Lecture 2: Phonetics! Quick review • Mental grammar • AArrgguummeennttss ffoorr iinnnnaattee kknnoowwlleeddggee ((ppaarraaddooxx of language acquisition) • Descriptive vs. prescriptive grammar Today’s agenda • Articulartory phonetics – IIPPAA – Consonants – FFeeaattuurreess – Vowels – EExxeerrcciisseess!! How you look to a phonetician How you look to a phonetician Tongue How you look to a phonetician Palate Tongue How you look to a phonetician Palate Velum Tongue How you look to a phonetician Palate Velum Tongue Glottis ((vvooccaall ffoollddss)) How you look to a phonetician Palate Velum Tongue Glottis ((vvooccaall ffoollddss)) Lips, teeth etc.