GUYANA ACT No. 26 of2010 LEGAL PB~CTITIONERS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2010 L ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS SECTION 1. Short title. 2. Amendment of section 2 of the Principal Act. 3. Amendment of section 15of the Principal Act. 4. Repeal of Part II of the I:rincipal Act and substitution of the following as Part II and Part III. 5. Repeal and re-enactment of the First Schedule to the Principal Act. 6. Amendment of the Fourth Schedule. 1 ANACT to amendtheLegalPractitionersAct. A.D....2010 Enacted bytheParliament ofGuyana:- Shorttitle. 1. This Act, which amends the Legal Practitioners Act, may be cited as the Cap. 4:01 LegalPractitioners (Amendment)Act2010. Amendment 2. Section2ofthePrincipal Act isamended bythe insertion ofthe following ofsection2 defmitions intheir correctalphabeticalorder- ofthe Principal Act. "Bar Associations" means"Associations thatrepresent attorneys-at- lawinGuyana"; "practice certificate" meansthepractice certificate issuedbythe Commissioner Generalundersection39oftheTaxAct.". Cap.80:01 3. Section 15of the Principal Act is amended by the substitution for the Amendment ofsection words "The Chancellor may with the concurrence of the other members of the 15ofthe Principal rule making authority constituted under section 29", of the words "The Act. Committee may inconsultationwiththeBarAssociations.". 4. Part IIofthe Principal Act isrepealed andthe following substituted asPart Repealof PartIIof IIandPartIII- the Principal Actand substitution ofthe following asPartII andPartIII. "PART II DISCIPLINE 22. (1) For the purposes of this Act, there is established a Legal Practitioners Committee, to be known as the Legal Practitioners Committee Committee. (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") which shall be charged withhearinganddetermining complaints against attorneys-at-law. (2)TheRegistrar,oranyperson deputedbyhim,shall perform thedutiesofSecretarytothe Committee. 2 23. (1) The Committee shall consist of not more than fourteen Constitution ofthe members,being- Committee. (a) the Attorney General and the Solicitor General, who shallbe ex officio membersofthe Committee;and (b) twelve attorneys-at-law appointed by the Chancellor afterconsultationwiththeBarAssociations. (2)The appointed members ofthe Committee shall includefour attorneys-at-law each having not less than ten years standingasanattorney-at-law. Tenure. 24.Themembers ofthe Committee, shall, subjectto theprovisions of this Part,hold officeforaperiod ofthree years and shallbe eligiblefor re-appointment. Chairman. 25. (1) There shall be a Chairman of the Committee who shall be elected by the members of the Committee from among the members whohaveatleasttenyears standingasattorneys-at-law. (2) Ifthe Chairman ofthe Committee isabsent orunable to act, the members present shall elect another member to act as Chairman. 26.Where amemberofthe Committee isabsent orunableto act,the Acting appoint- Chancellor may appoint an attorney-at-law to act in the place of the ments. member, after consultation with the Bar Associations. 27. Anappointed member ofthe Committee may at anytimeresign Resignations. hisofficebyletterdeliveredtotheRegistrar. 28. The Chancellor shall,upon the request ofthe Bar Associations if Revocation of appointment. theythink itexpedientto doso,revoke the appointment ofanymember oftheCommittee. 29. Where an appointed member of the Committee vacates his seat Filling of vacancies. beforetheexpirationofhisterm ofoffice,the Chancellormayappoint, in like manner as under section 23, an attorney-at-law to fill the vacancy fortheremainderofthatterm ofoffice. 3 Publication of 30. The Registrar shall cause the names of all members of the membership. Committee as ftrst constituted, and every change in membership of the Committee,tobepublished inthe Gazette. Procedure of 31.(1)TheCommittee shallmeetatthetimes asmaybenecessary or meetings. expedient forthe transaction ofbusiness, and meetings shallbe held attheplaces andtimes andonthedaysasthe Committeedetermines. (2) The quorum of the meeting shall be five members. (3) The validity of any proceedings ofthe Committee shallnot be affected by any vacancy among the members or by any defect in theappointmentofa memberoftheCommittee. (4) Subject to the provisions of this Part, the Committee shall havethepowertoregulate itsownproceedings. 32. A member of the Committee shall not be personally liable for Protection of members. any act or default of the Committee done or omitted to be done in good faith in the performance of its functions under this Act. Expenses. 33. Any expenses lawfully incurred by the Committee in the performance of its functions under this Act, shall be paid out of moneys fromtheConsolidated Fund. 34. (I) The Code of Conduct set out in the Fourth Schedule shall Code of Conduct. regulate the professional practice, etiquette, conduct and discipline Fourth ofattorneys-at-law. Schedule. (2) Any attorney-at-law who breaches the Code of Conduct commitsanactofprofessional misconduct. (3) The Chancellor may, in consultation with the Bar Associations, amendtheFourth Schedule. Complaints to 35. (I) A client or, by leave of the Committee, any other person the Committee. ~ alleging himself aggrieved by an act of professional misconduct, committed byan attorney-at-law, otherthan the Attorney General or a Law Officer, may apply to the Committee to require the attorney- at-law to answer allegations contained in an affidavit made by a 4 client or other