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theyuseacarrot-and-stickapproachtoherdsuchmovements intofullypeaceful,legal,andineffectivechannels.Nonviolent groups may be subjected to beatings, but such groups are not targeted for elimination (except by regressive governments How Nonviolence Protects or governments facing a period of emergency that threatens the State theirstability). On the other hand, the state treats militant groups (those same groups pacifists deem ineffective) as actual threats and attempts to neutralize them with highly developed counterin- surgencyanddomesticwarfareoperations.Hundredsofunion Peter Gelderloos organizers,anarchists,communists,andmilitantfarmerswere killed in the anti-capitalist struggles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During the last generation’s liberation strug- gles,FBI-supportedparamilitarieskilledsixtyAmericanIndian Movement (AIM) activists and supporters on the Pine Ridge Reservation alone, and the FBI, local police, and paid agents killeddozensofmembersoftheBlackPantherParty,Republic ofNewAfrika,theBlackLiberationArmy,andothergroups.4 Vast resources were mobilized toward infiltrating and destroying militant revolutionary organizations during the COINTELPRO era. Any hint of militant organizing by colo- nized peoples, Puerto Ricans, and others within US territorial purview still incurs violent repression. Prior to September 11, the FBI had named the saboteurs and arsonists of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) as thegreatestdomesticterrorismthreats,eventhoughthesetwo groupshadkilledexactlyzeropeople.Evensincethebombings oftheWorldTradeCenterandthePentagon,theELFandALF have remained priorities for government repression, as seen in the arrests of over a dozen alleged ELF/ALF members; the 4Two good books about the COINTELPRO repression ate Churchill andVanderWall’sAgentsofRepressionandAbu-Jamal’sWeWantFreedom. Onsimilarrepressionabroad,readWilliamBlum,KillingHope:USMilitary 2007 andCIAInterventionssinceWorldWarII(Monroe,Maine:CommonCourage Press,1995). 64 are playing into the hands of the state. Although in some in- stances the US government has used infiltrators to encourage resistance groups to hoard weapons or plan violent actions (forexample,inthecasesoftheMollyMaguiresandJonathan Jackson’s attempted courthouse strike3), a critical distinction must be made. The government only encourages violence whenitissurethattheviolencecanbecontainedandwillnot getoutofhand.Intheend,causingamilitantresistancegroup to act prematurely or walk into a trap eliminates the group’s potential for violence by guaranteeing an easy life sentence or allowing authorities to sidestep the judicial process and killofftheradicalsmorequickly,Onthewhole,andinnearly all other instances, the authorities pacify the population and discourageviolentrebellion. There is a clear reason for this. Contrary to the fatuous claimsofpacifiststhattheysomehowempowerthemselvesby cutting out the greater part of their tactical options, govern- mentseverywhererecognizethatunconstrainedrevolutionary activism poses the greater threat of changing the distribution of power in society. Though the state always reserves the right to repress whomever it wishes, modern “democratic” governments treat nonviolent social movements with revo- lutionary goals as potential, rather than actual, threats. They spy on such movements to stay aware of developments, and 3ChurchillandVanderWall,AgentsofRepression,94–99,64–77.In thecaseofJonathanJackson,itseemsthattheFBIandpoliceinstigatedthe entireplotinanattempttoassassinatethemostmilitantCaliforniaPanthers. Theyencouragedahostage-takingattheMarinCountycourthouse,butonly becausetheywerepreparedwithalargeteamofsharpshootersreadytoneu- tralizethemilitants.Yet“nottakingthebait”(thisphraseisusedasthough alladvocatesofmilitancyareprovocateurs—adangerous,andpotentially violent, charge that has been leveled against many) will not keep anyone safe.FBIinformerWilliamO’NealencouragedtheIllinoisPanthers,whom hehadinfiltrated,totakepartinsuchbizarreplotsasobtainingnervegas oranairplanetobombcityhall.Whentheywouldnot,theFBIwentahead andassassinatedPantherleadetFredHamptonanyway. 