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Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge bullfrog and painted turtle investigations: 1997 PDF

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Preview Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge bullfrog and painted turtle investigations: 1997

EGU FEEFRILD LLIAWNOI TFALNAC TEEEML :SN 7O9I9T1AGITS EEVLN TIDREUT T NGDIONARAPFLLUB A Report to: ecivre Sefildli Wdn ahsi F.S.U egufe Refildli Wlanoita Nflacte MeeL P.O. Box 257 078 9 T5,MellivsnevetS dettimbuSyb skcirdn elHu adP nnar oeCllenaJ 8 9e9n1uJ ma reggoa rtlPia rraeunHtaatNnoM eune vhAtx itSs a5E151 P.O. Box 201800 0081- 0, 2aT6nM9e5leH 8margorP egatireH larutaN anatnoM 8991 :swollof sa detic eb dluohs tnemucod sihT :snoitagitsevni eltrut detniap dna gorfllub egufeR efildliW lanoitaN flacteM eeL .8991 .skcirdneH .P dna ,.J ,nroC .pp 02 .TM ,aneleH .margorP egatireH larutaN anatnoM .7991 ii TCARTSBA ,eguf eeRfildl ilWanoit afNlact eeM e nLsonoitalup oepltr udtetni adp ngaorfll u fbsoeidutS enimret eoedtr eswevitc e.j 7b9 O9r1emm ugsnir uddetcudn oecr e,wanatn o,Mytnu oiCllavaR feocnese re p hshtac u,ssrotc ayffitne dd ineaguf ee r hnstoeice phsc afneooitubirts iedht ret atws ondminu oe frsaeice ph.st tonBemtiurc eerltr udtetni agpnitcef fetabhg itma h,tsgorfllub si ht tu,bgnirruc csnoioitcudorp egrorfll uebre hdweifitne deir eswet i.w seegFuf ee r hnstoeidob seltr udtetni aeplinev udj nganilhc t. ayHgolodoht egmnilpm aestauqeda nmio rdfetlus eyrlbaborp nw o tnhtsokgiinuoh t,lrau csocetounit ntoncemtiur cgenritaci d,nsie tliasre vdteeasvre sebroew htuomegr arl o)n 1 n=2g(orfll urbeht i. enNoitalup oeplba inaviatni a omttneiciff u sseit aer hfti ysbeltr unntooitade rfypocneu q.e sreFltr udtetni agpnilhct adheniatn oschcamo t ) nss7=(s3ab gnit s te,unebgu f eeshrsto rscrau cgcnoit seelnt rduet t.n w iyoallPbab ossreipic e opewssteht ;dnu oefr eswts ednetaderp ey.dn eagMuf ee rhfftol ahhtr oe nhnttinadnu bear ormaep psaetis sdr) n o%ea 2 dt 5t g f snate2atns o)eaud sm(f aitof%hwoeg8oi6ysto5tfrgltae7peln( eovtita lhe gresigihu f eesnhR sotto sleelnt r.efue totrauRso psfx yoe8a7d -r5e7 tdfeabrutsidnu srotade rlpaitne t. oePul advesa inadbietlus eerv ayh aemlpm alsla mrs uto u,bseidu trsehto .nev anromm oyclbiss od pneatoy o,cnoocc a,rknu kdsepir tdsedulcni iii NOITCUDORTNI g(orfll uebhT anaRanaiebsetac lartn edc nnarets aee h otetvit asneice pnsaibihp m na,a) y ) ad9kdn6c oa9ast 1l' eB0er (6hoe9tfm1eibt eamnoa stn nrdoe eMtocstued wo ,rs.taSnw.iU e ry ae. hyTell atVoorrett ieB hgtnidulc n,isegania rrdev ikRr okFra ldC ndaaehta leF h ntsirucco neiguf eeRfildl ilWanoit afNlact eeM e nLtonadnu bda