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Preview Lecture Notes in Physics: Nonlinear Dynamics Aspects of Particle Accelerators

GNINEPO SSERDDA SNOITAREDISNOC NO EHT STATISTICAL NOITPIRCSED FO MAEB-DEGRAHC SAMSALP L.A. Radicati Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy E. Picasso dna F. Ruggiero ,NREC Geneva, Switzerland Presented by .E Picasso i. NOITCUDORTNI Accelerators are non-linear dynamical systems whose evolution is governed by electromagnetic forces arising from external fields dna from the interaction of the maeb particles gnoma sevlesmeht dna with their environment. These forces, qnoma which ew must include those desuac yb external noise dna yb mutnauq effects, evah a modnar tnenopmoc os that the time evolution of the maeb particles should eb properly debircsed yb a metsys of emos 2101 coupled non-linear stochastic equations. Solving such a system is, of course, na impossible task. What one usually does is to substitute into the system of coupled equations a single stochastic equation, describing the motion of one particle under the combined effect of the external fields dna of the forces created by all the other particles, namely na equation of the form: : K(x,t;~) + Z R (x,t;6) ~ (t) . (1.1) Here x = (~,2) are the single particle coordinates dna momenta, while @(x,t) is the phase space particle density. The "forces" no the r.h.s, of Eq. (1.1) have been split into a deterministic Hamiltonian component K dna a random component, depending no the stochastic variables ~(t) which describe both external dna internal sour- ces of noise. Since the correlation time of this noise is generally very short, compared to the relaxation time of the distribution ~, the random variables {~(t) can eb assumed to eb Gaussian. Then the stochastic equation (I.I) becomes equi- valent to a kcnalP-rekkoF (F-P) equation for ,~ having the form of a continuity equation in esahp spacel,2). nA alternative procedure to investigate the time evolution of r ylnommoc adop- ted in most simulation sedoc 3"5), is to track a given sample of particles (typi- cally in the order of 301 ) yb snaem of the stochastic equation of motion (1.1). ehT dohtem consists of na approximate integration of .qE (1.1) over subsequent small time intervals At, thus relating the wen coordinates dna atnemom of the particles xi(t+At ) to their previous values xi(t ) dna to r At each time step, a proper smoothing of the sample distribution in phase space allows the computation of the density r ehT esu of the P-F equation6, )7 - or of its deterministic version, the Vlasov g) equationS, in accelerator physics is not :wen it has, in particular, neeb - advocated yb J.D. noswaL )01 dna R.C. 11,12) Davidson ohw have dezisahpme the ana- logy neewteb particle smaeb dna charged .samsalp In this paper, which sah didactic purposes, ew want to show in a wef examples woh the P-F equation nac eb desu to describe in a unified yaw emos of the statistical anemonehp that era especially important in nredom high luminosity machines. ruO hcaorppa is similar to that in Ref. ,6 but instead of the 2-particle correlation function, it is the single par- ticle distribution ~ which plays a central r61e in view of a fluid description of accelerator .smaeb ehT paper is organized sa follows: in Section 2, ew recall the relation neewteb the N-particle distribution function dna the density r dna discuss the main charac- teristics of the maeb plasma; Section 3 contains a short description of the forces acting no the ;maeb in Section 4 ew write nwod the P-F equation dna briefly discuss the effects giving rise to stochastic forces. eW then apply the theory sketched in the previous sections to a wef specific examples: radiation damping dna mutnauq effects (see Section 5); intra-beam scattering (Section 6); maeb-maeb interaction (Section 7); stochastic cooling (Section 8); dna Section 9 contains a wef tentative conclusions. 2. CITSILIBABORP .NOITPIRCSED EHT MAEB AMSALP ehT presence of stochastic dna collective effects suggests that the natural description of the motion of the maeb particles should eb a statistical eno in terms of na N-particle distribution function 7) f : f(~z .....~ ,EI ..... )t,N__p , (2.1) where the ~i dna ~i era the coordinates dna mechanical atnemom of the par- ticles. ehT function f allows the calculation of the time-dependent average values of yna observable physical quantities dna provides a complete probabilistic description of the system. Unfortunately, this description is far too complicated to eb useful. A more convenient yaw of describing a system of N indistinguishable particles is to define a one-particle distribution function r obtained yb integrating f over the variables of (N-l) particles. morF ~ eno then defines the charge density p(q,t) dna the current density j(q,t) yb the relations p(q,t) = e f p3d ~(q,p,t) , (2.2) ~(~,t) = e f p3d c(p 2 + )2c2m -I/2 p_ ~(q,p,t) . ehT functions (2.2) nac eb viewed sa the charge dna current density of a plasma con- fined in the region occupied yb the .smaeb It is a plasma which differs in ynam respects from a fusion plasma. Indeed: i) It is charged, which snaem that there era long range interactions between par- ticles without screening at the eybeD length sa in ordinary .samsalp ii) ehT particle density n = p/e is hcum smaller than in a fusion plasma. Typical- ly n = i0 B - 01 9 mc -3 sa detupmoc in the local rest frame of the .maeb roF ,nosirapmoc n ~ 4101 mc -3 in a fusion plasma. iii) Although the fluid velocity ~ = en/__j is close to the speed of light, in the local rest frame the plasma is non-relativistic. This snaem that the mutnemom spreads era hcum smaller than .cm iv) ehT fluid description of our plasma is bound to eb complicated, because of the anisotropy introduced yb the external fields. This implies that the pressure dna the temperature will eb represented yb anisotropic tensors. .3 LANRETNI DNA LANRETXE SECROF ehT forces acting no the plasma arise from the external electromagnetic fields dna from those created yb the particles in the maeb itself. ehT external forces, independent of ~, give rise to the so-called single particle effects, the only seno usually taken into account to determine the equilibrium orbit. ehT stability of this orbit, with respect to small deviations from the equilibrium values qo(t) dna Po(t), nac eb studied yb linearizing the external forces around qo(t) dna ~o(t)13). However, a fully non-linear analysis is dedeen to discuss other impor- tant properties of the machine, such sa the dynamical aperture or the size of the RF-bucket14).

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