63 Nonviolence is Statist Contents Putquiteplainly,nonviolenceensuresastatemonopolyon Introduction 7 violence. States — the centralized bureaucracies that protect capitalism; preserve a white supremacist, patriarchal order; NonviolenceisIneffective 13 and implement imperialist expansion — survive by assuming NonviolenceisRacist 35 theroleofthesolelegitimatepurveyorofviolentforcewithin their territory. Any struggle against oppression necessitates NonviolenceisStatist 62 a conflict with the state. Pacifists do the state’s work by pacifying the opposition in advance.1 States, for their part, NonviolenceisPatriarchal 86 discourage militancy within the opposition, and encourage passivity. NonviolenceisTacticallyandStrategicallyInferior 106 Somepacifistsobscurethismutualrelationshipbyclaiming that the government would just love to see them abandon NonviolenceisDeluded 148 their nonviolent discipline and give in to violence, that the The Alternative: Possibilities for Revolutionary government even encourages violence from dissidents, and Activism 171 that many activists urging militancy are, in fact, government provocateurs.2Thus,theyargue,itisthemilitantactivistswho 1OnFebruary9,2006,amemberofthenonviolentgroupSOAWatch (which attracts support from a range of groups, from progressives to an- archists) suggested on an e-mail list that because police had been dealing withtheannualdemonstrationoutsideFortBenninginGeorgiamoreaggres- sivelyinrecentyears,thegroupshouldmovethedemonstrationintosome publicplaceawayfromthemilitarybasetoavoidconfrontation.Hewrote, “Whereverpolarizationtakesplace,it’stime,inmyopinion,forthepeace campaign to re-evaluate its tactics. Relationships are at the core of peace- making.‘We’and‘Them’canleadultimatelytowar.‘Us’hasabetterchance forachievingnegotiable(nonviolent)solutionsandcanleadultimatelytoa cultureofpeace.” 2Inonerecentexample,flyersbeingpassedoutbythethousandsat theprotestsagainstthe2004RepublicanNationalConventionclaimedthat anyoneadvocatingviolencewaslikelyapoliceagent. 62 3 ally abandoned by large portions of the grassroots in favor of moremilitanttactics.Theuseofnonviolencetopreservewhite privilege,withinthemovementorsocietyatlarge,isstillcom- montoday. Oninspection,nonviolenceprovestobetangledupwithdy- namics of race and power. Race is essential to our experience of oppression and of resistance. A long standing component of racism has been the assumption that Europeans, or Euro- peansettlersonothercontinents,haveknownwhatisbestfor peopletheyconsidered“lesscivilized.”Peoplefightingagainst racismmustunmistakablyendthistraditionandrecognizethat theimperativeforeachcommunitytobeabletodetermineits own form of resistance based on its own experiences leaves anyprioritygiventopacifisminthedust.Furthermore,thefact thatmuchoftheviolencefacedbypeopleofcoloraroundthe world originates in the power structure that privileges white people should lend white people greater urgency in pushing theboundariesforthelevelofmilitancythatisconsideredac- ceptableinwhitecommunities.Inotherwords,forthoseofus who are white, it becomes our duty to build our own militant culture of resistance, and, contrary to the role of teacher his- torically self-appointed to white people, we have a great deal to learn from the struggles of people of color. White radicals musteducateotherwhitepeopleaboutwhypeopleofcolorare justifiedinrebellingviolentlyandwhywetooshoulduseadi- versity of tactics to free ourselves, struggle in solidarity with allwhohaverejectedtheirplaceasthelackeysorslavesofthe elite,andendtheseglobalsystemsofoppressionandexploita- tion. 61 isaprivilegedpractice,onethatcomesoutoftheexperiences Andtheysaythatthebeauty’sinthestreetsbutwhenIlook of white people, and it does not always make sense for peo- arounditseemsmorelikedefeat—DefianceOhio ple without white privilege or for white people attempting to destroythesystemofprivilegeandoppression. Manypeopleofcolorhavealsousednonviolence,whichin certain circumstances has been an effective way to stay safe in the face of violent