Legends of the BAGGY GREEN Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page ii Bookhouse Legends of the BAGGY GREEN Dubious behaviour & achievements from cricket’s chequered history ALEXANDER BUZO Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page iv Bookhouse Firstpublishedin2004 Copyright©AlexanderBuzo2004 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedor transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopying,recordingorbyanyinformationstorage andretrievalsystem,withoutpriorpermissioninwritingfromthe publisher.TheAustralianCopyrightAct1968(theAct)allowsa maximumofonechapteror10percentofthisbook,whichever isthegreater,tobephotocopiedbyanyeducationalinstitutionfor itseducationalpurposesprovidedthattheeducationalinstitution (orbodythatadministersit)hasgivenaremunerationnoticeto CopyrightAgencyLimited(CAL)undertheAct. Allen&Unwin 83AlexanderStreet CrowsNestNSW2065 Australia Phone: (612)84250100 Fax: (612)99062218 Email: [email protected] Web: www.allenandunwin.com NationalLibraryofAustralia Cataloguing-in-Publicationentry: Buzo,Alexander,1944-. Legendsofthebaggygreen:dubiousbehaviourand achievementsfromcricket’schequeredhistory. ISBN1741143853. 1.Cricket-Corruptpractices. 2.Cricket-Rules- History. 3.Cricket-Australia. 4.Testmatches (Cricket). I.Title. 796.358 Setin12/17ptBembobyBookhouse,Sydney PrintedbyMcPherson’sPrintingGroup,Maryborough 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page v Bookhouse Contents Contents 1 Oo-wah! 1 2 It’s a stew 5 3 Civilising global cricket 19 4 Shouldering arms 35 5 Field chat 49 6 No melons for Mr Gregory 61 7 Asterisks and the gladiators 77 8 Ward’s wards 87 9 The third Hollywood 99 10 Liberal boofheads 109 11 Box office saboteurs 123 12 Wiping out Chux 133 13 Scoundrel time 143 14 Water boys 153 15 The Eric Hollies award 161 16 Would you like to buy twelve white jumpers? 173 17 Country practices 181 18 Flannelled Addisons 187 19 Memories of development 197 20 The 1942 Ashes tour 213 Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page vi Bookhouse Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page vii Bookhouse To John and KayWard, with thanks. Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page viii Bookhouse Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page ix Bookhouse Bh0915M-PressProofs.QX5 27/9/04 10:40 AM Page x Bookhouse