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LEPIDOPTERANEWTONORTH-EASTSCOTLAND 145 LEPIDOPTERA OF ABERDEENSHIRE, KINCARDINESHIRE AND BANFFSHIRE-9th APPENDIX R. M. Palmer, 2M. R. Young and 3R. Leverton 1 GreenburnCottage,Bucksburn,AberdeenAB21 9UA. 2CultertyFieldStation,DepartmentofZoology, UniversityofAberdeen, Newburgh,AberdeenshireAB416AA. 3Whitewells, Ordiquhill, Cornhill,BanffshireAB452HS. Abstract Species of Lepidoptera new to north-east Scotland are reviewed. Twenty-six new species are noted; a further three are recorded after an absence in excess of one hundred years. Introduction A remarkable number of new and sometimes unexpected species has been added to the north-east Scotland list (VCs 91-94) in the three years since the last Appendix (Palmer, Young and Leverton, 1998). Twenty-nine species are recorded here, three of which have been rediscovered after a gap of more than a century. Some of the others have almost certainly been overlooked for many years, some are migrants, but some very obvious macrolepidoptera are certainly new arrivals. Whilst many of the species new to Kincardineshire and Aberdeenshire have probably colonised the counties from the south, the four species of macrolepidoptera new to Banffshire have in all likelihood arrived from the adjacent counties to the west, East Inverness-shire and Morayshire, where all four are known to be resident. Unless otherwise indicated the records are those ofone or more ofthe authors. Other contributors, with their abbreviations in the list in parentheses, are David Barbour (DAB); Keith Bland (KPB); Helen Gardner (HG); Bob Heckford (RJH); Cedric Holmes (CWNH); John Langmaid (JRL) and Nick Littlewood (NL). Three Rothamsted Insect Survey traps now operate in the area, all have produced interesting records. The operators are Jon and Marion Bailey (Monymusk), Peter Holden (Mar Lodge) and David Hamilton (Glen Saugh). Breaking withprevious traditions, we have omitted species which are notnew to north-east Scotland, but have merely been recorded from one or more new VCs within the area. These data are now adequately covered by the microlepidoptera reviews ofthe intervening years (Langmaid & Young 1999, 2000, 2001). Species new to north east Scotland Nepticuidae Stigmellasvenssoni(Johan.)-VC93: HaddoHouse,x.2000,mineonoak(Langmaid&Young, 2001). VC 92: Craigendarroch oakwood x.2001, mines on oak. Probably an overlooked species, recordedfromscatteredlocalities throughout Scotland. 146 ENTOMOLOGISTSRECORD,VOL. 114 25.vii.2002 Incurvariidae Lamproniapubicornis(Haw.)-VC92: Inver,onebredxpupaonrose(JRL).Theonlyknown previousScottishrecordisofaspecimeninCambridgeUniversityMuseumofZoology. It is labelled "Linwood, Renfrews.", and is undated, but was acquired by the museum in 1941. Psychidae Narycia monilifera (Geoff.) - VC 91: Muchalls vi.1998, cases on trunk of Acer pseudoplatanus. VC93: Gightwoods, vi.98,casesontrunksofAbiesnobilis(RMP,MRY & JRL). Probably a long established species, recorded from several scattered localities in Scotland. Acanthopsyche atra (L.) - VC 92: one larva in its case in a pitfall trap at Mar Estate near Braemar viii.2000. Well known from the central Highlands of Scotland, this species is probablyanotherlongoverlookedresident. Yponomeutidae Argyresthia trifasciata Stdgr. - VC 92: Bucksburn one, vi.1999 (Palmer, 1999). The first Scottishrecordofthisspecies,therehavebeennosubsequentrecordsandattemptstorearit have so far failed, despite the finding of probable larval workings on Cupressocyparis leylandii. Coleophoridae Coleophorapappiferella Hofm. - VC 92: Morrone Hill, vi.2000 (Heckford, 2001). Otherwise