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.T[IROR OUEST]ONNAiRE TI-IIS IS A QIIESTTONNAIRE WHICII YOU, AS A POTENTIAL JUROR, ART REQUIRED BY LAW TO ANSWER. YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUPSTIOUi AUP RETURN THE COMPI,ETED FORM TODAY. You lrave bccn oafled to serve as a pnpootive juror in trc ciruit Gut for Anne An^odel cfl,.,ty, IvlaylaM' This qucstionnaire is directed to a orimilal trial that will take placc in the circuit court for Anne Arundel cou ty, Maryraud. The Defbnaant, Joha R, LeoporrJ, is charged in an indictment with Miscorr<luot ln ot'iice and Fraur]ulent Mi.sappropriation. Mr. Lcopord is the cleotod county Exccutivo for Anne Ar,ndcl county a,d has held that post since 2006. The charges involve arregations that Mr. Leopord n sused county cmproyees including poricc officers for his personar .benefits ratber trra, for couuty busi,ess. These eveuts are alrcgcd to have ocourred betwee, February 20 l 0 a.cr May 20I l in Anne Arundel county, Maryrand. Thc Defendant has pled nol. guilty to the charges and is presumed to bc innocent. The trial is scheduled to sta'. or or atrout wcrJ,esday, .Tanuary 16, 2013, Blld it is expected to last approximately three (3) weeks. The purpose of trrcse questions is not to ai;k unnecessarfly about your personar matters but to assist us in deten:rini,g whether a prospectivd juror can decidc this criminal case fairly, otrjectivuly and impartrally. Your rcsponses to this questionnaire wilr N()r bc made pubric. The infomration whir:h you givc in response to this questionnaire will only hc provided to the Court and the attomeys to help i'the selection of a quarificd jury. After ajury has been scrected, arr uopies ofyour respouses to this questiornaire wiil bc retumed to the court's .Tury commissiorrer and kept in confidcnce. The attornoys are'under Court ortlcr to maintairr the confidentiality of any infomration they leam in the course of revierving thcse questioruraires. To protect your: idcntity, the only pagc wh.ich contains your narire is trc cefiification page which will renrain cunfidential arrd is shared only with aourt pcrsoniel and the attocrcys, de/Ita6ed ggbgeUrzlbl I a L :LloJ! Ir:lT llZZ lI NBI Fi.tlir:g out this questionnaire is palt of the jury selection process. prease arlswc.r €ac,h question bclow as cnnrpletely ancl as accurately as you recsonably carr. P]case a,swcr each questio. by yourself a.nd without anyone,s .hell.). p u[I_I4EML]iRS ANp FRIENpS. IT IS EXTRET\/IELY rh,II,ORTAl)i1 TH,{T_ T}rE IN .ANSWERS THIS OIJES']']ONNAIRE ARE YOLIRS. AND YOURS ALONE. }LEASE DO NOT RE.FER TO 4Ny OUTEipE soLrRCES. OF INFORMATrON. OTI{ER rH4N yotrR PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE IWSE (.)LTESTIONS. Please remembcr lhat there are no tight or wrong auswcrs. The only thing fiat matters is that your auswers are tutlfirl. Your cornpletc written answers will save a great deal of time for the Judge, the larye'ts, and you. prease print your answers and prease use i,k only. If at any point in this questiomai'e you need more spacc to comFretc your. axsw6r, please conlinue your answer on the pages provicled for this purposc. Iryou do flrat, jusl make suie trrat you incricate by nunrher thc question to rvhich that answer belougs. You are expected to sign your questioruraire, and your answers iv l be given re sarne effect as a statcment Eiiven to thc Court and under ooth. What is needecl is y<,rur very L.rest. honest effort to answer the questions containcd ia this questiorrnaire. REGA,RDLESS OE ANY ].'ROBLEMS THAT YOU MAY TTAVE SERVING AS A JIIROR iN THIS CRIVINAI. CASE, YOU MI]S','FILL OUT TH].S QUESTIONNAIRE, COMPLETELY. AFTER ANSWERING EACI] QU.E,STION COMPLETELY, PLEASE RETURN THE QIJESTIONNAIRE TO'THE JURY COA4MISSIONER. HON. DENNIS I4. SWDE),r-Flr Associate Judge ee,,et e62d qqbgellaTbT : 0,1 : uro Jt It:l l tIAa,lt-NUl uror Number: J Date : Full Name: (Last) (Firsl) (h4iddte Inirial) CurrentAddress: ,\unrlxr) (Ciry) (Street and 1Cu*ryy EoE[ 1Z_ip Sex: I\zlale:_. Female:_ Sociai Secu-ity #: CERTIFICJAll()N declare uuder pr.nalty ofperiruy that the foregoing (rrint namo) al]swers set fodh in this Jury Questionnaire are true and coff<:c( to the best of my knowledge and belief' I have not disr.:ussed my answers with others, receivcd assistauoe, or any'outside sourc€s to corlplerc thc questiouraire. "n.,izult4tl Sigred this_day of 2012. (Signaturc) TharrJr you for yoLrr help. we realizc that we impose on your time hy asking you to respond to this questionnaire, and we t}ank yoil for your attentiol') and honesty iu its ci.rmpletion. We assurc you that it will assist the Court in sclecting a fair aud irnpartial jury. ee..rta6za Sqb9err?