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Les Houches dynamo 2017 PDF

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Dynamo theory François Rincon IRAP, Toulouse, France A tentative portrait inspired by work, conversations, and arguments with Alex Schekochihin, Steve Cowley, Tarek Yousef, Tobi Heinemann, Gordon Ogilvie, Geoffroy Lesur, Michael Proctor, Nigel Weiss, Paul Bushby, Sébastien Fromang, Steve Tobias, David Hughes, Chris Jones, Cary Forest, Jean-François Pinton, Nicolas Plihon, Stefan Fauve, François Petrelis, Emmanuel Dormy, Yannick Ponty, Thierry Passot, Franck Plunian, Francesco Califano, Dario Vincenzi, Pablo Mininni, Dan Lathrop, Jonathan Squire, Russell Kulsrud, Matt Kunz, Stas Boldyrev, Fausto Cattaneo, Juri Toomre, Nic Brummell, Matt Browning, Katia Ferrière, Michel Rieutord, Boris Dintrans, François Lignières, Boris Dintrans, Jean-François Donati, Sacha Brun, Laurène Jouve, Thomas Gastine, Axel Brandenburg, Guenter Ruediger, Anvar Shukurov, Igor Rogachevskii and Nathan Kleeorin All mistakes and imprecisions are most probably mine Les Houches, May 2017 Talk outline • Introduction • Short and easy (3h) • Setting the stage • Not too long and “straightforward” (4h) • Small scale dynamos • Long and difficult* (6h) • Large-scale dynamos • Just a tad shorter and less difficult* (4h) • Connections between the two • Short and controversial (2h) • Instability-driven dynamos • Short and seemingly easier, but actually difficult* (2h) *including for the lecturer • Collisionless plasma dynamo **including the lecturer • Short and a bit crazy** (1h) 2 Les Houches, May 2017 Introduction What is dynamo theory about ? • The origin, and sustainment, of magnetic fields in the universe • on the Earth, other planets and their satellites (“planetary magnetism”) • on the Sun and other stars (“stellar magnetism”) • in galaxies, clusters and the early universe (“cosmic magnetism”) • Understanding their structural, statistical, and dynamical properties • Addressing important physics (and maths) problems • Deep connections with hydrodynamic turbulence and more generally turbulent transport problems • Coming up with “useful stuff” for experimentalists and observers • Warning: people have strong disagreements on the definition of “useful stuff” 4 Les Houches, May 2017 The fluid/plasma dynamo conundrum Most astrophysical bodies, and many planetary interiors, are • • in an electrically conducting fluid (MHD) or weakly-collisional plasma state • in a turbulent state • (differentially) rotating: shearing, Coriolis and precessing effects Main questions • • Can flows of electrically conducting fluid/plasma amplify magnetic fields ? • What are at the time and spatial scales on which this happens ? • At what amplitude do they saturate ? What field structure is produced ? A complex and multifaceted problem • • Requires observations, phenomenology, theory, numerics and experiments 5 Les Houches, May 2017 A touch of history Self-exciting fluid dynamos will soon be a century-old idea • • First invoked by Larmor in 1919 (sunspot magnetism) The idea took a lot of time to gain ground • • Cowling’s antidynamo theorem (1933) • First examples in the 1950s (e.g. Herzenberg dynamo) • Parker’s solar dynamo phenomenology (1955) Mathematical theory • • Alpha effect / mean-field: Steenbeck, Krause, Raedler 1966, Moffatt, Roberts etc. (1970s) • Small-scale dynamo theory: Kazantsev 1967, Kraichnan, Zel’dovich et al. (70s-80s) Numerical and experimental era • • Numerical evidence of turbulent dynamos: Meneguzzi et al. 1981, flourishing since then • Experimental evidence: Riga, Karlsruhe (~2000), VKS (2007), plasma underway (2005+) • Great observational radio and spectro-polarimetric prospects too (stellar, galactic, cosmo) 6 Les Houches, May 2017 Solar magnetism [Credits: SOHO/NASA] Global solar cycle dynamics Small-scale surface dynamics 7 [Credits: Hinode/JAXA] Les Houches, May 2017 Planetary magnetism [Swarm/ESA] [HST/NASA] Earth’s magnetic field (2014) Jupiter Auroras 8 Les Houches, May 2017 Galactic magnetism [Planck/ESA] Galactic magnetic field M51 magnetic field [Beck et al. VLA/Effelsberg] 9 Les Houches, May 2017 T 4 5 5 Galaxy cluster.s and cosmic magnetism . 6 1 4 . . . J p A 3 9 9 1 [Taylor & Perley, ApJ 1993] [Fabian et al. ESA/NASA] Hydra A Lobe Perseus/NGC 1275 filaments (25 kpc) [Durrer & Neronov, A&A Rev. 2013] Clusters Galaxies Primordial IGMF limits 10

Galaxy clusters and cosmic magnetism. 10. Hydra A Lobe. (25 kpc). [Taylor & Perley, ApJ 1993]. [Fabian et al. ESA/NASA]. Perseus/NGC 1275 filaments. Clusters. Galaxies. Primordial. IGMF limits. [Durrer & Neronov, A&A Rev. 2013]
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