recordedonlyfromlimestoneareasofwestern Ireland. Elachistidae ElachistamaculicerusellaBruand-VC91: St.Cyrus,followingthefindingofoneemptymine on Phalaris (JRL) in 1997 (Langmaid & Young 1999), a single moth was taken at light ix.1999.Thisspeciesappearstobearesidentandatpresentthisisthemostnortherlyrecord inBritain. Ethmiidae Ethmiapyrausta (Pallas) - VC 92: one on The Cairnwell, v.2001 (KPB). After a gap of 143 years,thisspecieswasrediscoveredinBritainin 1996onnearbyGlasMaol(VC90)(Young & Smith, 1997). Probably along overlookedresident, once the foodplant(JThalictrum sp.) isconfirmed,andlarvaearefound,thespecieswillprobablyprovemuchcommonerthanthe threeknownBritishspecimenssuggest. Gelechiidae Scrobipalpa murinella (Dup.) - VC 92: Morrone Hill, vi.2000 (Heckford, 2001). Otherwise onlyknownfromthewestofIrelandandthe ScottishislandsofRumandColl. Syncopacmaalbifrontella (Hein.)-VC92: MorroneHill. DiscoveredbyRJHin2001 andnew toBritain,apaperonthisspeciesisinpreparation.WearegratefultoRJHforhispermission tomentionthis specieshere. Momphidae Momphamiscella(D.& S.)-VC91: Muchalls, larvaeonHelianthemum(Reid, 1893). VC92: MorroneHill,adultandvacatedminesonHelianthemumvi.2000.Aspecieswhichhasbeen awaiting rediscovery for many years; vacated mines, probably of this species, have been found in several localities but we have been loathe to record it without the confirmatory presenceofanadult. LEPIDOPTERANEWTONORTH-EASTSCOTLAND 147 Tortricidae Aethes rubigana (Tr.) - VC 91: St. Cyrus vii.1999 (MRY). Probably a resident, moths were foundcommonly sittingonthefoodplant,Arctium lappa. Eucosmaobumbratana(L.&Z.)-VC91: St.Cyrus,possiblyamigrant,asinglespecimencame tolightix.1999. Eudoniaalpina (Curtis.)-VC92: CommoninafewlocalitiesnearBraemar(Reid, 1897); this species was rediscovered on The Cairnwell in 1998 (KPB), and was present in the same localityin 1999and2001. Pyralidae Platytesalpinella(Hb.)-VC92: Asinglespecimenatlight, Bucksburn, 1998,almostcertainly amigrant. Trachyceraadvenella(Zinck.)-Thesuddenarrivalofthismothinthreevice-countiesinthelast two years suggests that it may become our most recently established resident, although at present the three different and widely separated habitats in which moths have occured suggests that these specimens were strays. VC 92: Spittal of Glenmuick ix.2000 (HG) (Langmaid & Young, 2001). VC 91: Scolty Hill near Banchory, one, viii.2001. VC 93: Oldmeldrum, two, viii.2000. Pterophoridae Hellinsiaosteodactylus(Zell.)-VC91: St. Cyrusvii.1999isthemostnortherly Britishrecord. (Young, 1999). Probably an overlooked resident, several moths were seen around the foodplant(Senecio sp.). Geometridae Mesoleuca albicillata (L.) - VC 91: Inchmarlo near Banchory one, vii.1998 and one vii.2000 (CWNH). It is possible that this species is another scarce and local resident, but based on onlytwospecimensthisremains speculation. Coenocalpelapidata(Hb.)-VC92: OneintheRothamstedtrapontheMarestatenearBraemar ix.2001. As this species is not a noted wanderer the probability is that there is an undiscoveredcolony inthe Braemararea. Eupithecia innotata f.fraxinataCrewe-Previously recordedonly from VC 94, apartfromold records [rare, near Aberdeen; Cowie, 1901]. This species may have been overlooked in Aberdeenshire but we suspect that it has spread rapidly in the last two years. VC 91: Inchmarlo 1999 (CWNH). VC 92: Rothamsted trap, nr. Monymusk three in 1998 and several in 1999. VC 93 Oldmeldrumtwo in 1999. Macaria notata (L.) - VC 94: A single specimen at Carron (NJ 2041), vi.2000 (DAB). Very probablynowaresidentandrecentcoloniserfromthe west, itisknowntooccurincounties borderingBanffshire. Seleniatetralunaria(Hufn.)