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Lepton-Flavor Violation in the Supersymmetric Standard Model with Seesaw-Induced Neutrino Masses PDF

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TU-476 January, 1995 Lepton-Flavor Violation in the Supersymmetric Standard Model with Seesaw-Induced Neutrino Masses 5 9 9 J. Hisano, T. Moroi, K. Tobe, M. Yamaguchi and T. Yanagida 1 n Department of Physics, Tohoku University, a J Sendai 980-77, Japan 1 3 1 v 7 Abstract 0 4 We examine the lepton-flavor violation caused by a Yukawa coupling matrix 1 y for right-handed neutrinos in the supersymmetric standard model. We stress 0 ν,ij 5 that decay rates for τ µγ and µ eγ may reach the range to be accessible to → → 9 near future experiments if left-right mixing terms in the slepton mass matrix are / h substantially large. p - p e h : v i X r a A small, but non-vanishing neutrino mass, if any, is regarded as an important indica- tion of a new physics beyond the standard model. The most interesting candidate is the well-known seesaw model [1] that explains very naturally the small mass for neutrino in terms of a large Majorana mass for a right-handed neutrino N. This model has attracted many authors not only because of its natural structure but also because the presence of N would illuminate some of the deep questions in particle physics. From the phenomenological point of view, on the other hand, introduction of three families of the right-handed neutrinos Ni (where i and j are flavor indices) brings two new ingredients to the standard model; one is a new scale of the Majorana masses for Ni, M , and the other a new matrix for Yukawa coupling constants of Ni, y . Thus, I ν,ij we have two independent Yukawa matrices in the lepton sector as in the quark sector. In general, a simultaneous diagonalization of the both matrices is quite accidental and then the addition of the new Yukawa coupling y causes a lepton-flavor violation. In the ν,ij standard model, however, the amplitudes for the lepton-flavor violating processes at low energies are suppressed by an inverse power of M at least and hence we do not expect I sizable rates for such processes as far as M is very large. The neutrino oscillation is a I famous exception in this point of view. It hasbeen, however, noted by several authors[2]that in thesupersymmetric standard model (SSM) the Yukawa coupling y of Ni generates off-diagonal entries in the mass ν,ij matrices for sleptons through the renormalization effects, which leads to unsuppressed lepton-flavor violations such as τ µγ, µ eγ, and so on.1 The predicted rates for → → the individual processes depend on the unknown Yukawa matrix y . If off-diagonal ν,ij elements of y are very small like in the quark sector, however, the reaction rates for ν,ij these processes are predicted too small to be accessible to the near future experiments. The purpose of this letter is to point out that left-right mixing terms in the slepton mass matrix may give larger contributions to the lepton-flavor violating processes, which have not been considered in the previous literatures [2]. We show, as a consequence, that the decay rates for τ µγ and µ eγ can reach indeed the range close to the present → → experimental upper limits Br(τ µγ) 4.2 10−6 andBr(µ eγ) 4.9 10−11 [4]even → ≤ × → ≤ × 1It has been pointed out very clearly [3] that the similar lepton-flavor violation occurs in the SUSY grand unified theories (GUTs). 1 when theoff-diagonalelements ofy aresmall asy /y 0.04 andy /y 0.01. ν,ij ν,23 ν,33 ν,13 ν,33 ∼ ∼ In the SSM with three families of right-handed neutrinos Ni (i = 1 – 3), the superpo- tential W for the lepton sector is given by, 1 W = y E¯iLjH +y NiLjH + M NiNj, (1) e,ij 1 ν,ij 2 I,ij 2 whereLi,E¯i andNi arethechiralmultipletsforleft-handedleptondoublets, right-handed lepton singlets and right-handed neutrinos, and H and H those for the Higgs doublets. 