Lesson 15: Building ARMA models. Examples Umberto Triacca DipartimentodiIngegneriaeScienzedell’InformazioneeMatematica Universit`adell’Aquila, [email protected] UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Examples In this lesson, in order to illustrate the time series modelling methodology we have presented so far, we analyze some time series. UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 By using a computer program we have generated a time series x.The graph of the series is presented in the following figure Figure : A simulated time series UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 The objective is to build an ARMA model this time series. The first step in developing a model is to determine if the series is stationary. UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 Our time series seems the realization of a stationary process with zero mean, thus we can look at sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function to establish the orders p and q of the ARMA model. Figure : Sample autocorrelation and sample partial autocorrelation functions of time serieUsmxbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 Since the SACF cuts off after lag 2 and the SPCAF follows a damped cycle, an MA(2) model x = u +θ u +θ u , u ∼ WN(0,σ2) t t 1 t−1 2 t−2 t seems appropriate for the sample data. UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 Table reports the result of the ML estimation. 300 observations, Dependent Variable x Variabile Coefficient St. error t statistic p-value θ 1,68559 0,0456203 36,9481 0,0000 1 θ 0,883683 0,0492842 17,9303 0,0000 2 Variance of innovations 0.941107 UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 Now, we consider the graph of the residuals Figure : Residuals from MA(2) model UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 Figure : SACF and SPACF of residuals from MA(2) model UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples Example 1 By analysing the SACF and SPACF of residuals presented in figure, we note that any term isn’t significant and Q = 16.4450 do not indicate any autocorrelation in the 25 residuals. They can be assimilate to a white noise process. UmbertoTriacca Lesson15:BuildingARMAmodels.Examples