... »,.#•'.; t' '* &OUJME XXXV? NO. 6. RED BANK, Nf J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,1912; PAGES 1 TO LEFT HOUSE TO NIECECU.BS nVUBIIB AT XOBM MOW. ALLGOR NOW IN ASYLUM. TWO TOW XOU0ES), FAIR HAVEN'S BIG FAIR. Xurant TonpMna of Bunion Thrown »we)llng« Oolaf Vp on Bergen nao* for Wall* TrrhMT to »»*• • HurrUt. suKsora wnra MHOS Bvacnaa Two Bietera. MRS. MARGARET THORNE BEQUEATHS HOUSE AT Margaret Tompkins, a fifteen-year- Two houses, each 24x40 feet, are FIREMEN OF THAT PLACE WILL CLEAR IN THE old girl o: umaon, was thrown from BBlfOVBD 10 TBENTOH. being built for Mrs. Evelyn Kingsley RED BANK TO- GRACE M. POPE. her horee the Long Branch horse and Mrs. Ira Voorhees on Bergen NEIGHBORHOOD OF $1,000. . , aiFnhajocuwer e wdla. asts i Kbrreu dsisnceaedlap d aaw,yn adas n ctodur tnw. aaAsn bdt a tdhhleeyrDrIBan.r oaanrOcahrb*Um *Xyf ntUmill U S SSlBlaineaunnnae—tint ggH-o laffr oPmKro oanpng- pnthelaee cae h.a orucMs essir sstf.eo Krrsi ntaghnseldiery t h oaewyn dna Mroecc rbusup. ialVdniocnoygr.- _ Mrs. Thome Made Ca»h Bequests Amounting to $3,000-An-time of the accident Miss -Totnpkins erty ana Money Marly All T7<«1 Up. Each house will have Beven rooms and The Fair Began Wednesday Night and Closed Saturday Night- other Red Bank Woman Leave* Most of Estate to Her Grand-wataios n efxoerr cais hinugr dhlee rco hnotersste. iTn hper Hepoarrse- famJaomuse sb yM th. eA elrlgecotri.o nw ohfo s leinvear able cspomitee bao blaatihdr otohmro,u agnhodu ht.a rdTwhoeo dc ofslto owrsil lw bilel Large Crowds Every Night and Miiutrel Performances by Menv. d$a5u0,g0h0t0e rE-Cachha rtole Ts wEo. NSiaetcteesr leaen do- f$ 3A5t,l0a0n0ti ct oH Aignholtahnedrs N Lieecaev.espThroeom vtepodkp ian o spf oo otvhre rej u ihntusipr hdeerlae d,a .nthdr torwipipnegd Moviessr fbWinernseiagcdnhensete sobdrnaai ydsh.yg ilesu, Dmpwrn oajps.ae C trtaht kya erTnnlei eesta norJt o.tt hnhG eer esmStlaaeesteart-&ab oMuitn $to3n,3 0a0r ef othro e accohn thraocutsoer. s.Walters bthere« C oof- otphe'era Ptilvaey ePrsla' nB—oaPtr oCcleuebd—s Mtoa Gnyo Aforrti cNleesw D Fisirpeohsoeuds oe.f. on ' Mrs. Margaret Thome, who died at ot to .her daughter. Clara P. and John W. Bennett of Long Branch MANY AT HARVEST HOME. ' Fair Haven's biggest fair took place Assisting the actors at the wheel of Had Bank several weeks ago, made Schwartz, "during Tier, lifetime. At BIG DEMOCRATIC DINNER, made on examination ns to Mr. All- last week when the firemen of the newfortune was Charles Cross. many cash bequests In hqr will, which her death the property is to he sold gov's mental condition at the request borough held a three-day festival be- The usual articles were sold at the she made two years ago last February, and the proceeds divided equally be- of the Seabrightcihief of police and ginning on Wednesday night and clos- booths. These booths were in charge Her house and lot on Irving place waB tween Mrs. Schwartz's son George and other authorities. The doctors had BECOBS-BBEAKIHO CBOWO AT- ing on Saturday night. Fair Haven's of Miss Viola Little. Miss Esther Pat- left in trust for her niece, Grace M. ler) daughter Mary. AH the rest of MBIT HATH BHOBE DXBYno trouble in getting Allgor to talk TENDS COLT'S WEOK FESTIVAL. residents are a good deal like a big terson, Miss Daisy Tllton, Mrs. Frank Pope, as long as she lives. The cash ler estate was divided equally among WB« AT PIEAHDBE BAT. and after a conversation of consider- family. They work together, and this Martineau, Miss Bessie Dennis, Mrs. bequests made by Mrs. Thome were: ber children. T, Nelson Lillagore and able length with him they decided he Between S30O and S4OO Clearsa and Near-spirit of harmony and co-operation Harry Dennis, Miss Nellie Martin, To OraceM. Pope. 11,000. . Harry M. Wilson were the witnessesAbottt Thru Huoarefl Uemoorati Dtolle was suffering from paranoia, an in- ly 700 People Ted—Tlio Village Btreotl was largely responsible for the big Miss Maggie May Tobin, Mrs. Everett T'TI'Doo CALanrtaiihbreaerl ilUna eVS HPmUoopncecke,, , {11211,0100000.0.. Lto»'»Mtth reZs .i wUiUlAl. nt\no i en •»nEgh. t»Wri.est of Long W—ThiMathto V»T WOheanrotielnn g a1an» ta on T Crohotabmtlu egH.-t 'at hA. llM Baitgthert cwsuuhrfifacebhrl iens gpm eecfniratolamils t. ds iss-eHaayjse exH,t aarnwrdyee tkTh heJa swuad mIgsee' AaBn!eidvt w*d eoWeinnitg h $ 3tWo0 0At fhfaoenn Hsd aa $rn4vA0e0s At wuBtaoosrs n cCel.eoamriendg sopuuecogcphel eshs, aaoslt fah tolahurgegh ef arairec.st iodreTsn' htcseo l oionfn ftyah.n etT bphloaersce-e BSremand,i tehnC,, hJMaorslreessp .h CV hTaanhrBolemrsu pnCsto,r no,Js osC,s eepMcihla WMtthaienrw-- ebocfu lMrithioarerls r., p pTltorohto opibmenere t c you lnsewedfdtia t iso?i n1nd,0i v0kidA eteeoldpl ihtnehegqer u hreaelxelsyr-t Bldoarsuat gnDhchtee,c rewsm,h boe mrH, aldeeerf,t hhderae urw geihlslt teaart ,ey.' e taoMr haaegrroy swdhaaoyTtr heerae dfitinDenrnnenm eaortoo ancPr.tl a eJta.sTs Fuho.r feeM FFBurrraeepyeehhh lyaoo'sllsdtd B TDrhhieadumdgrseo a--- ogdFffoeoffcriscii''tdsi iea le rlc s o wwnahdditlt eil itt ttiihhhroeee ncr. eivATel lhgAoer rjj'ueaapdp sog crtetot o mw fMMMrmiollr im rt. m.AtA hteAhlelnllneltl-ttbWheyle el tdChyneoee slthtd 'asahr yovN wenesci tgkm hh utoR.cm ehfe oI rttfh moiesre dtipmh rcooph cobueseresncdiebhsfl ietal atorsoeft oinlnana sltttyi hv waeese w feeikenwl f ta amhrieedoy in notgwhf set,thr hete ae tka oesfw i ranaec mbtaieivngned . i n daEtusev rreitenrhsgyte tsTJoeohnlhle,e no, dEJModormuhel nuv niShBdoir ldlaH.e nnen,Dn igdaJarnonicch,ik nnMsg o ynwMr, oaaJnsro fthriSnnen eCy,a dtanhesrde-, among her nephews and nieces, They Grace Reed) was left $2,500 in cash cratic club is a new organization which s to be permanent or not. as all the bills are not yet in, but the Fair Havener is proud of the fire de- music being furnished by volunteer BIO- Nicholas J. and Daniel A. Wilson, to equalize her estate, as during Mrs. has recently been formed, but the Allgor s troubles began in 1908 andsum clcared^is thought to be close to partment and they all worked hard to orchestras made up of permanent resi- Ircnu Lippincott, Elizabeth A. Har- West's lifetime she deeded a house and members of the club say that it is go-since that time he has had an event- ?400. A record-breaking crowd at- nelp the firemen make money. dents and actors Of Fair Haven. The rison, Arabella Smock and Catherine lot to her other daughter, Emma B. ing to be made into a permanent club ful life. During that year he opened tended ' the harvest home. The The exact proceeds are not yet actors also gave short sketches as a P. Borden. Nicholas J. Wilson was Bazley. The rest of her estate was and that they are going to keep it a refreshment stand on his property grounds in the rear of the church shed known as all the bills arc not in. Last side line to the dancing, Arthur Sick- appointed executor of the will. The equally divided between her two alive forever and ever. adjoining that of P. Hall Packer. He were filled with wagons, completely year the\ firemen cleared about ?425 les was floor manager of the dancing witnesses were Daniel H, Appk'gnte daughters who wero named as exe- About three hundred Democrats tried to get a permit to conduct a covering the half-acre lot. A large field at their annual fair. It is certain platform. qHHaleunuafiCduugtf t haah HtBulaha orneiblwfdde i Esasg ,r$. id6weRE 0shtSt.,0t ao..0t S Hed0a. i itegetdega Mricanlhe sr seo.h t nSoo,ora tfth tteiisArm ltneeleia e"anc ebteriseoc,-, cHnHwueh«atsMovrrs reircTydshe. o satr TMhdnore, fy uWa wrta haoixls mel uJ. wam.o nifDml1 l*e.e LnWrob Jnyiehlg nlo.o nmfiBe eNr Qaaenutwci chO kY w caoenriaktdn-, wtta"Mohfte oteoreGoynerk mo a,v"aaore rutrner tn nhigtovo dhriicn etnohWg gue s nhtyitlh otsoyweor y ecni laf lohr adrrsanieyjnddnh n Fd ittemh errtele. hl ei rtihhsh o Sipiplmshdii cco atfttruuahntrlrladlyeet. bcwismnoioaaagmwsld s elae i d lnwlaegeAhnny li oadlegw ld twloo eorooyuh uk lfdi lidmen te bh l bhb eeeiyt smsh ta aatob htnrun edeiu lh doiRtesihrnau a ngwlmte c sasebsao.s un nbb toe Totoiiwhshfnfeiliigs---s1 ompBrpepaleoacprvtbceoeeeinrdsl eihc ttsyoeh. u tethdmihIrtene a. d mctaehhTa uuisctbhr ohclyemiohn t oeRw twsbr.eaiaalvisnss. usta sOps elacadrtrw aegfnvhoeece r yrtV re aa uadntntoiso---, ttl$pnhoh1aosaa,sut0ttt s 0 ewd0h,t .oea heuaskben Tb'l sede hp ef trnetehoh scicwtseoei vm oeapadrmprlks oa iocnnaueygwnne iddtfl fslo i ow trr o aai asfsms o nmpmotehruaewoned bt et af fiibbamrteliyoere- cotiHehonlamo O rsenerGt yehwrw "aeoahcE fseomc yf tosr,eh -oorolemdsMp o pe nisrtrsh,ahis na teicMrv Aidepesinr as pnslw .poi eeQssl roaaueunlH i.rg Mocalfeer rsyta s,A, r.oMM mtfiDc oirrlnaneasnsg-..- Ettttffttl L. 'Abel and Emily B. Loretz, Grove, made her will a year ago last A few Republicans and "bull moose" made a victim of discrimination and The roads leading, to Colt's Neck will be added to the building fund. James Mack, Mrs. Frank Pierce, Mrs. Jhd $35,000 to hia niece, Mabel Car- April. She appointed her husband, men were at the dinner, and there he began his spite fence campaign were much traveled Wednesday aftcr- The committee in charge consisted of John Webber, Mrs. Frank Martineau, rington. His nephews, Daniel N., Isaac Dcnby, executor. Mrs. Denby were BIBO several reporters, but main- against the wealthy residents of Rum- ,noon and night. Strawloads of people Matthew Baden, cKairman; John Mrs. Harry Bloxom, Mrs. May Ryder Charles S. and Robert H. Carrington, left her gold watch to her niece, Mary ly the folks were Democrats. Among son. Some of the inscriptions on tho came to the harvest home from Long Mulvihill, secretary; Charles Van- and Mrs. Charles Nelson. were each bequeathed $20,000. D. Wormersley. She left $60 each to the Democrats were some men whospite fence and the post cards and lit-Branch and Asbury Park, and the Brunt, treasurer; Myron Snyder, The articles and the persons who*' ' ••qtitAtiEbgfglthngoacCnEneeioraufoerurmeeoturhfcg untd uapllhtetnhol ddgda.osow paneh esmtehur nihrtetldh aeevwrlios ho sgtieewernnsi M Lutsl eado s h d aeeuo s ds te .co ttfp,iinc8ehsrf d eWtroonAs fhhh ..dsiu l t vC tn obFe lshetSCo$.ht seteelawl q'ehhtai.ecdh4 sapeBtl sutaft,tt0 E eerSeh h f te taruapfw, Er o eatde0trlpulrnblteehlhrwreidt0 nrwyroorlsetldee 0ebwl gn, ersent . l w Ma oebtt hryiECeamSotro nslefe rneuAmeanh.i ortfhalrdc ierwie aebne.lediit iC,we ftlSdarc eesAeity,heoalverlay uaa eae f,bbypsieftrn tcfnBss$d oetr.earp a hw2eednaloScti. not.ha,ndr hmtai tii0 L.istodslhtng e mnMi0e,Chho onTsemt b dte0po uere ree aih rnr n.edqna odnb rdo te.ittca u wyr t feotyizeh'Taul ur hiachr,b ux Senr entbeesehlhttirdoeelegcasr shosadyeeee-i---,--t,'tse-hi$lhMMlOpwMtaPwZCCWneneh1eumref.ifiiuu--ror0ru Motlteistalls sltrlro0n a abCrpgh r.l.tstah.n r iw ewalc eawiiaiusesgsAs esAenrr,D.d,mr.s-rh t ,tr dw. eiteMH-y.e£Si'Mah i.a hdc rSn« Ms eHamChnesoe &r wrdaAar,ta urudrheo. .ryarvh rwa. rsM G noat'ahW tsoentSsehsmhdhaii Era,t aB a rsa whJ o aeusmteektsr bHe.rel.Jehr i,s asknWm nrdlr re totC.eHhloeo e e,da.ulAa a rowoa ruAPcta .dG,cerednM ahr aelnVMhe.dm al,tnrdi s .il wat.nr a rsdtteaf e aAoen scohorsdxrraanoqA e.tuns i eee t n,as,tuhBflWdrn cn h leo da urle, oaMylHCe Hlaeeytt rhnL ,l oL hfslAAryMeaa ket.eeterewa .rnee bne.srrssordrs a.trro tsrn a t sissneBisoo,eeaeefvii is rta s,sewstfrhn a ii hht tutd lg ain ceetAAOOaloaeeOeomerhrfddnr*sft-y.-r...e.-wdstwowsmtwutttahahFaahhhhuttfrnpnosnaearaaae eeeeere-Id ldrreysassnl ykdrktwo tee mta Fceor,n epnh ho gctne erubywiecwJ lhoiwltof.aevaend n-aodlhoaloealapeenhladyt gr a egcdh tsm tnldtos ms trtrka(es eco yc uo\ d eoua arslnlws ogewaarldtto sd oinsaurah kmna es noniefltvpdoctiee tygtj,u d neshee nylhoef s Cr,teawfw rg b vuc lehoe Rnlt,saeiret,rlu yrtadrhen c orl roecae kh.'nteotoe yhp lndtsant so otkemdgh tteug hitnud hlteansTuai ubwidia enn,difd tni rhssbleniyrwh an gcsiB.kg seibmcighS hsesgn.' amgeola. een, rtoo n oyHkiin o io'mvivbtrgr n;trtkksaasoTofe e sth E,gaane trrnt on iaoanth.tewslvnorom e lcihndf,trdyiewkte ho 'aks odb .r s ifo ec ,, weTtdtyc so H yln , oFtobwaaaharg Atwaah Tfuennrthotto efhinneti eehlhgedncngaorteasroereddeshidenye-or--ets--,,,f-hest6hptsspAoAtSalJpjjloraeeuwrteeriaaaanari lhomrnaia cardiiiliodnod,yluldwvdgkrcts fe .p r u ue ee ebo.elronte bo e adnh1trArllwuo rsyoeert ndyS9iA toll , Ahy ds yea l e ht1tcRugd,l da Aehaof fhdloa1oBafoit tgu tbe nnuaiires d.1vy fnomtsmsar e rdvpgaresotRre9 i i Ttr iiyua riuasg xsrgn t1i otcaei hosentflb hh twggAnt2twa rdhhtnmfodu ten' t. yl feb baed t o;e$lW roe2peaBcyaeg r es2dea nnocHetdd"2rnpa eti0h ooitcii a rlunurdnCdh0lnhpueleeey'r kari ys u.gshln blasetnn e e naa n amawt y aeaoBlhyntcr iabhwisdts ri ntclanaeoaleoden eJra A ujfg a dsftrd se ta o.ddAostbjro el hss dtier alrahMetD tlo l egeehdefe uisw.ale er lreo g e cm.r igwfonddo r soniFanhoHanJn cAm e eAaret hsaiofeudfe inr adnl ldao swuundJ slrtlswl otmm gd rgtshnuncaasewihiieoioeeattinetrlscenaindyyrynodeire-sse-.t-nl,.-choaCbnthTtTtvapwMMMoiwaShnnleieoiorhoh ieggrhrnNlendiomievnlrerynshsrgest vt cte esse.e nyeeere ww to is e eaacmt .doiishn E enweoahrttwuN WoedaM tr ygltlu osatuylin eteuhas i ratmhbhSac tn,y hcrdcpe u dkleoliteehe sVd teeMnnco 7 f atn e..osCifoohd fhaw0 rttre petnriwraenhosi Ll0owahslIs ,r.grslde e t ng satt. eev.eF Iie'u oa csJvrps stentrMoivC pono te oaVesoevta iifNuo ptschloloeloe dsr lk.hnietptclnneehna ntsshh raotcrlt o'a gh,.yeass k rr.w Lee menC e o tbgpJ eatlhhdnaoefeMsNdahw.fIwtrie F e uno mn caootSeisee eoothaasrrdhct crcff reka ai uv tstk1 h hes eosvtead s i.oetn 5 ae hna osxogbidnslnp 0x lielCmthrieisliS,.sctd esne t ou paeotyihtekilhosnu cepoa rerco fTa boaMkpodTnonvbapoa turminvlphr denlh lelnlecintileeaeeslrdnessdyesoendegssst--.s.,;-CFlcicBFBtafWwbDaTJwoniooemnrnaorharanhie owsnPaWeedt.omduaidr gsenhr nrastrn r .ne e ha ieA thkel• sntsalzpHwsts p i aftsr,J' ip ls iliswoyaweaatrA ainM ph nJgsrMveyCeapnbgwatohashu tsera eaanr r hhcentortermohroniwaeCr d nu tetoansodfeetoSwi ssaa snf u, unta seew itraMsM es sacecsiaaEr a ciewkuaRa srfoyn nuud-rt url tonltiwrmoddelsmetdateo,wovwr, wershsd d n-ana ti.duE a thJh aedath shncadoioeribBeysS nteelde frsumn li alsy,nieso ,nvebsef tdnnuwwpu yenasreocjCypk h r ndHltith rpyar tti rihh daeeinr hderhicscdra aT ecwgonaaho ,er cer iH hgnnd detnlod l eyMfirreoeaevirmfeigdwns.eestnrecmtia c r a sesc me osVedosMosmdC tphktornsrr tTuii oatastsastithrvahncro houttbotuohndaeeekeednsnssaweylefedce-rde-.s.s,.-wNrlKie'oalinBSHUKHDUCVKPAHPUPPJnRCCKHrnmt aklluuiualuormuaun aaeoraauaiaMlrsoo.ogrtl mnntasmticitcllt,odebhwMs tl—elothr ekwcktHio twer —gl—p enem—h eKnnile crrl ca—rMnmbt—dala er ihsAlmopoMhIganMesas erolalbt MibnamiH—elal Jf etp.nbhwe.llorip— i,scmri— o—dcaM larnsewm B——-hK.eene*b.C —nM dMdpM t rla—WMa.eeedi—eRGbJiMM —oeciglsytprrRdbraaarr hDah—HorleMl.hsBCfmanramlnrlHMlmumreflo—ln g .s——meM.ls,sosi up .en- .H.o—slaisv i — Tig—sfPsLos-InmMeTFW uaReosn lH rlleAdaWnrni sFMh.lSleR eoitfeNr H d.ilecEIleoi.mHwl.odsll.e—MrhyLlr.Hue mc li.lwl era .iaach lMAEodsR WzoeelarkJaLMrmH acsieannntro,Hsdeo:r.kar.M baiUc.e.h Aorr lL. OhnMMreHeyrlHlunTrMHania ilgtlo.nB'lasl oharnoordpc,cuMee.rma lcrt. kMbykyerrnslMr.reldersl..ch.sH idtnloHeetseAila>rntrEoa.urnu,erUian.%.g s.dscytW .h .s.lkvws.eWestaayroor..rrn id'.-l,.- -e•Bahh xteea erraMR c ugwBertrdsaria.nli BnlxEk.d.ai l nednWa akMnuo Momsgrerahaav rtneS.ec 'rNhrs.a , ,o lNB WL1awoa0twleaeu1etnlrae0k an.s, l L, ae Oapfwtgp. ohoSS,iop mn6 dit0raiine edtsdgoe, NlahEete.lf rtAtoA Ecdtas hmeb (safhualateohrhtyayu , t s ThAeP d.aea aub prEurnkrmirod nyptlg leoe oPyr ta hht ryobeek efrri ls B onAl tniaifosetgebac igtutneiaom,vg . yt eBo t. co PBu alhAeavuhekt-rsTmasroanehonqndesggu nts pil y tlenw etdhn te hletrloyreeoe,t yv o teolhw wdfaa-e ttanre imesdot hn aotregh niysmpi .n -loeirgklrosoSce addhlorii emkeihnsseet g ir ast abh os roaifanuw tg;gtth t bhiuiinmecungitret- ltabuTih nvrhiNiedsegd eeh rwyta l eaattaas rhLnrtk ,edo n dwslpagpihrwu ieBtetyecn ru et airpofhn, en acena hn csor oe uetf tht nruJeutwrri.sln t aFseetspdehr .i a etrnet ef koimArf PesloStnlva goceeotedfar-.- nTJahiedari3ncnev k dkiePn .th grbsea yAwlnap kenleMlr rd oesaN dflcc oiohtasrhlhottlwe o e-ccn e'ttlSha.ee ciadnhon Mgrb icsnyt uhgas seG beisccrleto evrom,awer d gmab oeas eiftH st Rti tepduheerensdesot.-wmHaantieattTdnrvh ha e teacnh ftn lieagodP guan lpsvssa, rue yo oaevbllfr oiu dsyton'eha rtdlnei nba osfgomuan aipeetr prn .o iotbcfsrb. lNtut ohbitng oesh, p totlrhfyfi eln om cwFfiiipraenerair--sl T' oBPAHRLKlioaoellalnuraemrlcH.cmfr iotetirinil tnni oocaguo wdnrmfe ir o n p effgsaaele o—nadctu—uio—nrJca—gMaelM— c Aroprl.Mbasras.t.mn hrK—AWsup.rr— M.i A.dT MrREen.l. an.r .cBsB iHe.hr e euanBlRlnbnlaidaeecxtctahttthge..a.err..d . hlT$ielfhr ee tdionrae susuhgtre harotne fcer e,oh ,nE ewr,m Waemsstia lla'el itJfaet,m , •tRi one Hchylnue. odrNl idgnosrg,wa ahnlnedendr-. lcPaaatlh ra eJt tEa oc.oof RbfM euTtisosrhwset nonEtn om.j nvl aeTysw 'hsal eespf Btla oapt$pp,'1ot 0iiGsn0tt e efocdorh greue xr tcFehh-.eBc'hWooTnrhghusae,st .'sswa intthgh eteh vMeeyr ayltbitkeoerdd y Wbjeoistithn ionfWg aiillnslo tnwh?ea"staPegarTacsikohnneesr t loowoffnh gaS Rte ahefbidegrh -ci gtBa hlalben* dk«t wduenoa f nwabdierye kPdsAi. sa clglrHgiooma.rl-l, rvoaoompmmppeelennirm,. aewnnedtr ett hheem dcauidnlieen rasbr fyyo usnCkdiol ll tr'oesa fs otNhnee ctskoe ttsohhtfre ee tllch olsweuh bebo,sew tsa sten swadtcie mttrhoear etsge t iaivtnlhee nenti htr b eisyn cec ormluvuenidmcteerdbsy e.c rsoos Aumolfdte awMwaTiassh sr iednE e dtscat hhbaaelrenrg dewP woahhftet erMerere ls sotashn hV.ea iroaelrsat icLwlieetsrt ele w aseonrlded edxapuegnhsteesr , wfrhomo is. hteor plaifye heirn sfuurnaenrcael cwuetroer oJaf mtehse wHil l Aacnkedr mthaen waitnndes Hses. oavnedr .t hisT hweares swunags, oonrly y eollnede, voevresre a htod isnoant ibonec abuys et hhe ew ewalatsh ya ppeoooprl em oaf nR, uhma-s whUenred eri cteh ec crheaumrc,h cshigeadrss w, efrreu sitt aanndds, nleosts htahvaen b$ee1n,5 0o0b taai nneidg hatt. a Tthheoastee wr fhoor cesTshfuel fioreumtceonm fee eol fg rtahteif-i feadi ra, t athned suacr-e money. Rose. • it and this was the way it ran: impaired his health and has used up peanuts were sold. These stands were took part in these performances were very grateful towards those who • SbaSfpotfrvrpMolootnai isnogm.r t oeaCo ddafW e r Noohhlnieeeunwrmre ' waABb iWrr.l uloV UtnhlasaLenwsrKti, c ikrAk,H p eeronxifler. cyMu StaoHhrrle-.. SwwoianJfsego ,-lr edBfMatr naaa nr Wlcyih fe . W LWr.io ogmWohlatl oneioy'nsl lW oethyfU. e L LeosAntagft teeB ror afM nhcrhi.s \HWHVeehl'is nn*pHltl l''uBoeBn''tnK n tt t iIhhInunIHee1li l l tmmJ wOlliiaaKgagttHhhtyteeett rr!s!t ooww ni\itVt hhtnh seWWh.rluiiiill£nssoot;onnn??! mproancetyiPc.IaEllRy OaPllE No f ThOis H pArCoKpeErBtyB .and mBWlce.a alodnCrlc asho gaotrettird.s t mCibaooHnyrl t ae'CS siav nhneerNdsditse e tMckokhepr orh. m tVeahrean esnV d dp haTeanarhsvdvtoeee m erfrvabo ehsere eatrInys,. FJNWMoroahiarlcnnltkah k,i, d W,J MoeJJhbaaonbmrs eteAeirpns,h .e aMEuRTu,r oernypneGehBsrteysr o oroeWOgcfetk e tM,so t,Wu, rapFJFlharrtaymae nrn&eksks, hwbmTeehiel tepnhe et qfsdai ur i ietnnphm peteeoewmndw . fnwiasri Weslthl h iowtneuhe oss leiltnz ateeah swoske f u mc fFonoomairsfi otpr u ranmHdnieysafp oavawrenmrnitdl.-sl ^Mra. VnnKirk directed that her body Woolley's death the property will go Wliut'B tho mutter with Wilson? Steamboat Company Opena Seanaburg* ilways been one of the men in charge Otto of Otto & Merrall, Thomas Lewis this year as the new borough is only cmCSbbhheree aoenr tibtlrhyrluseea rrfblit ,See cdlhaHoe dnmnei g nneosirto nleydmtgr h- yfoHtea o sa.h fs htaiiSl omevtNnrreieo relmdyn w ogsb tp.pB huloroerourtSen ,na hsitus,neo w af itlohncehkrfdeet-.rtoylLWeofeoy ano Mgrotsa-hl l rpaeBesypg r. wo aoWnin.innlcoltdh,eb dlEwMl elhyznhi'uucse'm har da Wa hwFuuiaglaslbh.sya t,me nrdaMs d, ere Hsx.ea eWlcneunvoteoaonhlr- "veWrWsheha et'nss HWoPttmhTh'hoSehe' eMWbyan o tm i'idlnslgsay aoiio tllnltK trle! l!hrsKt ttih!arwtre?dtite hd yeDlulaivpneg Cwtrhiatihs- ecwBarehsuTa iscchehhea ontctfhord omet uPh cptbioehaelme rnet ry pobt aoNueentb nwyteldh ewewe eedw an J Pn PTanttohseohi uUdnae rto sh.trdoaeacC gkeyuon .l mfadTotfrriohiocrvneet- pAairlefria Anztttehs heedburids rif gs rdtoS babemopnyufad s fteir,Wnh lt.mei wsisl ehslsFn ieoawotrum rearot cysfde dMt rdhaoinonloeolkhe lnf alsemea rs.tsw et iytevwCheraraeeal n .ssdado indirsedae-s-awlinnadesS FUctorHonaD dnAkuth cYEte-eEv dCa mnHbisyOn. 'sOtthrAIe.e l w aEchXpteoCeerlrU sfo BoafrS smIf OoaarN ntsuc.iednsee. bbfaeei grlilonyo nkOiuenOndgd T eao rffB t ewtIrhS ae iyW nn, AebthwTuiCst y Hterha eersBy.p AeeCcxtK p.aectt tthoe htehroetu ys feahtroom ldh wegrho eohrdues s sbhaanned dl i vpaedesr slaoonnndagl aalpls hr oheper- hLiosHn gow rBialclr ea nsecBvh.e nsBetevaeennrn aal rywde,ae reswk sh aaogg dooi.,e mdM aadrte. taeWnrd?h "a "t'Wsa nthhadet 'mst haitst theerw wmaisath tt feoMrl leolwwveiintdh R iwDceii?tchk' ccfoeornm spoh eafllceikneig on gfh ?at1co0k , p adnardyiv aaeur's tl oimcteoon bspeila eysf e aue s loeidf- wTMheiers es cAsaonnlnddi ye oSubhoteo retmha ralwny, aMisn r inst.h Hech aearvrreygn eH inougf-. trbrta E«Dua By anakt ASaubnndrayy -PSnchrkoo.l* Enjoy MartWino rkK etaor Bnetoyo vaSri dB tSoloanns ArDtlectll*o.ttr* lives, on condition that he does not Bannard was employed for several Brown?" and so on. ^ After proving $20, for the privilege of carrying !ick and Mrs. Charles T. E. Matthews. Nearly seven hundred persons went A watch belonging to Martin Kear- marry again. In case of his remarry- years by the New York and Long that there was nothing the matter passengers over the long pier to the Ice cream was sold by E. H. State- on the combined Sunday-school excur- icy of Shrewsbury was stolen n few ing or at his death the property is to Brnnch railroad, Ho appointed his with all the notables and officials pres- steamboat. sir and George Spffel. There were sion from Red Bank to Asbury Park lays ago, but Mr. Kearney got it back ' lthlgoaboiws^M tttn somuJsi hsruMnftint peareWr rs.,,e m . ton-VF amp,daap,Haenno-n nKaih' !ineel "aWr rwk W =wi'als llyPll..lr ^aSott ttorrwhiofc'oen kr g yM .Waeuanhtrdusaw laheugnenorwLhASiahisafBaob evcyu eak neraltyxto hi eHyrce,eo Pu wuwtaaeririaslillkxt l a t ootrofeMe f W.cJ ehoBlifhvia swen. w idaWilo lh w.oa ,S unhsMdoec akalerlneyfty d h , oEelf.rotectwwirnhnlhiuovattyub hitmt l, te dhidt anteh hyngtee rgdrmyupel it ienhctsewkeoetsysei atd hif symoae eorrnpnlu.l rodettotdh hva meiiSn os eomengumm u^itdmb-ae ttdet hhbirlcmeeeeso ri reu p sompoa bflfrae e ttt tt hlthhiooeeeeefryff wtyShheheioatLaeh rrra stmKs htdoa eenialasdW nre toasa ebsfndefu an dNriefg lhoseu darwrabe dsy oYe bawvoeterMhe.r knial erl td Ssryrh.ohoe uuaCperbrp hrlseweyr.d dii asn Mtgsdwi aer5itnatso1hda. w;VChfelfAarir sebtefsheyt e ee slrrWi eic Gnftetaehl al cteSdaer hnyrnea saed Frdma veite nekhlsdetdetarss b.Mh.e loeymwsr aeei rnaWe fcoeahlwucaoc rtttghito eainn neogddfs lBSaaAlaylnuaoss dnntpba pdtmfaTi:ats. ye hytnr ,-u uT sPrmcMhnashdbrieonekae otter yrhl s.aoa ooibdnw'fcoi Tsleuolotrel thcde fket ae9 ,r o nm:R u4adfee5otnmd l.iP kd nbBsr eA aaefruansrlsmblrlk sliy ovoots fesJehowtdr rot aeichraaneltnel-tt, tAwaKvha oobseeSrrtoa kkhur. wrBnt eerewoyteoMn wksab d rwou at. r wKhfasytsetee er re abne krKeosnodt ye etoa,ay i ranor gnafigtofse i el y hrrJts eooohodammsep de eelfpt al ,oha cdc g ebdrme.P ouotaeis tecsnsM troit nhicmavregetee,.. executor. Mrs. Hanawny left $300 tont Asbury Park, and all the furni- the verse, but generally when they Sherman had s.sppeenntt the day at New the boys and men headed for the beach lousekeeper employed young Pierce to hshera ren oinn, Ehdemr upnrdo,p eirnt ya. ddTitioo nh etor shoins htuisr ew iinll tthweo h oyueaser.s aMgor .a Snhdoc nkalomye dm haidse came "tRou mth toys-et utnwUoy- ltiunmest y-t htueryn :hollcrec Ptoo irnet tuCronm tfoor tN bbeeewnucc Yh oarkn do snh teh wea nntinede OB. FIELD HOME. awnodm denon naedn db acthhiilndgr esnu itfsl.o ckMedo st toof t thhee hloo usteh eM wro.r kK.e arWnehye'sn gPoiledr cwe atlcehft wthaes James she left $23 in addition to his wife executor. Hum tj'-tumty-tumtj'- turn," o'clock boat. She asked to bo taken Geta a RDiialnfr Reception from Bed merry-go-round and other amusement missing. sharo in the property; to her grand A Haw York Woman'! Will. and let 'er go at that. When the tbou t thoen eancdco oufn tt hoef ptihere cionm ap acnayr'sr ioagre- Bank Elk« Laat Wadneiday Nij-ht. . places: The excursionists ato lunch at He had owned the watch forty years aon William ehe left $1, and her Catherine P. VanHorn of New York members got tired of singing they ders she could not get any conveyance. Dr. Edwin Field of West Front the various excursion houses, and the .nd valued it highly as a keepsake. gMatDadwhrnmaoieaadtup ornn gocnedhr,uKgs setss ouseLh etnrBtd ieos,z .r, oz tET HishfAeo dae angwyh nwWsnlaeo;aei rrrwlrshdl i.ang,ee anyhsrwn,ttd da,da aatW esuAnB ilgdgleewhlsfni ahttsae eimesers$ r s 1, WAd H0gSidrv.hea 'aaiua rdmnslAaeedehsdn.-l.jl,mieoRBtnixfrora geRebald ca nehoeuenrc betstdhor eht Oa r rhae.tt .unr te A ,as F wbMnmiCrrnatcliernacl.nd srlduea .l, uao dVAhCnusiatn'ni,h * sngdat J HWoerawarl on1hes irUfsouhene n.oar,E u rhly.seAu e,fV o stm bnafahaa nnpcnHepdndLroo .p iorMnlennotn,t-g.-cwlbafaioonnyseruTtdd r en eRhan teonlyuea ltd lo hctlia lfle hu ntrmtebosyaV .am "k otsh.eeto fnaemLm rt dha beh wof eiousrnsrmerspe neenwpai ecsrnhciheenhda,es te eda tsEn h lptllao ma atlu nhrimetvterdo ea m gdocsGu,htof oe ibettnrhsrihtileaeeesosyns,s. etohatcionfobuof udo.Trng l arehdeoirde etdfM dn h ctt osohehrthtmerose pre .a p pe rt Sf aoihechentcloreelouyn r brvtmakheooene aaay edotntadph n na eabectna n.ufeh sl iodoklebMfote f aurhdicgf.rat tea scehrt.tkr DheeS ws ohss rda aeh.aroi srIditef mIvf sih.etc agSthreenasor.e-tsnlNhBostoaioa drpudnvegthr etkhe thta me o lwb ootapfrdyna naegEt ssadhem tlwt sk Soe'ase oimf rtxnu rmuabEt iplhpsellttoy kr eons tdAsrh g emraroh roenefiufue rdsotlgit ee rrchthrdea h h te.Eu eo iWmr Ruflno Der.e dtdo drhfgpnrAe. eeeo BF s mam daiRnle neailfdanykdeeddpiTanagrh yoaed pi naerl oxnieancctbupiHonor.rO guss, itW o dTbns ieahidIsvtNet heas ni a nHt afhgtroEe rr'rciiBavlnvon ieocTndokdgE n. iE snbiNgwu RhSsait.en-sdse e ssBepsa ieannnlgktl. Hnitf,;ihovunueruerdi trn c3isweheuat5s alsf ttpciclfeteeerhr cano ttrmtoetnsmd o. eM a dtak PrPhi t.inihete eKgrr rao cecctl eeoala 'etnra yhndo neeuffuyc a cb.matttoohhrbrye e erc. r hoa rngaonodobddfubt cs eirotrtnoelyhdr--,e ZiaJfto hCn uPbn ltmon ateninird, oMwlhdora wn.as engaged Awnildl ewrshoinc,h awsa sno lmo adbee ntewficoia yreya risn n hgioa. Apubropunts os.ixty autos were used for this Cdioeodl clyiv ew mais m sie Unts affotrer, bsuhte t rheaec hweodm thane mtifeimcabtce rsohfi pw thoic thh ew Euliik si nlo dipt ;ef.,r othhl e ucueiire-,' brnteS«* «Tllyh liotfa mBrthid geB iArtvh«dnany«. Celo- MBS. BA2ABD HUES FOS BITOXOS. miHneo vtnhetreha ,ll uampybpeeaorri nsb,t uinsmgin aehdssei s a cthh Aiilssd bruwerniyl,l W Paherisks-t TWhoeo wlleiytn easnsdes C toor tnhiee wWilel swt.ero Mathlua einlegTc thtieoo n ch. lauvbTe h metyew mofbu merrtoshr eesr a oysua tthyine tgyh9^a ftt rbeea fgfotoerre- bYooTartkh. e opTni ehtrhe o ebf ob dtohya te. wstaeasm tabkoeant ctoom Npaenwy JwTreohashaepn o gpnirdvSeee.sdn e nAwttopait ptDhilo crnag. an Fst ipaee,de leddc Jrhaer st.ws tnhaMnes d mmr la.eu detFteeii rnbe ilgynd. TavheMunriussesd aywM aaasrn gtdah riserhtt eee Snhk acdylle yaa r spo af rotlyBd r itldhagasett ToSrmuietr fBouhiror endw/i vaobornlc rey3 7fW3ro aomm Wahna eaWkr. ahnutfslb aAnldl* ley A. Pnlmateer nnd Emma Hustler, Wtw Rtoordar'a otHoe. election they arc going to have a cele- is very long and cost a considerable tho evening he told of his trip. He night in celebration of the event. The has lieon brought by Mrs. E. C. Haz- eemlAccaoaxoonsafcnepytbthc td eu uio$rrttttr5ihyoioo g0 er hnh0asPs ie t.ins s uta ag-hlnkuer aMP gnadtta nda ortcudeih.i rfcl eMP i ehsn u hniaeullrs dhimysshreH eaeew L ntur oesio,esl hfoflutS .orul ieat ussaroe l,ldnM dh o lH ofaeturyfe tno.se o ePddSr afP 5 aoen0clahin0-t-tlo-saotMHHhtnuoooerdFgnrn . h rdydbnc G Mriun'olbHciikulfuklOl d leBifFliMnsodonp arniguldni o ral gf m&or isHrsent d r nVta retv Ienetnhcschti nos oipoe B rf udncalciltuaecontterr nrid. pnFnt egoehan rfliSeuir t r ne otpewryh Hfs rai o ldiaMl c ovtrnubiewa nn&snioilgoolr-biwPoruiuatlshit li lJoooaAnu S HhtwicoInhlhTegoi Oscoi hlnB l o* Jwoi mtkiM.l llt lEoimkrEeaaT k IaeMH waOaalo lUo tHdnherEen iBrI Ennp. irHceklvej-lli spptdurhuenesaemcerynL dei y vaip vaesoiftedte eof dlr l iT tcmnk tehfeot nourhep osnrptaremesh to dy fet te.iaho t abyt ech othfT aatpre hktoih h,eem leaeri s cR c pisekniatiann ecttssode.a se nrmrestT ien vhbnpghewoaoteroa io rtrdtu shs. mrc hledioooov nmuveeherelndyosr-dCodrEnafea lo npbkyGoHdar spe ,enni eosgaqiOrreghtu'gnsrh lee attett dehgn. dCrowde unos AagE ,wt a jfhltlsot kohnteeisoynrer ',rre e Rveedtcw,e h oe dwatndhe hnev i obeenedB ukin l asGtosstn hiideaenokgemogne e rls op ogsl.aWld oeotd gay eMcegeIds'ed'snino li8rleooae0tsnf-rt-- eawCpfHMevnaahroecdrsnaunQl songi.unrsdB'h iegltcneew orgnrTnvwe,i, e, nrh iAeaAgio. s sgnMde ngsa epeaeTcnsplreo idjhnrrnoHeta eer snt n yeeid cO ndnkibt ns e iStpwirtenottwlmi,ghaf tof hydleMor ialernr,yar fogfo rKo ,Ksy meKs dgLvs•ui luvlslepway moac!pmldiynevneid.ndlariil, SnaM''isrrrham udrdce$.eit 1to oca H0arlsfc,yfaa0k at Biz0senma 0rranr f sotdio haon rtke gyShir l$ seyha w7cantpro 5r,eer m.h dwe wpsdepsiehDibrdanro uneihg sn yrluw aity,nvs ge.be otrewd akefSh ne thiMfmdichonr'heeserI nwaR Hahitlsnsi, aab m scHzhsuooaoa vmorrniteyrd*oytrt.s. muteer divided the rest of his estate the mntion worlc. flohool Today. of the pier were taken down and thocinl hull by William II. Matthews, the Marie Skclly, Helen Grnuse, Cath- methods of raising their son aro said between his children, Wesley A. Pfll- The Puhlic school Janitom' mutual |)ier is now open to the public. There lod^c chef. erine Many, Oscar Savage, Clifford to have been the ruiiKc of the troubla mCaartotoonr nanndd WEm.i Dnn,, DH. uItsatlreilre, s wJuitnniecss sUed. 01ft to Pkator1! Wlf*. aanidn uhacl nmclelte tiunsga oacltn ttihoon Uiesd h Boaldnkin gh iigths .rinunn nbinege n auHtoommoo btialleks ofrfo mth oth ceo mbepnacnhy Mra. Ototg* Htnoe Ptttereon Sick. BI)orwumerm, onWdi lCliaumnn onA,l lJeons, epFhr eBdu rNroowbeled,, between Mr. unil Mrs, Hazard. the will, Members of the Shrewsbury PIOB- school Uxlny. Tho session begun »U to tho steamboat nt n nominal charge K-nnuth Jeffrey, William Hyan nnd DOTS TO» MACE». A Dalr/m»n'« will. bytorlnn church on Saturday nur- 10:00 o'clock thin morning anil will but thin will not 1M1 ilono thin ycur, Mrs. Cicorgc Ilnnce 1'nttornon of il O'llrivn, Jonoph C. Mntthows, who conducted prlnod Mrs. Dwlght L. Parnons by end ut 4:00 P. M. Mnyor Plttcngcr Monmouth Htieot watt operated on nt Two Bafl Bnnktri Tftka Xt^nr Mans on mu addeu ihryln wfairllm l astI nM aHyo,w aeplpl oitnotwinimg hhliisi, gI6ivt inhg ohre rv nac noutlboant. antlMal mnu.r rnn ornf omnos n.e IynmRoabdeer tt hMe nIcUKIIIoIIl-lHaSr , orfe cwtoorlt 'oomfc . Trilnloitvy. Vy Oliuaten. haeprp enhdoimclot liiW bedyi ieDxdri.i yI I.a fItIe.r nGoaornr isfoonr. HELD TOR ASSAULT. (inoMrgWo rtRl«otoo*pu nTnodw mKlnilsplc y» »W!••h.lto of ,t.twatGHmfM"ohrn ieuooie«adfohsmnlw et -r e,tulQth -gh«ah muehrMer law eroewetlet Wefn iis ttfo $lt ieml vf1- .tw li'ih0bdlhaa lPilk0r tleeniarno b Jtttdoeocb ocbt.-ahr e utt ufnolorMuhoiorccndlrufoitdnn octacr ehtnldrtt tit h,e hao hptmtie oh J aoltwvnnotohro o atblnf. e nr,, o d nw t lnnth eMh a inhngoxlpllw nel dn.pr iIcutf l.nuoHcil gfcteuoMotrMaodr.srnrb m iEmtovrxtlhaueou,.f.t-cJtfiTHniho.ei hmoglTlodc1 sh r, )w wee.Mmw idiVfalf eealnii ersrtstBsoo geihtupnfit let etg ollntoedsohfwd m f ona aShe A rp unCoscainterban drm iuvtianonnerpyro syc c nnK ohnatrPtlfat fota rtntrcKMlgh nokearnr.ea ntax tiocp.m wNhf etumoRolrrlwe,cot ehhnvnt.-.-. WErw"ftpio.pro piriaolMolilMtnoyy snrscoclonhgal«hnio.ronCo- po TeimdawDnnlH lohn dinocolkyaelrctdl blioc honn fdmotfumoguhfu rnai,yltltccld hk ehrioronaHfc, - iff tfalou' " tmolMnef.mI etta. oMn lcadtrt adtolnHhl.ad o fo er rotdSo lehHneaanSsn oussli.vsl d ng vaEonofnhrectd p.trotimeae, in r'nt2 cut itioh:non nn0adgef-0wthcInnforlooourenonlmoPmroknctenu ohtlb du, ppmp e aniradrlol nnsrHuoft ottntnee ratofot swewIs n ofn tn tw tdh.O n MfHeae nguriyiTri«eutsdnhe H hvHi reocn>eIo rnhi 1g Oulpot•uno1bverlr'.tio roi uvlmdiMtvglos.Eaooreu -irliasmnse tM,mi mavabcCle naanneCncrlnnmdeO oat d,m Icp,fK na erapaHtrittreIn sh iInos dtodneoh rdssfnnnMwthWDMuouUarrmrJnrH.ns. aps. o JmelmGrtaPspH uo maeaotliafr iritreno yftroeocoe iB mhcrsnrrieroBmsmi tansoSiutfye cnnuahrd,y lntrwel ,iuyJ mes Srd baJr dp s syn.rolahr, o. p toiayo,wI n ets.mfO) grhls rya iopWos .t LTe toe LrrIeaadha'nedlolk tcld o enaeoMwd ogcvlol e hinoOenp yoBnr e snsidrrfntKptaaa.orhgiytnletrr.oi,eacoe lhtdlean.,. TwwcoWhm•tlfwiaeoin ycirimol dmkholo oi.a Iao nn ntma ra lutUrl i hlhry aoPIcoacon cbIhthlmfokn .yA at iattoA -rdmodOh W gunn Aonoenrtle lrom Konnronnlrnatlidlfalni uanndn d t nnioniadl Rnr n AtaWHykrn y(e u iiaeno iuodiC'un'mkuiknbl rn!etna .y e IyiO nIl, lpa Jh nl.ljuinionioiPnldfrskldliogee '.t-lu p bnaihwlcuhloa oee:i l KttoImm hthdrmehei onanrlon(n«dy-1r citnIltWariahicowunmrsteuhdniuttn ununei nmnttirgntieiiHa y mptn' xHlp.tl gitrHo auy a cartv nricrtargi aMi huo ltrto nlnli alrtfotmtnc nna inirAiwipkm ,n uliginrlnnlng vltngk umMotin ni sInlMnht tiIrl.n il'nt onp,nldIi ig Hrni ooTt ohn oohrr amAofroe p nauyaAoo c ddgMixmeihausgo oohr nrfainlcaoettvdt imyht eap* N-a oornttmt auhu hthaeihtt*cln*h»*t*ion- ' •hMtila ilttektfhtt ettlwlo .f .ht,i Kt a«dr«oapyt>e«d WdIa1uLghter, Nottl* neaMri nTil nRtmltt» KCnliitns,t ofnal notofd Pwinhoil el lwroaolkk-, cMIlamnoadikty . oapPfnu ldtlh toph aegr utoyev sotn*W lnewvd «nrwe«sn d«afry uo pmen nigTt htmitn.l nlinaDmd r J. AoE-n.i olKw eAlnn .n FMedlnlynh olto, floO fMu Rfaietebadlwu Hsn anAn, k, O.I Wlnmvilllldo- Iioroy TrAiiB wnoelwl J Aoninwendl atnli.o Hivl Ilnnk ouKuciUciihoii lkMi I oMmfi u tumliunu lgiiiirrirn i$nii'iH1l 0hj0eui blr aytl.hl etJo IIn OimiIvHveInH"l .ta tmh» vlnltodT hIlll'Tn*j*n MmXlnM fJ.ohn Ellnbeth D. Harvey, who illod In Ing In tho road n«»r her homo Uitenjoying tho uiunl prnitlmon. T. 1.darv of Allimhumt, C. Mnl John loilgo of lioyul Arcanum Hint Thiim- kur'n fnim ut Hhrewabury ona nlghl •HmtOOaC-Mo,p ohoou pwettfd—thttouferr*itl*lttn ttlh llr* rtttr*i n t.r«ae oHgh wwnn «lMhiniddJrdl*ilrrr hII rn«ttaddln irip, aayo,, H « nHHJ-u*W,.o raarw-Jv vmmO.a•e- lMgyppr 'SJsD tto-c!ooUlI o«lnnI*art wf,.