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Lectures on Prediction Theory: Delivered at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg 1966 Prepared for publication by J. Rosenmüller PDF

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Preview Lectures on Prediction Theory: Delivered at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg 1966 Prepared for publication by J. Rosenmüller

-1 -- 1 POSITIVE DEFINITE SEQUENCES Denote by Z the set (... -1.0,1,...)of the integers. Definition 1.1. A sequence (an) n s Z of complex numbers is called ~ositive definite if~ for each system of complex numbers zl,...,z N we have N - an_mZnZ - m ~0 n,m-1 Let (F,B,p) be a probability space (i.e. a set F, a Borel-field B of subsets of F and a real valued, positive, ~-additive, normed set function p from B to the reals) and X n :F-@C (n ~Z) a sequence of random variables (i.e. measurable functions from the set F to the set C of complex numbers). Definition 1.2. The sequence (Xn) n G Z is called stationary iff EX n = O, ~X n < ~ (n ~Z) and (n,m,k~ Z) . In addition we say that (n G z) r n ~ coV(Xn,X o) is the covariance s~qRenc ~ generated by the stationary sequence (Xn) nE Z " Theorem 1.1. The covariance sequence (rn)n~ Z has the following properties 1. rn ~ ~-n (neZ) 2. (rn)nE Z is positive definite . -2- Proof: 1. is trivial, 2. follows from N N r n_mZnZ- m - ~ EXn-XmZn~m 1=m,Lr n,m=l N 2 _'It ~ 20 - , k=l JL, ,IL. 2 HERGLOTZ" THEOR~ Theorem 2.1. A sequence (an) n (cid:12)9 Z of complex numbers is positive definite iff there exists a finite Borel measure m on the unit interval 0,1with 1 a n - ~ e2Wintm(dt) (n = Z) O Given ~an)ne Zjm is uniquely determined. Proof: Let (an) n e Z be a positive definite sequence of complex numbers. Define I N (1) hN(t):- ~ ~ an_me 2 i(m-n)t (N=1,2,... n,m=1 0~t~l) (cid:12)9 Since (an)me Z is positive definite, we have (choose z n - e -~int (a- I,...,~)) ~(t) '~ o. We continue by defi~ing a sequence of Borel measures m~ (N - 1,2,...). The value of ~N on a measurable set G ~ C0,11 is ~(G) - f ~(t)dt (cid:12)9 G Then mN(0,1) - a o . ~ow it is well known that the -2- Proof: 1. is trivial, 2. follows from N N r n_mZnZ- m - ~ EXn-XmZn~m 1=m,Lr n,m=l N 2 _'It ~ 20 - , k=l JL, ,IL. 2 HERGLOTZ" THEOR~ Theorem 2.1. A sequence (an) n (cid:12)9 Z of complex numbers is positive definite iff there exists a finite Borel measure m on the unit interval 0,1with 1 a n - ~ e2Wintm(dt) (n = Z) O Given ~an)ne Zjm is uniquely determined. Proof: Let (an) n e Z be a positive definite sequence of complex numbers. Define I N (1) hN(t):- ~ ~ an_me 2 i(m-n)t (N=1,2,... n,m=1 0~t~l) (cid:12)9 Since (an)me Z is positive definite, we have (choose z n - e -~int (a- I,...,~)) ~(t) '~ o. We continue by defi~ing a sequence of Borel measures m~ (N - 1,2,...). The value of ~N on a measurable set G ~ C0,11 is ~(G) - f ~(t)dt (cid:12)9 G Then mN(0,1) - a o . ~ow it is well known that the -3- Borel measures on 0,1 are linear functionals on the space C(0,I~) of continuous, complex valued functions- on 0,1 . Using this picture the topology induced by the weak convergence of measures is often called the w ~ - topology in the dual space of C(0,1). By the w - compactness of the unit sphere we can choose a subsequence (mNk)k=1'2'''" of (m N)N=I,2,... , which converges weakly to a certain measure m : mNk--* m (weakly) . Hence I I 2Tist .