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1995 INDEX Leonardo Volume 28 and Leonardo Music Journal Volume 5 ARTISTS’ ARTICLES AND NOTES Fountains and Installations of the KREICHI, STANISLAV. “The ANS Syn- BURGMER, BRIGITTE. “Chromatic No- Erebuni Group,” 28, No. 4 (1995). thesizer: Composing on a Photoelec- tation of Music: Transforming Bach AHUJA, MANGHO AND LOEB, A.L. tric Instrument,” 28, No. 1 (1995). and Webern into Color and Light,” “Tessellations in Islamic Calligra- LONDON, BARBARA. “Time as Me- Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). phy,” 28, No. 1 (1995). dium,” in Special Issue “The Third FEINGOLD, KEN. “OU: Interactivity as AMES, CHARLES. “Thresholds of Con- Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, Divination as Vending Machine,” in fidence: An Analysis of Statistical No. 5 (1995). Special Issue “The Third Annual New Methods for Composition, Part 1: McCARTNEY, ANDRA. “Inventing Im- York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Theory,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 ages: Constructing and Contesting JAFFE, DAVID A. “Orchestrating the (1995). Gender in Thinking about Electro- Chimera: Musical Hybrids, Technol- BINKLEY, TIMOTHY. “Transparent acoustic Music,” Leonardo Music Jour- ogy and the Development of a Technology: The Swan Song of Elec- nal 5 (1995). *Maximalist’ Musical Style,” Leonardo tronics,” in Special Issue “The Third MARCHESE, FRANCIS T., and Music Journal 5 (1995). Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, MARCHESE, SUZANNE M. “Digital LAFARGE, ANTOINETTE. “A World Ex- No. 5 (1995). Media and Ephemeralness: Art, Art- hilarating and Wrong: Theatrical Im- CHAPLIN, SARAH. “Desire Lines and ist, and Viewer,” in Special Issue provisation on the Internet,” in Mercurial Tendencies: Resisting and “The Third Annual New York Digital Special Issue “The Third Annual New Embracing the Possibilities for Digi- Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). tal Architecture,” in Special Issue MARGOLIN, VICTOR. “The Politics of MAUBREY, BENOIT. “Audio Jackets “The Third Annual New York Digital the Artificial,” in Special Issue “The and Other Electroacoustic Clothes,” Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Third Annual New York Digital Sa- 28, No. 2 (1995). COOK, KEVIN. “Semiotic Variety in lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). OLIVEROS, PAULINE. “Acoustic and Digital Imagery: The Case of OOSTERHUIS, KAS. “Intuitive Three- Virtual Space as a Dynamic Element Maxwell’s Demon,” 28, No. 2 (1995). Dimensional Sketching in Digital of Music,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 DAVIS, DOUGLAS. “The Work of Art Space: The Synthesis of the Genetic (1995). in the Age of Digital Reproduction Code for Buildings/Organisms,” 28, PLATZ, ROBERT HP. “More Than Just (An Evolving Thesis: 1991-1995),” No. 2 (1995). Notes: Psychoacoustics and Compo- in Special Issue “The Third Annual PAUL, CHRISTIANE. “Reading/Writ- sition,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 ing Hyperfictions: The Psychodrama (1995). (1995). of Interactivity,” 28, No. 4 (1995). SEABERG, STEVENS. “The Demon’s DELANDA, MANUEL. “Virtual Envi- POPPER, FRANK. “The Artist and Ad- Face: An Artist’s Discovery of the ronments and the Concept of Syn- vanced Technology,” 28, No. 1 Metaphors of Child Abuse,” 28, No. 1 ergy,” in Special Issue “The Third (1995). (1995). Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, PUNT, MICHAEL. “CD-ROM: Radical TAMBLYN, CHRISTINE. “She Loves It, No. 5 (1995). Nostalgia?: Cinema History, Cinema She Loves It Not: Women and Technol- DIAZ, LILY. “A Simultaneous View of His- Theory, and New Technology,” in ogy, an Interactive CD-ROM,” 28, tory: The Creation of a Hypermedia Special Issue “The Third Annual No. 2 (1995). Database,” 28, No. 4 (1995). New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 THOME, DIANE. “Reflections on Col- FEDOTOV, VLADIMIR M. “Polyphony (1995). laborative Process and Composi- in the Paintings of M.K. SHANNON, SONYA. “The Chrome tional Revolution,” Leonardo Music Ciurlionis,”28, No. 1 (1995). Age: Dawn of Virtual Reality,” in Journal 5 (1995). GIOMI, FRANCESCO. “The Work of Special Issue “The Third Annual VASULKA, STEINA. “My Love Affair Italian Artist Pietro Grossi: From New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 with Art: Video and Installation Early Electronic Music to Computer (1995). Work,” 28, No. 1 (1995). Art,” 28, No. 1 (1995). SPIERINGS, WALTER, with BARRETO, WALIGORE, MARILYN. “Artist-Sorcer- GRIGORYAN, LEVON A. “Color-Ther- ANA. “Dutch Holographic Labora- ess: Photography and Digital Meta- mal Associations in Music,” 28, No. 1 tory,” 28, No. 4 (1995). morphosis,” 28, No. 4 (1995). (1995). ULIANICH, VICTOR. “Project IVANOV, PAVEL B. “A Hierarchical FORMUS: Sonoric Space-Time and GENERAL, TECHNICAL, Theory of Aesthetic Perception: the Artistic Synthesis of Sound,” 28, HISTORICAL AND Scales in the Visual Arts,” Leonardo No. 1 (1995). THEORETICAL ARTICLES Music Journal 5 (1995). WEINBREN, GRAHAME STRING. AND NOTES KING, MIKE. “Programmed Graphics “Mastery: Computer Games, Intui- ABRAMYAN, ABRAM in Computer Art and Animation,” tive Interfaces, and Interactive Mul- ALEXANDROVICH. “Color-Music 28, No. 2 (1995). timedia,” in Special Issue “The 78 LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL, Vol. 5, pp. 78-81, 1995 © 1995 ISAST 1995 INDEX Leonardo Volume 28 and Leonardo Music Journal Volume 5 ARTISTS’ ARTICLES AND NOTES Fountains and Installations of the KREICHI, STANISLAV. “The ANS Syn- BURGMER, BRIGITTE. “Chromatic No- Erebuni Group,” 28, No. 4 (1995). thesizer: Composing on a Photoelec- tation of Music: Transforming Bach AHUJA, MANGHO AND LOEB, A.L. tric Instrument,” 28, No. 1 (1995). and Webern into Color and Light,” “Tessellations in Islamic Calligra- LONDON, BARBARA. “Time as Me- Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). phy,” 28, No. 1 (1995). dium,” in Special Issue “The Third FEINGOLD, KEN. “OU: Interactivity as AMES, CHARLES. “Thresholds of Con- Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, Divination as Vending Machine,” in fidence: An Analysis of Statistical No. 5 (1995). Special Issue “The Third Annual New Methods for Composition, Part 1: McCARTNEY, ANDRA. “Inventing Im- York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Theory,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 ages: Constructing and Contesting JAFFE, DAVID A. “Orchestrating the (1995). Gender in Thinking about Electro- Chimera: Musical Hybrids, Technol- BINKLEY, TIMOTHY. “Transparent acoustic Music,” Leonardo Music Jour- ogy and the Development of a Technology: The Swan Song of Elec- nal 5 (1995). *Maximalist’ Musical Style,” Leonardo tronics,” in Special Issue “The Third MARCHESE, FRANCIS T., and Music Journal 5 (1995). Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, MARCHESE, SUZANNE M. “Digital LAFARGE, ANTOINETTE. “A World Ex- No. 5 (1995). Media and Ephemeralness: Art, Art- hilarating and Wrong: Theatrical Im- CHAPLIN, SARAH. “Desire Lines and ist, and Viewer,” in Special Issue provisation on the Internet,” in Mercurial Tendencies: Resisting and “The Third Annual New York Digital Special Issue “The Third Annual New Embracing the Possibilities for Digi- Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). tal Architecture,” in Special Issue MARGOLIN, VICTOR. “The Politics of