1 2 For simplicity, we assume the mass matrix M is proportional to the unit matrix as I,ij 1 M = M 1 (2) I,ij I   1     The analysis with the general case M = M δ is straightforward, but as long as I,ij I,i ij M M the conclusion will not be much different from that in the simplest case (2). Ii Ij ∼ We choose a basis on which y is diagonal at the electroweak scale m , e,ij Z y (µ = m ) = y δ . (3) e,ij Z e,i ij To demonstrate our main point, we assume tentatively that the Yukawa couplings of N are identical to those of the up-type quarks, similar to the case of SO(10) unification,2 y = y . (4) ν,ij u,ij We suppose that these relations hold at the gravitational scale µ = M 2.4 1018GeV. G ≃ × With the basis where the Yukawa couplings for the down-type quarks are flavor-diagonal at the electroweak scale, y = y δ , the y is written as d,ij d,i ij u,ij y u y = VT y V , (5) u,ij KM c  KM y t     where V is the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. The meaning of the Yukawa couplings of KM the up-type quarks y , y and y is the obvious one. u c t 2We do not use the other SO(10)-like relation y = y for the down-type quarks, since it gives e,ij d,ij wrong results on the masses for the first and second families. 2 The seesaw mechanism [1] induces small neutrino masses as3 1 m yT y H 2 ν,ij ≃ ν,ikM ν,kjh 2i I,k y y H 2 u u = h 2i VT y V VT y V . (6) M KM c  KM KM c  KM I y y t t         We see that the mixing matrix appearing in the neutrino oscillation is approximately identical with V , due to the large hierarchy y y y [5]. For a given M , KM u c t I ≪ ≪ we determine the mass eigenvalues and the mixing angles for the neutrinos. We adjust M 1012GeV so that the mass for ν is predicted to be m = 10eV,4 which lies in an I ∼ τ ντ interesting range in cosmology [6]. To estimate the Yukawa matrix y (µ = M ) we use u,ij G the observed values m (1GeV) = 4.5MeV, m (1GeV) = 1.27GeV [9], m = 174GeV [10] u c t and V . In our numerical calculations, we use the central value of each matrix element KM V given in ref.[4]. KM,ij We are now in a position to discuss the lepton-flavor violation. In the minimal SUSY standard model (MSSM), soft SUSY-breaking mass terms for sleptons have the general form, i j† i = m2 E E m2 Li†Lj A E LjH +h.c. . (7) Lsoft − E,ij − L,ij − e,ij 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) e e e e e e The lepton-flavor conservation is easily violated by taking non-vanishing off-diagonal el- ements of each matrices and the sizes of such elements are strongly constrained from experiments. In the SUSY standard model based on the supergravity [11], it is therefore assumed that the mass matrices m2 and m2 are proportional to the unit matrix, and E L A is proportional to the Yukawa matrix y . With these soft terms, the lepton-flavor e,ij e,ij number is conserved exactly. 3This equation holds only at tree-level. In our numerial analysis, we take into account the renormal- ization effects. 4Inthis case,the massfor ν ispredictedas 10−3eV, whichis the rightvalue forthe MSWsolution µ ∼ to the solar neutrino problem [7]. However, the predicted mixing angle θνeνµ ≃ θCabibbo is much larger than that in the small angle solution of MSW [8]. Therefore, to account for the solar neutrino deficit, we must use smaller value for yν,12. However, our main conclusions for τ µγ and µ eγ given in the → → text are unchanged, since the Yukawa coupling yν12 is almost irrelevant for these processes as noted in ref. [3]. 3 It is, however, not true if the effects of the right-handed neutrinos are taken into account [2]. The Yukawa coupling of neutrino y NiLjH in eq.