-VC94: Craggan,one, v.01 (MRY&DAB),possiblyastrayfrom the westbutavery probable additiontothe listofresidentLepidoptera. Ourapteryx sambucaria (L.) - VC 91: Inchmarlo, Banchory one, vii.1998. Three further specimensatthe samelocationin 1999andtwoin 2000 (all takenbyCWNH)are sufficient evidencethatthisconspicuous mothsisafairlyrecentlyarrivedresidentinthiswell worked areaofDeeside. Deileptenia ribeata (CI.)-Thisspeciesalsoappearstohavecolonisednortheast Scotlandvery recently. Specimens taken atlightin VC 91 (Inchmarlo) between 24.vii and 19.ix.1999 and duringthe samemonths atthe Rothamstedtrap in VC 92 (Monymusk) have been recorded previously(Palmer&Holmes,2001).Thespeciesseemstobefirmlyestablishedatbothsites havingbeenrecordedannually since (14atMonymusk in 2001) andalsorecordedat Scolty Hill, neartothe original Kincardineshire site, in 2001. 148 ENTOMOLOGIST'S RECORD,VOL. 114 25.vii.2002 Nolidae Nola confusalis (H.-S.) - VC 94: Craggan, one, v.2001. Ordiquhill, Cornhill, one, vi.2001. A predictable addition to the list, this species is well known from adjacentcounties ofMoray andE. Inverness. Noctuidae Noctua interjectaHubn.-VC 91: St. Cyrusone, ix.1999, probably amigrant. Orthosia cruda (D.& S.) - VC 91: A single specimen in the Rothamsted trap at Glen Saugh; iv.1999. Southern inland parts of VC 91 are poorly worked, this species may be a recent arrival butmayhavebeenundetectedthere, atthe northernedgeofitsrangeforsometime. Brachionycha nubeculosa (Esp.) -VC 92: A very exciting addition to the list, all ofthe other macrolepidoptera which are known from the central highlands, the Spey valley, Aviemore, Rannoch etc. are known also from Deeside sothe discovery ofthis species should perhaps notbetoosurprising. Twomothscametoanm.v. traprunbyNL, iv.2002inanareawestof Braemar,andathigherelevationthantheverywellworkedareasofDeesidefromDinnetand Ballaterto Braemar. Schrankiacostaesthgalis(Steph.)-VC94: Ordiquhill,Cornhill,oneatm.v. viii.1998. Another "macro" which is probably inthe processofcolonising Banffshire fromthewest. References Cowie,W. (1901) Trans. Aberdeen wkgMensclub 1: 20-35. Heckford, R. J., (2001) Coleophora pappiferella Hofmann, 1869 (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) new to Britain andScrobipalpa murinella (Duponchel, 1843) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) atthe samelocality. Entomologist'sGaz. 52: 101-104 Langmaid, J. R. & Young, M. R., 1999. Microlepidopterareview of 1998. Entomologist'sRec. J. Var111: 249-258. — —, 2000. Microlepidopterareviewof 1999. Entomologist'sRec. J. Var. 112: 189-203. , 2001. Microlepidopterareviewof2000.Entomologist'sRec. J. Var113; 241-254. Palmer, R. M., 1999.Argyresthia trifasciata Staudinger(Lep.: Yponomeutidae) new to Scotland. Entomologist'sRec. J. Var. Ill: 259. Palmer, R. M. & Holmes, C. W. N. 2001. Satin Beauty Deileptenia ribeata (Clerck) (Lep.: Geometridae) newtonorth-eastScotland. Entomologist'sRec. J. Var. 113: 79. Palmer,R.M.,Young,M.R.&Leverton,R., 1998.LepidopteraofAberdeenshire,Kincardineshire andBanffshire-8thAppendix. Entomologists. Rec. J. Var. 110: 41-44. Reid, W. 1893. ListoftheLepidopteraofAberdeenshire& Kincardineshire. ReprintedfromBrit. Naturalist 1891-1893 by SwanSonnenschein&Co., London. Young, M. R. 1999. Hellinsia osteodactylus (Zell.) (Lep.: Pterophoridae) on the east coast of Scotland. Entomologist'sRec. J. Var. Ill: 259. Young, M. R. & Smith, R. ,1997. The rediscovery of Ethmia pyrausta (Pallas) (Lepidoptera: Ethmiidae) in Britain. Entomologist'sGaz- 48: 85-87.

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