person, and the Registrar or any member of the Committee may make a likeapplication to the Committee inrespect of allegations concerning any professional misconduct or any criminal offence as may for the purposes of this section be prescribed by the Chancellor with the approval of the Bar Associations. (2) In any matter or hearing before any Court, where the Court considers that an act referred to in subsection (1) has been committed by an attorney-at-law other than the Attorney General or J a Law Officer, the Court may make or cause the Registrar to make an application to the Committee in respect of the attorney-at-law underthatsubsection. I (3) Any application under subsection (1) shall be made to and heard by the Committee in accordance with rules made under section40. Powers of 36. (1) On the hearing of an application under section 35, the theCommitteemay- Committee. (a)dismisstheapplication; (b) impose on the attorney-at-law to whom the application relates, a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand dollarsastheCommitteethinksproper; (c) reprimand the attorney-at-law to whom the application relates;or (d)make an order asto costs of proceedings as itthinks fit, and in addition, except where the application is dismissed, the Committee may order the attorney-at-law topaytheapplicantorperson aggrieved asumbywayof compensation andreimbursement and any further sumin respect of expenses incidental to the hearing of the application and the consideration of the report as it thinksfit. (2) The removal from the Court Roll of the name of an attorney- at-law shall not be a bar to the continuation of the hearing and determination ofanapplication. 5 (3) Where the Committee is of the opinion that a case has been made out which justifies punishment more severe than may be imposed by it under this section like suspension from practice or removal from the Court Roll, the Committee shall forward to the Chancellor and to the Attorney General a copy of the proceedings before itanditsfindings. (4) Every order made under this section shall be drawn up, settled and signed by the Registrar who shall keep awrittenrecord ofalldecisions andrecords. (5) Whereanattorney-at-law isordered bythe Committee to pay compensation or to make reimbursement to an applicant or other aggrieved person,any compensation orreimbursement may betaken into account in the assessment of damages recoverable against the attorney-at-law in any civil proceedings brought against him by the applicant or other aggrieved person in respect of any act or default which was the subject matter of the application which gave rise to theorderoftheCommittee. Procedure 37. (I) Where any application has been heard, the Committee shall on application for removal (a) where a case of misconduct has, in their opinion, been from Court Roll. established against the attorney-at-law, report their findings to the judges ofthe Court;or (b) where, in their opinion, no case of misconduct is established against the attorney-at-law, dismiss the application and report their fmdings to thejudges of the Court and may make such recommendations inrelationtotheir findingsastheymaythinkfit. (2) The report of the Committee shall be signed by the Chairman and filed in the Registry but shall not be open to public inspection. (3) The Registrar shall in each case submit the report with the record oftheproceedings to thejudges ofthe Court who shalldirect whether any and what further proceedings shall be taken, either by wayofreferencebacktothe Committee orotherwise. 6 ._--------------------..", .....•....',..'..'" ..."-"-'-" (4) TheRegistrar shall, if sodirected bythejudges ofthe Court, setdown thereport forconsideration by the Court constituted ofnot lessthanthreejudges. (5) At the hearing by the Court, the attorney-at- law shall be required to showcause why an order shallnot be made against him, and the Attorney-General or an attorney-at-law nominated by him mayalsobeheard. (6) At the conclusion of the hearing the Court may make an orderonthereportastheCourtmaythink fit. Removal 38.(I) TheRegistrarshallmaketheappropriate entryoralteration in from Court the Court Roll and publish the appropriate notice in the Gazette Roll and suspension whenever the Court orders the name of an attorney-at-law to be from practice by removed from the Court Roll or that the attorney-at-law be order of Court. suspendedfrompractising law;wherebyvirtue ofany law,thename ofan attorney-at-law isremoved fromthe Court Roll or anattorney- at-lawissuspendedfrompractising law,but wherethere isanappeal against any order from which the removal or suspension results, the Registrar shall take no action under this section until the order has beenconfirmed onappeal. (2) Where the name of an attorney-at-law is removed fromthe CourtRoll hispractice certificate ceases to be valid forthe period ofthatsuspension. (3) During the period of suspension of an attorney-at-law from practising law,no practice certificate shall be issued to him and any practice certificate issued to him prior to suspension, ceases to be valid fortheperiod ofthatsuspension. Committee 39. (I) For the purposes of hearing applications made may sit in divisions. pursuant to section 35, the Committee may sit in more than one division. (2)Subjecttothedirections ofthe Committee,the Chairmanof the Committee shalldeterminethe composition ofeach division,and eachdivisionshallelectitsownChairman fromamong itsmembers: 7 Provided that a division shall not consist of less than