(1) and the soft SUSY- ν,ij 2 breaking terms such as = m2 NiNj† A NiLjH +h.c. (8) Lsoft,ν − N,ij − ν,ij 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) f f f e induce off-diagonalelements ofm2 throughtheradiativecorrections. Therenormalization L group equation (RGE) for m2 is given by L dm2 dm2 1 L,ij = L,ij + (m2y†y ) +(y†y m2) +2(y†y ) m2 dlnµ dlnµ ! 16π2 L ν ν ij ν ν L ij ν ν ij H2 MSSM n +(y†m2 y ) +2(A†A ) , (9) ν N ν ij ν ν ij o where (dm2 /dlnµ) represents the β-function in the MSSM,5 and m2 is the soft L,ij MSSM H2 SUSYbreaking massfortheHiggsdoubletH . Asonecansee easilyineq.(9), off-diagonal 2 elements of m2 are induced by the renormalization effects if non-vanishing off-diagonal L,ij elements of y and A exist. ν ν In order to obtain the slepton mass matrix m2 at the electroweak scale, we solve the L,ij RGEs for the full relevant parameters numerically. At the energy scale M µ M I G ≤ ≤ we use the RGEs derived from the MSSM with the right-handed neutrinos, and below the energy scale M the MSSM-RGEs without the right-handed neutrinos. For the soft I SUSY-breaking parameters, we assume the following boundary conditions suggested in the minimal supergravity [11, 13]; m2 (µ = M ) = m2δ , (10) f,ij G 0 ij A (µ = M ) = a m y , (11) f,ij G 0 f,ij where m2 is the soft SUSY-breaking mass matrix for sfermion f˜(with f = u, d, e and f,ij ν), A the so-called A-parameter, y the Yukawa coupling constants for the fermion f,ij f,ij f, m the universal SUSY-breaking mass, and a is a free parameter of O(1). For gaugino 0 masses, we use tentatively the relation implied by the SUSY GUTs [13] m m 3 m G3 G2 G1 = = , (12) g2 g2 5 × g2 3 2 1 5See ref. [12] for explicit formulae. 4 where m , m , m , and g , g , g are the gaugino masses and gauge coupling constants G3 G2 G1 3 2 1 for the gauge groups SU(3) , SU(2) and U(1) , respectively. C L Y The soft SUSY breaking mass matrix m2 is determined by solving the coupled L,ij RGEs for all relevant parameters. Since tanβ( H / H ) dependence of the result is 2 1 ≡ h i h i relatively mild, we take tanβ = 3 for the time being. The result for the larger tanβ will be given later for comparison. For the case 0 m m , the mass matrix m2 at the ≤ G2 ≤ 0 L,ij electroweak scale is given by (1.0 2.0) (0.9 1.1) 10−4 (2.3 2.7) 10−3 − − − × − − × m2(µ = m ) (0.9 1.1) 10−4 (1.0 2.0) (1.0 1.2) 10−2 L Z ≃  − − × − − − ×  (2.3 2.7) 10−3 (1.0 1.2) 10−2 (0.75 1.69)  − − × − − × −  m2, (13) × 0 where the magnitude of each entry becomes larger as m larger. However, for the case G2 m (µ = m ) > m , ratios of the off-diagonal elements to the diagonal ones become G2 Z 0 smaller than those in eq.(13), which give a more suppression of the lepton-flavor violation as a result. We are now ready to calculate the reaction rates for various lepton-flavor violating processes. Let us first consider the diagrams considered in ref.[2] contributing to the process l l γ. In this paper, we ignore the mixings in the neutralino and chargino i j → sectorsandconsider thatthebinoandthewinosaremasseigenstates. Thisapproximation isjustifiediftheSUSY-invarianthiggsinomassµ islarge,whichisnothingbutasituation H we will consider in the present paper. From the diagrams in fig. 1, we obtain the amplitude for this process as (l l γ) = C l P [ q, ǫ]l , (14) i j LL j R i M → 6 6 where q and ǫ are the momentum and polarization vector of the emitted photon. Here, the coefficient C is given by LL 1 m2 C = em L,ijg2S (m2 /m2 ) LL 16π2 li( m4e˜L 1 e G1 e˜L m2 m2 + L,ijg2S (m2 /m2 )+ L,ijg2S (m2 /m2 ) , (15) m4e˜L 2 e G2 e˜L m4ν˜L 2 ν G2 ν˜L ) 5 where m ,m andm represent masses fortheleptonl , chargede˜ andneutralsleptons li e˜L ν˜L i L ν˜ , respectively,6 and the functions S and S are given by L e ν 1 S (x) = 17x3 9x2 9x+1 6x2(x+3)lnx , (16) e 48(x 1)5{ − − − } − 1 S (x) = x3 9x2 +9x+1+6x(x+1)lnx . (17) ν −12(x 1)5{− − } − Then, the decay rate can be obtained from the amplitude (14) as 1 Γ(l l γ) = C 2m3. (18) i → j 4π | LL| li Byusingthem2 givenineq.