nyaell atVoorrett ieB h ntdiaerpsediw ytbnemecalps ihdguor hstnaibihp meavit annetaer hnt ascgorfll udbecudor t. nyItnu oiCllavaR .sgo rfsfoeice prseh td onn awroie hfstoelopd aetdulc ny iatme itdlu dd an,astlu dd ansaelopdat neghcsro Ks(eka nlsla mds nsaeltr ugtnilhct ath ayellanoisac coos lsagorfll uebgn alrarut arnie hntI fsotcef fe eh.T)47 9t1di ed HneaimaK c,M36 9t1teks ad Bnnaeghcsr o,K55 9e1ly odMna .nwo ntk oen reaguf eeR h ftsoeice peslitp edr nnaaibihp meavit aen h ntsogorfllub el td(reut tneihaTp at csiypmesyrhC .acire mhAtr osNsor cdaaerpsed id wnnaomm os)ci ;noig eer h fteolitp eerlbis itvs oem h stdi n,aR WfNlact eeM etLuohguor hstruc csoeice pssihT w ofslonrecn oscserp xosetregan aemguf ed resleltr ugtnilhct afehocnes btanerap peaht e hnhtog ieorhbtaep psaerovinr ancailamm ammo rsfet anroitade rtps e.Ntnemtiurc enroitalupop snetsi r,h2C 8w9 o1,n1S 8 .9etl1leak n,i.Tg .eer(ehwe sslte seelnt r rulotafci p ey, tteaagfufeR dlu osceltr ugtnilhct aoyhttilatr olmanoitid d,ahct ashg ge.ec )n7O8 9e1lpm e,T78 9r1ed idBna s(s ahbtuom-egr ad lnsagorfll ufsbonoitalup odpecudort neigr ae lhmto rrfucco suretporciM sediomlas ). eehntimr e stoeetidd udtestait imnairg oergPati rleaHru taanNat ne,oh6 Mt9n9I1 syevr ursemm ue st. a)L79 9s1kcirdne Hs(elitp edr nsanaibihp meaguf e frsouta tds nnaoitisopmoc d nsael t.r dueTtcudn oecr eswelitp ed rnsanaibihp mraeh td on,aseltr udtetni a,psgorfll urbof .dees v u ,r a seeetcetg rgsu evuoeeubboBiorhwfonthfte ag rd nusen rogruouroeotchrwfctfollub 1 deredisn oecr eywtisnet nd innaoitar urdetae rfsgoyevr u,sra ee y hnetit adletaiti ns iakwrow .eguf ee Rhnstonoitalup oepltr ud tngaorfll ugbnidrag esrnoitadnemmoc eerk aoymtrassecen d nsanaibihp m fasoyevr ulsanoitid dtacudn o )ce1r enwosa edsle i7f9 9e1 hrt osfevitcejbO laren eolgtanoitid dneaicnese repltr udtetni ad pngaorfll ugbnit o,neguf ee R hnstoelitper eehntimre t,)es3de traif ewhotl l dosnfta seelnt rduettn ieatpa c,)os2leic erpes h rtsooefhcraes ss ahbtuomegr afslotib adho oe fhetnimret e)dd 4n,aeguf ee R hnstogorfll utblu dfsaotib adhoof eg n feaainrimret eosdtet igsniks aebltr uetvres boeotd aoms ls aatwrof fe.em eogSuf ee Rhnto denimreted neum oestacid ndilu osweltr ultla m fseocnese r ep; hstet iesse het ssuessa lecz ifso se u tn enio tettramnur tocficc ouonroc .eeerhgtufeR METHODS egomnwi itte rgsu urdsf e feyofheeteothR avtewrtuesl ptmco ucd deonttopcm eetWta remm ues h nteit a )ld2 n,ahg ish arwet anwe h,w)yluJ-ya Mr(emm ues h ntyilr a )e:1sdoirep dneitser e. t6 e n 9drnie9eeiW1twcud n soka crweolwbarap mno ec)hrwebmetpeS-tsuguA( e h nteom irte vsoelitp edr nsanaibihp meavit a fnnooitubirts idd neacnerruc ceo hgtninimreted e