fivemembersofthe Committee. (3) Each division shall be entitled to hear and determine any application, and shall be entitled to exercise all the powers of the Committee; and any hearing by or determination or order of such division shallbedeemedtobe ahearing byordetermination ororder oftheCommittee. Rules of 40. (1)TheCommitteemaymakerules- procedure. (a) regulatingthepresentation, hearing and determination of applicationstotheCommittee underthisAct; (b) providing for the payment of any costs by the applicant orattorney-at-law; (c) prescribingthe feesto bepaid byan attorney- at-law for the restoration of his name to the Court Roll, or any otherthing which maybe or isrequired to be prescribed forthepurposes ofthisPart; and (d) generally for the better performance of its functions underthisPart. (2)The Rules contained inthe First Schedule shallbe in force First Schedule. until they are amended or revoked by rules made by the Committee undersubsection(1). (3) For the purposes of any application made to it under this Act,the Committee shallhavethe powers ofthe Courtto issuewrits of subpoena ad testificandum or duces tecum, and to examine witnessesandpartiesconcernedonoath. 41. (1) Every order made by the Committee under section Filing, effect and 36 shall be prefaced by a statement of the Committee's fmdings in notice of orders of relation to the facts of the case and shall be the Committee signed by the Chairman of the Committee, or division of the Committee as the case may be, so, however, that ifthe fmdings are not unanimous, dissenting opinions may be expressed in the statement. (2)TheCommittee shall, subjectto rules made under section40, cause a copy of every order of the Committee to be filed with the Registrar. 8 , (3)Everyorderfiledpursuantto subsection (2)shall,assoonasit has been filed,be acted upon bythe Registrar and be enforceable in the same manner as a judgment or order of the Court to the like effect. (4)TheRegistrar shalluponthe filing ofanyorder underthisPart, cause anotice statingthe effect ofthe operative part of the order to bepublished inthe Gazette. (5)The fileoforders madeby the Committee may be inspected at the Registry by any person, during office hours, on payment of the prescribed fee. Appeals. 42. An appeal against any order made by the Committee under this Act shall lie to the Court of Appeal by way of rehearing at the instance of the attorney-at-law or person aggrieved to whom the order relates, and every appeal shallbe made within the time and in the form and shall be heard in the manner as may be prescribed by rulesoftheCourtofAppeal. Powers of 43. (I) TheCourtofAppeal may dismissthe appeal andconfirmthe the Court of orderormayallowtheappealandsetasidetheorder ormayvarythe Appeal. order or may allow the appeal and direct that the application be reheard by the Committee and may also make an order as to costs before the Committee and as to costs of the appeal, as the Court of Appealmaythinkproper: Provided that in the rehearing of an application by the Committee following an appeal by the attorney-at-law, no greater punishment shall be inflicted upon the attorney-at-law concerned than was inflicted by the order made at the first hearing unless new andadditionalinformationcomesto light. (2) Where the Court of Appeal confrrms the order of the Committee, whether with or without variation, it shall take effect fromthedateoftheorderofCourtofAppeal confrrmingit. Restoration of 44. (I) An attorney-at-law whose name has been removed from the name tothe Court RolL CourtRoll,orwhohasbeen suspended frompractice may, subjectto 9 , subsection (2), apply in writing to the Court by petition to have his name restored to the CourtRoll, orthe order ofhis suspension from practice withdrawn,asthecasemaybe. (2) On the hearing of an application under subsection (l), the Court may refer it to the Committee for a report, and may, if satisfied thatthe applicant is a fit and proper person to practise law, order that his name be restored to the Court Roll, or that the order suspendinghimfrompracticebe withdrawn,asthe casemaybe. (3)Anyordermadebythe Courtunderthis sectionrestoringthe name of an attorney-at-law or terminating the suspension of an attorney-at-law shallbepublished inthe Gazette bytheRegistrar. I (4) Upon the publication in the Gazette of an order madeunder subsection(3)andonthepayment ofany feeprescribed, the Registrar shallmake the appropriate entry onthe Court Roll and where appropriate restore the name of the attorney-at-law to the CourtRoll. 45. (1) If any person, whilst suspended from practice or Offences. whosenamehasbeenremoved fromthe CourtRoll- (a) practiseslaw; (b) wilfullypretendstobe entitledtopractise law;or (c) wilfully makes use of any name, title or description implyingthatheisentitledtoberecognised orto actas anattorney-at-law, he isguiltyof anoffence and isliableon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars and to imprisonment foroneyear. (2) If any person whilst suspended from practice, or whose name has been removed from the Court Roll, seeks or accepts employment from an attorney-at-law in connection with the practice of that attorney-at-law, without previously informing him of the suspension or his name being removed from the Court Roll, he is guilty ofanoffenceandisliableonsummary convictiontoafinenot exceedingtwohundredthousand dollars andto imprisonmentforsix months. (3) No attorney-at-law shall in connection with his practice, employ or remunerate any person who to his knowledge is 10