discrimination, while seeking limited re- formsthatdonotultimatelychangethedistributionofpower insociety.Theuseofnonviolencebypeopleofcolorhasgener- allybeenacompromisetoawhitepowerstructure.Recogniz- ingthatthewhitepowerstructurepreferstheoppressedtobe nonviolent,somepeoplehavechosentousenonviolenttactics to forestall extreme repression, massacres, or even genocide. Movementsofpeopleofcolorpeacefullypursuingrevolution- arygoalshavetendedtouseaformofnonviolencethatisless absolute, and more confrontational and dangerous, than the kind of nonviolence preserved in North America today. And even then, the practice of nonviolence is often subsidized by whitesinpower,41 usedbywhitedissidentsorgovernmentof- ficialstomanipulatethemovementfortheircomfort,andusu- 41Belinda Robnett points out that by becoming more militant and adopting a Black Power ideology, previously nonviolent groups such as SNCC “led liberal financial supporters [presumably mostly white] to stop contributing.”Thislossofmainstreamfundingledinparttothecollapseof theorganization(Robnett,HowLong? 184–186).Robnett,however,equates theabandonmentofnonviolencewithmachismo.Reflectingheracademic status(asasociologyprofessorintheUniversityofCaliforniasystem),she blursthelinebetweenFBI-paidprovocateursadvocatingsexismwithinthe movement(forexample,RonKarenga)andlegitimateactivistsadvocatingin- creasedmilitancy,orlegitimateactivistswhodid,infact,confusemilitancy withmachismo.ShealsomentionsthatAngelaDaviscomplainedaboutbe- ingcriticizedbymilitantblacknationalists“fordoinga‘man’sjob’”(Robnett, HowLong? 183),butsheneglectstomentionthatDaviswashighlyinfluen- tialinadvocatingmilitantstruggle.Robnettalsoseemstoneglectmention- inghowproblematicitiswhengroupswithsuchradicalagendasasracial equalityarenotself-sustainingandinsteadrelyonthesupportofthefederal governmentandwhitedonors. 60 5 ThisbookisdedicatedtoSueDaniels(1960–2004),abrilliant ferred because of how costly it would have been for the gov- ecologist,boldfeminist,passionateanarchist,andbeautifuland ernmenttomurderaffluentwhitepeopleinthemidstofallthe caring human being who nurtured and challenged everyone dissensionspurredbyheavylossesinVietnam),conscientious around her. Your bravery and wisdom continue to inspire me, pacifists ignored the brutalization, imprisonment, and assassi- andinthatwayyourspiritremainsindomitable… nationofBlackPanthers,AmericanIndianMovementactivists, …and to Greg Michael (1961–2006), who embodied health, and others. Worse still, they encouraged the state repression asawholenessofbeingandanindefatigablequestagainstthe andclaimedthattherevolutionariesdeserveditbyengagingin poisonsofourworld,evenintheunhealthiestofcircumstances. militant resistance. (Nowadays, they are claiming that the lib- Fromabagofraisinsstolenfromtheprisonkitchentotheun- erationists’ultimatedefeat,whichpacifistsfacilitated,isproof foldingofmemoryonamountaintop,thegiftsyouhavegiven oftheineffectivenessofliberationists’tactics.)Reveredpacifist meareasalveandaweapon,andtheywillstaywithmeuntil DavidDellingeradmitsthat“oneofthefactorsthatinducesse- thelastprisonisapileofrubble. rious revolutionaries and discouraged ghetto-dwellers to con- SpecialthankstoMegan,Patrick,Carl,Gopal,andSueD.for clude that nonviolence is incapable of being developed into a proofreadingorgivingmefeedback,andtoSueF.,James,Iris, method adequate to their needs is this very tendency of paci- Marc,Edi,Alexander,Jessica,Esther,andeveryonewhocame fists to line up, in moments of conflict, with the status quo.”38 totheworkshopsforcriticismvaluabletothissecondedition. DavidGilbertconcludesthat“failuretodevelopsolidaritywith theBlackandotherliberationstruggleswithintheUS(Native American, Chicano/Mexican, Puerto Rican) is one of the sev- eralfactorsthatcausedourmovementtofallapartinthemid- 70s.”39MumiaAbu-Jamalquestions,werewhiteradicals“really readytoembarkonarevolution,onethatdidnotprizewhite- ness?”40 At first, nonviolence seems like a clear moral position that has little to do with race. This view is based on the simplistic assumptionthatviolenceisfirstandforemostsomethingthat we choose. But which people in this world have the privilege to choose violence, and which people live in violent circum- stances whether they want to or not? Generally, nonviolence 38DavidDellinger,“TheBlackRebellions,”inRevolutionaryNonviolence: EssaysbyDavidDellinger(NewYork:Anchor,1971),207.Inthesameessay, Dellingeradmitsthat“thereareoccasionswhenthosewhoactnonviolently themselvesmustbecomereluctantalliesorcriticalsupportersofthosewho resorttoviolence.” 