MAUBREY, BENOIT. “Audio Jackets “The Third Annual New York Digital the Artificial,” in Special Issue “The and Other Electroacoustic Clothes,” Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Third Annual New York Digital Sa- 28, No. 2 (1995). COOK, KEVIN. “Semiotic Variety in lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). OLIVEROS, PAULINE. “Acoustic and Digital Imagery: The Case of OOSTERHUIS, KAS. “Intuitive Three- Virtual Space as a Dynamic Element Maxwell’s Demon,” 28, No. 2 (1995). Dimensional Sketching in Digital of Music,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 DAVIS, DOUGLAS. “The Work of Art Space: The Synthesis of the Genetic (1995). in the Age of Digital Reproduction Code for Buildings/Organisms,” 28, PLATZ, ROBERT HP. “More Than Just (An Evolving Thesis: 1991-1995),” No. 2 (1995). Notes: Psychoacoustics and Compo- in Special Issue “The Third Annual PAUL, CHRISTIANE. “Reading/Writ- sition,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 ing Hyperfictions: The Psychodrama (1995). (1995). of Interactivity,” 28, No. 4 (1995). SEABERG, STEVENS. “The Demon’s DELANDA, MANUEL. “Virtual Envi- POPPER, FRANK. “The Artist and Ad- Face: An Artist’s Discovery of the ronments and the Concept of Syn- vanced Technology,” 28, No. 1 Metaphors of Child Abuse,” 28, No. 1 ergy,” in Special Issue “The Third (1995). (1995). Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, PUNT, MICHAEL. “CD-ROM: Radical TAMBLYN, CHRISTINE. “She Loves It, No. 5 (1995). Nostalgia?: Cinema History, Cinema She Loves It Not: Women and Technol- DIAZ, LILY. “A Simultaneous View of His- Theory, and New Technology,” in ogy, an Interactive CD-ROM,” 28, tory: The Creation of a Hypermedia Special Issue “The Third Annual No. 2 (1995). Database,” 28, No. 4 (1995). New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 THOME, DIANE. “Reflections on Col- FEDOTOV, VLADIMIR M. “Polyphony (1995). laborative Process and Composi- in the Paintings of M.K. SHANNON, SONYA. “The Chrome tional Revolution,” Leonardo Music Ciurlionis,”28, No. 1 (1995). Age: Dawn of Virtual Reality,” in Journal 5 (1995). GIOMI, FRANCESCO. “The Work of Special Issue “The Third Annual VASULKA, STEINA. “My Love Affair Italian Artist Pietro Grossi: From New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 with Art: Video and Installation Early Electronic Music to Computer (1995). Work,” 28, No. 1 (1995). Art,” 28, No. 1 (1995). SPIERINGS, WALTER, with BARRETO, WALIGORE, MARILYN. “Artist-Sorcer- GRIGORYAN, LEVON A. “Color-Ther- ANA. “Dutch Holographic Labora- ess: Photography and Digital Meta- mal Associations in Music,” 28, No. 1 tory,” 28, No. 4 (1995). morphosis,” 28, No. 4 (1995). (1995). ULIANICH, VICTOR. “Project IVANOV, PAVEL B. “A Hierarchical FORMUS: Sonoric Space-Time and GENERAL, TECHNICAL, Theory of Aesthetic Perception: the Artistic Synthesis of Sound,” 28, HISTORICAL AND Scales in the Visual Arts,” Leonardo No. 1 (1995). THEORETICAL ARTICLES Music Journal 5 (1995). WEINBREN, GRAHAME STRING. AND NOTES KING, MIKE. “Programmed Graphics “Mastery: Computer Games, Intui- ABRAMYAN, ABRAM in Computer Art and Animation,” tive Interfaces, and Interactive Mul- ALEXANDROVICH. “Color-Music 28, No. 2 (1995). timedia,” in Special Issue “The 78 LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL, Vol. 5, pp. 78-81, 1995 © 1995 ISAST Third Annual New York Digital Sa- WILLIAMS, QUENTIN. “Projections World,” in Special Section “Creativ- lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). from Actuality,” 28, No. 4 (1995). ity and Cognition Conference Pa- WEINTRAUB, ANNETTE. “Artifice, Ar- Bibliographies pers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). tifact: The Landscape