~_. aril (cid:12)9 mNk~a~J = I e2WiStm(dt) (s ~ Z) . k ~ o J o For any fixed s and N k (cid:12)9 s it is easy to prove that 1 ~ e 2Tist (dr) = i o kNm Nk as(Nk - s) because for Nk-S terms under the sum (I) we have m-n = s and the remaining terms yield 0 after integration. After all ahyiomsl~j 1 e2TiStm(dt) - a S and we have finished the first part of the proof. Now let us assume that we are given a finite Borel measure m on 0,qwith 1 a n = ~e2~intm(dt) (n~ Z) . O We have to show, that (an)ng Z is a positive definite sequence. But N N 1 an_mZnZ-m = ~ ~ e 21ri(n-m) m(dt)Zjm = n,m=l n,m=q 0 -4- q N ~ z e2"iktl 2 m(dt) s0 . o k=q k The uniqueness of m follows, since each linear functional f(t)m(dt) on C(0,1) is uniquely determined by its values on the generating set of functions (e2Tikt)k e Z " Corollary 2.1. Let (rn) n m Z be a covariance sequence. There exists one and only one measure m on 0,q with 1 rn = I e2~intm(dt) (n eZ) 0 Definition 2.1. Let (Xn) ne Z be a stationary sequence of random variables defined on a probability space (F,B,p) , (rn) n E Z the generated covariance sequence. If 1 r n = f e2~intm(dt) 0 then m is said to be the spectral measure corresponding to z " Theorem 2.2. Every finite Borel measure m on 0,1is a spectral measure corresponding to a certain stationary sequence (Xn) n e Z on a suitable probability space. Proof: If m(0,11) = ,O let X n m 0 (neZ). If m(~0,13) = c > O,then ~m is a probability measure on K0,11. Let Y be a real valued random variable with distribution m ~d let ~ be a random variable with values 1 and -1 1 and distribution p((Z=q}) = p((Z=-I}) = ~ . Let Y and ~ be independent(this is the only necessary property of the underlying probability space~. We now define -5- X n = ~Se 2~inY (ne )Z and show that~n)n e Z is the desired stationary sequence. Indeed, since E~ = 0 it follows that EX n = c EZEe 2 inY = 0 (neZ) and, in addition, coV(Xn,Xk) = EXnX k = cEZ~i(n-k) Y 1 .e -c i(n-k) 2 - elc 2 (n-k)t m(dt) 1 o =~ e2~i(n-k)tm(dt) (n,k e Z) C depends only om the difference n-k.So we conclude~ that (Xn) n a Z is stationary and m is the corresponding spectral measure. Let ~n)n e Z be a stationary sequence of random variables defined on a probability space (F,B,p). In the sequel we denote by ~ the subspace of ~ generated by (Xn) naZ. Theorem 2.3. Let (Xn) n e Z be a stationary sequence and m the corresponding spectral measure. There exists 2 e2Wint an isomorphism 1 : ~ ~-- L m with l(Xn) = (nez). Proof: 1. If X n = X k (mod p),then e 2Tint = e 2~ikt (mod m) according to 1 1 J lm(dt) = cov(Xn,Xn) = coV(Xn,Xk) = ~ e2~i(n-k)tm(dt), 0 0 (n,k G Z) 2. Hence the mapping i : (~I neZ} .._ e 2~int (nez) X n -6- is well defined. This mapping can be extended in a natural way to N 1 , ( ;q. akXkl ~ integer, a k ~ C (k - -~,... )~, } N-,,k N -'~ { .~ ak e2~ikt I N integer, a k e C (k = -N,...,N).} k=-N The inner product is invariant under I according to N N N I j,k=-N ~ ~ 0 N N Z ka east, ~ m)tJi"2e~b "( (cid:12)9 k=-N N---j SO we have established an isomorphism between a dense subset of ~ and a dense subset of L 2, which is enough to prove the theorem. 