IE 8534 1 Lecture 3. The KKT Conditions and the Price of Anarchy Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 2 A noncooperative game: Player k has a strategy set S (x−k), where x−k stands for the k strategies of all other players, and the payoff function f (xk; x−k), k with xk ∈ S (x−k), k = 1, 2, ..., K. k The social value of the joint strategies (x1, ..., xK) is ∑K k −k f (x ; x ). k k=1 The Price of Anarchy (Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou, 1999): “The worst social value over all Nash equilibria” PoA = “The best social value” Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 3 For minimization games, the PoA is more than 1: The larger PoA value, the less efficient the Nash solution. For maximization games, the PoA is less than 1: The smaller PoA value, the less efficient the Nash solution. Let us take a look at some examples. Selfish Routing A Wardrop type network c1(f1) = 1 A B c2(f2) = f2 Cost on arc ℓ: C (f ) = c (f )f . ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 4 Suppose infinitely and infinitesimal players, transporting 1 unit of flow from A to B. The Nash solution: (0, 1) for the two arcs, with total cost 1. The social optimal solution (0.5, 0.5), with total cost 0.75. Roughgarden (2001), Roughgarden and Tard¨os (2003): If c (f )’s are ℓ ℓ all affine (c (f ) = a f + b ), then ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ 4 ≤ PoA . 3 How about a finite number of players K, transporting flows over a network? Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 5 Consider a directed graph G = (V ; L) with the set of nodes V , and the | | | | set of links L, with V = n and L = m. Multiple parallel links are allowed but no self-loop exists. Links are used to model the resources. Let us denote A ∈ ℜn×m to be the node-to-arc incidence matrix. Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 6 Suppose that there are K players in the game. Each player wishes to use the network to transport commodities, which are splittable. Denote the origin-destination (OD) pairs for all the players to be {s1, d1}, {s2, d2}, . . . , {sK, dK}. Let r denote a vector in ℜK, where the component rk represents the amount of commodity that Player k needs to transport. The transportation plan of Player k will be given by a vector xk ∈ ℜm, which indicates the flow on each link. Clearly, a feasible flow is given by the constraints Axk = rkδ − rkδ , where sk dk the notation δ signifies the unit vector in ℜn whose i-th component is i one while all others are zero. Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 7 For each link l, we denote the total flow on the link to be ∑ f = K xk. l k=1 l → the unit cost for the flow on the link l to be a function c : f , c (f ). l l l l Therefore, the data (G, r, c) specifies an instance of the non-cooperative routing game under consideration. Indeed, for Player k, given the decisions of other players (conventionally denoted as x−k) is to minimize his/her own transportation cost given as: ∑ k k −k k C (x , x ) = x c (f ). l l l l∈L Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 8 Naturally, given the decisions of all the players, the social cost is a ∑ simple summation: SC(x) = K Ck(xk, x−k). k=1 Let xNash denote the flow when the game reaches a Nash equilibrium; i.e. a solution at which no player will be able to improve his/her situation unilaterally. ∗ At the same time, let us denote x to be the socially optimal solution, namely the solution that minimizes the social cost function SC(x) over all feasible solutions. Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 9 The so-called Price of Anarchy (PoA) is defined as: SC(xNash) PoA = . ∗ SC(x ) We shall first consider the case where the unit cost function is affine linear in the total flow; that is, the unit cost function on the link l is ≥ c (f ) = a f + b , where a , b 0. Then, each player k will face the l l l l l l l following optimization problem: ∑ (P ) min (a f + b )xk k l∈L l l l l s.t. Axk = rkδ − rkδ sk dk xk ≥ 0. Shuzhong Zhang IE 8534 10 ∑ Replacing f with K xk, the above problem for Player k is a convex l k=1 l quadratic program, in which the decision vector is xk: { [( ) ]} ∑ ∑ (P′) min b xk + a xi xk + (xk)2 k l∈L l l l i̸=k l l l s.t. Axk = rkδ − rkδ sk dk xk ≥ 0. Shuzhong Zhang