39Gilbert,NoSurrender,23. 40Abu-Jamal,WeWantFreedom,76. 6 59 tacticsanddemandedastrictadherencetononviolenceonthe grounds that non-pacifist groups “get annihilated.”36 Another activist(and,incidentally,oneoftheotherlawstudentsonthe list)agreed,adding,“Ithinkthathavingadiscussionaboutvi- Introduction olent tactics on this list is playing with fire, and it is putting everyoneatrisk.”Shewasalsoconcernedthat“twoofuswill be facing the star chamber of the ethics committee of the Bar Associationsometimeinthenearfuture.”37 In August 2004, at the North American Anarchist Conver- genceinAthens,Ohio,Iparticipatedinapaneldiscussingthe Of course, proponents of militancy must understand that topic of nonviolence versus violence. Predictably, the discus- there is a great need for caution when we discuss tactics, es- sionturnedintoanunproductiveandcompetitivedebate.Ihad peciallyviae-mail,andthatwefacethehurdleofbuildingsup- hopedthateachpanelistwouldbegivenasubstantialamount port for actions that are more likely to get us harassed or im- of time to speak in order to present our ideas in depth and to prisoned, even if all we do is discuss them. However, in this limitthelikelyalternativeofaback-and-forthvolleyofclichéd example,thetwolawstudentswerenotsayingthatthegroup arguments. But the facilitator, who was also a conference or- should discuss only legal tactics or hypothetical tactics, they ganizer, and on top of that a panelist, decided against this ap- weresayingthatthegroupshoulddiscussonlynonviolenttac- proach. tics. Since it had been billed as a discussion to help the group Because of the hegemony advocates of nonviolence ex- create ideological common ground, this was a manipulative ert, criticisms of nonviolence are excluded from the major way of using threats of government repression to prevent the periodicals, alternative media, and other forums accessed groupfromevenconsideringanythingotherthananexplicitly by anti-authoritarians.1 Nonviolence is maintained as an nonviolentphilosophy. articleoffaith,andasakeytofullinclusionwithinthemove- Because of the weighty self-interest of white people in pre- ment. Anti-authoritarians and anti-capitalists who suggest venting revolutionary uprisings in their own backyard, there or practice militancy suddenly find themselves abandoned hasbeenalonghistoryofbetrayalbywhitepacifistswhohave by the same pacifists they’ve just marched with at the latest condemned and abandoned revolutionary groups to state vio- lence.Ratherthan“puttingthemselvesinharm’sway”topro- 1Someperiodicalslimitedtothestrictlyanarchistmilieu,suchasAn- tect members of the black, brown, and red liberation move- archy:AJournalofDesireArmed,arenotatallpacifist.However,theirinflu- ments(aprotectiontheirprivilegemighthaveadequatelycon- ence,andtheinfluenceoftheirreadership,canbeclearlyseenasmarginal inareaswhere,otherwise,anarchistshaveamajorimpact.Atmassmobi- lizationsoftheanti-warandanti-globalizationmovements,inwhichanar- 36E-mail to author, October 2004. This same activist paternalistically chistsarekeyorganizers,criticismsofpacifismarenotevenentertained;at rewrotethehistoryofblackliberationtodeclarethattheBlackPanthersdid best,someparticipantscansuccessfullyarguethatwatered-downformsof notadvocateviolence.Inthesamee-mail,hequotedfromSunTzu’sArtof directactionreallydoqualifyasnonviolent.Mediawidelyavailablebeyond Wartobolsterhiscaseandimprovehistacticalsophistication.WhetherSun anarchistcircles,inthewayprogressivemediaaresomewhatavailableto Tzuwouldhaveagreedwithhistheories’beingusedinanargumentforthe themainstream,arealmostexclusivelypacifist,evenwhenmanyofthevol- efficacyofpacifismisquestionable. unteersthatkeepthosemediaaliveareanti-authoritarianswhosupporta 37E-mailtoauthor,October2004. diversityoftactics. 