stua hdtezise h.t sogp oyerhWfll ufnbooitubirts ie dhhtt iswtlus eerso hgtnitsartn od cn,aegufeR sgorfll u .Bsgorfllu bcitox erev osnaibihpm aevita nrova fya mremmu sylra en isdno plaremehp efo ts uhmci h,wselopd agtorf l;l sulbo olparemeh pndeinu oefso hnta hrteh tsotatib achitau qeasu neivivr 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meavsitatneserper erutp adc ntahg i tnganithgilto p yssbtib adho orfie hdtenimret e odstgorfll udbetcell oecW sn.g (hot= grsuf oohMlt S r d,,osn30Nda 11nm oodPreftcel le orscegwo r.ftl elhn utpaBiiwd eri t .ne reheTmm uest aglnir uddetcell oecr eo wwt tu,bremm ue shnytilr adeetcell oecr e)w12 3 hcamo tes h ntsime t li. llAohoc llayh t nediero tds n,anilamr o nfdiex i,fdevom esr atwca rItG ye r fproebm uen h ftsoetami t. seElbiss olpev eclimonox aetsice rtps oem h otdteifitne deirew e h )t s1daeifitna usq atw e. isDtr aypd o fbsotnu omco refd aemr eewlpm ahsc a nesilaudividni l lmao rsfme t fieolpm alsat oet h otetvital eyrroget ayce rhpc a nesilaudivid nyie r fproebmun no xyha ec ta risnphhiwcam o)fteosgatn e dcs eraasesperp xneo(itrop o edr)shnp2htacamots e htmtaues uemtarbetr ee vhr tosfnemice prsehcu ossvagorfll uw dbeaefvre s.e dreepWrrucco r osfgorfll uhbc a fego etlno rtfhg ier hdtevrese rop s .l eaaWluoss i,Manatn o fMyotisrevinU .)en onde et bet yos nashih ts(en onsbogn ihrtwo 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iswdn orpellams ganir usdgorfll u 3bd2etnu o ec.Whguo lsSoicna rd F nd4an o nPsigorfll utbcet e oddteli aefW 4 .79 9r1emm ugsnir uRd WfNlact eeM e nLsogorfll u fbsonoita c. eo1rLugiF (unavailable) 5 hgu o eltfhS rotdanpu otrna ueomcit ytandeu q.eh sg buAu oshltS rhfocoNr aeemsitthgin =s 9 . y1dbeilpitl u smtinu oecmitthg ilnat oe t h. ft)I4 4s(go ryfn a smeaci wttuo b nadietlus enrigram etami tnes ewe,h)tth geoivtnita l ye earghdnti rduedtn usorceb menusinaer centianoitrop oerhpt( ht iywlpra hdsetsartn os.ci thnTu oecmity aedtelp m goancir usdgo r2df8etnu oecv adhlu oeww yd lee. n rm6t onri9 sg o ut9teu n9 cy1nhg6i2edcautu9rheodoA9uTtc1dc es etg9heo4tdr4f neicnereff iedgr ae lhr totfnuoc coyatlek it losd nintanu o7c9 9r 1unoa hrteilr akee ee wntouoba n.rsesuteronwauteoeycb ra ednn o ep. n7O9 9 n1riemm uest a nlsidn o n2pyil ndoevres beor eswelopd agtorflluB reh te.o hrTetn igwnir umdott oeb h otetzee r r fpoyu rydlek illl idw nlala mss atw ilPeva reGht 69 9ne1it igsnide e srdaabe sous ls aa,wdn oxPobli ad Mnhaguo lnSr anBeewt e,bdnop eenh tityralol rraeeh thigeu ohltS rdnoeiNvre s tbeoo rnseewlop dgaotr f.l) l7u 9Bs9k1cirdneH( gorf l.l )u7B9 9s1kcirdne H6(9 9ne1it itsa hdteipuc ceom ohsguoht l,a79 9nr1iemmus r du,noeagu f eesnhReoti droeb trfaeowb mruen