(13),wehavecalculatedthebranchingratiosoftheprocesses L,ij τ µγ and µ eγ. We have checked that for m = 45GeV, the branching ratios for G2 → → each processes have the maximums O(10−9) and O(10−12), respectively, at the possible minimum value of the slepton mass 45GeV, which are, however, much smaller than the ≃ present experimental limits (Br(τ µγ) 4.2 10−6 and Br(µ eγ) 4.9 10−11 [4]). → ≤ × → ≤ × So far, we have neglected the left-right mixings in the slepton mass matrix. However, if the SUSY invariant mass µ for Higgs doublets is so big that m µ tanβ O(m2), H τ H ∼ 0 we have non-negligible left-right mixings in the slepton mass matrix. As we will show below, these mixing terms give rise to contributions to the l l γ process larger than i j → the previous estimate in eq.(18). The main reason for this is that the chirality flip in the fermion line occurs at the internal gaugino mass term (see fig. 2) while in the previous case it occurs at the external lepton mass term. Since the gaugino mass is much bigger than the lepton mass, these new diagrams may yield dominant contributions. Before calculating the diagrams in fig. 2, we first diagonalize the charged slepton mass matrix given by the following 6 6 matrix; × m2 m2 L = (L†,E¯) LL LR , (19) Lmass − m2L†R mRR ! E¯e†  e e   with e 1 m2 = m2 +m2 cos2β sin2θ δ , (20) LL,ij L,ij Z W − 2 ij (cid:18) (cid:19) m2 = m2 m2 cos2βsin2θ δ , (21) RR,ij E,ij − Z W ij m2 = m δ µ tanβ +A vcosβ/√2 (22) LR,ij li ij H E,ji 6We have assumed m m . li ≫ lj 6 where m is the Z-boson mass and sin2θ the Weinberg angle. Notice that as far as the Z W a-parameter in eq.(11) is O(1), the A is negligibly small in the case of µ tanβ m E,ij H 0 ≫ which concerns us. m2 at the electroweak scale are determined by solving the RGEs E,ij in the same way of the previous calculation for m2 , and are found to be m2 L,ij E,ij ≃ (1.0 1.4)m2δ . − 0 ij With the diagonalization matrix U for eq. (19) and the eigenvalues m2 (A = 1 – 6), e˜,A we can write the amplitude for the process l l γ as i j → (l l γ) = C l P [ q, ǫ]l , (23) i j LR j R i M → 6 6 where the coefficient C is given by LR 1 1 C = eg2m U U† T (m2 /m2 ), (24) LR 16π2 1 G1 jA Ai+3m2 LR G1 e˜,A A e˜,A X with 1 T (x) = (x2 1 2xlnx). (25) LR 4(x 1)3 − − − We find that in the case of small m2 , this amplitude (24) is well approximated by LR 1 C = eg2m U U† (m µ tanβ +A vcosβ/√2) LR|mass−insertion 16π2 1 G1 Ljk Lki li H E,ii k X 1 1 m2 1 m2 T G1 T G1 , (26) × me2˜Ri −me2˜Lk "m2e˜Ri LR m2e˜Ri!− me2˜Lk LR m2e˜Lk!# which is obtained by using the m2 mass insertion. Here, U is the diagonalization LR L matrix for the mass matrix of the left-handed sleptons (20), m2 its eigenvalues and e˜Lk m2 = m2 in eq.(21). From the amplitude (23), we get the decay rate as e˜Ri RR,ii 1 Γ(l l γ) = C 2m3, (27) i → j 4π | LR| li which should be compared with the result in eq.(18). For a given set of tanβ and m , the decay rates depend basically on the parameters G2 µ andm . However, itisconvenient toexpress themintermsoftwophysical parameters, H 0 m and m (m < m ), which are mass eigenvalues for the sleptons belonging mainly τ˜1 τ˜2 τ˜1 τ˜2 to the τ-family. The results are shown in fig. 3 for tanβ = 3, with m = 45GeV and G2 7 m = 50GeV being fixed. For a comparison, we also show the results for the case of τ˜1 tanβ = 30. We easily see that the branching ratios for τ µγ and µ eγ are predicted → → as Br(τ µγ) 3 10−8 4 10−7, (28) → ≃ × − × Br(µ eγ) 5 10−12 2 10−11, (29) → ≃ × − × for m (100 250)GeV.7 It should be stressed that the large branching ratios in τ˜2 ≃ − eqs.