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Leon Trotsky, Permanent Revolution PDF

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The Permanent Revolution &? results and prospects Leon Trotsky The PermanentR evolution Permanent The Revolution & resulatnsd p rospects LeonT rotsky Introductbiyo Lnum a Nichol © 201b0yR edL etPtreers s Alrli grhetsse rved Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda otfeA sm erica RedL etPtreers s 471U0n iveWrasyiN tEy,S ui1t0e0 SeatWtAl 9e8,1 0• (52 06)985-4621 [email protected] www .RedLetterPress.org REVISEEDDI ITON2 010 ResualntPdsr ospweacsfit rssp tu bliisnhS etP.de tersibn1u 9r0g6 . TheP ermanReenvto luwtaifisor nsp tu bliisnGh eerdm ainn1y 9 30. Thep reseednitt iisaos nl igchotrlrye acntrdee dv ivseerds oifto hne translfartoiRmou nsssb iyaJ no hGn.W rigahntBd r iPaena rtchea t araev ailoantb hlTeer otIsnkyt eArrncehtai nvwdee rfier sptu blished byP rogrPeusbsl isherPsu/bMliilsiAhtsiasnnogtc iation. Editaonrdb oodke siHgenl:eG nil bert Covdeers iLganr:Cr yyr Covielrl ustLraytuiboPonov:p o "vSap,a FtoiraCcloe n struc19t2i0o-n2:1'. LibroarfCy o ngrCeastsa loging-inD-aPtuab lication TrotLsekyo,1n 8,7 9-1940. [PermanernetvnoaliiEaun tgsliiisah.. ] Thep ermanreenvto l&u trieosunal ntdps r osp/eL cetoTsnr otsky, introdbuycL tuimoNani chol. p.cm. Incluidnedse x. Origipnuabllliy:s M hoesdc;oN wewY or:kP rogress PMuiblliitsahnetr s/ PublisAhsisnogc i1a9t3i1o.n , ISB9N7 8-0-932323-29-3 1.R evolut2i.Co onmsm.u ni3s.mS .o cia4li.Cs omm.m unism--Soviet Unio5n.S. o viUenti on--Paonldgi otviecrsn mIeN.ni tc.h Loulm,a( ,L uma Patri1c9i5aI2)I-T .r otLsekyo,1 n8,7 9-1P9e4r0s.p erkutsisvrkyeo vio liutsii. EnglishT.i tIlIeI.. HX3177.20T10 335.43'3--dc22 2009051121 Contents INTRODUCTION 7 Editor'Nsote 29 RESULTSA ND PROSPECTS Preface to theR eissue of thisWork 33 ResualnPtdrs o spects 41 1Th.e P eculioRfa ursistHiiiaesnst oDreivceallo p4m2 ent 2Th.e T owannsCd a pital 52 3 1789 - ] 848- ]9 05 59 4 Revolution andth eProl etariat 70 5Th.e P roleitnPa orwiaeanrttd h Pee asantry7 7 6Th.e P roleRteagriimaen 83 7.Th eP rereqoufSi oscliiitsaems 91 8 WorkAe rs' Governmenti nR ussiaan dS ocialism JJ O 9E.u roapnRede volution 117 10Th.eS tugrglef roP ow(e1r9) 15 127 THEP ERMANENTR EVOLUTION Introdtuotc hFteii (roRsnut s Esdiiatni)o n 137 Introductinot oth eG ermanE dition J5 8 1Th.e E nofrcNeadt oufThri eWs o rka,n IdtA si m 175 2Th.e P ermaRneevnotl iuNsto iat"o Lne baytp h"e Prolebtuattrh Rieea cto,n storftu hNceat tiioonn undtehLre ed aesrhoitfpeh P roletariat19 8 3Th.r eEel emoetfnh t"esD ecmroaDtiicct atorship": ClasTsaesaskn,sPd o litical Mech2a1n1 ics 4W.h aDti tdh Thee oryo tfh Pee rmaRneevnotl ution Lool.ikke inPract ice? 23J 5W.a tsh "eD emocDriacttiactR oeraslhiiinOzp ue"rd CounItSfr,oy W ?h en? 253 6O.n t hSekip pingo fH istoSrtiacgaels 269 7.W haDto etshS el oogfa nDt emhoec ratic DictatMoeraTsnoh difapoty rh E ea st? 275 8 FromM arxism toPa cifism 294 9E.p ilogue 305 10 What ist hep ermanenRte volution' Basic Postulates 3lD GLOSSARY 316 INDEX Intodrucotni byL umNai chol Permanernetv oluttioodnat ya keasi ma tt hec apitalist statieti,sn stituatnidot nhsev, a sitn terloscyksitneogmf h u­ mana nds ociraell attihoanftso rtmh em atrioxfw orlbdo ur­ geoiosp pressIitro en.c ogntihzeep sr oletaarsit haetm otor forocfew orledc onomayn dt hes tratsepgeiacr hoefai dn ter­ natiorneavlo lutAinodin tb. a seist soenlft hme utuianlt erde­ pendeonftc heep roletasrtiraung agnldea lolt helri beration movements. -Murry Weiss* Anyorneea cthhiceno gn cltuhstaihtofue nt uorfeM other Earatnhhd e irn habitanotnast odtoeavplee rnohdftash u el currseynstwt ieallms «kH:o dwow ech angteh e world? And whaatb 'test wearty o o pertaeP?e"r marneevntotil obuno,t h theb okoa ntdh teh reyao,n swtehreqssu ee swtiitaoh n tsh or­ oughhi staonraiilcosyaf sl d tyhanem iocfrse voolnau,nat nial­ ysish atsshto aodtt h e ottfmei es.t Thec oncoefpp retm atnr eenvioolwnua tdse velboyp ed LeoTnr otwshkuoy, s iettdof ro seekeee yl emoetfnh wteosrl d's firssutc ceosvsefuroltfc u arpni ttahlReiu ssmsR,ie avtnoi nlo u of1 9,1i 7nw hihchew aasc enlteraaTdloe drta.hyax e i omosf hitsh esotrhiyol ltldr ue: Etvoee nrpdyo vfiegirhnty,tc rease humarni gohrat csh ineavteil oinbaelrr aetqiutoihnlre ee asd ­ ersohtfih pwe o rkcilnaagsn ssdco iailinos rmdt eohra vlea st­ insgu ccess. Permanreenvto liutsth eiexpo rne sosfhiu omna nuint­y's ceasqiunefgsroj t u stwihcischei ,m maenredsr uopnte sv ery • Murry oWneW iosmse nEsm ancipaantdti hoFenu tuorfte h Feo urItnht erna­ tio(nSaela RtteldLe e:tt Perre 2s0s0,63 )3,. 7 INTRODUCTION contiPnooeran ntwd.o rkpioenpgal reie nr evwohlte tihte'rs womeinnI celbaagnnidnp ngas t od emaencdo noamifdiro c poeplneob,ta nks; orB loiivnideairngesecr ntooiaundsgb locks tpo revtehpnervt iai tzaotwfia otnoe rir m;m igirna nUtt.hsSe . marcheinmn agso snM ayD ayo;rag enesrtarplia krea lyzing thFer eCnacrhi bibseloaaGfnnu da deloupe. At ctohoreefm a nyt hoesfst er uagrgwelo emsep nr,o v­ inTgr otmsakxy'itsmh tahtme o sotp epsrsweidrll i tsobe e ­ comtehb ea bcnokeo fre sisWtomaennic,ne d.i gpeepnoloeu,s queeirmsm,i groapenpstrssr,ea dca ensnd a tailosin-ttiehese artehs ep kaprlouwfgo sr kcilnarges vsio ntl h2te 1t s creyn.t u Thise ditoifTho en P ermaneRnetv olutiispo un blished byR eLde tPtreeors nbs he aolftf h Fer eeSdcooima Plairstty (FS,P T)ar otsfmekyiisntpi rasttty h uapth otlhpders i nocfi ple premanreenvtto iloun-haaensxd p antdhteehd re yos'cso pe witthhr ee cogtnhitathtlie eoa nde roswfhoi pm ewnh,oo cc puy thleo wreusntg osfe gemvoeefsnrc otyiy ei,tc sr ittoir ec­vaol lutiinto hnei rsa . FSbPe liTheev Peersm aneRnetv olutiisao nne stsieanl theorheatniodcobafkrol 2 1tcs entruervyon laurtiUienos­. frotunhaotweel,mvy; ae nrayc titvoiydas artuesn awoaftrh ei s worItk w.a dse elriabtbeulrdyai neddi stboyrJ toesde ph Sta­ liwnh,so ep olsitcarete eg itmeer rotrhUieSSz Ref drom uch otfh lea csetnr tyau,n bdyh is diints hcweio prlldewCsio dme­ munimsotv emFeunrt,t.t h heer choanbscen eea pbta ndoned bys omger oupTsr sowktiytrioohst wtsh hoa veel evpapotue­d laroivtreyer v oluptriionnMcaoirpsnylto e t.at bhSlecy;o i alist WorkePrrasto y;cn e Ut.hsSet. a dn-dabarerfeorTr r otskyism, hadsi scardedr epveorlamunatcdnie eoannst e d poufb lication thbeok o.I na dditthiIeon nt,e rnSacotiiaOolrnigasaltn ization carard ieebdia ntt heem iarg aizn2i 0ne0t 6hqa ute sttihoen ed releovtfah nneco et- iwointheovudetrr a wai ncgo nclusion on thikse ynpooitlteip crailno cTfir polyteis .sk m Sadilgy;n oroaTfnr coett shkye'ioshsr o yl dbiancmgko ve- 8

are available on the Trotsky Internet Archive and were first published by Progress . such as liberty, equality, land reform, voting rights, full em ployment assault on capital because it is the only class with the unmiti gated need to
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