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Lefschetz Numbers and Geometry of Operators in W*-modules 5 9 M. Frank E. Troitsky 9 1 February 7, 2008 n a J 4 2 1 Introduction 1 v The main goal of the present paper is to generalize the results of [18, 19] in the following 7 0 way: To be able to define K (A) C-valued Lefschetz numbers of the first type of an 0 0 endomorphism V on a C*-elliptic⊗complex one usually assumes that V = T for some 1 g 0 representation Tg of a compact group G on the C*-elliptic complex. We try to refuse this 5 restriction in the present paper. The price to pay for this is twofold: 9 (i) We have to define Lefschetz numbers valued in some larger group as K (A) C. / 0 n ⊗ (ii) We have to deal with W*-algebras instead of general unital C*-algebras. a - To obtain these results we have got a number of by-product facts on the theory of Hilbert t c W*-andC*-modulesandonboundedmoduleoperatorsonthemwhichareofindependent n u interest. f : The present paper is organized as follows: In 2 we prove the necessary facts on Hilbert v § i W*-modules andtheir bounded module mappings extending results of W.L. Paschke [14], X J.-F. Havet [5] and the first author [3]. In 3 we define Lefschetz numbers of two types r § a and show the main properties of them. In 4 we discuss the C*-case and obstructions to § refine the main results of 3. § Our standard references for the theory of Hilbert C*-modules are the papers [14, 15, 2, 9, 3, 10, 11] and the book of E. C. Lance [8]. The topological considerations are based on the publications [12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 11]. We are going to continue the investigations presented therein. 1 2 Hilbert W*-modules and module mappings We want to show some more very nice properties of Hilbert W*-modules which often do not appear in the general C*-case. This partial class of Hilbert C*-modules was brought to the attention of the public by W. L. Paschke in his classical paper [14], and they are of use in many cases. The facts below can be reproved for the class of monotone complete C*-algebras carrying out much technical work, cf. [4], but not for larger classes of C*-algebras, in general. However, since we are going to understand the structure of general Hilbert C*-modules and their C*-duals better it suffices to treat the W*-case, and we can avoid these technicalities. Let us start with a property generalizing the (double) annihilator property of arbitrary subsets of W*-algebras. Lemma 1 Let A be a W*-algebra and , .,. be a Hilbert A-module. For every subset {M h i} the bi-orthogonal set ⊥⊥ is a Hilbert A-submodule and a direct summand S ⊆ M S ⊆ M of , as well as the orthogonal complement ⊥. M S Proof: Thepropertyof ⊥⊥ tobeaHilbertA-submoduleisobviousbythedefinition S ⊆ M of orthogonal complements. Since the A-dual Banach A-module ′ of is a self- M M dual Hilbert A-module by [14, Th. 3.2] one can consider the Hilbert A-submodule N of ′ consisting of the direct sum of ⊥⊥ ֒ ′ and of the Hilbert A-module of all M S → M A-linear bounded mappings from to A vanishing on ⊥⊥. The second summand is M S the orthogonal complement of ⊥⊥ with respect to ′ by construction and hence, it S M is a self-dual Hilbert A-submodule and direct summand of by [3, Th. 3.2,Th. 2.8]. N Consequently, the canonical embedding of ⊥⊥ into is a direct summand of , and S N N because of the submodule inclusion ⊥⊥ ֒ it is a direct summand of , too. S ⊆ M → N M • Example 1 below shows that situations different to that described at Lemma 1 can appear e. g. for Hilbert C*-modules over the C*-algebra A = C([0,1]). Lemma 2 Let A be a W*-algebra, , .,. be a Hilbert A-module and φ be a bounded {M h i} module operator on it. Then the kernel Ker(φ) of φ is a direct summand of and has M the property Ker(φ) = Ker(φ)⊥⊥. Proof: By [14, Prop. 3.6] every bounded module operator φ on continues to a bounded M module operatoronits A-dualHilbert A-module ′. The kernel of theextended operator M is a direct summand of ′ because of the completeness of its unit ball with respect to M the τ -convergence