*tvIt * e Itoo ,fy-JTTlk l-HU.aaO hhn arMautt rv*g va«rrateooryrttyttyh,y,tt,, oouxrf!o( k•r•' dp• aao ncw8ldtn«hh al« l«ratil ntU KlIc(atona .a n *ata o mFahwpogtialrrmM iodlroo t unofofitnl f nlc yM»oo dniuIl dSlrai.t2t roJiH,o 4 ttn. Ghh.a«0et apLnrodiMns evin JwnaI c*IaNkrleta o«in rIcaaB-hot u Hntnhc knon*ejnfur w lenOerNoet*ok e«nwlely « a »oirdrtfk*.1 niHTeow.«l«u doinnr Htn tuUthnhe,ko. no(AWrf•ouAffen tnRae Uoorhc ffeel u«tltdhKbih* o oooo* y'H nfamp itogherOhentlt oa igtnnJwrHgOdot I!utuI!rInp nMakrd)na iUc.dtt hiJ*caetec TofRahb"lnu hv Wrocm»royn»tliclnlndkeyg. itBliU»rrTnyfur nnhootcinni hhitf,gi.V l nhnpotioM-nl. aoltoptBr- uD .Dlt lwiav/nato ene*rm iogeWIn rl nn aaemn Dlrtdlavo o dewVrdonrna. ne;ap g «neenon nn.fttd ,l imlwIrxoaonwUnnga. «tnMhooTre t,iith rfoinM cW aH»rUt\oiio l<o»souBnpoKln u« lcIn rltlokn»w tfnn ri kelitl x IottlDi. or aoe (W VJmcoelcnoavidvcolonlremr un nWntiotnlduhrlaal Motydi oW uafnt.oloil rl n wnpfomaolnly!. hllopiuoviotsuototnnr i'.lnw" o ocooT*Iwk.hn uuA npayrnl toldnfadit oed Ultdub ugyKbi uanoripuhf tr t«• lh*n tt*w•«i<uy orno•.- «i bbuniarirri «r od ofC*f lpoho»o»t*'. •I h«r, MMttaatt** ««uu l»ft to h«r ion,«ho« man.—AHv. nlffhi, Tht nrlu w«i « «llk HtritoL At H»il»t, n«ar Ktvport, N. J., s on pointing and decorating. J. J. nrttnldo '. Wodnvnday uiul tho Kad Tho lattit atylti In itrlttljr hu JeMph HH. HHartvyty. Ml» 8i(tu«rion la •mploywi »t J»m»« houi« of 18 rooiim mid 4 b»th roomit Travern, Mechanic itr<«t, near Broad. llanknra expect to henr him ilrllvor hl« hiir, Combings m»' ii WML A <!»rli»dol builncii wtgoni for Coop«r'« drug itor*. hhhhooettta t)kk tnnthhddr «cc«ooll ddO MwwfKlss» UUfllrrrM,,« -KK»| lMMMM ««nn| ddhha dffruudrrwnnoMModt -Adv. tcccntunco tp«ach, 1, Behwartt, who dl«l baWntri, b«l(.rt, milk^d v*fl«tsbl« ffllooolrnlnff aann d fflliittiiaahh tnrruouiihi hoouutt.. HH«v •urlok-a MM , tot * fmtm F wif«Mtkai »ag o, maiMt AIbtttto of •thn»tf ^t^ilolttUrr* H MM rtr rwjr osfft tUUronncddtlll vgtr, oauunnndddl lg nabbrodlut ohno rwK vptrolwtta rt,o omrlandg »i!a» rd«o, mDoOn- tarnntdo Irx. wiOll n!*m *bku«ih atwl oo fi nBd»r rolnij«k-'ht« Ulu mbpu mlln wl»v humpoolng, rt. Wh«n1ai»ffl((rf imJfHfttllng, l*M«i,4 ,a te. hA*pxp%ly* tob Jaorhnn, I'tO. Ja.rwtl.tlot*, JT. W. Mo,u nt C-Mo».-—» -An.d—v'. . wKh. «AM. HpMroopn«, rBly» ntarU»lk «M<|i, nt, NRotd WU< *j*Jj|t, 108 MonwotttS i t, PUI»fl.lO, N. l Ad It v*y» to «dv»rtlM In Tm RuiSTn and THE BED BANK BEGIBTEB BRIEF ITEMS QF NEWS. •CAR IN MIND tfc*MMMoMb Conaty Fair at Had Bank * ;-« - ^".rl $**4Mk$Hfjr '#,- 'i w L-- vs;,'-. .r Atigmt 29th to Saptombar 2d. MINOR HAPPENINGS OF INTERESTS ALL"FARTS ? OF MONMOUTH H for Lovers of A MIDNIGHT LEAK Personal Note*, Sale of Property, Building Opemtioiu/.Entertain- ART mentt, Lodge Doing*, Slight Fiiet,PUtiu, M»rriage», DeaUu, IS ANNOYING, DRY AccklenU, Ciuet of Sicknew,••jfruu&tiajft "|f Official Bodies «hd Other Interesting Feature* of Town and County. ItP hhausa Wbeenni .c arTth hleae sn nta fatotsnsrrr nppriip.pneesos, , m ffaaasstMtMetrats bst,,> , od* rnaoinds. •tt,, eehheeaallii bbee « ««wwiiiiaa««II aatt nnttvvllaarr iinnUUrrah bi BrManrcah. dTrohvoem haiss aTutaoymloorb ileo ifn toL tohri| ciaTtihoon Lwoinllg g Bivrea n.Uchs aPnanturoallm beenn'esf iBt SeBnO-- aatnte aniMtiorniie Iiinotendu ptpteellldadan nttttot eee hhrr .i. m iaa)M M ff)o) srsuu rccehhs tl wwlrw.k as needs The new lifie of Royal Pleasure Bay drawbridge gate laBt tertainment in the New Broadway week, breaking the gate and damaging theater on Monday night, August work well don*. the front of the anto. Mr. Gaakill was 12th. The play selected for the event Eitknatta on reralra at new work cheerfully Soqiety Embroidery Pack- looking out over the river at the time. is "Alias Jimmv Valentine" and will William R. Forsythe of Allentown be given hy a N$W York company, . JOHN MoCLaAIN, BROAD STREET, ia the first man in that neighborhood ages ready for your in- Wonua CUai fj^id'at Pair. spection. The prettiest de- JtHoue lh ym a2va0edt heli .mhai sb fierasnt s pfircokmin gh iSsa gtaurrddeany., huTrshte ,;M laedtiheosd' '-is^tM ctshoucricehty' hoelfd t hiet.s O aank:-4RB~W0d.iBrCan., IRSetird» Bl. aah, SkoFpA.MIRu MHA.rV4 EBNu.U Nd.la Js.. Miss Gertrude Beers of Matawan i nual fair Jast Wednesday and Thurs- RED BANK, N. J. recovering from typhoid fever. Last day nights. A. handkerchief donated 9ENBRICKS0N & STOUT, signs you can imagine in week she left the Long Branch hosp: by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was sold for tal and is now visiting her sister al$1.50, .TheMromen cleared $200. Centerpieces, Scarfs, Pil- Lincroft. . I AUentowa Svy Jfioiperlnf. Patterson Building, The officers of the Imlaystbwn lodge Frank P. Rogers, son of E. B. Rog- low Tops, Art Squares,' of Knights of Pythias were installed ers of Allentown, who has a printing 60 BROAD STREET. Friday night by.'William R. Forsyth plant at Cumberland, lid., has bought of Georgetown. . • an interest ln.*;New York publishing INSURANCE. Ladies' Undergarments William Borden has built a newhouse. MT. Rogers is editor of a mag- 10 Per Cent Off bungalow on the site of the one whic azine published by the company.. and Infants' Wear, Hand was burned at Manasquan beach a fe Matawan Man in aerloas Condition. Life, Fire, Accident, weeks ago'. Stanley Height of Spring Lake ha: John W. Lisle of Matawan was Health, Burglary Bags,jjKimonas and Fancy Bold his launch to Elvin Burtie of Astaken to a Newark hospital last week bury Park, game warden of Monmout in a serious condition. Mr. Lisk and Casualty. Aprons, at couCnlatyra. Finn, the infant daughter o:foonrlmy ewrleyi gwhse i6gh5e pdo u1n3d5s .p ouIntd iss bthuotu ngohwt STRONG COMPANIES ON ALL ORDERS FOR ESudnwdaaryd oFfin lans to wfe Eenkg alisth tthoew ang, ed oiefd tow<hFeee dh aSst oar ec aXnOcDeDrJ>i0f, the stomach<*. REPRESENTED. Spring and Summer 25c, 50c, 75c. years. : .•.•:' C. P. Soffel'a!;feed store at Long Francis Gear of Freehold was Bi-anch was robbed, presumably by taken to the Long Branch hospital las small boys, Tuesday night of last and $1.00. Wednesday suffering from append! week. The thieves secured about 200 citis. pennies from the. cash drawer. The and Overcoats The Allentown-Imlaystown grave other money had. been removed. MMIMMHIHIIMIIMIIM road is being repaired under th Hew Dentist at Bradley Beaoh. Order by Mail or JOSEPH SALZ, supMerrsv.i sioHna rorfy O vCers.e eRre hJomh n oTfay Lloorn.g Leon Gray, of Ocean Grove has Sassed the examination of the state Branch gave birth to a son last Satur- Telephone 303. day .week. ental board with the highest average -AT- RED BANK, N. J. Mrs. Max O. Hiller of Oakhursi of 75 candidates. Mr. Gray is a son gave birth to a daughter last Satur of Marshal M. Gray of Bradley Beach W. T. CORLIES, day week.- and he will open an office there. Gets Doff from Unknown Sonroe. Back from tb* Wnt Wilbur Ilennessey, a former resi- Charles J. Bryan, manager of a dent of Long Branch who has been in theater at Long Branch, received a the West several years, returned to CHILD BUIL.DINQ, New Foundland puppy by express last Long Branch last week. He is nego- week from Butler, Missouri. Mr. Bryan does not know who the dog i tiating for the_purchase of a large RED BANK, N. J. tract of land in Wall township. "rom but he paid $14.90 espres So Simple Anyone Can charges on the animal, Freenold Building- Bold. bight Company Execatea Big Hortffag°o. J. Neaf)e Johnson of Freehold has bought 'the Butcher store apartment The Monmouth lighting company, Run It which furnishes electric light at Free- wbuilill diimnpgr-oavt et hthaet bpulailtdei.n/.g ,M mr.a"t Jionhgn tswoon Real Estate, Insurance When you Bee this R on your doctor'* hold and surrounding towns, has exe stores. on..; the ground floor and two pratcrlptlon it means take it to a, Rag- cuted a mortgage of $100,000 to th No need of a mechanic to take care orthe American trust company. The money apartments on tH« second floor. and Loans. latarad Pharmacist, who will compound Studebaker"20." No need of a chauffeur. You will be spent by the company in exBear Sad Anto Collision. it accurately with pur* drm*. Pre- or'your wife can run it.as easily as an expert' tending its lines.' Isaac Dolbow of Jackson's Mills col- FARMS FOR SALE. Bcriptiona filled at the Knlckarnockar Threatened to Snoot Officer. ided with one of Brakeley's big motor Pharmacy have thie careful attention by tSot utdhSeeibm laipkglheircti trcyua rnosn ifan rogep a etnrhadet i edoaensl iyga hnrtidd oi cnofg nt hqtreuoiarl,l i7ati5de,ds0 e0od0f' ji slatasWbt lwiel,le ieawkme t noBt tutarokr,e A aannd w Areaswgbo nnVr yio nnP aas'asrk ti psclfoaacnee. ttarrnuadicl kisnsm g aasththe Fedr terheuhicsok lr da dinilaa tshot irs w aaenuetkdo m lawomhbpiillsee. BotCh OFuTrTnAisGheEdS a nFdO URn fRuErnNisTh.ed. aRnEdG aIStT mEoRdEerDa te PpHriAceRsM. \A CISTS \O,NLY, owners. tion of a chattel mortgage. Burr al- The truck was not damaged. R. H. VANDERVEER, leges that Vona's son Lewis threat Wadded at Kakawood. Money to Loan in Various Sums. The Studebaker (Flanders) "20" is equal in; ened to shoot him and the young man Miss Imogene Rue, daughter of Ed- , Broad and Manmouth Straata, quality of material and workmanship to any car was arrested. mund S. Rue of. Freehold, and Clar- pkon; 128. BED BANK, N. J. made, and its low price and low upkeep cost Soldier* Betnrn from Camp. menacrer iSed.. B>raotn Lsoank eowfo oCdo lllinagsts wSooadtu rwdearye W. A. HOPPING. putsW ite w kitnhoiwn ytohuer qreuaacliht.y of our cars because reTtu,h renl aeAdst s bfWruoremyd nPecasardmka pym . ialitTta Mrhye tc .m oGmerpenta nnaey,nwcBooeueypk lB eJoo wyos iRtlsl etlviov. eBW lat.;n1 Gr Fn. r WHeeoehmdoeelmd..eyer. The 4O9 B'Broard iSetrnee t, BRreod Btahnke, Nr.s I,. **•*•O*•**A«•*•K••«« «*M•««***L•«•*L*«**F««•A«•*«R«**•M*•••••.«•• every part is made in our own plants and oyed their trip very much. They are guarantees to us what we guarantee to you.' kicking over the pay as it ia said they The party of l?oy scouts from As- yTohue bSutuyd.ebaker name, too, means service after, wseirlvl irceec.eive only $11 for the ten days tMsoudaraiyny e.P , awTrkihl lew s bhtaooyr "tsh.,oa hvnae v tbeh eeheirna drce atdmuerplniig nhtgrt ifiupnl MASON Sanitary- Maeilok, R EaDn BdAN CK, rNe. aJ.m, ; BlnokSan Caught at Aabnry Park. Ready for immediate delivery. Charles H. Smith of Asbury Park tainmde se ntjoraymingp inogth; ethr rospuogrht s.the woods CONTRACTORS. aught a blackfish weighing eigh lounds and fourteen ounces at Elber-Caught a Big Blneflah. A FEW CHOICE REGISTERED GUERNSEY^ BULL CALVES, SOME n last week. This is the largest fish E. E. Davis of Brooklyn caught a Estimates cheerfully given. FROM ADVANCE REGISTERED .DAMS, FOR SALE f that species ever known to have bluefish weighing, eighteen pounds at Repairs promptly attended to. een caught on the Manmouth county Manasquan inlet Jast Thursday. This AT REASONABLE PRICES. :oast. is believed to be'the biggest bluefish Union Hotel, Wharf Avenue, ever caught with a rod and reel in T. SHUIT, Supt, P. O. Address, Red Bank, N.:• J. '. on Window Dlipluy Prlie. Monmouth county waters. RED BANK. N. J. Bertram Birch, proprietor of a store Heath of CUffwood Han. \t Freehold, has won another prize New Fruit Store. for a window display of aluminum Thomas Kingston of Cliffwood died ooking utensils. Mr. Birch formerly Tuesday night of last week. Mr. The $800 Studebaker (Fiand.r,)"20" onducted a store at Eed Bank. He Kingston was 66 years old and leaves THE OLD AND THE NEW las won eight prizes for window dis- a widow. ..For several years he had I have opened a Fruit, Con- EquippPedr f•c•, oSbto.nred,. wrdit hE qTuoipp,p Wedi,n 1d8.0h0i. lIc.l o, .P brr.a Dt-Oet-rLoJitU. Tant ilays. wbuotr kreedti reind ttwheo yCelaifrfws aoogdo .brick yards, fectionery and Vegetable Store and Speedometar, $885. 'lnea for Beckle» Driving-. Big Family Reunion. at 26 Monmouth street, where, ' Aek oar dealer tor thm neut Studebahmr art catalogue or Mend to tu for it A. E. Johnson, who conducts a gar- pe at Spring Lake, was arrested at The sixth annual reunion of theyou will find a choice line of The Studebaker Corporation Detroit, Michigan ong Branch last Wednesday night Baird-Wyckoff families was held in Fancy Fruits and Vegetables, ] for driving' his automobile recklessly^ the Freehold Reformed church last GEORGE HANCE PATTERSON, j Johnson pleaded guilty to the charge Thursday. The oldest member of theCigars, Confectionery and Ice MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK. asmndit hw.as finned $40 by Recorder. Arrow. fBarmadileyv eplrte, saegnetd w9a6s y Deaarnsi.el Conover of Cream Soda. Two doors from Telephone 176. Sentence on Waiter Suspended. postoffice. Died of Paralysla. Robert B. Dedmond, a waiter at a LOUIS BOASI, Prop. • Mrs. Ann Walton died at the honriL Pleasure Bay hotel, was before a jus- '• of her son, H. A. Walton of Asbury • Telephone 800-J. tice last week on a charge of threat- This is Warm Weather! j Park, lust Thursday of paralysis ening to shoot his wife. Dedmond had Thos. B. Deats S Son, Mrs. Walton was 82 years old am always borne a good reputation and leaves two children, Mrs. Willard L. sentence was suspended. PCaorlek .and H. A. Walton of Asbury Indian VUlti I,ong Branch. We show here the two ways of cleaning dirty carpets. We Have a Cool Proposition for YouW!ng-on Hit by might Car. Sallie Couse, a native Indian from too GoDlractorsid Builders. Now is the time to try it out. We just commenced this A wagon driven by Frank Malsbury Canada, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Spring but have lots of pleased customers already. ocfa rI malnty &thtoew fnr ewigahst stsrtuactkio nb y Saa tfureridgahyt yHe.a Mrs ororilsd o nf nLdon sgt ilBl rarnectnh.i ns Shnei ils h99er Do not forget that we are headquarters for your week. The horse was thrown over an faculties. Her daily occupation is Ornamental and Tiling Laundry and Awning wants also. enbankment with the wagon which making fancy baskets. Save your mother, wife or sister the drudgery was badly damaged. No one was hurt Boy Driver Hurt la Btuiawny. a Specialty. Red Bank Steam Laundry. Uiiivermlty Club Danoe. Otis Clayton of Asbury Park, twelve of cooking or ironing- over a coal fire. Put in a gas gaTnihzee dU anitv eLrosnitgy Bclruabn,c wh haich f ewwa ds aoyrs-yweaagrosn oFldri,d way asw dhreinv intgh ea bnur se*x1p rruesns Eitimatei Cheerfully Given. 62-64 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. stove or a gas iron.and let them work in the new, ago, will hold a dance at the Holly- away. The boy was thrown out on his 17 Bank St., R«d Bank, N. J. modern way. wbthaoeso edba afhltloe rtgenalo moonne wFtirhtihde an ycl ,tu eAbn mugw ufirlslot m2p dlaD.y Ie anal hlDeeefatl edg eaaytnee d wB sauestfu febrrnaeadd.l yH sceouvmet.er.e bruises. His Geo. W. Sewing. HARRY C. FAY, Ranges and gas fixtures on display at show Minister Btlll Bacovarlnff. Mayor Bryant B. Newcomb of Long rooms of Hcv. lioss MacClements of Asbury Branch, who wo8 a delegate to theContractor and Builder, Funeral Director, Upholsterer Park, who lost both legs nnd un armgrand lodge of Elks at Portland, Ore- under a train at Allcnhurst n fewgon, from July 7th to July 11th, re- BED BARK. N. J. and Coroner. Consolidated Gas Company, weeks ago, continues to improve at theturned home last week, Mr. Newcomb wLhoneegl edB arraonucnhd inho as cphitaailr. lastH weee k.wnDrseaavtehl loedf r8r,e1e0h1o ima iIlnesf.ant. . OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING. (Formerly with R. T. Smith of Red Bank 27 years). Office: Broad Street. Red Bank. AtUmpt M«a. to Darn CotUg.. Thelmn, tin- Infant daughter of Room 16. Icorgo II. Dodd of Freehold, died Office and Funeral Parlors, 11 Eaat Front Street, West Ocean Grove firemen were T.l.ph«oi 3S0-J. Saturday a week ago of whooping Telephone 199-1. called out last Thursday night to put ough. The liody was buried nt (!lcn- R««ld*nc« Phone 133-R. a^VT'T^B ttJ £\. M lf 1\J V out a fire which was evidently of in-ilolu Tucsduy. Olllca Phono OD7. * I hceonudseia rbye loonrgiigning . toT Chhanrle fslr oL wewains ninnd n on next past.) lebblng of All Klnda. -CAMP CHAIRS AND CARD TABLES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. win located in a bed tick in a closet. EallmatM Chaariully r~urnl*h*d. Hurt In Jump from Trolley. For norencfs of the muscles, Mausoleums and Monuments. irhethcr Induced by violent cxerrUe Mrs. Rebecca Shann of Asbury >r injury thi-re 1« nothing liotttr than .Contractor* and Rulldcra, Park wns thrown to the ground in -hiirnlciliiin'n Liniment. This Unit SEVEN MONTHS FOR^THE PRICK jumping from n trolley enr Innt week lent nlco relieves rheumatic pnlnn. OF SIX IF YOU ENTER NOW. kMDOE AVENUE. nnd hadly injured her left nide. Mr«. 'or snlc by JnnMs Cooper, Jr., corner OpswU* R>0n«4 StolUa, Il''ciotDu;IoK S'i rne miilli -CnjiiliI-AilmUuTl Yn :iuti>rinfii r>id|; hwti.t h work oritarwl nt Mnnnoi?AKtm\'n 1 H»t»liia>n nt hcof caiamrn w htehreu cnonhdou tcotlodr hifmail etdo t.o Urond and Whit* »treet». ThOou cr oluurosmci a» arorn u pco-otol,d alitgoh ta nadn dth aoi rIyn.- n»d Bank, M. JT. IT you nri! tliinkiiiK "if frettim: a ini'iiiorinl. ivmcnilii-r we linWi n Woimn Rita Han with Bake. Don't Crow Old tnicllon ia practical. Wwk dm br tlx dar <* *»lmi arK.' ami cninploli. nlm-k tn i.HiTt from. AI no r.-niinil.cr, wo hnvu a Tliomnn H. Lokernon of llelmnr tried Cull and IFO ui in our new homa or No Job bw kum aoiM tot MMII. IODK Htnniliiiit ri'iHitnlioii fur IIIIIHMII. ili'iiliiiK nml fur plwrninK p<.np|« In ilrivd Borne rhirk«nn belonging to drop tin a pootal for information. JobWni •tlmdod to at aatct rwtU. IIH <.IVf. Ty,VoUuII IIImI: yi tfr. iolm.in i'i ni.n lili,l,r.r,v ohu,r „ |i„i> (r.,ln,,m,,i,irli , n,u,fp iy-,r,v,lri nKin,n.t ti nmli ,K,ufi,i.rr|n,,iri'tWu(clrik|, .l1i . M|;rodr<r>hnn.n t, Tnhn c owloormeidii i whoimt nl.nlm, fr<o>vm«r keep Your H«ir Full of life, i l i 'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ; llatlnulM luraWw«lruad. oa all kbd. tt We ili'i.l|:n inoiiiuni'iilii lei nnil our niiilnmrrii, Ilin liinil with n rnkc, iMlttlnp; liln head. Luiter ami Splendor. Write mi nml wr will mil on you pi.rmu.uily l k in hud the womiin urrr&tod. James Cnotin. Jr., M1I« PARISIAN Anwrlaan KlulUMna. Utntlit WorVlna- la a Qaak. \ MANSON & SONS, \ A(!K, ttm icully eood hatr irrower, •kmlth *n<l aiiaiM aHr««ta, Arllmr Yctninn of Freehold, who JnndrulT run. a (id hair ItesutlAnr. PE31TM AMDOY. N. J. tTriiilniitcil from tho dental d<-|>nrtmo>it Kvrryiim. who cares for youthful 4 Monmouth Street, Near Borough Hall, f of tho IJnlv<*rnlty of IVnnRylvnnlii nml »ok» thdtild uic'lt. CHARLES LEWIS, who IHIKHIMI the ntiile cnumlntitlm. in NnthhiK will put nK" on yuur 4 Rctl Bank, New Jcncy. ^ 1'i'iiiinvlviinlii In working for thn No- uiuldrm (jitirkor than MCnnt, fiuted or ' nl I'ri'i'liiilil bankliiK company, J T«li>|>honn217 J, ^ ra"1e ffocletir Vanned. N HACK J\ol only mnko llvi'uI 'lil<i » IIIIIIIIV'<UH * flolrrm« ic-dom npi miiniornn dnn tn Hnraoudcllnr-y iliixe uIrmluirn to fn mbolt Ihm Wtuotmlfounl banudt imt IeInI imrmnirr«- WBOUMALB AMD RET All. DtAUOl IM :'S HAIR TONIC. tlnn. (irorKfl llriiM, Jr., waal «l<K'tn| mtprd t<i criiillriiUi dandruff, ttop hair >ii'»lili'iit, Jorl (Junl »rcr«Ury and J,'rom fanlnu and drive'ItrhlnoM from t h«i arel|i. Bchroeder'a Hair Tonic kills dunilruff, keeps .tty>lMr Jt in a dainty, and rrfrethlnf hulr Oilant Din at BngaiehMwa, rmltiff nnd In torn by Jam** (Toop«r, CHAf. O. CONOVER, from falling out and inakea the Bcalp healthy. Th&t'p Wllllnm H. Curr, the young «ono fofT., and iJriiftKlttt ovarywliore for only «nough for it tod o. At Schroodcr'u Pharmacy. lWi iHilll UTmiii '»Cd«ayr r w<rrilfi. RTTnh««hl ln hchUhiitll«dd)nd,lwl :h0 «r ,Af,u(b/»u rn)n rK)*m b|rot !t•l« o, nT ehvt. rKyl rl< rwaritthon aliout two year* old. m<l bottle. RED BANK. N. J. > •vJnm THE BED feANK BEQISTEB *.' REDUCTION SALE-! K'i " • • ••.<-.»! -. . .. . . . .. .. i AUTOMOBILES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. For a few weeks we propose to make our annual clean-up sale of all stock on hand and the prices these goods are marked down to have no relation to prof its or cost. CARRIAGES. We have on hand almost every style carnage built for pleasure or busiiress. These prices are cut from 25 per cent to 50 per cent and some even more. They . include both nevr and second-hand, and this is a rare chance to get what you want in Buggy, Runabout or Pleasure Carriage. BUSINESS WAGONS. K ..•: These include open and top business wagons, platform and three-spring, for all kinds of business. A large variety to select from of nice fresh stock. • Also ', one and two-horse farm wagons. "• , ^ \ i . " , AUTOMOBILES. These include both new and used cars atfd here is a rare opportunity to pick up a good car-right. . Buick Model 34. new Five-Passenger Touring Car with top,wind shield and presto tanks, fully equipped. New Everitt "30," with top and wind shield/ used as a demonstrator for a few weeks ohly. New Everitt "36," with top, wind shield and presto tank. Chalmers 30, Four-Passenger; just been overhauled; in; good order. Great bargain. Marion Runabout, 1911 car, with top and wind shield; just been overhauled. Chas^fc Commercial Delivery Car, with fine panel body; new. . Oldsmobile Runabout with top, $50.00. Buick, Six-Passenger, top, express body car; good running order; $350. Don't miss this chance to pick up a Carriage, Wagon or Automobile at this time as this clean-up sale is for a short time only and goods cannot be duplicated. i " . -"" J. W. MOUNT CO., Red Bank, N. J. JR1EF ITEMS OF NEWS. laat week by M|ss Sophia Mitchell. recently underwent an operation at the Dancing and singing were the chief Long Branch hospital, is recovering amusements of the evening, • nd left the hospital last week. (Continued from last page.) rooMt iSchaaoe*l atW rtrMenhno iaa.nd.John Gray of TmDhiorleAc tnKeoerrn, ao wWnlendir .by Joseph Carr of A new fire company has been organ- Freehold met in a 75-yard foot race Freehold, won a five heat race at ized at Deal. Benjamin E. Birkentleld last Saturday week. Mr. Gray had aSalem, N. J., last Wednesday week is foreman of the new company, James three-yard handicap but lost the race with the best mile In 2:14 1-4. E, Tinker president, Frederick Bach secretary and George A, Frick treas- by about a yard and a half. M*tw Cop at Ooaan Orova. ' > urer. ; - » IeltjT»ph Operator OuUi. Harry Preston, manager of the ., A. ti. Bayne has been forced to re-Ocean Grove merry-go-round, has been Obtuob r«no» mill Sown. sign as operator in the telegraph of- sworn in as a member of the Ocean The iron fence and stone .wall be- fice at Spring • Lake because of illGrovo police force. tcwhueernch -atnhde t hAell cehnatopweln felPl rde6swbynt eSruiann- hbeya lMthr, s. TBehses iev aMcaonrcgya nh. as bee.n.. f.il .le d•Iiawy«r Bteinbaoli Bsooverlng. day, night of last week. The wall had Jacob Stcinbuch, Jr., a Long Branch OPENING OF SEASON 1912 been in an unsafe condition for a long Bold Three AntomotillM. lawyer, who broke his leg while bowl- time, Howard Height of Manasquan sold ing last spring, is able to get around New Point Comfort Hotel •boa Shop BOtobta. three automobiles last week. The pur- in a wheel chair. j The shoe shop of N. Aquilina at chasera were Capt. A. H. Hnrvey, J. Ootan Orovo Soar Win*. East Front Street Red Bank, N. J. oOfc elaanst Gwreoevke. waAs rqoubabnetdit yS uondfa lye anthigehrt, HHoewigahrtd ofR Sepmrisneng Laakne.d George M. HaAr ryF rIeIn. cEhr vbiuenll odfo Og coewann eGd robvye wMonrs. and Dancing Pavilion Situated in Heart of Town rubber heels and several pairs of shoes Tlowar snow at Spring- xake. second prize at the. Hollywood dog were stolen. The loss is estimated at A flower show will be held at Spring show recently. KEANSBURG, NEW JERSEY Convenient to Trolleys, Boat, Churches, $200. Lake on Saturday, August 17th. A Apptuaioitii optrttlon. Arb lncfro mfomri Otte»em «htirays. been appointed thhaen dbseosmt es usgiglveesrt iocnu po fwfeirlle db efo gri vbeena fuotir- cesEsflmulelyr Hopoeprkaitnesd oofn B feolmr aapr pwenadsi csituisc- We Make a Specialty in Serving Shore Dinners for Auto- Train and Stores from members of the First Methodist fying Spring Lake. at the Long Branch hospital Sunday of mobile Parties, andliave a Large Garage cmc$hh4ouu0nr0recc.yhh octefom W eletaesrty yL. a on Icgut Br wbria lnl acrchoo ustotn dca otblholeucettXWaaTrshlnhe ein UBgatnonintde dwa tiSl Ol taoptuleansy dmartao rOviinc.eea nb oGndro ovfe lraxs«Ete dbwwoeiaaer kMd. aTnh DorlpeiB a ot Bf oFiprelteahlo.ld died at DANCING EVEROYp pAoFsiTteE tRheN HOoOteNl AND EVENING HQeuaiedtq, uHarotmeresl ifkoer aCnodm Cmomerfcoiartla Mbleen Bnaawar at Tannant. on Monday night, August 5th. Gover- the Long Branch hospital last Thurs- froImsa atch eO Tgleennnseknyt' s sthaotrioson lraastn waweaaky. naottre nWd iltshoen caonndce fratm. ily are expected to ydeaayr s noilgdh.t. Mr. Thorpe was sixty Pavilion for Excursion Parties, Picnic Groves, etc Telephone 11 The horse broke lose from the wagon, Kattwus Oouplt Harried. PropoH a Vonntatn nt AlUntown. Auto Bus MeeU Trolleys H. T. METZGAR, Proprietor. which was badly damaged. Max Fine- Miss Mary McMahon and Rooslyn A fund is being collected at Allen- cold caught the horse in his automo- Hotaling of Matawan were married at town for the purpose of erecting a bile. . St. Joseph's parish house at Keyport fountain. So far about $32 has been Monday night of last week by Rev.pledged. DeLISLE'S UNEXCELLED SERVICE AND GRILL A llconso for tho marriage of Miss M. C. O'Donnell. Moving* Tnfthold Station." danadt aC hEar.l eKs eNck.m Salinn goerfla Andsb uorfy B lPooamrk- ArArtaatraolnl fAorr rSatniatr tolnff M Waltfa«w.an was ar-holTdh oI sp baesisnegn:g mero vsteadt iofrno ma tt Ehaes tw Fesrte teo- Famous French Restaurant The Bridge-Water Inn field was issued last week by the regis- rested at Long Branch last week on atho east side of the Central railroad trar of vital statistics of Anbury Pork. charge of deserting his wife. Aaron tracks. Vram* of Barn OolUpaM. . says he left homo because his wife Working1 for 8t«d Company. , AT ALLAIRE Formerly The Camp "Belmar" Workmen were moving the frame told him to. John II. Green of Oakhurst is work- work, of a barn belonging to D. AO.pemtton for Apptndioitl». ing as agent in Monmouth county for Open for the 16th Season J. F. MURPHY, Proprietor Statesir of Freehold last week, when it Stanley VanNote, son of Mrs. J, M. collapsed. Mr. Statesir is using the VanNote of Long Branch, is recover- a Now York seed and plant company. Pleasure Bay, Long Branch, N. J. building in the construction of a house.ing from an operation for appendicitis Btrttti at AUintown OU»d. First Class French Restaurant a la Carte performed at a New York hospital two A carload of crude, oil was put on slid of Apopi«r- weeks ago. the Allentown streets last week under Open All the Year Established New York 1860 Shore and Chicken Dinners MUSIC odneaeCrdh Aainr.l ebWse d.W Blaeeslnltsn Teothtfu lBraseiddlma dyae rna tiwghh awts. aCfosuo dnrud-eAuAto bBimg aaiUuttoam roenbiolee. dashed across the tITh*ew s uSpweirtcvhis iaotn T otnfn Jinoht.n Taylor, WM. S. DE LISLE Telephone 346 Long Brunch to apoploxy And ho Issued a burial railroad tracks nt Sewall avenue, As- Tho Pennsylvania rallrond is put- permit. Mr. WOIIB was 71 years old. bury Park, and Bmashcd a fence down ting In a new switch at Tennent to ac- BnT«lhnea atroanc tTiohnr ouegnhg Binreid gaan. d thresher wTuaess dhauyr t.night of lust week. No onocOo«mr»mjro« daatte I mlliUu yIantcorwena.sing business. LlBBY'S RESTAURANT COLUMBUS HOTEL. operated by John Jones broke through Big; Drop of VoUtoea. N A garage is being built near the 1O Weat Front Street Red Bonk, N. J. the county bridge on tho back road William Cartwrlght of Tennent, who Dilwcs elder works lit Imlaystown for ED. OAKES, Proprietor from Freehold to Adolphia last Friday farms tho Samuel Vaughn place, him tho laiRo automobile truck. OEO. W. LIDBY. Proprietor FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. engine raised to the roadway again, a big crop of potutocs. His Irish Gob- D««th of Infant. OPEN SUNDAYS Telephone 338 ir'a Haw ••» akitr. blers have avoraged over 100 barrels Kenneth L., the infant aon of Her- Tickets lor «0.00 Worth ol Meals, S4.OO Restaurant a la Catte Talephono 34 Atl.ntic HIii Rooms Extra Harry Height of Spring. Lake has to the aero. bert Parker of Bindley I'nrk, died JTormer auldent w»a«. bought a now 22-foot sea skiff which Friday morning. lie keeps nt his Munnsmion pounds. MIHS Amy It. Dnvis of Flushing, Tub«rouloali Vlotlra. The boat is usod for fishing and (orLong Island, formerly of Monmouth Mm. Mary Stannburv of Long taking pleasure trips off the coast. Beach, and John A. Brown of Jnimiicu Branch died Monday of lust week of. ««t>T'CO>T<<*IO>T<€»WO>>5^^ pin of counmptlon. • wtheor eb rmidaer.ried Juno 30th at tho home of consumption. JOSEPH T. BURROWES CO., AUTOMOBILE^ INSURANCE. Mrs. Annie Smith died at tho homo Twlna at Klnalapan. oasuft mAhpsetbiroun rmy. o PthaMerrk,r slMa..s rSt smT. iHhtuhar rsrdwya yaM sou ffg oucrlotryno-BsintlOrgEuJ .Och kUIi sIlIb .tb BlyMcoy Muncol nko o jal AuaftU sOottm Ocwe.oaebneik leG, wraohnveadn w khnaoasc kwreiaddn-gluasvMte m wb. eierKkth.d wtou rtdw iDnsil, loan booyf Mnniudi nnli ipgnirnl, No. 313 Wnl FYont Street, Red Bank, N. jr. You should insure your car against firo as well as your years old and leaves two children. down, lie received sovoral cuts and BUILDINO A DUNQALOW dwelling. A first-class policy covering firo damage and theft, in Baputmwt Attar «u Company. brulsoa. During tho summer months mothers moans n dcmnml for much lumber or backed by an $18,000,000 company and at a very reasonable The war department has stopped tho of young children should watch for n nunorlor quality, «H bunnnlowa nro <t •Inking of piling in ths Manasquan Vuiita auction BKHjU any unnatural looseness of the bowel". no iQnKOf » cheap m«kc«hift for premium-. river by tho Coast gnu company of John H, Emery and Honry D. Cham-When K-ven prompt attention at this summer life, but ujitoilnte, complete Batmar. Tha plunge or« to be used toberlain, Republican*, end Charles II. time Rotloun iroublo may bo avoided. IIOUHL'H, with nil modern conven- HOWARD S. HIGGINSON, carry a plpa line across the river, Wllgut. Democrat, have pninod tho ex-Chumborlaln's Colic, Cholera and ience. Our Btork of lumber In [inr- |bo*>oi •aooVara from Buna. amination for elocilon officer* In Ocean Diarrhoea Remedy can always bo de- ticulnrly ndiipted for this CIIIBH of GO BROAD STREETr, REID IBANK, N. J. Qrovo. pended upon. • For sale by James buildliiK, In fact, In no complete, that w'F\ >hoDyuo raar >wtnnh da, He shhxa p»aarolrsior y sirro i«sous8cnu»ohl vmay«ow erb«df ud ofrh inrffirees oLdw pmo oron ranghkc tlsti«B hco erIen.na fnj auctcrhhe-,eBBliopryDa wnaBchvlhiitdl Ue b Bpo Blybal,ayy mwi nDaogvn owl t«hzi.tl,th lo nnn d ooungni lntohlul« t wloewKeekr. C•troooeptenrN., EJWr., cDorEnePrA BRroTadU RanEd. White iascti r vnneem n,m nnunl plmn iln) etiiioeontnK tl.nii>enl »ymw co utioiltl ntrh luen phmooonrr anIt aet x mfprooe<mnl-- TIN ROOPINQ Olytapla atUMw at W>t Bruuh. Dr. Charlai J. (Jrtsmor closed the •RICK, UMaT, CKMENT, PAINTS AND Ol0y«mvp«irca l temamem bhearvse obf» ethn «I Anvmitaerdl cUan>Owxoutlnhd «,f Konmonth Bwah Olrt. MOw)ukalnn*niU ** lo llU Cluf rP*.ile* Und«r , AND HARDWARE SANITARY PLUtMBINa. tak* part In the athlrtlc aventa to be Vloltt 0. Thorn*, dauahter of !3r After two months of romatkabla tltld In connection with the Un«mln«att TWhoadrnnanw olafy M nolnumhto.u thM Bleua cThh. odrln«d* •aloa, Jumes Cooper, Jr., th« enterprls. I nlvc tho nnine nttontlon to tho nmnll Job •* to tha big one -they hotft gtt Branch carnival on August 17th. wan born In Kngland and w«« 22 y«nr«Ing drucKlat, saya that his plan of sell- thn b«*t. My Work Is done without dolny «nil »«tlii>ctl()ii l> |{U»riint«*(l. * *WB«Mfc*MUIiH » »tMhMf Fmrw Whot»J»d CmMilit aMryM co.m- old. •InIMR aotf h Darlf. Hproiwcoa rtdh'*a raopjatcululirc GfoOr c athn<t UTAUiSHKD IU4 TtXWIIONK Ul* If thnro In anythlng*tha inattnt with your plumbing telnphone in and w« r*nv did not nm sixty par cant of its Van* for Or«n(« y cum of constipation and dyspepsia, will do tho r«mt. Outwork In dono well nnd rvawnabl*. mimbmhlp at th« Mt. Ont;a aiw Mr. Wunbuah, who bouitht tho Kirk, and Ktiarantoalnv to refund tha money ALEXANDER D. COOPER tIhd« f oaro tlhd«ltlrr i Mwrvhlcoti d,id gotlarandde dn |aet«h, eat f aTrfmln nofnot rla pitr oypeearrty, h i*ni «Ifa tI atu dcocetss* n hoat chuar*« ,a vhaara k bnoo«wnn t,he ersat- HOWARD FHEY, M VMUaktttMt*. O and h«« gont to N«wark to conAsntiypoantieo-n a,u lliTvaerrln tBro uwbiltehs , h(t*ya«ipW«ph»*las Real Ettat« and Insurance SIT Monmouth fltr«>*t. rhona 204-W. latllqpnn hat dlailnni, coated tongue, or th« ton- Entl pavilion. C»pi KUBMI* Lonf*tr«at of llrUllo •Irtvaal r talnnjdl bfeoewlianlgi , ocra udslwadr dbaryo dIn adcitiW««*- BM4 BROAD STREET RED DANK, N. J. iturUri have) f«U from hli blcycU M6nday of la»t tlon, should taka advanUga of JamM w**k MM rtrnoh on hi* (M*. Hl FJro, 1JF«, Accident, Tornado and MM and <or*hi«d w«n badly «ut. l*l«t« GlfcN lwitnu>c« \\ DR. STILES, Doctor of O»HM, VtatkilMtM*. H.J., Mr*. Lion nmm »t Onklront, who •ran i 11« » r. MT. At rawtoama* •t triA*\* ji.