of the Con- Recent Russian Books on Art, Science ELTON, MATTHEW. “Artificial Creativ- structed Digital Environment,” in and Technology (1992-1994), 28, ity: Enculturing Computers,” in Spe- Special Issue “The Third Annual No. 1 (1995). cial Section “Creativity and New York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 Cognition Conference Papers,” 28, (1995). CD Companion No. 3 (1995). WILMER, CELSO. “Color-Encoded Mu- FUJIEDA, MAMORU. “Ecological FRITH, CHRIS, and LAW, JOHN. “Cog- sic Scores: What Visual Communica- Plantron,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 nitive and Physiological Processes tion Can Do for Music Reading,” 28, (1995). Underlying Drawing Skills,” in Spe- No. 2 (1995). MATSUMOTO, HINOHARU. “Dawn cial Section “Creativity and Cogni- WONG, WO-BIK. “An Overview of Bird,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). tion Conference Papers,” 28, No. 3 Computer Art and Education in MIWA, MASAHIRO. “My Favorite Few of (1995). Hong Kong,” in Special Issue “The Coltrane's,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 GIGLIOTTI, CAROL. “Aesthetics of a Third Annual New York Digital Sa- (1995). Virtual World,” in Special Section lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). NAKAMURA, SHIGENOBU. “Walk,” “The Fourth International Sympo- WRIGHT, RICHARD. “Towards a Poet- Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). sium on Electronic Art (FISEA) Sym- ics of Knowledge,” in Special Issue NODAIRA, ICHIRO. “Neuf écarts vers le posium Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). “The Third Annual New York Digital défi (Nine Gaps toward Challenge), ” HARLEY, JAMES. “Generative Processes Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). in Algorithmic Composition: Chaos ZAJICEK, LIBOR. “The History of Elec- TAKAHASHI, YUJI. “Kumo-Rinzetsu and Music,” in Special Section “Cre- troacoustic Music in the Czech and 260795,” Leonardo Music Journal 5 ativity and Cognition Conference Slovak Republics,” Leonardo Music (1995). Papers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). Journal 5 (1995). UEHARA, KAZUO. “Sohgu I] (Encounter ILGEN, FRE. “Extensionalism and ZELEVANSKY, PAUL. “Crisscrossing II), ” Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). Twistor Space: Similarities and Rela- the Interface: The Design, Display tions between Art and Twistor and Evaluation of an Interactive Commentaries Theory,” in Special Section “Creativ- Computer Exhibit,” 28, No. 2 KALBEN, JOHN F. “Comment on ‘Data ity and Cognition Conference Pa- (1995). Morphing: Ownership, Copyright pers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). ZIFF, STEWART. “Beyond the Context: and Creation,” 28, No. 1 (1995). MILLER, ARTHUR I. “Aesthetics, Rep- Landscapes, Pictures, and the Epis- resentation and Creativity in Art and temology of Image-Making,” in Spe- Compact Disc Science,” in Special Section “Creativ- cial Issue “The Third Annual New FUJIEDA, MAMORU. “Ecological ity and Cognition Conference Pa- York Digital Salon,” 28, No. 5 Plantron,” Leonardo Music Journal CD pers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). (1995). Series 5 (1995). MIRANDA, EDUARDO RECK. “Granular MATSUMOTO, HINOHARU. “Dawn Synthesis of Sounds by Means of a Bird,” Leonardo Music Journal CD Se- Cellular Automaton,” in Special Sec- ries 5 (1995). tion “The Fourth International Sym- MIWA, MASAHIRO. “My Favorite Few of posium on Electronic Art (FISEA) SECTIONS Coltrane’s,” Leonardo Music Journal Symposium Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). Abstracts CD Series 5 (1995). MOLNAR, VERA. “My Mother’s Letters: COLONNA, JEAN-FRANCOIS. “Nu- NAKAMURA, SHIGENOBU. “Walk,” Simulation by Computer,” in