 8L.a q uestioanvev edresgalrii 59 9L·a q uestdieolunlte'o are 6 5 IOL.u ogo e tempo 69 A.P rolPoagrodo.ivl ia(t ,IaI4 -) 98 B. Cdoerlplloeatt . eIn rtaroduazlirloeana dele tlàol r'ea m (,I5-25), 1 98 Comuneic oonneo sdic eDn(izjIoa- , I27,) 1. 98 1V.i vneerlell ua(c eI52 -,,2) 99 a)D ièol u(cIe, j) 105 b)R emisdseipeioc ncea( ,tI-i6I )O 122 c)G esiùn terc(e2s,sIo-r2e) 133 2O.s sericv oamraen da(m,23e-InI)ti 134 a)Ic ridteelcrloian os(c,e23n-z6a) 143 b)Ic lo mandamenetn ou o(av,2no-7t 8i)c o 148 cO)d iaear mea irflear te(l,2l-9oI I) 153 3C·e rtdeezlzflaeaed d eo vemroer a(,l22e1- I7) 54 a)L 'taousrriei voallige et( t,2o1-r2Ii 4) I 126 b)M onito a dgaulmalor'rpdaeeai rrml so in do (,2I-jI7) IO INDIDCEEVL O LUME I72 L'isdtealnlz'aou rl(at,2 8iI-m,43a2 ) n. I72 1.c rIiltd eerlpilroao fedsifse indoeen le (fi,2g8Il-i2o7 ) I73 a)L 'anteil cosrc iisgstimooa v a(n,2nI-e8Io9 ) I 8 3 b)C onoscdeifne zadadeo pedrealS lpoi rito (,220I-)2 I88 cD) ispsuutlpalr ao fedsifsei bdoean tet esimale (,22-22)3 I92 d)L at radidzfiie oodnere i gi(n,2a2r45i-)a2 I95 eI)sl o mlaoe s(t,2r2o6 -27) I9 9 2A.t tdeeslasl aal veei zmzpae ccdaebfiiig dlliDii it ào (,228,-I3O) 20I a)Ir li todriCn roi (s,2t2-o892 ) 207 b)F iglidoaDl ianone zplar eseen neftlue t (ur33o,) I - 2I4 cP)e cceac toon osdciCern iz(sa,3t 4o- 6) 2I9 d)F idgliDii - ofigdleidl i av(o,3-l7Io) o 231 3E·s erdceiclzo imoa ndadmeelnlt'o(a 3mI,o-1r2e4 ) 223 a)Ic lu odreel l'a(n3nI,u-2n11)c io 283 b)M issdiio n(ve3i t,IaI7 3)- 246 cI)gl i uddieczlui oo(r 3e8, -I)2 2 255 d)L 'unciocmoa nda(m,3e2-n342t)o 259 Fedaem oear blea ndcipor o(v,4aI -5,12) m. 259 i.D ovgels ip isrdiii tsit in(g4-u,)6oI no 260 a)La c ristcoolmcoeag sioa es(e4m,)pI l-a3re 272 b)S ucceei snssou cccoemcseas seoso e mp(l4a,r4e- 6) 278 2I.cl a ntdieaclmolo '(r4e-, I27) 280 a)L 'ordiegliln'e(a 4mI,oo7r)-e 286 b)L ar ispaolslt'aa( ,m41o11-r2e) 289 c)L 'espedreileln'(za4am, oIr)3 e- I6 340 d)If lu tduerlol '(a4Im,-7oIr8e) 390 eL)a p radseslil '(a,4mI-o29rIe) 391 3T·e stimopnelirfaa e nd(z,e5aI 2-)1 302 a)L av ittorfiead( e5d ,eIl-l5a) 329 b)It rtee sti(,m5-6o8n)i 305 c)L at estimdoinD ii(oa,5 n-9z1)a2 375 C.E pilVoigteoat. e (r5na,2 I)I3 - 358 1C.o ncludseillolenate tv eierttaae: (r 5nIa,3 ) 306 2. Posccofrnri atntcoeh: e fizdz(ua5c ,i2aI1 3)- 36I aE)s audidmeelpnlrtaeo g h(,i5e1-r4Ia5 ) 346 b)Ip le ccpaeltrao m(o,5rI-t61e 7) 347 c)C onoscdeifn ezd(ae58 ,2-Io) 38I d)U ltimmoon i(t,51o2 ) INDIDCEEVL O LUME II 390 Riepilogo 390 1S.t odreielasl e'egd eesgeilff ie tti 392 2L.a p ridmiGa i ovanenlnlliia t urgia 393 3P·r ospteetotliovgei che SECONEDT AE RZLAE TTERDAIG IOAVNNI 399 Introduzione 399 IA.tt estaecz ainoonnii zzazione 399 a)L ep riamtet estazioni 40I b)L 'ingnrecelas nsoon e 405 2.S truettg uernae re 408 3C.o nrofnlteott erario 4OI 4L·a q uestiaounteo rdee ll' 4I3 5T·e mpelo u odg'rooi gine Seconldeat tdeirG ai ovanni 4I5 1P.r escdreilltletato (t -eI)3r a 433 2P.r oedmeillole att (e4ra) 437 3C·o rpo ldeett(le-rl511aa) 437 a)R ichiicelos mtaan:d ament(o- 56o)r iginario 442 b)I nformlaczaoi mopnaedr:i«s a falm saie s»(t 7r)i 447 cM) oniltmao i:n adcec«lirp ao gr»e( s-8)s9 o 455 d)Co