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Legal pluralism: toward a multicultural conception of law PDF

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Preview Legal pluralism: toward a multicultural conception of law

LEGALP LURALISM: TOWARDA MULT ICULTURCAOLN CEPTION OFL AW A thespirse sentfeuldfi limne nt oft hree quirements fort hdee groefe DoctoPrh oifl osophy inS ocioalotg y MasseUyn iversity WarwiJcokh TnI E 1997 11 ABSTRACT The increacsoisnmgolpyo nlaittuoarfnt e h nea tiaotnpe-,ls utsi nacnr eascseipntgi cism toward the tmhohadaties fnrn ormiesdmt e hs citeifnic-nleexgoufasl l a te-caspoictiaeltyi,s t creatthceeso ndiwittihowinhnis c ah " multrail"c cuolntcuepoftl iaomwni gehmteg reTh.i s theesviasl utahteeex estn tto w hicthhf ei eoldf l egpallu ralciasmnc ontrtiobt uhtee devpemleonotf s ucah conpcteioTno.f a cilitthaitIse d, i isntgubiesthw etehnr ee epistoelmoglpi ecspraecttihvuregoswh h ilcehg pallul raiasptrpsao ch stthudoeyf l awp:o st­ raelispmo,s t-modernipsmo,sp tra-gamnadt iIsnom r.dr e to iedntitfyh ec onceptual resoutrhctaehtse m yi gchotn triIbi unttee rreoagcwahit ttehh rqeuee stwihotand fisen:i tion ofl awd oeesa cihm p?l;wy hatc oncepotfia olntse rnatlielvg-eas ubjedocetesia vcihty cont?a;ain nwdha tp rospdeocetss eenavcihfs oraa gnae l ternactoinvcee poftl iaowTn?w o fertiieldaees m erfgroeml egpallul raisamsa c onuseeqnctehtl:a a ewx iwsititsnth hfiee ldo f sociora-lcd uilvteurarstihttyeh ra onv eirta ,n tdh tla wai osn tolodgiisctafrilonlmjcy ut s tice. Ani maogfem utlicraullltauewm egrefrso mt hedsiem ensThiiossn usb.s tliwats'u trceruste n emphaosne sct ohdeifi caotfni oormna laintytd h jeu stificoafpt oiwowenir t ahne pxloration ofh owa lternatcionvcee potfsi oocnisa dleimtyo,c raancydl, a mwi gbhete mpowetroe d emegre.a rIg tuahett hciosn cepdtoienosonf tu l leys catphepe o sitpiavriasdatig gami nst whiicithss eStpe.c iflilciyatt,e ndenctrieaapltlleuysr aliast moa tliinsdtiions gc oAusra s e. consequietin sac tre i,so fkb ecomainnogt ihneasrnt coefa ne mancipparjtoeoctryth at muatteisn tafo o rm ofr geulatAi noant.us raeldai ccooufnr tge ulatiisbo unii lnttm oy agrumetnoat l tetrp otshiatiinva iw saymt haatl lsot whe emanicmippuaoltfsol eryel g a plrualipsrjmoe'tcsots urvive. ill PREFACE Thep rocoefsw sr ittihnPighs . Dt.h ehsaissst eadily pirnotagoner xeesrsceiidncs oen fronting thsee lMfo.r es pecifilcliyaht,as be come ac onfrontwaittithoh nee x isteunntciearltt ahiantt y appetaoru sn dertphivene rnyo tioofsn ef l-hoOosdt.e nstihbselu yb,jm eacttto eftr h teh eissis legal-ptlhueroaarlnyidt s httee xitws r ititnte hnav te iMny.t reatomefnt tht eh eoreitsiscuaels generabtyle edg pallu rahlaishs,om w evbeeern,i nforbmedy a n umbeorf q uesttihoanttsh e projheacspt r omptmee dt or evicsointc erninsge lf-htohocedo ,n struocfit dieonnt aintdy , persomenaanli nLge.g tahle oirstye ,e missp, a rticaudleaaprttpl ryo mptsiuncqghu estiIno ns. tharte galradw,p, h ilosoapnhdty h,e olsoegeytm o be synonymofuosr mosfd iscourse. Possitbhliryse, fl elcetgsta hle ory's cionntniemcwatititeoqh nu estaiboounths o wt oj ustify decisLioanwsy.ebe rcsa,u steh euyl