Special merical Relativity: On the Fallibility Leonardo Music Journal CD Series 5 Section “Creativity and Cognition of Computers,” 28, No. 2 (1995). (1995). Conference Papers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). GARTEL, LAWRENCE M. “Nuvo NODAIRA, ICHIRO. “Neuf écarts vers le NEUMARK, NORIE. “Interactive Jour- Japonica,” 28, No. 1 (1995). défi (Nine Gaps toward Challenge), ” neys: Making Room to Move in the GYULA, MATE. “Wire-Brush Leonardo Music Journal CD Series 5 Cultural Territories of Interactivity,” Electrographic Art,” 28, No. 2 (1995). in Special Section “The Fourth In- (1995). TAKAHASHI, YUJI. “Kumo-Rinzetsu ternational Symposium on Elec- MOTT, IAIN. “The Talking Chair: Notes 260795,” Leonardo Music Journal CD tronic Art (FISEA) Symposium on a Sound Sculpture,” 28, No. 1 Series 5 (1995). Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). (1995). UEHARA, KAZUO. “Sohgu IJ (Encoun- OKI, KEISUKE. “Brain Wave Rider: A TSAO, MAKEPEACE. “Artistic Creation ter II),” Leonardo Music Journal CD Human-Machine Interface,” in Spe- and Scientific Discovery: One Series 5 (1995). cial Section “The Fourth Interna- Practitioner's Experience,” 28, No. | tional Symposium on Electronic Art (1995). Conference Papers (FISEA) Symposium Papers,” 28, ALTY, J.L. “Navigating through Compo- No. 4 (1995). Artists’ Statements sitional Space: The Creativity Corri- RAILING, PATRICIA. “The Idea of LIGHT, FLASH. “Anubis Studies Genetic dor,” in Special Section “Creativity Construction as the Creative Prin- Engineering, ” 28, No. 4 (1995). and Cognition Conference Papers,” ciple in Russian Avant-Garde Art,” in PICKOVER, CLIFFORD. “Fractal 28, No. 3 (1995). Special Section “Creativity and Cog- Milkshakes and Infinite Archery,” BELL, STEPHEN. “Creative Participa- nition Conference Papers,” 28, No. 28, No. 4 (1995). tory Behavior in a Programmed 3 (1995) 1995 Leonardo Index 79 RIECKEN, DOUG. “WOLFGANG: Color/Light/Memory II,” 28, No. 4 MALINA, ROGER F. “LMJ Announces ‘Emotions’ and Architecture which (1995). New International Co-Editor Dou- Bias Musical Design,” in Special Sec- ENSDORF, MICHAEL. “First Photo,” 28, glas Kahn,” 28, No. 2 (1995). tion “Creativity and Cognition Con- No. 2 (1995) ESTUDIO MILLE. “Derecho de la Alta ference Papers,” 28, No. 3 (1995). GOLDEN, KENNETH SEAN. “Cara- TecnologAa, "28, No. 2 (1995). SEARCH, PATRICIA. “The Semiotics of board Story,2”8 , No. 1 (1995). ESTUDIO MILLE. “Instituto the Digital Image,” in Special Sec- GOLDING, STEPHEN. “Road to Latinoamericano de Alta tion “The Fourth International Sym- Necropolos,” 28, No. 2 (1995). Tecnologia, Informatica y Derecho,” posium on Electronic Art (FISEA) GREENE, KATHRYN. “somnambula, rear 28, No. 2 (1995). Symposium Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). mirror,2”8 , No. 1 (1995). VANECHKINA, IRINA L. “Computer SPITZ, REJANE. “Qualitative, Dialecti- LOPEZ, MARTINA. “Jn the Way of Tradi- and Video Art,” 28, No. 1 (1995). cal and Experiential Domains of tion, 2,” 28, No. 2 (1995). Introductions Electronic Art,” in Special Section MONTENEGRO, MILTON. “Deceptio BATTIER, MARC. Introduction to /nno- “The Fourth International Sympo- Visus, Vehiculum,” 28, No. 3 (1995). vation in Contemporary Japanese Com- sium on Electronic Art (FISEA) Sym- MURPHY, JEFF. “Heart and Ribs,” 28, position, in CD Companion, Leonardo posium Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). No. 2 (1995) Music Journal 5 (1995). NADRUZ, ULYSSES. “Favela, Postais do BINKLEY, TIMOTHY. “Theme and Documents Brasil,2”8 , No. 3 (1995). Variations,” in Special Issue “The BRADBURY, RAY. “Yestermorrow: A RANDOLPH, CARLOS (MUTI). “Mad- Third Annual New York Digital Sa- Feasting of Thoughts, A Banqueting