-^tV --.. ic tfl< »• -' . Pace 4 THE BANK BEGI8TEB THE RED BANK REGISTER Hartshorne of lumber for tho school bay tree fora while. Little by litjle time come* -When fie just cant go one - i-j ,.-. ^ .^ <• •> H ',- "»•,_-*•>-_, building, and of Lewis S. Thompson James' A. Bradley got. tired of hisstep further and he lies down and of an athletic field, are now supple- newspaper plaything, and little by lit-quits^the game. GJOEOHRNGJLE CBC.O uHbOAMKN.iC EME<U.w »AMui t«iwlniiil uPita bEldiiihtovr,. maceTtnehtre.i sd nbeyw. a ggii,f ft* t io* sf * nan •d oanrtaitsitoinc cohfa ra- hJmtleoea u kwrehna aesh l ,aJg l-8woH oatfyef wisc s eiatraielln ale.daudyns netadoow u natpchyae eymf .prteohanmpetsej i rtar htincoede Jao tuToruhngea hl deuenMnddiAnej rt 'tofhoefr aPthe nneenw .Ayspapabaeupkereyrr sw wPhaiacrshk TOMORROW 1 •" t THOMAS IRVING BROWN. replica of the frieze of the Parthenon'for anything he inserted, whether it hud enjoyed the sticeessof the Asbury was a piece of news he wanted at Athens, which is regarded as one Park Journal. The folks who have OBint» yme»onr tShUs BSCRIPTION PRICE: «1<-B<>O ionf stchuelp wtuorerl.d 'sT hger emaotesst t emacihnieenvte'smcuelnpt-s jpvoerlirtnt ittsehedem, cet>onmtr wmwhiutenhti htywe.rh i.cHiht ewh daeisd w a na nobteitg dp taored--ebxopuegchtt tiot p anntd.i't *"ovnho aw gio"o lde afouorrtiencift . itIt Friday and Saturday are1 the days you should deposit your surplus Time months *° tors of. ancient Greece besought. the sume to control the paper, however, as will be a long- and a hard job to do •WJ. tXate. rAeBiJ e eacto itnnhddo--cc pffaoa! Rssto fmfl"caet" t•eart. Bed Bank, wpinro ivnAidlteehrgefeun ls o pwfo haritscrshai,ys tyailen agor lyfin thp Caeia dpr rvoihncoegms staihogines hfare od mdeci ditd heiend 3 tchrraeimd olpeld yi ndea ntyndos . i pfaI ipnte b fray'sc tt yrehivneeg n upupuettAtohosinb. ,u rayJne sdPs eiat r kuL rytlPlle r besKesi anamnr oeenxtp vhee nrysai vnemd juo cbhthe funds with the • ^ • •V- .. ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912. ttoer thcea sgt ooddfe tshsi so ffr tihezee t,e moprl oe.f "> s Ao mpluacsh- the mouth of his dough bag. . paleiovpel.e Mofr. AKsibnumroyn tPha rkkn onwese dw. haMt tohree of it as will extend around the audi- than that, he knows what the people RED BANK TRUST COMPANY TOWN TALK. torreisuemnt.eodf tthoe t hhigeh s cshcohoolo l,b hya Rso bbeeernt \ This didn't hurt the Journal much, oPfr eAxasb guirvye t Piatr kto :w thaenmt, . anTd nhee Jaonudrn tahle ascnhdTo iotlehl em lumeseet ntiwnnsge seo kaf, cts uthhroeew oRinfe gcd o tBnhsauenmk c pahutiisogenhs, JJ.r[ .uArtmshoorryn eH, asDkelrl . aJanmde Ssa mDue.l TRriaksekr,, ohatra gdal enbaeisectso,t m nkeoi natd j Ruyseotp uu tbchlaeincna . inm Taogrhgineae n.J ooTufhr entrhaeleabmnaacdyk abo pefro miftia thadbaevl ieen tngoe owats mpgaooponeder y infae twnhdsep smaapneendr your interest at 31/ PER CENT will then start from August First. ought to have, a very great effect in wasn't a thing the Republican-party and experience und brains; but it"will hTehlipritnyg yetaors satagmo pc onosuumt pthtiiosn dwisaesa bsee-. seyN ow oiltlh ehra vpeu blsico svcahlouoeld inan N eawrt iJsteicr-da idth tihnagt tihta td itdhne't Rpreapiuseb.l"i caTnh epraer wtya sdne ftt tbarkineg a i wt ohnoclee lliootr eo fto al tlh teh efrsoen tth. inSgsti tlol, Remember that we also issue lieved to be hereditary and fatal. A possession as this. It speaks well for undone that the Journal didn't claim the. people ofrMonmouth county who person uttacked with this disease was Middletown township,that so many of was the finest piece of statesmanship know all about the Journal in its regarded as sure to die from it sooner its citizens are taking a deep interest ever thought of. The Republicans youthful and vigorous days would or later. Once a person was attacked, in the public schools and are giving controlled the legislature pretty much like, for the sake of old memories, to CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT - all hope was abandoned. Sometimes liberally of their means for the ad^a-ll of the time in those days, and there see it rise and'soar once more. an effort would be made to stay the I'antage of the children of the town- was newspaper fodder rolled out to progress of the disease by going to aship. Their attitude is the more Do-the faithful newspapers in amounts (Toum Taltt'Conlinued on page 14.) higher altitude or to a dry climntu, able because of the constant attacks that would "knock your eye out," if it m » » but these things' were regarded only which have -been made on the schoolshappened along in these times. The IS AGAIIT HELD. at liberal rates of interest, for sums left with us for short periods. as temporary remedial measures. athned ochne atph e emkeamteb ers loiifi tile bofar tdh byy Jinogu,r naanl dg iot tg eovetr ay thlointg o tfh eexretr aw aths ignog-s BUmur Miia Ohargoil this Tims with »•- Within the las*t *t wVenty years great townshhiip pand theeiirp oalliltiiecsia. nsT. ,ionsf i mth-eIbty rjuulsetd gtohineg R oepuutb alnicdan g r..arbobosint.g tShoemme. oaring Kouso Fraudulently. strides have been, made in learning tagonism, however, is confined purely Charles A. Qjiiintnid of Belmar, who LOANS MADE ON BOND AND MORTGAGE' was arrestedvrecently on a charge of the nature of this disease, its cause fraud brought by a New York sten- and the means of cure. It is now ographer, has' been arrested again. known that consumption is not a This time his arrest was caused hereditary disease, though the ten- business, but it waxed fat on by Andrew 3.C. Stokes of Freehold, dency to consumption may he heredi- owner of the house occupied by Quin- tary. It is also known that it is tard at Belmai. After a vuin search Of vastly more.importance | blH,n ,,enci:oU!i in voting all the ap for bail Quintard was taken to the county jail. '.'• i Jlr: Stokes alleges that Quintard se- N cured tenancy of his house at Belmar by false pretenses and that he is ?400 - almost every one, these being fii'.*U behind in his rent. Quintard secured fresh air and' sunshine; and second, the house, it it said, on his statement proper food and drink. that he had rented a theater at New 11 BTtCWARn'S STORE BEAUTIFUL * -\- * York for $10,000 and that he had Consumption is rapidly decreasing have shown that they want their chil- ' reporters to get the news, and it cost made a big payment on it which left • irtPOfitCBa-r Mi"*«*P. NBW'JH, HALSEY ST*EE uganidneerd tdhueri knngo wthleed pgaes t wdheiccahd eh. aFse bweeenr dwroernl d't oa hsa vthe ea csh gilodorden a ochfa nacney i ont hthere i nmewo'ns ey" 't toy pheir.e pIrti nhtaerds gtroow sne t tuop dteh-ehJMimr. Ssthookret s ofofu cnads ho ufto thr aat sthhoer tt hetiamteer. "We Give and Redeem Surety Coupons." people lire attacked by it than for- nuiriicipalitv I pend solely on its political business. owners had never hoard of Quintard. 'The Asbury Park Shore Press had merly, because of the preventive meas- boen started a good many years be- " • • • Those who are attacked CHI3.D PAX.I.S TO DEATH. Buying on the CLIB PLAN Makes It fasy Six-Y0ar-Old''Boy Tunisia* Sown Eleva- tor Bhaft at Asbnry Vark.. Miles F. Banghart,;the six-year-old son of Harry S. Bqnghart of East Orange, fell (Jfwn the elevator shaft When we inaugurated our Club Plan of sailing we applied it only to furniture, floor oatitno enp- rhewasliefl nl to gfare rtaeht cleyu rceiadns,ce rasen ados eft h caios*n sp furuomrptphotreio-rnaeitrr es iftsmh ott*hheee ' ewsmhhoaol' lo- lipsr:eo l tihtIienc'fi avthniiks- td wetsohtw^ovn osfihrgkihp"t H«b-«el" t.ahl no™.a>%' shn t/ noduh.nre*e ssoiluwa rncaed f"u eflun.U elrrgeH elteoic sr aaiwnLd that haTtiu set hisnedj auLyra iefoasy fae lbtatoestu th woatenee lk. ha oatu nAr dsJba dutiereyrd. TPfrahorekm cbouvye rthinisg sw aanyd t uhpaht owlset ebrrieosa, dbenuetd w teh feo ufniedl da sfo wre c whoeincte osno t hthaat ts on moVan wyo grotohdy pfeoolkpsl e claikne bd utoy knowledge concerning this disease is a g ^ s t^ school tte^opf of the Journal was intent only on gath- boy landed on a barrel at the foot of practically everything for the'furnishing of the house on this easy payment Club Plan. spread. gaining a political advantage bv their ?nng in political fodder and he started the shaft and his ribs were broken .and The tuberculosis exhibit of last week iit;rhoeu rtsoewr nsFhiopr,t uannatde lfyo rtfuonra ttheely p efooprle t hoef Pm« Pto« b .bu»llsd' ^Uf P *a/>re*"%!. *I notiwmna ptae penre. wHs-e fleogrc ewda st hcrroausghhe d.h isT lhuneg bso. y sHtairst erdig thot If you have not familiarized yourself with this scheme of selling goods, making \t easy ,. being,e,,cated in .„ the V ^ n ^ ^o ^ ^ J Sa ?»' e^ ^tw^/K Mp t go to his room on the third floor in the for you to buy them, we would advise you to learn all about it,, for no matter what your towns of Monmouth county and of the elevator. By mistake he got off at tne state. The pictures make the exhibit eontest. Middles wijl have th^ f ^ S l St second floor. He saw his mistake and means or your income there are great advantages in buying the high-priced things in fur move effective than any series of finest school of any called to the elevator man to stop the this way, as thousands have found to their delight. ° . .' ; illustrated lectures could possibly be. lift. The elevator man said he would Tplhaec ems owvhinicgh pbicretuerde sc, oansnudm tphteio vnie, wmsa okfe gmeatn tnheer 1b tohye o bno hyis g toritp h diso warnm. Ithnr osoumghe We are making It easy for young folks to go to housekeeping-in the right way. an object lesson which is very im- the door of the shaft, probably think- We are making it easier for older folks to refurnish their homes and equip them beauti- opfr estshieve M. onTmhoeu tohl libcrearns chii ndo f mthaen asgtaetres tsierse> -ecdo ubnytr ya.ny rural school in the en-hHies gkrniet wa nthde nreev ewr aloss at fhuitsu creo nffiodern che.isjinupm; petdh. e car wa_s still there, and fully without feeling the financial strain. paper and he plugged along "and charities aid association are doing a wesotirmk awteh.ose good results are beyond fizzTlehde oAustb aunryd sPtoaprpke dJ olausrtn ayle,a rw, hisic htotpahnlued g tgiadeted . t halHeo iensgn b,d uh osoifpn ieonsngs egf oroefrw h t hiasen t dtou ugrgnreh-woefs,t CATOKDffO BIO BASS. moreT ihnetreel liigsnen'tt .a mNeeaxnt tfiemeeli nygo ua cboonutte mthpela Ctel ubbu'yPinlagn a—nyth soart t iosf w fuhryn iisth aipnpgse aclosn ssiod teor tthhies o-o-o >e started up again' next month.' The I years hh e was surpriisde d, hwh enh h fei figT-wo A»bnry Parkers Land Biff Striped plan of paying for them, We how sell the following goods on the Club Plan— ],ast winter the state inspector of paper was published by the Penny- | ured thinggs upp,, to learn that he had school buildings visited many of thepuckers when it quit publication. The actually made a little money'that year. Lewis Lloydfaf Asbury Park caught Furniture, Rugs, Carpet*, Mattings and Linoleurm, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Couch school buildings in New Jersey and new owners are said to be New York a striped basl tot Allenhurst Satur- reported thereon to Calvin N. Kendall, newspaper men of considerable ex- day week iWnicWVweighed nineteen Covers, Curtain Fixtures, Pictures, Clocks, Books In Sets, Comfortables, Blanket*, Steamer the state commissioner of education. poiiciiL'e and they claim to have plenty That the turn of the tide for pounds and four ounces. In the after- Rugs, Beds and Bedding, Bed Linen, Household Linens. Sheets and Cases, Window Shades, In February he visited the schools of of money. . The price is said to hav* him. He made more and more money noon lie caught another which weighed Red Hank. He suggested somu changes been $75,000, aiid this includes the I each year, until today folks eay that seven pounds. . G. "Benjamin Evern- Porch Screens, Silverware, Cut Glass, Cutlery, Ciunaware, Refrigerators, Lamps, Baby in the Mechanic street school and hePennypacker building and machinery, ! he has to hire a hand cart to take his ham of Asbury Park landed a striped Carriages, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Talking Machines, Victrolas. duclarud that the Beech street school but the Pennypuckers are to clear up; money to the bank on specially pros-bass which weighed 38 younds and 4 wanads sehnotiurledl yb uen dliist cfoontri nscuheodo la tp tuhrpeo seensdcailal ld ehbetasl tahn dw ghievne at hcleea pnl abnitl l iosf t faiknennn -i • t phearto'su s ad awyosn. deHr ef'so gr oat cao udnaitlryy ptoawpenr ofiushn cewsa so cna Suguhntd aayt tohef lDaseta lw laekeke. fTluhmee These things can be bought at our regular cash prices or at special selling prices ooff tthhaet bscuhioldoil ngy'eias r.v erTy hbea vde;n tthileat isounn-have nejjutx st tmoplnldatch e. d Tah ep mPeotnr ntgyapgaec kfoerfs leivkeen Absebyuornyd Phariks. wiHldees ti sd sruecacmess sofufl, asenads oins. the biggest caught so far this mwhuecnh swaeleesk layr oer o mn,o annthdl yp aaids wfoer aornr atnhgee C wluitbh P yloaun.--a little at the time of purchase* and so l..i„g ht enters the building. . only a very $:1O,OO() on the real estate with the,f ifteen years- „ag-.o. But he deserves it Hiiuill part of the day; and the whole Pic|L.]ity trust company of Newark, | all, every bit of it. It's good to set a Flcaas Qitilty to Surgery. building' u entirely unsuitable for i and this will be taken in consideration fellow with plucl-k and brains and William JI. Lawrence of Brooklyn, school use. The building is not owned jW |H.M u,,, ,it,a] js c|osl,(i. ne.rve. "c.o.me through" after a long a summer resident of Ocean Grove, by the town but is ;\ rented building, i f ^ s and hard battle, and so every news- has pleaded guilty to forgery and HAHNE fie CO., and was built for a hall and not for a '' "' '" paper man in the state of New Jer-has been held to await sentence at New school. A partition lias been run Fho Asburyy Park Journal lias had sey takes off his hat when Jesse Lyle York. He is liable to fifteen years in through the buiMing to make two class an eventful historyy. It was started Kinmonth comes along. prison. Mr. I^awrence was employed ro.mis and this still further prevents abbotu t ff orty years ago, shhol rtly fafter as bookkeeper' for Daniel Talmage Broad, New and Halsejr Streets, NEWARK, N. J. ventilation. .1 nines A. Bradley began to boom As- | Sons' company, rice merchants of New bury Park as a summer resort. As- I But if things went well with the York. Lawrence said that the lure of It is probable that the slate school bury Park w:is then a desert of waste j Asbury Park I'rrnx. they went ill with New York's gay life was his undoing. commissioner will not permit the 1 nd anil Kciubliy trees. The Asbury the Asbury Park Journal, and it was isscihnc'ieo l tthue bstea toep esnrehdo otl hien csopiencitnogr hafa.l-l,, P\Taewrk JVimoirki iiial nwd daiss (triitb ufitresdt pfrrionmte Ad isn- athbeo uJt.o urnTahl e thJaotu rnI als tahrtaedd gtoot wsori teac-Bays Wife Loft Bini Thirty 7ears Ago. declared the building to lie "entirely ho.ry Park, but in a year or two Mr.customed to living on political "vit- James E. Wortman of Asbury Park unlit for school purposes." It is al-liradlcy set up a printinj; office at As-; ties" that it clean forgot that there has brought suit for divorce against most six months since that inspection bhiury Park and the paper was printed j was any other way for a newspaper to his wife, Mrs. Maria I). Wortmnn. was made and the Itcd Bank school at home. live. II n tthh e lleigilsltia tive and d polliittiiclal Mr. Wortman charges that his wife binosapredc twioans. noItinfi ead llo tfh tehsee rmesounltt hos ft htehe The Asbury Park Journal was a cwhaasnng'te st hweh picohli tihcaal dp ciocmkien gasb fooutr ptahretrye hleafdt bheiemn tmhiarrtryi edy etawrso ayegaors a fatenr d tthheayt ,^0'Z JYIQ /'do a I spcroho,•„vo„il d i.bn,o ga rdb e.ht..ta.e..sr wtas»ck.h^e ono l noa cstcen,p m tmoowdaar--d |,; l !f'r(l'1r' \br elliievveelyd mpa pteorm eu ntdheirn g-sM arn. IdS hraed lbcey.- Joorugrannasl 's thgaot odt hoelrde dahyas. d bTehene Jionur ntahl esHhee ihsa ensg naegveedr inliv tehde rweiatlh eshtiamte sbinucsie-. ^flff Sum mo r lions for the children of that district. lieved in them very hard, lie wrote seemed to think that those good old ness at Anbury Park nnd conducts a just as he tlinught.and he had money ! times were coming back again and boat livery on Deal lake. enough to back up what he said. He j that these times were only just around m •• S bo.V&rage If the school is ordered closed by had several libel suits and two or i the corner. But the Journal was on the state school commissioner, what three times he got "pinched" by the ! the blink. Nobody read the paper; Point Pleasant School Burned. will these children do for schooling'.' jury and had to pay damages." r,ul jnobody advertised in it; nobody cared The four-story brick school building The school law requires that every this did not worry him any. Mr. i anything about it. The same thing at Point Plsusnnt erected four yenra LIPTON'STEA child of school age shall have proper lirndley wrote what he though! ought bus happened to a lot of other papers ago at a cost of $80,000 was destroyed provision made lor Ins education. to lie said, instead of wlu.t folks would which have thought there was no use by fire Saturday u week ago. Two Where this is not done the state school like to hear said. Folks used to say j looking out for anybody except the firemen were caught under a falling coiiunis. inni-r has authority to with- that he hired his lawyye rs byv the veaV politicians. The Journal was as dead stairway and were badly injured. The hdscoils ldtr itcIht .me o.-nlTaeyteh efs rcowhmoit ohlhR omeldodin nHegya. 1n kfr oobfm e csatthuaaslete,'ptnMi><o ls htt ihmoaft h tiho)ew d li imdbenal'n t syum ilntislb' ;eobl ea snhuyai'td(sl iwHhe'eerer e fnhocared.admso aocJrku enliraueilsl ; tChiata t-w saharas; sai jtsu dswte aabdue enanis !f diase hsaemdd ooaksue dat oaIUrrdiug li nCH aousnefk, t hasce hf looiroreml sie, sri asp pmrirnyincscitpeiprayal .l ooRff i cththh-ee Hot or of :i failure to provide proper school st ntclilelilN he made concerning the of a kit in a grocery cellar; and ifPoint Pleasant school. facilities for I'liildren would mean a liquor dealers of tbe neighborhood. there is anything deader than s(lhlIoitcitt"'s hahd;.nio 'kiod-o l oH f.sw- macih'inhdlokilo n io-eohl yesora a vfocic ehstif n h weltooj hiue ttesahmh atrhoa.en elw dlapsdn- e, I oofuws pfopli temld hl t oiehsh ol ilsaofa v sRfreslt o aet.ttl'hd.ooese wttMMhhieuerl .lsi lenp'. g"lrt irntaahtdnienlrde gy ysH oinduwti dcwnaa'shnt a vjtbu eesrblvti ee tv waeok rfeotie tnnei t "laifhbqroouomuottr snrmuynT-o phkateechndk eecrm asp,maa cpweke ehrir,to esl wd liaeIdsr nten 'ted tvhaseyeerse .l massa tT wtohf o elik ktns.Po ewtn-cKIlaretuMnentd ai 'trliotgn atth rOtweehlt re orl e WT yfKoeoeowarbmbrnssstl oeXsayrc,g m hrwooiodohb nolob,yn eeirwdrsy. wn agasha tiiom nL paownlcig--as of ..'atr srhool money by spr'ial tax. that the paper was dead. They ap- cused of robbing her employer. She The Jttnnittl was a real power un- parently believed that if they could wna working for Mrs. George II. i'ur- .lei Air. liradlcy After he got tired ; ;mlv „,;,,. jt I)lltl, litt|p whil longi vin of Trenton, who hnfl u cottnge ut Tin- .-,-b. ol done. U.e whole work of running ,h ,, ., , - Ocean Grove. Mrs. Purvis pays the matli-i up girl got awny with clothing and vi-iiiilalioii jewelry valued at $350. the must lle.illh re] which pro New Aato Host Wftff/on* wholesome We«ley lire company of Anbury oioii'dy eu Park has ordered un automobile liono to lie used an a wnooi room um< luu.jii'i. i nis editorial sUilf wan ju: pnpi'r IIHC.< when it's on its. liint Icgn wagon and cbcinlciil engino from work should be begun at once lo put.' hut as it was when .Mr. Iliadlev'n nnd wants to hold on a while longer. LouiH 1*. <!rori) of Asbury Park. Tho ipl oisnt' sc; onwdihtiiloen isfu itoatbhleer foarrr sacnhgooelm penutrs- | nEavmeer ybwoadys nkt netwh e htheamt l iof ft htehree pwapaenr .» oHuut t oitf tWhcIIfHie nwoh genoi.c HT kinep1 tm iotn aefyl oiatt g^Tootr urepapdnyra tufMor wniellr vciocest 8b4y,0 0O0c tuonbedr w1i5llt bhe, Hoover Potato Diggers iin- In lie made for the accommodation ,'ucisip wild the paper it wm< James A. u time, but the end wan certain, The wagon i.i guaranteed to muko 45 of tin' children who now jitteud that Mradlc.v who would liuauce the scrap mileH.an hour and in equipped with a HCIIOOI, this work iihould be taken up j from the new.'ipaner end, and folliK powerful iienrchllght. anil pushed through, in order Ibat. ; didn't relish u .'.ml with a man who I luive watcned the lust flicker thi'ov chiblirn tunyy not be depprived of [had money to burn and who had of a good many newnpapcru in my any poili of their M hool life plenty of miilchi's, and who also bud time. Thcre'it no liumncHit in the Miirdtr Xiiftl Rnl W*tk. CAW NOW BE OPERATED WiTf* POWER. plenty of linn, to scratch the matchcM. win Id which can live on credit, and on NirlioliiH Velrano xnd Thomas l''er- WJI"HI 'll,O- IImI. aotlfr rI lioe f iImhophocrti dnloli t olof| iicrh,ii lddirni'-ii While Mr. ('nllin bad the paper tlhoen gl itatl et imtheiu gmH i iat ccaonun ptircyk nuopw, fspourp oarnjroiiirnot lyo fn eA\ntb uTruy esPdaaryk fowril lt hbo« m turrideder One of the now improvements to the Hoover Potato Digger is that it can be operated wifttft I'U.'O'rd nl the lohncohmir. in< <-tiiic.u John Wnlliii'i' iitiirtnl the Moniiwiith inn do thin trick. Every lltt|« ill- of Jimeiih Alfnntu tn Asbury Park on Gasoline Engine, if desired, instead of being pulled by horses. This makes thejoperation of ih» dif tfiiielti l fworetehk . li)Ti Ihne-i leiof*ii iluiti laiipinUi:' ilw ltioii- bt lmw i'diei»jwl{i,-ml, ,iln,i; ,r,iint rai|;nbll oAutn bIu{ery|i ubPliairakil. pi\T|iheiln. in'Uewin »tbnnocld< > ogni vliefse . It Hnoenwict fliinocpno na nnde wiiothcec uIrIrIeKdI II wohfi loM Aalyfo 8n1tos tw. nTsh IeO ImUIuIrIK< "to Ker cheaper, am well MM atatdior. This la about tho biggest improvement to the Hoover Digger whid vrlopnu nt mill growth of the tlllioml i Tlio Juunint under Mr. Iliadley mid loan will como ulonK and put In • lit- a wrimiin with nrhoni ono of th(r piim han been made in several-years, ' -. lwohniiici h Krxeiinml lmit tih' eth llee eMrbi miei llvceol ndwilliioouiiln bMutr . iCl olwlinii iuwiT anu nn iIwCyeapiiii.b lieiIiIu WjUiaMp ear, tmlei nrgliliyi iitgicll, tnhuntd m thuenn« )'t hriunnxsn oguot .s Twkimen- em wnn iof«tu»t«d. I hnvo just received two carloads of the Hoover Potato Digger*.' There ar©>l*tyU%geni ia tjli liilwlilloi'iiltdiri lymi lt'.,il wililHnellilO ifl adnfrhraecr r i lonnIN f» tortlohfmn eIe t lheoarrwr uknc e ldio.in lfdn rdfTer eltlin hnh-e u n linvllirdat'n- Jwinlm nidiin hi ii'iiidiil in.i yAvu in.oiu lt Iilliuili-lanyrd lktneiiytnno do-l duIo itjiffii c|o>ar ru IlIItiIHlKhlIcIHeInCM iI i1' .t. ebHppliUualllr dHtiyrt, utmni mnindun e' iwib wu payhyn noi ll iIctinmyh rnewuc fnilvMitiihitlti pidifKlneri. ai Kltlhc fll booppCmjpnOte plInIliIiO>sm.rH ) e H()n(ioo dHrtlniiiuin n,-g luvBn« Ptii(|tii Iilf«i,Ti,Srn. LACTwCill lfaocttluTrHehdoeo yfv oecrra BnPo obilt^sa tbsouo ucDhgi hgMts we tfihst ohha oear vi new ilMtohnoognu mtb otehuetneh g kaCnsoooulwinnntey ,ap osTw thehree ya tvaterarecyh vmbereeysnt t s. tProotnagt,o wDil{l glga,«s mCi*neavneyr "* Wjjl di'liiuud tbht the nrliool tiiiMli-fit iilurl cIIn ciiiididiilrn, except when Jniiicn A. ll>>oollliilllclili l jjbo b hwihiiii IK<I|IH hhiim out seldom getont of order, and can bo absolutely relied on to do the work. - ~ 'i tirtivr work for n ii'-w itcliool In that Ilindley cliiiiheil over I hi' politienl for n while. Ummllyy tho ppapperr K"(" |imt of fbe town lit oncii, frncc into thi' piiiliibltloii lirld, nr l«w« and Inwcr findd nnnlllly IItt T If anyythgin g hpapppe ns to your digger remember that I keepp a lwayys on hand an Immesnese stock« in•mcrl»VMi oin»olf<dlEndi ldn(riltm ioInnwptt lRi-y tio h t •oIonn y-wuW omnK-r«is l(Wrih•pn-i•lrp cn dooI nftI jonfiono hrilynlue nnrwni npdi ulowlbi Inlhnigco hlowfufui ml'llilin yi'iii Itte ,nw pl ib«biiiT,ir toiphblMenielilil nI e to rIipIiitiIin nM pDfft io'rcitun-mi ntl l omirnnigi n dWl(T, { I,lotfu„ ro„i h !ir uiu t ( mhdIbei ,iHn uf,ii! mi l ie<ll|ld>o(,t •lipMili«noroyewiinuineeri< nny' u.m lionoOidtnfp. . n c cIlnvr) eew Iditinh'i tti pu cwihIpilsi' iltmil mIc IiIJuc HognhHuthuIgorghnutotl pi.Bp.t obKt tgvpulloaut||rl ldy«tI.otI••ItRtt'nMsoT omtw (lyni*w .ri*wr.lrlt i f *ua fw *h.m_ tMWl_i i"t Itfint esoUxntrdt*nlrsly>sjal tidoa ptoh aen fdaucptolricya tfeo ard I'yt paTrhta ot fi wanvyet HHuwoo ouv etrimP Peto,tt aotrt ooD u'Dib ilgejg aenrt dth mh eo nnMreMy h i nh a osa eavee. rojfmj akanryk ebtrteda iCwAitgfij lhOutf flvUsi »tyh eiurl ntaim ue ltvo* thlaer pgueblyli c onfc h(ohuelnir, print nno wpa, piMnn- dI nn HflIOcHrHI n' dwlUuI'yVlniKH, iJ)u stth «an It fur tblinm lprmilnl tator, b>uuTyylw lbinrrcmIhl traen ilc oImn»it«U ir• Mb, ••srtbni ARLES mwrulrnwi niIndjf mtooV ftlh IeII c*b lslciihroi-oul.* oTfh ger iimili'le"r ilmilifntoliiril'iiieiid ibrnyv tel mu pJ tolumrn a(jll.iout mid WHSdlliirar««yy«« ddw hhmmeeinndd b IbIIUUuuTtTttOOet rr i immffi>>iitr' t r ml mhlohoanne n yer yien iveUUevrne * nfno ddrfor loot r tMth<t«\n ni AoAw.,W W hlfoiirf.h o oftf o ihl« u,pod1l ,uln<ift m" o'nry Tlm Journal ll•o u•r U•hud Ilk* « green tBBwh eimt hmmp nl up« «ierUrhrh itI tbn 44lMgMin MMkI s4n 4** «Ih«tMnMirrtlirf« if «4u4o tll u* lU*mlm. rq rHAk A.n'gd l Tlflihuar MmMtii IT ilium- Mr* THE BED BAKK BEGI8TER Pa«U T HE SE3SrSJ^.TIO35T SB-A-SOlsT I GREAT SEMI-CLEARING SALE! < .. Great Cleaving-Reductions in Men's, Women's, Misses* and Children's Seasonable Wearing Apparel Sale Starts Saturday* August 3 You may gain some idea what this sale means to you in dollars and cents by going over the items offered below. We mmeeaann ttoo hhaavvee aa ggeenneerraall cclleeaarriinngg;; ttoo ddoo ssoo wwee wwiillll ssaaccrriiffiiccee pprrooffiitt aanndd ccoosstt.. NNootthing reserved. Prices cut in hallff . IIff yyoouu ccaar e tto saave mooneny ddoirrtt ffaaiill ttoo come andd gett some off t thhe se bbargiains. Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Coats Ladies' Suits Ladies' tan and blue linen dresses, sizes 34-44 .69c Ladies' linen duster coats, were $1.98, now,.., .69c Ladies' white serge suits, were $12.98 .$6.98 Only a few of these left Ladies'white all-over embroidery dresses,were$3.98,now $2.69 Ladies' linen coats, extra heavy pure linen $7.98, now.. $4.50 Ladiea' black striped white serge suits, were $14.98, now.$8.98 Ladies' light blue Princess dresses, were $3.00, now — $1.98 Ladies' linen coats trimmed collar and cuffs,$4.98, now.$3.49 Linen white Norfolk suits, worth $4.98 now $2.49 Ladies' white embroiderypeplin dresses, were $3.00, now $1.98 Ladies' linen pongee coats trimmed with black satin, collar Linen tan Norfolk suits, worth $4.98 A ".... .$2.49 Ladies' changeable silk peplin dresses, extra heavy lace, and cuffs, $4.98 .... $3.49 Linen pink and blue Norfolk suits, extra quality, were were $15.00, now $7.49 Ladies' linen coats, embroidered collar, were $3.00, now $1.98 $3.50, now .$2.79 Ladies' tan linen dresses, were $1.98, now '. $1.49 Full line of Ladies', Men'* and Misses' rain coats, brilliantine Linen white Norfolk suits, trimmed, red and blue collars, now .$1.98 Ladies' silk under skirts all colors, were $2.50...- $1.79 coats at one-half price. Children's tan and blue Norfolk suits $1.39 Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at Reduced F*rices Ladies' Skirts Corset Covers Men's Suits Ladies' Waists Men's coats and vests, worth $10.00 $4.98 Ladies^ blue serge girdle skirts.v... ... .$1.89 Embroidery corset covers 19c Men's working suits ; $4.98 Ladies' waists, all colors 29c Ladies' black serge girdle skirts .$1.89 Embroidery and lace corset covers .35c Men's $10.00 suits .$6.98 Ladies' middy blouses 39cf Ladies' blue and black all wool, extra Embroidery and lace corset covers .39c Men's $12.00 suits $8.98 Ladies' embroidery waists $1.25 ,98c quality, girdle skirts............. .$2.79 Men's $15.00 suits $10.00 Black brilliantine skirts $2.48 Embroidery and lace corset covers 49c Men's $20.00 suits $12198 Ladies' all lace peplin waists, all designs.. 89c Gray panel back skirts extra bargain... .$1.69 Ladies' embroidery drawers 49c to 69c Your chance to buy two suits for the price of Ladies' silk waists, black, blue and white, . quality, at. ,39c one. Where your dollar does double duty White and tan wash skirts............ , .98c regular price up to $3.00, now.... .$1.79 Boys' suits, all colors and styles at $1.25 up We also have extra size skirts Embroidery, drawers 31c . ... 19c to $3.98 Also a lot of other waists at clearance prices TANNENBAUM'S LOOK FOR TANNENBAUM'S SIGNS Don't Forget the Number 25 WEST FRONT STREET ALL CARS PASS THE: DOOR ••••••••••^•••^•••^•^•••^•<^»>*<'«^#>:'#»>#^#^#^#<.#^#»:e>*t<'e^#« BOY SCOUTS'BUSK WEEK BBSEDXMTC DEAD. '' . PABKS'B SXBB XBOIZ V»»:Jt«y S. Olmrk Suconmln to the In- 3onover zunmona Valla from BU Wagon WEST HOBOKBX BOYS MAVS OAT Mrs. Mfalrrmy ltSUaag oef COllaar Ak ff*o.f Belford Intjmuir itehs o WrehceesiUve dF «IBw hOevne r Rhime. was GREAT BARGAINS ranss A lied Thursday night of old age at the hrown from his.wagon last Friday ome of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Han- eckf cauBcd the death of Conover thtj KaAa Trlpa to Hatty Hook to Via* nah Compton of Bolford, with whom .Immons, a well knp^n farmer of tha Sir Vorta «ai Bntartnluad Wart she had been living for the past two darlboro township, Monday of last XofcoMn Offlotala—Athlotlo Oontnta eara. • Mrs. Clark wns 76 years old, reek. Mr. Emmons was 66 years old MM 0»tara»7 Aftaraocn. . ihe leaves two sons and fwo daugh- irid leaves a widow and several grown .The Boy Scoots from West Hobo- ters. They are MisB Cora Sage and hildren. ken, who were camped at Highlands, Mrs. Emma VanKirk of Philadelphia Mr. Emmons went to Perth Amboy made things lively the closing days of and William and Augustus Sage of ;he night before the accident with a -IN- camp. Last Tuesday week about forty Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Clark also oad of produce. He sold the produce of the ncouts went on a sight-seeing leaves three sisters and a brother, nd put on a load of manure to take expedition to F.ort Hancock and were Mrs. William H. Seeley and Mrs.tome. In going down a hill at the Second-Hand Automobiles, officially received by-the commanding arah Stout of Belford, Mis. Lydin . V. Heyer place near Matawan the officer, Colonel Bartlett. The boya Carhart of Red Bank and John J. wagon struck a bump and Mr. were shown over the fort and mani- Compton of Belford. Mrs. Clark was Emmons was thrown off. He fell fested much interest in the big guns married twice! her first husband being under .the wagon and the -wheels and other war devices. A squad of Peter Sage of Keyport. After. Mr. laesed over him; His collarbone and IRwaff taken t&the *ort -tho-next day. Sage's death the-family• lived at Key- hree Tibs were broken and he was in- t They arrived home in time for supper port for a number of years and later ured internally. Mr. Emmons' man- r and the regular evening formation. moved to the Campbell farm at New iged to reach a neighbor's house and Last Thursday week was observed Monmouth. Mrs. Clark's second hus- was taken home. His condition con- as Officials' day and the officials of band was Nicholas Clark, who died n inued to grow worse until the end on West Hoboken were the guests of thenumber of years ago. Mrs. Cla;!. WMB Monday. __ boys at their camp. Mayor Charles a member of the New Monmouth Bap- Ath.e Minosypaenc tinogf Woffeicsetr H.oofb oktehne dwaays taits tt hcheu crhcuhr cahn dS' uhnedra fyu naeftrearl nowoans, ahneldd FOLLOWS BKOTHER IN DEATH. Will sell at one-half value during this week to make room for and he complimented the boyB on theirwas conducted by Rev. A. H. Sutphin. ouff BrAsoh M&n DI«a at slater's Koma ceaxmcepll egnrto ushnodws.i ngS evaenrdal w oetlhl earp pooffiincitaelds cTehmo etbeordyy awt Kaesy bpuorrite.d in Greengrove JoseTpwh oM W. aHaokpa pAerl tadrie dB raotth tahre. home + 1913 Models which are coming in now. Machines and prices as •of West Hoboken were present. of his sister, Mrs. Perry A. Hull of About ten o'clock the Boy Scouts VICTIM.07 HBASr DISEASE. Long Branch, last Thursday from a " follows: and the members of the Highlands complication of diseases. Mr. Hopper board of trade formed, in line at theXiOBg: Branob Woman sinta AsnlTar- had been in poor health for several scout camp and marched to the Mer- utzj of Hnibnad'i Baatb. years and had been confined to the cmheatn tths'e Wsteeasmt bHooabto kdeonc ko,f fiwcihalesr, e Tthheeyy WiMllirasm. CHaetrhbeerritn eo. fH Leornbge rBt,r awnicdho,w d ioedf l>o7u ysee afros ro lodv earn dt wwoas m boonrnth as.t FHreeeh wolda.s One Maxwell Touring Car, $150.00 inarched up the hill to tho camp where early last Wednesday morning of, Two weeks before his death his everything was in readiness for the reheart disease. She was 79 years old rothcr, Benjamin C, died at the home spcheepocritaito lalnyd. dorfeM stsha jetoo r« ;tx hcMeel bloeoynyatsn s.a.hdnoedwli svipneorgke tdeh eeasy- tainmde .h aHd ebre denea ithn opcocourr rheeda lothn tfhoer nsoinmthe Mf arakn ootfh eLro nsgi sBterra, ncMh.rs, Charles H. One Velie Toy Tonneau, $200.00 hfiafed amnda ddpru imn ctohrep sp aanradd teh ewiri tmh ilitthaeriyr, aSnhne ivleearsvaerBy. seovfe-n h cehri lhdursebna. ndT'sh edy eaartfhc;' CSdital OWil«r BUlkrnpt. equipment. • Following dinner the William L; and George G. Herbert, Muriel V. Spencer-Stadler of New vtoisldit ohrosw, w tehree bshooyws nsp oevnetr t htheeir c atimmpe aannddMWrilsl.i amH owaHrd. -AAle. xBarnidnelre-y .oanfd LMonrgs;Yato rLko,n go wBnrearn cohf, htahse f Hileodll yaw poeotdit iohno itnel One E. M. F. Touring Car, $400.00 their life at tho camp— Branch; Mrs. William Lackey of As-bankruptcy with liabilities of $228,613 weAekth alentidc aov cernoUw dw oerfo o vheerld t hSraeteu hrduany- bvoulrty aPnadr kM: arnsd. A.Mdras B.. eJregnenriien oWf eHstaecik--1aanssde tass saetrse e mstoimstlayt edin a rte $a2l5 0e,s0t0a0t.e Tanhde $200.00 dred people watched the. games. The k ^ consist, of the Hollywood hotel and One 6-Cylinder Ford Toy Tonneau, boys farmed In' parade at their camp, cottages which ' are assessed at and then mar(*W: to. W bit) grounds William j. ateintyre Btta. $107,000. . _ . ^ . on Shrewsbury avenue, led by their William J. Mclntyre, for twenty fife and drum «orp». The companies years superintendent of the Presby- Naw Broad *t»at Saaldant. $175.00 terian homo at Branchport, died at J. C, Brewer of Pittsburg has been One Royal-Tourist Truck, Beverai. dxillB and then lined up. ontha Long Branch hospital last Thurs- engaged aa managecof the Rumson both sides of the field for the games. day night of paralysis. Mr. Mclrityrs country club. Mr. Brewer has moved The prizes which had been donated was 57 years old and was boyi in Ire- to Red Bank In William Leddell'i by the board of trade wore distri- land. He leaves a widow and twohouse On Broad street. Mr. Leddcl tnited to the winners, and following children. He was a member of thahas moved in the house of his father- this tha boya were treated to refresh- Loyal association of Long Branch and n-law, William Otterson of Broad ments and a Boclal time was enjoyed held ofltee in that organization s atroot. Mr. Ottorson is on o trip in by the visitors, ' eral years. Northern -Now Jersey and Now York These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are in good run- The boys left tho first of last week yorata'r Joll Matron D««d. for West Hobokeni After several week» in camp and thb resident! of the High- Mra. Edward Cashion of Freehold Aabarr Park Polloa Banaflt. ning shape; good tires, etc. lands *eem to ml«B their dally parade*died suddenly last Saturday night Tho Anbury.Park patrolmen's as Mid drills. Tha boys of the boroughweek of apoplexy at her homo at that Boclntion lina secured "The ConfeBs- no longer go up on the hill to theplace. Mrs. Cashion was matron of ion" for its unnuul entertainment camp, out spend their time helping tho county jail for six yearn, during August 29th and 30th. The play wa along ' the Highlands Boy Scouts. the time nor husband wos jail war- written by Hal Keid of Atlantic High The Doyi seem to take more Interest den. Mrs. Cashion leaves a husband lands. than ever in this organization and and six children. Tho children are they are now planning great tlmea Edward, Thomas, William, Demurest Avon Aaa«oUUon. FRED H. VANDORN, for thp rest of tho summer. Margaret nnd Mamie Cashlon. Tho Avon taxpayers' association wna organized I«wt Wednesday nigh Churob OerttMatoni Bald. Xtmth Xxtirniiita Trip. nt tho Avon casino with 28 chnrto The cornerstone of the now St.David Wolff, a mllllonoivo Newark members. Tho association will work James Episcopal church of Long merchant, died suddenly at hla sum-for u new site for the proposed school, Branch vu laid but Thursday after mer homo at Anbury Pork Friday house. noon by Blihop John Scarborough. morning. Mr. Wolflf was suffering Tile ceremonies wero witnessed by sov from a bad cold and had planned to •ojr Out by * lotto. I Opposite Globe Hotel, RED BANK, N. J. : era! hundred people. The first choir tako a trip to the Catsklll mountains Walter Hull of Onkhurnt was struck of the church took part Tho church He wns to have left for the moun on tho foot by a glass bottle thrown la being built at » cost of $80,000 and tains tho- day he died. Mr. Wolff win at him by a playmate last week. The tJUtt (u completion a rectory will b< 64 years Ola and leaves a widow nm bottle knvcrcd, an artery and young TELEPHONE 478. bnllfc Mim^ one daughter. Hull WRI very weak from loaa o blood. . ««]r Ml Mm Walt. TloUm or Paul T. Allan, the three-year-old son Mra. Kuhania Grlgga, wlfu of Orsu- Dysentery Is always serious am! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• <rf Theodora L. Allan of Manasquiin. mua firings of Freehold, died last often a dangerous disease, but It cm {•11 down a w«U Tueaday morning of Thursday of pkrnlyali with which aha be curod. Chamberlain'* Colic, Choi last WMk. th, wall waa 28 foat deep had suffered the pnat two months. era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured MMIIIMMHIMIIIMMItMHmMHItHIHttlMMtaa bMegid hhaedkl f ofuur tf etaot aof p wlaantakr wInh iIcth. f«TUhacHhhiald rweni a 7be5s yideeasr * hoeldr. haunsdba lenadv. e*T twhao IFto ro vseanl *w bheyn J ammaelsig nCaonotp earn, dJ re.p,i cdaermniacl, F\ W. MOSELLE, THE LITTLE SHOP Sown tha wall with him until ha w»« children are Mra. Korman iWkalow Vroad and WMU itreata. Of wm\Ui out by Jowph and Harry and Miaa Eleanor (SriKfr*, both o NEEDLE ARTS AND CRAFTS. Franklin. FrechoM EZO For Bunions Red Bank's Leading Stationer «i» m < * ' Tha only nhnp in town •xclualvaly for AWT CIOODS whom LaiUsn R. OKM. W) aUInt of Kay pott h»a told Joll« VGtarUan«t eoeyf odnaauagmhpUtria ao. f MraC.om*, Callout«a and 1W Adv can supply you with Box Papers, Typewriter Papers, Wot- ewnonr kfi.nd the mont •Kclualva, «al««t llnun i>f Art Mntnrliiliiii|i(l llnUheil drag btnriiMM »t Matawan to Kd-Domlnlck (iraraoa n( Central avanua, bag Burning, Simian and ting I'opcrH, Pads, Tabloto, Cnrdu, Tally Cijrds, Scoro Pado, Lady In attomlnnrn to give iiintructlniia ill all tho nnwent «tll<'ho», ik) 'ttoiMtt dta kBa.n S upnodtMfonrdlo no fo Bf athtoan ittoownn. , Mwhr»dHlhmal wlaaata iW\ie dytanaardai yo lodf. cTonhsau mfupitwiorna,l UI SroalUni F«Mt Playing Cardl, Chips, Dominoes, Dico, Sh'clf Pnpor, Toilet your nUinpIng and nlvn entlmntna fur otnbroiilory. ftafonl ii • mttuU phamuelrt of w«a hold at tha houaa Hiuraday afUr- Papor, Tiiioua Paper, Tonpin and Itanoball (JOIHIH. Largo MRS. E3. DANflELL, tdatanrf *y ««a| t0i'M tx pMcralMUMWM»ni aKntcdiw h wata brw an nMIonoounn t aOnldiv etth eaa mtxaxtloyr yw. aa burlad In n«Rmu ba nodn m Kla/oOry a nfrdom ru pbo oour tU arlald a oorual •lock and prkaa right. Boolcn, Pcriodlralii, ^iKii/incn, I.uvv Id MONMOUTH arrRKET. lnA.71 IWIUHNlJ. HEX> HANK. foat Blanki, EiiKiavlojr, Kubbcr Stamps. ,, Walking la a pl«aaur*| daiMlnf Joy aftajr you ha«t traatad yaui tad X)lA\y and Sunday paporn delivered. Thalma M. 0*44, Infant dauvbUr of• rub vitfa KZO, tht r*0n«d ofntmaov. "IT'S A. CURE! THAT'S SURE" Gtorf* B. DwM rf Ptwdiohl, JU Uat DDoon't forrat UM naiM|iZ0 tor th« fltb wixli.of connatton of tha f«««tt,, tb« only rMt thin* fer tniUmt JTONES' BREAK-UP H) fhri >3* ffMtt tm Bn« m4 tttitvtUitk, 58 Bronc^Street, Red Bank, N. J. e*a|a • j«r. •}J««M Off*, Jr. V Ouraa RHaiuirr»aitl»m, MoUtlcat or Clout-«• It h*a mom*tek U Mi aallaU.' tlfihng tfart to C^wolidat^ di Ollkm. ovar 20 ytara whan all othar trtatmanti had WW. It pkyi to wlTmrttM in Tm RMMITM, f b i it «F«mig, pri«kly For lala by nOBERT II. VANDEHVEBR, 'iLX/A.'r?lll.~idii*..J*l.*A.)±Jl}ti*.i..-. •• '. WaC t.Stu BED BANK BEGlSTEB gNEWS FROM KEANSBURG. —A-Wonderful Economy— Report if U tori i MMCo., 'blukbotrd, •efcool N01 " coil' for ' of the hoolsNoV I,I .and 4, . liK.IE LOTS SOLD LAST; WEEK AND THREE; Farms, Country Places, etc.Township of Shrewsbury ,I toEr,l laaoj ho8oyll vNaaot.t %r, Jan. 14.00 ichJo. owl .M Pou.n >w, ffio, rJ a44n mitroooroi,la-, 1B.00 „, David Moore, Janitor, - T._ F. SnMfen, ceerrvvlicceeas NEW HOUSES TO BE BUILT. What U8« have Y OU for th* y«ar «wllng tank 30th,sitcohHJrao,a aor.sl rc MyhN oToooL.al ayaNluo,aor.h,.. l.J4inan, iJtoarn,- 8ISS..00O0 •rtareihnPAcdo u.oe bvrlC le<idcHo o i.ol.Sm ,ec iaruvnri,r ceae\nQ tEr vflieoccerv-, - t1o0o,00 for this remark- » vU aicchhooooll NNoo.. e 7,00 Charlies Hobrough, re- The Houses Will be Built by LeRoy Griggs-Two of Them Will 1 hetaby submit my report lor tho year CharUa Holmei, jan- pairs, aohool NO, 3...., be Small and Will be for Sununer Occupancy Only—The Other ably inexpenuve building ndlnj June aoth^jm itoNr,e lslcieh ooDl aNngol.e r8, Jan- 7.00, JR,e dN . BHaannkc e, bocaorad lo..f..' Will be for All the Year Use-Water Plant Repaired—Trespass- material? FFBrraoolammn crseau iJrlrupollyua ds l irttea,v xle».nl.ul...t|.. 5 ,82,0768378...S8«5tS II,.tt ooMrr,, u astc™ohho oo8oll. WNNooW.. 1jti,0 ,J..a.n., -7.07.000 MedaCuyco anBtsiooelnaid,n a,,tetdu itOioana oCfo., er* Mu»t Keep Off Beacon Beach—Tent and Contents Burned. BnlMt ll>« bwt a»d aa»l permamnt Frtoimon utate ap'.p.r.o.pTr.i.a. - 11(1.86 achEodogla Nr oW, ael.l,s,, .r,.epalra, 19.00 fix"tuiyrdelsa ITna y«loohro,,o Jl anNioti.S ,r3, Foiudattoaa Dry Cellar Floor* From aohool found..,'. 240.SI H. Johnson, repairs, ool No. S, for May.. 26,00' twTo hleo tMa oorne Breeaalctoyn coBmeapcahn y toh aFsr saonlkd walaosn gp utth uep b loaasrt dw eweakl.k. The railing SIcparHinoga Hteoau aaa CSUel«lawro Slkteapa FI<r*troaomxm 9r0e speerrv ec efnut na,dc b,.o.o..l 8,a6S001..3S9I * swcohBoo.d o l NsLcoh.o. o 2lMs atNthocWe.B ,5 6.19 itourl, lnssc hSoyoll veNstiej,r ,9 J,a nf-or 14.00 bcLSeOuanBirltaWdlhy oboOnof'" uBhg rNihiseetn wlo tatwosr kof n. BleorxtotsM o ksorplny.r n itLn, hogw.ee w hb eoMa wcirhsilse,l-jevomebMg.pelitosaysb eldVe eismntaa ArGk.ae trM,d nh.e Bar,es n wgnihveteotn h &aus p Sb oenehn'ser CBaarrnn*g ea R.tiining Walla, MaMtuaen,o »unrtrecr PFitaaneea cBBuouSrnilrldider ionNnwtg oa e,bax 3unp arDedynn I radSseeT cIapnhR atoIelCrroealTs...t. T.,., A86,,8X28003.000..00.0000——— -aa.'nn rdtCeA l.gl tofhr,fPtfe. i,d.ca. e ;Wn r,d Ho rcetanhrdl•te.rl,yn.l•c,i. k,tt•.s'r ;•o.u n.•••-•., • 81 1,,80(.0B00 •MtcohaDJroay,a s ov.l s icdMNh oooMLo. lo3a ou,r Ngfeoh,,o lr.",t. njM.4a,, nJ,,aia. ty.on..rr..-,or.2233..0090 Coeofbhperftulal ehosoisi tNitiel .sy dor eeb 1 nwol0othHou a0hBntgxraie,e shk1 Casg t0w,c oi w0rvoitote lntiiwlnnanfn eggettoBbeeee utdoer hm.i.pa f liocdlm atMhr MhceG ,sae I eoB rhe lotpSoposano rltr.so.sOg oa M ,te bn ' NBomoeT.rurM feahtig Swyek6eihmn e0i octYnl x doiwgwato1mih nr0nani'kl0g--s-l tDsfDropoierWJAeWpnm .n aititofhllRl ldhcolopiiir aarrceaamdsmh rhteimait e ic rsdo ooJSd wuhftsp.ona n oeolMnntafaela dil fsttciaot inwh ohrcbs.wldiieiy.lac r le n eW olkloeHa fioafsl h ltvefiM eeB a r wmsmraeotoe.iah mnoekLi kksee .l .sys wtnnMtre,ohe eataeekete,- «*UM" MM•u•wtl«Wtc.ialp.oi.jolra.»ei.iiA ti •C^peb•-'ef«m-ooer-Mtna.rUai"ii Wiblbutw^olMjnuium «l 2cuitMl"s.nW.i ,MCat dBnT«iooBt«lhuMOMcoiIi' pir«fl oOWl*etietrOittceo iWanO UuianiwUsiree CSdnxl,tI« oStuILi bi0ttStn(oetiCii .iwno «4uoUi,itWloiSth ilifitcTW a Uptyt pk.p. cl kotm«TOhr»tCahuuMItu,n j(C ltuatMfwnnrai-l ttltoc itM bifpli.u ueAaCte i aeKfthlle«teaUftiJ tocth i u uefbUT t e m tGeUhO.HTe«1H n WfUUlaUoHilMt5nr i3obt ad^ tfdrrOr cleaato»nuinn/nill in>nl lUimfv t«iiolcebt.l i1 llio5lohi%newt u Uoi iia»lflni MncH comJedi.Wlii i»n2.a R'm1te4e FWPEdMn.hi0l cU.rl0B iaeslD0tm atit p Hn.lne e knf.a ,i KS tta «i8tyoiee lnrnmfwxegva.KeoJa, cl Mr sUrrs.bct z eL,aii. crmn snYDjovekta.im.s .m c .no.1eo..-8f.,-s nn1$11c. 08301.006..00000124,321.39 bidi-lccoomlFJBAMFhhoo. . o.uonrkm Uoaobd«Cslenl,Nill , oaolrkaMNo.Nnei.. .c ,l, o. olaicl H.Suns.L.slB. a ce1r, o9aa rhrrrn0wh,.avoeB c..doenio.eoc.Blt.lo,oe..er , , .UkyNe ma.wp ECc.o.aoh./.el.C.ioeo o.r.r4cd.o..os..--, ,.,l . ,201 11"..,B.30720.806056 sMitictcoohaHMCBhrryoo,e,la -i oiorl arlstlta rr oci,cyleNNnho.h os.ToooF 8o.o.a.i.l,H le 6y7 , lWl,;oN,do N f.lfsrmhoo.o,o, . i,rre.t Jj. 1e sa,aMMo,.0n, nJJ.,i,iaa ata,ft oyoy,onnrr,.f.r,-.-.,,or1077770,....0000000000 pbofea ernOty r. rcehnaBtroeddw eartn'osd H cCoetrntearsygc ee nPnto tps teth reeoe fcts oN hrneaewsr &ha WsW bahloittueerg, hWits hasii ctnke,e wwo fitf htah rmem failwramargi aoo.nf .Oliver AMERICAN CLAYW ritPe RtoOdvrD <UUnCctT tSo U «C luOta.i,r So'uth River, N. J. BtCoKPrhu.oa obtaltlc liTecN ioCooSo,l e7vNre.•vr;oti ,c. eJ9,a nciutorr-,14T..0000 iullG pannsldncl lnhc so4,o & lsa, c,Ch,,oHoo .la, boNokOs3,B0.1.086.810 iDJSh,toa oovrlicNsd k N D.oo afHs v.C ati2onj,u c aeran,s uedp, t cpuo9lolne..1a-.,. 393..0057 York. Mr. Pope moved in last week, rent supplied school No. C. E. Merrill, books., 66.12 inff piano, scliool No, 8. 2.60 1 .htfwTMiwYYtoaMsohhfon hahoor ee.TiuLd t-rirbe d ceJskhyktaee e.oherw. h reR,li ts ln eGwphi -eohBPcglhwtaelyaei ht a ollhrrioa aanlecolbs.t ortnt -sod ynGuoeguyrbt s.b rni ee sertGlToe e en taH*ie psp f$eBtrfwhn ee bgo1l-tolp adirhser,aywla0ro n oglrk ,t l5uih teFehrhseul 0b leneue ir o.t draudRrmaoh do.in scnlehfom udof u k couBs hCseot uotseeeroo nlersaEr i.ustendf c?rT osf e.o4hsaewect rhin5 cTec odo ii 0trulswoeef lf ea Bp ,rdo . ih& altbeeN NTrlhonfaa ue uewbeoeccciltwsllhshwyreodoeee..,nPMbkwwdtfkMhePeuiaiaraerterNiosrrMscsdet .okn c ahde Wrsh sncies sMead gBe.ohn nO dhliiveso iKleenmMto ebhrsd ctrGrettoeiorh sAeeorlnFrrneuyednov Niesrols rns ie l eer e aait n hwcd gHenTfo ieeretaeinhasliaie eft ytmvTggohrrd o oe ohud AM howdnnst oebueb eeIhayir uluSlt eil wde y c trmkhlt Yehonh ua aoo daroeaus ecnmnifoul nsdBcnlt ola eddii gtAdUdlr.enho se soeaxScds refhnbapfitHi Ha rwontur lense.orEwergihAe sp.t sy DrHhioieuos on S pb.lbuhPn rtsi uMor h oaaeeiuted'rr.ntfherdyyekfre-s. "TSohSmisaicto e fHAfcey aoerl dCdr g.! iteeootAsst f snftb aoieim t detprieuins"rrke- hips4hppt•iinIncai ol looi'aggfhgggoSLPtQJCMJrrrflh shhhroa ttttao.e.eetp o a aaa omommnta rriHtsttslr.BsHt a H iiioccycce iioooctonchwhkh. s.ohninn nk o-Ho ooDrKeoH ,oRoHoMoreo eoKetttftllo,lsl.en lu otoo o cc.lmdCecns.drCh .l ch ,loeeHlBBnno uleaeursioeeyaetoyme,,orrffl ,,no, dlsl ,ad , lkerN nt ttt ,e rrBBrB NBracophtaaaapaaaaaa,uoinnnno nnnngrl3,assnrrskkkhk -&.------ -1 237826..2I....50S980421...00500S050000 -•*-- CDiltliitoceeorolcooelommJLhDSHHDJ.Elohcrre,d&.k okio,e.y,sl abbio gl iBsoa omnBdvavoueeL, l l ssdBeliir rC, gbiadcc r. M sp hhe h N,,Nbp, rtHTooScM •loo Bol•ooHoLyaeao nNl•l.ou.Hlya mk ,e v,o orlua23..soerNNbdm ..gtesr M.leh,,ht,,eooe. t e fl .fltt..lfrJJo.to . nf&,,.a&a49&l!r r,l.snn nJ . ,,DJu Di i• Catt a.oopCnee.offrnr.&1- ---oo,.,3o-,Hre •1,,-,73..8 227.800225347..7..1..00080r070004> hvamtNIilirinnicocroco1glWTMCPAHhWhatrv.cewh; omotu,. i.-es ,a,t , oooJebC ,4 naPs tflslrPBSl,Llt fd sicoH ,.oiiW.c c.cr .ho .N.nNW . elBl, nMoi.c WSrcc.Cocoo soko, uSmoMh tcol..alsor,omo oColS om1i. rroo2ih thn1•l 3vmetNharlRep,ha !nl u2r,nlbceon &l.lNtlBe eotan,e.dt,dr dtuy .pln coc3.Ao la,.sp a,e. l.p l.cB'ppp yamtnOlts,ahalrrpa2yosr,ellleowaeen.rlr.usorn.eoca,n.se.k.n.----..t-,l,,s.- 21223223388........0S00560400000053 ..J i -•" -pctftptdufhPtSjttdltaTtl$TSjaNalrhlohohoahaiuahohe1onniaeutaaarawoh \erceel5sryieereasynTinddgsdyTAtettonwt 0iavgty oieat ,uttss hc bsa rn.Bh s h ael d ci cd,TerW aib rebt D entteboehBh.t;Wgedsotbheah fw oghY ey gantea eealuaa aato.auefa aKeyu clrnnwos iirraBysou ncsPm ntLtiovloHeurtbsrntTcg nel s hwatbenreatn nstsikeedaeeaa gp an.a aroh dnter snsaa d nrano2H ormpa cic.Be atae cdt.coolsgMwfosnovw0 oo enpeh.hyhaaoheie bhl ernffm0dtgn adgdc.nda edroreot tue r t aoPneireac ttymed dtu r.retoerrb dehhmrnxns ehd rh rFCsegBJ.w fe s picseyn. apdadeS ba id si eToepetae lcDnbtnev a bw' l cceMo ac w opprsgshaacegoDhclosoaodoc seyeinlramhe s ees ulb-dethaoan rnnevueosaspse yo iot cndi sdpyiSttrsenoJsp,r oapan n ie,tw va ,te,.ntiStegiaa euv t ehp.nnaTFgnihsri trt atkrctirfnssia get aJWyegruilhreyTthdnaoiissoig r n oa yyrtlr 'so uoaitedtlnab ba nhhande 'diswm ntmcnrrhtmsiuv de eslhnkeas aig,shtttSaweetdidc aaea en udrseyeaedd ce iah.etin sprriapKb c cnlanhtei aClpual ee ,ophoeroonlauayon wmCs enrs.T iafonrl rb.pgfrw fswtevwgehrea ivHia s naoo noeat ghdoauIhiicaeon ietdhvgcrueannhmtitaonedmsdnhroefsldiheeeet-ess.--tl-.t,fe ccwbCpb$cbroefoPaTlPCgSniriaioolux1nacprruiaflraohaoalk. oWa uaeAti6onAia e rpclrvestdnniectoatla 0pdudkhk ntre s dh oe egAnsno,$frde hoebn.ipagrhrr0 eee ouo nni5tapeo kr,uul 0l.aBbe . rteug,a o bnerM bo0ir0f tHt O che sguftiCiSSsoyv y d0oiitafSoh eaarionf tnu eo ttAho0ubons etrnrtobheieestrdfyrl iPnald eueo S de euw eovt lie nt emvc s as ma ivhs l .nveDnfDttetall o meowzairatnrhoaei kdbKei tnrnneeu kni rnuor dsadce ostra.tc keOd nea., cdof u hFhn eO t l e4u oit tlw e w oShdOlhti teorriihnKrpdslchWfoCclsl aRsoene dnit maeeotd eastnhfelcS nhm hheigrrkfliabotm o rhl o we s raderanoea aa ceP tnraenvoJoa tetn.etOmgtr onta tnn tl iieuEe.ome wf aol.ab a onhhserdPl ee ipsaWnnH n t s u ssrbsiaetPSe eieta gtrnlM ooM a teonrnsEnuerrO a ehIaDe$ taa eoituaaapfdtnI ddn obea1rSd f tlmnArhatvlc-rpaa tl a0igso Ei a Bsr .trdiendausatooml.ve.0erriot Dlls tthY rkrno oc sei,etMgm l apSeoC0tAnanl o. .r naDeap tse ptu0ag ime iieort cshde . netn0B n et P woblaofrohDcv uaamo ia,ttth ood ahunitfenlefiunrenhetp.alhnsoite enr rsuaecsh sdteda-lehyrgtesal-ae.lasl-aene wotA—pofo hdpAeAYiPunyr lo afrpuorIrSoseo'n flaaulo m t sanChktrdeneoyid 4 fo uRmsf.0 we am eam ty ktehhoe ea aseroC v s d4rYe.i io 0gffbiu eocneCraaepeoupInln mso car,ue jen rf ssaa-e stlGdtlillg o O rhsb riyttygro ohe pAuntca.m gc uetkOenharrgv.gi —recAtmctcysAeorahhoT otow unraeefaaoHfiunf ,hSd Adof elcbd?iareaeCeosecfti yfvelt.ra ahi Rlf bo—fun ie em borhmefe o njse Ilaouf,Ouaoam diao sOlnumpnvr nabrntis oao rcnAee cvltutf;oS kpeyrlwhooncnue.w p okderrA f i•dnnsl eta ' ps—lnadne—rt e atliiadl irtypcbozfuietek u-o tnurinetantehaanir cg awlsniaegulehnylssp' mmpBgmssNiImt1o1pcCpphp3sBslnJrcnecc09lan0rcoaooiloorCaoeoevhoirgi.hh1sORWGMLWnaDWJCPDNRM rHTE. r.linrr .sccnn, hsrulv hno1t oot,amltt.t.ntcy.ahr.laaro eoce.tc 'lacaari . .. tomaoom mo voas 13dc to1 cveevrteOhastbttsltsllMelinshHrcomlFteim i iii09l .clcHnoechsneRlh ,dEAdohooaU ,Weosd ta lN'hre h1s .cngenre nn . Ne Nono.Nedoc lnhs Ceo.o0s nran T cokB rrMcSgr. sBcnioBook&o,Bmcotuvb tBgoRChab.aSdh aettDt lll tr,. f.e.r ih oo.trm•oo l1oy or, CSaMwoo naoi deae So ay caoyrNd AoSola 8nwCmo0h2nxxrshdot,reoorvfrdkFsdsalcr lRRgard.Uy.oppreioe anbr oc iepe edcL S ln.nJoofms,o r,n,rhe,ne.erNr.beeNG3 . h ,mo, ,umrac, , ld, .e , 2onnl, e ddea JlpbJ .rlro nulUyolo .oiS le d.sasatseesasa yctl cdetUgo , .la.nLrc,eDSce nchBB,pn prnSl. e odoh il44aano.lhs.hNsTio,adapiaaoDaalf,r .ltre3mtm.nnia.ifaon.oinlr.ro.l.onn..dn.uols0rc.eo0n oc6.lost.gnocs..,rrs.kk.1..-s-g0e-.- -.--e.--,.. ,, l :,-l,,, , 1 1911'11240324140,11012..2,3......26001.2.0035809204334505405......8...005006570900405000400062000 - DiDDintBaRptoemmtip"iti:itinitelrrtMr-xccefc1corlcooloaeeeoeriHoisegi.yhMWFmCBfFLJdhh1RHRHJEph4Jirccrnrccrcderwueonennh ao,.'o,.o_oe.te,it,etes,aeyuhl0e. h s.. lrb t r is ar m tot o o mlo momBrnrtldrWdB0ia.Fo ahaoiaAstst l colnslcssltssnr0sr a ir.tor 3t rn csabsbbicltcE.l ccadEgyMoFe y •g eo nlN '.e n hn.c NhheeehhC ne sN ,Nn n rrdeBykCe PoorMkrr oosToTcoSao .kkanFoaso g e , osra,noSouooLuoo tya aa n.nttaoacuieS.lntHill lc.l.r6i . e b 8lalyyh ,ooprrl o ln'om 2kvaJn cmtFl f oul ls,ovWnNoo7m6nd hoe Aro,o N e7 NNnoigeblrs rfoaBoyasrslrrltmo>3crfdoNSo,t,hhneolllt,hdor l,,ooR .o ,h e en. nmer,l^1 ic e,U,ff. h,, dltbJ Jrro NJdaote J,hd 1soon% Nec a5i,haaaA5oa ,aga9st4s 1 0to,,rr oJnonfnbn ls nrh JsJnBiJo5jyRm ,dl u,a' ks.k,caio,iN iDD ,ua,di aaoa.f atst it t03n.t nY o a i n4oooooeodno..nnnnpon0osreerutf.0f.rres.,rfr.frrf.ky0.-.- dfd-i---o..----,.-,, ,,, o.1o,' s1•1 r,r0r2-^ 7,514727073120.,5262.10..,23.003.0040350060403.....0,,D5:00000000000000000000000. pdgmphhgHpheOhstippBpRN',itnii1iur cdolraalaoocc6iiiiotoo6ooaelaaolgnggggHhggFDaLJWLCAhhruGWHF3ttLWF.7lrrrorryrdn ngvOevh hhehehh nto oeotttitctit,.sory.ai g k-oeeteea m,o, aaa,aa Be m room asodd a B ldv4nnon nc dtaHstmtttpt,ssslltslH.sn aa mciiiiliiaril csg d.. te ihccE ccocHdomooaooooB CMlok yyg'.nhh sNhNhsrhheihr nnne nnnd un.n.Bss reh eEkcloireRootKooTr. o .Mcc M g gM eaneoso ,oakhr,oHr ooA oc,okLo Uaeoh.a,tad.ocLt.t.tattt tlo hlllci6lle u lolslru,lyh, r,o;oatoono oo,K9,H2o aCJ ob i oav oc ll1lruattn cmt1fnrctu l nonNe1he,r,u1iustlo8hRRawn.RRRRkgywa-r8 eSyrelnr'c1f fdae7oir ek 6dlhBoyt,,,2,eh&toom, eeee meoetd4ino8 b -, ,ii, li,s,to db j Ja o Mddddddo s} l , rtro p "epia dn, ndaa6oehs.snotatcat 4t t A.att unucc, hnln,r lB raarrsBBrlB trBrB dy n,JJ-vy,hepFi'pa,kpdaaai ahaa yyoa j taaaaattsauiulaosi n 5n.inopnanaono,snsno.nnnrnlsn..onl0.ofnn,flsr.sriRnlss.s.s.s.7s-nk,kfkkk.k.-l-.*-rflo.e.,-,--.--e,,e- ,--1.,red712232310411.3381355306560735..........,....6420004000037070030U08000004070 j •lay ed aCnacte. in the auditorium, t$h3e5 ,0h0o0t eli nw jhewene lriyt wwahsic bh urwnaesd'.l eTft hine A HOME schJ.o olsN N. oSHsE.a P2nT caeEn, Md cB3oE.aR.l., . 1208111.2.5 itaoCnru,h aasrrcylheso oHl oNlmoe. s6, j,a nf-or atemroesutn to no f b1o1n2d,s0 00to tho 270'.'00—. AuhWbbjuanaolmMhcdyrdor i eplaetrpeaetlb odnetoit hlon hffoetfo Aeet lredhd lWc yc heh eor teair telhlratedva, kve arosoaet ldtr vlan evatwec vheurkewor egee l he kvahsrte.asr ieermto r aa tHepahd ol et tpeaifr ymlw hga ibEinyeerar.tgzl roTh se tut ki hhhnaniecegeen-rl.udtompApwcleapilHaieawrensccr rehieeianleesdortg ds iyf oo . itnefnhtw nsjhe egi aatewiahnr se aeewhles reoirhrysno u e dsn haac enawhnnviiaa ndnerygt g a rb etaloe rhnuweoengedaafh d t Rlr aeyeure ana icvnson eeeswvxsdv e aphert ierehrcaradehetl.re TicatnhlehlgHapyaltyt Et f —fioAoshr raeoT s t atahInhtlNe eee vrt hGhwaeeotsi a -rsaStfoeia nllY pyiogles,iS— nsrTf.gsege EcceatonrM cemehxrS---- sscs5tccch ohhhLDJSFaaraooo.n,yran soooaddv.dsll lnili Jcsads kM Nh8e N . N,oT coM ooBoLaL.l.ss oe ya3 .acno Nlu2 whorn2goereo e h,,oBa.t l ltnl,J4Js,'n aad, m nnJf N1liiaattTe0ooOgnrrrs.S--.,,,. 92221.5035...00800040.50 JasaaJitcarcraohyyhnHBMDnr o ouu,oaa iooaralvrlstltrrr i ocldyyyonhNN oTMooFo.S.a..il o . ery67 ol<lWNd,,ro esrffoh,,,oo .i rtrJJj1ea aa,0JJ,n nnJ aa,iii afttntnoooonuurrrr---,,, 7777..0..000OO00 FHFF•eaaf aCniRKSViitvrr arooieu o-rrslntHHHaalach an h aaal sTdEoevvvcL ioEeheeW.nil nnntoA eNt o lOlBlBesv.F ,Hcc HlceJshhFhEnoooeoaonBnoaniooll,gBnrm lll iH'..aFn o..n.a.gr.aB.d eis.-r. ,,J,» O1',.2»77660M520000500I.....0B000000000B. tdBheaerBt h aftinithshghe-e refIsayn cejcut ooarmrneyddp . lmaaitan dP eot hrata t b Maroednf cumusoet u.tfhr oims wstaaGsb eleao BrrrWgeeelms itlGelaidiraf EmFao ir idfHhe,e w.ra mW Bdaaeinllys mAso nara rreg o>ofnti seb hdaye.r mCcaoonmn,-- fcoorIstmt,. pirnosvtael leydo ura th omuosde,e graetet spncaghCHFi,ro .o. s osr,Mcl mHsha ao..cN nohB Mloo roNsaolA.n ro 6rdy.N i,o,s 1ro,7 0rs. ;e ap 3prnaa.idein.r t-s,8-,, 1834772.6.,50281 saNtcrroihyP.c o u4oCbl loicN. , ocSu. Fer3rrE,ve BfnicoRte,r U sJAEcahRlneoYuco--,l 19212.230..000 FSFiaalWADivirrnae mrvnHH i.l dosaac vvSheecoDnnoMo atlBstv clcBh,hJo ,o oooChll o Lnoisptotenlre,, 659G00000•...000O00 btschwaaerte hrpiitenf dig3 hut ogpr t fohaouecnn tKod rssey.ha onrsTebp,heu oerpdygl aebm heaaatvcgheion ga am nstkdahek edeispTt3hlhearleeim natat ceromn, meaadpd feltao oirbn mdty re iFrvs retRaa Vnteekadd n VBStacahnhnakuSt lc thrze uGsoliitudfzfte oo nrofdt.f othuorr of ihgeuarteinsg .and facts on cnceluellWBarlnkl. &. ErrA,e. pV.so carShtn woCooelelesfan f ed,Ny i,ms otarsei.tnc at-l6 60.00 gsdcarhHCteiohe,no n lakdsm rriilencorkgcB sh oanHn fd&ooibus reAno, tpauapgilnlhel,,- •43,73 SSiillCMTvv.eoe arrlPri alo.ss ccnWhhB oDoaeoogallclVe ,h tre,0o rnS, m ,h oLLrneiiwttttthsllsee- 554600..0000 cvhenatn gtehsi st.o their plant which will pre- ttoicwe n Saicnkdle bs urhne ldh isG hifofoursde duonwdne.r J$u3s0-0 REPAIRS. OVERHAULJNQ. atrniiPcl u7bCl ico .,S ecruvrirceen t fEolecr- 129.60 eaxcphAroleforsl es dNa nod. 3Hcae.rn..td inrlgc kssuopn-, 111.85 bbuuGrryyr ascsccehh Rooooldll dlo, Shrews- 960705..0000 Orchestra at Vorrla'a Tavillon. bail to keep the peace and released scliool No. 4 ,2.00 plies 1,90 Elizabeth Btryker, plaMyeildle r':' sa t orMchoersrtrisa' s ofp aJveilrisoeny Claitsyt him on his own recognizance. WIIXIAM O'BRIEN, auRWtoe .d t Ho .S BPhaoanpfkteo , 'sp agCianortrainngeegr,, 10,00 of CBw.a onModd, ., MBarccahNnoadol,ll yN h&io .c 1oCr0od.. ,2.70 SThlnRrteaowynms bFounardlyl s scshVcohoooolr ohl.e,e..s , 7610)00..0000 Ta hsuprescdiaayl onrigchhte.s trMa ra. bMoourtr itsw woi lnl ihgahvtes The DAie bBeirgt Canladm Bs aPtrzeeile rpvreo.perty in Practical Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter. sincghW oc.o llo HsNe. otRs. e3o vey, clean- 73.D0.400 B10eL t yodfl am Tapasy,l osrc,h oJaoln Nitoor., 22.80 GmroSenteetnhp sh Genr ove Hsicghg*olno.ls ,o n9. G40.00 j|| da awrteaegke tRheem roevsat l.of the season. Mwiathn altahpean o btjoewctn sohfip t uhransi nbge enit binotuog aht No. 2*) Front Street, Red BanK, N. J. hscahGlyoeaoorlr dgNse o.fA 9od arm Us,a gnpoeiwe, 3.00 aBrCyE"hl oloals NSoy. l2v,e fsoterr ,F eJbarnu-- 85.00 sidEJe. d sgcWahro . BolPr, aun9rnn moonlol,, n WtPhaisny..o- 610.00 ,,JIj Inspectors of the state board of game preserve for the propagation , Ocean Avenue, Seakbrltfht, N. J. . . Now Jersoy School itor, school No. 9, for Brook schooUe months 640,00 1 hgaeatilnthg aw cehrae rghee rteh atl agsat rbwaegeek wiansv ecsatir-- abnirdd s.p rotWecetsiotenr no fg rNouewse Jaernsdey prgaaimriee Telephone 369 aNCnood.., 1Cd0he sukrsc h foFru rsncihtuoroel 48.00 FBeCDbhroauovali drNy oM. o8o,r feo, rJ Faenbitrour-,14.00 to'OGa lriaCvceoerr nBMer.i lLlBeacrnh eoO,o liB lAmb.ae..nf -, 6•0 0.00 Ii ried through the streets without a chicken will be liberated on the prop- Buchanan & Smock, ary 23.00 Little Silver school 33.00 caHomovT aehgrBe lar ooynnkodeu tnnho.gef vdBearhuoigcohlketlsey,rn ,o fw Mhor si.s W su. mH-.aedrcurtryei.sn ga nTthd.h e w eci oltlrm abicnet•g • tc»shho•onorotoatuiinngghs lyso evapesrroo nt3e,0ct0ed FITMTTITMTNTMTTMTETITWTTIWTWTTMTTMT TITITWTPTMTTITIMTTIATWTTITMTNTMTTITIOMTTUT'TMSTTtTMHTMTTIT slssuccchhmhJBooo..b oooeNlllHBr . N N .H oLoaa..an n 14ndc0e e , , mpcaoaiatnle,tr iainalgll,, 12203039...606405 FFitteeooJCbbrra,r,rh suu.a sasarccMrrlhheyysooc oLollHa uoNNglmhoole..l ns4,6, Jj,,/aa nnff.--oo.r rS73..0000 STSiuelMvxpetpa rlb ibeesolsc ohTkohfoio.l. m7ra.Ts, 7.L~.iTtt,l e,| 4471612.68.81,3|10 2.010 t.0HnKI hpXmbRwfwhaaeseyaioaate lmr iAS fbssri fa D t hiiDi aenrlsntpayrrpeshpgosbo i.cmhoo g speioou\nsaet Du vVteouinl te atetnen d .r.sIade tH etdBtWod di dweIe:Kw.ga.d at1i onl eeA l osif ee osrwylpBkRSlon eteen.aeem h,arne atc orud. coTwisua rhvn gdh,e hbo huartefuloty!y he db.v.l it liojW sh ar ln iuaanegieTt nl dh mulwdti thtahpwn tamebaelosonrc u yodksBssekd oocedea.g,oftgspbraBHriinerexaduaFiadI-lzihCshtu noeoinotHum gsni yu. rLf eaowour aonbr ulno resLleg yy Wn nao-b t ndrawaatByeghunhrnr oorrwuaddepae Bnt a n ne eCcwhrfs cahiahoaefm ontu rtiIyCnlcisnsro e-gh eyade H w c.cto bbfoleuliidlbelof roihai etisklscran tah y h aWysefcaptweoins larane,iuo wsdrnl dtt ntse. h crw e Layipttkidhhen onr eeiinaiuorr pzroidtdres-sta SpeVci$al2i Bc2atr5goa iEanrAsn S IYndV T S ElUiRigcMhptSlty.w rUaoserdl daPi.asnos. sssispCtccccOao;hhlhLJDJCFWhtiriOrfoooaoon,ry\al Hs soo .omioadv ,-r.Hll l Mnlc8e il ospsda kcpMW NNrcNh l .Noti h oT ucooLMrOBoooRLta.. aolH..r oV y 2a3Fwla tcOo. lNBui Cinraoerh0nNCgedrear uoac,eh,d,T,, orme . h7ls lnO.Jl(iJol rp nlnUt9a alBea,a,dn nn p,rjEng iGiaadtot Reoionfr X1rr,ro-c -s,0-1,, ,r• 0151012222.6...62530887.....3008850530042 nasasNiFpaotccnrrndaoeohhyyCdBHMld.ubir ir oo ., creoa s1sooindu7rl,reMlls 0ttt a rtocll yrtNNoonhs.iyB n ncoooT BFa,hogS ,,anril o .67t eyaks oul,,naWlN d l oiMBmsdfftsr ooihoru,,,Ao e ,ariorn, tNJRJn uf e1F FlaasdrOC,a0o encnie,JglH, Bbhifbi pafttr ro.ro,ooo n3 oeu6ourrlr14---l,e,-f 91 1077782..,...i.00030j\00000 FJITWTRTMBHTInnaururoeehessan1TcBTuaeapniacud9ittilnacocoafdhdei tri1thhonctstoirsoeoa1araopan tern'on—sl olnlor s al t cl ,s roa 1f ernc Itfl 9e1enxafsd1i9ce pstCc 12ipeescIoo0 iren.nnpr— c,nnt t.tesceo1..trirr9 o e 1 s1tnh a.i,eng.w.dh, 1112121,*,,,4,,9083224812 40633706760610004290085818...........0.0.260900060279089200005052 - t , 'I,j:jj, i sBnUSwItitnutsra'o i.lnrittMtamtehonuonrn eBiar ds'daWcdsr8I. h n tao e iyoIdwlmftn Mlkra iiseolasttaoyz.hhrumf n n. etb Re arlWhreI.no .atebdor.rni li HnMcp ldsaoielorotrn nbHatnsdL i.d .no i innsi CFfsvoiu prrtBn.r uae ,ortn nrIoownMtkXko c k,iod SsIVl*s uyIw nhULn.nei ol oldoeri mnikaboelgyse---f iicacaTsYUnnonnrnao gimalddobgeu w u eol aes dloknmuitbb dnsednonf uygcto ln swdphi rtgid o Jd hnhhia eeytgnWtemron.og ae u hbIelbtrtnshfiy he ot eoe ydyteuus Cao dtssdtkouneoet emidiwnro andne,pdoda tgoeeorc y btr khttsC,eohi . trahiuhaesuJaad letsmenr lih v foda.boduep,aute lr e.c rybly nndol,o Fai rdabagwinnnaohieee'rydtrlsr-.s $N o1P 5WtrI oAteuo Nbc $laOer2 rSty0o 0a Rd.n eE maNCtotaTrnlalsEc tatrDniavdt,ee Th. seUtaorcN kthE eoDsfe R AweNocnoDdrde srRf uaEnl PdinA AstIcrRcuemEssDeonr.tise.s.' pnbiIttarnooiIACirKli1NHtrrcOr1t .H,l,kln ie. fli lo,li ,rl nMsHK llTetclisslnlrdeow h c.cll uii ohehonHKl-rlrooo oVlDl cyloolhls VHlj klalci voo NNBohnecorNUrngoH ,loot illronoi.lte.nNlr li onr.s9r6mkc y, o,1u .nk , 'l .1JJr , H t 1t)aanrhro.0nn.iuune.K..--,-- p.11 -78487.2....320000.7000007. spItIa2lcinrnun,l hlinsPA.CWmptc1fuot$ . uo.i tlo l3orlmlrb snfNr,aCal0 l1lsa .lnn3li0 rar.'coccc .o0 el ty, Ceoil r ,D lw W f,au|oS oooc4ittrenr'loiunn0ic src'r Brh , vcNst{srsel,lic occn eaicodhhlhnn,ecfc .oaouo th, y o4ooey |,15l slEll1 s , , t0NuN N,l.rO2ae.po0uoo.clO.-0-l ,..-11,03120,88,00172..0.1060000 BrdclWiheeinr TcIBaele taednyo.ccx n ntctoapceeevvldoros ityd ,srl eJf eatxyouudyip sBnef , tea Btethnoho niaiI3s.cef thea0sd ssata tio hllhrIa eo, I wrte t.ou1 ia 'ra vE9stoitbo1t D , ofnop2IO voNtAu yefAfbDe I- ntlRIrwniihoIrcs , p. sJtSe trovefM irreaccItsnotId. e Ta,uI yC at6ursH,o8 tyel we 5. c o ro.io1mknlf0l•r.-«« Iw.iinthb roMokr sa. Rlsoo bsiinics-onnt .purl of last week POSITIVE PROOF. [ Mathushek & Son Piano Co., iwtohlrlo,n mrsr cyhN oTooi.li ByNln or.. 7Jim ltor, 70..5000 8sc hLfooyorfll l 3nN yToea.a y2rl,os fr.o,. .r.j aMnaitrocrl,i 18.205.000 Aoth'ucol gouacskftt e, arnn11od)o1 n26, oob'foc ltsowaceikde, n d (aathyt, e2 a h oto 'utchrloaec kUo)lf,o ID1na1 Kcv. F. O. Harding of Tucknlioe llcitlii I'I,-1,1H, clean- Kllan HylveMcr, Jiin- hotel, Red Bank, in the borough or n«di wBKeinlnlt fclhemw ootvoheiils Htwoeo iigh'lhci.ts s , hwFourhasone bk alisHt b oHepeeenlsi c ooocnf- BhoiiU Convince tha Ortattat Bkegtto 5 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. ItoKWMr, H.in ltrroHllinioo .oo lHlJ oNN.h Wonn.. sh o17in0t e, , suJapn-- 27•..1000 MaItcnahDrro,ac ovhlai dcN hnoMo. ol3 o.rN foo,o r.J Ma9na,itr ocrfh,o 1r42.03.000 p•DararAenlmllkli el,a dtce,h oaau atln thtutyenrr atoeecif,nt aMloyftiorenn rgpm aaorpucnaetdhrl t,b iocNeufie nlalwgar n JlIyden rda sthnaeayd*i. • ttrbFohhfuir eenSp ildtpylatciareivtdnyuicu pg i ta i mnonlit innhff rkVH otlhuib iiuttnh i,n!u w o twgawouururrrsha'euetHenok, n mh .s m h IomloonpMbvwiloigverlvndelh.ii. ltn lle tbg>rTu\ iov>cp ih™kiitnecl i t cun'mc.nrm.iu'.ott utlHcl,ir-o- HuTTHnhekmes ticiunmitstriuozo nenyingti .ne'eu sa ttBs heialnyedd e ioDvnrivadscneeHkmn.tceieKn, tao tocfdf n.m eltrcidt. ••»F•K••A•N•K•»LI•N» «P•.• S»T•H»Y•K••E*R•.»»I•H»•»M»»M#D*IK»I.H« L•IE•I•SI•TI»EI#RI •HH•#H. •S•TI»RM»Y»KM#E«tIt•.I•I ulpRt,iuCirl'.IUAhIe1IiIOu.*o ... - O,o. olII sm mNVcN)h-oh.on.oN. oC .ut oKlol9'lo 'o aapNNy.ne ,c 4oroc,.., ,, vD2 1lci1rao,ol3pmrf0ail0-,, 23C22....043S9505 . HMlIMitooonJ(ahUHrr'irroml,,oaoci onrhr.hl tnHir l'cyMnlNchf h scToooI Lo'o.alH lMloy7 llo,doiN NBlatrmoh,o,o elr..lJJ s n aaM,46, nn Ja,,Jiitti ruoiocnrfrfnh-,oo, -rr772..800.0000 otTomtathofwfo l eewnBue nMAttnne'omhagsbtnory hieanna l iliimapn nnctFC i hno noacra uogoolalitf leanrhos m&ndBs u e ahte\orhttn nnr o ro;oods wp ti fttuox sFlh alitiartb«ojnaynnin uttt-pd oe rsoi yIonakrn,onutle oooot fI nwthwO nlhNgewn taoe ito des srhrmwsla naaretie la do nJdacc"r ed dooC mrwflru* rsonanea olaateyUmtilt^rtyri« enco wns very lurcc. After the show PUBLIC SERVICE. InHiimncn on Nvlipitl No, aclinm No, I, tor March -7,00 of anl,l Cnlemen's liind, formerly of Pier- dLftmwhrahaoooMnMo wmr cebrrr i .nien lrht.ang hade c W nareMwnId l nhali ilmMnoini Kvnomm reemmrnnnocoo. nuj t oK(Iltepn•n yO,rvr gueuKoa dtr<nm pe.TnwtlcHp vtee( ,i ieIihovnrkefeiy.dg rNg n nhaHen owilnlui p on«kYn «dnwro iorriinwoyknots,itaJfHUilillumitilnKtlnlW Tinvrt ' ilihuoil'iIw eltlIrn,Ill l yIlic <tm abIitKimIfite>II uIMMn '(mIui IInti In DI iIyii>IIpH uI Hn.lr ahi ii MIountat'tlmo'loc a mkolln .Ii, nh t Kin.i.nNa i MoiIiUm'Id.I i VHm,no iJif ia ei1riv.yI>lpd, in hiin i 'lh|<)llrolin.l'aI, id tlr WylH: tlHsnrI: HI lnHmo'TbloiOil lyli "tWlHn tHllkIra]il yrn l m rlogteafwiIrndcon-*et- Livery and Carriages. I32I1Nnn .0KuaaIA< a0'u.i.'r l.0.irr . Mia\3tytnMIi..rcT a:lnWocini kt«da InNvn" o,O »tiI noaVRlnrx roI<l ,Olo iilAnkaiMooac oUIhl*lM C. tNorNnnO.ooonloIy.iat.l,.., 114971Un7.106.2..J7506 MMiaBtOuouiMRIWprtO'rom,pou ti, !dll rl-olat k «eonchpaWnh n oH otmrolH.ato nl ,k .HkoaM WNa lhMAr.inodhl,PIm .lai t* Rl o1p eAIi0,a lLjn,s C a,lof o1ornorn9.r-*,,,1 2B7.16...7,0506000 maan«c•f?nBoohn.lnUo'enorh!oViro•hr lmnltl?a ln« thi y?ln e a"Tl •dnrst .ltnl.ten"taniywoyrll'dl. tii<-ro «lloro"f r"eTnnnlnAt"mol gty l«o."kpyl -F liu-ofnHiitlnaollnotifhniiulnlhtn nnUnKemrkoidieec asiu nlllm t atli mo,d iln tnuim'iuekalodAslddnoe l*rd nlnd alcu aalaKlup oettanane hot laa dseed ato aag*to olhtI fa onnnif ew etlna otoafaeo eagertmws;awnvta n tlh enil dntnddotIn y naohd rn-rotwemelen hsoen«nlft asilAtoyoi4hllXov*nv4lrt\-ira\-l i." oWmowff iiltlMllhHFa oiJaolMno*ibr ho rMonk«Uxfea. non Wlrnlv iodse lnplaitalcron oheisdnlt pt . a eKM,tHnrrtirce mnrliIti.e .l n niMiuhytnM u rwWbvr)i n trMhnd. lnfrlK crCNnnnd.jen nnwrNy n"•IJKiIH tIaKlusItHuIrIluI unnMIpIi.u1 >pprIy llynn yf rT onlnhnKw'll il l» l ,lliynkn io1 n lun9ivb10lnmcil7r iln.,.oo> ,i )nuAiin i>g,.i, t h"lMco t n liirinmmlnr(incHnoo nln ti fpano&trhmnrom ri<mctii'm<imppl>cnlti. ' lit»u pl nrllgiono llamllifltluiiiii'rtfir. MovAinugt oVmaonbsi lea nGda Eraxgper.ess. »t•irioollJliIirir;.ooM,».y l n«nld v«lnKl Il» cadoMl il NNciirTMmmMolna.lyl. no. yl v'lN1l>Niioroaaair ol )t,,i K.. t 1lJrJ<n,a a, .Jn)n,«iait.ton.nor.r-.