(28) and (29) are never obtained in the case where the left-right mass-insertion is < applicable (µ tanβ m ). To see how the results depend on m and the gaugino mass, H 0 τ˜1 ∼ we show our results in fig. 4 taking m = 100GeV and m = 90GeV. From figs. 3 and τ˜1 G2 4, we see that the obtained branching ratios are much larger than the previous estimates from eq.(18) and they lie in the range which will be studied experimentally in no distant future. We should note that our results shown in figs. 3 and 4 are also larger than the SUSY- GUT predictions [3]. This is because the authors in ref. [3] have not taken into account the left-right mixing effects. However, if these effects are induced, the similar conclusion may be obtained even in the SUSY SU(5) GUTs. We now briefly discuss other lepton-flavor violating processes such as µ 3e and → τ 3µ. With the parameter space discussed in the present paper, there also appears → an enhancement factor m /m in the Penguin diagrams, which will give dominant con- G2 τ tributions to these processes. In this case, the decay rates of µ 3e and τ 3µ have → → simple relations to those of the µ eγ and τ µγ processes as → → Br(µ 3e) 2α m → |Penguin ln µ 0.8 10−2, (30) Br(µ eγ) ≃ 3π m ≃ × e → Br(τ 3µ) 2α m → |Penguin ln τ 0.4 10−2, (31) Br(τ µγ) ≃ 3π m ≃ × µ → where we have taken only the logarithmic contributions. As for the µ-e conversion in nuclei, the amplitudes of the box diagrams depend on the squark masses. Thus, in the large-squark-mass region, the box diagrams yields negligible contributions. The detailed 7The minimum value (mτ˜2 ≃ 100GeV) comes from the constraint that the lightest sneutrino should be heavier than 41.7GeV [4]. 8 analysis on various lepton-flavor violating processes including the µ-e conversion will be given in the future publication [14]. Several comments are in order. i) We have considered the parameter space where m (50 100)GeV m (100 τ˜1 ≃ − τ˜2 ≃ − 250)GeV and tanβ = 3 30. These parameters correspond to the original parameters − µ and m as H 0 (1 5)TeV : tanβ = 3, µ = − (32) H (100 500)GeV : tanβ = 30, ( − and m = (100 250)GeV : tanβ = 3 30. (33) 0 − − With such large µ , the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking [15] hardly occurs as H long as the universal soft SUSY-breaking mass in eq. (10) is imposed. A solution to this difficulty is to abandon the GUT-like relation among the gaugino masses in eq. (12) so that the gluino gives rise to much larger masses for squarks than those for sleptons at the electroweak scale. ii) One may expect that the hierarchy in the stau masses (m m ) will give a large τ˜1 ≪ τ˜2 contribution to ρ-parameter. We find, however, that their contribution is not substantial as far as the mass of the heavier stau is less than 500 GeV for m = 50GeV. τ˜1 iii)Thelargeµ tanβ induces also alargeleft-rightmixing inthesbottomsector. Wefind H that in some of the parameter space in eqs. (32) and (33), the lighter sbottom mass m ˜b1 < may come in the region excluded experimentally (m 45GeV). However, this problem ˜b1 ∼ can be easily solved by giving the gluino a mass larger than expected from the GUT-like relation (12), since in this case the lighter sbottom can be lifted above 45GeV through the radiative corrections. This is also favorable for suppressing the b sγ decay substantially → as will be discussed in ref. [14]. iv) As pointed out in ref. [3], the similar lepton-flavor violation may also occur in the framework of SUSY SU(5) GUTs. It should be noted here that in the present model the soft SUSY breaking masses m2 for left-handed sleptons receive significant radiative L,ij corrections from the new Yukawa couplings y , while in the SUSY SU(5) case, those for ν,ij right-handed sleptons, m2 , are subject to the large renormalization effects. Thus, in E,ij 9

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