house,” 28, No. 3 (1995). lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). of Words,” 28, No. 1 (1995). ROLLINS, KENT. “Untitled,” 28, No. 1 BLISS, ANNA CAMPBELL. “Explorers,” THE NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL (1995). the Leonardo Gallery, 28, No. 4 FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS. “The Per- RUIZ, KATHLEEN H., “Broadcast B and (1995). forming and Visual Arts and New C,” 28, No. 1 (1995). CHMELEWSKI, KATHLEEN, Technologies Seminars,” 28, No. 2 RUIZ, KATHLEEN H., “Significance,” GOGGIN, NAN, AND SQUIER, JO- (1995). 28, No. 2 (1995). SEPH. “Art as Signal: Inside the WENYON, MICHAEL, and GAMBLE, SCHMIDT, MECHTHILD, “Stochastic Loop,” the Leonardo Gallery, 28, No. SUSAN. “Volumes: Holograms of Dance,”28 , No. 1 (1995). 2 (1995). Books,” 28, No. 4 (1995). SCHWARTZMAN, MADELINE. “Un- CLAUS, JURGEN. “The SolArt Global titled,” 28, No. 1 (1995). Network °95: Artworks for the Solar Editorials SIEGEL, LEAH. “Untitled,” 28, No. 1 Age,” in SolArt Global Network, 28, GOMBRICH, ERNST. “Art Is Long. . .” (1995). No. 1 (1995). 28, No. 4 (1995) SIFFERT, HELOISA. “Forces of Change,” DASHKIN, MICHAEL. “From Drawing KAHN, DOUGLAS. “An Unheard-of 28, No. 3 (1995). to Montage,” the Leonardo Gallery, Organology,” Leonardo Music Journal VEROSTKO, ROMAN. “Gaia Triptych, 5 (1995). Diamond Lake Apocalypse Series,” 28, 28, No. 1 (1995). EDMONDS, ERNEST. “Selected Papers MALINA, ROGER F. “The Fourth No. 4 (1995). from Creativity and Cognition,” in World: The Promises and Dangers of WEINTRAUB, ANNETTE. “Departure, Special Section “Creativity and Cog- the World Wide Web,” 28, No. 1 Sicilia, Night Light,” 28, No. 1 (1995). nition Conference Papers,” 28, No. (1995). WILMER, CELSO, AND RESENDE, 3 (1995). CRISTIANA LARA. “Video Dance GALEYEV, BULAT M. “Light from an Endnotes Scores,” 28, No. 3 (1995). Extinct Star: Music and Technology DRYER, IVAN. “Virtual Realities and in the Former Soviet Union,” 28, the Future of the Arts,” 28, No. 4 The Third Annual New York Digital No. 1 (1995). (1995). Salon Galleries SPITZ, REJANE. “The Rhythms, Flavors “Computer Animation,” in Special Issue Extended Abstracts “The Third Annual New York Digital and Meanings of Brazilian Elec- tronic Art,” The Leonardo Gallery, HERMOSILLO, CARMEN. “Veni Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Redemptor: The Metallic Masks of “Gallery Artworks,” in Special Issue 28, No. 3 (1995). VAN DER PLAS, WIM. “ISEA: An Intro- God,” 28, No. 4 (1995). “The Third Annual New York Digital duction,” in Special Section “The Salon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). Fourth International Symposium on The Leonardo Gallery “Net-Works,” in Special Issue “The Electronic Art (FISEA) Symposium ARMSTRONG, SARA GARDEN. “Skin Third Annual New York Digital Sa- Papers,” 28, No. 4 (1995). Rack 2 from Airplayer XIII,” 28, No. 4 lon,” 28, No. 5 (1995). VEROSTKO, ROMAN. “Selected Pa- (1995). Gateway pers from FISEA: The Art Factor,” in AZAMBUJA, CARLOS. “A Not So User- CHALMERS, JOHN. “In Memoriam: Special Section “The Fourth Inter- Friendly Interface,” 28, No. 3 (1995). Ivor Darreg,” 28, No. 2 (1995). national Symposium on Electronic BOLLINGER, REBECCA. “Online Dance DARVAS, GYORGY, and NAGY, DENES. Art (FISEA) Symposium Papers,” 28, Hall Girls,” 28, No. 2 (1995). “Symmetry: Natural and Artificial,” No. 4 (1995). BRUSH, GLORIA DeFILLIPPS. “Un- 28, No. 2 (1995). WANDS, BRUCE. “Curator’s State- titled, #5504,” 28, No. 2 (1995). HOUSE, DONALD. “Visualization Sci- ment,” in Special Issue “The Third CRAWFORD, KEVIN. “Bow,” 28, No. 1 ences Program at Texas A&M Uni- Annual New York Digital Salon,” 28, (1995). versity,” 28, No. 2 (1995). No. 5 (1995). ELDRED, DALE. “Light + Time Labyr, 80 1995 Leonardo Index Reviews KARNOW, CURTIS E.A. Review of GOODMAN, JOEL H. “Architectonic ARNHEIM, RUDOLF. Review of George Elsewheres, compact disc by Hal Studies for a Post—Fossil Fuels Cul- Rickey in Berlin, 1967-1992, edited by Rammel, Leonardo Music Journal 5 ture,” 28, No. 4 (1995). Jorn Merkert and Ursula Prinz, 28, (1995). MacCREADY, PAUL. “Perspectives and No. 1 (1995). KARNOW, CURTIS E.A. Review of Wreck- Prejudices about Some Major Is- ARNHEIM, RUDOLF. Review of The ing Ball, compact disc by The Hub, sues,” 28, No. 1 (1995). Origin of Perspective, by Hubert Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). MATHIEU, MARIE-CHRISTIANE. Damisch, translated by John MALINA, ROGER F. Review of Art/Cog- “Solaris: Experimental Solar Holog- Goodman, 28, No. 1 (1995). nition, Pratiques artistiques et sciences raphy,” 28, No. 3 (1995). ARNHEIM, RUDOLF. Review of Picture cognitives, edited by Marc Partouche, PEPPER, ANDREW. “Holography as Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual 28, No. 1 (1995). Large-Scale Event,” 28, No. 3 Representation, by W.].T. Mitchell, 28, MALINA, ROGER F. Review of Cahiers (1995). No. 1 (1995). art et science, edited by Allain Glykos, RISKIN, SETH. “Rainbow Man: An In- CARRIER, DAVID. Review of The Elec- 28, No. 1 (1995). teractive Light and Dance Perfor- tronic Word: Democracy, Technology and PENNY, SIMON. Review of Embodied mance,” 28, No. 4 (1995). the Arts, by Richard A. Lanham, 28, Mind: Cognitive Science and Human SCHEER, HERMANN. “Solar Energy Is No. 1 (1995). Experience, by FranciscoJ . Varela, the Energy,” 28, No. 1 (1995). DAVIDSON, FRANK. Review of Building Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch, SILVI, CESARE. “The Future of Solar in the Garden: The Architecture of Joseph 28, No. 4 (1995). Energy,” 28, No. 4 (1995). Allan Stein in India and California, by RAPOPORT, SONYA. Review of “Color TRIBUTSCH, HELMUT. “Living with Stephen White, 28, No. 4 (1995). in the Shadows: Bay Area Cyberart” the Sun: Modern Technology in So- GALEYEV, BULAT M. Review of the In- Exhibition, 28, No. 1 (1995). lar Architecture,” 28, No. 3 (1995). ternational “Ost-Ranenie” Festival, RAPOPORT, SONYA. Review of “New 28, No. 1 (1995). Voices, New Visions,” 28, No. 4 Words on Works GALEYEV, BULAT M. Review of the (1995). CLEMONS, LAURA L. “Here Is Where Modern Technology of Communica- WILSON, STEPHEN. Review of Art of You Heard the Ocean: An Interac- tions (the Humanitarian Aspects of the Electronic Age, by Frank Popper, tive Sound Installation,” 28, No. 4 Telecommunication) Seminar, 28, 28, No. 1 (1995). (1995). No. 1 (1995). WILSON, STEPHEN. Review of Engi- GROSSBERGER-MORALES, LUCIA. HARTNETT, GERALD. Review of Cas- neering and the Mind’s Eye, by Eugene “Sangre Boliviana,” 28, No. 4 sette Culture, by Peter Manuel, S. Ferguson, 28, No. 4 (1995). (1995). Leonardo Music Journal 5 (1995). JACKSON, SARAH. “Reflections Be- HERTZ, PAUL. Review of Digital Man- Solart Global Network hind the Mirror: Copier Art as Meta- tras: The Languages of Abstract and Vir- CLAUS, JURGEN. “Homage to Dale phor,” 28, No. 4 (1995). tual Worlds, by Steven R. Holtzman, Eldred,” 28, No. 4 (1995). POWERS, ANN. North Water World, 28, 28, No. 4 (1995). CLAUS, JURGEN. “Solar Art—Solar Ar- No. 4 (1995). KARNOW, CURTIS E.A. Review of chitecture,” 28, No. 3 (1995). SHENAL, MARTINA M. “Six Right of 7 Places, Times and People, compact disc ERSKINE, PETER. “Secrets of the Sun in South,” 28, No. 4 (1995). by David Borden, Leonardo Music Jour- Los Angeles,” 28, No. 1 (1995). WILSON, JOSEPH. “What Did Jackie nal5 (1995). Say?,” 28, No. 4 (1995). 1995 Leonardo Index 81

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