\b\'io L :uro.rj Tr ItI tlaa-11-NUr .Turor No. I. PRELIMINARY MATTERS 1. Tho trial in this case will begin Wednesday, January 16,2013. The trial irr this 61ss rnx] last three (3) weoks, and could run longer or shorter. The jury will generally sit Monday through Friday from g:30 a,m. to 5:00 p.m. The Court expeots tliat you will make any adjustments in yoru work or personal schedule to be available for the trial. However, tlre Court uan oonsidor any partioular serious hardship that may affect a juror. If selected as a juror, is thero any reason why you would be unable to serve because of such a hardship? If ycs, pleasc cxplain: 2. Do you have or does any nrettrtrer of your l:ousehold havc any mcdir:al coqdition that would make it diflicult tbr you to serre as a juror? Yes , No_ If yes, please explaiu 3. Are you currently taking any rnedicir[ion on u regular basis which would interfere with your ability to serve as a juror in this casc'l If ycs, pleasc explain und state the name of the nredication aud the condition that is bcing trcatcd. 4. Prior to t1day, havc you askecl to be excused from this jury panel? If yes, on what basis? 5. Wrat is the condition of your hcaring? Nr.r probloms at all Have difficulty hearing Havc problems, bu1 they are correotod wittr a hearing aid. 6. Whi* is the condition of your eyesight? problems at all -rN-[1o '.'r1#,:*tJ ifi'[1, are conected by glasses or corltacr re,ses. Page 1 of 13 lltf:aael sstgelfatrbl : 01 : uio JJ trt tttr ttroe- LT -NU-c Juror No. 7. Do you read, speak and Lrndvrsta:rd English? Yes difficulq, _No With 8. Do you have auy petsonal, professional. or'financial obligations that would preverrt you ftom giving your full attention or prevent you fi orl being prcsont in Court for the duration oflhc triai? Ifyes, please explein. 9. Will your enrployer conti-nue to pay your salary ifyou are selecterl to serve on this jury? Ycs No Not sure 10. l)o you have a:ry ruoral, rcLigiorrs, or cthical beliefs that prevent you from sitting injudgment of a:rothcr person as a member of a jur"v? If yes, please cxplain. I1. Is thorc anything about you that you think the Coun shoukl krow which you thhk r:right 'it [uence your ability to sit as a juror in this case? if ycs, plozire explain. ]I. BACKGR()L]ND 12. What is your age? 13. What is your curtent marital stahrs? (Check all that apply) _ Sirigle Married 14. Do you have any children under tbe age of I8? Ycs How rnartyf No What tre their ages? Prrge 2 o{ 13 ee.,g, e6ed gslrgeri?lbl t o ! : uro Jl trb:fT lTEe l1-NU-C Juro r No. ]II, E]]UOATION 15. Plcase chccrk the level of educatio, for y'u ancr your spouse or signifcant other: Y._ou lppuEslSienificant O3hcr (a) Grade school or lcss (b) Some high school (c) High school graduare (d) l'cchrical or business school (e) Somc colloge (f) College degrt e (g) Graduate degrcc 16, Ifyou attended college or gradualc sohool afl)llvlrere, pleasr: list any depgee received ia any field relating to political scicnce, labor organizations, 1aw enforcement or crimilal justice. Collere or Sohool Dggle_e . qr (l ertifi c ate 17. Have you or any meurbers ofyow fanrily ever ettendc.d Jaw school, taken paralcgal course wotk, participated in a olinical prog:r'an: involving c,riminal law issues, r:r rcceived zrny other typc of legal training? If yes, please describc, IV, ET,{TLOYMENT 18. What is your occupatioDal stattrs'/ (Check all that apply) _Work full-time outside the homc Str:dent _Work paft-timc oulside the home _ Retired _ homcmakr:r Full-time Disabl.ed _ Houemakor with par[-lime employment _ OthEr: _ Uncmployed Page 3 of l3 ee.lg1ebed ESrgeEfAItI : 01 : L]ro J! ab:f.t EtAa-1tr-NUf uror No. J 19. Without giving your placc ofcmploynrent, please state, your curent occupation. 