induced by the functionals f( .,y ) : f A ,y ′ there, (cf. [3, 2 ∗,1 { h i ∈ ∈ M} Th. 3.2]). Consequently, the kernel of φ inside has to coincide with its bi-orthogonal M complement in , and by Lemma 1 it is a direct summand. M • 2 Example 1 Note, that the kernel of bounded A-linear operators on Hilbert A-modules over arbitrary C*-algebras A is not a direct summand, in general. For example, consider the C*-algebra A = C([0,1]) of all continuous functions on the interval [0,1] as a Hilbert A-module over itself equipped with the standard inner product a,b = ab∗. Define the A h i mapping φ by the formula φ (f) = g f for a fixed function g g · 2x+1 : x 1/2 g(x) = − ≤ 0 : x 1/2 ( ≥ and for every f A. Then Ker(φ ) equals to the Hilbert A-submodule and (left) ideal g ∈ f A : f(x) = 0 for x [0,1/2] , being not a direct summand of A, but nevertheless, { ∈ ∈ } coinciding with the bi-orthogonal complement of itself with respect to A. Corollary 1 LetA be a W*-algebra, and be two Hilbert A-modules andφ : M N M → N be a bounded A-linear mapping. Then the kernel Ker(φ) of φ is a direct summand of M and has the property Ker(φ) = Ker(φ)⊥⊥. Proof: Consider the Hilbert A-module formed as the direct sum = equipped K K M⊕N with the A-valued inner product .,. + .,. . The mapping φ can be identified with M N h i h i a bounded A-linear mapping φ′ on acting on the direct summand as φ and on the K M direct summand as the zero operator. Since the kernel of φ′ is a direct summand of N K containing by Lemma 2 its orthogonal complement is a direct summand of . The N M desired result turns out. • Now we are in the position to give a description of the inner structure of arbitrary Hilbert W*-modules generalizing an analogous statement for self-dual Hilbert W*-modules by W. L. Paschke ([14, Th. 3.12]). Proposition 1 Let A be a W*-algebra and , .,. be a left Hilbert A-module. Then {M h i} is the closure of a direct orthogonal sum of a family D : α I of norm-closed α M { ∈ } left ideals D A, where the closure of this direct sum is predetermined by the given α ⊆ on A-valued inner product .,. and the A-valued inner products on the ideals are the M h i standard A-valued inner product on A. Moreover, for every bounded A-linear mapping r : A there is a net x : β J of elements of for which the limit β M → { ∈ } M . lim y,x A β k k −β∈Jh i exists for every y and equals r(y). ∈ M 3 Proof: Fix an arbitrary bounded A-linear mapping r : A. The kernel of r is a direct M → summand of by Corollary 1. Consider its orthogonal complement. Since r can be M continued to an bounded A-linear mapping r( ) = .,x on the A-dual (self-dual) Hilbert r · h i A-module ′ of (x Ker(r)⊥ ′) and since the orthogonal complement of the r M M ∈ ⊆ M kernel of r inside ′ is a direct summand isomorphic to Ap, .,. for some projection M { h i} p A by the structural theorem [14, Th. 3.12] for self-dual Hilbert W*-modules the ∈ orthogonal complement of the kernel of r with respect to is isomorphic to the Hilbert M A-module I, .,. for some norm-closed left ideal I Ap of A, where the left-strict A { h i } ⊆ closure of the left ideal I is the w*-closed ideal Ap of A. Now, r can be identified with the element x Ap, and x Ap is the left-strict limit of a net x : β J of elements r r β ∈ ∈ { ∈ } of I , cf. [16, 3.12]. ∩M § Finally, bytransfinit induction onehastodecompose into asumof pairwiseorthogonal M directsummands oftypeKer(r)⊥ forboundedA-linearfunctionalsr on ,whereKer(r)⊥ M is always isomorphic to a left norm-closed ideal I of A with the standard A-valued inner product on it. • We go on to investigate the image of bounded module mappings between Hilbert W*- modules. In general, many quite non-regular things can happen as the example below shows, but embeddings of self-dual Hilbert W*-modules into other Hilbert W*-modules canbeshowntobemappingsontodirectsummands incontrasttothesituationforgeneral Hilbert C*-modules. Example 2 Let Abe the set of all bounded linear operatorsB(H) on a separable Hilbert space H with basis e : i N . Denote by k the operator k(e ) = λ e for a sequence i