nseigrlna ap:p coortino« edviaz»i onisti (OI-II) 462 4C·h iudseall leat (te1-r32Ia) 462 a)La v ispirtoag e(t1)t2 ata 466 b)S alcuotnoc l(u3Is) i vo Terzlae ttdeirG ai ovanni 470 IP.r escdreilltletato (t eIr)a 473 2P.r oedmeillole att (e-r2)4a 474 a)A ugudribi eon es(s2e)r e 477 b)M anifesdtiga izo(ii34oan-) e 48I 3C·o rdpeol lleatt (er5a-) 12 48I a)R ichioessptiata:ami li istsàii otnianre(i-r5 8a)nt i 494 b)I nfaozrimolnoees :t idliDi itoàet( r9eO-)fI so8 cM)o niitnov:ia it maitti(aI Ir) e 512 d)Ra ccomantdrateze isotnipemeD:ore n mie trio (1)2 12 INDIDCEEVL O LUME 502 4C· hiudseal la (l1e3tt-e1r5a) 502 a)L av ispirtoag e(tt31a-t1a4 ) 52 4 b)S alcuotnic l(ru5 s)i vi 52 9 Riepilogo 533 Indaincael itico 583 Inddiecpiea sdsiis cussi Excursus 91 I.L af orcmoa«n on i» 300 2I.ll i ngudaeglgli'oi mmnaenllpearn izdmaiGa i ovanni 331 3L·' amforraet erno 342 4I·cl o mmgai ovanneo 386 5P·r ocattolnieclpelrsaidi miGma io o vanni? 417 6I.pl r esbitero 422 7L.a « isgnora» eletta 491 8L.' ospitalità 503 9D·oi trefe ABBREVIAZIONI E BIBLIOGRAFIA I.A BBVREIZAIONI Pelrae b breveis aizgdiliroe in viic sotlelm,ai nsec,e lslcardnieettpleir , i gmiou dai­ smeoc scir. i navlri eape rtdoiSr .iMoSc. h wertInnetrerna,ti loeAnasb kzuurngs­ verizceh{UnrisT heologuinedG renzgeb2.i.iie,bet er,a rbueniedtr ewteeiA tueflrat­e geBe, rl-iNnewY or1k99 2.( ITAG)S.ei l enqcualinse oi gnloceno mproed sivee rse daq uedlellel 'deiSl .eMScn.hc woe rtner: Bauer-AiWa.nB da ueGrri,e chisch-Wdeourttsecrhzbeuudes cn Sh c hriftedne s NeueTnet sameunntdfrUs h christLliictheenr eadtK.u. er B ,. A land, Berl6i1n9 88 BbETh Beitzruabrgi eb liEsxcehgueennsTd eh eolForgaineka,f. uMrt. BDR BlaFs.-sD,e bruAnn.e-Rre,h koFp.Gf,r, a mmatdeisnk eu testamentli­ chenG riechisch. EWNT ExegetWisocrhteesr zbuumNc euhe nT etasmen1t- S3t,u tt1g9a0rt8- 83 JSTt.(NSj)o umfaolr Stthuoedft y h Nee wT esta(mSpeupnlte mSeenr)tiS, eh sef- fiel1d79 8s . Neot NeotestaPmreentt1oi9r7c6si a.a, NHC NaHg ammaCdoid ex NHSt NagH ammadi LeSituddeine s, NTOA NovuTme stameetOn rtubmi s AntiqScuhiws-.G,O tFtrienigbeunr g, ÙTK OkumeniTscahscehre nbuchkGoiimtmeernstlaorh,- Wiirzburg Seme(i.aS)S emeia/SSuepmpelieam ent1s79,4 s .M issoula SNTIJ A/BS tudziuemNn e ueTne staumnesdne ti Unmewre sletr,Ai e/ serie B, Linz 197s6se 1. 978 ss. Le abbrevdiitae zsaitnoitni sico hndioin o rqmuae ilmlpei eigBnaa tlez- ,S cHhn.e i­ deGr.(, e dd.D)i,z ioEnasreigoe dteNiluc oo vToe asmtentvoo,l uBmrie,s1 c9i9a5 - 2. 1998. BIBILOGRAFIA Ic ommeanltill eet dtieG rieo vanni sono citdaetaliul t'ceood relenl u s­olo nome merdoip agiLa nbai.b liroeglartaaifilvsalai e n gpeorliece os peiz ièc ointica otinal nomed elult'osareeg udiaat sot e('•r)iL.se oc peor cei tcaottnei taoblbor e(vpeira to esB. ultmAananylns,e1 ,1s 6.s )o neol enncealbtlieiab o lgrgaefinaea r§ia§ 3l e4 e· 1.C ommeanltlliee t dtieG rieo vafinnnaoil I 8oo AgonsotA,iu re(l3i-5o344 0I)n,ep is tlaom ]oanandiP sa rtthroasc taXtu,Ps L 35 ,1 79-72.06c8it.;i nS aint AuCgoumsmtiennta,i dreela PremièrÉep itre deS ].e na,e dP..A gae(sSs7Ce 5 ,•) 149;c8 fa.n cGhoett i sdti Lei ebDei.e

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