timarteelulypy o vni oletnolc eeg ititmahtedeie rfi nitions ofr ealitya,l semonu gsatig nte h issa mep ursoufji uts tifiicnao tridotenora uthenttihceaitre reasfoondrse finisnogc riealla taisto hnedsyo . Thep ursoufji uts tififcoautnodrya int tihoseno sc io-arIeenghaaa lsbe ens hakebny i dealist assaul-tisnt heg uisoefp ost-modernisamn dp ragmat-iosntm h eh ubriosf t otaIising explantahteoorryLi iebesri.an ld ividMuaarlxiisasmnm,fd, e mintiosn ma,me thorfte hemaine "culprhiatvsce,o "me under increastionj ge tptr-ieossroas ntu l reeamo sdte rat-et he mechanistmhsa gta vet hems ucehx planaftoorrc(yef oerx amplree,d uctiaonndi sm functionaIltii ssf mafr)ro .m c leahro,w evwehra,ot u ghttor epltahceemes ec hanisamss resoufroccreo sn strumecatniinngg iadnedn tOinteoy p.t iaosnp ,o st-moadnedprn r agmatist accoutnetnstd o d o,i st oe mploy plausra a tloitsaml diissicnogu Froslel.o wFirnegd ric JamesoInam , nots urteh atth iissp ossi(bJlaeme s1o9n6 11:9 5T)h.e n otioofpn l uralism onlmakye s sensweh eni tis positiionrn eelda ttioao nno n-contsitnagnednarGtdo :d , industroirha ulmiasnmi,us ttoipcif aoesrx, a mple. Ata persolneavlet lh,eh ubroifst heo rthodPorxo testatnhtaiitns fmo nnemdy early emotional-intellechtausal li kedwebeivesenel s ohpameknebtny questiaobonustt he limitaotfti ootnasI niasrirnagAst iwvielbe.lc omee vidtehnrto utghhti hse smiyso ,w np osition IV hasc ongeaalreodu nadc onfrontawtiitothnh ep rospectth asti lenlcieebe sn eatohu ra ttempts toi nterwaicttth h eg rounodfo urbe ingT.h ihsa sd evelopetdh roumgyh g rowinagw areness thaat s paceex isbettsw eenm y consciousonfse oscsi eamlbe ddedneasnsda na warenetshsa t my consciousonfte hsaset m beddednecsasn nobet r educteodi ts histcoorniscciitoyu;si nse ss alwayssi tuabtuetid t fso rmis n otr educteodt hec onteonfit tssi tuat(iiSonan r trtee'rmss, this irreducaisbpelceot f c onsciousinsie tjssasc ticthienty e,c esstihtacyto nsciousinsse istsu ated butt hatth ef ormt haitt ssi tuatedtnaekseisss u ltimatienlcyo nsequenTthiiasdl i)a.l ectic betweent hec onsciousonfem sast eriaalnidtt yh ei rreducaiwbarleen esosf c onsciousness, moreoverf,a itlose xplatihen e xisteonftc hee c onscioustnheastas p ipsar entalwya roef i tself. Alla ttempttoas d dretshsei ssuaep parenmetelty w itshi lence. Thesmea tterisnt ,urn , havep romptqeude stiaobonust h ow top roceeidnt hea bsenocfe categorkincoawll edagboeu th owt oc ontinFuoel.l owiCnhgar leTsa ylotrh,ii ssa question abouth owt ofi ndo rf ounsdo urcoefsm oraltihtayat r en ott ietdot het otaliesxitnrge meosf eithseorc ieanlg ineeorrii nngd ividueaxlipsrteiscs io(nTiasyml1 o9r9 4: T5h1i0sI),s . u ggest, isa lsao q uestitohnal ti eastt heh earto fl egtahle orIyta. s khso wthe institouftli aowmn i ght construsctta,b ilainsdse a,n ctimeoann inga nd/oird entiintt yh ea bsenocfef oundatifoonrs justifytihnogs meea ningasn di dentiTthieel sa.w 'nse edt od efin"ew haits " eimsb lemaotfi c thes elnfse etdo fi ndp ersoniadle ntaintdmey a ning. Inm y engagemenwti tthh ipsr oblemaIht aivcen ott raveltlheead p parently popular route of post-modern/pragpmlautriacl ism (wthheecr oen-cienp t troufti hs s ubstitwuittehdt he