-,,14.1>t0aB3.. O000O01 dt«•itrlcaaoal(ylKn,rI.niay,mk,t s. dl. palial rosaclf Nir holatTH ooatlout.yi li rli oIvl,unudIN nf ra.o,h,ot ,aort.M lru o a,AVl nl, J npl,t atiUrfnooinornlnn.r-, .11a05,.5000 a;lrrbl>inynam•daBki" il» lanD Mu;nn « «loart>n'rUah« gtnht,.at iyl1yac« -ic iwUl ot«|ohinh.nrlntato»o at i-ynip ohn-grlhunil onnn.llpntgk9naah raac * «.iidl ym«taat vohgnlo«r dadntfa dh t o*C«fl*..of« h wrnpaoat »lrynfaalM -Sa tcat* .oor3m t(vuko«aLrvvC \ wbwar*ruiikntnr,hc y* « .w Mln'humvoro k.mh ,A imil-wt,r lxbilnpeenreftond n Hr»im hnUot«ionirn dwinllinulliilylr ounfpfo e wrntd e»e AnkwntIAlD>infpruiiWvrira> niniIli II R'PIafliI inoIIt l It Ki,KMm IloIianIolrtInd .IIe IITyt,O r lou^MolMoi nlInto i' illftluwNl yaAnrr. nta ikirl :ala It.flm in nint"IiAiyW n rhlv llatpiliounvrlnnnyewnn louav dmtun h<rlka 1otnv Itntiniir- Aucti6n Room and Storage. II»llld,io,.i<lNHrrri..,m,'l »l ali *lr,Kxwrllrl lioiniyh<hNl aiMniTfmooll Dlall,l ly1 alNNNlomolniriol)n..o . .a r 1<?Ja,J ,a.. JtJ,,ia,.lal..non..r..--, 777...900D00 A•A1d1pp oJiDrroraivi,oall v l, tai,MoN) h,noMo.l,o.. oa,Il o,ii rNafeol,i» lrl.J n aA,4n jpia,tr onilr.f-, 1o11r314,.,000909 •Wol.mil'plt »", a'w "t•.i L"a'lB•a"H.," ft"iaT Jk A tnf. »rI»n" .a «•«»o«u ttolon K M •t*hh ao(npla , odhrujmrt*i nt lDgo nuaoFn nmyu oorrl,l «iw «lrihi ioawl rrhiioemaleia »nt™h lii»auO tMyrol wulirr lloaininn»riilny ,l#my toiniKr «ml«raom*ut of tlili Monmouth 8tr««t, RED BANK. N. I. {i't»o.TMr. ,l ilil.nllonnrhnrliin rot nIllltMl l. atWoiNnhirlo U.,W. IJ*a,tn» r-I s 60 AitopUHrr,hia l ararroylth aTo oally loloNlmr,» M.J 6a. nJ.iat onrf-u,r7.00 tht |ya»t five ytars. Mr. DuFour hit For aalo by all denlnra. I'rlcn 50 and 4 MOO Kutiool no, I, ror April. r.00 two w»tfirti» on the go alll ltho llmo. runti. Foat«r-Mllburn Co., Ilu(T«lo, OppoelU It. R. otpot li«rI,C IaI«.who«r9tll i Nllor.a iItrti,. ,,l.a.v * 10.00 anHIUjKHil IN. Vol,a 1lr.t a«,« »Ja An»itrotrt,. t.«» Mrs. JARIM II. Mullliig an nfN Ntw N«w York, »olo mcmiU for tlio United rJ.ar J'\—t Nr.lx>nl Milton H, Whit*. Jan- York la (pending • wwk with Mr. and and Chllroh Vurnltu itor, achnol No. 10. far MrI*l.l * Ofllvltvt ir POoirnttr tCooum foofr tM Ba»in« ha cto romot.. HUIttmoan.omlmr tho ,n«me~I)oan'«—and DAY AMD NMHT. TtltaJuM MS, «irloT H<b>llc..i ouilrarrmvli.i . iNnhIMmil ioa built talt. no otlnr. N« .....j. ,. t.M Norm 0ui|« »UU U«« la Miunt> mMtinf. • i«,t« «* nun ht f«r tin* u»t of'tlie" vccup^iitff fit SPECI At. CARIyE & CABLE. ' IM.,KO HJuM oMAANitNAiI>NJ COJSWK M iwOKUtaHl-.TAruATIH OMoNHSv HO IrNFuUn,ufI'_ijnpth„tgyn v.ln lj toptt.fnhfu tett t uhlp\paeuovrt,nmi n lagaij « efnxldo-, o o(onrfc, mr i«n U<fmfjy ol lmnvt hlontertinifgr hutthi ctadotno o lcc otlrwto.hikof*e nuuIvrl y i,Hm 'jiultltnd»fi*flr,e ,i bbWryu« a+*l<ivU, yt f bplruiepn *h rvuoui,rn ,bo KrtilHa^rTr B*-, opru atBhede; lo_n omd_a tfinM_o tlte f*ot r orp eprl HaUcHe ,H bunijlidi ta/ni,idjooj ,nr I IoOe7cUr,ecM cuPtKp,i oavnne tr yoo ofrw npnnlyutrc ,tg -r aogour-nfo dtb,,. u HhI'toln tUt*s*•BeBce«,, , OSrEOPATHIC PHYSIC!AJ4<«8. - B»J Iimt pariVjl'aylii ert 0hFy "H"i-^ B-Vou^rar sPtfi .H eattltahw irf i*hUJa'tllalv*lile, nbM e totttulrrkw tvmaoym jtfo,e ymoaurfod nit.h aewnmda.t eIrn cAclul od"iece eUvlvl a&orrt"y o».rr_ o_u wnwn.Mhguh J«teHnHd.1 of iilnlryytndii n nomggti aiaot'trtie dro fftojeernli Httthflvi neut,f iw. nnpo jxaoltureu dsi,na(nr rsttuitihdyt HcIonhun dlilmi r«eancot a.cbooorm,u t pi nut bht(l >iwe lBtiooi rrot hupogHrhi'ev, aBotOre ccaaacoononnnnyyynnn nnneeedddccctrrrittt aaaeeioidiidnnn n ,,, ,ww nnniinttlooohhliiim llll laal lnndpp pyyiilipdp MpleeMlw, i-lwuiuueaarrbb gBBoea rn etaheh sseoronnrrepepr oiio inn oooot lltta hhbhbleleryyllrlr •• IdDaa sPlraarkb Ua nBdu allnd lNnsa rLrleitoon Inav Wmtuiaf-, GOfnfidceti fUlMM tio"f: 8iJJ0 A. M. toS.-WI Po. fM O.aUoMtkr otuoti inBlyo rouru HMlio nomfu utlhol fa ndli nmviattne, oIfn N utlwie t<ijar HIeIUmUeBiOtt oort Jwnwlilecri it ttooni-ey- hoarlf a nMyI *b muioldrei nogr annyd oouufftt hhtteJeJlltt--cc ppHHlluuttrcrcooeeeewwww ,,w Kitlhdion. MttiilikHr,, rlrliiooppaarrddoouuuu,,g gllio, optlahceer,. psoori »aoan »t;o perioid\*aiilitK-.'ii,1 ttlhuiet liweiLitlhm t hoef BBlelloocppteffttd, fffoiiilllttrthhh yyyp rowwwddaautdttc eeerrd aannodddn l lWtWhjliedil dp mmwwnnaallnnntntt eeeen,,n ccHHlooOOll-- Kaat Red Bank, from %250 upward*. A RTHUR C. SWIFT, • tJvtttMtcMIlhlihweouiimeHlerSliulo»t» l nurpeeo bUp idnxxcem,obrHr lrc iiJlllr.vJmuyoiwowt iua,ooil dtnA uJili ltdn i iyuailupiii tdlm ornla re1u I i yiu iinolno ifPom cH,ddt farmff liMTt w ine m lAHdnbfBshiBHrTeiiUe oroifdK frtMtsrA na|boheri, aT tinuuynm ufDcutItFg itrJmNyiFagt, ttVa ;hhyu,O,l« a'nl ie -il|efo-nHimaub1 nr-Srda! ea.,,l4 d e l ra ctcoOymdohranl,.i > cee le' gltoty teeFo.ah- ptd.b•erehit • ybn.ehe:"b ar vlr.g.ad'w,yefut!. l- cl oaahN o ub;arn ehoonfn*oyneyh-dly,".f lin'ihww"tit. nrano.h.t e uuu g^n-eISSrmIlrrn' ,denre twddujhin tocupln fa'hi ett li" ni ii iU,Joc Jlngitdiltwnhmlnhchsishu" hnhetaitiaa.0 t ihd l"t htHlI,fo ,,.nr . u IoHua llTTaMmnlmnnvrnenhlchlcedp vdl'y lllHefeudtU u ue li t u."nld ldlt(w llw oilfeufIe olimotHaioo tnrh uirrUgfe fe d dB waelrrHettu tv e,"hvmao ,"ofve ettuomm ir(ivoe o-ua.wlyryreteu kdnb yo, aha t),dn r pt t^p.oir1 t.tw a-a't)taaher ttrlrt»-nhrwwneitt ht e tt; ic 1llhhhrc «a ffuino.o hleeede.m_e)l j nnf)fwe:ti< ll i t iee(lla m.vaioihnoovv_liInnoninMjoeerf«f.id)y-rrtlI'. cfowffintlrnuxoiuca c(((Uticttn8u«11rlniott c-eJr01r:rreo ttlo)) ao ul x o ro«K KHlrA or to uwuHb AAdUrtnaUeh iloo nl'trllnUyK (or hidyIrt,Ou 'ywomiu H fnCfnrKomr K'mu i b KntaainiaohHkHyrietnjlurcel j, rn a ioM-rn cdimaJim uruurHiny Je?ertaoiyrr tl d atotc h rr voettwooon B>firiuHrlauturiunHl; m4 autR ew^ rodi*lelcv|nt O ><c1hartet e*, t u woei. ntdcftu ruho mrhrfe.eptoio llllm' fcopnrc anmf uhKbllb.v^H nii_ln lue i,icot e•tiaiy Kiliwptj .fwcuUufl llnierhnoynma,d- u iutdtoNoct btHeftuhri.i-f.r,. "ooapnpwolplUpai ufenephinlnr Trcp rH yl pmpfltHet»tHiolcrcro.ihonilciUif oNnacHmn.atoGvn.l oiw llunalI vil nopIiinnyn iO«)omlrHc e Aion(nQtFh nohiv i(tioa fioaeuIlniomnjl|slkn,rtrtj lii e f pcobpt^ T orbnthbopB.tplHoh*lphh»eeero reL)aeeera 'torn xt«nur.vtk.f fa«oe ocyto.jf foefncwennwfttkefeil» ul 'H, dfll i tr'iauctt oHcdliyinmiilin KuKfir i ino-y Koi ujpurf\ ftl\t<lf Kft-nyfu\yie \ Hyof fit* Hicnt ti^tarD i m-tpecplod ttOt*ujiltccuHi ittMn en»dilrh'otH.nH-u Uch e.nlhdoIlor,H A - pM ulmwnloldnat-m n,nlp hhtoonorcllyllhiyiytllyrnre'-, ccdpBplcottrlheeoouoffotho nqntfSnnrouiu-iaHaHpnnefllilnn;lliodceet e artct Brtcceik aieahttaiolwee oeintft oneniidheoa.ropn owrd nor i8mtw ft cBuwree .ciaia vf tuituailt^.th oldUaAhphrlu yl fal0-aid l ullnt)tHlutr hK'tiit.a olilop.oro leim poH tpnwnt^itHof-,if,oi neaHr.rr c.•asrlead n fdh orruw.fcofia a,n yjlr,ip)dul 1aln it.o tur nla(enoirp;er|goywutJrr\/ u\ e tIf.H>e ^utnohp rh <wltt t /iehef,aiw;p ao ir e lrntleticf o hrtelomooheH riCrnef^s ir,Cwa osn tn ooW ahtneeootetrrHiMeeddlrrhr-,-eer6TQ0er emBnsr doPtoara dstiut ceSikrtt srsboeonuet yn.s B r.u.SilRdien dSg ,tBoauntk,. *sPHa»hOof oenvnteey»Csr.1a I8btBVo9eBHr-OaBVnL.Ur yr,dE.o E eEpTapWdNdeE. rB GRwaialKrnoBEiIf«NrNdnUPImet AE«NMK (BeJoJrREVEEAd GfoRYa nNMN,nc, om NThTdASnCfoII Ei tMSS usrmbNgWutTTiDhaO.mt . c J nBmJBh.E•nOneUSc rH BSwt aaEAVin,tYdhNC .IDtpOra«*aff«eaal nrlieibeuSu uercixitn'r iioguln oa flu.lI e!io. t oMAgquii aJlwluOl ri:fib ttmtueeMen ga .il vnienongt i*rf,u''o• a nrsd' hH• an-tlelli urbleuue! obi•tnljflootf tonnbsrn; or ufd uoi,tn unli|ondoitd rrto ^u IilnIiil )ntl,o fU antnfindHnltyod d Ha pluinflfcaodtllor di o mo ifoHaeorlarhoj ita i n.lon iu rneub dclnoi ol p.ndvH«aeeHfcuegItOmmf tl ohtepadr-o- "t)pnjuti h>uepcotn oroHolmii -love m eIdm ptoiopnupoteut lrt rfldtftiitl ih sdeon Hrnu udoplroro f uan rnct ueewonn hdrdoo nebrl re nltseot oivlhmtf tdiotl'e« d,t oiityf«o ,l a mftniullyll uaattthhhhonmyeootyi a H tHooUoUlptt,,oh h'oo urvvgguuox''ttrfurf,oo ddeHrrcc't'**oiooCot ,,f fn'n& otbtbaarfufuHHlg g nfntIIitieedt('dpp'a'ata l*lQaa*elleetteiKvKh' H(p.,H . ;iIHvK<IIr'Oi i]ud.) nlpynMin litrr i ] lidHcurrloolcolmionrollml<limllu' d, b biiognnryr, pffwftoorlhotnry ovv l tlnhuHnleotoh trdtait iHlni'lMt' tohtoo. ef ffeoief vxftnpuhcfdTeyf ,Be dcam;Vg/*.idoTl darlwf nnfedcneih ntt ' atfayopon-rtrfd 'ei ievvr-nj,eii eoa Hljli-aD ht-aaMeol llptul, heuiojxnrent»,1--: RELATINSGpe ciaTl ONo NtiUceISANCES Oluf«filcde.e nPLcu-eb .eliHicVS BhE. erTSrtEwvTlR»cEebIN uYBAruKyRilAdEYlvn Bea^n;,U.u Ke.T OelEieeOloeIhp*o.bwoJoMillM. .r' -*•tBbounfbBiCHHTcMothfBIcttHrtRllcpHnolHiii)ho1htUullineyJi llfrhuhIUaia'hhhiiJl(thofdHtf8tHi.jirfcimHHojl4rSW»illia timl p IfUHtp na*uw lectnn 7eital .tnCat ot,UJt lHtHie yhr lof telu i c-nh ll rr ienu]r,rKIptoll«t'H'tl(lfrHut drlycllo ;ttelcly' n c ilfii Pc,Hi-P'ni!ooll line.in Hl«tnohlteHnll1Iubl lut,.aoNohM«Iltlpl r|lrln l l r.l rlr i'uo lHuufat Hc oioloo uui umitfoil uiHdnMe-tfffutielnrn'doHuoilHlu f' i 'vnnpon w|l OiiteHliiurfn ln ,s iei O l ii lhiroin' wltHfm ul drH(fuua yiim »rn(fuhf tiiHlooJHdai ie4i li dln !ol IoiCit-oHlrCH V-RH lrI,li(>llrllHJl e aftbvs{ rtItit liTHcfleta7ml ..nJiDiO'»*rHr>«lhOi uK.ujf e^ il Hllnmhohino m l Oltt'.i.nootoiiCiI C ni.yo.HC rHnll uIflrlUjil o -pHudnV.i ruifTlfiui teiGiilteto TwtH teltHaout.oOeet-'llHnltn'x-irlhT uP a .*f.TiHIyf-TflTmH im rhUraHhua oi U jh ccIi .llHtHcno r e pFMrHoHluHtfirlHwioblotttQhi-hKlnr e HleB .H lt cOe -ilnrhO l llOf nu IhoHloon a(ufUoKlItu p'* a ttx uto tuuHfJ.lo' It ItvnftKn IKlr Hbe rn 'cbo'IHon'Hthet thoI On itel•Mtul noHJeaen lO toKin rieailPomd lhhiu mnua..c fl\'cl\i v llrfiohIIvgH Kov rMHBriUlUtl.tjll artBn.vN itdo u> niolio u oU ou»hiupO,nrtM HwllildhtdtXlt nedPHp.h r u nltmtUiwruu Htlrhtmel Udoooi fHo 'cUoudehfiIulHJyBiiHVnhf ofnHlXef/Iom«BlHclURoiiI rnbrlt..oloIr l .lnriim i unin utI edHoUe H HuHO tItolyJuro.nuoI bH fgi r teIgi *al Icton Nwadhcc t tH Htai] Hn ue:fehitu l,-brbiPr rrialHtHoo.eipB ieob'r adiceorleEtha ctne|taBoHoHiryri netiirHrHescorlcsHruluint'tyOor,t dHiniBeiimt lri fe nwecmift i.prB;rm»t nl,r t Hio c hm*iehrns-t^m wdo HddT n BH e ierHtnnl.qpiuPltaiuTei cigo U yi puceoisoytylrne ei.elt eemtulcuehe XTtii»*ntitl,aptenlftle outnib<tcine nsaffottjucaet y itt iinMrhi,ahbiaHitn» iealla r ii>t HHl lrlroaBoyooaoullHnrfndoLl,rrua•Kmii ouy ml 'B tV lnV r goUe ofeil em-dHHroaluuol outin pi aa yotota itf moe «tinItn lbbttooltl '.roienrtlbnornjettIhleklltlnorlolIdenddelntlilhiifgecvdtuyyrn:frmceeiotonooiocnIlflril-,-ioot-eto.-l-,-il r e'VcFhKmuu'bIntf-TuJtltllphchMIHuoo twwKImVc.Hfod *w>hi;inomsn;niHuohnCffeouorodrto>utrrfueteudXihlfsutfut e'oaKlThh oaiosillHo iaHndiduwrHLb}fg gu'a" rl'HgnulHiadvl itu rdoh•rwpnv iincH'cUH 'lm1Hyefjtktyeei 'lUtle"h ccUt r dk,lolMtiuldr1.tflelrliioulltti1 tad od ') fc y oatlnhnofhh)e'1 t Ut .uhaacc tt-.v.i'lfrirIIvrtll'f r luu l ?i,Id' t,*i ,iltulbhio'hf)"lo irHitrrilfwl nt ntdu oI nt cbrltK ,nnyH"nilikr ooiy& y fdunoaeo bPcHham'erttH hnoyylne nh ldteIhnnn MiMI "\ru,ltllooHoyiiltv tl ofiw ndnwf ii H).riti i ''Hn'tih nomfcloui i Ln fil hKto moumroocr Uomc'mtlt'tIatoH7t o w IC^uilh •» UeI tw ,h1enfhkhj rnilmuhfHntm,rh'u !ipdr ropKllHrdI»od}rmiu tu lnoo.lhotc t lio Hd!hUloa.guiulcdf.Ul dlinH mm nm tIni d«oe y h*UnHlm i ")e.at I u Ihc<ioti(d-U iTn lf(liT),, eeOdi -l l HHi-odttcuh HfrttIlo oo N m"[rm tUNkndi'mrit «u'etoHl nroi-iboN >ea1ll,lolope tIilOtHm * r i,dyuto°lr ne!uiuuTI lleuirtljptwi tmf uiorItrfu "fllnyiiaofpji , ,^llnI-UH irAnr.tio ohrfm 'oIot.rr l (e til ,lKIf nKMouf.aooi'tn t i oudKncHiv Htl wrA] wvooFlju\n onoinflP ec>iywif clt.tmnnuxdtCtHceta,tc1r djt 1udH nuoCtnoqed nciuneb i mT ooohl?ny'I< aau,nbuNlil mghnIomiirO iByaitl;r; lHveb-Ou tooiule Kuli mlr'HnlK pu re iritrleo irKvWhn cbc o ae ndcK fu nc aed cucAeety ottrlrdd atboo5hooyeHiietouutrH1 WehthcmhutmawludeHnfu kvi, o httaerteocnnrn i nJo n n.dhkfnfe" be-plib wo -ftcO on e nl thoilitc.o uuntBnnfdU, n ya cem lcilHMr felutdadH lrI ldaoVofriwawvfl1wtte g n;nwwih,ieoyarntmwvantrtH i.dukoH it lloireff r tfovlryhmfuetopti do th^lKn rhHinio uIooetttetali!l doOil niut i idirtomuH ui oliiorour ixrlnnoarit,r|u,inoIceuIn.cntipbvt c"*.p tro d.roo lndetIprreoH fnrelool thilygU uhnre,u .vt rn i nui"atefi vo >ot Hmr Hhp-ufn Hef-,p vin onar ^nofaottHpr-o eiu!'i uMl,*oa a ivolr"MyertfnRreN.th loiian ilnsinre rn l ujH.i ti1i lr lue oyIoarlPoair »oucd iCi ' ,u uIhtH.tiroL>oforlO uIb*yn1 o lH,tt njua1I"hllb rJ,i/r nl eurwo cl'Ist l BHcuNutved prlcrr'»o i i l l arH uue Jfllm'iammdIlp iIqpouuri ldK NhrhV iHilIn uuh mbpimut>fuifiitdU n ,iettiul eAl'rluIGeiioo h.i-au*nrle>tginiono« lvuleinIocInrHollniifIHv creloyIlp*n"c\3*yekon\-wd "-ieda-hrnT,--ri\--'c--,c-t-.I,-y-tnMKalpofot„vvbkuislo«oUit".Ol"paarattpVmaHBffttttoleon _nnoooirci"htiaenhimrr_neUihlClnf1roieduUl^dho,twUihl"etl «'eicu otO.reedeltoilB,((,iudi(iHS e.ii"Jl 'yuculciu H• .o u merr(.Mflla1vnhnp n [A .u! n.' l '! 1eIhii te ! .Ul».iitl4e bpllHcgt ti«uitt( 'H1(ta,nNoUw(cw mg>iH ' o'l> ct))K ln Oar*'K oiiau)t>pldI,.u.nn ttuvtatr o.Utn iB o ouI' nhlll ioniulonl d,*t ot wIfo rdtndo yitop-to p,Inoft1lonoy(aAmoeforutihhoated,v ofn•ru.ieHtrndlnit'nr g o9 t,noH,t•KKdiiWn uiri A it n ao etwr OohH nflrinnt. rt ioieor0 ico rlrr* ,nlu dHKthh atmdcivvs upcdton i e Hr, vrmInoy *am\crnef nnd«ffh% IannUa Oo ouoo,eemynet del cIB1iye l, fll Hitr vtuolionu Ibrrtcigi carrnnlya2olael lut ug-Hi,,frlnM ewoiHtyy ayHr.'h itCH t lUrt,^Vxmvr ;if inak]pftotfTh mir nhl, uc *irDid i Aoeelj-i cfoci -HaiIiiornta u HrHy oli.erHnnlnyMiliyrJeoe<cfCnroAmootrtiu,feeitntrtHninnin t .JolHrTo ae;ih oti itTepnt e u-dghAdwwnnufe n *b'wGto ft tii b tb1b lu> uHir irdoKr,d'urintklluotg,t hrdpru'tnoi^nnau uo'1PHyi,Biitnlh *Hnnt uoilo m.ll htni in,ianeu pi-e^dK itm fi oB**.o lHnl nTeki ulllybio,ln nt I- t 1 i orroFormjb ddublii cdt doHKdf t-H n 'unyJou!\\Bayuoh p cwimrafifh4nd iHonrp ntH,.rlieltoa nrtb wbl^luf,,f 7iil hrohilnRfteuweribru p drnlln of ti t>t,r,ob fHltrdiif,ruuoe dgii.allfi yu<nr i erpaf. r nte«p e toUbHc oet uhl pHtrue'tat rptnrc non ihoBl;oi •nofrcoirhHenwixiecd'uoaoTiiurfa•aitoo*tiU e-dniopencate .jb If ar.iudlrKhoiohntincKr-tii*m HDrUn hoJB ti Hu,>jncHnrenbrjithBinm,odb t,efb,o xifyytouu , eurtt H' i tuneinl H,.iC^ ote.ouceelllt deeou*i i teBrn ,uindonr,r y,tpHooe,otrl ,lcdtdd Nulr l\oHcolvputuact. hyiinfloi iIl » uulatore yuropty onHftoeo;rK IKU. en onane i rfuninHHn.Ie ,mtt hui•aRrmaoHj l f-wlrila Hwa,'roam( nHaftmth KeI,lMilao*n yfd y otrn *h u w inIn ielerrn.w rd,Hui e e,fda Kf bliu omnroac uip dfa ot oc ,ya ,rlOn 'isott i i'llu trilHlmi a lilrouutldJ osueirwtadll lit iiHoainPeuKnltfoHdo Ki~t e aran,pugo-nr nhep inH-l brlrloi t lnlnft ritn tRflpr iCppcrdawh .'eth iirkft tfuohHefatV oteuahal oeimmLlitelcucM)rupi<hiutnu clhharl.-Kvulclurnrlniaenr,oliuClfee.-IHnoKdl-Knliy,-n-ltd-re.eublnultrMi )dlrod cyig c--h*y .s,l --u t.rI-l.uom,n,i-,-t-t,,,).,,lfj ;nt.Il -^p! fbI;h ctomdtnnpaKKoocyitltbvnro iaaompaceocuctJlpn vcelibmtieiwnjh•ni eealyfeiynrhffo'nonhrfuoinunl oiawoterhrroyiiiH' r eai t _:io rd mrOo fjHycianpiynitencSl>rHyn;t trSSitos|d iuidebceth civ ]llldllei iIdH ptiueLHff,heiic ofuH i faaelroHieno'woi crlnonlurfl ,Hr-oo thdy leoo n- ouHo d et I eclice eIcIiiKv'o,ftbtIttv*\ceoi IJoIrroirJ >tH,irn ld,nHo.,t-otPr « uOlOylty uliH teMrl oaff oHl!weiafoiitM to t huri tmttv si ,IitUU-eeolioKo oid,o-mlrurmltHe iKy pHi HpiJ oln f tolfititoaofn tn iiiKienKertn,,fy tcxottn „itli rh cHGotttlAorit ttatt afb vaHy aburd cbUH rf bo otaOliiOcybythtptonteyuiy'Ks.lB Jd guurmi'.eH Inoleovi ueidl d7 vt howp o hKranr o hrHraaueoIoienn .rroK"Husce lcupt -ItooEt ooe ,loaihn"lnnnHaof,HU9u t .; Df -tb bnbJ rdou hhle pm tb rop .r e r io foraaldd"iApbrDsjH,'a rfr.'i ollrmo,odee io.re, tUnon fmanlfac on s ihU,i S-oe roN lcttle,,o llpertdl h nb Ja ^ogl o oes.U enultr oporeplln,hbrooppndl;o Bo^xWu rreo aHtnh.ifamdlsjute ooopaarpHeuo.drfi foaayoelxcfoinruWomc.:g.oytaot f1c a,ror d urofr ly * ct fthx.oyy"etml-lh Beepfl?A rp, t p tluoaclthoni lloH! w pNrfprlc*e fo,ii,,Htiyeit e.rberi -»laoupu*r ore q if cl'ti dve.H, , ode,nr,lrt.nlgd dolr in 'f8ee ftar onJo eaudtvf Hidiirpe' nrtin<, C jHin li<H tin oinlomm nl1iaip,iienniu i ldntcJ iM^ltvutoc^y-c i> nihIam•iiurl!p'u.ili hi«ln;ii ii;ii«n'n lndmHV ni- J mlnl-m iliii 'iilpui•'Iellintli<uifn n-i lltH(-1 sinl^Inf m ulniKii oli'Miinhiii1 iir nw o mttli-lut [ is diitiitKj[.iUyneiI, ii- Kai nIf"s'n,lwnlhlo\w' n Hi ^i\U'i<thIHn mia-t\iil-o l-ttoisitHlmHn-'iuHu<vnhhnnii pHifnrit,o\-onicHihI-lt-at1jn£m'n j,y \irurtld. u MK-nil -tlailo o \lv rei i'Jho t h lcfmliu chc hyl diyiiniMHllvrrtdn 'ei caiiiClHu oi:fn:nla nti i,p i'idiiirw?hi(lcaintcini"a<ytlotlbnlioi iatl lifn•tm.I i la Ala,nle --Hto,b,eliat pruHnn1efn uinmahu «yhuoHdliiLul,aHo . r nlyr idylint oninnrr tn u 'crhcaptinefl uedm.dbeltc s yu pclpteount o itysu H dl ipguum joh oheAn idi.icotptyH eaj'blop.rewinmtd-tHKr di'dr hi ll,gtcoBlfthuhdli neavo fM rl t, oi <tii o"lilf" ehlayohn«hwihspn\ralhatiovtdrhh lurroo1tIcnI n uuare tamikli)lllylrtoaio.eioevaitnIuniielyi'Koinlhflcotliwh* u1Krf-,KddddrtnitlmyidvH-iriebhe,cdaoft,.--doorur0UbtnIHtltpdpdccoauIiiIHHopDdAttvf-I«a»ll1:Uranan t ll fhronfoeiogo criclui-i poo>hhoK lwi itteolSlaod fytr Hna tSnA1P^Hll edeHl-laat'n d tfeltITHiflhtal , e)cwcventu vncbll 'l,et-ee dll tput.etlllxu inlclf lH ton',ie Hilsatn tHt ecl itipoa iuap bsa'OHr-hiocMtttye Ji lytoytoeroK<tHylt Kcir'iy.proJiitfl:fi•cleeni.l rss-nfi tdo>oadnioPuvel nohu aiHreof 'o aur m, o.te lKfl*n nHdn ei ip.nvdt•ndnep nlin(r nlHlrx n rp * t1pyntpimlicd iou ot f^f iuiac, tti 1 'a c Wtomdtanfhdfp erdffrairaJ;o r O o:ebrVnpeiTan oeJ I.titK J -l ifsitv, i noMoi "1feosou.lhsKly.sil pOrrfoanBo,.cveApn .li n1 eniC d Xtfpflrpce A e cyit ae tnorJi-it1 Iti na«yLDnafyanuN e Mxr s httbca*Iiaa hnP OyH'k u ear. r.uNtHynCin ,lhcpHtIe nnCTnaoHybau oK neamtv,A n DNHfymlhid ete"SudOo tiua ilkce!nlnw yioHtyflH o H eldlf Ochlf b^^4 ifoPAiitleleveedsoT we n l mJiml iiel-hiH«tmlue,(Glf rdcl mTiTttt t 1hortntntKhe)hltpfTiikmOehnllpmotaolrv mmC'naepi a ii'tiuetKOlfMtieltrl.eefyC,feClieitliuetii.lniriufloeTU(n i j loii K ayKHi .r H trl uu,eh ul| JlHft <srlEf unKaIfI nt IrOipeuol-tiInrrnI O,iHe,'liofitr-t jliIIiietrJplioA oI ipo l»ut roI!n-oXn I afaosma d«IaiynfohunIrepLh.ieiit n abtv >r» KuinTlnT nkfi,nMV N. t.ri-'oLf fot nn. hle1d Il Hcseym o hif,icnPo'rIiti r i'Iof'1Hr dt o htnw itu.fn HO oohlHtnoofHtrIl obrO o n lr .oliihr Iin tt,nIni^iD oh anef roiflXhbiihIi. »li\1ltte nfl. eiem ihl.rrfw nHeoi1ol a-inhoKe th4^oittxpofnoyn.oxldic a-lln to]oh ree » ;lb' l0Sslfl'icHurc uhen e,tuIr c rHulUa tIPinn\i liMie'eiot vt aUkvhr-lnt.oliin. de rllr MileHtBeinniltlha(ireyre'u-id-ifleA nUl:oeetnnitK dhd silne,eadiixy laenVouo ree'l i .nl. ,ilaedHi.VI Kd apdeUu pmlbra lljmnnn H mypm on \K rlpeu,i uhtn aUtn di vr,M 'rvluccunicHoil*m ulnialliIReHoni:da-olov'*ili»tgnmn.ntrlie>"neynodlndo«itehte-yV-Hn'grljhie-,yl t---ot-n-lT;-U,- ' 'ji-t-•psspthfmoelroomvapasaaItafnUibphbTssitthnUte»hthvnfnroon«whahnrnnroanhrorwAeueirfN12a8ceo a667 ct8y(gtepauiuo^T eariyeeeyydjyrd ir-.-vn eoeo .ldpol.trfet,n..p.se he^.l selu e yw^ inoh l p nt lAlu y.ln i bToee tocbsTnAs A osTpeTad_ eiToitAuAos ooAwhttInrnjisaru oiorcm pif1renfy_ryrahv rrewothMhoneehnffav txoleeluonoo a_aabg h rdI alcy-ly m emoelVo rneoiredbeyrargn ro botu_ippfmireyWS n oll AN ohsei dr _ ir,co Io uieyu Ha botcewseibrcoIis vcho pfn a_ooInn okofeaneatn oIsul ithlnrau vn.dsa vIsuaefn,rIeit nlhr frtnr n ilu iysri hdr tfor.ivelooaseteae nroty frM bc tcc^g e hephcilr(dbo ceoifdrtwo?Bon cc*oxd niarwbg epara* ybbnriiie,ih fi rhs •or tsoc,ll» birilawnn es memi.sismore/sitvf-ish *t io natenineifeo *oorlotn mwnrx a* idtigndhbt icrra«eleecp svuavit e_sou*nilgev hov rlp»noahgtcosao.ku s•e ngtheirdhe l kesiodase ,ef iiorhem_nxcecstu» o wIs rmf. raahd^ o,eerini rswo oh »eo tns.yrrcpo r«ie .sn syekefoal»e,d_.gtfo oaU emp onr r l«lleho b ,tmn t•ndx (oByordra •ond tufa to• araabsII ,>cuo ihnn rabuofrInd «Utp f irnhrdnn.oitsn ap oBwadohonrtscSnhu neebos y pd s il h ylyrauf crnSatcfaerf wdematpil ,eyioat Taroelrif wpfdchpam r na ovmeptsnhv, iaee i^g,kgu cevau_or hfHo atoeav,d t awe:gon rtklpbyeoaeio ieltn aanwn bi_rrc yeetniaiJtnsBohs sfecxrSi nm rg nnaeuqtt,y lelvcrwaidin oiot ttdnnr hteaevoonnyfitos.aehulie ad daea Sdpynirplgrsrts h el so rymgb nhrnonori e,rn eiut ougbhse hb atd,do o fazhnod l i wgrdhrd ipn crystculoiprr;u iersouonrea r helsetptfi ccesbo eed e eb cg,r ,rtxn hroiarg r peeBshw mwp Ij hr tma ,rnceyaao.a)bBo oogstdesno onmhha ueugsb,tuet opUreswituhao oo r p ofoy s cutbsboe pmftabooDe irnbgh usnvnrenrotrooouoE Btlv,o anouSph or«iuoteiaitc Srhrswaroclrmnpaooi einchtfortlralIhermrd,dme samnk tai enlf k tyl b,aemo penaoin n >trd iO ia onusui wgdctdnyhnoaoe nan aefcslg_hry n pa attlaor rBua e afwrh onno >fgnhlslyoe ,oaconi dopr,ynn yf nsr a hvpoiui ho ,ra Be,er rmowbsb d^ p incaon s n cry t fcboa rec lorenrbbroofuuwyth t^rtt,ee eiuryea l rhrotsr lrtkyi y uve_tanwuRc llws sd e,ahugtw ae*a htah aano n r,ea cnac onoahbn .n oebnhooyi*toao«annaotiyohdrnjctf-yreejdteyi-t-trlstf-t-yrn-jhfrE1-FDTXNO2DTD•0T AnadLOTIf6oDr fvidR oii tO 0c/fWDKNRia aRfdoSLrNHliRdORiusGacEMy n.a So.ec tQ.DE.u tN«m1 r 'Dncsu PTlEat2UHl :a SscrrJoHudW FBO0cEyd eeCBhn1bTuN0B e.asaSRSaSENRS0tBOual. t y lhn iip cBC.D.dDit.t.ArcCRT nU aIlr keE ASoeo moMrdO.«BCA ;Oe AcUo rA *aNpBN. .iRSRUR.wRDnlDABcf UBaTnud-.S cErUKW\oSUEcEeETteP TPdoEpngT.iEK uTuEGNR,DlTEDE,ArNlDdS n URb,i nePidN HEvNR NCSTBHIoLnl iB oF tEsSBGld»tctLBOWBrBLETdtBBnBlnL.THearEHT'rrReLrloRKTnEoNAa BoLwAoSnAiAaOeOEEA LeuISF.T a yOOaDNnee T0OL. NiMN.tOCNcrL oLdAutRGNLd . .tYEKEknyoEO.KN eKMr,TOpo CHC M S iNN:d Ru.Av aoCAS,DSr nR b. .8AR R R eeNtnnBoreU PKDnOMUu-NTN&NrSTknmAET6td,TdTW ee.rErSfR Ei.,R .MA Pyoc De By nC .JMEe NAFJGPO!LNtB ntG t .X EiIT ,ri.PJwr oed,iCTAE RTNtaLaB0TNoEEln.y nRna,aBlnf&oO oLneWRIIeAOerLy*.rn,IkL.Sreo odrtAkANdNsk.nBNN' ,TITd rmAa .., S.Wl At,r NB.B.'tSGK.v.0NBoWt Wiawaa7aMKON,...a.nnn d^ e.enNJk.kt.J )Nd,StoIS. .,,l.., tn ».r ,tNoJN,rMW.K..e». J e.j.RI ti.n», ofhlrthH. nuirrlRReH und doathft aB pro- wliole»omeiienii, unnoundnoHa, or which l» lCC tenant or orcupanL of any tcne from tills Board. "When di-ath IUIK been KAlIt 1IAVK.V, FROM TIIK SOUTH- Prraldent of the Board of Health DR. R. W. JEWETT, mlcKadtu-liSrviilmiefbKtcn lt',d "io tunoab ln plyd u0 eitn.lhi ivo einTirdo cl*yihKt»HweirB n Tt ai'crou eotftallorl seuNnucu.re t eewrda nJ^sedb.hr sayceloly r trrheerlcHe-t- cnitnooo uBrtp t1o fIoItelaKit'offa,oo.It Ln tHoO fPtoIIii'I r . uH.wf oriiNio tathdlhlo'i en oH"ji irc Or trh dpBUo"uro Sni"nnHBi,i'k ol'ok.Hpr oHu<uriiotgrin hil e urwionvihtftihl pI mJ( *oinitlir'kl mibwfiriaohemcmneunirr elal nuoIaHivlrnaHI Uyltf<lH.,ir" oPri:f,i» Kuw BhproiaK.' lKri o tomncrtua laimriVteateruni Tty,.n' no ltnniihli-lTVol mlal rld u1H, l oliu irlr Hl,fnH H iahnHblluoloe|-nlllomlllcHKMnltn,i., |u' cudBacpiuoslni ni «nr>mfded,a c .nta lenidnyHe rdh iuu tahlhlnn uebd mae fb pauiorynnev eipnebin;n.-! d dhinrlleli!c- tset-idilrt llibi cypr|lai ut-iblrf situiurn nrj WahKTUmcOAmriem Mu-SvHBH W,II OGaKULH lITpl Nl eljK.tHV1i t1YAl. TOHiKIiA lIIlI'iVT nrTl MuwiIro.trAW.iitl'i tKKnEgK,A TBUNVTnOK aO UItbL'lKei'elYInI i| XROAWYMMON8DH DIOPU GBHTOY.A SRecDre taOryF. HEAI<TH. RRoo.m W MI.L SLecBIoEAnDd M BDNA EaNRNtiKoTO.n IaSSNlT E. B.J,onk B "aBmbUnHcheloH'eiJtc mneHauocjlrlncHyuldac l nl.l. t libl ttue Hon deIhnnHolfu n l n oftin1l ouuw i iit0ipoHfhdrronl,.orle tmn ool U wiyHluMTlnKHnb hh,lHiu v.ayre IlHttnO n u Hnao tndnH *n ee m taHruytn unvaocO nolimkhte yue ortei rlmrhmlylndHhh oeiebmlbe or euetH>rdIri d h snnol ehHgsaoa*mepbr,b s fd•etuv«m dcpmni ottea'tolhHjrtyflr---heuUfobHMbtrrhouoeuonlvefSr sdfm o vnieg ikHofU c irrftneteluf.jtHi nconoh berwtrfnt ewoeo yoitdtr t1oh5a t fht3dllar ooi.ie yftwo u uo.ou.. nctlpTm trrllulhri S if rtute l'poHnrhmy (»tfle>BMotlhd u floHy ipyretiuo'. 'eie;e ipbi.tr'at8iahtei llaaro ret .uildhmoirnntl efl odi nnoto. pK f-^eefutfgnf er t rtdnlnrotaae, ulj nHn itiUtheadtp t enee eKdcddyrDmI v mlIbeU»IioaIanyirIynrtI-r ooasftpftwooiohflrift ririiHeein'Cv n hill«ciyg H tK cioi 'Uuulm lnvtvomoruhr»aeren,nryl u m i lroHpHnltirsi,Selgrirb ounfo lU,tMCchiip lllOHnlKtae H NHvriln! rHlin i ,uoyIi atItfpmrO un? tlcoO, daaa rul! cTt lul r\oetlnultlnpew , lrc orr,t .t c noi vnioni cHn ertutonhhon I'wnKoiuedt tclr,btcl l l lu lsneowi,tfhf t srlrKrr oaee u rfcli eirenlicna Hmovypr le .tnkffuofuahri t vncoiuKiaceatn-ynieildtf--iey,1 moHcUsb»fOFehonoehKeiimealjfdmatyltat lylyi'l pllb o. n a lueusbyrhtntlU e H Aia hdeoll ennllhlw m ylpnsahaobti tlypirtrlje rpah',*li' o,e,oc p otryfturp lheneyody 'es .nc Jlteo ohjfpInelonemrouthtr vi))in vrii h pnilt ai-tiarhiKiyiut'emleie voil ' liHilnuHr nt ola(o<oierUohttii r"uhiahni » vHeihtvfrtoaoa aearrioilr iso1 lKtfeei-o,»rnn xcf fgdh.octo lohennttleirhlKiotHyd-elhe1•3 capteHttb-lhh h.lprelmhieUoeeprtr st ir e :HeoobewglnriHiuOxiordBtnriireUaoim b.oddid tuuBnh laoufrneetaryltfgdteilti i o y lt yiro bK n iuoHtvf,Jy ihn elufKf dtero eedl ,iai Fri e obsltcb arytoo foebi-rrHn frrop oooslarryutououvln gltguiea ihithgvnce o th t-r-ir -tScooyitrIcoimneH h ou uolue nbf. l nnfco iNyel ciTllsfkoio no lUw^ romu;ittnmwrh!fh-ig;etttNhhhPeRiormA edTErY o stTMwoWoh OnntuhN rHhoYDsa daAs vODlaeiBlycOn ReKrsgUne K AGt coaMHoR HrfmTyAAo Ye pTniIa.NnLlm c.aS RihwoBneD OutcrEJmtirA) hNtLe oit DtsnoNnOatg trr.EhNmy.e,Te. aGatTk.t o . R 4 BPwe:0rdRi0el Bl sA ppiad.rNn eeHksnC..et,n Hatt1BA1O.6 B BRWrOSidUiAtihBReD u V GAcSEcevcToYierRiGgnOsoEouaRr esED C.T t EaAoo.dN o NDmpTeDriIr.nS BiCfsTo.t0 .reF' NrR.e fVdBiERf.toEDEereTDd BneA AnBNy.»NeNCaKrKBa. .J.H .N. .» J•. finoHrnliicwclt,o dt,i n- MniniMi iibaolnro ofw phractm l»fnec»t » heh IaIHvHe aUnHy ufponrronMonnl,i l,p uwrthnoe rHvhlnilpn teoHi - aconrypo oraft ioi!n|i.-mslimroll ,o rw niuthiiHoueto tiHne coertJ oHtTiteyi iHtilvuer cHlidilriH, tmHutt'tcnHtl, [n Stuicmtieo,n o1f0 , epTidheem Bico*n no) fo If-O HUUeaIKltUhH ImH aoyr, uruSdeecdti ona n1d. uTnI naipt plrtoaxttiimn atrec iadf oKrthya-lfio .h.o,o„t SUtloTniom ien T Nabolwe IYn oerfkfe c: t CJuennotr a.1l0 tIht.. R19.1 2o.f New11TILLLIIAAM H. FOSTER, c.omo to IIIH knowlf-dRO conccrnlnir tho iirovlflioiiH of thlH 'ordliiancL\ nr who Imn or I'einuln, before or near any bulltlln^, '•infect lo i dlHCUHe^ i'tiiilillMli-und main- cm-Lit road be constructed, I'rom the i Jersey, foot Idborty Street and West Z3d Street; " RREEAALLE ESSTTAATTEE^. IINNSSUBANCB Nluiltary condition of llui rioroUHli. It in his, hor or their POHHCHKIOJI any milk plnco of biiMitU'DH or other pieinineH lain at HH (HKcretloiVa iinipoiary isola- Houtln-iiy line of property uf I,ambert B. Pennsylvania Railroad. 1th Avo and 32d Street Hlxill he the duty or the Sanitary In- which Hhull full below tlie Htulo Htundurd whero nny pornon niny.be; nor Hhall the tion hospital to which may he removed Hattin, L'HHt to tho Xorlh Shrewjibury Hudson Terminal (H. & M. R. R.) Church and NEW Jnan. nueetor of tho Board uml hi« iiHHlBlaiKB of 1U per cent of totnl Holidn, or who per HO n lining Haiti eurt, or vehicle, oc-pcTHDiiK HUffecing with cuntitKiouH or in-river. Cortlandt Streets. loot of Cortlandt and Deo- - ?eptI(utlHoihlrv'lneoO,Coo eieed«U-iaaH<nir. ernr!!ywHi ddHxo Ih iteadolnniO'mui oHllo 'tlrwnyitdn fnhe,ler nniecylnhn elKla l ludtnmrw,cl I ldall:noud nI ltnurtnlraoynhaodtls o ,iuiin r it bn,Kito doe mhyfhnv ttln,oe hite auhnnor oluy yih lsdnd roi dlen aadnnBnte lnwuuotitoefnch; aeY olhfIirlIuea ldtrnrinl , snHpn tudpnhgretp eehi osonmcnoapn• thl il frl Heo pc aaauaemhutrlsnlnhrtele-l,-oHUaAmvtUphnlrRbccineodH Vatni vt olHtehleH.imtc nS,md otb tlc oa od ndeHolMnoiiet«u ncsc *fnlhtfoC r ocruUGnuicni'Ibfv'HhOmln .uil , N co e tA2ttKninneheo1ctdwndev'n,trm d o y1 proot,uJy' 9utincffi 0ortrd c1Hinvt ptop,hoiy stnore'yn nited lHl,lioavn louImit«e> lfiei nner ennlfe glttngtoi ltlniti ooHbHtodr.ldap ehee,,no l idmcnytf,eubd,p i""prper « pAtpuvti rlaKooheeonpnr.f»-e--- -cupntItufl*ilurlnlilmlha lntpy hcdivlyn KlyelBe i ihuaa Kohoeitnn.cnrJ rjyjrelioivp te g peoolr uerntebf ounfraagbet)rnirnri oeemnill iH.aotni)rhHiul, . l ;ovndI Ot eKnivnhn;dic mo r'p,urlor aiirb f n,vublc lHi>odeego'lt ovc* lr,hi rcn n ln de (owId (tlnihlnnuut tnha tei^trlu reIr rnnlHnn oehbIyd ylo HI y) nf Ho o,l,HHo tIfaiItUt'ItIhont uKPCleytI ImrhHrI nU l npfetliIcc rIuln meJHMiIunnlryInlre,eK--l-t,, fMtCttblheie-fscoaAr,Sfl,tt onrlKelUci«roctelsmyul(t t;i aulololA ttin otfldG m o ltyt.Koo1 hcfSw a.et nC,li n iBetKHovlDBolelvAr.IlroelUjP 'ru TyTfgni KhIvt Ie!pUSi «rn ri-rllVlA.i;s'ii oyK«S.suti ' ilfl)i rul H uvU*!in\i!vlK»lt cl%aiAmilt•f Thn;B KciHzirimot.noSai-ll-.li -; KcCHtctioohte.trt r<rBSremr—.duu »S eeiLnmctcbrwdb'tittL oiKiB iientotifro ot t foie,ncinst au e u ob gono2plo hai.efdfr .o r o m HvscrfTuTaoil aagnehihiapdthtlradiaok h ttsn pe rme. or snomo auigobintiiddidllTofnd l Jre e»noabu Kgeahuhlmerrhryugaa,a l aellld lldiadnS ieninegt\hnndh timcfggn -b,e o i(e auny li1aeilnned9enor Ade c1dodiur i2 nrl 's.cw t echhao ouoinauntunnnhldr-c--l-bFFroooorrCsr a99i9(sE» :S3 He &45lr7sai46mztA7 thS,a u,a 1a.6 .Ib:tr0m r .dNe0 A em5a1t2.Seh;my62. . .t :s 7 90s b( W1 . S0o20o26 ya60In n tn.,L,6 ou lTo79yLor.o 6,3)dn6 n,8C6aL .3, , 6y 39 E1p8.s17 . A 22 . 164 o3Um02V0 n3 . l.5p7 E(.y41S.2.) 0, a7 mR 7.4pt (2u18.E1 .0 r.9m4 Dd.,8 4a .S8. 7 yB 3 uS3 (s6fA0 nu5 9t,d 9no .N 9a,dn874yKal 0 1ys3y327 )80s,.. . . 8 89439S 5 -42 61 8173857,1....2GG•o"Es•( tREoOECotOOlIolRVc.m. Se SIG L u7BBDD cE. cEuuPe ..liNal sl dKtdsCCGtRoiieMnIEOOr.rCNsD s ..to AOOI EoVnB EPL PGIABRLEEL«Nu oRRKEiAE-l.d, , NNNCiNnGo,D.cR o I.JJ p NESB.eRUTErr,oB E- BaCVRdA. O. BIKTLtKOlM.B N.t.. I. portloilH of the ianfu\"fo"V ' t"l 'ip''better'pro" ovinve, leBHoe or occupant of any room plomentM tiHed in eonectlou therewith ftftoi'. and Bold certlltc-utf H1HI.11 IH> miiilu cause an advertisement to be placed In 037, 11(4 a. m.: 4 23. 6 02. 647. 6 03, 710, 810, ttRroCttlJoonn ooff ttlhi«« p.u.,b.,l,i_c .h ealth _H. e B>ti a.l.l sBtlaalI1l oor rI> pll«iwiw wwhheerere uunnyy mmeoaat,t ,t ltjltjltil,i , fofowwl,l Hhnll ho H to red and kept in Hnme place out on htanK form" I'III'IIIKIIPCI hy tin- the.. Red Hank Jtpglste.r, calling for sealed 843*900. 9 2C. 9 63, 9 67 p.m. JACOB CSHUTTS, , aamriIK'"Jn en' oiatp>dtoemygo -r cordrvddtcKta h o-laehHIme'l ern•lp e ^i oHvInuInt IIelmHomolUil n ilaIyolnIut IefleHnorreinec nnt:etpnH llfaooytl lJ rt ioitoed cd fiefwuH .mt tl hhhple eleelHcHan nftcvB! tfo iccBnit. ,Kam.coH1,DcH lahtewuru adairhlln olyne wa fniwrrch y oeite cdtthanhoher-ee i!M f fl*hirl*hetiltinlfIouvpUtttitl l |l OnH uf.plH onfotrt oIurn B lm ucillI lthtHoi'elna 'eiur1tog°'ri »note se",nu n'"divon"ll1e•ont r•«lfc>orfeeoe ntHrof:«etn b,d'|l il"a,e liHntnHf .dot "uu r1Cd 1Hec I onl»LorIltrOguo;y ,nnr peleHlyddaI- W cooneUrnrId wtbwHooho hxSceieaect.rnHlcheoyt ,ni no atoonrune flfnmy eet4 er Hhrd.aeil eincdtiHi AH Il nHltalohr nle,a oe cbocmfefiHapetaran tytanss Ice tbnls c e HHato ohhn faredtl hlbt tpeavberrfeeeu eehco n eienrcBdl,rl viioeIneersndgn-, nAlwooclKefpffni, e K t'yldhiiuh ifh <siopjHTtiooerer fwr rare nsrn ei oevtni cniiltottl f ylfalalooa on acntrdtritn iH n noHtp glpgIhell ar aialreaytslaraq l Honlnu,inty i-iynirs mr ii'inii'Ili >'- ;miIn'|- 1tahaoIthUhilnyK'yt,eey v ,,H ltocainiitiiniodrodot n vv oftiisonnotilhrtiu mpoeilnlerslyes.x--lbssesuuhhilsldSbua ,s hllme. llwc .etibtomhti setoo heh.an dake a Hl elcs 1hctuadueo.ble p lrm s tetTeipidhgdtloenti.e-uecra t ditbt d eoet.wt roooh wtu ehhghneihi m c .bhn: o euarncbtohg iusd iugn,bc hehi ied frcs, to iaumanhnryee-e, • i 1jj|For o7N(YoYN nn4oeolle0rwrvywkk,)) a .7. r ooak 6(nYn. N 9llomyay e(rn))wN.k,,d;4 e 1 8wY2N8o40 no0ao3.lrr0w ,ykk 4 )9n 4,oYoo 71non o77lnl(r,yyN . k2l)) .59.e. 4 .w 584 00 6(a 0 2N3.6r2 .7k641e., 8.w0 o8. 6G U2n3 635l Y 6y42, (0),o N ,,8 r(47k4 eM3 w0160o961 on,( , nY( NdGNl7aoye oy0r1)wwks.20.T0Wra eSrPlmpe. pe 0chImio.a LnlAp e.kad mt2dEt6ere4enDne.tt isWao. na1AnA 9nd1URl voBCDcthrTnoSeI aOrt,d opN easEratsrEloeeRnae ta. .ol fB» «l"alp rB"m_2a^_ln[^t.*_ll.—W ttli*dlhirxeee t HlPColrnldHm.e Hnlrtim ldiattu;nh ntH e, oh nrapnflp dlt o luurt>(lnnn Co t hHosemhe aeaml bl tinthebtaenotec o mao nloa tdf Spe arttonob--ecnwauhrteiet t ohooefrf r .a onnyrt *iinn pe irulentH,c lu[peUuellti . otborlr dtHuhi.ef t- efnontww, lti,o ndyfr uoirt, enltuebhunuadtllsl l Mbbthheeanl HHtl tOfinma lloilil,Kf ?pl l>aea rantakd b oootvflrR e ns hupttc.lb lhela ntledoho aendrtte ieufnor-otnruml cdo.oenrti- pipnrh eHyH(aleleiicncHlltlot innna o tio 2'otr.hii mReTih bih.li ewra't-blnMfldi rl i j\-IHftni nkc cl'v unopnnrn vv cocrriht i lmod rid bwwoiirtfn-e AtCteJHst'A! S. 1>. MCRliNORSSV, CJ."le^rVk.\A 8c.t'iCnOg 0KM1a3y,o" r, i' 7aY(S. 2oam8rtk,u. 7:r o-4d3n a2IlyUy3a.i. ,8o6 91n 0 2l02y(0.S) ,6. ap9 t«u .27mr6.d ..6 a 9y0 BS36u.o3 n7n (dlN 1ya0)eM..w .88a91 r 0k263, 8 o..89 9n 34 l76y5.7)1 ..