3 VECTOR VALUED MEASURES Let H be a Hilbert space. Definition 3.1. ~HTvalued function M, defined on the Borel subsets of s , is said to be a measure with crthc~onal val~es (m.o.v.) iff 1.For every sequence EI,E2,... of disjoint Borel subsets of the unit interval n ~M(E )k (n=1,2,...) 1=k converges (with respect to the norm of H) and (we write E~F = E+F iff E and F are disjoint) it follows -6- is well defined. This mapping can be extended in a natural way to N 1 , ( ;q. akXkl ~ integer, a k ~ C (k - -~,... )~, } N-,,k N -'~ { .~ ak e2~ikt I N integer, a k e C (k = -N,...,N).} k=-N The inner product is invariant under I according to N N N I j,k=-N ~ ~ 0 N N Z ka east, ~ m)tJi"2e~b "( (cid:12)9 k=-N N---j SO we have established an isomorphism between a dense subset of ~ and a dense subset of L 2, which is enough to prove the theorem. 3 VECTOR VALUED MEASURES Let H be a Hilbert space. Definition 3.1. ~HTvalued function M, defined on the Borel subsets of s , is said to be a measure with crthc~onal val~es (m.o.v.) iff 1.For every sequence EI,E2,... of disjoint Borel subsets of the unit interval n ~M(E )k (n=1,2,...) 1=k converges (with respect to the norm of H) and (we write E~F = E+F iff E and F are disjoint) it follows -7- 2. (M(EI),M(E2)) = 0 whenever EI~E 2 = ~ (cid:12)9 We continue with several remarks. a) If M is a m.o.v, and q(E) = I~M(E)U 2 ( E Borel in(O,1 ) then q is a measure in the usual sense. This is a consequence of the formula q(nEk) . iU(~.Ek) | 2 = i~U(~_,k)l I 2 . z~a(~), 2 = z q(~:) b) We may define an integral with respect to M as follows: N 1. Let f - ~cbl . (E k (k=l,...,N) disjoint and Borel, k=l = =k c k (k=l,...,N) complex numbers, I E the indicator function of E) be a simple function. Put )td(m)tCf )k~(mkO1j~--~k (cid:12)9 Then = 1 N (2) no j fCt)uCdt)il 2 . ~lCkl21uC%)U 2 N 1 . ,~lCki2q(Ek) = ~ If(t)i 2 q(dt) 1 o 2. Let f (cid:12)9 . There exists a sequence (fn)n=l,2,... consisting of simple functions with fn *-" f (n --*~ ) 2 (convergence with respect to Lq norm). We put I I (3) J f(t)M(dt) = llm fn(tlMCdt) 0 ~ ~ 0 and, according to formula (2), we have -8- 1 1 ~ ; fn(t)M(dt) - f fm(t)M(dt)I 2 o o = ~ i fn(t) _ fm(t) ~ 2 q(dt) . o _2 Since (fn)n=l,2,... is a f~udamental sequence in L~ , 1 ( fn(t)~dt))n=1,2,..__ is a fundamental sequence in H o and(5) makes sense. The same argument ensures us that the integral (3) does not depend on the choice of (fn)n=l'2''''" 1 f'-~I c) The mapping f(t)M(dt) from Lq 2 into H is linear o and isometric. 1 1 o o 1 1 1 o o o f) Let H I and H 2 be Hilbert spaces and 11 an isomorphism, 11: H 1 --r 2 . If M I is a m.o.v, in H I then M2(E) = ll(M(E)) is a m.o.v, in H 2 with 1 1 11( f(t)M1(dt)) = J f(t) a(dt) (cid:12)9 o o To prove this assertion,note that M 1 and M 2 will correspond to the same Borel measure q, because the latter depends only on the (ll-invariant) norm. Furthe~- more for simple functions the asserted equation is trivial. Now here are a few examples: 1. Let H = ~ , m a measure defined on t~ ~orel field B in 0,1 , and Mo(E ) = 1E. Orthogenality is trivial; also we have M(~Ek) = 1 ~E k = Z 1Ek = ~(M(Ek) and

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