i i i { ∈ } λ : i N of non-zero positive real numbers converging to zero. Then the mapping i { ∈ } φ : A A , φ : a a k k k → → · isaboundedA-linearmappingontheleftprojectiveHilbertA-moduleA. Buttheimageis not a direct summand of this A-module and is not even Hilbert because direct summands of A are of the form Ap for some projection p of A, and 1 k should equal p. The image A · of φ is a subset of the set of all compact operators on H. Note, that the mapping φ is k k not injective. The following proposition was proved for arbitrary C*-algebras A, countably generated HilbertA-modules , withoutself-dualityrestrictionandaninjectiveboundedmodule M N mapping α : with norm-dense range by H. Lin [10, Th. 2.2]. We present another M → N variant for a similar situation in the W*-case. Proposition 2 Let A be a W*-algebra, be a self-dual Hilbert A-module and , .,. M {N h i} be another Hilbert A-module. Suppose, there exists an injective bounded module mapping 4 α : with the range property α( )⊥⊥ = . Then the operator α(α∗α)−1/2 is a M → N M N bounded module isomorphism of and . In particular, they are isomorphic as Hilbert M N A-modules. Proof: The mapping α possesses an adjoint bounded module mapping α∗ : N → M because of the self-duality of , cf. [14, Prop. 3.4]. Since α∗α is a positive element of M the C*-algebra End ( ) of all bounded (adjointable) module mappings on the Hilbert A M A-module the square root of it, (α∗α)1/2, is well-defined by the series M n (α∗α) k (α∗α)1/2 = . lim (α∗α) 1/2 id λ id k k−n→∞k k  M − k M − (α∗α) !  kX=1 k k   with coefficients λ taken from the Taylor series at zero of the complex-valued function k { } f(x) = √1 x on the interval [0,1]. Moreover, because − (α∗α)1/2(x),(α∗α)1/2(x) = α(x),α(x) h i h i andbecauseoftheinjectivity ofαthemapping(α∗α)1/2 hastrivialkernel. Atthecontrary one can only say that the range of (α∗α)1/2 is τ -dense in , (cf. [3]). Indeed, for every 1 M A-linear bounded functional r( ) = .,y on the self-dual Hilbert A-module mapping · h i M the range of (α∗α)1/2 to zero one has 0 = (α∗α)1/2(x),y = x,(α∗α)1/2(y) h i h i for every x . Hence, y = 0 since (α∗α)1/2 is injective and x was arbitrarily ∈ M ∈ M chosen. Now, consider the mapping α(α∗α)−1/2 where it is defined on . Since (α∗α)1/2 has both M τ -dense range and trivial kernel by the assumptions on α its inverse unbounded module 1 operator (α∗α)−1/2 is τ -densely defined. One obtains 1 α(α∗α)−1/2(x),α(α∗α)−1/2(y) = x,y h i h i for every x,y from the (τ -dense) area of definition of (α∗α)−1/2. Consequently, the opera- 1 tor α(α∗α)−1/2 continues to a bounded isometric module operator on by τ -continuity. 1 M The range of it is τ -closed (i.e., a self-dual direct summand of ) and hence, equals 1 N N by assumption. Finally, since the range of (α∗α)−1/2 is norm-closed and τ -dense in 1 M and since is self-dual the mapping α is a (non-isometric, in general) Hilbert A-module M isomorphism itself. • Corollary 2 Let A be a W*-algebra, be a self-dual Hilbert A-module and , .,. be M {N h i} another Hilbert A-module. Every injective module mapping from into is a Hilbert M N A-module isomorphism of and of a direct summand of . M N 5 For our application in 3 we need the following partial result: § Corollary 3 Let A be a W*-algebra, and be countably generated Hilbert A-modules M N and F : be a Fredholm operator (see [13]). Then KerF and (ImF)⊥ are M → N projective finitely generated A-submodules, and IndF = [KerF] [(ImF)⊥] inside K (A). 0 − Proof: We denote by ˆ the direct orthogonal sum of two Hilbert A-modules, whereas ⊕ denotes the direct topological sum of two Hilbert A-submodules of a given Hilbert A- ⊕ module, where orthogonality of the two components is not required. Let = ˆ , 0 1 M M ⊕M = be the decompositions from the definition of A-Fredholm operator: 0 1 N N ⊕N F 0 F = 0 : ˆ , 0 F1 ! M0 ⊕M1 → N0 ⊕N1 F : = , F : , and are the projective finitely generated modules. 0 0 ∼ 0 1 1 1 1 1 M N M → N M N Let x = x +x , x and x , and F(x) = 0, so 0 = F (x )+F (x ) . 