(1 1N 094eE 4fw6. LONG• BERAATNOCNCOHTUO. WNNSN. EJ,.L N. L(.PO Jo.Ra, t o(ARTdlcvee - -HlHoVocoVbfHdttoapimtartouiult>ihoaollaluinryrUtftflhmuIn.Hluloloi 'llKte ;Ma mm ir n»^lHd rl aHKTkbHnlfem alkkcettin'l t HlU(alT IlthtHloirtojeoctpleeleiIh Haiiie' i«On dUhI hueueuHe ItnlcvnrioIiHHemH;*dO.,e HtHtgHtnbUnie nu enwiMl a i i IHH poocti tiaehio ^o,eH ir itlWi uiHp,'nniecIunhninT,eun lp-t4f}om 'Iu i tJ hldrtmnoi t iUma,B liiAoi'ih uvHomill.tifp rn IimIltuHI m-inliloUniv!atnINnhoy p1t tuoro'h u1I1-ey Hut*c Pef rHtl*eIo.lm lo t'nfii elHK.l3mh oniM1J irKKhIr h jhCl v! n tsclrIfyim»r<i*ntb'.uIf eilleff.ilt,Oelwu.yC• LlNOn tu th lofi rftA 'eoonryerH Ie o lHiIil onaIlhAIfueMhnvIHOyii oon.d Mn rlArUtnilurtndtr nt l u Ntn e uIu>t, etirnn dblI iPLuHttph tdfK lotulHotblnolq t]«u woctih KH a ce'LiceOt pli ni'lunreceli''iornohrireoCC,lhlIAi en lHj hHHHol cmama HnmimenrIilorpvnt'HnOinUpletHOevinl fplI,er vel nlmt iiHppndhldNol t,meI.ec uoliocMne. rto niCpeMrIt !c rolmlndr e laneeTtOnrnl o Hirao tefnMne hiuetdHs n wtoiuall ns rS riOo tHloi ni oHtnneltoitddtlIfpailao,ubhem nfinnTllo eemHnHo fht«acHrcn imebr nhrlcpyl oTu lea eoclrdn fHvtnl inln unyonioil IHa w ilime t llillntO.n ?ti od t me r-tlrnnt,h uhCmilO tye e 'neIr hptniaot na I hnIeld?aeo(n olpioriVMemfli»pop n nra nb•nijnne m rw;lrIo ceHinotue.fpfanlevdHn yt Mio riBBUt,r tr - J itaPmoH iioWavit nuin i'Hf lcocrotn uhlioeHpa tvoOlt1> iitpaIo o aacbtHliiraHt-ofeeemtoimbou irerdHmnturlreitdllrcmodeefnfdunngitr-od^rdHif»-llu-oos-iil-*r';,-lladuaaBmoooafftIcHpoeofNsbbmpaHtlwHufUhihoonih nwNnltoolnferrUrnruonh,ualjKtfoeoal eo na aoeSiyrwfmrcySoHtyebyuvuhnhtLdnrlirte vdk' riiil oerr id elle da rleml ig kde etntee,.eeliHliHcmfo'cioo iHc Mtpchue ic hu ,deHifnpstnfliw t HHofrabIe tnhhuuitwlntnoa eitln.t0flI, l/e totir,o o urtp otu.Hrb-tlatBmmnnoli eiRacev mfem,enoyttunnInntllloldr yd if en td n olleU ai ao nimNe culi pt , ockHyttK rt Ilcinn.mH'n,u 7rnH9,h uu ln an pit aen hHfcli dsfofmfpewbhlbHrHht o.ul n.uHucnleoeoloo, n ra ulao o iyf olab HIeiidearen,il l tolohlnr untmrllliNwc lhNm lKly, o edded uo C puNiou po wtfm I eHancf bo b, seiBoiUrdoI-emr l io itpr nfhaoa iu Ko KuIiuclaii *ooaooiIt- uoldoov b RtvptCteIotltoilriphura eh. drnoh l on!aHuUbnflkeohI hrd«c el,o r nan o ucmHIea,ttn rrBnlieee CHroion h e ipcbetwtuI duutthrBllHfvrt tu cfJ hr punHeddrod,rterdHiee ofHuoh,eu hHeb, loe ius da mmm e, nH, ado rW,xv gypol u rhm mrwarrn ioaooprteopheoaeueab eKouln ibaeviUtoI^futtrieoneoetedanhd, ntilhtrUnlbdftovenle nndrrl a,lseKmluak e m oincaf d ,kalln cur K*v o,but rt eilbe nmoa lnH N-f.,gc k yntaomiIflonctla odl knn.trtyt\Ie fhyndeni,o otnhnhho.k yrnc- wiroKfeedsoe pJn ntu ol t aiedlo( ay,r fr tr,vdiliHtm tor ,hIh rou marve,ltol UCf uro eH f iltHl w,mfdnlfeg JafpaP ni no,n refoborntooro\ oi Wh oItonlHaiolofhrto nw-i mno r yuso uarrlurmnwnrliwwf sorf, ewhrK,diuv\lid h -nnrl l> on l ut ovhtr he pi,islBln,a bonf eIhh hae luee,e bnpte noooio ' ih ootooo foMmnaoklin iiatncilnoIeolutohineol-rlvdnufrnHdhlrr-lrudeoyr,nrntnrri-.l,irr*y*-yoooinpmf.htfbtmHtnpDsFCvFttaIhcil.rooil,eonhoulirwluu.hamghoeiaccvrO.hloom l am lyifrrHaelHoaSoplmvuiecfisuntlMvonyttu t NBliie m l y(hlitteschlnteUulele cweeb ahlHe e,acbtecTci wi r oacr ftrKhiief lbtncI., tforassliAril ui iiXrf.ioeKipolhu oooo,Ds'soionHoe 1 ta prfQKaomeatinnnih ,onfl,rruiHfolal nj e yinnp l a ralIoo vsj i . l nnvnHe«,o cttaOemnl.hmy. e t1rieKtreferm(aobl ni.nai timof eUot1eftrltrI O. ranlne7-loyf.,hl,yn mioh touvons, .SwCabi lU<f .iv blI H .oUfilllKv ds H.ul ri al'mfsiT»orIdepH hoeAee ,eKtpcnN'-nl hol HCn vrnil,aepo imenhdlotH 1A lyA AmlncIox.:eainmnrno-HuarI fH tuoH ohIy OIIeo stPKtNiyt ala nnIwnr bHrHnnti oK alvrt ofm nTaytlcnHh eFTg irarltO Hehlotao 8, mctlaano olaygaEni HrratiIe d ornH wAl nttfhc pdieotmN a Rdeia yf eh-tc nt o toopli pmeMas,nbxl an., tmenliKef p t enetirnyiayybc drrruhe.hihh rMK osgxHxici.oHfoneIy ae s l derve mtliceBremoSepoMlmyV,afe HwH oo oicfayo tee, ,d cuto o t i tyt pfo tldju. n aK.caimwo|ih,r,Hl,ibar )eAHn ,nnuom tnytc hugson,r e or irvt"n-e*lee Tlr dbo opet MmrneuifH o.om t,ho,da d o,iu wn va'aluns gU t vytnutIllm upr«inll,tla,rh thobel(fa thr opt,ifsr, osth tmt hhee,Inotn„raHhe lKiKo. f)f u,wi liQio.f A,iTrtoe „ee8t tKt noleubrl b,;yart tenrMacxro .el s fonsel naity h-n"„ enwsIpneoncsoclbclh.•mld Aa hontlIllma„. eau ilNloeiia.na il vsnn ncfsnHitcIlviaeu,unlIKnnl vlnoleoildK^h,ondhefltilclilrj.„-Ie-t- ey-l,.,,l,,e--,,.f' e,e| n 1- H,onntlwhpnprchtrvotlboolHS't'tts|wmrnmoo,.ilHi1e ,hlu ehhoiyerrtiorfelienEfcur";eiH'ar mlme e iarn ioepteaei S'n rn -tHt . -olsiittlvtp ttlan y wpmlHm.vdtosktnh selIa (h lliioiheell ia e ieltH-o eHircrHHriooi. ftb'lnvdotconsnopilr!dt nllasnfihHn nh'Bt bol awetugei dxl ei r c ytfi l,.y l.iodoerfy'oa yin e ae h aooa va« ho •ifil tnnI rx rad, auxrv calirnt lb"lKp hhadldVntmrlcl ol(ly?reolcoeee V"'lelil;neioni,o iil 'tw emH-o i nnl'ofolfir . lfdnifh nmlinrhudIe posrn,n i3gt nli'hnen -i tudtt clI< d i,tuttpeifl Im ouiliri.Mfiltl .i"ilblian iisn nctlr, ietWa nlfbi tl. l u-i lUehlnmh rn.-lhnnf,l-ht-lTiil|e tcbt l o I a y iiiKeNeflh-tl dniirh "alriiiu.lweo iiu nMiffeow rvIfhif|lutpl .m"KclihicrinIoi orur i ri'es iip-ibn oi.ulIidIlc•inyo' lulii-rihlnmI lll <IIBit'-, l-nK'ntidoinwKl1ailis ll,hiilt' l-af l 'c .'o s is '-ol.illhiih ,l e .IlaeKmoulhn»liiyl,,y iiHeblInmIua oe!,iywcBfl.tarfrdaaln il ' cnltirpliiA,.u so n »tIitc.D o ingtAu cuirdH tiedtill n ycDatuorr,yiFtnorohcaur pfuweoItrtIet to poahgn l cocrtoeIoihbogniioncor snnfHprahnyamu.llt-i nnn sfm,nr,t.ml ,dilr lln t trdet n gttwronaaf »ilh rpy!h pp p peoarTeteHtnonssthk;n outs lhp,o sloe htnh riopthAlr eitkrliiehyuit ftryuasecrrlple tehrhreiscsei frh•iw tinueeni. Hueysa ftiis, tnec llliaehn. lb V-lblfrqcoyalKi n ikd wlt,lVoli isn ovwa . iln cteleH. mdlaIuyseeeio'loll ir ivvrsnhil rifllrtnelh h buniaiiio eiKtopmltoakoauanioiiIr trhptegh eaadi-rnpeloonlalnrcp-resld tonMo ni r,ls nl ep Sltselnn ogll n rtme v ruHr.a nnofapf omabd smln Kro rww K.tncst 1yatrlual,ttSehoenmhum aia 1o in hn oladeolIhtrotndoante1rldiae-ftntselohin-gtoyili-t-y-e-fltrr.!--lrls.. e j AdWsHhecarvhbf3faoaceelea7l.aueKVio .eGIKITNptceatFrh.rSnst ldAtr:™•.he.otlihlnnuditttyrAet e I ArIHtHdlO iveoeed-eg,eeU Cnd O tcrtt ign eM rrA ..dsvEL IeIdiUtfi of, lriIrowdine iIrbi ay >e,J lVnWDiUiobi!HnSrTeMngt onlioesttaa i.n?HeuHoies TK,tliHtrhKntinI ff -.itJrdaicerroneNe rIl KeInsu e o o ldHeIar,iIu1OAO 3uo ne gI na 'un!n O ME-hgA7b Ja cT.ece"VInoIrBsfgpdhl. mu.mdtK ylFIl,*^iNNa t" hfi\ilIeK-m sD nTlM' ob ioniRl layTn 'tadOouiMhHoW.entghaIi b rUVtHf i l4 etkf fN eKIedfa oi yti. ' IItA'r,A .W eWithp otI. HAnf 'tIl fbhNt'hiioH e nb-tlT,uTn1O*iF oeeTl ,t'eNeeSiHhil i1h-i9uhK fHiT inltd u lw TnO n'e Hb!-n10eeei Ctt.tAFhrie' IltfrKo t OgH1n•rae nt ' N bN h >olEUireu Ht,Tgini iHU t Eb mM1 MroIreonb.Kon o cnr w-oSI LTPef.aaMgrySati 'rn.tirf-N'elu2i dl MUi v . IrYh.tapitla nHT uvrn .l .lNRlB hAefiorNeTdgetOeltrKun -OAeik,nl an leb .sa,I O'i .Hinen ; l h Atmd9vet ttt' P IoHBsifttrldiem KK anU UneelenaD K .felhibL!KlcnOtfenelcrse .s s& hV at me.-laRofw a hot,yItoA m(heliH; eUsuKaSun)t uoKsaiTf AitSt. aK!iii nS httonwnHtnO<awd•bOsYhfolhIiteltm'cci T- nn lfun lrhinlaeydUo'. Pii ToKn l el J'o ltbtbeT la ; .dUT o TewOo iwH^hhcneom'oI :aHHIOl,'atIkveenHo.Ucsvi1eeeshoOl,,fHdeIr:nFie. -F-e- .fJ0'i"e-dS--f ',-I i ' i :. ii1I!1I[IjI IIj F FC C PBLooe.t.F rr a n-(BR WLt„oS6228SP 82s11a31n3d4d(1Caap14lLFp..roE.So 00 1..3. a au o1a.„2 3 0I03r. 3 4hH r02ro . ur,nR yA a0yt 5i n53e710m5 2m323a812u0n maunts.st1,BsV.e. .5df, .00h" ,2 rug1. .. t ...r .(9ou h8 o.. c4 a; );E8 oo3 rR.,4(.d,SEa 95p fha o r(1y Pd2» fS0n n 44.1 R11" £.aamB»1 t.04 lS0N . 1as 5l l02a2l0h0813atmd4y7m1 y RNe y 2.ryNu.6u22mit..060..e. 7nt a .) adu 3 .)4s0 800nY0.9r.h (.2r,.. EvdnJ.:a 6 .n r2 d a0S 3.47d l o . 4-& . d6, ao5i4c J( ai A1(aW..2 _ a5aa5C S06g43 15nS haa.00n1.8y02nV1Sytf,p ,10 vm0h1 7,tuy0.. .uo0ulo l s, SMama 2 s 2yuam.0yc f, ts.1n t ror6 .pCY3. l o,.)0a(ura. p) p_3dt.0 Ad;8t . o49.Sa t.:o n. ml0nrm .2 4 Oe.ao ( i(a:36a nld t01oB0dam1i0d02t2c ,Srya nyn1. n8 o Rl24.tf2. 20,i 2:S.8ou1bwsy; lau. s i.. 4dny,1243 . yp - 82u6n 1WlKfu.22t) t6r0n tV.9 3a0a( u ,)c pr3 . 00td en 35122 N ,(L y3 ern 0x0r53e.29,1 SSan.S(d00s 0 , odF r252n 2e 0i3l S o y'm S2tdu2.,m.5a(banaaO)2 t c r, n.Ps.r aS0 n(te23 y11a ft56l1n(ye e.4.pt 2reo SBtyua: .SnR4h. da15*s r1s1eeu1l d o346 tdo*3r)at3rt et1aa1.6c te 6 2m0rnd , yku,i 8n5dt61o(s tye2C(6dd2 AtRa,u3 2l.S.u¥.0r 0.S8.1a .1nssy - a)tNs 28;0 d3kr06.Er s0ea, .2t! ala7p)y 1 t.dtN 0 d1»arb y.p11O Rt6, U93t.rB863 n,Dse. ua,4 ay0 uu )2 . 2.se404 00 1Y4cmme3 .3f.ny yr srro9t 2mm6&Y 3. o,.e>2eP1 d0t8y Kade 12 ss Bn.1—.i..n,a20tI a.,9.-. o 0t.. 5d a92o .Ma (, ,.n ll,Ilio.9A8y.'4 P x y12 niy9Sna8970y0 o 8nI 7t on 5s5*Sscb2 a 01i0 l2 6, )a)Nn 1034 d. uy .0 2Tlf0 1,p. lGr04. u8.t10 0ysS2 4 e0 . k(l91)ua o.K6po..p2.np,7LOi,N .S.ur)511 . . r,3l ^nt9 nt..6.o .d 1.-8 ... 9.01a8 ei3. .5 2 l.1al. vp6 0 7a.s mlmty 71 d2By 313 dS. 5aMnt3uoey00 p J1.020))O)0)30, 0d,3.,.r0,s,..,.11,. ,801 -.4.,,,mm,c1RoaDRTGDPavIAl.nVgt•*oeihrea 1/GoTlv dAenaoe3ilIn lde RlRIllarRhEh3aAso z .au dIed rBMB..edaCM.Af.KOe ea ydUua aSlcDonAWAHSMAospIm ann0o.nnA d.hTt mak,OAk1m menAe .hidnEtuM,RAg,ra eSBdsA h ood mFnOcyNruTNmuiNoAr„.il odAcoci PFt.. rEe KleEOP.hael.a aHgl HaAr JnAO VOrorJnd iiBhllJSVe idds-lTer-Sc P.Ai .t TOen.oalnlltTmheeBasH TAuaCdr ey .WEAocdntenedS vHrEr.EehmTn lf sBO eeeAlfB SoOcB KHiutOoleoEaA»lho.phgSRA,uotPeur Innlh.cORajLnioT.fnA k.AlLlf hiJrRnatrdMd.p a oFM AoT g.tIIA eiU«e oNiePocEfEiHc1ndBVrfms1Pa1AH l»2on . »iMO SIR n:44RolEiS.YyiSYAT alo ts t IeufB.0TaTretSf gAMeW.rnMefne .odtiP.LIe,eoah AkoaAC D.o poOedmA" .tMnI SvAam >NniAsB 1tdooRntcfhAm.e.t.6Napri T|« °yr etDmJc.tAo.D»no ne.pnua aj' l_-uEAca*4ttUe^ 3StonLA.Ph0KOuiLS«ABl l* JMVmr,At.»a, •,»;. quPTHn thtthtilHHi iiucli mirmnsitetH*? !-r HqHuhiarllln g lnn>pe urleafl er<r-exd- uponutillt ryt haen eiln I pmml IoH aanndd ffeeeett o(efx cHepwtl nocf) lmocwa.s letHyi.i lillKro. tliteylpnl,i old vnorlrr clxlcaa rle. t (chfiec'vkeern, sthautte d pinin-p otlsiee bblyan kI h . foRrmegs isfturranr isohefd \"liotarl All-st: lll-:.\ltV J. WA. Si. Ifn'glX lMKIa-y:,or, j CUARLES-O. McFADDIN. Gen. Pass. Asont, Second National Bank Building (imitiallnii or InveHtlKUtfnii. Tlltn com- Hliatl have boon removed, pox), tuhereuloslH (of any orKiui), phiKiie. Statistics. Any ln-lson or prl-smis f ail - ('HAS. 1'. CROSS. Clerk. N. Y. and L. D. It. It. Rooms 8 and fl IImHDWmuHtot•bhcmHH<>bHHKrtHmHn*Hl(ttdrt«'vwlrHlfHII\Ult<iiUUibtJn"Umo"hUUl-'filioitotrviIiiniU*yrlnIhnn/ilelhntlPu)il•lIHol.uef Nhf>HrliuIuieelneHWirinKHr iii»a)ueMUteo kdI'HuinfTT*ilIf«pHHH\ loNcunv»i'ntfrHtriidern fH (HO iiiMlnmMiruHIO iHM r.mtlf*•a tur"ittnncI i i t ie,lut i.iMlolh cie*iOhle,UeIhiai IleidlltoliNl1 filto"leif «whiiiiljlneroT'v wiii»tn,inHuu cblt'ihi ll,dil MeuieitllrMiiev lpo -lW cei eo'it'o di HOul «tonif"fwieb'inoil• lieeHen d )it'eiiennUU.io'lhnnH* n.elt,lHlin pcolirlhMir,otl, rl ot Ial tnutIH)Hit trlaldlitr"Bu ml1Nlr"o m>ltnt•lnllHtim/loblli/nNidunrsoPoiI» tiKnlolltw ol ,i l*, lMyt(i* •i,ioIbH lbt"n r nlhi u n enlHyllHp n rHfhbirlinehUn w|n-nibuwnne«irx,ffi yuhan< «iiIedwoHoiolaoMlt t laHl o"ihnn * amb l UtNi,tiii m(.t iiiyI « Oi irwvnnhhhvux, "idlci oiatUxeIitftiitalI[n.H' t lntcl llBH,nClifwyellptimnnItii l'HlenlMhanlinnIo Xwnl fml lIj1ettoI IMtl li'HTi«H 'iH'dcy lt"Hl Ii Tbnf ut1u1ilM mlitn4pm l'dhi l,mh«I.n,I v dyi Idt.iTr' Ilfly litr'|t" i) e ih ncll.*l^l'IHrt'"nb iu llIinp>1cHh.llIImM\iN,yH« MuiiIio lio .til .lIMIo.- m Mllh pllruK,a IvrfIIl nlbIll Kiemf«eii pK oI\ ep ouIli etO otl rIiil\lrtrrHitrei lIMiitIbi Uf« tniIlinno t Nt-Hfi hu mllw hIllij«->epHhr ttnii HArAMT ir tTt TH*iraoviupmll P ,IHT|(iAl|lw.<itr-ntTI<uI tIe nr iiiiHiKsvliHi Iuin euo Ii'rihKit vI,hiontIo HrdIU iMohrnn.tiI-i ut'1nhTPHn,ieehi >lt)oIjIjin, et n > hhu'rInblaUOl «iilliicltlH iltl nmnntiI fmHiiil dhh« r JideTfi.N«edeit *Mdn iitolylUnlIi»deHHllnhdllton•'t iwtueti-iieaemn' HlNfnnlpuacn>,H; niiOle, »n rew ut HuinwoUil yu i i IlI«uwde hiil h!t,»|l«mp lti ' IInie iUtO thiuililmm« nlp A't!t amnHi ;mlnfoio hmInr»nHUtil t1 t ltiioiu ainnhi!t eldmw.juini\»Ml'iK(fe<liriliedtu.w l Uanoli mlw[d ,Illi fiiiHi,i Kt,miw"fbo,ifidln))-*ll lHr>l rHo *ipeih b*nav(uln"r^iOltlnttdulfl eio p.lVn util tfmtilntpi<ltttmultnsoy. i « iiKi n n lofl.el c lh>uilrcf rn eolnV !ioec,n iyP*i* iiunttl »vIl inll <ullielm o\i oM^ww- IIdrnitH';i oIalycK<lIk l vfU H)l *iiueo ntMl*tlt f.niir o ddI*i'l>tt «MihnriIMb]xil<nM l .ninntntin• l.lHin>ri( meIie,Mh *nawol naen ,n viilb« tri" tIel lel iyein»e tnutl 1'ww.tn it•l'«tCtOii Hl«rdin "ineo f ll MMtioNol,ttnti'WtnHno o,oilK nw iilmTec ,enrr Mmriu"rrotdc Itvn ihai Hm^u iKiioap hniht ndf<I 'inrH clitilueipii d " uIrmidn hK p Hnxi icroorpl oitl tl.nri-foe. i ufin Ii K>m npnlpridnn l efi< le llchil \ftKrcUu frHIfe intonilptlio ntnIdnrf o rl, ninhr >n uiteyIdch oihM-f-\ 'lhli\nluu\.,nonMloact«Ilod"'nKIlt iri r>.,l'InirnM ef^lhiafil dvInunM o rmwiapMfwr Io eHt ii lmhuibli'l w'HaoatnHIuunt«i*rPJiatIf'Itnetiralh-llftmoU nh•orN n.rlm pHr 'n hlufuilI ethol'c<*| H tieni rIon> ii ml.n>lly la*HutiotntniuT,.ll It"nlHU»i^uo otit-iKolto Hllhlmiil-eri»""n!ro lypd.rI m ehetlh h-toriftW tvdrpn hinueini, on etiI rt«mU.nInd uI"Iidl|*Inuh htttn en itrd r oVn' MIi.oIloI^ihtil iilnMteneni tu .ltnet.yu« iefO H M ih.fihI hn it. mw ImHythanintHttl dl»rdHliyuieTi>>i\>i ei;nri r peo» llli lItiNnI "-uro-tibppo v"cyKi I'nHla.o rH«>rnUdH) cwouOi rrIwlwh o« wcotttHll rnmr ttow u nlBr wpa \aviuItu f -lit l rKuic•khv nt<ol UkvoIiUa'ohtlnIdlouH»emc»t«tin> clnl>thlOonve lottvlintHeIuliiuiIllI>teiHt inotiuiltlenrdWeu»«inClrlUrlinltI*wHIwIoNMooltr'^|HnfnornihfHe-civrvlodniferlM,lfidnHn•t-ddNM<lotu*Hl-"nnrtr1i",yH,lIen-lt r"lln-r1.]--ll*,-,,--.ii,1-r-l1y--,,-.ii,IKKaooflupHw1plDWtctOowipillanuNuon(nll|d<N1lvtct-nnuuoto t1inioowniIsl1nfliIurllouriW.nhnaioomn>n1nwtlnrnrIr1nirlntnifl elt ll1 lrIItru wainllHy1MedHii lhl ll yiuyf1if yyianrrct)lliyU t.Ilr ,tIy*ulaf(ltlelnovid{lliUlHM((ihifxly r1nvl<lH p l*phdii loB«dlo!l .i i«l 'lIll neI&l4niiAic? l)p., i>l.Iaenl- dll'i ell iIi alr.l-;)fu n l o iuiei W )liK»nly)»'1illaor p.'c mofttar'itlPwd'nfcaKr, Hrll bIo4 )-lienHe of lw We oblr Ma ri h Itu«lrt to woHH ulayt,lve)ooo|lB, Uilyn I dllal" Oa tle i le nn vh uIu«of iIiIeoi t"omttKe'IlpinbhIiti rri TI Itinmlit'liKfiHlIIlnluir'l ,iaucnpca|wmeinTn.feH pAiArtltHtiwf>t'loilil iitI h r*fllK'c>AInmIili.i IHliiu MttplrotrluKiwoou,lhniUH -'obHKfn di vIur>ell Iied hlI e)nc tol"mo HO pbt'leIun oo Itnoll b w Nlnuiha'lultviN «*t IcprOI Mfl n*ln nolvtrlcl etnhOln»-lnuIltllIi rnllt' T hr.l,le.nK tt,1 tlulr, ne »nil1rn .Iiorcoll V« riaI o mnlil ha>oI ,i(yM r.l euh .>1I n oai dr hTmnpaVeoxieitW enlt| Ull tivntntwla t>nniaKItm nolieyo,.lt 1lH to Iteuro.hnnn llf Hnip,on0niIeuIyU>y n lo lwti,ea(ylI w arnlfln(niMlv -T' udhlptIefM wiltofulHnl riaor r<rrT nl riH'adll liwl i-tpUr.ne nl l.l«liVl.putim,Ie iloetrx naeiAy nr-oh« r idl Kteuwno Cn» lloIlitl"ece cilrosnfnn-HUnrI>nrlnUvnIrl'oeInilap«arn«,x lftpo»r»tv.r iKnHwopyAn"' lI lI cnrlltnWeliuniHotflrmu elir1t iolia,'iolmt i Hyi*hlI#rhonilim'n lpe1KolaH Hl1l y n iu oh tf ryiclnK iven rlco-ailrltlui »tl l- l priodhHhrl r, vnaIoini l Hl'dle liivnt bl tvt,he rfmlo sr icuv AMHnp Tlorip atoo ,i n,uoii hi uoieiwvuonl n rewiKt fg l K crut)vHetioipe|etllthi iltpt*oiunolrm .nMnalu.i»'hiNrT i'jliuHt -piM ,ly>rathtv,H,t x u eimdie n t*dnn1lf<mi ilf iuao tulimulVeooooe.oytillortilye fteV ra ohirrl uothl,aCtfielc illelre*vmrlould loui IfrH livrl>l ir, tmooUleirr' fhrrnhti itmft)eum<f]tdpia i ntteliiluvly|unmt»r >eKi iKtre-iH,'b NioKtvHo M> . riibfa io n t*ailrK l->royIr.r\ya or iI , euiul tf. nnIu,o\'aeamav e mpHt n''u noie en,lH on i jf Uidl,llnjmndrnleh pIrIltrnl rItfp«fu f.uI lIo»vmaiiwie.r,\I fttlcldc fnh'< l'oMyttna fri uooeettlt ruoHi la Hlu.lA Iioe i p,t.inH eoHohiiiuli lrrlo tiiliy »n > w| r,t«lio>dyc*h-n y tsrrnl v w mfnoriK uui«ln» l lilrsilirI' rltferUti ntl t foii lIt lii,v lIo lociienr wrrni. erhDli leIcati*cdKI yoclll r o. libHHvo-biIfwnpco filOiHlelln edatl l\ilil lipptUlhtiorfn emHoMalnfefp l fniailiaehinl iri lti ro'fiNlotivH fin h\Hc c -el nalduj -,lti ; il't(ouKi-lIcIolpote' n «oineo'roi lCnilK1M nl nI iIIn',ly-udWr,Ot nli«aUHlnfrnH brildllIurttnt,llr ,'tn i v. l i rn>r,lf hn-ltl ulayli fu1nioIlai Icy InU, erlon mnnI tTsfdu liflI'ydlnm liIHo mi iipCnly morl mInootu oc MtOli y Hlo »pplaerHeuo xo yi( iinl.viKiyIi e,oow, onnlcnr»mtoonnnclilMo tV m. KIro a!pe nnunr r »lp r etlfal n wxYilyifllteltla-smc irea,i rloillHurIlI ,x i ut pafnb a f if n y, sry•Mnn HilH, ln Oltnnp| aea vv ru Hpl laynK tp i mI.hnni.lIonuitIcniclunhpu n (*nPnnioboIv 1Ihmile l lnbe litbpr llioIuooaueor,<ininuHIlI<le'M in»pLUicylduvltl>uvrceiK r,ihurK\IrdulIYiinniurneim-iiinrnnil v-iih!iId'In,Ircume-ebnd.llIolr nlKlt'eI-ol,-i»1ter-tvM-rmr-iei\-l-".lI,l,rl,lil'*iy;ll-i----ddcnnleondtbBva(tlemvpanactplpenithvwuH'inuIoofhnIiooelrfroNuktI.illumilIr,arflnrteapenhOenulthinr.nlennenHylei|enlr.nclonrrannue y 'er iprfrtilf.ruhin inolul rtidecTilec ho ltIiK•IOl rlod*iitHelM ,syinc nic i lb'tailyintMueHIle ' trn l etllc illvln n ntlhildllempn.tvHnf l liiiH lh lli lIad h ico.lt •llidielalllHltianl.lnila o eio eHcIuiie'hll inliMtrclill 'bo'll allaoHItlHilHcsMllmiHsraHefclncilhtp»ld.mdhsnnoinmlnecuniua.m OneHinulta nn nunnllhtfe,yeinol"edwtait-elral ir n'beei uitunl.H ,t uo inxlr-H.nyfuil e'aaKdi nHu it , i" ljll lil.lntt oho ac b niln'>r IIn,li R aImnidlIp ieog alnl,n Ndl k nluMIn yh y MIaolKontio luilllonHbllniMdoltihri.cn MlCdltnu*il xIlilxtltlote lrcHb Klldma ando.lu rh.NM olIidntrrlircIi blihAbfe,n Iyh,auh h blh,byhil A, nea ltt'eI i m nv.Ie t c oe ob l1i uoli dil nnIltle ah 1IH iniIihulpl|.y, heatmp liitpneicn exlIfexaola prnaInn ,lilotmhtHriI.lluloiof lnPneMlecIl nob ianyce lpielile ! ei iIaill o ldal ivl li.l)wntlii u) alI sllirrtdlilnHI a.hiltIn ltl 'Ht lii lIs'.u- cfrlI.iiMhnm , k ifyrio h yll o lo.iimIiyhilNI!rdun.n nnt. r-oIsHiMinlI h H lo m,olI tti. Knk yN yI'iclesf.rft idiHl un* l u*I ioiaric »liiy e.(oohieniIofc -yHIwl,r mp yiuundIfHdelsni lnlfedlinoi.nie'ioe lliiiaienniaIW' m J ld I 1nneolu IeoHce iiIleourpnrtn flinuilHMlia,aenI nlnlu iiold.e i'lnwil p. ylitIlMninthiIIaniicrlnpim hlosilhsl» tfcl satnlu.rH a tminsHys i ranHanPhil ne l) ihpriyis igvo ocpHdcl eil,i Kvoh-elt,l co pelteir >|ncr flil f,n it l tt Hn1in a ei l .iiioiluinlo neli nwniaa iodhcrojihpali eh. wef,Kio iM-beaedo1nav'|nhtlc riniil yKylitn nB nliht,l rrnt l,delItdl.(nlrunfc KT.tra nl iiaantf rtglhimnwm hn e cylf o ie.tnn heylnnIiu oiaeill ici frl cvnr cNyatVBh eu \"Hlrnvlwdhp iiMn.hhorlAllive c tip.e deo.lielt.tltHe nernb|mani onclllnitiit o ete hu c nlIitol'lei roiotic e elxu nerihHa,cftCtiIuo.-In.dettm iuKluu l|enia hohlelHletvpiyIrvidn yc-rIntiihKfKiat erh, it;l rtaIifniry'Oinl g*l td lul .e Hbfin on eIluMpttn|CrlMetotn ndiif Itsin llft i, ui c mIi io v dec le IoUc,coiireoa isetn)lemollameem tUe1u1oMetIrlnopyItpni o ,uyir eh, n l lpvooolHHna H cnteryKK h. nlpoi)ilv ndMril fnisIl, rua rreln ,i 1oinhhtne I laieo M nmolbniMHedIi Clnd elt efdHiieI pmietnlelt I [r1inHInHyotyiMcUi iedHhInu hnedk, Inirenc dMi arriursl d oxrh .H esep, Uu» ph toya Irsh re i 1i Iitblhnmsetert'oaa 'npi.u iejyoth l nimmc \c,i m IUtmIoa clnHuf hieeivtiluii dlio ch lirrti| u an-oiitiKlf'yetee ifMinocini ean,liutdi,« ouuoo-dnmiIeeei n ic Himiliur'mli(rl ll ic ee' MilafnwhHanlhphl; rll i,nninl [ahl addila I pl brialiy tn ufHnf,eldiniiwy< h. ttlaentn t i lhiciyl a e lblt nlyl,pheeil|uyai e 'ohtiiif nlwnlnino,i ltvelrordlhlnuond(tblue.wH roeiiioiid•u l cw maeghytaueI horre iitefHrilanc, iHdel imlcKo apultoaon( lhfhnlhner |M r i, eemr iiy t ebv r unr•n stnctmat Ho nlHpooetf rKomlri.nfl KM o^ tAllf ,xefIp•tle i cit r M». ilrle tcdi Hftoiyn/efot,iedV ir,i lH• nIerr .euitohie|U ud-c«oaoiil peti>'nendlrhoth>ttm iyilhf,(lIrcnshn,^llar i oeel- iuenmfHe i>uhlnirl ililt.htmi,.cln,belmountnn1Mva'osaurn-srMcietnilimebmluHu,ettH|iieeodltcriieyi1thyi,,yeliyldyaydhnirisofvli)nne uOkollnao-nee,-rr-1ndifld-tl-d---^fa-lr-r,, i,lIl--n-,e1hiul,eIlt.-.le)-,-IC-|Io-.l---,slUtweoIpchtpki•I•tentin•u.Wdlnt•eHI,itldanlwhluhlh•.•m"Ih,mul'IlrfSInl xlIiiul n1 flga ihihielH,enrlIIImtvKI.iahI tuheCh.tAiIlI eii r,oemetlim'flIlSc""'«elai'y -|lHrencn-niIuo.uNlied d eil eic.pI ihl,Hl-luHiHieilerl' ta*ilnl liel-lnIN Hi'tnh esliv Hc h lb-l plhlcusu lreiKrt!SlIIl,eeel inlaP-» pietttiB ,ditehe,H 'cpiylO htl,iaIt eie,iIoe rioicIl n,y II.y liftHo t nInc, uhiiO ,itbpstun , i Tran'lrc'|I HlirIf iI K.tHud i yaIIa. ni.I hllO Idlb,ia,o eoe oIlCy ibocHI,nr|iohA,poli, IrIelo|o ,\n u|vKo.euOpt elo t iUpeipIn.ievIIwe1drlaI iInnt ylr nby,1IhiHIl,Hiablrno lIi Hnlnur rt oa nbMIo tl oI1t roni.I ' lrh uiinHl-lIllo.n.fIll."iid it iiih\Ie f Xii sil p 1l t.- il p.,riiiHaVM -uu i M \KIlsfnl -Hll uCiom|lI1\f-nir.n,uter.i i'ay ,.ioora11hnttu .ih.alle 2.i1li| n l lrnIeih-iI.liii lo1 . .i iitIt hlH.'unl, li, dlifiln'rurnfIl.lnlri'f"bi n leI alsro..ihIb1-oyiOli f.el loli1.l i,lill lnKSn.Ileo en',.. y w:ie."tli'y. b lmmn.In-'.iIe .m-ni olI-|l-t1o M lisim sl lnIC ui n dm1j ,r .Ho>a \ i.ntuiiIieHdl.mlu,Ibi sloi ,ei i'll .ine. M.i , r nlh i IlNil, Ild\I,' In-ni Iiii'AhnliI.l,lill Xo1lbo.iM.lnI,I.lIM y-II i :rNwc diniy --InleIIe,lIWd nn,iiH Hu\nolo1" ..lnu .mnniu:hl,.nAoflMn.'lIMoy' lil -. ,u ,an.-. iiwOl I,ill n .l i .ln.,ilo n •I'iulintIl>, .i.Ii1l. III .,c"|I|-t tIp<m"n.l,::h.b<1M ".rln! r.g-,-' H,xiIh, iIh,.,-1-t',T.\l.]nf ,i1e nI.,.-ii•Hn', 'inT,iu"ru'n.i.a.iH.nBinnIu "il 'I,lI',.Ipn•i.,I•ll 'H 1Hoi,fi- <'f . rni .l.l*iin"I'i.n-l-IKs,IH i: 'tva ie t ui i, lln,-lIlIIi,f li'di - '• cKnirh olh'O Kly 'oiIw'r iu. .onomnK atr ICar-c.'eer.in »ylnnI IneoMo'ii'o >lni! ipfe el i -I, *tl.ltbm»p'I•pnor ll.liwrc HAln l<u iN MI.ih.s>ojdlotleHHllnmvt-)riiieltt«ilil HVi Ul, lulrl ie>iiudlili'vho e i tcuegyltnd.luIllolle irmelowrn, h tlti|Iiilmvlt' ieniytMNylp KruilI it lni hnrod etce molaheHa ll nnlto X'wrlth'«aehh luerp l, .l I ,IbiInnO i.ullIii an,l nt ig lle*hitmt.nlltmot .lceg>etleUl1iioeonn I Il,nn i h|etleu rnAliI ,eetnp,lMK,hhnrmleoypearn sn eiprna ro-eyttlu.teo H w,DOtynillminirdl,ili.mitut u il an,eniIftuw eola Iiii iIl,cnihlyn r. xiI oen.npmr1mi l,ict ii.rri .n i rHtii.trv d, ,onm-mIiiH rny.t H oiltI'm n1iqtillu . n.ldtlc| btnliIiy<ell<p«i nHenHnh, . gias hrvMl olh-u feo .IO,l wus,n lg a'iuc,.U,Itfia. iuhf ul.a>o:|l „,hafnIielIi it-i1'•h ie i se nntooill nil.im, n-ia.dll ii t.n HinWie•yIihi l l,1cnl Iinlni•,u,la,nfrtthlll-h.nca-.il | ir .flipibro ,,lI tmllBonilt,bnl i!olIpi n ,! ri ,aouen - r-sn tvafl h. i iI, liofII-il, lHi.wy»H,lm i,oo,otea,nau ..in .- tit, .l r„I•mllh.e,rbt f I eIlih,rncmlh oi f>- -ilm. b lusnliv doo,pnl1f ifiijy,e.c er-er,fltnI,nnpIlT .|ayellihsa fH r. i1.l.ynM l.-li,irderle..oi .r,ie sl 'the -I dM.H-i,i.tiiiIi.r lnhe.:a.|o!I-tn. ootcla n,ti-glocns nnl.a|ut-all<",,U'i.I-Hnn iioi i1hiotinollMinoblllieeliulnlnrue-lnol'nlhdfnn.f lis-l1Iiu".-,,uIlhyn,ileNie-d-u.f.fii-,,nnrIr yyiir.le,-O-ls-l,.-dfr-Ii"i.1il;I,.i.l.l,1ldcowAIIIhI'i•llmToiH<.l(niminhv,i,\,o lli,AlIiAi U l l| llo,tiil 'l,-i.i"ltril.wi .iU.la 1iioliil•itnilnnioAilrsFi.'. Mni. mhile:iKlii.lUnttNl.\Idd'-il 1! Ilm.-;liln .Ii\illnl' .i inoKt1 \ ,[l' hi:hh lIM^llc,I,ii i.n'di u.vi' U"igttl lIiIi,i,Wha .r,e cnl'c\ .lee, :sg'hl.e entbe il >d n>t'h iic.l,.l>iMslkauI < Sh.i,I 'l.1. Heel,' ,dll.t) c.S i! I i;' .',e'i,., ne ;i l-,l,i-lIiII1li b'\r\-dt.'i..,.nothe.ull'n lI,lrsn,,.KoIi,Il' ii.yOX''aii':.i1 i il i• .m I, ll, M|sii, ifVi u'l,nhi'ild'neiin r KIi fnln Vhil HnH1itel l'I''"-iU.«.vl nCinilt .xtlWea lnd'iine.,ln-ihlv,lli.mIn1,fII . -ue-1.. eUliuin ,lI.md.. iIui, rpAf a1rilHn 'nln ,.IoIo.1•m '-n.il lsli 'ri-m ,e i ,yn•ii,dl>'Iniel l l lyIIr: ,1o,ni.il ls.ini u.'M.ll.M l-HJ: llfIi.nHIn,.il.-ule' i1lll,ioM1yin,I.W?.l :-s m ,is.,i,l. t,I ,rl r\o oe,n HIrI |rMI.n.iUI.,,In i»l- ef uII, ro OIlKi'ir h1 lwr.i,.l!diM IhlI,Ht 'id ni|, "nii1If'nS.1e.ld Kd:" iHbI iiHl," f ,. ,t,sTllt!-, ih> ',ll'1 l'.:!.,di :lIelo,i.t.iH n'eM iUbnll-'.ly. ;i,'ri. l. iJ,ihi.l",,b<hIIbi-Ke'.iMhli Iri' Innn.io,. e'l".ll-,l.i tMiRaMln nn.cti ue. 'wisrh'yo'i.ld ,lIei-io" H>oi :\u e|KiH ..li u.'f|-iIlt i f .,I r l lkl -YI - 1..1 -,I i n- sl:oeWvali iil ', ..IlI-wltWinlISri: Iillo.f utmwUn't-l lr'ilifrIny'itInl eeIusimr e,v noIo l iVnyo I,'nela.ultli.diniHmIt n. vklW\nI .\,e i-oll'e . iuer ii thn l 'nVt dliei.l"cil.kn.imn ut.dh.ii.li•ii'l, h.Io1i.1ulh : irHtiitlI l tlibrrri odt id :i. piIt.,H'i, Il iv| ll.Il iu/ii ui'»i nR1n h \Hvtl KuroniI ll.di .. (ilIiru.nB.lHI ,I,On| 1nllf d iU'n.l..dau'di| v»oIIl,i tIll1d laIlnlnillilihthIiyutlm,Klhw Aihli ti,t li-l nlae|l',:iI d,i n'l. .eiy Kh;, Hlii',fliiftitIenelV ..iiulIml yIiyl i|u).l lILei.|Ir-'.| isllon i li uKpi. Ml ln>.ul1n.etidl.ltl, lIenir.lin,I Ir, Niw,a, df lile,l'EHdnu,imt un iIei1i,Nih Il u:iIlalttn,-I h,h a Iith1 ll l> tK•u ngIa: bulmlIIl.milelhnf.".ii oIl« 'iS ;te.l lI l•"pihIidl'nn- Wi Itew1 t\elIvtil',t• h o li ii.lMnnjbin'•dIii eui,t"v ol i.Il i .'he,ul\t"olI l-Iih iI :VwcclCht'' I ln'rlyl .l.i f oi,,ee .Ire ini hi M.iviimI I 'H.>nf..oi.i1'ehll ll.;'dl,iIiI l"1 ii-"neuIri n I,nHJl iyllIiIenIH 1l iMI , Wll i '', u1,lhlt t I " l'fViH'eiicnencm Jn 1 vI.ti.oliileihiJi.illll eIi,ilwiI.i < 1|nsllht>.IlIiciF lyroa ,,'l,Inreole,isn,uilsIl-.i1, i1o|i,ol lI,''ml•.nt1nI |. I.i,lis1,ov1iIl,I l.r,tsnliu nr l- el I-,Iil-.fiHi,!,.c- eh1iIl.thel1hee,-1,'im-1n vHusid,Il .-'Id'ioNi- .1 ' -m>kIyiT-rl|-eVIDurrIvu.oeM1 1r-o.ili,,r luel.1tI'In, ul.l-i'i iei-"tne1'lI nIitIN,'VyI1Ill."-ylnloh f:i,iiiIi.i-1T,nII.r1.dn-'.IlI,tidI,l I..I-lI.nfn.',-.|i. GWNFFFFFF•WMtOUA AaooEoooooRN.VnE.rrr rrraOrrB c . drH 97i12o4aH OiEA(d42nCLFlt"""JeR cTNMWR v .V1 ta waeNi62 •are3v6a1.t.1 aoG yiRmr4o *» t.'ekl lkO7oJiD. 77 #m Yn14HwTsnao,.le.wEclI nren Tl . .TlI p.lc.trUn'TfphwoClf » s:.dl ir OIt.aJaea"«ISw l .4 WsiIR r'tcow. Claai 1 o3Y8iNot .imIrk el0bPlI or*m y.Ilnl, H8I« A c30o m it .3.dfo6 Jn1 0Elis.ul d . tlF.oCnrd7H«*H lla v5B .«vr Il t26«.vcll. nFJ.>.ENtk Ao.n 81 eO.aiilaD1 :e .aa Vp il .lviLD .a v.trn S6ODn..d ary VG., aSGa . y1i iIAlM*YUaRlkiaNu. u.,l. 0NraGa.ryOa o H2».1Rm nftDkl ymln26 TLanl,m,)a.rtntdeOl.«o y.c,.- 'IdSTm. 9 dl6.i tn d'o2 wEnI0mini,.Dllh al7lal.»IGl; Utl3H«I l"iRe'l.3a iIEAauew anylMSI ". 1x,3iIPU,tt .e 7p,tt;.rfruNsvo1 0lMHuEti,uVaa tir»knals.3 ,l«YfnnTnli .c2 n.r.ro-Drt .s1t oe 0D6OarHE ,I.p4nrdd. n sF 0 2 rnira lnfI6A8ll eic» «raSp Am 60a' B o4ni 1ro4S..atSn«IdntLuyV9. .«lI6iad. i. co iI clBiu.8anf7s e E2afTa,nUHt ains n t,ttn.f ae mtn i1.0E a D uoAlCl .1l,y .rAI .ldi6a2iiTG0mt oEn Mi0nlSl Pl0l.l.l a ,iN.t Bll n. I01ln zefE. aByA yn.4W...aB1)c9U "USI.AB'.naF ;0,.7, K.I .jf37nb'.i1A3. 1.le,nb.9'..6,,INl, li1a1fa' 2 1.t7 Aler7',Scbl e .u:(..,!l N iM.10sC .a1.1.6 1e1•p elAPi naH 1tJP1d .u1p>an.l1121 ..T.ht i.,,1r.e.111K3l tMa i t1F 1.einnt'..in 11..l I nt.Hcm1 ,.B.1Mt01 la i m"wa r.1nn •ntr d. mlm 1Bt.8R..500.,nk8.4l l':04 a1 Ml..t1 oia C,.« aIu 0 0"6ra:612tirn6A l ..I03ijio ...p OvA;A e.i6*35 . i kI«nE0l l a .dSnRa»aKn .M1 l.c ,aVI"p I. 1tBki. e"lMtu1lf2L SKA.8-.mlnar.t»i..4115. i fd». n R4r mair2mf.3m ai0Mto0. .ter I M..t.l.-.M4nr0 rTr0I1..i iI1.Ncni(I.«In t.l.'7s8...r1l.rIet»lual ,<l • •yltndIAnJ wl,,Id H)i^. .a'H ur,Yi,•" i"r tib k"V C,hfjn.• «lunvlNlMF ioiarlt.rnekDan •uoai F•,enODnI li,Iti Lini lll O2•riiaitialnn•iMUd^i mro Bu.niinl1HUi«•rI uGl•nl il. ..ni nUllrlilYlHtat dUi l l•w,t .ln•SlhnvlcF<wvBilaOllomnytn.flel^iu- •« OD,nvl,' ,lgr1ln O,lI Il l fa .a'm1la k•Ar.alhilCRD•n.nir ltumBlVl Fa *0iNl•oy '•Aoi(ia. et Elt1.Li• nNno ltnt•.T3He hl2«R.a• bird .NE.•SvIaiu .niIT'»n$•n( .iW,••Vtadiae a ,)!tE•l t .r•iT~l 4 |nillH•rDm2NHYarlO •aWig1n•,ti»IiOa Yti•i J .gWHnCin•ai. Rid•hd,.K l•.ra n Dlrm •KrBJ a•.tSIaOeh••nIEaO•!«da *d•Glr K•NnR aB ..•(VS«•B aUOS•«na.•aw.k*t•E,t•Ua..t itre•Y;rt•ktg.. ]w iflobh fd r»nll«o»4r, irw*»iMwiii ,in. *c»)T« itom ofl nrmi l uir•l*imt* i• t ht<l«iidfni I•I li««irllhuiii**mm nnuuiiffnndrv,, da aafnfnnrryooyy ng DDft'i auu«lii,Iii MMIKo iiiiiirmll ccussul lliliww,v rhh (lldd•r•hht• fBhhuon»nu»«l, U•HllrMl lnlli«"ll' ,l l(ufKl" lvH, lir In >tim l»Mlfo|il ilni|Mtt, *i,u lnen«tairli, ll , m|i|n«|<ll«, inui«|tn«,> ilrvii |e«ml tIHlIt' i.l'. ioylMl lio il« iai ny il|inin|i9lnl <.rtlelil i ip|.bir.''t' »JJ» uuo IaIillllfooi nlllfiil lUUlmoouu««tn, oi II'.t ll>i. a nyil iilli nluni , ml|lrv,| nltlt.llisili,,i M. .1 '""Ur HiH»iSlattantli»i (Inn U !•• tart •( Hatww u4 OmlaaM. '*•,•.-., t EXTRA SUIT SPECIAL. We have tak^n 263 odd Suits,-some Coat and Pants Suits, from We have gone tl 3ugh our-large assortment of men's trousers our regular suit sale. These are one and two of a kind but alalnd have selected 10 odd pairs, mostly cheviots, worsteds and sizes in the lot. These suits formerly sold at $18,00, $16.50 andserges. These tro\fers formerly sold at $5,00, $4.00, $3.00, $2.50 $15.00, ' - * and $2.00, NOW All Our STRAW and PANAMA HATS ONE-THIRD OF Boys' and Children's Suits Men's and Young Men's Suits. $2.00 Suits now $1.45 6.00 Suits now 4.45 $ 6.00 Suits now $ 4.20 18.00 Suits now 12.90 2.50 Suits now 1.85 6.50 Suits now 4.85 7.50 Suits now 5.40 20.00Suitsnow 14.40 3.00 Suits now 2.15 7.00 Suits now 5.00 10.00 Suits now 6.90 22.50 Suits now 16.40 3.50 Suits now 2.45 8.00 Suits now 5.40 12.00 Suits now 8.40 4.00 Suits now 2.8510.00 Suits now 6.90 25.00 Suits now 17.90 13.50 Suits now 9.40 5.00 Suits now 3.7512.00 Suits now 8.40 15.00 Suits now 10.90 30.00 Suits now 21.40 BLUE SBRQE SUITS INCLUDED B L UE S E R GE S U IT SPECIAL.. $10.00 Blue Serge Suits now $ 6.90 15.00 Blue Serge Suits now 10.90 20.00 Blue Serge Suits now* 14.40 12.00 Blue Serge Suits now 8.40 18.00 Blue Serge Suits now 12.90 25.00 Blue Serge Suits now 17.90 Alterations Free of Charge. Every- Suit Guaranteed or Your Money Back. Hundreds are Saving Money at Davidsons Big Suit Sale. "' During this sale no special suits will be charged and hone sent on approval, but we will refund your money on anything that is not satisfactory. . RED BANK OPEN EVERY EVENING AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. bury Park and Andrew Carton of New_York spent part of last week with her. f A Change of FIFTH ANNUAL James Long has a new horse. HAPPENINGS IN THE V4LLAGES ROUND ABOUT Poles are up on the middle road to Holmdel for the extension of the tele- J Food or Drink. RED BANK. phone line. BLUE RIBBON FAIR Helen Kelly, daughter of Charles Kelly, will attend Hi.der-Moore busi- EATONTO-WN HEWS. IINCBOFT NEWS. ness college at Trenton the coming fall. Do you realize the dif- A AVbert Bennett to Enlla a Rome on Hewlett Conover Moves to Zrvlngton— Miss Griffin of Wickatunk is visit- * . Lewis {Street. Sunday-School Picnic. ing the'Misses Maloney. j ference it makes—what food J Albert Bennett has bought a lot on Hewlett R. Conover has given up Charles Kelly sent a carload of po- Lewis street, west of Crescent hall, his position in the store of his father, tatoes from the Middletown station ^ you eat, and where you eat ^ from the White estate. He will build John R. Conover. and has moved to last week. OF NEW JERSEY. a house on the property for his ownIrvington. His place in the store has Edward Brasch is employed as ^ it ? Climatic changes, and f occupancy. - The place he now occu- been taken by Henry Conover. agent for the Monmouth county farm- pies on Broad street was sold recently Ban rork iu Her Thumb. ers' exchange at Middletown. j diiferent cookfrig frequently j The Monmouth County Agricultural Fair tcoh urtchh ew Milel thboed imsto vcehdu rfrcohm, aRnadilr oatdhe Mrs. J. Holmes Conover ran a fork staAyl lenw iEthir ierhyi os fg Oracenadnmico ithse mr,a Mkinrgs a. j cause gastric distress and in- ^ avenue to this property. in her thumb a few days ago. TheCharles Allen. Frank Demarest is employed at Red jwound festered and became very sore, Mrs. Norman Munro has been en- 4 digestion. These also often 4 Bank. . |but is now rapidly healing. For atertaining a number of friends from Richard Connors has made a num-time blood poisoning was feared, but New York. 5 follow a change of drinking C ber of improvements to his house and there is now no danger of this. Miss Carrie Toomey and Patrick outbuildings near Wayside. Sunday-School Picnic. Toomey arc home from a visit at J water, ^ j Charles Hiltbrunner has recovered The chapel at this place held its Phiinfield. from his sickness and has resumedannual picnic at* Asbury Park in con- ] 4 If you have any misgivings ^ his position in Dr. H. T. Partree's nection with the Baptist, Presbyterian SHREWSBURY NEWS. pharmacy. jand Methodist churches of Red Bank 2 on this score consult your A RED BANK, N. J., J. P. L. Bennett was confined to the Ilast Thursday. About 25 Lincroft !Fair for Benefit - of Cbrlit Chnroh To- house with sickness part of last week. Ipeople went on the picnic. j morrow Afternoon anA Mffht. . J physician and take along a j Mr. and Mrs. Amos Covert have iMr. Maiming to Speak Here. The annual fair for the benefit of moved from the Wolcott house on Rev. J. K. Manning of Woodbury, a iChrist church will be held tomorrow ^ supply of the medicine he Broad street and are boarding with former pastor of the chapel here, will Iafternoon and night. The proceeds Mr. Covert's father, Terrence Covert. preach Sunday night, August 11th, in 'will be added to the choir' fund, and A prescribes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday, .Darins Vandermark took a party of jthe chapel, ithe fair will be under the direction of •young fplks on a strawride to the! the women of the church. harvest home at Colt's Neck Wednes- iBrief Items. I Charles II. Hurley and two daugh- day night. A number of other young j Walter Riddle, who is employed a.s tIers spent Sunday with Mr. Hurley's SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY, pfieiloeps.l e went to the festival in siutomo-|1hi\i sc levrakc ataiotn S ahyerrcev. ilkH, esp iesn tn opwar ot no af ;bjauringth, t.Mrs. Abram Carlock of Sea- August 29, 30 and 31 and Sept. 2, 1912. Mrs. Joseph Fox uf Hull Bank, and tjrip to Ncwbevr, New York, in n Miss Ham Armstrong Is spending a Mrs. John VunDrunt of Lincroft spent launch. Imonth on a camping trip at Lake J. L. BERGEN A CO, Friday with John Fox. • Willium Riddle, who is employed by Gieorge. PROPRIETORS, George Lopcr is out after having R. J. Preston of Brookdale farm, has I W. P. Crown is recovering from his wbeiethn csotonmfinaecdh ttoro tuhbele h.ouse three weeks bmoaucghhint e at mo ortiodre cbyacclek. aHnde ufosertsh thtoe IjsicMkniesss s,E sther Hurley spent Saturday' 16 Broad Street, Red Bank. The Premium List of the Monmouth County Fair is out. It contains the Miss Laura Dickinson spent Sunday work. and Sunday with her sister, Mrs.! with her uncle, Jacob Dickinson of William Bassctt and Edward liein- Howard Gilladeau of Crawford's Cor- Telephone 69-J. full list of premiums, most of which are cash prizes in gold. Every department Middletown. hart of Elizabeth have been making a ner. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phillips of stay with Mr. Bassett's mother, Mrs. i Charles Hall, secretary of the na- has additional divisions and classes and in numerous cases the premiums offered New York, formerly of this place, Linda liassett. !tional Young Mcn'si Association com- Fpent Sunday with friends here. Miss l.eona Dare, a famous nero- 'mittee, spoke to a large midicnre at will be worth many times over the value of the article which wins the prize. George A. Steele is home from a naut and trapeze performer, is a t;he Presbyterian church .Sunday morn- stay at Philadelphia. KUest of Mrs. Cornelius VanSicklen. !ing. His topic was "What to Do With The future of this fair rests with the people of Monmouth County. A con- Mies Mildred Miller of Newark .Miss Mildred Sanborn it; spending tOur Hoys," .sWpeilnsto nS.unday with MVB. Willium W, sReaavllepprhha ll WWddoaaoydysdw dawwr diif tthh o fhh dRcc evvd aaHkuuannntt,k, .Mrs. IwiMth rHM, ITH.. HAa.r rIylo w(ni.c Hsaprednent Soaft uLrodnagy stant and continued effort is being ma"de to leave this educational and pleasure- Kev. J. E. Hvrgennt is mnvi-ving Chhsa rleshum is liuildiug u gnrage in lhnnch. froImle nsjuicnkiinne sDs.angler in making •' num-cwehnitclhy btoou kgehetp. th automobile hu re[-(ieaMi'rKs.c s(pleeonrtg eS atSuirldvaeyr nntn Nde hwe Yr ornko.n furnishing attraction entirely in the hands of the people. Jboehr n oLfe niVmipNroonv emlinesn tst heto co lniitsr achto fuoser. rooFfr epdu tH onnrs fbuilnl bhaarsn .had a new steel ILorn'lgih nHcKratnocrkh' Ho nb Sausnebdaalyl atte tahmin pblaecaet Everyone should feel that it ia their fair; a home proposition. If it is a tho niation work. by a score of 28 to ID. Paul Parker success it ia their success; if it is a failure, it is their failure. Every year a new MM. Josephine Morris in spending EVEBETT NEWS. wim the pitcher for the home nine. At & month at Ocean (irove. Oceanport on the name day the other management takes charge, recruited from the ranks of those who have come up Th« luiili's' auxiliary of Iiooh and Villagers ao on rlculo to Aaburjr Fitrk Shrewsbury team wim defeated 7 to 4. lnanddd erc uflkrec cmomilop an.yS awtuirlld ahye ld oan h re,aMd rs.A numbenr ufnr omKM tih-min- tiprlra.ce attended MaMrymla. ndL iilnlia unp enIdiiHincgo ea'H f eHwif ditueyr n fwroimth in preceding years. This constant infusion of "new blood" trained by the (ItOTKC Monliy'B porch. 11 xcuri'ions of tho Linoroft and her. Rev. and Mrn. W. W, HMgliy andHolmilel Kmidny-HchoolH to Anbury The Pronbytcriiin young peopl«'n errors of their predecessors, should continue to bring this fair forward. tholr daughter Imve returned In'Park anil Konmiburg hint Thursday. niiiifixiiiarv noddy will meet Kilduy FROM DED TO BATH llrldgeton after a visit to Hev. J. I).M'Thro. daen wdh Mo wme.n Wt, itill>ia Amn b\uVry. AI'nmtolin iwdconre, nigMhtm i.n J uthrnec mn inHiolonll lreotto mo.f Joiney City rIInhif tfi oIniMlhnin nl a r iKltutlinl'iliitii'liiiuyi ti lutimliii, an t* nrwiN1»on<wH1 m illhuiyiyh ii*i,uu rwOnnW. IInII VnIIH Send to Secretary Monmouth County Fair Association,' Red A womenH nuxlliiiry to chemical MIHK Myrtle Aiitoiililin, I.i'Htor An- ia upending neveial dnyn wltn her IIK'IIMHIR. M.iir licit rtl«ni>>«r run' linv« « Ifnirtef caotm Mpman.y < w".i Jll. lHiec hfnlermnter'dn ntotn iitg ihmt.cl- tMonmid. in,H aIr'dowldu nlS toKurtn, nrlHM,i nnM vM.b biiempdnrvntn, Mr. nnd Mr». Joneph llolimm. rij<Mimiii|iiiiiitiiiiitl<l-vu.'iItvtm MIIi.nnill v(aixl*|r a'n >t>i-a.v)irm>m nt Bank, for premlurn list. The list that offers more money and prizes turMnemd, tPoro Bbaunrclion gntnodn. haefrl eci ona hvaivsiet itco KKcmliennccliki. nTnhodn eK wirhhnor dw enatr idto KDcniinnlne-l Brok* aoth Wrlati In rail. nIInI> IIKm< illtuml ilminl ihn»u wlml,l!i ii mwin.unitiir H arnen«t lwplnl huxin iiii»halo nf a«o'rw f rnvilnnlonhri- than any other fair in the country. Alien F, Iludd. burg were Mr. and Mm. Ilcnjumin Hurry White, a. porter In thn Wnl- H. W. REYNOLDS, William Htcverm of Drnoklyii spent llnnkinnon nnd Htunlvy Htllwcll. dorf hotel nt Anbury I'ark, fell from n BonU*j edn*k.y U«t week with William II. liouDKr.h t Firia nnke w 0ho. mHoe narny d rh\inut frowmee kaIwmelerko nyn ntdhi rltuyo kofr etl iolhhlR liw rHlnwtnt uannlndy SANITAI'RRAYO TPIOLAULMDINO EntrlM Positively Clot* W«dn«»day, August 21«t, 1012. Mr§. A. I/«e Scobry in lidiiin from lted llnnk man nnd n tcuni of IIOIWB aluii diiiliHiitcil thi'in. HA nufforv^'in- •nd Mh«t M«*«l Workw, *.vl*it lo h«r coutln, Mrn. Hurry C. from n Perth Anilxiy mim. Inrlrn to bin rlbn nnd internal Injiir- 19 B. Front St., |U4 Bank, N. i. fiadtau of Red ti«nk. Klljnh KolililiiN npent part of lant len. He wna token to tho Ix>nK Ilranrh jbMfta|m rM MCN•Mr Mi«tiNu.f rJr«wlAy *UIl rUltrWhb oiYtnderMfiorg o- turt n!khnODU,l ld uoihCfn it ofrtottp»agoninD lolonn nfllcntt,f V,aNfr e S,l»« .oenfllatumwid«etn»hr* «Yr »muO ror)ecrtut vrtrtkriuirkoai harr.llnntltlni ie»titu«ddn, iloCwwKnafae at JMuaerunlHrntknrutv »ed >rn.enowe hhtl'l ro iliJd at»lrolH ltni« hn pHiodtnnrerinlen mk ofn«lOda,ua,i etr lrtni.nm,oJic rvo oll ieoton nrm*nrnrnfp ,oal Mhlnucwni ehtt.reihp(in lK nJo i.iBne r ln(rIrrniutlrynet«l reo,Ht nn vodio egle ilr.oold lnyM. n f Ail nU lwlmi lAcnnihlkkyl.n,ln-iihCmFI>n)oohrroiBim»oroui [paullmie»dl« ytrncr uo a*loalro Id ina ltf ibnd otnnly fdnrWooo JtvwDrthrte*um iir.ata. ea lIrnum Crn hc.IhotCIh oonrun eowmtytaoe. al !id>mI.Rnx.it.rl rv , n) m»cbJomiorncw.i'«d»v, r va crgi*noC«* rdio nHvln :eiycmlrl>,.-eil•lRInnlliX lrroX oOHHnooh»rrh'rrAy»Muu»ItIIIylrryKK.wy WiiWnnl ,,v ll II i ll iIIHlli«IHi«II'Iooyi.».thnnhI. I.,vl rl1 r1ln..il.n |llfffn lI r Itm,m ii t ltilrtoo|nnt|Iiii aai,,llilluuIn i val« ..MM nlll mllnNI1 omllKm..a1llrr:ihII n,,ni .ii||XmXl11Imum lnaiUmlir» hM»„„iisBBU i n,Kain „„ya,KIII l y.,,,, hH iiiii\f',f, iiw,,ir If iiIl,, iiyyAroIK fAfKMwpKiIMM raI fu||ith«,w u« ll \|| laa1 w( o» whf,,t It«t}i1 lvvf ,t,} f •i},,mm'»u '* )<<«» «q| n lA>H Hl**>*ot* »ti<»»*II«l lt*II> oyol,[[«t ify tv.Hchfl. tu*o,, fH fK,,utK(li(lwffvvfm, i) r i ruwnn«fu,lfiiia «,l ,l•o ltitu in*ll•l MM1 lii ib"a "lftfuib balnlblm •AAI•l iitfTl--***tlitttl1«4aa,.,•,, m<qAojirtnt»tn!Ut•.iumv» UU> an>f<Mlpn diaiif in1| *«i nfm|1illl<tr1MI>lilU»> aiMtIMunt ,rni'nn1tt4 aflr^ *,>tr i atmtn tM•ti otiwiIo hih In i>ruH H IN Ntd. K f*h* *«ll< uiiu*U M«rMrl*lI**t«««,iI «4*trw .wjn" l r Iiftify•«n*>)ml«ili«|l a|*aM i lnIa•autui«tn .nntn*»*rrn <p ifirr.t.lllJI)aiH) i, «< ) n•)v•nrI"//!ICI!> dnI Ao n»n««NTN Nl» nt>mii I r*t*| |iH *.a l a rnawiwn n(*»tl> i r lc j «cl< ciaJ Jn•ccn ?rutcI•tv#oftfolt•tnilit«uiit< »nTnMTnMa |nl rutrH nton>atyrlry»r,y/,i,,*••*Tinaaii Hll<d«li, . « liJp•irlnot»iid fii h,llllioiirt w** Vtaiiii v«lt.Hi>r» Oni1tU iga«ubMr d»lfDy ,l UIUiaa &innyn y dnbtd K o(( y«ow\wn dJk«Ko«t t K7 h Ihah0InHnu«1nu nnt. H « dvpMMrt.eyu Ad«(aah4 py t ,pt4on lo1«nIi1-*.nAtM.oun'llpAl,w p •iloR«ny^M,i •ot )Hanl«oi..Wx t.«ma ) Jtn alLa ldwlaun0 ntf*8yotkHn I .tTnnb « *Ad«,^rtlA»H«i•umlnid« anLtt w olaiitn*ll RED BANE TEE. •*•? VOLUME XXXV. NO? 6. RED BANK,' N? J., "WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,.i91&- PAGES 9 TO MRS. ROGAN'S TRAGIC END. SIOYCZiUT BUS BffWW. FAIR MEN HAVE A DINNER BALE. SCHOOL GETS FINE GIFT.' T«rr«nc« Ka|Uf»n'a Son BuOly Kart Straue Co'*. Semi-Animal Event to Begin • i . :• • • : , ;. -^ Koiutejr Mrbt. CHTESTB Or 3. OBY HABKELI, AT FSrtirdaauys anCao .C'so ntainnuneu aEl ntmireid -Msuomntmh.er WIFE OF PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR INSTANTLY Joseph Mulligan, aged seventeen clearance sale will begin Friday of this MIDDLETOWN HIGH SCHOOL TOJ RECEIVE REP- ears, son of Tcrrence Mulligan of week and will be continued during the KILLED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. V kittle Silvor, is laid up with injuries Offloerf, JBeafll of D»p»rtinent», Tcrwn- entire month of August. Since the LICA OF THE FRIEZE OF THE PARTHENON. received Monday night. He was rid- »Up Beoretarlei, Wewipaper Men and store was enlarged a few months ago ing home on his bicycle from River- Othera Otve B«sort« About Tbli Tear'e this firm has bought at different times She and Her Husband Were on a Vacation Trip at Great Barring- wBihdeen Dhrei vceo lliind edM wldidthle toow wn agtoonw. nshHipe JTPhaler, departme."'n: t :directors of the fair sbpeersc iaaln dlo itms pfroormte rsm taon ubfea ucstuedre rfso,r jtohbi-s This is Regarded as One of the Finest Specimens of Carving Ever ton When Mrs. Rogan Lost Her Balance and Fell from a Trolley was knocked unconscious and re- association and the township secre- mid-summer sale in conjunction with Executed—The Donors are Robert Hartshorne, J. Amory HM- mained in that condition nearly an aries of the fair ha'd a meeting and the large regular stock on their floorB. -HerBody Arrived at Red Bank Laif Night— The Funeral hour. HQ won taken to his homo, and shore dinner on Saturday at Price's The increased floor space allowed the kell, Dr. James D. Trask and Samuel Riker, Jr.-The High to be Held Tpmorrow Morning at the Church. vDerr,i Gweaosr gseu mVm. Von. eWd. arTnehre odfo cFtaoirr toHoak- hpoatpeelr atm Pelne awsuerree Baulsyo. pSreevseernatl. neTwhse- blouty winigll ibne ldairsgpel ayloetds wanjtdh eaa clha rgspee cyieall- School to Open Tuesday, September 3d RbyoMtgMea.r nia, nLp'i alclslhteou Rrr coohgf,n .wnth,a ews iRifnee sdot afB nRatlneyvk,. k3Pi.lr leWesd-. tTjroohelenl e nyke iwcllaser d c aatbu yGse rdbe eaaitn gBgr aetrahrtlr nosgwhtonoc nkf, rMtoom at shsea. slsiipgxra asnitn'iste cdfha ecasen .di n cTtuwhto.e cbuotys 'so nl eygo uwnags Maluslo- mgoifev eethtnie n bgfya w irJa . sa Ascsamollcoeirdayt i aoHnnda, stikhnee lo ld,r idpnernre estrio dw egnnestt lwaonweda rsa ilggl nak.ri mndTeshn eots f g dofooryrd s.gw oinoocmdlsue.dne arn'eda dyg-itrpls- sdcahTyo,ho eSl enwpeitwlelm oMbpeeidrn d 3lfedot.ro -wb Tunhs itison ewwsnsa ssho indp e Tchiudiegeshd- $dC3rhe.5an0r l efrpso emHr ,d NaRyuet iddfwo gra omttr pnt hntebo p coMortniidntrdfa?lec ttoc hwfionlr-. yesterday' afternoon. Shu met her friends and acquaintances of Mr. and the viewB of the directors and town- on by the school trustees nt a meeting transporting Everett children to and death at Great Barrlngton, Massachu- Mrs, Ro"-nn. There was a large dele- A WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ship secretaries relative to this year's held at Belford last Friday nignti All from the Lincroft school at $!J per setts, while on a vacation trip with gation of Preabyteriana at the Red fair, which will be held the latter part THIEVES CRACK A SAFE. the members of the board were pres- day. >n yhthtmrshTfsPrTuhrioiptaeaeepelhiogrrauviestrpMrRdeo eldkth t nriwt sey weane etrhdhtnht sr yv aghme.nu M.dwewum y . ril s lasrtaoe edbaroto fbyaesRuhsrr .at nsak te o.lgrenop t inBtdm im RnyhnhgdltpTd o.oee eioao .hfgsaMt anrg hhh,eahshnt paTntaea y ratihnTasN d dnntavh wer.'raNn hgthsee oo s at pdeya e Rleorjdsoblyldt o wwxG neeahoeu upaynhafihe grktprtiedlEg ineanaahicnelncl cadeeadn nl flebtgdet dant ge gyo p .,dr dono l wHe dr.p an etM noxRoyolenadepL sabn etr rda p.wSnoeyedtar Wmts cehnh i ote assntecreeal.o esabtbB egted kwa dlnsoececltla ate a oiia t eannn norcosantsrtiadkgadefoto-cnr..t RpBtARfaRtuTossJahhrantaytfotaooilhoeee I scdelmmMnggt c cistkn moknos tkaopmaprsdh'f nnswrwn; naeao s e..am 'd' mtr tasn sia ahhrsott H,osoknhobaeRy blp fefrSsd tmeneo.o arnins a ortradoiorgMehi hcs e mgsnynwrAfa eepfnosv oeg rnu e rdgae a.ne,wf t gl drlsrr ddhaaaaeiworra et gae eernhisi nrfevpga grfaaetede di , fteces arn hwt l cceda rnh GMa stsnooltao.eoteirpstytmetuhngfrrgmr oh e eniamgrhfo.epcn ree.rtertSo kaetihb erwxw eBnnocaegeapCnnw eialnuoretaeer aud i otrghtevdvA hofmsiepnmmesaeee o ef lsnfnarwdb onfrhiee ycl rnn.elf.ldit ec r e m r itMfyedmaoM sthatrtwliMt vheelcanieioerenEsiteaterrgsrrofders,-.r..,. MHVHawCOwhiannnaoBacoaeeTSagnMndclmrlntr.i *umd u ei xeBvcnrppds tt A.dhyupeoatibr htSeheN <lutrrrmee aAd lsOeey nDlln gaCles d Tcutr'd'resl be o> Eiay cnioaMuli«yis t esefnttnMpf ls >blBav ldaA,fefeM r rrlr S tof b amXtsoshr.rfvlOt.rr imOoeheeee la.,afm vamw«JdJcnEl Au.laeuhV atrLs aotmrsMoaS nurhnEa, nbuuv dre eEnBirelsrb MgisreBrB ooeBrre oh tt fiuu cAruhVci2 tgorunensmTe-5rTViinan dal fvItaUh nA2t-tihOaea.snfb5netBg Kfde,Nhgtorwry o hsrao—Be . ,itue ctG n niBTodmnAAv, pc uUwodtibnMllaeM tewuaiNoinnnntsoceducmcTsltrygefs-t-s-,,. oayitmetmtrfmtaotctthrhoehee fsebe faou eeaps ate TarldcAac wuy ntnsetwrtechtsurhetc yiisuhao;pihfnetir i . egbfteaga-ae gohdSnshooe rlusrt cf l eenm oa pt yhs fomswiBrweiattat niiuinwn.hhrstrni ea nna ce reebehgnfs sttodtsdsEo yeii hy thsreoce. t aaaf.ep iihd hpbn mpotnnccnioeeu oa rh rog Aeraopr ry rTa mahs w tdefar sdmegtaah tesfer emn ihcrtndtae murf dehuimried er uncnuaes memaca nfdu ertbt irtata hefbiesnlnoekeuytiart atiereirt rrsuriatere n p rn sece tmtrtasi h'dl shwes aint roiosoe emil.n weff n f 1wclrcrooa d l sedgofehvipufiita, nnemp lr aA fherniliossgthoorsr red pi mfeMgp orygg acvmsceraraesrnoroeoetoso anenaeehaneonnernnbmcddrddtyregfs-t-s----, TcS1pgattbi hhnaoa HoyseNSegsDfTTt sEtehy ii olaamhhr pat Y fm frnTwaeiruiBeewo ylno i sa a-cvlOid eOhtorSycenhawd Ec weI lsgnsiB ylKrWsT ienut aaectaoav h bV eenaofbeme$r, reb OEpbd 8ol3slanopeotanSn7y pkuaeurnss0e ei gemt—y tt n wso Porsv dF potmt.IOIitaioh an B«nnt-blhoS yeg u t OiyrITb1 n lett tutyVM9hhinOtdf hl0docraeoeeii eP 0oee sga il .i.nTrrP nrthtrD tL* iohItH htn$ O aUb,eiioc 2E tdo Eodbt u7 eolhp.aolg0eoaentIatoo y.vhnw Itr srie,TtdSgt t 9roTlye Tio9lweftl o hp7lhvagLioie—ecvoeoaotEkyhnefrt-rt eMLbAanwfiiMtdahctonnunha o oiionraognn treniRmnron- gsennAsecai dt o ero r ehmpprrwtm toerxoyobrherolhw ovaiifocnr,feeefocse tt uaebureo n e.a naftpt,Hl erd t hndsapktohato i ou cH bhrg;fuertafoib dCy eeh o tea wncei Pyao t hbnrttedh gr.htutoaaSuat sghsi eo erltcrrnsihiLG ehlrdihll viOagudeio osmeodferos sgmni rwroneen n rioncllets eAas o i.gsAheesc sz nttrt O .et oe ioe y.d ahnw .S a lb Tef tSnyiT.ootahettnm mhI.mhnhesaffhTetee o aee up ae.ih wtt r ouithtil hhTorh idePnfpit aftmeeg m eehccuhras mhonoeeh lerpeegP ec st dfxasrnpohs r,esae obrt etcldcesrrP isenutcuhhsdoatnw h o ithiolueotoleoopaoardisoessrdnnntft-s;fs----l tCsmtpcCL$cowhFMhocoeo0toieawhehoeEhgra.arnoLi2 aoru e.nlhnldtcenp 0;oe;ttrrte w h ooLaeai sl arnahar,ncntldef an fned nogtit eootrsdrvrd udH hdfaH rn aw eo sC aC lfacaLe $eir$oniortlrT.e ls4ri4 lr mdtlnn sg .We o ..ft5.t 5cghgsooCr a0psBr5auo agrntoco uct plse ychafhfflttesprocistool, Boifun. .l orhrira oyoepgA n taclLl ylfp; p spltfHw toe ;t.elbohe Myofa?inirae$ csodnird6 B nd r6efsHa.c,cN.b4eng . .e ro3o idi5dt laBBdasa5Psf.cvo o lT lee oo..ew,rffn l habordsfponatoleiMir Jer Sndse irg ortr kdt eiM oo hts$sd v ttbt6nwdao ot(eoati.? otlhnv1nnrdvaehoJnaede5-dsse.-etl .: electric car of the Berkshire electric army during the civil war. Her William Burt of New York, who old; aft.d farmers' races, in wlich the a jimmy. They drilled a hole in the footmen in armor; beasts for the sac- contract for painting the interior ^ railway company near Grent Bnrrlng- grandfather was .General Taylor, who gave a muBicale at Red Bank last win- horses are tied to ...the'fence unhar- safe door and put a charge of nitro- rificial altars; singers, flute players metal work of the Belford school. Hia / ton yesterday afternoon when the acci- fought in the Mexican war. Mrs. Ro- ter, rendered piano soio3, and a num- nessed and each contestant harnesses glycerine in the hole. A lot of mail and other musicians; priests and bid was $178. Several other bids.were -denfc occurred. Mrs. Rogan was sit- g:aann 'was born fiO years ago at Jonos- ber of the guests also played on the his horse and hitches it to the wagon sacks were in the room and the in- magistrates, and other groups repre- fiut in. These bids ranged from a ting on tho outside of the seat. Her boro,Tennessee. piano nnd on violins. Songs and and gets away without lining up at a truders moved the sacks and used senting the various industrial, re- ittle above Mr. Walling's bid up to " ' husband was sitting some distance Thirty-four years ngo she married choruses were sung and a general mark. them to-muffle the discharge of the ligiousi civic and warlike activities of $500 or thereabouts, according to the away, tho baggage of the couple being Mr. Rogan, and the couple began good time warf enjoyed, The festivi- explosive. The safe door was blown the city of Athens. Extending around amount of ornamentation done to the between tho two. The ear was going housekeeping at Bristol, Tennessee, ties wound up with the serving of re- The financial condition of the fair to pieces. Between the two iron walls the interior of the building was a ceilings and walls. at a fast rate of speed and in turning where Mr. Rogan had his first charge. freshments. association was reported as being bet- of the door was cement and this was frieze depicting this procession. This Franklin Patterson of Atlantic a corner it gave such a sudden lurch They moved to Thomaswood, Georgia, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ter than at any previous time. All sent flying all over the room. The in- was carved in low relief, and was exe- Highlands will paint the Navesink that Mrs. Rogan lost her balance and and later took up their residence at Thoron McCampbell, Rev. and Mrs debts of the association are paid and truders got stamps valued at $138 nnd cuted by the finest sculptors of Greece, public school. He bid $325 for tho ' fell from the seat to the ground. Mr. Savannah, Georgia. The climate at Frederick N. Baeder, Dr. C. A. Pal- there is a balance in the treasury. cash amounting to $130. They also I under the direction of the renowned job. Lester C. Walling of Belford bid' .chRMcfggsbowbfbtitdhssrothluaiakrerurneauo ooasorouoeIcreruamv t3tsmg ost ko ihuu n.dl hewo nar rnlma n n l e ce n eutboocaigdtdtahrfrRdowf ahcel wsnhuo r.lalesln.teiw oire eehso hbdt sazoengo hf aenmteeaesehdtorw aSpectnfa nshgoIda, Sfonoda nhw dnft em pseatb. rrr stet.t iop sptae.anhv.ohtrui h i wreeaws n cedeofdaeftme Mnnet hrmaTa et-isTudaeltt ato Mlgas eflhhahrrl lhd sn c ranoaio sewneeh ted ndarrlb .t dfh eesyp g sblrsag as ocyb.a Rc oiahasr. ocatnhatua amec sehaRoa tkw hrcngrssakoarnneg sw eok.eud n stao d hda gwun gf tyyrakdtn e tooobDdfgtioor r ea mod .rfedndaeifo,atsomeeinwrete os recnn dechhclngas,nkl hwugae vet ee t otlpseBo s he altoyaotr aitrothrisd thss.n oc nnenoft.nr bah ou mi hv gowd t gpwrtuHarhee wtit tttiuaveavnhnhhhahnnaaaetrssneiCedegodeetetetgserttt,' RbScwaawgtaCamlJstsiwuarshoantacconraolhoh a dheenhepctMMdcsvdgomieriFmiia kotdtiv aitceanrecerrtslsbos eeenMhsbssnseldrtet ogli.yn. io 'sin em, .b eana t. rchioraoaR lhsnvnsa uiiaoe efhf.ane.u e oo Rn op c f lygac x tgaRfTodsf louhcsh it cldiaSn wtvohogslhlphehJtuhni hi fohegnaeod aoao traeho escon eahc,onr dorrl er . iea nk hif ye l acbrfanwaacK . s si totT rcv ohcitbiTmthcawooPonieinoelthaoanhshia frtngcorMs oldsrr hg .asosmee rvoe rt aase' reast ikrese,r gl gharg blissn de ,sb inmoeiTr e.iaSyDodvay nres fateho settaRietett itaneosynooehoadaehnta tuo rdh ornintn e.heyrinhsggwR euser a te Hw eaee hrtscnne ihdh arnr atsnaetogd Sea eehaeeraec gnguc pcmlern u nrehwoir hnheB smd'g,nodye Mi un,thMuava idat r yMwetodruhserb antwac rnc hreureseChlokysirhs'yehda-oos-rnso..f,-..,^Mm'MASaCSMMMEMMTtMVMlMAMoenttudi.evicydrrnarrrir rldkrr1tsdsrsss.Dtyese,. n. p .,o.. .sE . ie rl a k Bhco aaaenaoeM.nMe rennnn nG rftLWLd,ArntE uAdoddd rTr,n,Y oee , sun . a miOn nr iFmrKHl.MMgorMtMlaM lednMa ottraihuleuontan aiKadnrrrktrn,neerorrnomdssans .Mi sh.e nlgr n.Mf..n, k . y n ue a easWHrMB D MntSnJrr.,S nMToh TRssoeeedStadruDaf A.iatartnsniesr l l; trhtSlynhCle.t j.edrrpnlta MM oa pkodtybeynK hhJesoMmnarhn eekosS aerr,ren,VBr rt MeYsssir yntiey,tdnase..lror E ae, H reopyns,M p rf EnrM Jsm Musodk HhaneoM Mko.miMnrL cn nS Pems.ha;rtf grsdJl ri,mirh.h KnnHiM,l bs oy ass ,rik asHba. onm silMe.M Fi WninMl VnW insswnoieMlGdehM,dsprNsoerls rJiss. ami, .soerl. rle a M beMael n HMeloniEhsdlMihauafTeaanarla sieeeunrniegHlrnimsnciomieslrrrslydrrldesedaed,..,:-s,,-, aNwtttlcfwsasftwthoeroieshoehlaicoelifes irlisumralaoAdaeTllteftcxolvt nll rcetewrs ee k teh c e *febtrntbo d bti .gaei de sech oymeau aasetd i rss ehe ntr erhta aaehh gtiif es Aaasomoadtdsgaooetrtf t nr crahnwiatlwreobart wuts edp kse en.hah ioitas issd, orha itrdtnf eaueoy,ol s gesieto alaI ti mtubiwn csear r nt ltnsnmiiobi ur dlhbt2 bgneia dtn awhsualteeeeeh0nlt loni ceteerrinx eoei0thaoofrsedpr b.ol apdt n i nl.sa nit fnaebr en nh iseodnd cus accneehgeaft o obwetmnitw ath ar.treN seterfe durc hhaordafb t i rveeu oorna go no ee Otedba ebtstsh rgrytds rorbitus a e ohn tefw o r ioo lasfuae aonlwmlbteotwinufd ch ntof scerer f oidt o ttyedebheao l f istthf lnro e$messto thhnt weahaoa xtrit1tneestb ni.oeathme co0ihnt s celd ifa kWert, i l fnh0 ahaiabn af abctif0ranacnaaritiahonioabeevltle0iierntdsdefsyg-rr---e-- gdibSWmmddtiLSbnCJpwan;hnrohouaeiounaheio ehlea IJempitstrtsiBevdsln nnatt sioelmgolsrhclte de a rtsipawheiasltea,leergiyna alwa ish enmn,dmi otde b g irstse S gbo naos dtcilwup td Teoits a n.Hdh ibtsloH tregnBot. dvs T aai y er arwvtkaan. etaeiLnJed hho yT graef r nag etJt fouieaet rnagh h.msdo nhcilb.nsvrw osaose epo htes gofde mnet to $iveod nplethxAt tsofdk aptwoeo1shasorll e f sMeartboo7o eyfin Ri r me3odn cs Foson d edpdr. p.et wuiFyr .ra .aaitL hmn e t aeohHts halylhhab n iocnT Shtefeioaitse$edcays e cfrtkta hh dtr 1wlara t sLh phd nepe.ees ,sv pb bt 1ore l Hiair rhShoeiwwitnebe0e sssfnet,heyiaeeSe,gvdett 0lW oagc m eae nvnw eo ii soetsrolmo ho ew npoh hvwa shhdfueaSnnkso rd eeesp iue nodep s encsio ntre osLslclntoet l ho fvpo y s aewafbsrti dc a$aef car.Mo lat eaklt etltbnet8frerodoienhehlhec.reitdydd0refn-nddse-eedee,.. wtcbTsabmt5BotPpckitstothhiocshias2iuenanhemfalorze aurw re a0treoriseiefe nrv l vtmenst ow bnpef isohfis tci sodrnole fot eninicntehae ootronewgfhfrhfglu .trt lr eyt neseihlve l fh gotetoc dpm oivelhihiiAPwothnmNaorn cttrie eeadusof sershnhge rei a t ft sserc irg sdossowtvyasetdr eocg hhp. s u u eu xhilm eoraioaoeatrnbdmfYoeToseefbhv xrvfospeei mco afth eea.to aeirt rl tu lotnet ee tharme eamht rkmctG otdoeiwsnmseiitiifIsph fduthaet fsorrdn p si a le cae ildt.melfne l eet osrdlearfe ehsa tctz itr c oiseb h ehoeitTrspehttewno eemetoez ho ff eih ozdfar w eoigfmensrru oesettu m pefmhme h fo ts moa tc oghrf,nfteeirsaht irrihoaresaeokdu h atdeeeiaaromsrs g rew amkzi ev vnet dssoztMyaseie omosiehd e mew.eadss,,n sisf tef d ii n doih tigrbdedw oda w wsnT eiteaa e d eunteahneseesenhaharatlizclstpdssiyelonetnysosdseeese-.l.--s?HwrchtItttoaTdiatsaei3htheithnacnilnepftve slh4gpleeth ueTs wktdpn eeiet 7h tat o tsh hlr dhtrrows i o iepyiboeusceerDa edsaemloui etaphc n st nxdhierpdsph,coetcncpdoC pdkn iethui nphoeln $ep ge tDd oeopiisllant4gecfhlnmis Wyotoh ilrrdne0tt h tlf geen.ealewosesrner0 s eOda edl eo nd cn. Jol ng gfomdathtb.dtafuh cdt eebtiefoeouyc Wl h le artteynodeifiw t oiantln s.t hl rat daJBnati icbth ttell ccb.ililhhehlle nl.e hs th u so eee tsigeMneas.Crioi or ecolc nxrer sflhdtbohhegoeat, a hchoi oenroaadmremhn teoeeinatosfe,hongiaw rlttri oldneo nheed .d owrp i,m ltrae i lT osofa rnlif tfo ,wohre lpi hottt elldfbvhtevhaabple wis heeelrusneiee lslbNdoe.ridn s t o a e c utw sbdavtdne htnahstheevhhoihecho elniesenIoenetieaptowadninhrs-o-ns-tte,tl. . . medical aid and their services weve un- EUzn Murphy of Jnmesboro and Mrs. Warno of Freneau, Misses Charlotte joked. Everything is going on well with mBnaMvuaarNainsnsi.ke, l iw tRnouygso'na .gr soeatocofn fer'fsditivch adieeaye l a aaat choftct feei wldretnaeghosnre ota N nmrPe.e wraercteTsohbgnheya edDrt edfoRriiirnreaesgdn-t CSOvvBiihh'acttTeaanlao httrkclllleoo eke Pnnfs tf rt uoeiLsnhssm . ebo eeor yPxxarcttturleheeo lrnnilwliwedddar eerin lmedd lon cfo.btt hooreNun riaaahncllsllengh l, ffdv rara iitilnea lendettd hd, seeasT l newewR vniehhentnodio-. aBnCEnemoudMtorhm tpr seECao.r vfo, VoaLMN pa.ee inHsrwB sHe orneEYufdn ntrodhMitrcr'eskikalc , st kmaoCaswnanooi dnaod n.pea .Mennr d rnS saah.nW medG e iel Kiloswiar egamneas- 5HracceTirerAah e saomtupssnroserreoer yrycs;p; ii rdaReHteWsi.noae tsinLn;lkl; tei easHlOlamli^,teh v apdAtthHrcleueen.s s's i tLddHiniD.en i,nn nC.t tae resrHalo swmfiaws lfatsoenaterhrnnydeet,,, omlasSeutteaoa tTvdr$p neh2eopre7 efeada 0dltn htch Lhbelaeoia ydxtctm t a kltbsema het iealieSi n mnnibalj pvotatiasxerot k hrena eseon p.n f doe. fopMtm pohtsloheret. noe fe ehSfysxiehca paeevflrre oawd sl uoaihtoenohandddde. THtHTpehhraaeoeesrs p kt;s AdrehioDltalohn trlreoa,en ntreJisdc,af omooSFrfn ea ieesmtl a hdo uDe.fe .sl cft ThrhRieoreia ozkbslee ok ra,,aa rurJdJe.dr .ioAtRfo mortibrouuermryst-. tAahedhnrii.egts d thR rwH hiiccseoatecar r,hkdt s$ po ho8aroeo0ftl sb0rtitnu hdhelebeel dn ychhti o naihmogdgafh ,m v sstiaishtntvcategehet e edosd o cto hhlt.nthoe h oeta lhMc tse ebce Rmohlnvoaoeeibrnownd-tl church. Ths telegram was from Mr. care tt o atttde nd. TTh heb db ody iwlli lbl be sent daughter of the late Edward A. Hen- :ecretary; George A. H. Churchill, explosion, but none of them took the Melvin A. Rice, who was appointed interior walls of the school tinted in- Rogah and stated that Mrs. Rogan had to Johnson City, Tenn., for burial. drickeon, a wheelwright at Holmdel. .ester B. Churchill, John H. Cook, trouble to investigate it. Most of a committee to improve the athletic stead of painted. To permanently Mr. VnnBrunt has lived at Holmdel iharlcs G. DuBois, Abram I. Elkus, them thought that a neighbor was field recently given to the school dis- tint a cement wall, coloring matter is most of hi,a life and is a son of John >r. Edwin Field, Lester C. Lovett, shooting at a cat. trict by Lewis S. Thompson, stated mixed through the cement and this bWwhbeeai iWlrsdll l iospebpfsreP Pootesarrsbnioroeda taVbdiobtica El lnollbyhbSe flo lT yspcest B olrewoon TIscgiDGiohlogrlEal emohtub'gsotS pese n aLa ianngtaThwdyhaTAe't taso .aIr ntY pdftlia.agaeeAirhasdrgr tt, l— .o oo ww tnMn he wuioetmchirkhlee'l,- mCn'naglAddra t lyyt.c tr HoaiCSnpo.uBA c,r g a hUAaLhyrBtO't.o. s eHeJ Ba1R.dST 0aepoT 4rrBogne,1 r aetew0tlnrD g4e.eki yaa.,at t tW,kr CwiJfl BB"i.as eaaAshHWnmrt.Kt na e oovWPsofeo IAp dBSneis tdH ar.,nan a.uyWe Oms,f dr.iJb« sarBnhey.tr,-. hBVTliaahravmuenTeynB, H t.rOfMIuoEenuaVtu tr E dGoS,cf o h RuOViilaldaNalpre*n erh-dTnn• ebB-,a *rlOneb.t dhNu BerTgByo . oe 8tab-yTTte rhBiianecEtg e cE EoVIWum.apienll-e-- Vllto.naeo.a smhorHbretdirHbpemt.g tisheetaDe Ft n k,Kneo deWBtnTuerrstin,ge;..co nvlkdnaWeeTRssi,rdr oshlieeyly,Hnoil c,di Jm, ata B,oJom rpohrrrDsohsyn Fo wn.H r niR annB. HKn ,.B. akcJ oeDn, Hhenw donanCaaC nnrerr.goed. Pdt Cev,ty .t a o,,SJ o nJnJtaCBfo,oo. m n..rvEd ceeeHBAedkrss--.,.,,. tmffssshooahtaeemrroT m nwheptrrp. nooeo ms bbs tobbaoTlwnoeenfhfrrs inieiihlcseeel ei rsssp b o aoweoopfss nnaa t-llblmsr^yyta toh*. sar r etowwns mbtWehhOeb meereceb nnotddyi on sn nnb eieteeneyhsrggr ed e llmsaii 2aggpydugneeo c,odnnn nhv 1ccsi ge9ieetbtr0 hhhnlCiiteeess-., tcwhadgrpdhor noMrrioaooawdlslvttsv ssnisi,a d btlrhtelweeph om milati tohta,asth ofw pe ni vc eeeuftaentoclidrh rddnilm,eade . d l bbh,l stybaeaThtl e dsuuothos tl mm rrbetmo oib ttpi uamnxeigswixgeegrn,itoinh d Mxelou l ldtt ylntuubp.edi denrrl eof oth T swfrh coeaohafe]ererofdiadrddss ro w ee, ld bnwsraanee twnehenetdddnendo gmsmtIwCrtiid uioveaeosetlneshtlb so s,owv d.idinibaaai luttnol etsE fs nT uocit tarhof ou elpopoic esaeere ri maxnmsnOpegea elf ndfnntiatoches nemeebn.d ut o iinflaAd scdpiiosodnialpaegoitt nrsein. ctd nii ns d cgh cTo oeotuhrdmhnietas.--- cpoo-soedpe roaft ivbey tphlaisn .p laTn hlea"s tt hninigghs t dainsd- iixf pRedeidti oBnas nakte rBs ahrnaveeg abt etehni s osnu mfismheinr,g Thievebs lugaa Ain.e Bd edelon't*r aHnoceu set.o Euse-• jtaicmhodnalte, , AEd. gOar. AM. oSrlfootred ,a nJda mFreasn cCis. BAB.BEB SELLS BIS PEOPEBTY. ffiieelldd. wTilhl e bber oocakr erdu nnfoinr g btyh roluaygihn gt hea todJoiahnn oNf .t hJeo hsncshoono,l Jmr.o, ntehye, tonoewk ocfuflcs-B the winners are: jut none of them ever mado such. u bius A. Bedle's house on West Front Stockbridge. 24-incli drain pipe the fuli length of n few days ago. In old times ths / NSlmitdoJBWP\nnoillei .olvyp oo lcioleuC nccsle hni aH»inioHolcni iayu dw.imialln—u*nn Uunteetrdten—i l. MhWbyVy Mi nllM..i aBrVmsu.. sWIlCeI, ni lDrJblroulltler'Hi——nf-l- Miv;duphueroregat.ire lertR r . aomicnngudeTe t aoruhtlsh ehs b ywei gaaofat sin sg p haeaFteshn rorpitem soldi.ont e hlen eG o T befon hotwimjeamod tyo,ye den'a sdaen yiy dn h g morwhtetahueuadodlst.e |dsowMWtonrirwet.es h .e S w touM BantSsp cra tshdhat,leu tee nBr he.de hoaadmasylTtve .ohis'ns nie aidg gsto iihn stgthott oereftun rh ,tedt rhi oeMmeutr oserhg s,oh .gH Mu oLsaotree l..mm wM aiudnNrneesdoll. ito S^FnIBrOarHaoctTlhoIeN rBC etnn ttI lNsR eaTd RSBIePatOntekLr. I.to Bin Issn.ot erlPred Bae hltot$c ri9fhits ,com5 kp 0BoI 0r.nro idKRpdf oegeircrne hotn yfmKe adeoavnZynten i,dont enh udgtoeehy* f e n LaoBBnbroartdanaihl nrgdwbc lOnheeByr sar,t.k a lfncahaocnayrhdss-, teieTchnaonhe rnti itsstrhrf eei.ivw b efeluiodreHtra ilkoldoa n rnwis pdseli oslalbhcf c eobeoiseenvM, egttrhr ii.inlod ne org Tono ahuerriogd etmhe't hrlbopy reovs toiuedhnnrgrag ,aht i w nlwatteihhihtddheeo. tthuinootseiiwdsecw idinaa c snlnoiah nsmwio pmp ff o tceahrtonnhe msy eapc mtouiisnolsicitnstthtoite,oca deoani allaca nnepmdw sp iooostntori hnkea ity.pres e p dwoa Ujnitoanhdnrbted de fedciwprx u obeaslyads-- Benjuinln J. PIHZZII of Holmdel. up by the fishermen for catching the Bedle'n wedding ring, two other rings, Dominick Marascio, a barber on who bns a ladies' suit and fur store in gave $500 toward grading and im- the school board and the salary is paid BeFtVUuuonecckcy—u uqMmuIl Htl—Kcl eOaJneeoonrrnK ieed oUDnroaootwelldon rg, ,bJyr . A. Y. fgiursets sfiinsgh nnneadr ehset athlseo nwuomnb ear poofo lf ifsohr svocmrse a nsidl vaebrwouatr eS,o ai nw caatschh., two revol Wi leesttt eFr rforonmt s thriese tb, roytehsetre)r dVaiyt or eMceairvaesd- ttheerd bayu.i ldinMgr. . TRhiceh msaolen dw apsa mida d$e9 y,5e0s0- dporonvaitniogn tohfe $f2i,e0l0d0, fionr athded iptiuornc htaos e hoisf bfiyx etdh eb yb othared Mofid eddleutcoawtino ns.c hoTohl ed sisatlraircyt ctowIhtlf eia lLaltWtr ahebsa«edeWt« M srnOf$ueBa.i5B amgio2lTTrhui .5zhHt gi, eoln Liddnat EL rinepebYadxYiwyos ce tnH et ith tshtOeyhsfoero Uee dro apSi anfrbrEy1 edi 1gtsitS9hcehgbO,ai0neeys0tLts i0 toDaWf .fnim.acrseiirl oroml.iuwaaernmdnet cBmtmBeihaeannaoieuYrmnnrta igirn ketoo h se FMfnhtttog .o eoh ffaorrmeb itduds .ytehamn Uh sy twepe.e, c noxoJuC nhofnucihi shtgrb ahnehtir ohat ltie.ntCenb ea iegodr afoT ' A o mcthrrh.ofee ebiens tyMs uhs tilirhiadgnannneearg tygdovr a et neotb B,gr lnaioeeWpuRw tn maejaiatlttdyo---o- wtsdohDowuhufnwwvifaeesnWidevcje npdir eihlyteyhodlr loi c e we ntrutsnoefoegBsastn od,. efM rtgm e waeolhsyrrty ahtSoehsi nsed.whan t w ehBttnen ot heivhcdopte sdtehe teh uoirl hnMcei,mfh eoeft, hoivrsdwmucaueatee sah.o nsrset r,eenh db Btwn.ea oe wade tdonsn d eT tMhsdlyort ePeh oenr.r eao tes hanwal. iit nNtescnhoa aBdye ifleoce k m eaknvt tgdtrhahcheielolnneeyedeost sinm'iIiloruooheca mldrd, rcehd kw i knyiictosetow osh ry ualstihca.hoenlt oltd tte re th e RaeeTVna rvwriernbos iedi tta uttprho hrtryosbe h Bna le eewetibadrg drvnaafsbroi iekoyusnunkvi ,u r lnge ephlnf be t roruhdt tuiorshnsei.imut n es o dto d .wewHrkf fert iiaelahidletyfs lrHhesl i sd enhaeioas agny eI T fg ts ismbaaun fItdeloitatr eoinhalkotoalarelsu tsnerydt-snt,- fphaBtaRotoahnrarcriireoecvdcil drpohui toengmrehpc. glereaciuot v nyunnptaitp dhdnsvrii or gseete odp nhraefe eue a sbrte ptwpstsy hytaetso oeo.rct Mr- trotesmbeirTtvsrsueo.e e h i ronollKeyiydntns sei.b b n nOoutrgnhciiaaT celecbkdwkdhu oli yepaifnvsli niglretea drs p.dnu rto r edscnebmtf ts TrlyuoMefeahh roneieeranertt. tsmsc.BFeagshephrscrlieacseoohsald t dcioruriiseoeegpionnat nrnella dlb,obc tt n.ayhtyeo.twco e sfkBf ti owt,ltr olPfh aiottw nlhenha b neednctea h s,soc hti pnhhosaiprcf npaltioheherne, ytrrgwl ciw neoseciotispf iticr l hcfaakltwi o elhle. b fheli eodiip doc f nloih tlWaaerdhn yetrw.eheei cgml e tlrotio aboespfMkrheu a leiicantgni hEsyhidhgnase--. cichcthUtdsoshiuceaei awnehisssr$vldt ote n1reoeopwaii0 sdicrflrb 0o ietbtoae mri sotakpnucri a o dl e nter naeremidrst sesnwkh a y uyt eMl D eos.aa rotafnern is frydvgabd .d e iume tdldhltae aoAehuetrSt foec it .woaa st hmcctnFCn$ihuo or7o rooet ntat5uoeosfo,t n h liwed tgtohrpai bnn,alleeo odslan rw fha,tM urichw0pdfrhioyi/,,edhne e dtictatrchoahlhkneeherfee-s-.- - of Wtliiluli ambo rMou. gThh oomfp aRoned,- thBe acnokll,e chtoars T.IBEBTY riRKMEN OH A. BAH,, by tho intruders. ' fictim to the disease, although be wns LYCEUM PKOPEaTY. Truant OCQoer. . h«gba,iutip$fweTnthoomnoop3ir.li geo uo.duiu3lr !o lhdrps u,sg w0 tea Eomenhpy0ti Aafrostadh0r u l r ndosy u.f,ktt tl outpoh nte nb tolye ooid iruFstotrt tIg r hhht uttr e ley loooelesaedil n n t Jnrwa i pbhrog tvtscwi lo aahKeevfoaowssrseadsnce rnnt estn ne rr snm lben,s e.tw ihi e utArnasfnt ia tiFrh Ht splbl odetaorl.RMrb norl efeMbsdoeet pnssroasuaTtdh.tetrtig Wyhi hd.onlo e stBTeert i nato Wtn Wthraals o hfaceyonnwh tfnooeeom hkd iaudar,tnreal, t,psts a mglI bhRei sMfaTatllopl ot ocnooncenhiuusyrntdnysdrse.t.tt McjiTdolttffoniohroowyohoeyogeArmknmemmneky etybdpd b eT ooa aerdrtdounrw eaHo ic*spityptpnl n pi uwnp ei onlarn2oontIiltnflerimn 5fhsti Bte urii e Biit.lAd nor e pmieo enirf danHcuidh edvr IgaUmmo rCtsiBeu. eBgmli lrblaawgoah ou neenh mS linfTnrk.dnatW aski tn/ e nit ACdh^hnwdnBcolsioolniytf.n.o emwa ^ d an'otpHroafLcTiteeo an mhtiodwhnhokbB oceeyonce okra S d rfWa nutiTua tyrbd.intanehms t e kmdhlifolantteoaloeenvnued nyir'eanotdrsee-.