58 7 protest. Once isolated, militants lose access to resources, and The contradiction in ostensibly revolutionary pacifism is they lose protection from being scapegoated by the media that revolution is never safe, but to the vast majority of its or criminalized by the government. Within these dynamics practitioners and advocates, pacifism is about staying safe, causedbytheknee-jerkisolationofthosewhodonotconform not getting hurt, not alienating anyone, not giving anyone to nonviolence, there is no possibility for a healthy or critical a bitter pill to swallow. In making the connection between discoursetoevaluateourchosenstrategies. pacifismandtheself-preservationofprivilegedactivists,Ward In my experience, most people who are becoming involved Churchill quotes a pacifist organizer during the Vietnam era withradicalmovementshaveneverheardgoodarguments,or whodenouncedtherevolutionarytacticsoftheBlackPanther even bad ones, against nonviolence. This is true even when Party and Weather Underground because those tactics were they already know a great deal about other movement issues. “a really dangerous thing for all of us…they run the very real Instead,theytendtobeacquaintedwiththeauraoftaboothat risk of bringing the same sort of violent repression [as seen shroudsmilitants;tohaveinternalizedthefearanddisdainthe in the police assassination of Fred Hampton] down on all of corporate media reserve for people willing to actually fight us.”33 Or, to quote David Gilbert, who is serving an effective againstcapitalismandthestate;andtohaveconfusedtheiso- life sentence for his actions as a member of the Weather lation imposed on militants with some self-imposed isolation Underground who went on to support the Black Liberation thatmustbeinherentinmilitancy.Mostproponentsofnonvio- Army, “Whites had something to protect. It was comfortable lencewithwhomIhavediscussedtheseissues,andthesehave to be at the peak of a morally prestigious movement for beenmany,approachedtheconversationlikeitwasaforegone changewhileBlackpeopleweretakingthemaincasualtiesfor conclusion that the use of violence in social movements was thestruggle.”34 bothwrongandself-defeating(atleastifitoccurredanywhere Thepacifistdesireforsafetycontinuestoday.In2003,anon- within1,000milesofthem).Onthecontrary,thereareagreat violent activist reassured a Seattle newspaper about the char- manysolidargumentsagainstnonviolencethatpacifistshave acter of planned protests. “I’m not saying that we would not simplyfailedtoanswerintheirliterature. supportcivildisobedience,”Woldtsaid.“Thathasbeenpartof This book will show that nonviolence, in its current mani- thepeace movementthat churchpeople haveengaged in, but festations, is based on falsified histories of struggle. It has im- wearenotintopropertydamageoranythingthatcreatesneg- plicitandexplicitconnectionstowhitepeople’smanipulations ativeconsequencesforus.”35 ofthestrugglesofpeopleofcolor.Itsmethodsarewrappedin And on a listserv for a radical environmental campaign in authoritarian dynamics, and its results are harnessed to meet 2004, a law student and activist, after inviting an open discus- government objectives over popular objectives. It masks and sionoftactics,advocatedanendtothementionofnon-pacifist even encourages patriarchal assumptions and power dynam- ics. Its strategic options invariably lead to dead ends. And its 33Churchill,PacifismasPathology,60–61. practitionersdeludethemselvesonanumberofkeypoints. 34DavidGilbert,NoSurrender:WritingsfromanAnti-ImperialistPoliti- calPrisoner(Montreal:AbrahamGuillenPress,2004),22–23. Given these conclusions, if our movements are to have any 35AliceWoldt,quotedinChrisMcGann,“PeaceMovementCouldFind possibilityofdestroyingoppressivesystemssuchascapitalism Itself Fighting Over Tactics,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, February 21, 2003, andwhitesupremacyandbuildingafreeandhealthyworld,we http://seatrlepi.nwsource.com/local/109590_peacemovement21.shtml. 