situationoaflp irsemv ailcionngv entiMoyn )P.r otestanhtaisis nms titloloem du chr ealism withmiyn s ubjectfiovtrih taypt r oposittoil oond geea siPllyu.r alciasnmn obet as elf-sufficient paradigImnl igohftt hi-sa nda gaiinn s ympatwhiyt Chh arlTeasy loqru'ess tioanboiuntg howm orahlo rizomnisg hbet construwcittehdo iuntj urieoffuesct tos ubjeocrts so cia-lmiyt y personparlo blemahtasi becc ome thaotf h owt op ositmiyosne lrfe lattiovt eh ec onceopft "totalidsiisncgo urIstei .so" n ltyh et otalifsoirnmgos f discoIu sresnes,e , thariset tgoi ve meaninga ndi dentOinteyp .o ssibIifi lnidtis y t op ositmiyosne lf reliattosip vpeo stitoto te h,e v ephemerfallu iodfip tlyu raTlhiitisyst . h e rtehaalptmr odutcoetsa clolnyt infgoernmotsf idenantdi metay nintgh,ais t,me aningsi daenndtt hiatctya nneoxti besyto ntdh moeme ntary contweixtth wihni ch atrhceeo yn ceiIvfi enddm. y seslift uabettewde etnh etsweo e xtremes, theoriasboiuntwg h aittme anst o" acbett"w een tdhreamw,ifr nogme acohn et ootlosbo th formegaen inangd tot ransgtrheamestas n inTgh.i ass ,Is uggiesntt h boed yo ft hteh esiiss , alswoh erteh ei ssoufem utlicultuirssa iltiusamwt ietdh,ti hnep resstuorbo et hc onserve socio-ciudletnuatrniadttl yo r elinqsutianstohit ci oofnis d entTihtiisys .t hdeo mawihne re constrsuocctieod- sIuebgjaelc ts rtehceofinorsr tImrt iu stc htre e ahnas, I l ikteot hionfki t, ofo urn on-haourtiaault horoira,asl Tiatyy lroerf etrosi tt,h ed omaionf " personal resona(nicbei5"d1 .2This:), . as botTha ylor and the rleevgiaehlwe erpdsel u ugrgaeilssit s,t s three alfrmo mw hicwhe m ighetx pecttos eeem ancipaitmoargyoe fsj ustice Ien meorwg e. wisht oe xpltohraept r ospect. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Beginnairndege ss perpaltaecn eosl ,e swsh eni tc ometso t hankaig nrgo uopfp eople. Mositm mediately,I w hiostwhoet vhearnm,ky c hiseufp ervGirseogrMo,cr L ennHains. appareunntelryr fianigint hm e,h isn on-diregcutiidvaeni cnes,p itreiancg hianngd, ceaseelnecsosu ragaermseet nrte ntghtahIths a vter easuTroem dy.s ecosnudp ervisor, DavBeu msI,a lsoow em yt hanfkoser n couramgeit nolg a unocuhot n t hivse ntuHries. warmf riendhsahsbi epe an sustaipnoiwnegir n t hiwso rkO.t hers, haavlbeese on, invaluableo fss uopuprocarenstds timulaAtmioonngt. h em anyI,w istho s ingle out CatherBirneen nfaontr h en umeroaunsde vocatdiivsec usstihoawntes h avhea do n sociaanldl egtahle oBrayr.b aGrraa natl,s iosi, m porttaomn et;h era dviocnew riting­ proceswsaests r emendMoourse.o vIeam r ,g ratetfoau lltl h osweh op articipina ted seminarsI s ptohkatetoa tM asseUyn iverasnidtt hy2e 4 tAhn nuCaoln fereonftc hee EuropeGarno ufpo trh eS tudoyfD evianacnedS ociCaoln traotlt ,h eU niverosfi ty WaleBsa,n goTro.m yf amiflmya,l Ilo yw,ea s erioefds e btthsa Itc oulnde vehro pteo repayG.l TenKo,i rstLeunk,eB ,r aydLeanu,r Nioee,l eaenndK, a remna,n tyh anks. CONTENTS Preface Hi Acknowledgements v 1 Introduction 1 1.T1o waradnA lternaCtoinvcee potfiL oanw 1 1.C2h aptSeerq uence 6 2 TheM ulticultCuhraalllietsnoLtg a ew 9 2.M1u lticulturalism 9 2.I2s suients h Dee velopomfea n tM ulticCuolntcuerpatli on ofL aw 15 2.T3h eL