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Lessons from Michelangelo: figure drawing based on techniques of the master PDF

151 Pages·1986·40.72 MB·English
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Preview Lessons from Michelangelo: figure drawing based on techniques of the master

t r'i'l .. :., .. 1i*"- 7 ::!i, '.,,,,:.1:;' l ;'t :: L:. . . .,: f'. ?]. .{ .11 ., f a:1.: : ".1/ '-,.$. 1-q':, ;ij al.; I ':l ' -. .rr: j::j' {. 'r: a, rffi ,l ;$ .'n' , i r'L l\,vqntl jo thonk everyone iNoh/ed In cleoiicg lhls book. lom sinceelyg rcJefullo Donold Holden,I \,4orSy uffudy ond CondoceR oneyfo rl heif wisdom ond gL]idonce. Ed'led by MaryS Lrilodya nd CandaceR an6y Oe{ign€d by BobF lle Graphicp |oduclionb y E lenG €ons Cogright@ 1 986b y Wat6on-LGrp lIi P ubl oations Fn$ pubtishe1d9 86i n N€w Yorkb y Watson-GupPlilLl rbllcations, a dMsioi ol BillboardP ublicationsn,c . 1515a roadwayN ewY orkN, .Y1 003€ t ir'ry ot Congr€s Cat loging.ln"Publlcatlon D6lt Lrssolls tom Michelangslo. 1. F$tEdlawing-Tschnique. 2. Drawing, FgEirsaE-E{hniqu6. 3. [4ichelangeBlou onarlo, r475-156a-Thern€€, moti!€s. l. Title. ifc6t5.B8'/ €86 743'.4 86-11107 rsa o{e*zzr+1 Disttrtsd h !E t niled Kingdomb y PhaidonP ress,L ld., Li@ab Eols€, SL EbbebS t., Oxiofd All riits r€s€.Ed. No pa.t of ihis publicationm ay be rwodr€d 6us€d h any iom or by any means graphic, electD.*i n nE ls*:al. indlding photocopyingr,e cod'ng, lalirE, 6 hturdir| $rage ard leidevals ystems-wilhout sm€.t pr.tri*irx: d t|e Fui*rer Manuftdll€d in U.S-A. 1 23,1 5 6 7 8910/919 089 8A8 7 86 lo VIT IHI vlaLs$ oi IHt louc VNC IH II,'vOCllS {!/HO dOSl ioll IHl\l L CHAPTEFRIV E TheU ppelrim b uu IHEM USCLEOSF ]HEU PPEAR? IV €9 TRICEPSTIIHHREE HE EqDEMDU SCLE9 0 THER ELAIIONSPH O Fl HE FORMOS F IHEA RIVT OT HES CAPULC9 2 ..,. 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',i' i L: I INTRODUCTION do,/ \dh e vlewingo drown g show Rotheitn o moslp eosurablew oyl, wsn ledl o nne Vhod on etperience thot offected m-- st down wilh you,l ooka i lhesem ognf icent :eeplyLs cosuoy wo kedlhroughihero om, workso nd beg n d scussn g thoseo speclso f :aw o drowingI coudn't toke my ey€s olf, eoch wgrkt hol o re cleo resi1 l.o bserveo s we :nd ol lhe olherd rowlngss eemeds ho ow os mosii mporlonil o lirstr olef gure drowing ! and unds lingus hedb y compors on.T hoi Iire drawn gss ee cied ior th s trooks how I :rcwingw oso nudes fudyb y M chelongelo ih,. figurei n manyw rols posesir om a ldi lihough hod been lomi or wlh terenlp o nlso fvew Thereis o greoloppodu '.ilche ongelotw orko l my fe, iseemedl hol nly here1 0o bserveh owo moslerd rcflsmon t .nly now perhopsb ecouseo f myeducolion foreshodenms onyo l the fofmso f lhe body I :nd troinn g,w asl recept\€to hh nfe|preto ond chongesl heif shopesi n ihe different _ ?nso f lhe figufe nfocl,ilwasosf hodn-.ver :eenlhemb eforeo ndlholnothingc ouldb e Anyonew ho serousl$y ontsl o underslond -ore exciiinglh cn lo be n ihe presenceo f greolf rgured rowingm usld e\r'cieo conslder _ gh Renoissoncoed ond flnol y hovee yes ob e omounlofl irnel olhesludyofo nolomy _rolc oud seei t hoveo nlyc oncenlroledo n the mosli mpor Sincelh ol doy I ho!€ been lhoroLrghlny ionl muscleso nd musceg roupso n l1_isel r ,c\,€d n the processo nd mogico f drowing face of the f gure Forg reolerc lorlv I ho\€ _.1efg ure My increosedk nowledgeh os ncludedn extl o Michelongelowb orkso di _e\€rde$royed lhe sponlonellyo nd mogcl ogromo f lhe skeletonsh own g ony ihe mus ' hoso nlye nhoncedi lgreoiy ln foct,I ho!€ cle or muscesu nderd iscussionT heseo re 'rund thol drown g wthouto frm foundolion nlended io he p you underslondo nd re- _ lhe p ncpes of onoiomy s mored iflicuI anembeer xocilyw hereo fom beginsa nd ron ihe ocil.rol sdrnn g of lhosep rnciples When begoni o wte lh s book,m Yi nTen- Thesew rl ngso Tei o be consideredo n in- _3nw qsi o keep the spirl of fgu€ drowing troductono rc otolysilo o pfofounds lLlctiyh oi .iocl.lho!€ nol oltempledi o soye veMhing yo! w spendl he resto f )o!r doyse nJoyn g.I roi con be saido boul drowing,n or frove fei stronglyih ol \tonled lo createo book - ed to lisio lLihem usce so flhe h!mon body ihoi would knockd own some borefs ond iclher,i no mosip leoslroblew qyI, \ tonlectl o a low \,oungo rihisi o beg n to reqllyu ndef- : i downw iih \,ou,l ooko l thesem ognifcenl stondt he lormso ffhe flgure,lil sc leorto me I ,,crkso nd begind iscusslntgh osec spectso f thal f wonledi he reoderl o shorem y g€oT ',llch6ongelo3\^ ofkl hoi ore ceoresll o ob- enihlsiosmfo r onolomyandd rqwng prlnc- :?tueo s wel os mosl imporianti o lilsl_roiep es, wou d have lo expresss ome comp ex '3iJ|ed rown g, deos in o more simplfed wqy ond I loke when lbegon io wriiei hisb ook,m y inien responsibiV lor thot. rn wosi o keepl he spit of figured rowng N4orelh on on!4hnge se, lhis book isi he _ioct, ho\€ nol oliernptedto soye \€Mh ng expresosn of o lo\,€ affor thol I hoveh odw llh -ci con be sod oboui drowng,n or hoveI the exhoordinoryd rawlngso f lhe greolesl - ed to sla I the mlrscleosf the humonb odl mostero f the figureM, cheongeo. Michoe Bubon NewY orkC ly,1 986 I l I

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