20. Check the following oategory that best describes your employer: Fedcral govomment agency _ pdvate, for-ptofi r organization _ Statc govemment agency _ private, not-for.profii organization _ county govenulent agenoy Financial institution ciw govenlnent aocncv -- Scll employed 0ther: , 21 Wlrat is you spouse./partner,s occupalional stntus? _ Work fuIl-tirne outside lhe home Student _ Work parl-time ouGide the home Rotired Full-time hon:enraker Disabled _ Honreuraker wilh parrdme emploltleut- -'. ._ Other: -_ Unemplrryed - X2. Check the following cat.gory that best describes your spouse/partner,s cmployer: _ Federal goverrunent age.rcy _ Private, for-profit organization _ State govemjncut aHgncy _ private, not-for1r:ofit organjzation _ County governmcnl agcnoy _ Firancial institution City govenment agc.ncy Sclf cmployed _ Other: - 23. without naming the place of ompl,)ment, please statE your spouse/partn er's cuftcflt occupation. 24' I'Iave you ever rvorked for a business, orgarization or cntily tllat perfomrs audit.ilg forensic accour:ting or: othcr invcstigation related services'/ Yes No Ifyes, please ide,tiff tlie busiaoss trr entity, the years of involvement and responsibility with the business or entity. lage 4 of 13 ee./ Lt a6e d ssbgaffatrbt :01 : uro J! at:gI rlaa-lt-NU-l .Iu ro r No. 25. Have you or any mcmbcrs olyoui family ever beer omployed by a law),cr or a law firm, worked in a courthouso, been a paralegal, served as a legai secret r.y, oi perlbrmetl legai investigative rvork? Yes No I1 yes, please describe. 26. Havc you or any menrbers of your t'amily ever bean emproyed by, or made any appllcation for omployment with any local, stato or federal law cnforclement agency, including the Statc's Attomey's Office, the Ii.S. Attcrmey's Ofhce. the OfEct of the State Prosecutor, Fcderal Bureau of Lrvestigatior:" thc Inremal Revenue Sewice, any office(s) of the Inspector Cieneral, invcstigalive divisious of any federal, state. or local agencies, prosecutors, offices, or the Department ofJustice? Yes No Ii yes, plea-se describe. 27. Havc you or atry members of you'fauriiy evcr been employed by, or rnade any applicatir.ru for employment with, any otgauizatir.rn or fiun involved in criminal defense work'/ Yes No If yes, please describe. V. POLICE DEPARTMENT,OUBLIC SAFET'Y/LABOR 28. llavc you or any mernbers ofyour family bee. employed by or worked for Anne Arundcl County Policre Departr:rent or the Arllre A:undel County Fire Department'? Yes No Pege 5 of 13 e4.,8 I a6 Pd SStgeffAIbI : oI : uro Jl et:lT rlae-1.[-NUr Juror No. If yes. plea-sc clesoribe the person cmproyed, the position held a:rcr thc vEars of sewicc 29' Have you been employcd by, worked for, or sorved in arry rcadorship capacity fcrr any rabor organizatio', group ,r association rvhich lms as its purpose thc pr.omotion union represent^ti.n ofemployees, colleotive bagaining or any other m.Ltt"e.rs'. piepla"teridr i"toi "r organiz.ed labor? _Yes _No II yes, please describc: your position, thc cntity, aad the ycars of your involvement with such entity. 0 3 were you or arry rnembcrs of your fa,rily irrvurved in any way in campaigr activities in the 2010 Primary or Gtme.ral Elections, other than as a lrotcr? Yos _ No Ifyes, pleascr describe your iuvolve;urent includirrg thc type of wort rlorr. in oonnection therervith. 31. Have you or ary members of your l,amily bcen employed by or worked for any orga:rization. involved in perfonling aurlits. oversight or aciounting ofpubiic rir governme t organizations? _Yes _ No Ifyes, please idcntify your position, the orga'ization or entily ror which you worked or by whom you werc crnployed aod the years ofyour involvemcnt. Jrage6ofl3 ee./6 | abe a EE gatEoTrl: oI : rlro Jl ab:1tr tTAa-1I-NUl ,Iuror I.Jo. 32' rHeasvpco nysoibul.eo rf oar facrnrfuorryc imnge mgboevtc reuvneer Dwt oerktheidcs fo,rrl..arn'0y ,d epafi.mcnr, entity or Hroup trrat is irolicies ? Yes N6 lsft royhe sg, oplyepas oer ideentnittyif.y the gxoup or .rganization, the years of i.vorvemeDt a,,d the .olc in VI. ACTIVITIES 3 3 ' otler trrau-as registered voler, did you i' 2010 or at aDy time prior thereto, ser.vc as a member of any orgaaizatio,, r:om.mittee or,:ampaigl dtt h* u, rt, pr"ptJ. iu. ,*-*",i* of a polirical caodidate lor fcderal, .t t. o, l;;j;6;;" Yes No npIfaoytseuirtsico' nop-floc yar osheua rdd .i enasvLco:ryli virreeems ypeoonuntsr. ibiniJviotirevse mjnc rardl,.dthiteio yi etoa ."s".f*y o,u.re iinrv',o;lv*c,m peineat,s ea .dde is-cr.ryiboue htheerd a 34' Have y6u Evgr *orketr on a poriticar campaippr for a car:didate opposed to .Iorrn R. Lurpold? Yes No If "yes", please explain. 35. Have you ever worked on a political campaign for: Joh R. Leopokl? Yes. N<r Page 7 oI 13 ee..al, ia6ed ggbgeLrztrb\ | o L : uro Jl et : f Maa-/I -NUl

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