ggn rniaailrru cyclodetbuo dnsnoiuitcudorper y nnaiht iswelopd agtorfll u ybeb stuatibahorc idm nsatnemev oem httuo beagdelwo n fkkocal len nrue fh e tsmropo oa swr.ots n senfesiocUm cgunsilp mr a odrsooeutptoubirt ny odrcoebtaw gorfll uebsaerc ndilu oywlbabo r)p79 9.1 l tasema d,A69 9g1itt edR nhati meSe sn(gis epdart tadpole detection. )yluJ-yaM (ylra egniru degufe Reh tn odevresb osnaibihpm ayln oeh tere wsgorflluB g o(dreftt otpls ued la ea dnmenolaa m ee,nfroe v.es weohHcraes anasRirtnevietul ) were t,eshnegow u ho e tlsntrSeoao i(Nrd eos etbyfemaeohaw vtsnroussaes- egtna ildreurdetnuocne n ,es 6vyn9eei9 v1grnu iser gud udeneftohectR e ettsroe gend dow.er)tfe tconpeSd ifesohetr ne ense edb adh n)a69 9l1ehci edR nsakcirdne Hy(ell atVoorrett ieB h ntniomm oec ryae hhtguoht 6 e hnstogo rdfetto pfssonoitac ogln i.d sese ercB cgAnihs ieFgdi reBcnero lyFbra ee nhtta .nwo nykltnerr ut coe nr,ay nf,aiegufeR e hyTtira r fd,oestr teg otodpnrnsufao cknceal fdo e st, ttsgsoe oepltrgsoafgphudtsyaetht r otfatib aehlbati u ss,agnirruc c eoyb asmgorfll u ybnboisulc x.Eeguf eeR h nteor ayrlevital eerra demottob-yll ed v enaseir grgdobertf t,o rp.esev g en uw onefos mohe Hgsmtrdoioerctftops epacsdn ael hgtnitanim osddn oepgr a el. hsTliatt a ycdbetanim otd osnnigr aymde ehwt iswdnop go rdfetto prs oeflbatius nyulbabo rep r,asgorfll u ybdbe syulida eer rhaci h,weguf eeR htta ht iewcnerefret ngiorfll uebzimin ioms ltahg ismeitivit ceavitcudorp e frgoni m. inToitcudorper selopd altla md snsaess ag mg;egnir pyslr andeiee rsbgo rdfetto p es.m gonSidee rgbo rdfettops .remmus-di mn ideer bsgorfll u .B)699 1lehcie Rdn askcirdneH (yaM-di mn inee snee bevah gnidulc n,ismsinahc e fmyoteir ahavguor hstdin arreh teodulc x oentwo nek rsagorfll u,brevewoH selopd artella m nssogorfll utblu d yanboitade rdp n,aselopd agtorfll u ybdbo orf onfoititepmoc edbluo hssgo rdfetto phst iswnoitcaret nciificeps-ret nd ine astuatib aghorfll u.Bsgo rtflu ddana .rehtr udfenimaxe syev reulSt rdueTtniaP detni asPe-l-t rduet rtruuochcgouorh teht egufe rerugiF( .)2 eW de ve rgneaa srfb eoosv ea3 l. r t 7.eerd)pgun0nto6ap-r 0( dse evoe lrN rnteseirsdwubnt oo,P34 ndievres bt ooenr esweltr u,tremm ue shny til.r saeEm irteh tteoar erhuc cy oayme ht tu,db6na tso md sl n2aanow eP,hrwem m de.ue nnh2s tyiotabPLr aene minti atdtheatrru c tcd,uon1boP fnooitubirts irdemmus-et arlal i .m d 2inA so nPti ot n ud1bn o nPdievres beor esweltr u,tyrd s e. e l)srtst7taakr9s hc u9e dtist 1gse r i ege vrdshns ul6orondTiesst9wefenhar9tsHotwu1b(pto .)98 9l1efie w,Z.g. es(eidu trseh tndoietnemuc os,dasruc cgoniy rssdadn onpeewt egbnivom 7

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