8 57 Euro/American states, and only advocate nonviolence to peo- must spread these criticisms and end the stranglehold of non- ple with a similarly privileged background. This formulation violenceoverdiscoursewhiledevelopingmoreeffectiveforms presentsanewracism,suggestingthatthefightinganddying ofstruggle. be carried out by people of color in the more overtly oppres- We might say that the purpose of a conversation is to per- sivestatesoftheGlobalSouth,whileprivilegedcitizensofthe suadeandbepersuaded,whilethepurposeofadebateistowin, imperialcentersmaybecontentedwithmorecontextuallyap- andthussilenceyouropponent.Oneofthefirststepstosuccess propriateformsofresistancesuchasprotestralliesandsit-ins. inanydebateistocontroltheterminologytogiveoneselfthe An anti-racist analysis, on the other hand, requires white advantage and put one’s opponents at a disadvantage. This is people to recognize that the violence against which people of exactlywhatpacifistshavedoneinphrasingthedisagreement color must defend themselves originates in the white “First asnonviolenceversusviolence.Critics ofnonviolencetypically World.” Thus, appropriate resistance to a regime that wages usethisdichotomy,withwhichmostofusfundamentallydis- war against colonized people across the globe is to bring the agree, and push to expand the boundaries of nonviolence so warhome;tobuildananti-authoritarian,cooperative,andanti- that tactics we support, such as property destruction, may be racistcultureamongwhitepeople;toattackinstitutionsofim- accepted within a nonviolent framework, indicating how dis- perialism; and to extend support to oppressed people in resis- empoweredanddelegitimizedweare. tance without undermining the sovereignty of their struggle. I know of no activist, revolutionary, or theorist relevant to However,non-absolutistpacifistswhoallowforalittlecultural themovementtodaywhoadvocatesonlytheuseofviolenttac- relativismaretypicallylesslikelytosupportarmedrevolution tics and opposes any usage of tactics that could not be called whenthefightinggetsclosetohome.ThethinkingisthatPales- violent.Weareadvocatesofadiversityoftactics,meaningeffec- tinians, for example, may engage in militant struggle because tivecombinationsdrawnfromafullrangeoftacticsthatmight theyliveunderaviolentregime,butforthebrutalizedresidents lead to liberation from all the components of this oppressive ofthenearesturbanghettotoformguerrillaunitswouldbe“in- system:whitesupremacy,patriarchy,capitalism,andthestate. appropriate”or“irresponsible.”Thisisthe“notinmybackyard” We believe that tactics should be chosen to fit the particular tendency,whichisfueledbytherecognitionthatarevolution situation,notdrawnfromapreconceivedmoralcode.Wealso there would be exciting, but a revolution here would deprive tendtobelievethatmeansarereflectedintheends,andwould privileged activists of our comfort. Also present is the latent not want to act in a way that invariably would lead to dicta- fearofracialuprising,whichisassuagedonlywhenitissubor- torshiporsomeotherformofsocietythatdoesnotrespectlife dinatedtoanonviolentethic.Blackpeoplemarchingisphoto- andfreedom.Assuch,wecanmoreaccuratelybedescribedas genic.Blackpeoplewithgunsevokestheviolentcrimereports proponents of revolutionary or militant activism than as pro- onthenightlynews.AmericanIndiansholdingapressconfer- ponentsofviolence.2 ence is laudable. American Indians ready, willing, and able to taketheirlandbackisatrifledisturbing.Thus,whitepeoples’ 2Becauseitmaybepresumptuoustorefertosomeonewhoisnoten- gagedinopenconflictwiththestateasarevolutionary,Idefinearevolution- support for, and familiarity with, revolutionaries of color on aryactivistassomeonewho,attheleast,isbuildingtowardthepointwhen the home front is limited to inert martyrs — the dead and the suchaconflictispractical.Somepeoplehavequalmswiththetermactivist, imprisoned. orassociateitwithreformisttypesofactivism.Toavoidbeingtooparticular 56 9 I will refer to proponents of nonviolence by their chosen than against white people. When Oglala traditionals and the nomenclature, as nonviolent activists or, interchangeably, American Indian Movement stood up on Pine Ridge Reserva- pacifists. Many practitioners