-BmJamspibUmotdoiuoereanAhjusodrroreniTmueckbdn i .Ahndreueo b nDi atoNfsyn s intswTeNn gt f Ttrno i hE BPelrnrooilWTehie s iinnntFsi sna Bl ct 'ls rsin snoApFtab tnFoSeno nUrrHcntrratorkCrenI iotennTnoe bon ocertuSwuwh tonthe uPe ns i NnMlmtBiososlrt.E tnrtfe te,obrfo c Wr eeo aoonhBtuMerdi, igcm mmtrs Bo,corh d uS.eTnardaa rttr'ndOd ssrayrllya uyn et Baog ec rdnsEg tegetom t, noO.ndorcoeeteco othenhbdenundidtysa-s, vBSHr'l1c•uiIitn'vooeee rnSnpfoef lI lfitfnkhsumnlemd eer.tpggo nattah shtwoBn neeate UrrnHln e.llb N o uoweCabffri tfHtdua i ymoHDgr tSo nWi haObe fa1inthef1 oWt nem1e uelsnsui1n nrNaitLdtl d wnyno ada,sutF.iiB Bhe ydl lrolYe rtosimhH aavo rUntalfeenAiootitptmrt e eb Uu iernsieog.rTnliwtgofn foroO i h ettob h.oheetCnlo netoe.,hw M nuaRWsdtrwMMr uoe lae1treodire-nss7s.ftWnppboHTaMbKmouproehai.oDooese l emialskpnn i a tOeaede h in1smfdlabrtlaisti'hitay eiorsin yisesosl nTHdm e tnn.l hslvHaef p yieoenmaeglcFa.aoisrrt henspMti taofCleuortc tlror,aoomn lr , n cta"ao.n Ah n etbft knieota udTiHwo rtr sv ag ownn aheclfupk mihRiOen tecsreeiiwreSnotdhiiaok ldehp tin.oI1lo Breloiscv9neY sBr u aew tt befmrnahyWoaeb nsk.h rprB obk ia .uaolou" aslACnnkdBir nlaedyy yuhdotmBd cnag ue nakru 1wwgukvnmefsIh-meikoinItlls,ts-.lrl prcmtvjstoltnftheeaoohoaleenlcnuwek omcArsw'ekdt Myitum iti i e vilotnviotd rnartetnogetub,rno kud h. rue a egm yewdsaie ne o ntibnnahOtta esf.t enfet m nhn ortn(docot hnertoii focrTsr ureffoousimfeealo hmcilafu capiefje plfebog orntp i lhr,aeobthreto ihtp edea.tlnir ee y pn irwu on d s,tlsfa ieceiT tm fctlcphhiadcluaechoa aipsoo,n ennert enholcaridds gi o a owl uce t svonmrsaridh otauefls thewlarm ti s et cootvtehth ififnbe«edtnwoi atclet se eedrtroeh s dd'ebuaUvm, so eanatteutiohhea ircnnrtunenneenoiyets-1 SocnCatWTVpwifotiirhr eMd nyOeeeetcssileHst ntnnv ehtKroi nefhoaeeri Ststcaf n ioe nuagwsd RyhmldV n' h eSoeedO\aeaoaomdvhtadta Irjusi oe-yr\ ee,sFnx mmre , H sieT aatlimecihlnaro nfr ikaentOfet ate r eca konAyrPdetp Wrtng ia uivgrioncAvgxOeneraauogieidi s gsnlgcnm. eiF i cihpta nztIpenbtorfo.tand Anryyea tMi om pntiHGoomttioeoGfrohh o.n r ns noemi t.cmev .So on eeWosemf.sWioH pnnm frpTese ubFobi oeoghllotecustdohhyetreihfofoyysotfsd. Thompson cxpoctfl to movo In about bia non.s, Louis and Gabriel Tanncn- the car to run across tho road to tnke child of school ny.i' in i\w township, us or the occasion. Speeches woro also tho first of Octobur. Tlio price vmld hauni. Tlio rental was made by Wil Home pastry to 11 house when he was Mil. Boicli Hart by rail. a basin for truancy work. Only the undo by Miss Young, secretary of tha wptBaIyrlnaioo odMsyluit IemhRJddMe1R d 5 in,pD,b M0twsyre0 cl Rlla0oiiMnMoa.itler ,li eosmNn da yon.t W h olflerCoNeemydrlhos n ao wIrt,nolr hiiwenl-filln snh a ,nnoF npd IrwmieI.on.ih unr enoltIm lv naiHIpi nsrvlln orni eyf-cmc«oeilidf,--cbwtlnIboe'ayforaf tmoA yitxAI- Sbt tpf r>rtnl wt ltgtnithhIIuinmvn huui Hnmn irruSes l an i uHuniOdHnmtnknoo ifoid,irpfK re ilrec fxliuera vhaH r tcinno niiocolt)tWft uh hr w ntHwrIi,Ia iamt niiesnlyWnlmU utnvd ilcnfonf I.cRno oncrJn Kinre nkoul 'idnonhsnltci hmtnndidrHo B eIa I MIloteunnnsIehtyu. onil,o cc. umnCko iharll woem,tanTionohrebhekcgnoiyreo,letgHpnlpmiraluluaarmMinmccnlyiieedri' ,syl dd Ao. giinu.a'mM nIivH,oKdonAnef oruhr ndpltYbMtsuiipln i iorirurg nnL(t, !h .uogo .R ff.Dr oitDTaDaoMdnlva i e,vio.pa dH i odsMubosTsdnaion.tah bkon ueUy r go. tncophrlvhuifetin iendslsrdtenP d oebcy niteofoe,ieamu rnii bownMhyDIilafgtieoorr drrti.ul. oi lfdb cnyaemIoikib dsDIlcabi l, i etanrb tob uoy Wyrtoi oi swidpnn.e a oyagr wdnyf.rY r ca aaoti aj'hinkoMuulMeld.vnt io i lTrgtdrcmh.i'r drusneriol tOjan e ubeoegtoairoxlil,nelvlwo pi.dc b evne btuna,o. e stmro leiMwoko ahn hliunrenig.eshe. c ir iinuempsg r1 waM3r hn reunittotrd«oysos.t lBtHtfUmhihoieopiirae iMr'uognrrd waiieriiiefi isdmwnrt in. o in.iuiiunbnns lSpmsttugu e tu Ua rrrinps,nsnhe' n.-oa'eekeiicnri Mdtrl llcl,e e i hf.iiIrp o'lm lsfi ioof.cslu Sk sur ncelhhslKrlad tenei. ,yrt ruhiFf w'fedweiftrilnnii inhl'hiid so-njrWit o uan mshfyrwgfWle.y ia veI.twtIy eHheMeafhspero r eo ildponipnmn ewfgo a nn ribteocthoihvlniihin-cl---', IIImflptm cd ioanotuiiorow iripsn nsintvinmtrionla sc siwotich afnvtnntie n la pi-n.itdilfn v indrudclos taeeT ccmfitn hvcmihecnw ovix-ie!moiesHec i r lpiiunnd fgwosrailiwhie nifnit1t isiaad l i lln a t aw shcwntilcg tloiichti ailsluhvoilwlcos t e ohhuai clHlloenl oilM e o ifdnteu lru is. etdn xiaoltdddicr wdeltesctReivoo rneitaeloi topsltbHgt hawitiei'uotirriihdpnns-annet, [•iImDl n'fera lvnci'lrn1niegtlst'rh i'oni;eHm[n luI s'eiMtlAd ivaa ielirour niiDiintfnxiwil n .liil gs l *iRi,-n MaKn e Elmridohdunyvli oie'i,ietli icnmlinHMitmg itoeua ii,nnWni nttHhdhk.t o ne e. X luncCTnnnemoohnjpAdtrwbetpep l, elnt ro .rhHlor nipttoonuh.grCyiggto ese h. o sduifgcd 1rha7ettlhvhl&mnlo6a-t, tlon of Bovernl weeks. Ill Kh hi im II " HH ie ref form Hbclb nnl,, ndndd account In tliu nunio of bin grand but tho chief ICIIKOM' for ••••tu|ii<lliIIK iiiimul Aiigunt null' nf tho It. Welt yiintcrdny ho was taken to that inatl- I'blld this morning. Mardl Loiin Motorcyole Damaa-eA by OolUalon. veguliw iitU'mtnnc^ nt tichool irt thn "omimny of Ki-ypurt. This llrm h»» Boy flared from Drownlnf. UUOH by tlio I'ounty thltl Piwldson in tlm youngost depositor u Joneph Czukor, 11 bourtlnr nt the DUrolj.rt nlmailf In Htrtet. ili'ti'iiniimtimi to iniikc tin' n<'h'>»ls of NlncKi'd itn I'll,' iilore from cnlltir to Kdwnril Irwln, ugi'd "iiven yoniB the Hurt Hunk liiHtlttitlon. Central hotel, while lidlng hi" molor- Timothy Daviii of Jiini'y City \ya:i III<• lowuxllip of (In' hlglli'Ml |>o»:iiblc utHc with now linen of furniture nnd , •onhTtlofiui.fleondi r n o iwrotyno f i d, tHnotCeiciirumkr ip nnr!Ayfw.t ,ot Crutp hhgatloeelirdm nlli pii tunveb enofr1 yr *yo y.eam onnIar rdAwtd v,rltn onowlo,nw okydnn lithvnn 1lemg1ni1.dilantain AyldiF. nl irgmaHMA nioto ak fotl rlcfeliRhIffptl ,eil H clrwik'eliruniAf e nm nml ianiucnho'mnniou ocrlionoloianH mud dnopOlwcwanuhnentni nyno tg trt »i*o n. onctnH o . roSilgkvtulehminui--l tbauiJliolndr.iiiqnniggh J oaoHinentnp nchlcHi loiHr.no hlwimoidohi ooe n ntthot ri moIMne tco thorfenno. drIu lcnntdeoidvlor noYiIiIywmKiogcMnnlrhokenIt. d. h oc nrdMbo yMlKarl .nla rdd(fC.lr i t./d . t(u hFVHker.oIw .oI riIniUi MutthhIt Iioi 'smHimtwi nonhhnombiui tlndln oo lrauy mhufW llitntvoIo InnHnfF r i irodiiNlwbdu 1iomnal1wny0s--i1ndKtilr1recmir cnTdie'llniiinlii'ytttytit '.ui wlldr lbluilHDlSni^iiia uUKoHtvbIu'iIniianr'Kd ddl 'oiWa.' n yIIbtI iHiyiItKn lHldPi"rgcr ooIhuWnflti nt IcI kaeHfi.mno i rdtMai enI'crdu trltr*t..it l ' roittpi.Ollwir Tiu ipiKtlnrhii-ol-l!Tntioiiini'lwUlvuMinnmxlliiniiiiHiglntnli iiyi.iiK tpU lo iin'crT Klm iitvnt "br" ti I n''I un1 'r"ip1Ih'Ih l IilKJnllaJhiCoI l<O rl It'.<Hf 'iid>Iiirm i hnWtnlilll forIiI lliViiici'uiMH'til'o u iiliwd.p.frdinlol yomswl o lwifito'lniiriuvIIIhClIiIeHlVe IIMn.l i -ln ri>nifOii0 mnlmlnn iibiilg'ivilliiniiiiti'gc nilciilTid;ml n lUnfKoi ni."i "tj hda>alwlt. etH»hthlepio no gc«tiilniaio.lli eln r rpalrcnocd-a ,. ,ffhiMSwiW rth*Un) o«prToOaIyu tmnaurhdnnlhnO r tnotd npareo Ur*amrtIr fl*onn. to nlMi onict ttirh>oafatoxri M oo l nb-tiaymkvyWFl cne wita.Wanwdn h«Oi rk »lrlIo-nhxt M.tnoec htl l l'itHpae•dtr. tlth.l' y DaaH lnttl Wv ac tulrm'«aeiar•l.mt maphlnr moea ei KOm art om eIe feel«en e,Monitorrhl ordrl fa.jaa er .aan covlln ialep Heopmotlin«au weVael d.trr H .be d cHt oaolVuiflonirn-o hJlwhywlhMlaioalnymriso aoymimrG anirt.rrem mtne.lct.o t h(Wrl-orte, .ibbUd ramKnta aoIn u'o)ybtkfonBlhr y emf,do oirIn yIIo*onnJlW/ gao rtmf. h nt 'BlosaeItm t mfrl)trKe ol ne onae.aluta (acdkdHhkI< le. rH aoR mr - nmao ndt• nnfrVtytHli modrxreriaon lmna'np,ir n e oypd1tf1AIr.1n nhen nttldhinrrln ltnmnn ab dy Kag lr. o -llo tllV'uownalkotnMn I e ninw ndloiaII afo lKKftaii hoitocivtihKUrnunl«atie-jt- HmnAmJv«t•bMhor a otnnoaiahluaHtMIiuntw tnnntnlo'tintinroflft mhimxoit,ru l tn onto ownn hwmt fAw o•t i r imIAiPfniannC i p 'lruarNaf lllItAkl o W rhtF ma,tceae & rW .wmotntfn T. loo rkkroaThgIh nnlIvnlnvaIohonan MHo drooton Infu n lrdmf rrir,pncd.asltnb nnyaopa r uHvow emfrtrdonifiondiailt oovrnnc dg cH irc eur(ienwwruonorutndogn p gioro. wnl blnw limotdfr n horii.,benloiKuonl tunk«m bo n'l «wisy lMr dn nl oUtuiitohvntnnrlnln<nka:gxii etltliHJ,RHh'ill .no!mmllcecapGhiATcco chot n'c A llmn Ohidfi«ntwnurHTfi fo«oodiiclrlllph ,, nriH ilo nwc tu,itwrin 'ae i rowincCinnnilMtwaMtolln' d hhnn nnnohMirM ar adiiaililbyirblt no.elec, e i tttLniRdnlllltA iiin mun. ooni nln1ndiWijeiulnunnlr1l Tlanhar lnhn tfnlylt oelio lot hImvcorHDn<i Aoh M noo«uanututstonhn locn) rtmInvl ,ahcrodn HMllu hn i i lcrna btKinrifintW,ltohPmna. , n n nIldidIhV eoorHr aAi..f|rmONiy( loMhvlat lv n eoi ifaroclrtoroondnqnnnrffr.-toimwnnf'HHH'lUnl«r«uiiwienpTnuplynn!dl|vttnM|l).ii Mlimo io. vtVI'y-in<in"ifrr iiA i!o l :p'lm. j.ni cF noI•wtiomA'ulouiWpllvr'inl l lOiulnla ldtluf*Indiliwlo.l ld ' n flrtrleiiw lm1 oillnlrioll)sIKfim lI.rli I lxh nm'I lnHIAtnom nKIDy iinbmm.I ll »l1 ei del1 iyv dl wW lwOd rtnlKOha1te|uHiyTumllre1n np>l.lr ilI le.ieIfplrrPiminapr iii<Kh.tyibHi1T.rIli i' llIllnhytiTyp oi nI v rUmnloomuHiLlgnio tIlia ir lrNirblmltcu ouhoouniwnierl-ti-t[nfwItilt|wIfIHhnlrinii1nrnloloh1ilotn<h<iiud1in| ilin'1imol!'nyci tL irli 1 i ihn rilllu ov Iiil ni i''mtiIfnnntitpIltvt nnuotlhti ileavhmnyi o i.le i ytiypso pi,tul i m linyn li«ntaniciTy$l moil ldgdoroil»rlrli« Knnli ii<.i. oi\i, " l.v0 o>Ib" lo il in0iinnolty ptiTml0l lliln t liltii.Mi hiiniiul i <iwlin»nliwni]n>ilfnn|Ktnm dMni nu yi iIl rM1IniMl in>rlbn- 1f'nUo oi moriy ui iILitfUm,limileblhtp intldn lailiniii,nrM l-nlwil rt«tii olltno h' l'nwmnrnt' td n io »r,ft iai nfo owllilnIoilldrtio lbnIiihnllihKi bflifllnoyno °on ni"tpw ai ul rwrt1 mpn mlipofn1' mbnnrr iivi ilthiliourrrIoniryiHrIleaoriaaIoriuiHniioi-l,ltf-wrSQIQmlrifumi,ltrImneuiuuuIAuiHneIrnnin|Ilitni/t Knnrylldlul lpkk yilidr u imrdt an y r wAl rnye. Oi(t«at n myaA'bh y.tntinr ur'irn po« H«t'rm«iI«1eyfllt »i*'elodcltly,('funi' ihntithy a c ,l.vcu.ie miIe ylhcwnnriJbdiJ Hl tdIltKUnrMoe dmt wMn 'loIrhtne oVkn rr enknCt ,,l( nnrla oil Su'nlmniChk.tBf mp uci llo Millil nIctMvetpU.oo.th Rnoooeo om mmlt vr|reo A Tj» nndH»rI*lufVkhetlH tbh ' latot»il,etl»n,H nU fr B l» rfuopn»»Jn.»o,EmniP. or MrMn »|m.lg(g««d,fI« «*n nulT of< n«»tto rmEth w vlifltlihcoe hokmd»I*t«u«nyn*n*N- h. . Free WWH. •*• «>e tnw Mil f you If you aUnml Kurd A Mlllor'n aum- to r««*lv<! B|i(iii>«. th in Inw, .Imnra J. Tnylor of Middle- win'* Th. flnait Hi In towns ••tlmktti K bottU of |ooj CsllfomU port, lal nulta nud« to your ovri mer »hi>* »«l«.—Virfi1, town Mil 9M.-1 r> nor day for trenahorL on |H>lnr itint. i. i, ih«rry or elirtt. (Ivtn »way frit with m«uur«. Upwarda ft*to. 4>B, lit th Tallet** »ulte tat tuullee «•«• to Older Inu tha UIHI Hill fhlldrrn to »n«l from ttnItv pm»jr,» io «4^rtlw la tun Rw8ii»trnw4, pMut r vdnotrl lar i«t fuudllk qu ~ dHArd««lv««.«'«m »dkryln »( roodd«*p »arttomf»w, itR eoxf), BJaonake,p—h HM) "PTuh e)I MTo iC-MReirnyi "H ah «•pe"* twt in'dow— a•Hut» lut$< 1U(5U •patmmoritn in,u opRnwel adro iflHn u Jonnkmt , pthlio/ l iHr/lcno.lni'kn ndnryil tMI.h11nc' CKlMotietUk at'Hhya o btoJidow bn1. 4 ajF>rrh»eord a dl,«U yla.t nlsi lM wrVi,l llT otI«otyit 10 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 st T R U NEW t USHERS' UNION OPTING AT PORT MONMO^TH. TRUST «JR EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR: ASSIGN N^EiviR^EPosnfow^iwwttB' MARKS THE OPENING OF Athletic Gam«* Occupied the Afternoon and at Night a Big Clam- . ' «iklngr. In muailnf such mitlera, we "nwk« • buthww ol lt"i| bake Wai Served on'the Bay Shore-N&yeiink People Are Dit- A GREAT SALE InvMlmenU and to keep fund» coiutantly Inveited without low of cutting Plan* for a Water System at thatP lace—Belford Athlet- time; we have »tronr.lirr««afe-<kpo»U vault* fertlMUfe kcepfnr 'ol .papers and vatraMar-We have conducted 4hhbu«lnctt tor |w«n-i " ic Club Defeats Port Monmouth Team. • . . ' v . rythree years, never ^oslnjr a pennyxjf any cuitomer'a money.' >E SUl OUAlWnTiriMORT<lAOEsrsaR.CH tVfjUARANTtt HTlK, The ushers' union of the New Mon-rocker at the Navesink firemen's fair throughout New Jersey. ' , AT manonuutha:l Bsaalpt tiwsta tcehruwracyh ahetl tdh eth sehior ref iarstt- laa stto nw oeefk c.o alL oanst ay cehaar,n cMe r.a nAdy trhcae wyeoanr t • C»p»al, Surpluiand accumul«re<lproflttiJ2,0OO,0Q0, Port Mohnuroth jast Thursday. The >efore he won 100 pounds of sugar. THE R. WEST CO., Keyport, N. J. event was held for the members of the Miss Anna Finnigan of New York IDE-MEW JERSEYTITIE dUipNTEEeTRUSfCOMPANY/ union and all the-friends they might spending a week with her sister, invite, intruding the fair .sex,. and Mrs. Antonius Gibson of Port Mon- .. U «ad «S Manttomny StR«t«f , 'JBRSBYCITV, N. i.f about 160 w$re present. The after-,mouth. Miss Isubclle Gibson of Port noon was taken" up by varioua.sports". Monmouth is visiting her brother, Ira ««»IMIIIIMM«HMI<»M>tlM«IHtt>IIIMMIM*M»« and athletic events. Toward night re- libson of Bloomfield. , WHICH INCLUDES freshments of coffee and sandwiches Reuben Davis' and a lady frrend were served. The coffee was prepared rora New York spent Sunday with FILMS by the boys themselves assisted by Mr. Davie's slater, Mrs. Aaron Hop- 500 Indisputable and Incomparable Bargains in Daniel H. Cook of Bed Bank. One ofkins of Navesink. Mrs. Hopkins was the great attractions was the hot dogconfined to the house part of last week Desirable Furniture and Floor Coverings and sandwiches which, were prepared by on account of sickness. Samuel Bamford. At night the affair .- The play, "JJuldoon's Picnic," is to was topped off by a grand clambake be given at Navesink in a few weeks Summer Furnishings of Every Description furnished by 'William H. Bennett offor the benefit of the Navesink fire- -FOR- Belford, and prepared by Charles D. men. This play was given at High- Thome of LeoiiaroMlIe. This proved lands last week and met with great to be the most enjoyable event of thesuccess. 10 CENTS. AT whole affair and after leaving the Walter Connor of Navesink haB the shore strewed with clam shells the contract for the painting of J. D. Big Reductions from Regular Low Cash Prices. tired but happy ushers went home de-Rockefellow's winter home at Lake- claring that it was the most successful wood. Mr. Connor started work on event the union had ever held. The the job the first of the week. Eastman's vSystem. committee in charge of the affair were Louis Boeckel, Jr., of Locust Point, Albert W. Morford, Curtis Walling. saved a man from drowning last Tues- George Halsey, Samuel Bmnford and day, at Oceanic. Boeckel and the man Albert Bym. i were in swimming, and the man got EXTRAORDINARY CLOSING OUT SALE OF COM- UNUSUAL BARGAINS TO BE FOUND HERE AND iraverinl WAnta Water FLant. iut beyond his depth. FORTABLE CHAIRS ANb ROCKERS. THERE THROUGHOUT THE STORE. The question of o water supply for theA Bmelefeotridn g Mweitlhl obdiest h eclhdu rtcohn igthot inar- \ The Latest System of Handling Kodak Films. 13 7.50 Turkish Spring Rockers, now $25.00 $16.50 Bird's-Eye Maple Beds at...... $10.00 Navesink is now absorbing the at-range for conducting a lunch counter $33.SO Turkish SprinR Rockers at $22.50 $15.00 Gold Music Cabinets at * 7.S0 tention of most of the residents of that at the Monmouth county fair at Red £22.So Royal Morris'Chairs, now $15.00 $20.00 Sofa, detachable cushions, now.' $10.00 locality. Several plans have been Bank this year. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. $>2:oo Morris Chairs, very large, at $20.00 310.00 Mahogany Rockers, now 5.00 looked into but the most feasible and Misses Sue nnd Grace Williams of $18.00 Fumed Rockers, nojfe . .' $11.00 S15.00 Fumed Ladies' Desk.../ 9.00 the one that wimld tost the least Navesink, who have been visiting »17.S0 Royal Morris Chairs, now $12.00 $ -6.50Colonial Rush Mahogany Rockers, now 4.00 money is.to drive artesian wells on thefriends and relatives in the New Eng- $S1i34..7050 BRoayra Hl aMrboorrr isC hCahirasi rsa,n ndo Rwoc kers, now..$$1 19.0.000 SS 65..7050 SSlliiddiinngg CCoouucchheess,, ccoommpplleettee 24..9580 hreilslesr vaoti rH. illsTidhee awnadte br uiflrdo ma ctohnecr eater-lWanedd nessdtaatye.s, returned home last —-AT \ SI2.00 Royal Morris Chairs' $ 8.00 S 8.50 Serving Table S.0O tesian wells could be pumped into the Julia Rutherford Nielson, the prize S$ 68..0000 BBaarr HHaarrblioorr CChluaiirrss aanndd RRoocckkeerrss,, nnooww.. ..$$ 6 4.0.000 SS 54..5500 SCehrivffiongn ieTrsa,b lenso, wnow $ 32..8590 •wreasteerrv icoorm ainngd f irotm is tchlaisim heedig htht awt tohuled wHienlenni ngH nfrotxy toerfr iNera vbeeslionnkg, iwngi llt ob eM iessn- DICKOPF'S, S 7.98Chiffoniers, with glasses $ 5.98 have pressure enough to circulate tered at the Red Bank dog show this $22.50 Enamel Chiffoniers, now $15.00 through the various villages as far asyear. S-FFIAuoBlisMN-llt prIssaoToiituzznAtneregRed, l s yaYws ne IesmsdlMel, w pfAumeselrTtdlair TadowlteRn i,ecg Eeik fSgdeshStl,gti tEe c,n kStooai tnwwplAgl o Ms wcT,- ohpa tiSanttltorAeort ne Ctw shRscMe eoIysFta ,tI tolCtannrEse otDs wsfa ee.tlsP .'t,.$R$$ I C225E...S099.088 SSS$SSIII121 216620......559905O08008 BSMOEtooaia arlrkidhl$d y'os1 Cg-6MEEah.nn5yaiyfg0ehf l ooisgMCnChaiho aenipruyLfslfc e,io hbL nerCnaiasedhro,r yiisewf nsfTo'o naDwbieelre.ssks,,, nnnooowww..........$$$$$$1 11 1960008.....5.00009000008 pLdaeeasnunreossngmdc oti ufcn poshieitaonr eet gPirtfo sh io nsisitst nth waiotns teoi ealoor anNwnknydi.ae wn vp togheauW fsut eitttsn hroa . kde Ss pgo uhl. peiaaa mEprwntdll p clyaeiraoy ssomn,s tv wydpewpsime rtgtoetehieermsv kannie--t,t nails au gTmMcteohhr.bsnoie.n cmrkr eaiWonste gfa K lccdooioolnlhnfet t rnrrae,aB cmcJttlsaroy i.ran ,o, iotnfh Nfg B aaJoevsisren tssose itneynh c kue sCarp eniedtvdyn ai,tl- 50 Br. o' 'a•d•• Street, . Red B• ank, tN. J. 45-splioguhntldy sogielendu,i nlei miteOds tqerumanotoirt y. MInastttreeasds oesf, sainn ki dbeoaa ordf othfe. t1r caodset. isW fuhlleyn othrgea nNizaed\e,-pBaerltf>oorfd . lasMt wr.e Bekly w iist hs uhpeerri hnutesbnadnedn ta otf Stamps Received as Cash. Si 5.00 to $18.00, now $10.00 EXTENSION TABLES REDUCED. the water question will be one of thethe Eastern dredging company. 50-uplaorulyn d ssouldp erbfiyne u cso ftrtoomn fe$lt1 8M.5a0t trteoss e$s2, 3re.5g0-; G-foot round 5t0o pS,t pyeledse sttaol Sbealescet, sForloidm, .strong fBireslfto frdn atTteerasm taMkTeriaiinip .Agnln. enhtMisc,r as.Rg oe Wva.a raletn evdri s MiStihrnsag.w J M. nBnr.. dS Sh chahawiwl d'asr eptn a torhf-e We Return Credit. about ien left, now $15.00 and easy working Tables. .$ 6.75 The Belford baseball team defeated NavesiHk Methodist parsonage. 0-foot Polished Quartered Oak, round tops, the Monmouth athletic club of Port Mr. and Mrs. 'William Cottrell, Mrs. IIIIMMtinHMIIIMHHimiltMMMMMUIMMII We p$la1c.e2 5o v2e7r x554o oR oAfG th ReUseG Sv erOyN bLeYa u5ti9fucl. Rugs iii $24ltie.m5re0idt e Edo xatqekun.as nioTtniht yeT seaa btlTe tash biosle fsp srerielcepecr.t ee.sd.e .nst.o .lit.dh. e.q. ul,aas.r$t- 9.98 MsBceoolrnfeom rdoo uftt he3 a mtSo u 2Tn¥d.a asTy. Mheao fobtreaert nteaoronynd f Loborhy ste hneaHMLoiMgt.th ielHa neBndsrr yas npPseoiennrt ceSa uonnfdd a BTyeu lwnfoiisrt hd .LManre. oafnd Complete Line oTTfrT OTTfTfTiTcTeTT TTSTTuTpTTpTYlTiTes this sale at the sensational price of 59 cents; a most word in Table construction, now $15.00 and the Monmouth club's battery was Collins Brothers received a boat unusual bargain. Ten different colors to select fronr Rosenbaur and."Miskel of Jersey City. load of ,coal Monday. They also have The .score was"2 to 2 up until the a carload of cool at Middletown rail- CHINA CLOSETS. eighth inning, when the Belford boy's road station to be unloaded. ON DISPLAY AT TWO SPLENDID SPECIALS IN BED SPRINGS. made a run. The Belford team will Mrs. L. H. Sykes and son Alfred $2.c5o0n satrlul cmtieotanl,, nguoawra nteed Springs, reinforc$ed1.25 SBeelanentc dtee.adnl ld P Cgolhlaiissnsha e dsCh elOolvsaeeksts, C noloofswe stos l,i da lola mki,r nroorw b. a.c. k.$'$ 198..0500 dpalayy. the Jersey City police next Sun- WaSnu.d n Wdtawy. Corw caionteuh sionMfs Bio'esfl.f SoLryadkk.eesw'so odb rostpheenrt, TETLEY'S. J4.00 extra quality all steel Springs, extra fine Stove Sati Pile to Clothing-. double weave, now $3.00 William Heyers, son of Joseph turMneids,s MSaatuudr daRyo opa ftoer f Bael fomrdo nrteh's 3 AND 5-PIECE PARLOR SUITES. Heyers of Belfora, was badly burned training at the summer school for last Thursday morning The boy came teachers at Cape May. ROOM SIZE SEAMLESS WILTON RUGS AT $23.50 3-piece loose cushion Suites, now. . ..$18.98 down stairs and1'stood" by the ga•s 'Nelson Griggs of .Passaic and Mrs. AUGUST PRICES. 831.50 3-piece loose cushion Suites, now. , ..$25.00 range. His nigluV <&>thes caught Vict6r Paul and children' of Philadel- BOOKS INKS $•17.50 Royal Wilton Rugs, seamless, very £3).50 5-piede tufted Suites, now. ,j'. .$26.50 ana he was bur^exnip-tne back and' onphia are visiting Miss AugustaGriggs heavy, now ~ $37.50 $39.50 3-piece Imperial Leather Suites, now..$28.50 the neck. 'Dr. 0. W.'Budlong is at-of New Monmouth. Time Books ' ' Wrltihjr Kiuia $39.50 Royal Wilton, seamless, now J33.50 530.00 5-piece tufted Suites, now $60.00 tending him. Mrs. Mabel Bodine and Mrs. Bertha Memo Booki F'ountain Pen Ink S29.50 Royal Wilton, seamless, now $20.00 Child Eat« riy Poisqp. Williams of Long Branch are spend- CaaK Books Colored Inks 524.50 Wilton Velvets, seamless, now $17.50 The infant daughter of Mrs. Ed-ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sales Books Stamping Inks DINING ROOM SUITES. ward Crosby of Port Monmouth pot Jones of Belford. l^edfters Indelible Inks LARGE AXMINSATLEL R SEAANMDL EBSRSU.SSELS RUGS- 5A9 0oma.0ak0g, nfFiifnuiicmsehenedtd D9i-innp iirneicgcle i SnSeuut itat ebt r oowfn s; esleectt eind clsuodleids$67.50. diawnrnatodosp sdsb.o oemfinoDerg er f .tl h0iyte. sp W co mhiis.loo dBtn hu hedMral odoknn engdae atwoeyn f mwBsheoeavrlfnteo irirnatdgl hnsooamwvMie rn sa.g tb imlbeAee em tnowz ii c btohPen of usisnitpceekdn an netosdos f. ta hrNoeau hvnoedus isneak ff toiesrr JRDoeaucyro nrBdaolsosks SUPPLIES $$S32i800...500000 ssseeeaaammmllleeessssss ABVxreumlvssienet lsst RerRu guRsiU; sR S, now $5$211215...590080 $006b. u0fc0feh taW ires,a thcelirienda Oclaoks ecto, mepxleteten sDioinn intga bSlee at nadt.$$4677..5500 wanatsi dosutem.moned and administered an hwoemGekees o rwSgeiat thuR rHodoiaspy d oauaffg tBherrt oero,sk pMlyennr ds.ir nCegth utawrrnleeods Supplies BPluosthte rPsi,n Isnk WelU $15.00 seamless Brussels Rugs $11.00 S10O.00 Complete Dining Set at $72.50 Weakflih Running in Bay. Hubbs of Belford. STATIONERY Pencils, Pens $12.50 seamless Brussels Rugs $ 9.50. $160.00 Complete Dining Suites $125.00 Harry White of Belford caught The Eastern dredging company is Writing Paper Pencil Holders SI2.00 seamless Brussels Hugs $ 8.50 $200.00 Mahogany Dining Suites, now $150.00 forty bushels of weakfish and 10m0aking another 40-foot cut in the Above KURS are all new anil haven't been offered bushels of moss blinkers Monday channel. The work will probably be Juvenile Paper Pen Holders before. All are absolutely perfect and are of a su- morning. This is the record catch done in a month. envelopes Erasers, Seals perior quality. As they were bought just before the BUFFETS AND SIDEBOARDS. along the bay shore this season. The Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Sutphin of Carbon Paper Rubber Stamps big advance we ire in a I'ositimi to offer the choicest weakfish are beginning to come in theNew Monmouth returned from a two Type-writer Paper Library Paste assortment uf hifih quality Kugs at very close prices. Made for our own regular stock. These fine pieces bay in large quantities now. weeks' vacation at Holnidcl and Free- Pads Letter files must go to make room for new goods now on the way. Ball PlnyerB Otivo Clazntiake. hold last week. Suo.oo Polished Oak Buffets, now $49.50 The baseball club of Belford held a Daniel Bennett of Belford has had Letter Paper Rubber Bands HANDY SIZE RUGS OF QUALITY AT VERY $55.ou Polished Oak Buffets, now. , $45.00 clambake alon^ the phorc at Port a -ntw walk pnt down from his house Drawing Paper Gum Labels SPECIAL PRICES. M$3S7..5500 SPiodliesbhoeadr dsO aakn dSi Bduebffoeatsr,d s now $$3298..5500 Monmouth last Friday night far thetwoo rtkh eh ismtrseeeltf.. Mr. Bennett did th. Tissue Paper Paper Clips $S1I..2550 WAxilmtoinn stKeru jsH, ugnso, wn.o . w 7859cc.. S3inio.5wo liuffets, Early English or Golden Oak,$22.50 bsoennse fit woerfe t hep treeasmen.t Anbnoudt f ?if1ty0 p ewra-bsurMnres.d hMera hrayn d Lfuaisltl owwe eko. fS Bheel fwordas Typevrrlter. Ribbons and Oil lor All Machines. Si.25 Cre.x Rugs, bordered, now 98c. SiS.'lS Sideboards and Buffets, now $15.98 cleared. getting dinner and steam from a kettle S-l.oii Axminster K115S. jfixrj, now $2.75 S16.5o Sideboards and Buffets, now .$11.50 Brier ItemB. scalded her. S2.00 Bully ISrussels Ruts, now ' $1.25 SI3.5o Buffets .mil Sideboards, now $ 8.75 Rev. E. L. Fox, or his assistant Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pentermann TETLEY'S NEWS STORE, S1.V8 Smyrna Rugs, jdxiui, now ' $1.48 .Many of the above pieces are in weathered oak, from the People's Home church at of New Monmouth are visiting Mrs. ?•HtJ.C5.o CJraepxa nResueg s,K UJlTSSx. 363,6 xn72o.. vn ow $13.00c0. early tnslisli, fumed and golden oak. NMeewth oYdoisrtk wchilul rcphi'e gSchu nidnay t hem Boerlnfionrgd. NPeenwt eYrmorakn.'s relatives at Saratoga Broad Street. TELEPHONE I. RED BANK. At night Miss Wilson, a deaconess of James Carroll of Port Monmoutli is „ (Oppoalte Flrat National Bank.) ODD DRESSERS REDUCED FOR AUGUST ONLY. ODD LOTS OF CHAIRS. ttlheamt ecnht urochf, Cwaimllp s"pWeaokl fea.b ouAt tchlaes s soeft- hofa vhinigs hnoetwel. p ieJros hpn uJto uhnndseor n thies p dooricnhg 5?SM I 11'?.i5...U5550 uu SH Sl-ooailgnliihciitl.l v y OdWlaa-ikokn' . iIDus'lhrr ieendDsc sreeDesrsssr see.suss,e ursl,n R meagvum la-r Dress-.$$$ 856.,.999888 p55 2r1i.O.c55einDls d; IKmI'ndouccssktk e oerarfssn, ,C yhn nkaoiionrwsdw a ynodu R woacnkt eriss , ht oer ge;o a ant$$ isda11ecar.:i.f80ice90d igBpaeienroll.fp so lerwNd aielaral ertl. sty^it inon5p:g pp0 (ir0rneig 'scs ehpaneitllt d Clrhieamynmm ep.na snW dio nylfo eIu taantlg- tirnhu eaRt dhuw. eboe MJ rokPhr.hn. a ilnWlidpy sMc koorfsff. B Pheholifulolsirepd s o hhnaa tsvh eme boEevaeesndt Meadow Brook Farm 513er.s5,0 nWohwite i:n.in;el Iire«sers $$1100..0000 5>5i..1M11i1 RKoocckkecrns,. nnooww $$23..5500 NaTvhees inkr,e siadernct sp ottoinfg Seesatrism ataevse fnouer boKarvdeirnegt,t Kunyon of- Belford, who is BROAD STREET Sl».')S IlirilS-liye Maple Jiul M.ihncmv Dress- So.So Rockers, now $4.00 the laying of cement sidewalks on theemployed at New York, returned to SHREWSBURY, NEW JERSEY F —e4r-s3,< i nCoiwiL. ..t s.s i-.tn Wjl'mn Pressers. ; doubl.e,$14.00 :-r.')« Ruckeis, now $4.50 wmeosuttebr lya vseincluie' utfo t ltiho ea rvaeilnruoea df rocmro sMsiungn- wvaocrakt iolna.st-week after a two weeks Tel.pUn. MM R.rl Bank " swell (runt $19.50 This improvement will be of great Mr. und Mrs. Jacob Saundcrs ol FANCY FARM PRODUCTS Bj ST?.lh<KeA- '..b5Swouo v oeWMo dDahwhritenoes grskale,in rnvs. miiDaii;virr-lee! is a hslerl,er, t;ss]i,, ts! ltemrdtsr iiwwn,Ui.i1mt l ii ubgess t cpilMf it- hReL$$ Vl21iS5i5'i..Ce.00Ss0t0. Ml!IiC^.. Ihn;ig:rr.aiiinii Ct i.ri\r'pIeNdt,, G RmIKAIiWIwN, , y|'cCITrA yvR.aPunEJ!TS. ..4255cc.. buliesnne"e Pe.fotipit "ll st os Ctthrreoeei 'tmk eait'njo y rnpeeanochp a lge etdwh eh cotor olollnreeyodwJBteeerrl Hs feaoeyrn d.rw ye reekPt'use rnnvteeidrs mit hanao mt eHo iS'flla wNtouoerddw,a Ny aeMwf-on- Sunitary MilkF annncdy CAPr reilanimmt ioBtefud Gt tuneaur,rm aBbnuetret etode rfmP (nuimlrkiit,l yi Eofnfrc ogBmau pTnpnuldbic edPr ocuulltinr yT ostod Cowo[> J<JJj qujlity. 25 wilier l.ueer aiul belter Dressers in this "'5o. lni:r.ii:i I'anvl, IIDW, per yilrtl. . , . . . .50c. resident nf Navi'sink, lost his big dogmuutli has installed n largo pus arc If interested in procurirg Farm Products Free from B1IIT nnil DISEASE, {< l|iit. lni:r.ii:i ("aipL-t, now, per yard .75c. last Thursday. The dog got in thelight in front of bis property at that writo us for informntlon jSJ way of an uutiiiiKihilu and was killed pince. ' . Mr. (.'rocker stated that the (log was .Mrs. Lee Heycr of New York in $55.00 WHITE ENAMEL BEDROOM SUITES, over twenty years old and had lieen spending a few days with her mother- NOW $34.50. AXMINSTER CARPETS. a very faithful companion ever since in-law, Mis. James Heycr of Delford Sunday with liiu sinter, Mrs. Antonius IVdI\U. '.Ul1li ililull ".t ^1) iii(''.fu('- h lIi nl.alini'ul'il .ll imMislliiU.-. Wit'l N.ll'plfMII S*.^III...-I:MJS5 I V.WAe,ll\wviif!'ll ! iiIsii^'ej.rri rppCeelatssr, , penntsoo, wwn,, ppmeevrr, v p;yiejrdrr. dv.a. ,r. d.... ...878555ccc... hAem Kls.i nt(ed'r .dU (aiWmriI'I tMlleIi niith,e ilp mrno.tp Lrioectuonr t oIf'o tihnet, dNiodw afot rMmtliifeeKrdl ya tKtoelsfii' eI.p ol.Ka'ucdeswt ipiIra'dorHit n ot,o fw flu aKsnto mwuce vreivkni.iltloei1 GluiilAdm oinnle low ffr co uBnrtel il fooarfnd .dV n).ld Kcw.n Wlk ciliiatwa oliiethcn's a very thriving business last Sunday. Mis. llaiinuli JOIICH of Ilrailley house at Delford. All tile nidiiM in hin hotel were taken Iloneh IUIH returned homo after viRit- Michiii'l Conroy'H house nt Ilclford G'UHAirRerA NVTrEryE DR I.1rRrA lWSS pmDFn.D..S. BRUSSELS CAIU'ETS. mto ulI MliIHe .I II(HII . t(o'. M Ainyir csno'Hm eI IUoUfK hCi »i pnn toi'ridmenr ingM lrioni.- s(!oe«ni',K Ki<. II.S. mJoitnhe s onff NBeelwfoarrdk. hi JIRo hrnn mHpilnctdvsi.l. The work wan dune: l>y fl I <n S.iiin or l',.!Mitl| |i,,|. ..I. .' 5 .;.,,,, .-. l.ir.v.v IIHISM-IS, ,,,,w. .50c. to u,'f(iii;i«mlale them. spending it few ilayn with her Bister Mrs. Alhevt VimlHunt ivf lklfuid i» f.'.'. r.n Satin in l'nlislu',1 Hi-,1-, .u $lr>.()0 .. I i| ( J» Hlnssi-K -.v. .fiOc. ("upturn Hull Hlnoinei' of Navc.'iink Mrs. Knorh Coddington of llelfonl. nick with u Huvcre iittafk of liwit Ji von Si|ii.in' I'ulv (s.uiii) !:i,|> J.'IS.OO i.'. I .t| , <! M I'l IIV.eK. Ill A1 . .75c. in building a tumor bout for the IUO Willinm VnnZeu (if New Vi»rk spent trouliU. olif; r.h itmhseel nf iimitoird Ifmrieatn dcso.,m pAlente KdU, OhII eU Si nh-eAKnii nidt nVy awn'i/tehe lioin fi mNrerwnl nM, uMnnrm. niinthd, Mrti DcMlfor.n la nhilo tMel rnnp. »Wnit llHiaimin dCoyia nnot oCof ntryhe "NO-HOUY LOVES A IIALII. MAN1' • tend}! to luiild mi ice boat which hv A number of summer people from JKIIIIHI, ICvory day wo lac YOUNU nirn ind will enter in next winter's rnrm at New Yurie inrlved nt Mm. Hurbarn llnynionil WlilU'.of Bulford lin.i rf- women, who have ijiown promalnrolr tttj. We cannot and do not guarantee quantities to last any length of Ke.l Hunk. Hi.-h'i. nt llelrord .Sunday night. covi'rcil .from a r.t'Voi'c iittiuk of 111a-They. immcilliilQly fall Into tho "Old . time. Everything as advertised IB here for the opening in reasonable , ImUMrrll. Hlirienl 'Mpein .d.i nWgi ll«inm f °wH daldl.eV 'lo fw ilHlio-lii.sl>l . wWee.k V unlfitNerd tcs poenfd lileiilgf orud ferewtu drnneyda lui•'iWn.illinm Hli-kenn' of OIIU'H Ni'fk Acljoon l'y cal»nio»c, libiccdtm WitaI TAHr tyO hUai)r sA HUIDK .to .J,-< pli ami .lulu, iliul.. of Ili-lfiinl. witli relatives itt Mount Tabor, Client Sunduy with hia fnniily at llel- II la «Mrrmcly iKitoinfoiiiiid and humll- quantities. We cannot duplicate at sale price any of the specials IVnrl nnd Nellie IIIKU- uf Jcr- Minn Malii'l Clark of Tlrunklyn j fonl. luting, lo Im bald—In lie Jiay whtn the CaOdvMerPtiLsEedT Eea cNh EwWee LkI.ST OF AUGUST BARGAINS NEXT WEEK. iItij d tIfle iidioyyi(nv'n I n' CIfUwamiMttiy lI HI :l iu li>tl.Mte IclI!ijHir, iIll.Ifi m,t." ,lW iiul(lHalI l'IMMiUrnHrvg m lfliIipiI.Im nn.Hl*Ilu( i whInu'tnl| >' Kinefli gml nIullItlruJme 'lillullf-.few'KKMpeteiAoMf-nl.n' t.d.- n'NH iIne.uIC gwn.JI kInI KU alIilK.iui tVntfI iIej. td, lwM,ol^ciKn Jdwnigoafi hyouint*dnfh bewUo\eV iwiefltnilhlo gf<N or <krul>had.v,i, eedJir do rann.uk, nE (t.oInnlpiiColrHlAMW'lihtidnVim vlllllt'i,iMI' co'invtn1l l am i' eif- Knnifdcooi y niiillu )md ldhlhul'lti'Ulrenllrrn Htlt nill!i eMelnlfdlod«tn . tftaouo rItfdM J ( lnollfyih"oe.nlnf «lll HnellKif kol»ieVnarl«r. rytlNhhaoieldoArU aa hnTiygi a votUIicdenrcy uRaon IKra uAnnnn lio Limi iIltli o toe|fCui an ia diflO iui1e lii*llLc0hly1 in O mlhnnIhRaaticll,lro,no r roiu,ea'm Tldtoa~ Ihd I(o bol It iehghoflalew r uhy lUrtieoj eayu Intl nnmt hfullrj j ooaujmluoininkarad-l--n , > : NIIIO. I\HV'.V. Hufmll tlpiu.i i,.^ dvdolrnkn ; wtinn-n w rmiii Mli. 'il lTiyin-dfriolmii h(i'i(niliindii'i ^ Nhewrr Y o|rrkn.iii(lilnugliter M»W Xotfll -^o«n4 lB»ir t* t•) t • Dll.lMN. «y<ouei l",* l>i*ll«milu olaft t«mcll,r lahHatt tyKodu, waillila h »w piltlu n<dl»ooL GOODS BOUGHT NOW WILL BE HELD TILL WANTED. i <h<- WIIIIIIII iif ilui chtirrh nt Hie fair Min'i Annii' Iliekn of N('W York ' Itoln'it, H. Hi'lmkz w|ll rc|ihu'<i Ilu- Cllvo It to hor. UM — j luiit. year. ,'ilienl. Katiirdny nnd Htiitiluy with Min DIIIIIH lifiti'l »t Allcliliuiiit, which wan HAY'8 IfAllS HIIAt-TH » ••> I Min'i Helen llnrctio of .Irrncv Cily in Aline While of llelfonl. riTently ftentinyeil liy flro, with t\ mod. THE R. WEST COMPANY, i iipciiilini' II (unpin (if week" with her Minn KlnUi .larolil nf IrvlnKloi: inn Ilu inoiif liotil. The new liulliliii« ifilrml. Mini M.uir Klliiidf Niivealnk. '|ii-iit f;nnilny with MWi .loucphlni will lie emmhIli-led of lonfietr, flVr | (Jeuild CM lino of Jeniny City will HIUUKUH of ftflfdi'd. nlorieM liitili, with ucroininixlntiona for ii|v<.i>< 1 IV.i imiiitli (if Aiin11"'- w|th III* MM rill lliiliruiil nf Trrntnn »iui) ntH. It will i:iwt nlioii^ $20ll,0IH). nlot olmUa aiul thtUt't ajm*. n«*iJ(H,i«<r |mini. Mm. \V. i:. Horty of .Ni^filnli. ••wrrkoftd with Jiidcph Mount u lil.l l.«iU.">hil<.ll.r<p««. !&>„ N.««k,N.T, ' • Trili,y<int<i' mmee Miiddvvii''iittiliiwwiul ll*«UU(HflV(lI|i||.,|(iilt MUii«« "iron *At;a AMP niidaMatiiHSiii) BY ' 1,111'ilfJ' I'IIIIII |ioilofJ5c(> JiUjl|«Ba«l tii ! Mif» Alniii Ciimm", Mro, jililuiJuliilPrtii, Nnvcrliik ,rnturtnlni'it Kinviul (iifiuU ' Mri Add JW DURING AUGUSf T1 tSTORE Will' CA.Asv. kV t l'm, 'fcXCEPT SATURDAYS. n ll W. y>, \Urr\tYf SfWMnItrrf «UHn u fmf)1«tf'Uotu,f laA\ [\iln,\i.iJ Hnit\.nrl «.n'W ,l. l iNuin'(l v ptful.nr( k WKlnx»it«t .M uotLifo>r.i n^(tlpJn(l!jini*J«li lAiCi»rttlMw. ruiavtnlTyMi"o - «, tr| e|tthitenieclt %tTy ifmf) l tlutuiiv*eTtUitBw'i(niVaennt dionr* t lhm«r w«a ntnta c}\utit,,. ',, Mut.wrtJi, ' ., lf Jd.yli-ii tflst Wt«k much (iii|>rov«< \ii)in» ill Tim Ur.D Jl/yJfl H«»|TW1 ; Wnllfr Mcltls of llnliokvrt *pn\ In hrnllli'. Adv.'