imitaotfiP oonssi tLiavwie na M ulticuElntvuirraoln ment2 1 2.L4e gaPllu ralism 35 2.14L .octainlge gpallu ralism 35 2.4M.a2p pilnegg pallu ralism 38 3 MappitnhgDe i verosfiL teyg aPll uralism 46 3.I0n troduction 46 3.R1e alLiesgtaP ll uralism 46 3.11.R eailsetp tiesmology 49 3.12.R ealoinsottl ogy 51 3.13.P olitpirjcoeaclt s 56 3.14.S ummary 58 3.P2o st-MoLdeegmaP ll uralism 59 3.2C.r1i tioqful eesgf aouln dationalism 59 3.2A.n2a ntfio-unidoantiasoltn tology 62 3.2.P3o litpirjcoeaclt s 65 3.2S.u4m mary 70 3.P3o st-PraLgemgaaPtlli usrta lism 70 Vlll 3.13E .pistemocloongsictctraiulmv is 71 3.3T.h2eo ntoloofeg pyi stemocloongsictctraiulv ism 73 33..P3o litpirjcoeaclt s 75 3.C4o nclusion 77 4 PosRte-alLiesgtaP ll uralism 79 4.I0n troduction 79 4.T1h eN atuorfLe a w 81 4.1.I1n itqiuaeslft oesr x panlattohreyo ry 82 4.12.A ssauolnet xsp lanatthoeroyr y 84 4.13.Th e retrioefev xapll taonrtayh eory 87 4.P2o st-ReLaelgiSasultb jectivity 89 4.P3 ost-ReaanldMi uslmt ircauLlla twu 94 4.13Q .ualiofpiteidm tioswma credn tralised law 95 4.3T.o2w aradd ecentceornecde ptiloanw of 98 4.C4o nclusion 100 5 Post-MoLdeegraPnll uralism 101 5.I0n troduction 101 5.P1o st-MoCdreirtni oqfuL easw 104 5.P2o st-MoLdeegrnaS lu bjectivity 110 5.12C .ountermyltheigsca ulbc jtveiity I I I 5.2S.u2b cjteivainttdyh e loaftw h ec ontingent 113 5.P3o st-ModearnnidMs uml ticuLlatwu ral 115 5.13 .Tihmeop sisbiitolyfa c ountermymtuhilct iucruaLllat w 116 53..T2h eh opoefa c ontingmeunlt tlitcuuLraawl 119 5.3J.J 2u.st iacnedt hef eminine 119 5.3.J2u.st2i acnedD estiny 123 5.C4o nclusion 125 1X 6 Post-PragLmeagtaPills utr alism 130 6.I0n troduction 130 6.A1n alyosfLe asw 131 6..21Pr agamtilsetgh aolr izons 131 6.2P.o2s t-pralgemgahatolir sitz ons 133 6.L2e gaSlub jectivity 135 6.12 .Pragmatsiusbtcj teliyev giatl 135 6.2P.o2s t-prsatlg emgasatulijb ectivity 136 6.T3h eP ossiboifal M iutlyt icuLlatwu ral 143 6.13P .ragmahtoirsitzf oonarms u lctuiul rtaLla w 144 6.3P.o2s t-prahgomraitzifosornt ms au tlicuurlaLtla w 147 6.C4o nclusion 152 7 LocatLianwgW ithDiinv ersity 153 7.I0n troduction 153 7.L1e gal-PlTuhreamleiss t 154 71..T1he roissitneag-t wl a 154 71.2.T heroislienggra ilg dhsticso urse 156 71.3.T heosriginl aawn dj ustice 157 71.4.T heosriintgho eri gionfjs u stice 158 71.5.T heroisiinncgo mmeanblsiyiu tr 160 7.N2a turaElviosleudt iEopniasrtye m(oNlEoEgy) 162 7.12N .EE'rsae ilsftou ndations 163 72..R2e concelpitsuliawan'gps l urality 165 72..D3i stuiinsgghb ientweleengp allu raloints hmbesa soifss u perfoliati1on6 7 7.2T.h4er oistihniegn mcmoensburiyalb iettweleenga aslc eanntd renfeiment 178 7..25L awa sa ne pistiesnmtiuictt ion 183 7.C3o nclusion 188 8 DistinguBiesthwieLneagnw a nd Justice 190 8.I0n troduction 190 x 8.T1h eU ndermionfLi inbge Croanlc eptoifLo anws 190 8.S2e paraLtaiwan ngdJ ustice 20I 8.T3h eP ursoufai t Non-ContradictoryL aRwae npdl acement for Justice 204 8.T4h eP rivatiosfJa utsitoainnc dte h Ceo llaopfLs aew 213 8.T5h eM ediatoifLo anwa nJdu stbiyca De i scouorfAs tet itude 217 8.T6o waraNd a turalMiusletdi,c uClotnucreaplot fiL oanw 223 Bibliography 238

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