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 ∈ M ∈ M ∈ N ⊕N Thus F (x ) = 0, F (x ) = 0, so x = 0 and x . Thus KerF = KerF . 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 ∈ M ⊂ M By Lemma 2 KerF is a projective finitely generated A-module and has an orthogonal complement. So, by Corollary 2, F 0 0 0 F = 0 F′ 0 : ˆ ′ KerF F( ′) ˆ (ImF)⊥  1  M0 ⊕M1 ⊕ → N0 ⊕ M1 ⊕ 0 0 0 (cid:16) (cid:17)     and IndF = [KerF] [(ImF)⊥]. − • The following example shows that the situations may be quite different for general Hilbert C*-modules and injective mappings between them: Example 3 Consider the C*-algebra A = C([0,1]) of all continuous functions on the interval [0,1] as a self-dual Hilbert A-module over itself equipped with the standard A- valued inner product a,b = ab∗. The mapping φ : f(x) x f(x), (x [0,1]), is an A h i → · ∈ injective bounded module mapping. Its range has trivial orthogonal complement, but it is not closed in norm and, consequently, not a direct summand of A. Nevertheless, the bi-orthogonal complement of the range of φ with respect to A equals A. Lemma 3 Let A be a W*-algebra. Let and be self-dual Hilbert A-submodules of a P Q Hilbert A-module . Then is a self-dual Hilbert A-module and direct summand of M P∩Q . Moreover, + is a self-dual Hilbert A-submodule. M P Q ⊆ M If is projective and finitely generated then the intersection is projective and P P ∩ Q finitely generated, too. If both and are projective and finitely generated then the sum P Q + is also. P Q 6 Proof. Let p : = ⊥ ⊥ be the canonical orthogonal projection existing M P ⊕ P → P by [3, Th. 2.8], (cf. [2] for the projective case). Let p = p : ⊥. Since is a Q Q → P Q self-dual Hilbert A-module p admits an adjoint operator and Kerp is a direct Q Q ⊆ Q summand by Lemma 2. Consequently, it is a self-dual Hilbert A-submodule of . Q ⊆ M But Kerp = . To derive the second assertion one has to apply the fact again that Q P ∩Q every self-dual Hilbert A-submodule is a direct summand, cf. [3]. If is projective and finitely generated then every direct summand of it is projective and P finitely generated, what shows the additional remarks. • 3 Lefschetz numbers Throughout this section A denotes a W*-algebra. This restriction enables us to apply the results of the previuos section being valid only in the W*-case, in general. Let U be a unitary operator in the projective finitely generated Hilbert A-module . P Then U = eiϕdP(ϕ), (1) ZS1 where P(ϕ) is the projection valued measure valued in the W*-algebra of all bounded (adjointable) module operators on , and the integral converges with respect to the P norm. So we have a bounded and measurable function L( ,U) : S1 K (A), ϕ [dP(ϕ)], (2) 0 P → 7→ This function is bounded in the sense that there exists a projection which is greater then all values with respect to the partial order in the space of projections. Let us denote the set of such functions by K (A) . 0 S Let us note that the Lefschetz numbers for compact group action considered in [19] can be thought of as evaluated (for unitary representation) in the subspace of finitely valued (simple) functions: Simple(S1,K (A)) K (A) . 0 0 S ⊂ Suppose, = An. In the case of L( ,U) Simple(S1,K (A)) associate with the integral 0 P P ∈ (1) eiϕdP(ϕ) = eiϕkP( ) k ZS1 k E X the following class of the cyclic homology HC (M(n,A)): 2l P( ) ... P( ) eiϕk. k k E ⊗ ⊗ E · k X 7 Passing to the limit we get the following element T˜U = eiϕd(P ... P)(ϕ) HC (M(n,A)). 2l ZS1 ⊗ ⊗ ∈ Then we define T(U) = Trn(T˜U) HC (A), ∗ 2l ∈ where Trn is the trace in cyclic homology. ∗ Lemma 4 ( [19, Lemma 6.1]) Let J : = Am = An be an isomorphism, U : , U : be M N M → N M → M N → N A-unitary operators and JU = U J. Then M N T(U ) = T(U ). M N Similar techniques can be developed for a projective finitely generated A-module in- N stead of An. For this purpose we take = q(An), where q denotes the orthogonal N projection from An onto its direct orthogonal summand . Then we set N U 1 : An = (1 q)An (1 q)An = An, ∼ ∼ ⊕ N ⊕ − → N ⊕ − T˜U = eiϕd(qPq ... qPq)(ϕ). ZS1 ⊗ ⊗ The correctness is an immediate consequence of the Lemma 4. Let us consider an A-elliptic complex (E,d) and its unitary endomorphism U. The results of 1 (cf. Prop. 2, Lemma 3, Lemma 3) and the standard Hodge theory argument help us § to prove the following lemma. Lemma 5 For the A-Fredholm operator ∗ F = d+d : Γ( ) Γ( ), ev od E → E we have def Ker(F ) = H ( ) = H ( ), |Γ(Eev) ev E ⊕ 2i E def Ker(F ) = H ( ) = H ( ), |Γ(Eod) od E ⊕ 2i+1 E where H ( ) is the orthogonal complement to Imd Kerd Γ( ) and H ( ) are m m m E ⊂ ⊂ E E projective U-invariant Hilbert A-modules. 