of such prefer one term or the tion in the 1970s to assert a little independence and to orga- other, and some even make a distinction between the two, nize against the endemic bullying of the imposed “tribal gov- but in my experience the distinctions are not consistent from ernment,” the Pentagon, FBI, US Marshals, and Bureau of In- onepersontothenext.Mostimportantly,pacifists/nonviolent dian Affairs instituted a full-fledged counterinsurgency pro- activists themselves tend to collaborate regardless of their gramthat resultedin daily violenceand dozens ofdeaths. Ac- chosen term, so the difference in labels is not important to cordingtoWardChurchillandJimVanderWall,“Theprinciple the considerations of this book. Broadly, by using the term of armed self-defense had, for the dissidents, become a neces- pacifism or nonviolence, they designate a way of life or a sityofsurvival.”31 methodofsocialactivismthatavoids,transforms,orexcludes The only proponents of nonviolence I have ever heard violence while attempting to change society to create a more rejecteventhelegitimacyofself-defensehavebeenwhite,and peacefulandfreeworld. thoughtheymayholduptheirOscarRomeros,theyandtheir Atthispointitmighthelptoclearlydefineviolence,butone families have not personally had their survival threatened as of the critical arguments of this book is that violence cannot a result of their activism.32 I have a hard time believing that beclearlydefined.Ishouldalsoclarifyafewothertermsthat theiraversiontoviolencehasasmuchtodowithprinciplesas pop up frequently. The word radical I use literally, to mean a with privilege and ignorance. And beyond mere self-defense, critique, action, or person that goes to the roots of a particu- whether individuals have faced the possibility of having to lar problem rather than focusing on the superficial solutions fightbacktosurviveortoimprovetheirlivesdependslargely placed on the table by the prejudices and powers of the day. on the color of their skin and their place in various national The word is not a synonym for extreme or extremist, much as and global hierarchies of oppression. It is these experiences the media would have us believe it is, through ignorance or thatnonviolenceignoresbytreatingviolenceasamoralissue design. (Similarly, in case anyone is still unclear: an anarchist orachosenthing. isnotsomeonewhofavorschaosbutsomeonewhofavorsthe The culturally sensitive alternative within pacifism is that total liberation of the world through the abolition of capital- privileged activists allow, or even support, militant resistance ism, government, and all other forms of oppressive authority, intheGlobalSouth,andpossiblyintheinternalcoloniesofthe to be replaced by any number of other social arrangements, proven or utopian.) On the other hand, I do not use the word 31ChurchillandVanderWall,AgentsofRepression,188. 32SomeofthemostdedicatednonviolentactivistsintheUShavefaced revolution literally, to mean the overthrow of current rulers tortureandmurderinthecourseofLatinAmericansolidaritywork.Butthis by a new set of rulers (which would make anti-authoritarian isnotquitethesamethingaswhatactivistsofcolorfacewithintheUS,given revolution an oxymoron), but only to mean a social upheaval thatthesewhiteactivistshavefacedviolenceinasituationtheysoughtout with widespread transformative effects. I use this word only ratherthanoneimposedonthem,theirfamilies,andtheircommunities.It is,afterall,mucheasiertohaveamartyrcomplexforoneselfthanforone’s family(whichisnottosaythatalloftheseactivistsweremotivatedbysuch aboutwordsandterminology,Iwillaskreaderssimplytoreceivethisterm acomplex,thoughIhavecertainlymetafewwhocashinthatrisktoclaim inthebestpossibleway. thattheyhaveexperiencedoppressionrivalingthatfeltbypeopleofcolor). 10 55

Aug 7, 2012 In the same e-mail, he quoted from Sun Tzu's Art of War to bolster his case and improve .. Fanon writes, about the psychology of colonialism and of violence in pursuit . resistance gave birth to hip-hop, which mainstream cultural forces .. covert action since 1945 has been fought
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