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Leon Trotsky. A Revolutionary's Life PDF

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leon trotsky Leon Trotsky A Revolutionary’s Life JOSHUA RUBENSTEIN NewHavenandLondon Frontispiece:LeonTrotskyinMexico,c.1940.PhotographbyAlexanderH.Buchman. PublishedwithassistancefromthefoundationestablishedinmemoryofAmasa StoneMatheroftheClassof1907,YaleCollege. Copyright©2011byJoshuaRubenstein.Allrightsreserved. Thisbookmaynotbereproduced,inwholeorinpart,includingillustrations, inanyform(beyondthatcopyingpermittedbySections107and108ofthe U.S.CopyrightLawandexceptbyreviewersforthepublicpress), withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublishers. SetinJansontypebyVonda’sCompServices,Morley,Michigan. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyMaple-Vail,York,PA. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationDat Rubenstein,Joshua. LeonTrotsky/JoshuaRubenstein p. cm.—(Jewishlives) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. isbn978-0-300-13724-8(cloth:alk.paper) 1. Trotsky,Leon,1879–1940. 2. Communists—Russia—Biography. I. Title. HX312.T75R832011 947.084092—dc22 [B] 2010053718 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Thispapermeetstherequirementsofansi/nisoz39.48-1992 (PermanenceofPaper). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nothinggreathasbeenaccomplishedinhistory withoutfanaticism. —LeonTrotsky This page intentionally left blank contents Preface,ix 1.TheYoungRevolutionary,1 2.TheRevolutionof1905,25 3.AnIndependentMarxist,55 4.TheRevolutionof1917,83 5.OutofPower,135 6.Exile,155 Epilogue,203 NoteonSources,211 Acknowledgments,215 Index,217 This page intentionally left blank preface Leon Trotsky hauntsourhistoricalmemory.Apreem- inent revolutionary figure and a masterful writer, Trotsky led an upheaval that helped to define the contours of twentieth- century politics. While still a teenager, he threw himself into the antitsarist underground and from that time on never re- nouncedhiscommitmenttorevolution.Heorganized,wrote, distributed pamphlets and essays, faced Siberian exile, aban- doned his first wife and daughters—all for the purpose of op- posing a deeply conservative monarch. But when he realized hisdreamandfoundhimselfagainstalloddsandexpectations amongthoseinchargeofatriumphantrevolution,headopted theverymethodsoftheregimethathadoncehoundedhim. UnlikesomeofTrotsky’sotherbiographers,mostnotably IsaacDeutscher,Ididnotexplorehislifeasanadmirerorafol- lower,nordidIseektosavagehimforhispersonalfailings,real or alleged, as I believe Robert Service sought to do in his re- ix

To the world he will always be known as Leon Trotsky, but he was born . attitudes undermined whatever religious allegiance Lev might have picked up at . in My Life: “This national inequality probably was one of the underlying
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