8 Proof. For u Γ(E ) while 2i 2i ∈ ∗ (d+d )(u +u +u +...) = 0 0 2 4 we have ∗ ∗ du +d u = 0, du +d u = 0,... 0 2 2 4 Together with the equality (du,d∗v) = (d2u,v) = 0 one obtains ∗ ∗ du = 0, du = 0,... ;d u = 0, d u = 0,.... 0 2 2 4 what implies u Ker(d+d∗). On the other hand for v Imd, v = dv we have 2i 2 2 1 ∈ ∈ ∗ (v ,u ) = (dv ,u ) = (v ,d u ) = 0. 2 2 1 2 1 2 Thus u H (E). Conversely, let u = u + u + ..., u H (E), i.e. du = 0, (i = 2i 2i 0 2 2i 2i 2i ∈ ∈ 0,1,2,...), and for any v E we have 2i−1 2i−1 ∈ ∗ (dv ,u ) = 0, (v ,d u ) = 0, 2i−1 2i 2i−1 2i so d∗u = 0. Thus u Ker(d + d∗). The invariance and projectivity follow from the 2i ∈ proved identification and Corollary 3. • Definition 1 We define the Lefschetz number L as 1 L ( ,U) = ( 1)iT(U H ( )) K (A) . 1 i 0 S E − | E ∈ i X Definition 2 We define the Lefschetz number L as 2l L ( ,U) = ( 1)iT(U H ( )) HC (A). 2l i 2l E − | E ∈ i X After all the following theorem is evident: Theorem 1 Let the Chern character Ch be defined as in [1, 6, 7]. Then L ( ,U) = (Ch0 ) (L ( ,U))(ϕ)dϕ. 2l E ZS1 2l ∗ 1 E Remark 1 Insituations, whentheendomorphismV oftheellipticC*-complexrepresents as an element of a represented there amenable group G acting on the C*-complex then the A-valued inner products can be chosen G-invariant, what gives us the unitarity of V (see [11]). However, there is another obstruction demanding new approaches which will be shown at Example 4 below. 9 4 Obstructions in the C*-case and related topics The aim of this chapter is to show some obstructions arising in the general Hilbert C*- module theory for more general C*-algebras than W*-algebras which cause the made restriction of the investigations in section three. The results underline the outstanding properties of Hilbert W*-modules. To handle the general C*-case we often need a basic construction introduced by W.L.Paschke andH. Lin. It gives alink between theW*-case and the general C*-case. Remark 2 (cf.[9, Def. 1.3], [14, 4]) § Let , .,. be a left pre-Hilbert A-module over a fixed C*-algebra A. The algebraic {M h i} tensor product A∗∗ becomes a left A∗∗-module defining the action of A∗∗ on its ⊗ M elementary tensors by the formula ab h = a(b h) for a,b A∗∗, h . Now , setting ⊗ ⊗ ∈ ∈ M a h , b g = a h ,g b i i j j i i j j  ⊗ ⊗  h i i j i,j X X X   on finite sums of elementary tensors one obtains a degenerate A∗∗-valued inner pre- product. Factorizing A∗∗ by N = z A∗∗ : [z,z] = 0 one obtains a ⊗ M { ∈ ⊗ M } pre-Hilbert A∗∗-module denoted by # in the sequel. It contains as a A-submodule. M M If is Hilbert then # is Hilbert, and vice versa. The transfer of the self-duality is M M more difficult. If is self-dual then # is self-dual, too. But, M M Problem. Suppose, the underlying C*-algebra A is unital. Whether the property of # to be self-dual implies that was already self-dual? M M Other standard properties like e.g. C*-reflexivity can not be transferred. But every boun- ded A-linear operator T on has a unique extension to a bounded A∗∗-linear operator M on # preserving the operator norm, (cf. [9, Def. 1.3]). M Proposition 3 Let A be a C*-algebra, and be two Hilbert A-modules and φ : M N be a bounded A-linear mapping. Then the kernel Ker(φ) of φ coincides with its M → N bi-orthogonal complement inside . In general, it is not a direct summand. M Proof: Let us assume, Ker(φ) = Ker(φ)⊥⊥ with respect to the A-valued inner product 6 of . Form the direct sum = . The mapping φ extends to a bounded A-linear M L M⊕N mapping ψ on setting L φ(x) : x ψ(x) = ∈ M . 0 : x ( ∈ N 10

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