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Lenny Breau – Fingerstyle jazz PDF

62 Pages·2002·49.53 MB·English
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"Mel Bay Presents woe Mel Ba: Lenny Breau Fingerstyle Jazz CONTENTS SEMINAR BUILDIN’ THE BLUES: THREE AGAINST TWO... HARMONICS AT WORK . . SOLOS FIVE O’CLOCK BELLS LITTLE BLUES. ... VREIGHT TRAIN, . DISCOGRAPHY, etc. have been wanting to write a guitar book for six or seven years. 1 was always discouraged because 1 never ran into anyone who could really help me do it. Then I figured . . . well, ‘maybe John Knowles and 1 could put out a good book, The more we talked about it, it felt real right. ‘The most important thing about this book is the information. It's not exactly the notes. 1 mean you can get the notes but it’s understanding the philosophy behind the notes that’s important. This could lead a person to their own stsic of playing. I’m not trying (o make you | play the way 1 play. 1 want to lead you to yourself. Pye included some of the exercises that I went through to develop my own playing. If you fee] discouraged at first, t's because they arc hard to play . . . that’s all. Keep playing them ‘and after a while they will start to feel natural and you can add your own variations. A lol of people helped me along the way. Of course there's Chet Atkins. Tove Chet. If it Jradn't been for him, J wouldn't have started playing .. . seriously. Without Bill Evans, 1 mijght have quit playing years ago. When | heatd Till play piano, it was a lifetime of inspira tion. 1e made me realize that [really don’t know what's happening because music keeps on | would fike 10 give a special thanks to PAUL FORSTMAN, SKIP SORRELLE and BYRON FOGO. PAUL and SKIP helped me transcribe the solos at the hack af the book, Believe me...i! was al least a three man job. BYRON joincd us at the proof reading sage. 1 hhope that you will work as bard, and gel as much out of it as we did. ‘The music in this book is written in both classic guitar notation and standard TAB. The sumbers by the notes are left hand fingerings. A circled number is a string mumber. The numbers on the TAB lines give the fret and string location of each nove. A Roman numeral is used to indicete the fret where a barre is made. The right hand fingers are indicated, p-thumb, i-index, m-middle and a-ring. If you are used 0 reading TAB, look up at the music every now and then to sec how i relates to what you are doing, If you ure used to reading music, check the TAB to make sure ‘that you are not playing the right notes in the wrong pesition. Tn either case try following the printed music as you listen to the seminar cassette or the records containing the solo, SEMINAR BUILDIN’ THE BLUES Listen to the cassie as yon follow the text and examples below 'm BX. 1, the eighth note paics are played with a triplet feel. There i «sight accent on the second oe in each pair, 4 e GAG ANN anni ons Lenny: 80 at the some time, Y'm goimg 19 sustubt two wote chords... trlaaes that will suygeat » Chih, Well eave the root ma heeause in thls ease wee using the nie “Can tow. ‘The notes in a C7th chord wre, E, Gund RP. The E, BP rritone will suggest a CTth chord when layed with & C bass or azaims ® C melody Ads ai +. Joh: That would be were te uur chord comes. TL: Yeah. Teen yon can change the mutes and mayhe play something Uke two “CS, two OB? >, 1h. BOG) Bh) ody = ‘Le them i€ becomes u melody. Su you gu 1, 2.3, 44 and on the 4%, the chord comes in. That's what makes it swing. a Anil AO) Bods ads, St cle ae Ss Se 88. Sep 886 § 1L: Right Su then you're geting into syzcopation. 1L: The pentatonic seale i. - - Le. + and Ghat wale wit Gt apuinst a one chord and it abs Hs against x four chord, So wel make ‘up a le rmetaly going... EX BD q “4 . oon. Now Lenny adie the bass pact from EX. 4 to the melody in EX, 6. Notice that he leaves out the melody note “F™ on ibe 4 of che firs bar to make eoom for the four chord, Fx? 2f1} Se. SO Lenny and John Practoe singing chord roots while playing irtones to improve your abitry to hear the implied seventh chords. ‘When you can sing the roots, practice singing the pentatonic scale apes the tones. Notice tbat Henay’s vocalizing i plavable on the guitar. Whk practice, your Lingers and voice will work tegether, tu pluy the blues. Fascan because you knw that pentatonte scale Ue bit of sonfadense,

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